Sword World 2.5 - Character Building Book
Sword World 2.5 - Character Building Book
Sword World 2.5 - Character Building Book
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Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 9
Part 1 Replay of the Beginning of the Adventure....................................................................... 10
Manga: How to Proceed with Character Creation ................................................................... 11
Let the Tabletop RPG begin! .................................................................................................... 15
Part 2 Character Creation............................................................................................................ 31
What is a Character Building Book? ........................................................................................ 32
Part 3 Data ................................................................................................................................. 123
Low Price Item List ................................................................................................................. 146
Profile Sheet ............................................................................................................................. 162
Designer's Notebook ............................................................................................................... 163
Let the story begin! About the Rulebook
This Character Building Book is a supplement that will As mentioned above, Sword World 2.5 Core Rulebook
allow creating the hero of your story. I is required for this book.
This book contains almost only rules for creating In addition, Core Rulebooks II and III will be helpful.
characters. Therefore, Sword World 2.5 Core Rulebook I For a better understanding, please refer to Core
is required to actually play the game. Rulebook I for more detailed rules for Skill Checks and
To begin with, if you only want to create characters, combat, setting, scenarios, monster data, etc.
Core Rulebook I is sufficient.
So, what is this book about? For more information on TTRPGs, please refer to page
8 of Core Rulebook I.
It is a legitimate question. Basic terms are summarized on pages 14-17 of Core
In brief, this book allows easy character creation, plus Rulebook I.
when the character is completed, you will have the story This section describes special and important terms that
behind it also created. appear in this book.
There are no difficult rules. Player Character (PC): Among the characters, the
Basically, you only need to follow the instructions, look characters created and handled by players are called player
at the table, roll the dice and decide at random or choose characters, or PCs for short. The PC is the character we will
the items you like, and the background and data of the create in this manual.
character will be created more and more. Primary class: This is the class that forms the basis of the
In Part 1, “Replay of the Beginning of the Adventure,” Subclass: A class that represents the second area of
we will show you how to actually create a character using expertise; depending on the character, the subclass may
this book and some simple examples of play. Please read have a higher level than the main class.
this first to get a feel for the game. Support class: A Support class is a class that helps the above
classes or is useful in adventures.
In Part 2, “Character Creation,” you will finally create Initial creation: A character that has just been created. In
your own characters. Many illustrations are included in this this book, this is basically a character with an Adventurer
section, so look at them and imagine the character you want Level of 2.
to play. After that, you only need to roll the dice, and your 1d, 2d: A symbol that represents the number of dice
character's story will progress, and the data will be needed to be rolled. 1d means “roll one six-sided dice,”
completed. and 2d means “roll two six-sided dice.”
D66: This is a dice roll using two dice, one for the tens and
Part 3, “Data,” contains data on weapons, armor, one for the ones, with numbers from 11 to 66.
combat feats, magic, and other items used in the game.
These data are listed with the immediate needs of the About References
characters created in this book in mind. If you want to see In this book, references to some terms are given in the
more data, please refer to the Core Rulebooks or other form of (see XX, p. YY). These should be handled as
sources. follows.
Well, so much for the tedious preface. (see p. YY): If there is no abbreviation and only the page is
First, read the replay of the first part to get the flow, and indicated, it is a reference within this book.
then move on to the second part to create your character. (see XX, p. YY): where XX might be an abbreviation for:
With that, you are all set for your story to begin. “CR I”: “Core Rulebook I”
“CR II”: “Core Rulebook I”
Have an incredible adventurous journey! “CR III”: “Core Rulebook I”
“ET”: “Epic Treasury”
Part 1 Replay of the Beginning of the Adventure
Manga: How to
Proceed with
Character Creation
What is a Tabletop Role Playing Game (TTRPG)? Ms. Saito
I bought a Core Rulebook of Sword World 2.5 A girl who loves novels and manga. When she heard
(SW2.5), but how should I play with it? about a game in which she takes on the role of a fictional
In the first part, we decided to begin with a comic to character and adventures in a different world, she was very
explain the flow and replay to resolve this question. interested. She doesn't know much about games, but since
TTRPG is a communication game that is played by a she belongs to a theater circle, she is looking forward to
game master (GM), who is the facilitator, and several creating her own character and playing with it.
players. A replay is a transcript of an actual TTRPG game
played. Game Master (GM)
First of all, please enjoy replaying without thinking too Game Facilitator.
hard. You will surely feel the fun of TTRPG. It is a very demanding role, following the scenario,
explaining the situation, ruling the rules, and taking on the
Characters in Replay roles of monsters and other characters (NPCs).
Hideo But as a storyteller, it's a unique and enjoyable
A boy who loves to play games. He is eager to have fun experience that some people become addicted to!
and wants to play a strong and cool character! The GM of this session is a veteran of SW2.5.
He doesn't know much about TTRPGs but is excited
because he heard that it's a fun and engaging game.
you can earn experience points and improve your level and
GM: Thank you very much for joining us today. Hideo: I see. That's easy to understand.
Hideo: It's my pleasure. I've been looking forward to this GM: Among them, human-shaped monsters called
TTRPG today! Barbarous, represented by Goblins and Ogres, have been
Saito: This is my first TTRPG too, so I'm a little nervous, bitter enemies with humanoids since mythical times.
but I'm looking forward to playing with you. Fighting with these guys is inevitable.
GM: It's nice to meet you too! Today, you are going to Saito: Can't we talk?
make characters (PCs), but there is almost nothing GM: There are some intelligent Barbarous who can
challenging to do, so please enjoy it at ease. negotiate with, but most of them are savages who think of
Two: Yeah! Humans as food, so basically, it is difficult.
GM: Okay, let's get started! First, a brief explanation of the Hideo: Food!? That's a bad bunch.
worldview. GM: Then, people called “adventurers” fight against such
Saito: Please do. Barbarous threats and excavate the legacies of past
GM: SW2.5 is a so-called “sword and sorcery fantasy civilizations destroyed by Barbarous.
RPG.” In a different world called Raxia, you become an Hideo: So, we are to become adventurers and beat the
adventurer and conquer dungeons and monsters... By Barbarous.
exterminating them and sometimes investigating crimes,
Column: SW2.5 Worldview, a little more detailed As a result, the third sword was shattered, and the “War
description of the Gods” ended painfully and inconclusively for both
Raxia is the setting for the adventures of SW2.5. sides… Since then, Humanoids and Barbarous have been
This world of Raxia is said to have been created by three fighting for tens of thousands of years.
magic swords, which gave birth to Plants, Animals, Mythical Then, about 300 years ago. Magitech Civilization,
Beasts, and Humans. Humans, who found the magic which had developed to the level of the 20th century in the
sword, became the first god Lyphos (please see the coloring real world, collapsed due to a natural cataclysm called the
pages for more information). “Diabolic Triumph” and the resulting Barbarous invasion.
Divine Ancestor Lyphos was kind-hearted and gave The level of civilization has retreated to the medieval
many benefits to people, and civilization developed greatly. period.
However, Human Dalkhrem, who found the second The threat of Barbarous has kept the people confined
magic sword, was a selfish and belligerent person, so he to their fortified cities. However, there are those who are
called himself a god of war and waged war against Divine bold enough to go out into the world to destroy Barbarous,
Ancestor Lyphos. restore the legacy of the past, and create a new era of
The humanoid monsters created by Dalkhrem at that freedom and peace.
time were called Barbarous and fought fiercely against the These brave souls were called “adventurers” by the
Humanoids, which were mainly Humans. people.
Saito: Huh? There are magic warriors in both the frontline
GM: To put it roughly, yes, that's right. However, and the rearguard?
adventurers have various specialties, and in order to GM: Magic warriors are versatile and can play both in the
compensate for each other's strengths and weaknesses, they frontline and the rearguard, so you can switch between the
go on adventures in a “party.” two depending on the situation. There are some types of
Saito: I’m familiar with digital RPGs. magic warriors who can only play in the rearguard, but you
GM: Yes, yes. Ideally, you should have a party of three to don't need to worry about it for now.
five people, but two people are enough for an adventure, Saito: Okay, I understand.
so don't worry.
Saito: I am a little relieved to hear that (laughs).
GM: However, the smaller the number of players, the
more important teamwork becomes, so let's consult with GM: So, we will create the characters from now on!
each other to create characters. Hideo: I've been waiting for this!
Hideo: Indeed. Saito: Thank you very much.
GM: So, let me describe the division of roles in SW2.5. GM: Basically, you roll the dice to determine the
First of all, we will be divided into two groups: the frontline character's life, eventually completing it as an adventurer.
and the rearguard. Hideo: It's a life of leaving it up to the dice (laughs).
Saito: Frontline and the Rearguard? GM: If you don't like the dice roll result or want to choose
Hideo: Is it the frontline that fights with weapons, the an entry without having to roll it, feel free to reroll it or
rearguard that uses magic, and the like? choose it again.
GM: Yes, yes. So, if both of you make rearguard characters, Saito: You don't have to leave everything to luck.
it won't be easy. GM: I'm a bit afraid of leaving it to the whole group,
Hideo: Magicians get beaten to a pulp (laughs). especially since there are two of you this time (laughs). Let's
GM: Yes, that's right (laughs). So, for a two-person party, proceed with fine-tuning.
one player should be in the “Warrior category” or “Spy Saito: That's a relief (laughs).
category,” and the other one should be in the “Magic GM: First of all, depending on the players' familiarity, we
Warrior category” (see p. 58). will choose a course... Now, since both of you are new to
SW2.5, we will choose the “Basic Course.”
Hideo: That will be perfect for me (laughs).
Course Selection
Depending on the player's familiarity and experience
with TRPGs and SW2.5, this book has three courses.
Basic Course: Selected character types that are easy to
understand and even for beginner players. It can be played
only with Core Rulebook I.
Extended Course: A course with a wider variety of
character types. This course can be played with the Core
Rulebooks I and II.
Full Course: This course is designed for experienced
players who want to create their own characters using all of
the data. All of the Core Rulebooks I, II, and III will be
Saito: I am a bit attracted to the term “Magic Warrior” used.
GM: I know what you mean (laughs). GM: First of all, you have to choose a character type, but
Hideo: Well, I'll go with Warrior. I like to fight hard, and this is not left up to chance. Rather, you have to choose a
it seems to be easy to understand. character that you want to create.
GM: Just to explain, the division of roles is as follows. We Hideo: After all, we want to create the character we want to
call these categories. create, don't we?
GM: Right. So, I just asked you to choose one of the four
Roles of Adventurers categories, which are further classified into “types.”
- Frontline Saito: Many things are in the same category, aren't there?
Warrior category: Fights blazing with weapons! GM: Yes. Now, let's look at the character types for the
Spy category: Good at finding traps and treasures, but also Warrior category.
good at fighting.
Magic Warrior category: Versatile fighter with weapons
and magic.
- Rearguard
Remote Support category: Attacks and recovers with
magic and ranged weapons.
Magic Warrior category: Attack and heal with magic and
ranged magic.
Warrior Type: A fighter equipped with powerful weapons Hideo: I think it would be better to have a priest who is
and heavy armor, ideal for the frontline. good at healing. I think I'm going to get hurt a lot (laughs).
Sworder Type: A lightly equipped swordsman who fights Saito: Well... it's a bit difficult to decide, but if you are a
brilliantly by striking the enemy's vital points. warrior, I will choose Magic Sworder (see p. 60). And how
about a Conjurer who can support and heal?
GM: Well, that's a good choice. If a magic sworder can
equip only light armor, it doesn't really matter if their armor
is limited, and a Conjurer who can both protect and heal is
very reliable in a small party.
Saito: Then I will.
GM: Now you both have a character type. Let's move on to
the next step.
Two: Yes!
GM: Let's look at the table of Juvenile Experience -
Warrior, Spy, Magic Warriors Table (see p. 104). It’s
roughly at your time as early teens.
Hideo: Its puberty (laughs).
GM: Yes, I know (laughs). Here, you will learn a new
Subclass or Support class. This table is slightly different in
width depending on the course, so in this case, you'll have
to look at the Basic Course's rolls column...
Hideo: All right, let's roll it up!
GM: Well, you can choose your own class here, but since
we are a two-person party, there is a class that I would like
you to learn.
Saito: Really?
GM: Yes. If possible, I would like to have Hideo, a
Warrior, take “Minor Scout class” and Saito, a Magic
Sworder, take “Minor Sage class.”
GM: “For my Friends.” “You save and rescue many people Saito: It's been amazing...
at the same time. You thought that magic was valuable
because it could save many people at the same time.” So,
you learn [Metamagic/Targets.] This is a combat feat that
allows you to cast spells on multiple targets at the same
Saito: I see. So, I can cast a spell on myself simultaneously
as Hideo.
GM: Exactly. Even if two people are injured at the same
time, they can be healed by magic at the same time, so it is
a very useful combat feat.
Hideo: I'd appreciate that!
GM: Of course, it costs extra, but it is necessary for the
Saito: Then, I'm going to learn [Metamagic/Targets]
without rerolling (writes on the sheet).
GM: Well, let's get your profiles together in your minds and
Let's Go on an Adventure! (And Shop get your equipment ready.
Hideo: You can't fight the enemy without weapons and
armor, right?
GM: Now that you've experienced your youth and decided GM: Yes. There are sets of equipment for each character
on your combat feat, you're ready to embark on an type (see p. 112).
adventure! Hideo: Wow, there's a lot of stuff here!
Hideo: Oh, at last! GM: Depending on the type, there are also tendencies of
GM: If you want to add more history, you can roll on 3rd equipment on there, like “Standard” or “Power,” so you
happening. can choose the one you like from there. If you are in doubt,
Saito: I want to go on an adventure because it would be too choose “Standard.”
much work to make more arrangements (laughs). Hideo: Of course, choose “Power”! (laughs)
Hideo: I'll do the same! GM: However, each piece of equipment has a minimum
GM: I think that's fine. Now, roll 2d to determine the age strength value, and if your character's strength is not equal
at which the adventures took place. to or greater than this value, it is too heavy and cannot be
Hideo: (rolls) 7, so 22 years old? equipped. So, please check the equipment list by character
GM: Hideo, you have just reached Lykant's age of type first, and then select a set of equipment with minimum
adulthood at 15, so multiply the roll 7 by x1.5 of the Life strength or less.
Expectancy Coefficient, which is 11 (rounded up). Saito: I don't seem to have a choice for magic sworder, so
Therefore, you can make him 26 years old. the closest I can get is “Sworder, Spy, Magic Sworder Types
Hideo: I see. Lykant has a slightly longer life span than 9” under strength 9.
Humans, right? So, I'm going to make him 26 years old. GM: Yes, exactly.
But I think he'll still be a kid inside (laughs). Hideo: In my case, strength 19, so I'm going with “ Warrior
Saito: I am (rolls) Double 1s! Add 2 to my age, and I’m 16 Type, Power 17”! And the name of the weapon is “Bastard
years old... Sword,” which sounds cool!
Hideo: So young! We're 10 years apart (laughs). GM: I'm glad you like it. Then, please write items in the
GM: Well, age is not so important to be an adventurer. “Weapons” and “Armor” columns, and don't forget to
Now, let's conclude the profile by assigning the “Why I write down your possessions and your money.
Went on an Adventure” table (see p. 111). Saito: Okay (scribbles).
Hideo: All right, let's roll! (rolls) The result of D66 is “43”! GM: Some of the numbers are a bit detailed. Please look
GM: “Sick Family/To Save a Loved One.” at each weapon and armor's details page and ensure you
Saito: Here comes the lover! have a copy of all the numbers.
Hideo: Hey!? Hideo: (looking at the detail page of weapons) Oh, it sure
GM: Your career is getting connected... is detailed (laugh).
Saito: Your girlfriend of different status fell ill, so you
became an adventurer to save her, didn't you?
Hideo: You're suddenly very lively... (sweats)
GM: That's pretty good.
Hideo: So, what happened to miss Saito? (sweats)
Saito: (roll) “51” is...?
GM: “Because your hometown was destroyed.”
Saito: “Because your hometown was destroyed!” (wow)
Hideo: Wow! (laughs) No, it's not funny (laughs).
GM: It's quite an epic and dramatic life, even before you
start your adventure (laughs).
Column: Power of Weapons - HP, MP, and Movement are Calculated With Ability
Among the equipment, especially detailed, is the power Scores
table of weapons. HP, MP, and movement are calculated with Ability
Please copy the table carefully, as it expresses detailed Scores, not by Ability Modifiers.
damage according to the weapon's minimum strength. - What are Wizard-Type Classes?
The “1H” and “2H” in “Stance” means “1H = one- Wizard-Type Classes used in determining MP refer to
handed” and “2H = two-handed” (a 2H weapon cannot be the five classes of Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, Artificer, and
equipped with a shield at the same time). Fairy Tamer. It does not include Enhancer.
Some weapons, such as the Bastard Sword, have two
Power charts, “1H† “ and “2H”. This means that the Saito: I have acquired Sage class, so I have “Class level 1 +
weapon can be handled with either one or two hands, so it Intelligence Modifier 2”, which makes Monster Knowledge
is useful to write both down later. a 3. But I don't have Scout class and have an Agility
modifier of 2, but the Initiative check will be “0”...
Saito: (as she writes) I have strength 9... is it ok that this
Short Sword weapon only has a 5 minimum strength?
GM: That's because your character's class has a Fencer
class, and weapons and armor in the Fencer class must have
minimum strength, half of their strength, to be used.
Saito: Sure, my strength is 9, so if I round up the fractions,
I can handle a Short Sword with a minimum strength of 5.
Also, what should I do about the “Total Accuracy” and
“Total Extra Damage” columns?
GM: You will calculate and write it in later, so you can leave
it blank here for the time being.
Saito: Okay.
GM: Then, we look at the item packs (see p. 113) for a
specific class and buy for necessary items for each class.
Hideo: I have Scout class, so I'll buy these Scout's Tools.
100G less. GM: Yeah. Something like that. Now you just need to copy
Saito: I've acquired the Conjurer class, so it looks like I the results but remember that the Critical Threshold
need to buy a magical implement... “If you have a weapon, remains basically the same, and only when you fight with
write it in the Weapons section” what does it mean? the Fencer class you can get -1 (1 point advantage).
GM: Conjurer's Spiritualism Magic can only be used with a Hideo: I'm a Fighter, so it doesn't matter. So, a bold Fighter
staff, ring, etc., called a magical implement, but for a fee, and a Fencer who aims for the vital spots.
you can modify your weapon to use it as a magical Saito: The critical threshold of my Short Sword is 10, but if
implement. I fight in the Fencer class, it will be 9.
Saito: I see. It seems convenient not to have to carry it GM: That's what I mean.
separately from the weapon. Hideo: (Writing) Yay, I got it all!
GM: Once you have transcribed all of that, you are done Saito: Me too.
shopping for equipment. Don't forget to reduce the GM: Good! Well then, once you've put together your
remaining money. profile, you should also decide on a name for your
Hideo: I have 100G left (laughs). character. If you can't think of a fantasy name, there is a
“Random Name Determination” table (see p. 120) that you
can use.
Two: Yes!
- 1st Happening: None in particular Hideo: Rona Primrose’s Profile
- Juvenile Experience: Learned the Principles of Warfare - Name, Race, and Age
I learned that winning is the essence of battle. Rona Primrose. She is a human female, 16 years old.
- 2nd Happening: In love with someone of a different status - Environment: Ruling Class (Small Town)
(15 years old) She was born into a family that ruled a small city.
While staying in a town with his caravan, he met the - Childhood Experience: You Felt Mana Growing
daughter of a Lykant chief who was in town on a secret visit, (Accuracy + Magic Power)
and they fell in love with each other. Since then, love has In her childhood days, she felt the mana inside of her
grown between them every time they visit the city. growing quietly.
- Adolescence Experience: Fateful Encounter - 1st Happening: Was an orphan (11 years old)
After years of training, he felt a kind of destiny in - Juvenile Experience: Along with the Books
handling a sword. The fact that she was not related to her parents by blood
- Reason for going on the adventure: Sick Family/To Save was a shock. To drown it out, however, Rona holed herself
a Loved One (26 years old) up in the library and pored over a large number of books.
The daughter of the chief suffered from a strange Eventually, she discovered that she had a talent for magic.
disease that caused her to suddenly fall into a deep sleep - 2nd Happening: Has something sealed in your body/
and never woke up. The caravan's staff tried in every way, (14 years old)
but no solution could be found. Rona felt that something mysterious was sleeping inside
Alex decided to go on his own adventure and find a way her. But she did not know what it was, and her anxiety grew.
to help her. - Adolescence Experience: For my Friends
Trying to erase her anxiety, Rona spent her time
Hero → Alex: I'm like... what do you think? studying magic. She trained herself in more advanced
GM: (thumbs up) I like it! magic so that she could protect not only herself but also
Saito: I like it (smiles). many of her friends.
Alex: I'm kind of embarrassed. - Reason for going on the adventure: Because your
GM: Well, don't worry about it, and take it easy (laughs). hometown was destroyed (16 years old)
Okay, miss Saito, you're next, please. But cruelly, her thoughts and efforts were trampled on.
Saito: Yes. One day, a large army of Barbarous attacked her
Her father and mother sacrificed themselves to let Rona
escape, the city perished, and she survived alone.
“Maybe the Barbarous were after me...”
Rona knew her destiny and fate, and to overcome her
fear and disgrace, she chose to become an adventurer.
GM: Personality is originally a set of rules for playing the Alex: Yeah. Alex is not going to lie (laughs).
role of the character. That doesn't mean that you have to GM: Finally, the relationship with the character to the left
play according to your personality, but it is better to have (where the player is seated) should be determined, and
some guidelines so that your character won't be blurred, everything will finally be complete.
right? Rona: So now we know what is going on with Alex and me.
Alex: Indeed. GM: Yes. It's essentially a one-way relationship, but with...
GM: So, personality determines two main things: one is only two people, it's a two-way relationship (laughs).
“Creed”. The other is “Pride/Obsession”. Alex: I'm sure their bond runs deep (laughs).
Rona: “Creed” and ...... “Pride”? GM: So, here's D66.
GM: “Creed” is a character's values or philosophy of action. Rona: (rolls) “21”.
“Pride” refers to something that is instinctively or GM: “Rivalry”
emotionally non-negotiable. The concept of “Obsession” is Alex: Rivalry!
also the same, just in a different nuance. Rona: They she is so dazzlingly pure as the adventurer that
Alex: Somehow, I think I get it (laughs). they think she can't be defeated (laughs).
GM: If we decide on specifics, it will be easier to Alex: Well.. (rolls) “62”.
understand. So, this can also be decided by D66 (laughs). GM: “Relaxed”
Alex: Okay, let's roll it (laughs). Alex: Gah! (blushes)
GM: Two “creeds” should be decided. Then, decide GM: I like that your feelings are one-way to each other
whether to accept or reject them. (laughs).
Rona: Well, I'll roll. (rolls twice) The results are “11” and Rona: Well, you're reassuring me... (laughs)
“15”. Alex: I'm 10 years older than you...
GM: “11” is “Justice (Peace, Love),” and “15” is “Fate GM: Mentally, Rona is the older sister, isn't she? They
(Revelation, Obligation)”. make a great pair, don't they?
Alex: You've got a great one coming (laughs). Rona: (smiles)
GM: Of course, you can reroll it, and you are free to Alex: Oh, oh. You might be right.
take/deny. GM: By the way, this is also an optional rule. I would like
Rona: Well, even in..., I think I've come up with some to introduce the “Sword’s Grace” rule (see p. 70), which
words that pretty much symbolize Rona's life. So, I'm going gives you a bonus for roleplaying.
to use “Justice: Take” and “Fate: Deny”! Alex: Oh?..
Alex: Oh, that's kind of cool. GM: When you express your enthusiasm for adventure,
Rona: She considers it her “Justice” to fight against the Swords of Genesis, the creators of the world, gives you a
enemy who destroyed her hometown. She denies the little bit of power.
“Fate” that put her in such a situation. Rona: It's a blessing from God.
GM: You are starting to feel more like a hero (laughs). GM: Yes. So, please think of an introductory line or an
Alex: Yeah, I guess so (laughs). Okay, I'll roll it out too. oath of adventure and write it down. It should be simple.
(rolls twice) “21” and “36”... Alex: laughs that I'm going to get a bonus. I'm very
GM: You got “Wealth (Gambling, Poverty)” and “Desire motivated (laughs).
(Possession, Seizure)” (laughs). Rona: As expected, it's “Desire: Take” (laughs).
Alex: It's kind of awful! (laughs) GM: You even got a punchline (laughs).
GM: You can reroll (laughs). Alex: Oops!
Alex: Since we're at it, let's think! Let's think about it... GM: So, the characters are now complete! Thank you for
“Wealth: Deny”, “Desire: Take”! I have neither money nor your hard work!
position, but I'll save the chief's daughter and marry her! Two: Thank you for your hard work!
GM & Rona: Oh! (cheers & applause)
Alex: How's it going? Column: Loose Story?
Rona: Very good (laughs). In the beginning, it is better to leave a certain amount
GM: Well, let's use the momentum to decide on of ambiguity in the profile story than to set them too rigidly
“Pride/Obsession” as well. so that you can play with them easily.
Rona: Yes! This is also D66, isn't it? (rolls) The result is This is because, as you play the game, you may develop
“36”. your own interpretation of the profile, and the GM can pick
GM: “Love solitude.” up material from the profile and incorporate it into the
Alex: Oh? scenario.
Rona: I see... I'm sure I've lost everyone I cared about, so I In that sense, the profile of Alex's lover is still
tend to try to keep my distance from everyone around me. ambiguous, and Rona's destroyed city is still vague (both
Alex: That's sad... names have not yet been decided). You can leave these
GM: That makes sense. fuzzy in the hope that the GM will eventually incorporate
Alex: Well... (rolls) “16”. them into the scenario. It is not a bad idea to discuss with
GM: “Don't lie.” the GM your ideas about the story.
Alex: Buh!
Rona: Hahahaha. That's good... so true and straight to the
point (laughs).
Alex: Well, I think it's a good thing for the character, so I'll
just go with it!
GM: I think it is a good character (laughs).
GM: Yes, yes, something like that. And then, “One
morning, you are approached by a human, Leena
GM: Now that the characters are completed, let's play with Berkman, who is about 20 years old or so, the person in
them! charge of the branch.
Two: Oh! Alex: Oh, a case right off the bat?
GM: So, TTRPG is a game played through conversation. GM: Apparently, there is a job offer. Leena says, “A new
The GM, the facilitator, will tell you the situation in words, request has just come in from Dale, a village about half a
and you should imagine the scene. You should imagine the day's walk from Harves, and they want us to drive off the
scene and react to the GM's description. Basically, the Barbarous that have been showing up there for a week or
TTRPG progresses based on this exchange. so.”
Alex: At any rate, I’ll just try it and see! Rona: When I hear about the extermination of Barbarous,
Rona: Yes. I can't ignore it.
GM: Now, let's begin your first adventure together as Alex: If someone is in trouble, of course.
adventurers. I look forward to working with you. GM: If you are willing to accept the request, please briefly
Two: Thank you! introduce yourselves, respectively.
GM: Now we will play the scenario “Defeat the Barbarous” Alex: How can I introduce myself...? We created the
(see CR I, p. 365), which is included in Core Rulebook I. character together, so I can say that I know Rona well
This may spoil the scenario a bit, but don't worry. I GM: That's just between players since it's the first time for
won't show you the core of the scenario. the characters to meet each other (laughs). Well, I think it's
Note that this scenario is for 3 to 5 players, so the GM enough to simply tell them your name, race, gender, age,
adjusted the number of enemies. character type, and the class you have acquired. You can
also explain what you want to say in terms of profile or if
Rona: For me, I'm interested in the scenario by the title you are wearing some distinctive equipment or clothing.
from the beginning. Rona: I see.
Alex: I don't have any mercy for Barbarous either. Alex: Okay, so my name is Alex, I'm a Lykant guy, 26 years
GM: You two are having a good time! Let's start with an old, and my character type is a Warrior. I'm going to fight
introduction to the scenario. with Bastard Sword!
Rona: Please do. GM: In addition to that, it would be best if you add some
GM: Okay. Now, (reads out the text of the scenario) famous line to get “Sword’s Grace.”
“Harves is a port city with many adventurers. You are new Alex: Oh, that! All right, all right... “I'm Lykant warrior,
adventurers who have just registered with Dragonfire, the Alex! I'll defeat any enemy with my sword! Like this?
adventurers' guild in this city.” (embarrassment)
Alex: I imagine a bunch of adventurers getting together for GM: Okay, okay, perfect! Okay, Rona, you're next.
this. Rona: Yes. (pauses to concentrate)... My name is Rona. I
Rona: We have a job request bulletin board and other recently became an adventurer for some reason, and I can
things lined up. use Spiritualism Magic and a little bit of swordsmanship. I
will protect you, Alex.
Alex: Oh? It's kind of a different vibe.
Column: Roleplaying?
How a character is played depends on the player. There
is no particular way to do it.
Therefore, you can speak in a normal player's tone like
Alex or pretend to be a character like Rona.
It can be quite embarrassing to speak in a character tone
in public. Therefore, it is enough to just talk normally like
Alex does when you are not used to it. The easiest way to
start roleplaying is to call your friends by their character
names. Just by doing so, you can create a much more
relaxed atmosphere. Once you get used to it, you can try
roleplaying in a character's tone of voice.
There is no right or wrong way to roleplay.
Alex: I'm not sure yet, but I'm sure I'll learn a great deal Column: Goblin
when I try it (laughs). Green-skinned humanoid monsters are the most
GM: That's all I need to know right now (laughs). However, numerous and representative of the Barbarous. They are
the GM will reject this bonus unless it is “while roleplaying”, cunning creatures that act in groups, behaving aggressively
so please give me a good line when using it. when they are dominant and cowardly when they are
Rona: I see. I see what you mean about the “roleplaying inferior.
bonus.” Their monster level is 2, and it is not a strong enemy,
Alex: Oh, oh, I'll do my best. even for the first adventure. However, since there are many
GM: Don't be so defensive. You will naturally come up with of them, you should be on your guard.
a “good line” when the time comes (laughs). Now that we
have introduced ourselves let's resume the story of Leena.
Rona: Please do.
GM: So, the request to defeat Barbarous about the Goblins
who are attacking the village.
Rona: Goblins... is a name I've heard before.
Alex: I think of it as the classic fantasy RPG monster.
GM: You are not wrong about that image, but it is not
always true... So, to practice checks, let's roll two dice and
make a Monster Knowledge check by rolling two dice.
Alex: The one Rona is good at, right?
GM: Yes, that's right. To the number Monster Knowledge,
add the sum of the two dice. You need to roll more than 5.
This is called Target Number.
Alex: I don't have Monster Knowledge, so I can't do
GM: You can roll dice without class. This is called “straight
Alex: Well, let's try a straight roll. (rolls) The result is “7”.
Rona: I have Sage class, so I have Monster Knowledge of
3... (rolls), and the roll is double 1s!?
GM: Oops, double 1s is an automatic failure, so it will
always fail even if it reaches the “Target Number”. Instead,
it gives you 50 experience points, and if you accumulate Column: Is Reward Fair?
1000 experience points, you will be able to increase your The reward described in the scenario is set according to
class levels. the difficulty level. Therefore, negotiating for a higher
Rona: Wow, wow. reward is not a good idea. If you have a problem here, it
GM: Conversely, double 6s is an automatic success. By the will delay your departure for the adventure.
way, Alex's 7 tells you what kind of monster Goblin is. You The GM should also tell the client, “This is the most I
can also look at the data in the rulebook. can pay for this job,” and end the price negotiation as soon
Alex: 2nd Level. That's as strong as us, isn't it? as possible. If you are going to make your own synergistic
GM: From a game point of view, if the adventurer level and scenario, it is recommended that you do not offer too low
monster level are the same, a monster of the same level is a price so as not to get into a dispute.
a little weaker.
Rona: That sounds like a good enough fight. Rona: “If we can defeat Barbarous, I will accept your
GM: Yes, sir. So, without further ado. If you accept the request.” ... I don't know much about Goblins.
guild’s request, you will receive a week's supply of food and GM: If Alex tells you, Rona can look at the data too.
a Healing Potion as an advance payment. By the way, a Alex: I didn't expect her not to know about Goblins
week's supply of food is worth 50G, and a healing potion is (laughs).
worth 100G. Rona: I have developed a rivalry with Alex.
Alex: I'm thankful for that since I have 100G left! GM: Oh (laughs).
GM: And if you successfully repel the Barbarous horde
from near the village, you will be paid 500G per person. After this, Leena of the Adventurers' Guild, played by
Rona: How much is 500G worth? the GM, explained the situation to the adventurers.
GM: Roughly speaking, 1G=100 yen. In this world, if you According to the report, “Dale Village has a population
have 500G, you can live comfortably for half a month if you of about 100 people in 20 households,” “The villagers are
are not extravagant. all farmers, and none of them can fight properly,” and
Alex: I don't know if it's cheap or expensive, considering “Barbarous are said to live in small groups in the woods
that I'm risking my life (laughs). near the village.”
GM: This is a standard amount of money for newcomers
to the adventure. As you go on more adventures, the Alex: I wonder if a few of them will be manageable.
reward will increase. Rona: If we don't fight them all at once, we might manage.
GM: Yes. You should be fine if you don't do anything
reckless. So, for now, you will accept the request and leave
for Dale Village, is that correct?
Rona: “Okay. We will defeat them.” Alex: That's right (laughs). But if a child's life is at stake,
Alex: I'll take care of the Goblins! we've got to go now. I'll say, “Let's go now!” and head for
the forest.
GM: It's almost dusk. Are you ok? Barbarous has
Darkvision, so it might not be good for night searches...
GM: (reads out the scenario) “Leaving the town of Harves, Rona: “I can't just sit around waiting for the morning when
you headed for the village of Dale. On the way, the my child's life is at stake! I won't let Barbarous kill anyone!”
countryside spreads out and is peaceful. Alex: I feel exactly the same way.
But as the sun begins to set and the village of Dale GM: Then Zenan, the hunter, will guide you to the ruins in
finally comes into view over the hills, you notice something the forest.
unusual. Rona: “Thank you.”
A thin black smoke is rising from the village of Dale.” Alex: Finally, the extermination of the Barbarous. My arms
Alex: Smoke! Are they being attacked by Goblins? are ringing.
Rona: “Let's hurry up and get to them!” GM: Then let's leave for the forest, shall we?
Alex: Of course, let's run! Two: Yes!
GM: Yes, I understand. Now, you rush to Dale village,
where the attack is already over, and the villagers have just -The two thus proceed through the forest at dusk,
managed to extinguish the fire. guided by Hunter Zenan.
Rona: “I was late ......?” I'll spare you the rest of the story.
GM: No, it seems that only one livestock shed was burned Please try to play it for yourself.
down. When the villagers see the two adventurers, they
cheer, “Adventurers have come!” Column: Adjusting the Number of Enemies
Alex: Thank God you're still safe. The number of players for this scenario is 3 to 5, so 2
Rona: I'd like to hurry up and ask them what's going on. players might be too weak, and the number of enemies
GM: The villagers will immediately take you to the head. should be adjusted when GMing.
In the forest, you will encounter Goblins and Dagger
After this, the two adventurers ask about the situation at Hoodlings, but the number of Goblins and Hoodlings in
the village headman's house. the forest is “Number of PCs - 2”, so a party of 2 will
According to the village headman, the Barbarous were encounter 0 (laughs). So, we assume two Dagger Hoodlings
a small group of four or five. They were hanging around here (Dagger Hoodling is 1 level, so it is good for beginner
the area, so they asked the Adventurers' Guild to take them players to get used to the game).
down. In the ruins of the forest, it is a boss fight.
The first one to find Barbarous is a boy from the village, The boss is a 3rd-level strong enemy named Bolg with
Al (11 years old). His parents were killed by Barbarous in Goblins, etc., but it seems a bit dangerous for a 2-person
the past, and he went into the forest saying that he would party, so we use 3 Goblins (treat only 1 Goblin as a boss,
defeat Barbarous, and then he disappeared. His foster and add only 1 sword shard, which gives +5 HP).
parent, Hunter Zenan, went looking for Al and saw Goblins Still, it is a pretty strong enemy, but it should be
wandering near the forest ruins. manageable for a Warrior and a Magic Sworder (if you
Finally, last night, they heard that the Barbarous had want to make it easier, you should reduce the number of
attacked the village. Goblins to two). If the GM is also a beginner, it might be
safer to weaken the enemies.
Rona: “I'm coming to help you right now, Al!”
Alex: Knowing Rona's background, I can totally understand
that feeling.
Rona: I haven't told you about my past yet, though (laughs). Alex: I attack the Goblin boss with the Bastard Sword!
(rolls) On a roll of 6, he adds the 4 from my Accuracy check
and gets a 10!
GM: Goblin's Evasion is 10, so it evaded with the same
Alex: Seriously? Next time I get hit, I'm going to lose a lot
of HP!
Rona: “Alex, not yet! Watch the enemy's movement!”
Alex: What?
Rona: “Sword’s Grace” will give you +2 to your check,
GM: That's right! Alex's slashing seems to have been
deflected, but Rona’s voice helps it catch the Goblin's body!
So, the damage is dealt!
Alex: Sword's Grace is amazing! Rona, thank you! (rolls)
The roll is 8, and the result of the power table is 8, plus 6
for Extra Damage, so 14 damage!
GM: Even with Defense's 2 minuses, it is 12 points...
Goblin takes the blow and finally runs out of steam. Dead.
Rona: Yes!
Alex: Alright! GM: Yes, because SW2.5 is a fun game where you can
GM: You have managed to defeat all the enemies without enjoy growing up and telling more and more stories
incident! Congratulations! (smiles). And this kind of game is called a campaign game.
Rona: But... Al isn't here...? Alex: I can't wait to get up to the next level and go on the
GM: Yes. There is no sign of Al, but there is no corpse of next adventure!
him either. Rona: I'm also worried about Al.
Alex: You mean he might be alive. I'll see if I can find any GM: OK, let's go back to the village as you take a break and
clues. grow your ability scores and classes! First, let's take a look
GM: Then, you find a letter that looks like a directive at the experience points…
written in barbaric script...
Rona: Ah, I can speak barbaric but can't read it Thus, Alex and Rona's first adventure is over, and the
(disappointed). next adventure continues.
Alex: Someone in the village might be able to read it, and I The rest of this scenario can also be found in “Core
don't have much HP or MP left..., so I'm going to have to Rulebook I.” For guidelines on how to level up, refer to
leave for now. page 122 and other pages of this book.
GM: Yes. Let's grow your ability score and class level, and If you are interested in playing after reading this replay,
move on to the next adventure in search of Al. please gather your friends and play with them!
Alex: I can level up! Wishing you a great time, a great story, and a great
Rona: And we can continue our adventure to find Al! experience!
Part 2 Character Creation
This is the book for SW2.5, designed to simplify and
dramatize the process of creating a character.
No special knowledge is required to create a character. In this book, you can choose from three courses: “Basic
Once you have determined the direction you want your Course,” “Extended Course,” and “Full Course,”
character to take, all you need to do is roll the dice, and you depending on your level of understanding of the game and
will have a competent, well-rounded character with a story your experience playing SW2.5.
to tell.
Of course, if you have your own particular preference Basic Course
or the desired direction, you can choose your preferred This course is designed for beginners and will help you
option each time instead of leaving it to the luck of the dice. create a comfortable and manageable game character.
Please read on with an open mind. You can play this character with “Core Rulebook I”
Extended Course
To create a character using this manual, proceed as This course allows you to create more unique
follows characters. You can choose from many races.
You can play this character with “Core Rulebooks I and
Full Course
The most versatile characters can be created using all
the rulebooks.
You can play this character with “Core Rulebooks I, II,
and III.”
Warrior Category
It is a category that plays a key role in battle, standing in
the frontline and directly cutting or punching the enemy.
A wide range of character types is available, such as the
Warrior who uses powerful weapons to inflict heavy
damage, the shieldman who uses his sturdy body and armor
to block enemy attacks, and the Sworder who aims for the
enemy's vital points with their brilliant swordsmanship, and
the Boxer who specializes in sharp, continuous blows with
his wrestling skills.
For players who like to fight enemies aggressively, this
category is ideal.
Spy Category
The above procedure results in the completion of the This category has excellent abilities for reconnaissance
character. and exploration, such as finding traps, unlocking locks, and
At that time, a charming adventurer, who will sneaking.
experience many adventures in the future, will be born in They are useful in both dungeon exploration and city
front of you. adventures and are rarely useless since they can also carry
If you don't want to know the inner details, go to page weapons and fight but not as effectively as warriors.
62 and start creating a character! They can help solve the cases by carefully finding traps
and detecting the lies of the suspects. This is a category that
suits clever play.
Part 2 Character Creation
Remote Support Category Dwarves: Small but tough and muscular race, suitable for
This category is mainly used to attack enemies, warriors and priests, immune to fire. Men have thick
strengthen friends, and heal injuries by using magic. beards, and women look young.
In addition to magic, there is a wide variety of character Tabbits: Rabbit-like figures standing upright. Although
types in this category, including archers, who attack distant their body is weak, their brains are the best among all races.
enemies with bows and crossbows, and minstrels, who They are the most compatible with offensive magic.
strengthen their companions or attack enemies with Runefolk: Artificial humans created by a previous
magical music. civilization. Suitable for warriors but can do anything. They
This category is ideal for those who think “Fantasy is instinctively prefer to serve others.
magic!” or those who want to solve a case by skillfully using Nightmare: A race with soulscar in its soul, born under sad
magic. This category is also recommended for players who circumstances. They have high ability scores. Versatile,
like to play a behind-the-scenes role, such as strengthening especially for magic warriors.
friends, healing injuries, etc., rather than fighting bravely. Lykans: Humanoids that can change their head into a beast.
They have excellent physical abilities and intelligence and
Magic Warrior Category are best suited to warriors or spies. They are not good at
This technical category combines features of both the magic.
Warrior category and the Remote Support category. Lildrakens: Dragon people. They have a pair of wings and
Inevitably, there are more rules to learn and more data a tail and can fly for a short period of time. They have high
to handle, but because of this, they have a wide range of strength and vitality and are suitable for defenders.
activities and have the potential to be particularly effective However, they are clumsy.
in battle. Grassrunners: A small humanoid that looks like a human
The type of magic warriors can vary greatly from “magic child. Since they lack strength and mana, spy and minstrel
warriors who attack with weapons and spells” to “paladins are most suitable for them.
who heal themselves and their companions, defending Meria: A humanoid plant overflowing with vitality and
themselves against enemy attacks with the shield.” spirit, good at magic in general. There are short-lived and
In addition, a character type similar to the Remote long-lived species. They do not need sleep.
Support category called Artificer, which shoots by loading Tiens: A race created by combining Humans and
magic bullets into a gun, is also classified here. Daemons. They live forever in a state of suspended
This category is the best choice if you want to use both animation. They can communicate telepathically.
weapons and magic and aim for such versatility. Leprechauns: A small race that lives in the basements of
houses and ruins. They are dexterous with their hands,
skilled in handling items, and can disappear.
In this manual, you can create characters other than Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses, but in
Humans, such as Elves and Dwarves. this book, we will consider these when creating a character,
If you are a beginner in the fantasy genre, it is safe to so please feel free to choose the race of your choice.
choose Humans for now, but for those who want to play a
different race, let us briefly explain the races that appear in
the game.
Humans: An average race with an aptitude for all things but In this book, you will refer to a number of tables, roll
without any outstanding qualities. Loved by fate. dice, and create characters according to the dice rolls.
Elves: Delicate and beautiful in appearance, with excellent The book is designed to produce an active character for
dexterity, agility, and intelligence. This species is not very the game no matter what the result is, but if the result is not
strong, but a valuable ally nonetheless. They are able to to your liking, you may reroll or choose any item.
quickly move in water and have long ears.
About Categories
As mentioned above, this book divides the created
characters into four major categories.
The player begins by choosing what kind of character This category is good at searching and hiding, such as
they want to create from among these four categories. finding and disarming traps, searching for clues, sneaking
Each category is further divided into several types. Note footsteps, listening, etc., and is indispensable in dungeons.
that some types are not available for some courses, and Only one type spy exists.
some races are not available for some types. The symbols
attached to the race names indicate the available courses (◎
= Basic, ◯ = Extended, ⬤ = Full).
Warriors are the key frontliners stopping enemy attacks
and repelling them.
They are classified into three types: warrior, sworder,
and boxer, each with a different fighting style.
This category mainly uses spells to attack enemies,
Warrior (Available Courses: Basic, Extended, Full), p. 43 support and heal allies. The types that use ranged items are
The most standard warrior, always on the frontlines, also classified in this category.
with powerful weapons and solid armor. There are six types: sorcerer, conjurer, priest, archer,
It is simple in terms of rules and can be considered a fairy tamer, and minstrel.
basic type that can be used by beginners.
Selectable races: ◎Humans, ◎Dwarves, ◎Nightmares,
◎Lykans, ◯Runefolk, ◯Lildrakens, ⬤Tiens.
Part 2 Character Creation
Humans are the most abundant Humanoid race on Elves are taller than Humans, a race with a beautifully
Raxia, with the largest number of adventurers. They look elegant appearance and an affinity for magic. They prefer
just like Humans in the real world. It is said that they are to live on the shore and in the areas surrounding freshwater
apt in all Classes and have the power to shape their own lakes and rivers.
destiny. While they love nature and calmly enjoy their long lives,
They were the first Humanoids in the world, the Elves who leave on journeys out of a strong sense of
progenitors of all races, and the first Gods. curiosity are also not uncommon.
In terms of ability, it is average in all aspects and suitable They are slenderer than Humans and tend to be fairly
for any category and any type of character. Conversely, they intelligent, which makes them well-suited to become
have no outstanding categories and types. spellcasters. They are also quick and dexterous, making
They are blessed by Swords of Genesis, the creators of them excellent rangers, fencers, and marksmen.
the world of Raxia, and are said to have the power to shape Due to their long lifespan, they often have a different
their destiny (expressed by their racial ability [Sword's view of time from that of humans.
Grace/Change Fate]). They are considered adults at the age of 15, with a
They are considered adults at age 15 and have a lifespan maximum lifespan of about 500 years. Most become
of approximately 100 years. adventurers as adults and begin to age slowly at around 300
years of age.
Early Language Acquisition: Humans can speak, read and
write Trade Common and a Regional Dialect. Early Language Acquisition: Elves can speak, read and
write Elvish and Trade Common.
Racial Abilities
[Sword’s Grace/Change Fate]: Once per day on any of your Racial Abilities
Skill Check, Damage Calculation, or Loot Determination, [Darkvision]: Elves can see in the darkness as well as they
switch the face on the rolled 2d to the opposite side. A die can during the daytime.
roll of [1] becomes [6], [2] becomes [5], and [3] becomes [Sword’s Grace/Gentle Water]: Elves can move as freely
[4]. Conversely, this might also switch the result to a lower underwater as on land. Also, while underwater, they can
number, but both dice must be switched. The player hold their breath for one hour (outside of water their
cannot switch only one die. breathing rate is the same as other races). After spending 1
For example, if a roll results in a [1] and [4] on 2d, and hour submerged, they must spend one-minute breathing
the player uses [Sword’s Grace/Change Fate], the dice normally. Elves can also vocalize normally while
become [6] and [3]. If an Automatic Failure (double [1]'s) underwater.
occurs, it can be changed to an Automatic Success (double They also gain +2 to Fortitude and Willpower against
[6]'s). poison and disease-type effects.
Part 2 Character Creation
Although shorter than Humans, Dwarves are a hardy Tabbits are a species about one meter tall, upright, and
and able-bodied race. Most male Dwarves are stout and rabbit-like in appearance. Their body hair varies in color,
grow thick beards. Female Dwarves do not have beards and and they have paw pads on their hands and feet, but they
remain similar in appearance to young Human girls as they are still able to use tools and wear shoes just like Humans.
reach adulthood, aging little over their remaining lifetimes. They love to gather knowledge and devote themselves to
Both sexes tend to have metallic hair colors, both their the search for truth.
body and head hair. Sometimes, gaudy primary colors, They have a great talent for the arcane, being capable
such as bright pinks and greens, can be seen even more. of wielding almost any kind of magic. However, they are,
While many are overly stubborn, they are also known for some reason, unable to learn Divine Magic. Many
to cherish their companions heavily. It is characteristic of Tabbit believe this is because they are the descendants of
them to train themselves to become stronger, making them gods who were defeated and cursed in the war of the gods
excellent warriors. They are also famous for creating (the veracity of these claims is, however, unknown).
superior arms and other crafts. Because of these characteristics, they are very good
They like to train themselves and become excellent magicians but unsuitable for warriors or spies.
warriors and priests. They are not suitable for sworders, Although they show great talent in magic, they move
sorcerers, or fairy tamers because they lack agility and slowly and clumsily due to their short arms and legs. They
intelligence. are considered adults at the age of 10, and their lifespan is
They reach adulthood at the age of 15, and their about 50 years.
lifespan is approximately 200 years. Most become adventurers at the premature age of five
and remain adventurers until their deaths.
Early Language Acquisition: Dwarves can speak, read and
write Dwarven and Trade Common. Early Language Acquisition: Tabbits can read Ancient
Celestial, and can speak, read and write Trade Common.
Racial Abilities
[Darkvision]: Dwarves can see in the darkness as well as Racial Abilities
they can during the daytime. [Sixth Sense]: The ability to sense danger. Tabbits may
[Sword’s Grace/Flame Body]: Dwarves do not take damage make Danger Sense checks (see CR I, p. 106) using their
from fire-based attacks, physical or magical. Unless they Adventurer Level + Intelligence Modifier.
wish to do so, they will not be affected by fire or have
anything on them set on fire.
The Runefolk were not born naturally but arose 2000 Nightmares are mutations born of Humans, Elves, and
years ago as a race of constructs that were created by the Dwarves. They are born with a single Soulscar, which
magitech civilization. causes them to have a small horn or two on their heads and
Fundamentally similar in shape to Humans, they also markings on their bodies. Though their skin is extremely
must eat and sleep like them as well. The male models pale, their appearance is not so different from that of a
mostly have larger builds, while most of the female models Human.
are smaller in stature. However, they can still be Because of their soulscars, they tend to be socially
differentiated from Humans, as their necks are always ostracized as “abominations.” It makes sense that their
covered by a hardened material. They usually also have horns often injure their mothers, leading to their death (for
similar features somewhere else on their body. For this reason, only the Lildraken society of egg-born are not
example, their ears, parts of their face, legs, or arms might considered abominations).
also be made of this hardened material (the specifics are However, because of the power of the soulscars, they
left up to the player). make excellent adventurers and have a high aptitude to be
Runefolk have excellent strength and dexterity and are magical warriors. Therefore, they are often welcomed into
highly qualified to be warriors and archers, but they have the adventuring life without discrimination.
only artificial souls and thus cannot hear the voice of Gods Nightmares are treated as adults from the age of 15.
or see fairies (i.e., they cannot be priests or fairy tamers). Their lifespan is not certain, but most of them die within
Their lifespan is measured by their operational time. 200 years by accident or disease.
They can operate stably for about 50 years but thereafter
will suddenly cease to operate (i.e., die). Early Language Acquisition: Nightmare PCs have the same
starting languages as the race they are born to.
Early Language Acquisition: Runefolk can speak, read and
write Magitech and Trade Common. Racial Abilities
[Alternate Form]: Any number of times per day, with a
Racial Abilities Minor Action or during Combat Preparation (see CR I, p.
[Darkvision]: Runefolk can see in the darkness as well as 121), a Nightmare can instantly change into their unique,
they can during daytime. alternate form. Their horns become enlarged and their skin
[HP Conversion]: In exchange for reducing their HP by turns pale white. In this state, they receive no penalty for
any amount, the Runefolk can recover that same number using magic while wearing armor (see CR I, p. 201) and can
of MP. The conversion requires a Major Action (10 cast spells without using the required vocalization and
Seconds), and can only be used once a day. magic characters. It takes a Major Action (10 seconds) to
revert to their original form once transformed.
[Weakness]: Nightmares take +2 extra points of calculated
damage from silver weapons and from certain elemental
attacks determined by their race of origin:
(Weak Point Type)
Human: Earth Vulnerability Elf: Water/Ice Vulnerability
Dwarf: Fire Vulnerability Lildraken: Wind Vulnerability
Part 2 Character Creation
Lykans (singular Lykant, pronounced Lewkaant) are a Lildrakens take the appearance of smaller, upright
Humanoid race indigenous to the Alframe continent, with walking dragons. Never less than 2 meters tall, they have a
tails and ears covered with abundant fur. They have the strong body, strong arms, and large wings, and its long tail
ability to change their heads into the form of carnivorous can be used as a weapon by itself.
beasts, and they are mainly good at living and working Despite their seemingly fearsome looks, they count
outdoors. among the humanoid races because they received the
Males are slightly larger than Humans, but females are blessing of “The Sword of Harmony,” Lumiere. In fact,
not much different from Humans. despite their ferocious appearances, many tend to be wise
They are slender but muscular and agile. They are also merchants and appreciate their contact with the rest of
highly intelligent and good at spotting traps, making them Raxia.
excellent warriors, scouts, and hunters. Their superior strength and vitality make them ideal for
While taking on the form of a beast can enhance their warriors who wear heavy weapons and armor. They can
muscular strength, it also makes them unable to use most also use magic but are not very good at it. Lacking dexterity
forms of magic, as they can only make distinctive roaring and agility, they cannot be useful spies.
noises. They are born from eggs and are treated as adults after
Because of these characteristics, they are not suited to three molts (about 30 years old), while their lifespan is
the Remote Support Category or the Magical Warrior about 300 years.
Category, and they are not good at magic in general.
Because of their appearance and characteristics, they Early Language Acquisition: Lildraken can speak, read and
were once confused with lycanthropes (werewolves, etc.) write Trade Common and speak in Dragonic.
and persecuted, and since then, they have developed a
strong hostility toward them. They are considered adults at Racial Abilities
the age of 15 and have a lifespan of about 150 years. [Scaly Hide]: Lildraken receives +1 Defense.
[Tail Whip]: Lildraken possesses the Wrestling weapon
Early Language Acquisition: Lykans can speak, read and Tail (see CR II, p. 215).
write Lycant and Trade Common. [Sword's Grace/Wings of the Wind]: A Lildraken may
spread its wings and take flight, flying for one minute (6
Racial Abilities rounds) each day. While flying, a Lildraken receives a +1
[Darkvision (Beast Form)]: Lykans can see in the darkness bonus for Accuracy and Evasion. Movement speed
as well as they can during the daytime. However, this effect remains the same whether moving forward or ascending.
is only obtainable when transformed into their [Beast However, you cannot perform a Full Move while flying.
Form]. In addition, they may carry additional weight, up to a
[Beast Form]: The Lykans head takes the form of a beast maximum of 200 kg. This may be equipment, supplies, or
and all the muscles in their body are strengthened. Turning another PC.
into or changing back from beast form takes a Major Action
(10 Seconds) (see CR I, p. 139). When in beast form, the
Strength modifier is increased by +2. At the same time, no
languages others than Lycant can be spoken, nor can any
Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic, or Magitech spells
be used (Divine Magic, however, can be used).
Grassrunners are small humanoids traveling through This is a rare race in Raxia as a Plant turned Humanoid.
the steppes, well-known as cheerful and active wanderers. They look exactly like humans but have one or more
They are only about 1 meter tall, even adults, and look flowers blooming from prominent places such as the head,
as if they could be mistaken for Human children (around 5 shoulders, and wrists. These flowers bloom or wilt
years old). Their ears are slightly pointed, but it is easy to depending on their emotional state. Although they are
hide them. sexually dimorphic and quite similar to humans in external
For some reason, they have an inherent aptitude that appearance, their internal structure is simple, identical to
makes them less responsive to mana (the source of magic). that of plants, which may be why they tend to be resilient
Because of this, they are not very interested in magic. Their and durable. Meria are a unique species, as they do not
spirit is surprisingly high, and as a minstrel, they can be as need to sleep or procreate in the form of seeds.
good as a magician. While there is no difference in their ability, there are
Where they come from and how they came to Raxia is short-lived and long-lived sub-species of Meria. Short-lived
a mystery. As they keep no records, their true origins species take the form of an infant about a week after the
remain shrouded. Grassrunner remains have been found seed has been planted in fertile soil and reach adulthood in
near demons in underground labyrinths or in the Shallow about six months. Long-lived species take the form of an
Abyss on rare occasions, which has sparked discussion infant in about one year and reach maturity at 20.
about whether they have come from another world. Short-lived species live for about 10 years, while long-
They reach physical maturity at the age of 15, and their lived species live for nearly 300 years.
lifespan is said to be about 200 years.
In many cases, however, curiosity ends their life before Early Language Acquisition: Meria can speak Sylvan, as
reaching old age. well as speak, read and write Trade Common.
Part 2 Character Creation
The Tiens is a race found primarily in the northern part A diminutive race of about 130 cm in stature,
of the Alframe continent. They are believed to have been Leprechauns inhabit various parts of the Alframe
created by magically combining humans and monsters continent, mainly in urban areas. They are said to have
during the Magic Civilization Period. Their mission is to contributed to the development of the Magitech
guard the Wall of the Abyss. Civilization Period and show great talent in the use of items
They are characterized by their excellent physique, and magitech.
strong body, metallic-colored hair, and jewel-like eyes. They are characterized by large, hairy ears, and the
They also have jewels on their foreheads, chests, and the males often have a full beards.
backs of their hands, which are crystallized from the mana They live underground or in the ruins of Magitech
in their bodies (the location and number of jewels vary from Civilization, either alone or in family units, and thus are
person to person). seldom seen. Because they have the ability to turn invisible,
Tiens with excellent physical abilities are suitable for the making use of this power, they live their lives in such a way
Warrior and Magic Warrior categories, and their racial that they do not appear in public as much as possible.
abilities are a good match for the Rider class. However, they will show themselves in front of and spend
They come of age at 15. Their lifespan is about 50 time with people they like.
years, but they can enter a state of suspended animation at Most live in hiding, avoiding contact with others, but
will, during which they do not age. To awaken from some may help or play tricks on others without being
suspended animation, another person must pour 20 MP noticed. These characteristics make them suitable for Spies
into the jewel. and Magicians but not for the Warrior category due to their
weak strength.
Early Language Acquisition: Tiens can speak Daemonic They reach adulthood at age 15 and are thought to live
and speak, read, and write Trade Common. for about 200 years.
Warrior Category
This war-oriented category of character in a battle
stands on the frontlines and is responsible for holding off
or crushing enemy attacks.
This is the basic category in SW2.5 and the most
popular characters. There are few rules to remember and
many active aspects of playing with, making it ideal for first-
time players.
There are three types of warriors in the Warrior
category: warrior type, sworder type, and boxer type, each
with different styles of adventures and fights.
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Warrior 7/9/5
◎Dwarf Warrior 4/11/5
◎Nightmare Warrior 7/15/8
◎Lykant Warrior 10/9/6
◯Runefolk Warrior 9/12/5
◯Lildraken Warrior 5/14/6
⬤Tiens Warrior 8/12/8
Wearing light weapons and armor, sworders aim at the
enemy's vital points while evading their attacks.
Inevitably, their offensive and defensive capabilities are
low, and if they are directly hit by enemy attacks, they may
suddenly suffer serious injuries. However, the essence of a
sworder is to keep evading the enemy's attack, and the low
defense is not so much a problem in this case.
On the offensive side, they have a high critical potential
for explosive damage, and depending on the dice roll, they
can unleash a surprisingly powerful blow.
Another feature of sworders is that the number of
required experience points for them is low so that a wide
variety of classes can be learned and the sworder can be
proficient in a wide range of fields.
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Swordsman 9/6/6
◎Elf Swordsman 12/5/9
◎Lykant Agile Warrior 12/6/7
◯Runefolk Agile Warrior 11/9/6
◯Grassrunner Agile Warrior 14/1/10
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Boxer 8/8/5
◎Elf Boxer 11/4/11
◎Dwarf Boxer 5/10/5
◎Nightmare Mercenary 7/15/8
◎Lykant Boxer 11/7/7
◯Runefolk Warrior 9/12/5
◯Lildraken Boxer 6/13/6
◯Grassrunner Boxer 14/2/9
The Spy category corresponds to “Thieves” and
“Rogues,” which appear as a standard in fantasy RPGs.
However, the Spy category in this book does not imply
that they are criminals such as thieves. When exploring
dangerous labyrinths such as dungeons, they take the
initiative in searching for goods, finding hidden doors and
switches, listening for sounds behind doors, and hiding in
the shadows to avoid danger by using their dexterity,
quickness, and subtlety.
There is no shortage of opportunities to track footprints
and detect approaching enemies when outdoors. In city
adventures, there are many situations in which their abilities
are useful, such as questioning and following people,
picking locks, sneaking around, etc.
Even in combat, the Spy's Scout class is essential to stay
one step ahead of the enemy. Therefore, it is
recommended to have at least one character of the Spy
category in the party. Though it is possible to have Scout as
a subclass for the warrior category, it will not be as effective
as a Spy category character.
Although it is not as good as the warrior category in
terms of pure combat, spies can be enjoyed by a wide range
of people because they can be used by all types of teams. If
you prefer a cool-headed type to a smart one, you may
choose the Spy category.
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Agile Warrior 10/7/4
◎Elf Scout 12/4/10
◎Nightmare Agile Warrior 11/13/6
◎Lykant Scout 13/5/7
◯Runefolk Scout 12/6/8
◯Grassrunner Thief 13/0/12
⬤Leprechaun Scout 14/4/5
This category is mainly for attacking enemies with spells
and supporting and healing allies from the rearguard.
Most of them are wizards and cannot fight in close
quarters. Therefore, they must cooperate with their
companions (especially the frontliners of the Warrior
category) and avoid exposing themselves to the enemy as
much as possible.
However, there are many things that only magic can do,
and magic can play a unique role in battle and other
Most types of spells use mana points (MP) to cast them,
so you need to think about how much magic to use and
when to use it. Since there are limited means of restoring
MP, such MP management is also important.
Nevertheless, magic is all-powerful and effective and
will be useful in many situations.
There are a total of six types in the Remote Support
category: Sorcerer with many powerful offensive spells,
Conjurer who is good at supporting and strengthening
allies, Priest with a variety of recovery and defense spells,
Archer who attacks with ranged weapons, Fairy Tamer who
summons fairies and manipulates a variety of spells, and
Minstrel who influences the masses with the power of
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Sorcerer 6/5/10
◎Elf Sorcerer 10/3/13
◎Tabbit Sorcerer 5/7/10
◎Nightmare Sorcerer 5/13/12
◯Runefolk Sorcerer 9/8/9
◯Meria Sorcerer 8/6/15
⬤Leprechaun Sorcerer 11/3/9
This is a master of Spiritualism Magic, which mainly
strengthens their companions' offensive and defensive
abilities and makes their enemies weaker.
With [Enchant Weapon] spell, which increases Extra
Damage, [Protection], which decreases damage received,
[Fanaticism], which increases Accuracy check (but
decreases Evasion), [Counter Magic], which improves
resistance to magic, etc., the conjurer alone can significantly
increase the strength of the party.
In addition, they can use the healing spell [Earth Heal]
and the general attack magic [Spark], so they can also attack
and heal.
This is the perfect type of character for players who like
to help their allies.
Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Conjurer 7/4/10
◎Elf Conjurer 9/4/13
◎Tabbit Conjurer 6/6/10
◎Nightmare Conjurer 6/11/13
◯Runefolk Conjurer 7/9/10
◯Meria Conjurer 7/6/16
⬤Leprechaun Wizard 11/3/9
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Priest 4/8/9
◎Elf Priest 9/5/12
◎Dwarf Priest 4/7/9
◎Nightmare Priest 6/14/10
◯Meria Priest 8/8/13
⬤Leprechaun Priest 10/5/8
Special Notes: Can cast up to 2nd level Divine Magic (see
p. 133).
Asteria, Goddess of Fairies (Ancient Goddess) 21 - 23
She is a goddess of nature
The player who chooses a Priest must choose which who preaches living in
god the character believes in. harmony with nature.
Depending on your chosen deity, you can receive She has many followers in
different Specialized Divine Magic (see p. 134). You may the eastern part of the Alframe
choose the god that fits your character idea better or the continent. As the goddess who
god who gives you the Specialized Divine Magic that seems created Elves, she is
useful. worshipped mainly by Elves
If you have difficulty in choosing the god, please use but also by Lykans, Meria, and
D66 to decide the god since we have assigned a number many others.
after the god's name. Known as the goddess of songs, art, and beauty, she is
also considered the paragon of a lady. On the other hand,
Rank of Gods she is also said to represent the duality of the spirit and to
There are three ranks of gods: Ancient, Major, and be the goddess of jealousy and passion.
Minor. Ancient and Major Gods are worshipped Grendal, Blazing Emperor (Ancient God) 24 – 26
throughout the Alframe continent. Minor Gods are local Symbolized by fire, he is
deities and are not believed in other regions, so they are an ancient god of destruction
unavailable there. and rebirth. He is worshipped
Unless there is a particular reason, it is better to choose as the god of blacksmithing
Ancient God or Major God. and is the main deity of the
Kingslay Republic of Iron and
“Divine Ancestor” Lyphos (Ancient God) 11 - 13 Steel, a large country in the
He is believed to be the northwestern part of the
first god born in the world. Alframe Continent.
He teaches the importance It is believed by many
of harmony and fraternity. He races, especially Humans and Dwarves on the whole
is widely believed in by peace- continent, with the doctrines of hard work, ingenuity, and
loving believers, from the constant discipline.
ruling class to the common Also known as the god of war, he affirms fighting.
people. Therefore, many soldiers and warriors are devotees of this
Benevolent, he is a god and are encouraged to strive and devise ways to win. It
proponent of helping the weak is also worshipped by fire artisans such as blacksmiths and
and avoiding fights and conflicts, but he is willing to fight potters and has many followers among cooks as the god of
against Barbarous and Daemons. He is also against the fire.
soulscarring of the soul. Kilhia, God of Wisdom (Ancient God) 31 - 33
It is believed throughout the world of Raxia, and you They are an Ancient God
will find many followers in the Alframe continent, where worshipped mainly by scholars
the SW2.5 adventures occur. and magicians with a mission
of knowledge, exploration,
Tidan, God of the Sun (Ancient God) 14 – 16 and the study of magic.
He is a God who is said to Kilhia is open to the study
have been a friend of Lyphos of knowledge and is open to all
in the age of mythology. people, not only believers.
It is said that he They are also understanding
manipulated the weather and of the adventurers, as they
made the world prosperous by encourage them to actively go on a search to discover the
bringing light and abundance. truth. They are considered a genderless neutral deity.
On the continent, Alframe is Sien, Goddess of the Moon (Major Goddess) 34 – 36
the “God of Light,” “God of Known as the wife of the
Justice,” “God of Promises God of the Sun, Tidan, she is
and Contract,” “Patron of Marriage,” and a symbol of popular on the Alframe
justice and government because of its fairness and continent as the god of
impartiality. compassion and forgiveness.
He is believed in by farmers and other workers than by Moonlight illuminating the
those in power because he does not like conflicts and night is considered to be Sien's
considers it a virtue to distribute wealth without distinction. blessing, and she is widely
Because of this character, his worshippers are also the worshipped by the afflicted
standard-bearers for overthrowing oppressive rulers. Tidan and those engaged in night
also detests the undead, and the temples of Tidan are trying work. As a result, she is associated with both the image of a
to exterminate them. faithful wife and the image of an indecent night business.
Legend has it that the peace-loving goddess of the moon
closed everything to darkness and made it impossible to
Part 2 Character Creation
fight when conflict broke out. It is also said to bring good There are few believers of Dalion in the cities, and his
luck when the moon is clearly visible in the daytime. temples are small. However, he is worshipped by many
Mirtabar, Divine Hand (Major God) 41 - 43 Meria and has many followers among Elves and Humans,
He is a Major God, also making him one of the most influential major deities in the
known as the God of Thieves world.
or Adventurers. Miritsa, Goddess of Love and Vengeance (Major
He teaches us to liberate Goddess) 61 - 63
what is hidden, to value it She is the goddess of
correctly, and to improve healing and compassion, the
ourselves in the dexterity and patroness of the weak and
discernment necessary to do women. Many temples of
so. Miritsa have orphanages and
He is often believed in by children's schools, which are
thieves and adventurers who search for ruins, and it is dedicated to protecting poor
common to see them praying to the Divine Hand Mirtabar children and women.
when searching for dangerous traps and treasures. Curiously, only women can
“Shield Against the Abyss” Eve (Major Goddess) 44 - 46 hear the voice of the Goddess
Eve is primarily believed in and become priests, and as a result, the temples of Miritsa
by those who fight Daemons are inaccessible to adult men.
(see CR I, p. 381). Perhaps, for this reason, she is a goddess of vengeance,
Although Eve is aggressive protecting women and children. In particular, the paladins
in her battles with Daemon, of Miritsa, who have sworn a vow of vengeance, are known
she teaches her worshippers to to accomplish their goals with fearless persistence and
be shields for the weak in other fighting power.
situations and to lead an ascetic “Goddess of Wind and Rain” Furusil (Minor Goddess) ※
life, training their minds and 64 - 65
bodies to always be prepared As her title suggests, she is
for emergencies. the goddess of wind and rain
Many knights and soldiers are also believers, and her and is worshipped in the
temples can be found all over the continent of Alframe. Burlight region.
Her worshippers are also active in defeating the Shallow She is the daughter of
Abysses (see CR I, p. 341), and if they are informed of its Tidan and Sien, and although
appearance, they will take the initiative and jump in. she is a Minor Goddess, she is
“Guiding Star” Harula (Major Goddess) 51 - 53 worshipped in a fairly wide
She is also considered the area in the southwestern part
sister goddess of Shield of the Alframe continent.
Against the Abyss Eve. She is also known as a goddess with a dual nature of
While Eve is stern, honest, cool-headedness and love hidden deep within, and her
and harsh, Harula is the essence is believed to be “transformation” and “maturity.”
forgiving, healing, blessing, and Because she is a weather goddess, she is widely worshipped
guiding goddess. by boatmen and farmers, and festivals are held to pray for
It is said that she became a blessings of rain and wind.
goddess after a battle with ※You cannot select this option for adventures not in the
Abyss and that she helped Eve Burlight region.
when she was tired of fighting, and together they worked to Strasford, God of Railroads (Minor God) ※ 66
save the people of the world. Strasford is a minor deity
Her appearance is symbolized by a polar star shining in worshipped in the Dorden
the north, and its power is manifested as an aurora borealis. region in the northwestern part
And when Shallow Abyss appears, an aurora runs across of the continent.
the sky, which is said to indicate its location. He is said to be the father
Dalion, God of Trees 54 - 56 of the magical trains, an
He is the widely invention of the Magitech
worshipped Major God in the Civilization Period, and was
Alframe continent, where given divine status by the
there are many rich forests. Blazing Emperor Grendal because of his achievements and
Believed by hunters, loggers, legend. His primary teaching is to “create a path between
and herders, it is common to the unknown and the known,” and to do so, one must be
see statues of Dalion's image ingenious. In addition to physical connectivity, spiritual
carved into the forest rills, connectivity is important to connect people to people,
road signs, and the like. places, and things. He is worshipped mainly in the Kingslay
Symbolizing the blessings Republic of Iron and Steel by Humans and Dwarves.
of nature and nature's bulk, he is simultaneously the God
※You cannot select this option for adventures not in the
of peace, calmness, and deep consideration.
Dorden region.
An archer is a type of character who mainly attacks
enemies from a long distance using a bow or crossbow.
The Remote Support category is the only non-magical
type and performs physical attacks.
In battle, the archer needs to keep an eye on the
number of arrows remaining, but the arrows are
inexpensive, and the archer rarely runs out of shots,
allowing them to consistently attack from a long distance.
Archer type always has [Targeting], a combat feat to
shoot enemies accurately and never cause stray shots on
their companions. The archer type is sometimes even the
leader of the battle group.
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Archer 9/5/7
◎Elf Archer 13/5/8
◎Dwarf Archer 6/8/6
◎Nightmare Archer 10/10/10
◯Runefolk Archer 12/8/6
◯Grassrunner Archer 14/0/11
◯Meria Archer 10/7/12
⬤Leprechaun Archer 12/6/5
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Fairy Tamer 5/6/10
◎Elf Fairy Tamer 10/2/14
◎Dwarf Fairy Tamer 5/6/9
◎Tabbit Fairy Tamer 7/5/10
◯Meria Fairy Tamer 8/7/14
⬤Leprechaun Fairy Tamer 11/4/8
Note, however, that due to its nature, their spells have
no effect on lifeless Undead, Constructs, etc.
Fairy Magic used by fairy tamers, as mentioned above,
has 6 types: earth, water, fire, wind, light, and dark. Dark Fairies
Fairies are a fusion of natural phenomena and A black gem is used as the gate for the dark fairies.
atmospheric mana and generally look like palm-sized girls They specialize in magic to calm or disturb the mind,
with wings like insects on their backs (there are many other such as [Calm] to calm a confused mind and [Distraction]
types of fairies, but Fairy Magic deals with this type of to disrupt the concentration of the mind and interfere with
fairies). casting spells. As Fairy Tamer grows up, they will be able
Fairy summoned with the help of Gems as gates will to use spells such as [Stun] to stun the opponent or [Panic
disappear instantly when they use their magic power. Each Run] to put them in a state of panic, and in general, they
type of fairy has its own unique effect and specializes in will be able to use more powerful mental magic.
different fields.
Here, we will introduce these characteristics in some Basic Fairy Magic
detail. Basic Fairy Magic can also be used regardless of the
type of fairy you have contracted with.
Earth Fairies [Fairy Wish], which can provide a bonus check by
A yellow gem is used as the gate for the earth fairies. summoning a fairy and keeping her close for a certain
They are mainly good at defense spells, and at the period of time, and especially [Summon Fairy], which can
beginning, Fairy Tamers can use [Snare] to make make a fairy directly participate in a battle, although only
opponents fall prone and [Stone Guard] to protect their for a short time, but can help greatly (see CR II, p. 97 and
allies. As they grow up, they will be able to attack with a 160).
unique attack spell [Earth Hammer], a rare spell that deals
physical damage.
Water Fairies
A blue gem is used as the gate for the water and ice
They are good at water manipulation magic and at first
can use [Purification] to purify water for drinking and
[Water Screen] to prevent fire attacks. As they grow, they
will be able to use [Ice Bolt] spell to attack with ice arrows,
and eventually, they will be able to use magic such as
[Seabed Walk] to work in the water.
Fire Fairies
A red gem is used as the gate for the fire fairies.
They are good at offensive magic, first, they can use
[Tinder], an ignition magic, and then [Fire Bolt], a fire
arrow spell. As they grow up, they will be able to use [Flare],
which momentarily blinds everyone, and [Heat Metal],
which, as you can guess, heats metal so that they cannot
hold weapons, etc., and will be more aggressive.
Wind Fairies
A green gem is used as the gate for the wind fairies.
They are good at magic related to air and wind, first
learning [Wind Voice], which bends their voice far away,
and [Wind Guard], which prevents wind-type attacks. After
that, they will be able to use wind attack spell [Windcutter]
and [Hovering], which allows floating and prevents the
negative influence from the ground effects, and in the
future, they will even be able to run in the air.
Light Fairies
A white or transparent gem is used as the gate for the
light fairies.
They specialize mainly in healing magic that controls
life and can use [Healing Water] and [Whisper Heal],
which heals multiple people simultaneously, from early
levels. As Fairy Tamer grows, they will acquire more
powerful restoration and HP-enhancing spells and be able
to play a key role in the healing alongside Priests.
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Selectable Races
Race Name Background Skill/Body/Mind
◎Human Poet 5/7/9
◎Elf Bard 9/3/14
◎Dwarf Bard 4/8/8
◎Tabbit Bard 6/7/9
◎Nightmare Bard 8/13/9
◯Runefolk Bard 8/9/9
◯Grassrunner Hobbyist 12/0/13
◯Meria Bard 7/7/15
⬤Leprechaun Hobbyist 13/4/6
This is a technical category in which characters fight with
weapons and magic. It has the potential to be used in a
variety of situations, but it requires a lot of rules and data to
be handled, and it may take some familiarity to fully
demonstrate your abilities.
However, it is not extremely difficult, so if you are a
player who feels incomparable of a magic warrior, please
take the plunge and give it a try.
There are 3 types of Magic Warriors: Magic Warrior,
Magic Sworder, and Artificer. Among them, only Artificer
is a rear-guard type that mainly shoots, so players who cut
and tie directly with enemies with weapons should choose
another two.
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Magic Sworder Type (Courses: Basic,
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Part 2 Character Creation
◼Adventurous Aptitude
Let's Create a Character!
By looking at the illustrations of categories, types, and Warrior Category: The character of this category stands on
races, you may have a rough idea of what kind of character the frontline with weapons and plays a crucial role in direct
you would like to play. combat against enemies.
Here, based on your ideas, we will finally create the Spy Category: A category that has excellent reconnaissance
actual character. and search skills, such as finding valuable items, unlocking
There is no need to think about anything complicated. locks, and sneaking.
If you follow the steps, your alter ego character will be Remote Support Category: This category mainly uses
completed naturally. magic to attack enemies and strengthen and heal allies.
First, please prepare a blank character sheet, two six- Magic Warrior Category: This technical category deals with
sided dice, and enough writing materials for the number of weapons and magic. You can expect to work in a wide range
players. We recommend the use of erasable pencils, not of activities.
ballpoint pens.
The categories are introduced with illustrations starting
on page 42, so please check there for details.
It is important to note that it is better to choose different
First, depending on your level of understanding of the categories from those of your companions to form a well-
game and your experience in playing SW2.5, you need to balanced party. You should discuss this with your friends
choose one of the three courses: Basic Course, Extended and divide the roles among them.
Course, or Full Course.
If you are a player who has never created a character in Column: What is Recommended Role Assignment?
SW2.5 before, we recommend that you start with the Basic Depending on the number of players, the
Course. recommended combination is as follows:
Part 2 Character Creation
Race Selection
Once the type is determined, the next step is to
determine the race.
The available races are determined for each type.
Please refer to pages 36-41 for illustrations and detailed
descriptions of each race.
No matter which race you choose, you can create a
useful character, so there is no problem choosing one
according to your preference in appearance and settings
(there are no bad races for each type).
If you are in doubt, it is safest to choose Human.
Column: Add Healing Character ①Roll on the “Environment” Table (see p. 76–87)
No matter how many people are in the group, one of For each race, it determines in what environment the
them should be a healer if possible. child was born. It gives no game advantage or disadvantage.
Specifically, there should be a Remote Support ↓
category/ Priest type or Magic Warrior category/Magic ②Roll on the “Childhood Experience” Table (see p. 88–
Sworder type with the Priest class as a Subclass/Support 103)
class. It determines the experiences of childhood, when the
Without a healer, you will have no choice but to give up physical bodies are being formed, and determines the
the adventure and return home when your HP decreases characteristics for the future.
significantly during the adventure (or worse, one of your ↓
companions will be dead!). ③Roll on the “1st Happening” Table (see p. 110-111)
You can also consider Conjurer and Fairy Tamer (light) It determines if an unexpected happening in life has
types in the Remote Support category, and the Artificer occurred. It gives no game advantage or disadvantage.
type in the Magic Warrior category can also heal with spells, ↓
though they are not as good as the Priest type. ④Roll on the “Juvenile Experience” Table (see p. 104–
It determines what kind of experiences and what kind
of things were learned during childhood when the character
learned various things.
⑤Roll on the “2nd Happening” Table (see p. 110-111)
Again something unexpected happened.
⑥Roll on the “Adolescent Experience” Table (see p. 106–
In order to embark on an adventure, choose a skill that
will enhance your strengths.
⑦Roll on the “Why I Went on an Adventure” Table (see
p. 111)
If you are going on an adventure at a young age, then
roll the “Why I Went on an Adventure” table (see p. 111)
here. If you would like to assume that you have a little more
experience in life before you go on an adventure, then use
the “3rd Happening “ table (see p. 110).
③Roll on the “1st Happening” Table
Career Progression and Aging Roll 2d and determine the age at which the first
As their careers and experiences progress, the happening occurred. Before adulthood, the Life
characters also age. Expectancy Coefficient should not be applied. 1st
Mainly when rolling “Happening” tables, age should be Happening occurs at the age you’ve rolled.
added. First, determine the type of happening by rolling the
The “Life Expectancy Coefficient” for each race is then “1st Happening” table on page 110. Depending on the
should be multiplied to obtain an age that is typical for that result, it might not occur.
race (e.g., x1 for Humans, x5 for Elves). The 2d result may exceed the life span for Meria's
In most cases, the age of adulthood is not much short-lived species. In such cases, a Life Expectancy
different from that of Humans, even for races with long life Coefficient should be applied.
spans. The player can arbitrarily decide whether to multiply
the Life Expectancy Coefficient or not. If the player wants ④Roll on the “Juvenile Experiences” Table
to determine the age at which an event occurs, they do not The next step is to determine the “Juvenile
have to roll the dice. Experience,” which, in terms of Humans, represents the
age range from 9 to 14.
①Roll on the “Environment” Table The “Juvenile Experience” table is on pages 104-105.
On pages 76 to 87, there is an “Environment” table for This table is the same regardless of race.
each race. Look at it, roll the dice, and determine the “Subclass/Support class” is determined here. This is a
environment in which you were born. class that is acquired through experience and learning,
There is no game advantage or disadvantage in the regardless of birth, and represents the diversity of
results of this table. Let your imagination run wild as to what characters in the adventure.
kind of environment you were born and raised in.
The “Juvenile Experience” Table is Viewed Differently in
②Roll on the “Childhood Experiences” Table Different Courses
In the case of Humans, the period from birth to about The “Juvenile Experience” table is different for Basic
8 years of age is defined as childhood. Course, Extended Course, and Full Course.
On pages 88 to 103, there is a table of “Childhood When rolling the dice, refer to the roll in the column
Experiences” divided by race. This table is further divided with the course name.
into categories, so look at the table corresponding to your
category and roll the dice. Subclass and Support class
For some types, there are “Childhood Experiences” If it is the second class obtained by this, it becomes the
that cannot be selected. In such cases, please roll the dice Subclass.
again. If it is the third one, it is the Support class.
As a result of rolling the dice, Ability Score Corrections The fourth class cannot be learned. If the class has
and Ability Score Tendencies such as (Focus on Accuracy) already been acquired, please reroll.
(Balance) are determined. Please make a note of the Ability
Score Tendency. Also, fill in the Ability Score Corrections Spending Experience Points
in your character sheet's “Correction” column. This will Whether it is a Subclass or a Support class, when a new
allow you to obtain the Ability Scores. class is learned, experience points should be consumed.
Calculate and fill in the character sheet. At the same Please reduce the Required Experience Points from the
time, you can determine the ability modifiers, so please Remaining Experience Points.
refer to the table below and fill them in as well. If no more or not enough experience points are left, the
experience will remain, but the class will not be acquired.
Ability Modifiers Quick Reference Table
Ability Score 5 or less 6 - 11 12 - 17 18 - 23 24 - 29 30 – 35
Modifier 0 1 2 3 4 5
Part 2 Character Creation
Column: Do Experience Points Decrease? After consulting with your friends, ask a character who
In SW2.5, experience points are consumed to level up. has 500/1,000 experience points left to learn 1st level
In other words, it is like shopping for classes with Minor Scout class as a Support class (500 experience points
experience points. So, the experience points you get from
your adventures are used for growth immediately after the
adventure is completed, and the number will always be
close to 0.
⑥Roll on the “Adolescent Experiences” Table will be consumed). It is not mandatory but strongly
Next, the Adolescent Experience is determined. recommended.
Adolescence is assumed to be 15 years old or older for Similarly, the Minor Sage class is also an essential class,
Humans. so if possible, someone should learn 1 level of it (500
It indicates what special skills you will acquire to make experience points are required for this class as well).
further use of your ability characteristics and the classes you
have acquired. 4th Happening
The table of “Adolescent Experience” is on pages 106- If you want to play with a character who has more life
109. experience and has been on an adventure, you may decide
This table is divided according to Type and Ability to roll for the 4th and later happenings. In this case, you
Score Tendencies determined in the Childhood should handle it in the same way as the 3rd happening.
Experience table. Then, when you are satisfied enough, add 2d at the end to
For example, if Warrior type and Ability Score determine the age at the time of the adventure. Fill it in the
Tendencies: Focus on Striking, then the table “Adolescent age column.
Experiences – Warrior Type (Focus on Striking) Table”
should be used to determine the experience. Column: The Age of Happenings and the Age at the
As a result of this table, the combat feat will be Time of Adventure
determined. These ages are determined by rolling dice.
However, the player may choose them without rolling
any dice.
These don’t have gameplay effects and are only to add
color to the character, not to cripple or bind the play, so
you can adopt them, reject them, or rearrange them as
Also, unrealistic ages or extremely old characters may
spoil the game's atmosphere and hinder playability. If
⑦Roll on the “Why I Went on an Adventure” Table possible, it is recommended to limit the age of characters
Here, you should make a decision as to whether a 3rd to “15-50 years old” in terms of human characters.
happening will occur or whether you will already be on your We invite you to create your own dramatic character!
Either way, roll 2d, multiply by the Life Expectancy
Coefficient, and add to the age of the 2nd happening. At
that age, you will either have a happening or you will go on
an adventure.
Depending on which one you chose, please roll on the
“3rd Happening Table” on page 110 or the “Why I Went
on an Adventure” table on page 111.
5. Decide on Name and Gender, and example). In such cases, the price of both packs should be
subtracted from the money to get the items.
The obtained items should be written in the designated
Finally, decide on the name and gender of the “Entry” on the character sheet so that they can be accessed
character, and look at the results of the tables to finalize it. at any time.
Sometimes, there may be inconsistencies in the history ③Determine remaining amount of money
or undesired story bits. Check them here and correct them Record the amount of money you have still have
to your satisfaction. leftover in the money column.
In this case, modifying values, classes, combat feats,
etc., may result in errors. If you are not an experienced Column: Typical Restricted Classes and Equipment
player, do not touch those parts. Just tweak the backstory. Here are some examples of what kind of equipment is
If you are a player who “can't think of a name” or incompatible with some classes. Please be careful when
“doesn't know many fantasy-like names,” please refer to the purchasing equipment.
name list on page 120.
- Sorcerer, Conjurer, Fairy Tamer
When equipped with metal armor, these three classes
have a penalty of -4 on the Spellcasting check, so care
should be taken when combining them with Fighter.
In order to go on an adventure, you must be adequately
Note that Sorcerers and Conjurers suffer a -2 penalty
even for nonmetallic armor with minimum strength of 10
The best weapons, armor, and other equipment can be
or more.
found in the “Equipment by Type” part of this book,
Nightmare's racial ability [Alternate Form] cancels all
starting on page 112.
such penalties.
Types and Tendencies and Minimum Strength
- Fencer and Grappler
Equipment comes in sets, but each set has its own
Fencers can only handle weapons and armor of
meaning. Choose the one you prefer from the set that
minimum strength, less than half of their strength (rounded
applies to your character. If you are in doubt, the one
up). Pay attention when selecting equipment by strength.
marked “Standard” is the safest choice.
Grapplers can only equip wrestling weapons and armor
with “Grappler Only.”
Type: This is the type of your character. It may also indicate
the equipment you are interested in. If it is “Power,” you
Column: Not Enough money!
can aim for high damage, and if it is “Accuracy,” you can
If money is not enough, you can get the item for the
expect a stable hit rate. If it is "Low Cost", you will be able
time being and write the amount of Price as Debt next to
to purchase some additional items.
Money on the character sheet.
Minimum Strength: If the set of equipment is not equal to
This indicates that the character has spent too much
or greater than your strength, it is too heavy to equip.
money on equipment and is temporarily borrowing money
from the Adventurers' Guild. There is no due date for
How to Choose an Equipment Set
repayment of the debt, but the guild will warn the character
The equipment set is selected according to the
if they are unwilling to repay the debt or if they are wasting
following procedure.
Debts should be repaid from the income when the
①Select a set from “Type of Equipment” under your character earns their first reward from the adventure.
②Select Item Pack from “Item Packs for Specific Column: Seeds for Tomorrow
Classes.” Even if you have a lot of money left over for your
③Determine remaining amount of money character, it is best to leave it unspent.
When the character earns money and growth, the
①Select a set from “Type of Equipment” under your player can use the money to change equipment and
Strength replenish consumables such as ammunition.
First, you must acquire weapons, armor, shields, and You might buy new equipment with higher ability
basic equipment from “Equipment by Type” and get scores as they grow.
money. Also, some items can slightly improve your ability score.
Each type has different money because the equipment It is helpful to have a little extra money to purchase such
price is different, and the total amount of equipment for all items.
characters will be the same (total 1,200 gamels (G)). If you still want to spend money, you can have more
than one of the following items or buy something you don't
②Select Item Pack from “Item Packs for Specific Classes” have.
Then, from “Item Packs for Specific Classes,” you can A Typical list of Consumables
get equipment for each class you have acquired. In this Name Price Notes
case, reduce the money by their price. Healing Potion, p. 154 100 Restores HP
Depending on the class you have mastered, you may Awake Potion, p. 154 100 Recover from fainting
need two types of item packs (Marksman and Scout, for Magic Herb, p. 154 100 Restores MP
Mako Stone (3 pts.), p. 155 300 Can be used instead of MP
Part 2 Character Creation
Personality Determination (Optional Rule)
Personality is the individuality of the character. These two words may be selected from the table,
These are guidelines for role-playing a character determined at random, or determined by the player if they
without any rules. are not in the table.
However, if we consider that TTRPGs are about When choosing Creed, you can either Take or Deny it.
enjoying adventures and stories by fictional characters, it For example, if it is “Violence: Take,” the person will
would be instrumental to set up the characters' tend to use violence to solve the problem. On the other
personalities. hand, if the answer is “Violence: Deny,” he will try to solve
Please introduce this rule if you like, are interested in, the problem through discussion and strategy.
or are particularly interested in playing a fictional character You may use the word in parentheses if the same result
with more depth. is obtained. Of course, you may reroll the table or use the
Personality consists of two elements, “Creed” and words in parentheses from the beginning.
“Pride/Obsession.” You may determine these elements by
referring to the table or creating your own based on the
You can also determine relationships with other PCs. Pride and obsession drive the character instinctively
Using the “Relationship with the Character to the Left” and impulsively, regardless of the reason.
table, you can establish relationships with other PCs, which It is not a matter of profit or loss, right or wrong, but
can add a sense of solidarity to the game. something that “cannot be ignored” or “acts without
thinking,” and this can sometimes be a weak point that puts
a character in a pinch (e.g., a character who is proud of “not
turning their back on the enemy” can create a fatal situation
A “Creed” is a principle of character. against an opponent they cannot possibly win).
It may be the essence character is born with, or it may This element is intended to create a pinch and adds
be something they have cultivated in their life experiences. more to the role-playing through unyielding
A creed is a principle and driving force behind a thoughts/impulsive feelings. Therefore, in terms of the
character's actions. It is also the basis of morale and values game, it does not create an advantageous situation.
and forms the foundation of their nature. It serves to guide However, it will increase the possibility of creating a
the character's thinking and should be used as a guideline dramatic story that is different from the one in which the
for role-playing. player acts only to the character’s advantage.
Of course, if the action is too fatal, other PCs may stop
How to Determine Creed it, and the player does not have to obey the
A character can have two creeds, each consisting of a “Pride/Obsession” (enjoy the roleplay of this moment).
single word.
Part 2 Character Creation
Relationship with the Character to the Table of the Relationship with the Character to the Left
D66 Relationship
11 – 12 Friend/Frenemy
Many adventurers set out on an adventure with a party 13 – 14 Living next door or in the neighborhood
of friends. 15 – 16 Admire as Brave/Courageous
So, what is the relationship between the members of the 21 – 22 Rivalry
guild? They met by chance at the adventurers' guild, got Siblings/Relatives/Distant Relatives/
23 – 24
along well with each other, accepted the same request, and Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law
went on a joint adventure together... Even with these 25 – 26 Affection/Admiration/Fondness
reasons, you can enjoy the experience. 31 – 32 Curious of them
If you have a more concrete relationship with each 33 – 34 Trust
other, you may be able to make better use of each other's 35 – 36 Pity/Compassion
characters in your roleplays. 41 – 42 Childhood friend/From the same hometown
Here we have a table that determines what kind of 43 – 44 Feeling of Admiration
relationship and feelings you have toward “the PC of the 45 – 46 Closeness
player to your left who is present in the session.” This 51 – 52 Consider them Useful
relationship is basically one-way. However, it can affect 53 – 54 Owe a debt of gratitude/respect to them
both players (e.g., “they are brothers”). 55 – 56 Comrade
This relationship also serves as a catalyst for role- 61 – 62 Relaxed
playing, not as a compulsion for relationship or behavior. 63 – 64 See Potential
Please enjoy using it to deepen your relationship with your 65 – 66 Unavoidable
fellow players.
In the online session, you can instead select by using
Column: Enjoy Role-Playing
order in the name list or in the order of logging in, etc. (The
TTRPG, as the name implies, is a game of role-playing.
last player should consider the first player as their
Personality is an element that guides the character and
“character on the left”).
sometimes creates a pinch to liven up the drama.
However, it is important to note that these are the
elements for making a great story together, not for being
selfish, making the scene go dull, and ruining the story.
Role-playing is supposed to be fun to enhance the
game, not destroy it or annoy the GM or players
In order to share the best time with the friends you play
with, sometimes you can be guided by the character’s
personality, and sometimes you can ignore it (or be
persuaded by your friends), and this will make the story
come alive together.
Roleplay Bonuses (Optional Rule)
This rule should only be used with the GM's permission Example 1) “I shall do my utmost on this adventure with
and with the approval of all players. this sword!”
This rule gives a small bonus to the PC, who role-plays Example 2) “I won't leave you in danger. I'll face it with
well in character during the game. you.”
This is both a reward for positive roleplaying and a way
to help further roleplaying. Translator’s Note
This section is written more with Japanese culture in
mind, and you can tailor Sword's Grace to your players,
rewarding them for good roleplay and only suggesting, if
The world of Raxia is still strongly influenced by its need be, to create an Introductory Line or Oath of
creators, Swords of Genesis. Adventure.
Among the Swords of Genesis, Lumiere, the first
sword, in particular, is said to sympathize with and continue
to support the adventurous spirit of the Humanoids (see
Sword's Grace, a group of racial abilities). At the beginning of the session, when you introduce
And legend has it that Lumiere offers a small favor to yourself or report on your progress, read out the
those more willing to commit to adventure (regardless of “Introductory Line/Oath of Adventure.”
race, faith, etc.). The GM should give them the Sword’s Grace when all
This is the power of the “Sword’s Grace,” which the PCs have done this.
produces modest but sometimes dramatic results. It will be easier to understand if you give them a poker
chip or a card. Please copy and use the card from the next
Introductory Line/Oath of Adventure page to see the effect of the Sword’s Grace.
Introductory Line Sword's Grace has the following features.
If you have introduced the “Sword’s Grace” rule, you
can set up an “Introductory Line” for each PC. - You can get only one per session.
This is a kind of closing line of self-introduction, in - Even if it is not used, it cannot be carried over to the next
which the PC's characteristics and personality are session.
summarized in advance in a sentence (a simple one will do).
Effects of Sword's Grace
Example 1) “I am Arthur, the Human Warrior, and with The Sword's Grace has the power to make the Skill
my sword, I shall fight for all that is just and true!” Check more favorable.
Example 2) “"I am Black, a Magic Warrior. Though I am There are two ways to use Sword's Grace. In either
not the most popular in town, I take great pride in carrying usage, Sword's Grace will be lost.
out my duty with excellence.”
Bonus due to “Sword's Grace”
Oath of Adventure 1) Declaration before your Skill Check
When you are playing a campaign (a series of The player gains a +4 bonus to their roll. If they fail the
adventures) from the second session, take the “Oath of check, they do not lose the “Sword's Grace.”
Adventure.” 2) Declaration after seeing the result of others' Skill Check
This can be decided in advance, or you can make an Gives a +2 bonus to the roll of others. This effect cannot
impromptu declaration after reviewing the previous stack.
Column: Introductory Line and Oath of Adventure announce one's name to friends who have adventured with
At the beginning of the session, it is a standard exchange one another many times.
that the GM says, “Now, please introduce yourself.” On the other hand, the “Oath of Adventure” is easier
When you play for the first time, you may wonder, to improvise after the first adventure. It is enough to say, “I
“What should I say?” will do my best this time or better than the last,” or “Look
In such cases, if you have this “Introductory Line” how I have grown!” It is also good to make up a set phrase
prepared in advance, you only need to read it out loud, (e.g., “I will protect the peace of <place name>!)
which makes you feel at ease. It is easier to read a written
introduction than improvise a self-introduction. The GM should give the player “Sword's Grace” not for
In this case, you want to include the following elements: their performance or dialogue but for the player's
the character's name, race, type (or primary class), and the enthusiasm and willingness to play TTRPG.
message or motivation you wish to convey. Even among TTRPG fans, some are not good at talking
However, make a simple one at first, without thinking or are reserved. Please use these Sword's Grace rules to
too hard and with the first priority to “tell what kind of enhance the sense of solidarity and enjoyment together
character” it is. without forcing excessive roleplay.
On the other hand, the “Oath of Adventure” should be
used at the time of the second adventure. It is strange to
Part 2 Character Creation
4th Level Character Creation
In SW2.5, adventurer level 2 to 3 are newcomers, 4 to
6 are mid-level adventurers, 7 to 10 are strong adventurers,
and 11 to 15 are heroes.
And for players who want to play with a more
experienced adventurer, you can create a 4th-level
adventurer who has reached the intermediate level.
Basically, it is the same as creating 2nd-level adventurers
and then growing them to 4th level.
First, create a 2nd-level character according to Steps 1 -
5 (see p. 62) of this book, and then grow it to the 4th level.
At this time, please do not yet perform “6. Shop and
Equip” and “7. Calculate the Values”.
When the growth to 4th level character is completed,
select equipment from the list of “Equipment by Type - 4th
Level” (see p. 114) and adjust the final numerical values.
If you want more detailed growth procedures, please
refer to page 188 of Core Rulebook I.
Class Composition
Group A
Major Primary class Major Subclass
Major Primary class Minor Subclass
Part 2 Character Creation
Recommended Combat Feat by Improving Strategy
Improving Acquired
Category Combat Feat Description
Strategy Assumption
[Weapon Proficiency A/**] (see p.
- Always +1 to damage when equipped with a ** weapon.
- [Power Strike I] (see p. 125) When declaring damage +4, Evasion check -2
When declared, add Magic Power to the weapon's
Improving - [Mana Strike] (see p. 125)
damage, resistances -2
Grappler only. When declared, Enemy Defense
- [Armor Piercer] (see p. 125)
Halved, Critical Threshold +1
Throw Improving Grappler 3 [Improved Throw I] (see p. 125) Always active. Power of Throw +10
Only when the 2H weapon is used. When declared,
Fighter 3 [Cleave I] (see p. 125)
attacks up to 3 at a time. Damage -3
Range Attacks
Only when using Tail. When declared, it attacks up to 3
- [Tail Swing I] (see p. 125)
targets at the same time. Accuracy -1
Warrior, Spy, - [Aimed Attack I] (see p. 125) When declared, Accuracy +1, Critical Threshold +1
Magic Warrior Only when the 2H weapon is used. When declared, an
Improving - [Repeated Strike I] (see p. 125)
Categories Accuracy check can be made twice
- [Taunting Strike I] (see p. 125) When declared, damage -2. Draws enemies to you.
Accuracy -2, damage +2; if evaded, enemy Evasion check
- [Decoy Attack I] (see p. 125)
Critical Threshold -1 (minimum 8) per a successful
- [Dodge] (see p. 125)
Evasion check.
- [Dual Wielding] (see p. 124) Can handle weapons with both hands. Accuracy -2
- [Armor Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124) Always +1 to Defense when equipped with ** armor
Shielding - [Cover I] (see p. 125) When declared, you redirect the target's damage to you
Evasion [Evasive Maneuvers I] (see p. 124) Always Evasion +1
Level 3
- [Defensive Stance] (see p. 124) Evasion, Fortitude, Willpower +4, -4 for others
When declaring, a spell with “Target: 1 Character” is
[Metamagic/Targets] (see p. 125)
applied to multiple targets at the same time.
Enhance Spells
[Universal Metamagic] (see p. 125) Can use all [Metamagic/**]
Use of “Shot”
- [Targeting] (see p. 124) Do not stray with spells or ranged attacks
Magic Attack
- [Violentcast I] (see p. 125) When declared, the damage spell’s success value +2
Shooting the
Remote Support, Can fire from a friendly rearguard area into an enemy
Enemy [Targeting] [Hawk Eye] (see p. 124)
Magic Warrior rearguard area
When declared, the spell’s area is limited to “1
Reduced Area - [Magic Convergence] (see p. 124)
Ranged Weapons 2H ranged weapons only. When declared, skip one turn.
- [Aimed Shot] (see p. 129)
Improving Double the damage.
- [Additional Songs I] (see p. 124) Always. Acquire additional Spellsong or Finale
Bard 3 [Intense Finale] (see p. 124) Always, Finale Power +10
Bard 3 [Rhythm Conversion] (see p. 124) When declaring, change one Rhythm
When declared, Finale resistance becomes “Can't” but
Bard 3 [Confident Performer] (see p. 124)
cannot be critical
Column: When in Doubt, choose this Combat Feat! Conjurer: [Magic Convergence] (see p. 124)
All of the combat feats are so attractive that it might be [Universal Metamagic] (see p. 125)
hard to decide which one to choose! Priest: [Targeting] (see p. 124)
So, here are two types of combat feats for each type, so [Universal Metamagic] (see p. 125)
please choose one of them. Fairy Tamer: [Metamagic/Targets] (see p. 125)
[Violentcast I] (see p. 125)
Warrior: [Weapon Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124) Archer: [Weapon Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124)
[Armor Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124) [Aimed Shot] (see p. 125)
Sworder: [Weapon Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124) Minstrel: [Rhythm Conversion] (see p. 124)
[Evasive Maneuvers I] (see p. 124) [Intense Finale] (see p. 124)
Boxer: [Weapon Proficiency A/Wrestling] (see p. 124) Magic Warrior: [Armor Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124)
[Armor Piercer I] (see p. 125) [Metamagic/Targets] (see p. 125)
Spy: [Weapon Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124) Magic Sworder: [Mana Strike] (see p. 125)
[Evasive Maneuvers I] (see p. 124) [Evasive Maneuvers I] (see p. 124)
Sorcerer: [Metamagic/Targets] (see p. 125) Artificer: [Hawk Eye] (see p. 124)
[Violentcast I] (see p. 125) [Weapon Proficiency A/**] (see p. 124)
Part 2 Character Creation
①Select a set from “Type of Equipment” under your If you are interested in detailing a character who has
Strength reached the 4th level or what kind of activities they have
②Select Item Pack from “Item Packs for Specific Classes been doing since they started their current adventure until
- 4th Level.” they reached this level, you can check this table.
You may have played an active role, or you may have
③Select Item Pack from “Additional Item Packs”
made a number of unexpected mistakes. For each
④Determine Remaining Money
character, make a memory (a record of your adventures) by
rolling for each column of the table.
Basically, it is the same as the initial creation, but
You can decide whether or not to apply this rule. If you
“③Select Item Pack from “Additional Item Packs” is are not satisfied with the result of the table, you may ignore
added. It is a suggestion for the effective use of money in its result, or you may rewrite the table.
case you have too much money left over and do not have
Human Environment Table
D66 Environment Explanation
You were born in almost no man's land, rugged mountainous terrain, or remote islands. The weather
11 – 12 Harsh Nature
and climate were not favorable, and life itself was a struggle.
You were born and raised in a rich natural environment where water and plants are abundant and easy
13 – 14 Peaceful Nature
to spend time in.
15 – 16 Poor Farming Village You were born in a poor farming village where the land was barren and did not yield many crops.
You were born in a farming village with good soil and water sources. In some cases, you might be able
21 – 22 Peaceful Farming Village
to lead stable and affluent life.
You were born into a family of priests who served God. God was close to you, and you had the
23 – 24 In the Temple
opportunity to receive special education and profound faith.
Shanty Town (Small You were born in a poor neighborhood in a small city. Life was hard, crime was rampant, and it was a
25 – 26
Town) difficult environment for a child to survive.
Ruling Class (Small You were born into a family that governed a small city. Although not very wealthy, you had access to a
31 – 32
Town) variety of education and training.
General Townspeople
33 – 34 You were born in an ordinary town household. Although not wealthy, you grew up in ordinary life.
(Small town/City)
You were born and raised in back alleys and garbage dumps, where there was not even a proper house.
35 – 36 Slums (City)
In many cases, one or both parents were absent, and your life was similar to those of cats and dogs.
You were born in a block of shabby houses. Life was hard, and crime was rampant. It is still better to
41 – 42 Shanty Town (City) be raised in an orphanage such as a temple, but many of the children are involved in crimes from an
early age.
You were born into a family of wealthy merchants, artisans, or knowledgeable people. You had a stable
43 – 44 Upper class (City)
life, no difficulty getting a daily meal, and access to various kinds of education and training.
You were born into a wealthy family that had achieved great success in business, war, or adventure. A
45 – 46 Wealthy (City) life of luxury was the norm, with access to special education and training. You had no difficulties in
your early life.
You were born into a former noble family or a noble family that lost power after a power struggle.
Born in Fallen Aristocracy
51 – 52 Although you received excellent education and training, life was hard, and you were often raised by
parents who struggled with pride and prestige.
Military/Knight Class You were born into a military family. Although you received special education and training in a strict
53 – 54
(City) environment, many of your family members were killed in wars.
You were born into families involved in the running of the city (often lower nobility or bureaucrats);
55 – 56 Ruling Class (City) had position and power, were often wealthy and stable, and had access to a variety of education and
training opportunities.
You were born into a traditional family that contributed to the establishment of the city or state. You
had strong positions and power and lived a wealthy and stable life. You had access to special education
61 – 62 Nobility (City)
and training and were educated in the pride and philosophy appropriate to your position. Go to the
“Reasons Why Nobility goes on Adventures” table.
You were born into families with knowledge, such as sorcerers, sages, and researchers. Books and other
63 – 64 Intellectuals (City)
sources of knowledge were commonplace, and it was easy for you to receive special education.
You were born into a family of adventurers or former adventurers. You often have negative or positive
attitudes toward the adventurous lifestyle, and in some cases, you hide the fact that they were
65 – 66 Adventurers
adventurers. You had many opportunities to learn special skills and knowledge, but you do not know
if your parents will be good mentors.
Part 2 Character Creation
Dwarven Environment Table
D66 Environment Explanation
You were born in an old Dwarven settlement at the foot of an active volcano. Because you have been
11 – 12 Volcano taught that the harsh environment is what creates a person, the outside world may seem lukewarm to
You were born of an ingenious group of mountain diggers in search of gems and rare stones. Their
13 – 14 Gems Diggers
brilliance still fascinates you today.
You were into a family of ingenuity that mines gold, silver, manatite, iron.... minerals for blacksmithing.
15 – 16 Tunnel Diggers
Dark tunnels are like your home.
You are a dwarf born of different race parents. You must have had dwarves in your ancestry. You are
21 – 22 From Another World
not familiar with Dwarven common sense and tend to behave in an un-Dwarvish manner.
You were a tinker's child who traveled from village to village and town, repairing items and sharpening
23 – 24 Wandering Tinker
knives. Thanks to this, you must have become accustomed to traveling and have a keen ear for rumors.
You come from a family of kiln workers who are always on the lookout for the perfect moment to
25 – 26 Kiln Workers finish a piece of work in the kiln. Your parents instilled in you the virtue of patience, which you may
or may not have embraced.
You were born in a Dwarven restaurant. As all of them, they are based on the art of fire use. Thanks
31 – 32 The Flame Chef
to this, whether you can cook or not, your tastes have become refined.
You were born and raised in a family of armorers who make swords, axes, spears, hammers... and a
Blacksmith's Family
33 – 34 variety of other weapons. You were raised in the blacksmithing environment. Whatever path you
choose, you will know a certain amount about weapons.
Congregation of the You were born into a deeply religious family, deeply devoted to the Blazing Emperor Grendal. You
35 – 36
Blazing Emperor may have aspired to be a priest, or you may have rebelled against the faith.
Blacksmith's Family You were born and raised in a family of blacksmiths who specialized in making metal armor. The spirit
41 – 42
(Armor) of the craftsman who customizes armor for each individual is in you.
You were born into a royal lineage that united neighboring Dwarven kingdoms. However, many of the
43 – 44 Royal Lineage Dwarven kingdoms were destroyed or taken by the Barbarous during the Diabolic Triumph. As from
royal lineage, you will be expected to rebuild or recapture them.
You were born into a family of craftsmen who created jewelry of such delicacy and elegance that it is
45 – 46 Jewelry Makers
hard to believe with Dwarven thick fingers. You were either repulsed by its beauty or fascinated by it.
You were born and raised in an environment conducive to learning magitech. Maybe junk dealers, or
51 – 52 People of the Machine
perhaps members of the Institute Of Magitechnology.
Blacksmith's Family You were born and raised in a family of blacksmiths who made various items for daily use. You learned
53 – 54
(Items) the spirit of craftsmanship and taking good care of things there.
55 – 56 Beautiful Beard There was a dwarf proud of his beard nearby. You couldn't help admiring the splendor as a child.
Music has been a part of your life since you were a child. You may have been born and raised in a
61 – 62 Musical Family family of instrument makers, or you may have been raised by a minstrel. You may like music, or you
may not like music.
You have always loved to take things apart and reassemble them. Now, your hobby is making new
63 – 64 Natural-born Inventor
Blessing of the Blazing You grew up being told that your mother dreamed that the Blazing Emperor Grendal blessed you just
65 – 66
Emperor before you were born. You are free to believe it or not.
Part 2 Character Creation
Runefolk Environment Table
D66 Environment Explanation
You found yourself born from a generator abandoned in ruins. In search of someone you could call your
11 – 12 Lonesome Awakening
master, you began to wander.
You were made in a Runefolk village. You developed a strong sense of duty to protect the generator and
13 – 14 Made in the Village
a sense of solidarity among Runefolk.
You were created by a master who forced you to do hard and dangerous work. You were faithful, but
15 – 16 Unwanted Awakening
you also had doubts about continuing to endure this unreasonableness.
You were sleeping in a damaged generator. You don't know what the purpose of the generator was. But
21 – 22 Excavated from the Ruins
you have the knowledge and ability to go on adventures and a sense of mission to accomplish something.
You were created by the person you were to serve. You were happy to serve that person. But that person
23 – 24 Sought Awakening
died unexpectedly early, leaving you with unwanted freedom.
The owner of the generator was an atrocious person who treated Runefolk like objects. Unable to endure
25 – 26 Cruel Master
the hard labor and violence, you chose to escape.
You were created as an assistant to the wizard, and you lived to help them with their many types of
research and practices. Your mentor, who may have been tired of you, satisfied with you, recognized
31 – 32 Wizard's Assistant
your talent, or died suddenly, has let you go. The knowledge of magic that you have acquired so far may
be useful.
You were created for a reason: to be a warrior. You could have joined a city police force or a national
33 – 34 Warrior
army and learned the fundamentals and techniques of warfare. It is up to you to make the most of it.
You were born to be a maid/butler for a rich or noble family. You have learned history, etiquette, and
35 – 36 Upper class Maid/Butler guardianship and served them well as a maid/butler. But for some reason or another, you lost the person
you were meant to serve.
You were raised as a Human child (or any other race) by a couple who lost their child. Therefore, you
41 – 42 Substitute Child
may think that you are Human, or you may be pained by the false relationship.
A Member of a Criminal Criminal organizations are always in need of assets. You were created as an immediate asset and made
43 – 44
Organization to commit crimes regardless of your own will. But that will not last long. You can choose to be free.
Brought up in a You spent your life in a kitchen environment. You were free to decide if you wanted to be a cook or a
45 – 46
Restaurant waiter, and the master of the kitchen did not want to constrain you.
You had lost almost all of your memories since birth. You must have died several times and lost your
51 – 52 Don’t Remember memory (a runefolk loses the memory of the most recent year when they die and come back to life).
Why did you die and come back to life? You want to know that.
You were created for a reason. You were created for a reason, and for that reason, you learned the
53 – 54 Mission
fundamentals of the art of war, magic, and adventure. And the reason for your creation will come.
You were created for a reason, and for that reason, you learned the fundamentals of fighting, magic, and
55 – 56 Magitech Experts adventure. And the reason why you were created - you are free to decide, and at some point, someone
(mainly the GM) will tell you your mission.
Several (or many) Runefolk exactly like you have been created. But it is up to you to develop your own
61 – 62 Mass Production Model
You have been neglected and unneeded for so many years since you were created. It is time for you to
63 – 64 Unsold Model
show your value.
You, who have only an artificial soul, cannot hear the voice of God. But you have faith, and you take
Performing Religious
65 – 66 pleasure in taking care of those who worship God. It is not bad to live according to the teachings of God,
even though you cannot hear their voice.
Part 2 Character Creation
Lykant Environment Table
D66 Environment Explanation
The Weak and the Strong You were born and raised in a natural environment where the simple rule is that the strong prosper over
11 – 12
(Nature) the weak.
The Weak and the Strong You were born and raised in a civilized society with a simple rule: the strong prosper by conquering the
13 – 14
(Civilization) weak. There is no status disparity, no meritocracy, and so on.
15 – 16 Loner You were born and raised in a solitary environment with absolutely no one to rely on.
You were born of longing and raised with great care. You may be the first child of a distinguished lineage,
21 – 22 Treasured Child
or you may have been born in the rituals of an evil cult.
You grew up in a very small village or hamlet. You may have your own culture, morals, and legends or
23 – 24 Tiny
dream of the outside world.
You were discriminated against, mistaken as Barbarous (Lycanthrope, etc.), treated as a slave, kept as a
25 – 26 Hard Life
pet animal, etc.
Deep in your souls, you retain strong animalistic habits. You tend to follow your animal instincts, which
31 – 32 Soul of the Beast
may become stronger the more distressed you are.
You were born and raised in an environment surrounded by different cultures, such as Lykant, beasts,
33 – 34 Intercultural Exchange
and races.
35 – 36 Peaceful Nature You grew up in an environment rich in flora, fauna, and water, close to nature with few hazards.
Your parents were special. They may have been a rare species of Lykans, or Barbarous or Animals may
41 – 42 Special Parents have been your foster parents. This could be a normal parent and child relationship, or you were
depending on each other to live.
You were born into an environment that was close to armaments, such as a blacksmith or weaponsmith.
43 – 44 People of Arms
You may be attached to a particular piece of armament, or they may dislike it altogether.
You were raised in an environment rich in music. In some cases, you genuinely enjoyed the sound, while
45 – 46 People of Music in other cases, you may have been intoxicated by offensive music or rebelled against their overly carefree
51 – 52 People of God You were from a priest family or frequented temples and were close to God.
You were raised in an environment characterized by smells. It could be a field of flowers or a war zone
53 – 54 Strong Smell
surrounded by corpses.
Legends and fairy tales about becoming something other than oneself strongly influenced you. You may
55 – 56 Story of Metamorphosis have dreamed of being a righteous hero or an underworld boss, or they may have been frightened by the
prospect of becoming a ghost after your death.
You had access to a wide variety of food. You may seek new foods because of your discerning palates or
61 – 62 Gourmet
become indifferent because you have been given too much.
You were born and raised in the midst of a mobile trading fleet. It could be a group patrolling the desert
63 – 64 Caravan
or a fleet of magic vessels flying around the world.
You were born into a family of kings who united many tribes. But only a strong child can inherit the
65 – 66 King of Beasts
throne. And you are not strong yet.
Part 2 Character Creation
Grassrunners Environment Table
Grassrunners Environment Table
D66 Environment Explanation
With a Family in a You grew up in a grassland community where Grassrunners stay. Protected by your parents, you had a
11 – 12
Grassland Community lively life with your friends.
With Friends in a Prairie You grew up in a grassland community where Grassrunners stay, but your parents left you early.
13 – 14
Community However, as a child of the community, you were taken care of by many of your friends.
Strayed from the Prairie You grew up in a grassland community where Grassrunners stay. One day, however, you found that their
15 – 16
Community tents had disappeared, and you were left behind by your friends.
You were born to parents who belonged to a caravan of merchants, and you grew up traveling. Knowledge
21 – 22 Away from Home
of business and travel will come very naturally to you.
You were born to traveling entertainer parents and grew up with music and dances. You are familiar with
23 – 24 From Town to Town
various arts, gossip, and traveling knowledge.
You were born to nomadic parents and grew up with horseback riding and hunting, sufficient to gain
25 – 26 From Prairie to Prairie
knowledge of mounts, hunting, and travel.
You may have been separated from your parents, or you may have had some unforeseen circumstances.
31 – 32 Entrusted Life
As a child, you were sent to another race to be raised as a baby.
Growing up in the You were raised in a family of wealthy Grassrunners living in the city. Although your instinct to travel was
33 – 34
City/Wealthy tingling, you understood the advantages of a stable and affluent life.
Growing up in the You were raised in a family of Grassrunners living in the city. You had friends of other races, mischievous
35 – 36
City/General and lively, and had a longing for travel and the world.
You are a Grassrunner orphan. You were lucky enough to be picked up in the temple, but you never
Growing up in the
41 – 42 heard the voice of God. Grateful but feeling small, you were waiting for your chance to go out into the
Growing up in the You are a Grassrunner orphan. Because of your skills, you were very useful in the underworld. It is up
43 – 44
City/Underworld to the orphan to decide whether to sink into the darkness of the underworld or leave for a brighter place.
You grew up in the forest as a carefree hunter. You had no food shortage in the lush forests and lived a
45 – 46 Wild Child of the Forest
fulfilling life surrounded by nature, except for being a little lonely.
It is not known where you were born or if your parents exist. However, it is said that you were rescued
51 – 52 Friend with Daemon?
by adventurers or soldiers when you were with Daemon(s).
53 – 54 Alone You found yourself wandering alone with no clear memories of your parents or hometown.
You were raised to be an assassin in the middle of nowhere or in the slums of the city. But when you
55 – 56 Village of Assassins
were growing up, you had a question. “Why do I have to stay here?”
You were born to a royal or noble family, the son of a clown. You were good at making fun of those in
61 – 62 Child of Clowns/City
power and had plenty of opportunities to gain knowledge of politics, genealogy, and treasures.
Grew up in a Craftsman's Your skills and sense of balance were valued in a craftsman's home from your childhood. You are used
63 – 64
House/City to making things and working at heights.
Somehow, you were raised in a military home, and because of your Grassrunner instincts, you
65 – 66 Raised in the Army/City understood that you were not suited for military life, but at the same time, you knew how to make the
military happy or annoyed.
Part 2 Character Creation
Tiens Environment Table
D66 Environment Explanation
You were born as a direct descendant of the legendary “Wall Guardians” (see CR I, p. 341). You may
Direct Lineage of the
11 – 12 be the son/daughter of the legendary guardian who was sleeping in a state of suspended animation and
Great Guardians
may have had a chance to see the battlefield firsthand.
You were born into a family of generations of Wall Guardians. You were trained to be a Wall Guardian
Famous Family of
13 – 14 from your childhood. You have a mansion in a town near the Wall of the Abyss, and in a secret place
in the mansion, his ancestors Wall Guardians, are sleeping.
You were born into a group of mercenaries who were hired to protect towns and villages. You were
15 – 16 Group of Mercenaries born somewhere on the round because they moved to different towns and villages when their term of
employment ended. In addition to fighting skills, you may have learned arithmetic and etiquette.
You were born in a desolate place, exposed to Daemon and Barbarous attacks. There was no
21 – 22 Battlefield community; the only people you could rely on were your few family members and friends. Even that
could be lost tomorrow.
You were born on a journey from one place to another without a specific place of living. You were
23 – 24 Free People taught the skills and knowledge necessary to survive on your own. Your parents were probably
merchants or adventurers.
You were born in a remote pioneer village. The surrounding area was inhabited by many ferocious
monsters other than Daemons and Barbarous, and the land was still being cultivated, so it was a harsh
25 – 26 Remote Village
environment to live in. Your parents are often responsible for protecting the village from foreign
You were born in a small village surrounded by rich nature. You were able to lead a stable life because
31 – 32 Rural Settlement
your farm yielded a certain amount of harvest, and you were able to hunt small animals in the wild.
Born or raised in temples or temple-run orphanages, you lived a religious life and had the opportunity
33 – 34 Temple/Orphanage to learn theology and other knowledge from priests, often in temples of Eve or Harula. There you
were often taught the art of fighting Daemons.
Shanty Town (Small You were born in a poor section of a small city. Life was hard, crime was rampant, and it was difficult
35 – 36
Town) for you as a child to survive.
General Townspeople You were born in a small city to a family of ordinary townspeople. Although not wealthy, you grew up
41 – 42
(Small Town) in ordinary life.
You were born into an upper-class family of nobles, aristocrats, and rulers in a small city. Although not
Upper/Ruling Class
43 – 44 very wealthy, you were able to receive special training in arithmetic and etiquette from an early age. In
(Small Town)
many cases, your family members were engaged in work related to security and defense.
You were born and raised in back alleys and garbage dumps without a proper house. In many cases,
45 – 46 Slums/Shanty Town (City) one or both of your parents were absent, and the lives of children were as short as those of cats and
dogs, and many of them turn to crime to survive.
General Townspeople You were born into a family of ordinary townspeople living in a large city. You had a relatively stable
51 – 52
(City) job, and although it was difficult to live in luxury, it was not too difficult to survive.
Military/Knight Class You were born into a military family. Although you received special education and training in a strict
53 – 54
(City) environment, many of your family members were killed in the war.
Born into an upper-class family, such as a prominent person, nobleman, or ruler in a large city, you
55 – 56 Upper/Ruling Class (City) had a position and power and were able to lead a wealthy and stable life. You had opportunities to
receive various kinds of education and training.
You were born into families with knowledge, such as sorcerers, sages, and researchers. Books and other
61 – 62 Intellectuals sources of knowledge were commonplace, and you had opportunities to receive special education. In
particular, you were often taught about Daemons and Abyss.
You were born in a school where swordsmanship, archery, magical warfare, and the art of war were
63 – 64 School Owner/Instructor taught. From an early age, you learned these skills and received special training. In some cases, your
parents were employed by a prominent person, a nobleman, or a lord as an instructor for their children.
You were born in a small village hidden away in a rugged mountainous area or a remote island where
almost no one lived. You were thoroughly trained in the skills and knowledge needed to fight Daemons
65 – 66 Hidden Village
and Barbarous from an early age. When you came of age, you left your village and spent your time
fighting. Only those who survived to a certain age were allowed to return.
Part 2 Character Creation
Human Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years 100 years (x1)
“Human Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Lived as a Hunter For a living or as part of your education? You have learned to hunt early and
11 – 12 None A11 B5 C7 D7 E4 F4 have shown glimpses of your talent.
(Focus on Accuracy)
Craftsmanship Qualities Whether it was a job or a hobby, you were good at detailed work, and it
13 – 14 None A11 B5 C7 D7 E4 F4 never worried you.
(Focus on Accuracy)
Lived with Crime The world is full of opportunities. You have realized this, and at the same
15 – 16 None A11 B5 C7 D7 E4 F4 time, you have learned how to get what you want without being noticed.
(Focus on Accuracy)
The Mountains and
Running through fields, through forests, and over mountains. Nature has
21 – 22 None Fields as Your Garden A8 B8 C8 D8 E5 F5 tested and trained you in every way possible.
Excellent Educational Is it because of your parent's wealth or by chance or fate? You have been
23 – 24 None A8 B8 C8 D8 E5 F5 blessed with many teachers and many possibilities.
Environment (Balance)
Overflowing Sense of Everyone is good at something, and everyone is not good at something. But
25 – 26 None A8 B8 C8 D8 E5 F5 you were good at everything.
Style (Balance)
Careful Life From an early age, you knew the importance of being alert. It has helped you
31 – 32 None A8 B7 C6 D7 E8 F6 to spot things and to recognize dangers.
(Generic Search)
Treasures in the
To survive, you had to find something of value in the garbage. That was the
33 – 34 None Garbage (Generic A8 B7 C6 D7 E8 F6 art of survival.
Danger Sensitive You had to avoid danger to survive. That is why you have become sensitive
35 – 36 None A8 B7 C6 D7 E8 F6 to danger and quick-witted.
(Generic Search)
Run Away! Were you a back alley orphan or a hunter's child running in the wild?
41 – 42 None A5 B11 C6 D6 E5 F5 Running away was always the greatest weapon between life and death.
(Focus on Evasion)
You grew up where there were many enemies, whether in battle or in
43 – 44 None A5 B11 C6 D6 E5 F5 training. But even if they outnumbered you, it was not easy for them to catch
(Focus on Evasion) you.
Speedster You were faster than anyone else in the neighborhood. For boys and girls,
45 – 46 None A5 B11 C6 D6 E5 F5 you were a symbol of admiration.
(Focus on Evasion)
The Little Hero You never lost to anyone in terms of strength of arms and legs. You were
51 – 52 Sworder A5 B5 C11 D7 E5 F5 often the center of the group and could be relied upon.
(Focus on Striking)
Strong Man You helped with physical work from an early age and were known as a strong
53 – 54 Sworder A5 B5 C11 D7 E5 F5 man whom even adults admired.
(Focus on Striking)
You had a relative or neighbor who was an excellent martial artist. From an
Art of War
55 – 56 Sworder A5 B5 C11 D7 E5 F5 early age, you had the opportunity to receive instruction from them and train
(Focus on Striking) your body.
Sworder, Harsh Environments Heat or cold. Dryness, heat waves, flooding, snowfall. You have survived in
61 – 62 A5 B5 C9 D9 E5 F9 these harsh environments. Therefore, you are naturally strong.
Boxer (Focus on Durability)
Were you imprisoned? Was it a miserable working environment? Your
Sworder, With Patience
63 – 64 A5 B5 C9 D9 E5 F9 spirit has endured loneliness and unreasonableness, and your body has been
Boxer (Focus on Durability) trained. Your body, your mind, will not be easily broken.
Returned Back from the You have been seriously ill or mortally wounded. But your mind has not
65 – 66 Brink of Death A5 B5 C9 D9 E5 F9 succumbed to illness or injury, and your body has become stronger than
Boxer ever.
(Focus on Durability)
Part 2 Character Creation
Hawk Eye No matter where it was hidden, you always found what you sought. It's hard to fool your
51 – 54 A8 B3 C5 D5 E11 F6
(Search Oriented) eyes, and lies won't work.
Quick Fingers and
55 – 62 Feet A8 B3 C5 D5 E11 F6 Your fingertips easily unlocked any device or lock. You were quick and brilliant.
(Search Oriented)
Running on Air You thought it was a bad taste to give off a sign. You were quick, calm, and always first to
63 – 66 A8 B3 C5 D5 E11 F6
(Search Oriented) accomplish your goal.
Elven Childhood Experiences Table
Elven Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years 500 years (x5)
“Elven Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Lived as a Hunter You grew up in a hunter's home and spent your childhood touring the
11 – 13 A10 B7 C4 D7 E5 F4
(Focus on Accuracy) mountains and fields.
Craftsmanship Qualities Elven craftsmanship is astonishingly exquisite and beautiful. You were
14 – 16 A10 B7 C4 D7 E5 F4
(Focus on Accuracy) exposed to craftsmanship at an early age and showed glimpses of your talent.
You may be a weak elf, but your superior fighting skills were passed down
Battle Readiness
21 – 23 A10 B7 C4 D7 E5 F4 from generation to generation. You have learned and trained the art of
(Focus on Accuracy)
warfare since you were a child.
The Mountains and Fields Running through fields, through forests, and over mountains. Nature has
24 – 26 A7 B7 C4 D7 E6 F7
as Your Garden (Balance) tested and trained you in every way possible.
Excellent Educational Is it because of your parent's wealth or by chance or fate? You have been
31 – 33 A7 B7 C4 D7 E6 F7
Environment (Balance) blessed with many teachers and many possibilities.
Overflowing Sense of Everyone is good at something, and everyone is not good at something. But
34 – 36 A7 B7 C4 D7 E6 F7
Style (Balance) you were good at everything.
Patrol Work Your home in the forest or by the lake. You used to accompany them on
41 – 43 A7 B7 C4 D6 E9 F5
(Generic Search) patrols to find monsters and foreign enemies.
Careful Life From an early age, you knew the importance of being alert. It has helped
44 – 46 A7 B7 C4 D6 E9 F5
(Generic Search) you to spot things and to recognize dangers.
Gatherer You were helping to collect ingredients and materials in various places, in
51 – 53 A7 B7 C4 D6 E9 F5
(Generic Search) the sea, rivers, lakes, forests, and mountains.
In the forests and waters of your hometown, you were the messenger. Speed
54 – 56 A7 B11 C3 D6 E4 F4 was the most important factor in conveying information. Your feet did their
(Focus on Evasion)
job well.
You went out of the safety of your village as a child, either on business or
Attacked by a Monster
61 – 63 A7 B11 C3 D6 E4 F4 just out of curiosity. You were attacked by a monster there, but you are alive
(Focus on Evasion)
today thanks to your superior leg strength.
Fastest Among the fastest Elves, you were especially fast. Even the adults took a
64 – 66 A7 B11 C3 D6 E4 F4
(Focus on Evasion) glance at you.
Part 2 Character Creation
Dwarven Childhood Experiences Table
Dwarven Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years 200 years (x2)
“Dwarven Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Craftsmanship Dwarven craftsmanship is so exquisite and beautiful that it is prized
11 – 13 None Qualities (Focus on A16 B2 C8 D8 E2 F11 everywhere. You have either grown up in such a workshop, or you
Accuracy) have worked in it, and have been found to have the right qualities.
From pulleys to complex gears, you had the opportunity to touch
Machine Maintenance
14 – 16 None A16 B2 C8 D8 E2 F11 and maintain all kinds of machines. As a matter of course, his fingers
(Focus on Accuracy)
were trained.
Although you look slow and heavy, your blows are unmatched in
Accurate Shooting
21 – 23 None A16 B2 C8 D8 E2 F11 accuracy. The foundation for this is built through training since
(Focus on Accuracy)
Mineral Exploration Dwarves are associated with fire and iron. Therefore, the search for
24 – 26 None A15 B5 C5 D5 E5 F11
(Generic Search) mineral deposits is instilled in them from an early age.
As an artisan and armorer, it is important to have an eye for things.
An Eye for Value
31 – 33 None A15 B5 C5 D5 E5 F11 You have been trained or blessed with the opportunity to see the
(Generic Search)
fine works and treasures of your ancestors and predecessors.
Noticed an Intruder You were the first to notice the presence of a dangerous monster
34 – 36 None A15 B5 C5 D5 E5 F11
(Generic Search) that had invaded your hometown. It was a great success.
Superior Physical Among Dwarves who boast of their physical strength, you have
41 – 43 None Strength A14 B2 C10 D8 E2 F11 excelled since you were a child. Since then, you have never lost in a
(Focus on Striking) contest of strength.
Helped with
You carried heavy materials and items and helped with the work.
44 – 46 None Blacksmithing A14 B2 C10 D8 E2 F11
These days were tougher than any training.
(Focus on Striking)
Trained Martial Arts There were good warriors in your family or neighborhood. You
51 – 53 None A14 B2 C10 D8 E2 F11
(Focus on Striking) were fortunate to learn martial arts from them.
Heat or cold. Dryness, heat waves, flooding, snowfall. You have
Harsh Environments
54 – 56 Boxer A14 B1 C9 D10 E1 F12 survived in these harsh environments. Therefore, you are naturally
(Focus on Durability)
Were you imprisoned? Was it a miserable working environment?
With Patience Your spirit has endured loneliness and unreasonableness, and your
61 – 63 Boxer A14 B1 C9 D10 E1 F12
(Focus on Durability) body has been trained. Your body, your mind, will not be easily
Returned Back from You have been seriously ill or mortally wounded. But your mind has
64 – 66 Boxer the Brink of Death A14 B1 C9 D10 E1 F12 not succumbed to illness or injury, and your body has become
(Focus on Durability) stronger than ever.
Part 2 Character Creation
Wizard's Apprentice You were hired (or picked up) as a servant by a wizard of another race. You
54 – 56 Archer A8 B1 C3 D7 E6 F17
(Pure Wizardry) were not really interested in magic, but you still had a lot to learn.
Lost in Fairy Garden When you were a child, you heard the voice of a fairy. In that environment,
61 – 63 Archer A8 B1 C3 D7 E6 F17
(Pure Wizardry) your magical awareness was nurtured.
Learned God's
You spent some time in the temple, learning from the priests. In that time,
64 – 66 Archer Teachings A8 B1 C3 D7 E6 F17
you learned many things.
(Pure Wizardry)
Runefolk Childhood Experiences Table
Runefolk Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
3 months and younger 4 – 6 months 7 months and older 7 months 50 years (x1/2)
※The 1st and 2nd happenings of Runefolk take place within a span of months, not years.
“Runefolk Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Excellent Eyesight You were born with highly accurate eyesight. To make the most of
11 – 13 None A10 B3 C9 D8 E3 F2
(Focus on Accuracy) it, you never neglect to strengthen your body.
None Fingertips Training Your fingertips move as exquisitely as precise machines. In every
14 – 16 A10 B3 C9 D8 E3 F2
(Focus on Accuracy) task, they were useful.
None Linked Eyes and Whether working, fighting, or throwing, you never miss your target.
21 – 23 Fingers (Focus on A10 B3 C9 D8 E3 F2 Your fingers moved in such a way that your throws hit where you
Accuracy) aimed.
None Worked as Scout Since ancient times, there have been many runefolk scouts on the
24 – 26 A9 B3 C6 D6 E7 F4
(Generic Search) battlefield. You, too, were trained that way by birth.
None Runefolk's butlers and maids have always been popular. That's
Worked as Servant
31 – 33 A9 B3 C6 D6 E7 F4 because they are always thorough in all their work. You have learned
(Generic Search)
from their skills and spirit.
Worked as Hunting Runefolk's specialty is not only hunting but also understanding the
34 – 36 None Companion A9 B3 C6 D6 E7 F4 hunting ground and securing safety and prey. You were well trained
(Generic Search) for this purpose.
Strived to Increase
You trained your body for the sake of someone whom you will serve
41 – 43 Sworder Strength A9 B3 C10 D8 E3 F2
in the future.
(Focus on Striking)
Prepared for Battle
44 – 46 Sworder A9 B3 C10 D8 E3 F2 You spent your day training for battle. This gave you a strong body.
(Focus on Striking)
Had Excellent Muscular
From the time you left the generator, you had the excellent muscular
51 – 53 Sworder Aptitude A9 B3 C10 D8 E3 F2
aptitude. You searched for a way to make the most of it.
(Focus on Striking)
Sworder, Master’s Shield You trained yourself not to fall easily for the sake of the master
54 – 56 A9 B3 C9 D7 E3 F4
Boxer (Focus on Durability) whom he would eventually serve.
Sworder, Endure the Harshness You were involved in accidents and disasters, but you were the only
61 – 63 A9 B3 C9 D7 E3 F4
Boxer (Focus on Durability) one who was unaffected. You know your limits and skills.
From the time you were born, you were exposed to unreasonable
Sworder, Unfazed to Reason
64 – 66 A9 B3 C9 D7 E3 F4 masters and inadequate circumstances. There is nothing worse that
Boxer (Focus on Durability)
could happen to you in your life.
Part 2 Character Creation
Nightmare Childhood Experiences Table
Nightmare Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years Unknown (arbitrary from x1 to x 3)
※The 1st Happening of Nightmare happens at x 1, and subsequent ones are calculated arbitrarily from x1 to x3.
“Nightmare Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
The Little Hero You never lost to anyone in terms of strength of arms and legs. You were
11 – 12 None A7 B7 C6 D4 E5 F4 often the center of the group and could be relied upon.
(Focus on Striking)
13 – 14 None A7 B7 C6 D4 E5 F4 From an early age, you were only allowed to work with your body.
(Focus on Striking)
You had a relative or neighbor who was an excellent martial artist. From an
Art of War
15 – 16 None A7 B7 C6 D4 E5 F4 early age, you had the opportunity to receive instruction from them and train
(Focus on Striking) your body.
Lived as a Hunter
21 – 22 None A11 B5 C3 D4 E3 F5 To survive, you had to get your own prey from an early age.
(Focus on Accuracy)
Craftsmanship Qualities
23 – 24 None A11 B5 C3 D4 E3 F5 Since you were kept indoors for so long, you became skilled at manual labor.
(Focus on Accuracy)
Lived with Crime The world is full of opportunities. You have realized this, and at the same
25 – 26 None A11 B5 C3 D4 E3 F5 time, you have learned how to get what you want without being noticed.
(Focus on Accuracy)
The Mountains and
Running through fields, through forests, and over mountains. Nature has
31 – 32 None Fields as Your Garden A8 B8 C4 D4 E5 F5 tested and trained you in every way possible.
Excellent Educational Is it because of your parent's wealth or by chance or fate? Although it was
33 – 34 None A8 B8 C4 D4 E5 F5 never publicized, you had many mentors and many opportunities.
Environment (Balance)
Overflowing Sense of Everyone is good at something, and everyone is not good at something. But
35 – 36 None A8 B8 C4 D4 E5 F5 you were good at everything.
Style (Balance)
Harsh Environments Heat or cold. Dryness, heat waves, flooding, snowfall. You have survived in
41 – 42 Boxer A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F9 these harsh environments. Therefore, you are naturally strong.
(Focus on Durability)
Were you imprisoned? Was it a miserable working environment? Your spirit
With Patience
43 – 44 Boxer A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F9 has endured loneliness and unreasonableness, and your body has been
(Focus on Durability) trained. Your body, your mind, will not be easily broken.
Returned Back from the
You have been seriously ill or mortally wounded. But your mind has not
45 – 46 Boxer Brink of Death A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F9 succumbed to illness or injury, and your body has become stronger than ever.
(Focus on Durability)
Careful Life From an early age, you knew the importance of being alert. It has helped you
51 – 52 None A7 B7 C4 D3 E8 F6 to spot things and to recognize dangers.
(Generic Search)
Treasures in the
To survive, you had to find something of value in the garbage. That was the
53 – 54 None Garbage (Generic A7 B7 C4 D3 E8 F6 art of survival.
Danger Sensitive You had to avoid danger to survive. That is why you have become sensitive
55 – 56 None A7 B7 C4 D3 E8 F6 to danger and quick-witted.
(Generic Search)
Run Away! Were you a back alley orphan or a hunter's child running in the wild?
61 – 62 None A5 B11 C3 D3 E5 F5 Running away was always the greatest weapon between life and death.
(Focus on Evasion)
Unyielding You grew up where there were many enemies, whether in battle or in training.
63 – 64 None A5 B11 C3 D3 E5 F5 But even if they outnumbered you, it was not easy for them to catch you.
(Focus on Evasion)
Speedster You were faster than anyone else in the neighborhood. For boys and girls,
65 – 66 None A5 B11 C3 D3 E5 F5 you were a symbol of admiration.
(Focus on Evasion)
Part 2 Character Creation
Hawk Eye (Search No matter where it was hidden, you always found what you sought. It's hard to fool your
51 – 54 A8 B7 C2 D1 E10 F7
Oriented) eyes, and lies won't work.
Quick Fingers and
55 – 62 Feet (Search A8 B7 C2 D1 E10 F7 Your fingertips easily unlocked any device or lock. You were quick and brilliant.
Running on Air You thought it was a bad taste to give off a sign. You were quick, calm, and always first to
63 – 66 A8 B7 C2 D1 E10 F7
(Search Oriented) accomplish your goal.
Lykant Childhood Experiences Table
Lykant Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years 150 (x1.5)
“Lykant Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Lived as a Hunter It is a common way of life for a Lykant, but that is what made your skill stand
11 – 12 None A6 B8 C7 D7 E7 F1 out.
(Focus on Accuracy)
Craftsmanship Qualities When you are a child, you learn to make bone and leather hunting talismans.
13 – 14 None A6 B8 C7 D7 E7 F1 You were exceptionally good at it.
(Focus on Accuracy)
Trickster Your skills in making fishing items, nets, and hunting traps were as good as
15 – 16 None A6 B8 C7 D7 E7 F1 those of adults.
(Focus on Accuracy)
The Mountains and
Running through fields, through forests, and over mountains. Nature has
21 – 22 None Fields as Your Garden A4 B8 C7 D7 E8 F3 tested and trained you in every way possible.
I had many opportunities to learn not only hunting but also various
23 – 24 None Open-minded (Balance) A4 B8 C7 D7 E8 F3 knowledge. It must have been thanks to a wise chief.
Overflowing Sense of Everyone is good at something, and everyone is not good at something. But
25 – 26 None A4 B8 C7 D7 E8 F3 you were good at everything.
Style (Balance)
Careful Life From an early age, you knew the importance of being alert. It has helped you
31 – 32 None A4 B7 C7 D8 E8 F3 to spot things and to recognize dangers.
(Generic Search)
Lived in the City Naturally or temporarily, you have lived in the city. There, you had to be
33 – 34 None A4 B7 C7 D8 E8 F3 more careful than in nature.
(Generic Search)
Danger Sensitive You had to avoid danger to survive. That is why you have become sensitive
35 – 36 None A4 B7 C7 D8 E8 F3 to danger and quick-witted.
(Generic Search)
Hunter You were in charge of chasing the prey you had shot with your arrows. Your
41 – 42 None A4 B9 C7 D7 E7 F2 agility was enhanced by running like a hound dog, never leaving the ground.
(Focus on Evasion)
You grew up in an environment where there were many enemies, whether
43 – 44 None A4 B9 C7 D7 E7 F2 they were other tribes, other races, or even Barbarous or monsters. You were
(Focus on Evasion) sometimes surrounded by a group of them, but you were never caught.
Speedster You were faster than anyone else in the neighborhood. For boys and girls,
45 – 46 None A4 B9 C7 D7 E7 F2 you were a symbol of admiration.
(Focus on Evasion)
The Little Hero You never lost to anyone in terms of strength of arms and legs. You were
51 – 52 Sworder A2 B8 C10 D7 E8 F2 often the center of the group and could be relied upon.
(Focus on Striking)
Strong Man You helped with physical work from an early age and were known as a strong
53 – 54 Sworder A2 B8 C10 D7 E8 F2 man whom even adults admired.
(Focus on Striking)
You had a relative or neighbor who was an excellent martial artist. From an
Art of War
55 – 56 Sworder A2 B8 C10 D7 E8 F2 early age, you had the opportunity to receive instruction from them and train
(Focus on Striking) your body.
Sworder, Caught in a Disaster You were caught up in natural disasters such as storms, floods, lightning
61 – 62 A2 B5 C9 D10 E7 F4 strikes, and forest fires. But your toughness kept you alive through it all.
Boxer (Focus on Durability)
Sworder, You were mistaken for a Barbarous or a monster and captured. Although
63 – 64 Restraints A2 B5 C9 D10 E7 F4 you were beaten up badly, you were not moved by such a thing.
(Focus on Durability)
Returned Back from the
Sworder, You have been seriously ill or mortally wounded. But your mind has not
65 – 66 Brink of Death A2 B5 C9 D10 E7 F4 succumbed to illness or injury, and your body has become stronger than ever.
(Focus on Durability)
“Lykant Childhood Experiences - Spy Category” Table
Ability Score
D66 Experience Explanation
Bold and Forceful
11 – 14 A6 B6 C6 D7 E10 F1 Your way was a bit aggressive. You took what you wanted. No hesitation.
(Combat Oriented)
Fighting was a Last Resort To avoid trouble, you were taught to avoid fighting as much as possible. However,
15 – 22 A6 B6 C6 D7 E10 F1
(Combat Oriented) when fighting, they were also taught to be merciless.
Formidable Presence You were feared even in your neighborhood. Because you were not afraid of
23 – 26 A6 B6 C6 D7 E10 F1
(Combat Oriented) hurting others.
Dexterous (General Dexterous, quick, and sharp. You didn't stand out because you knew you didn't
31 – 34 A6 B6 C5 D6 E11 F2
Purpose) need to.
Jack of all Trades (General
35 – 42 A6 B6 C5 D6 E11 F2 You were versatile and better than anyone else in every way.
Trump Card (General From an early age, you were known for your skills. In battle, in hunting, in
43 – 46 A6 B6 C5 D6 E11 F2
Purpose) searching, you were relied upon, even at a young age.
Hawk Eye (Search No matter where it was hidden, you always found what you sought. It's hard to
51 – 54 A5 B6 C5 D5 E12 F3
Oriented) fool your eyes, and lies won't work.
Learned about Machines
55 – 62 A5 B6 C5 D5 E12 F3 Your fingertips easily unlocked any device or lock. You were quick and brilliant.
(Search Oriented)
Always Alert (Search You could smell murderous intent and hostility. That allowed you to protect
63 – 66 A5 B6 C5 D5 E12 F3
Oriented) yourself and your friends.
Part 2 Character Creation
“Lildraken Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
Ability Score
D66 Experience Explanation
Quickest Growth Among your friends born at the same time, you grew up the fastest. Therefore,
11 – 13 A4 B7 C10 D12 E1 F6
(Focus on Striking) you often played the role of a leader.
Big Body In your childhood, you were bigger than anyone else. Because of that, you were
14 – 16 A4 B7 C10 D12 E1 F6
(Focus on Striking) stronger than anyone else.
Expected to be a
21 – 23 Warrior A4 B7 C10 D12 E1 F6 Recognized for your qualities as a warrior, you were trained from an early age.
(Focus on Striking)
Hunter You were smaller than the others, but your dexterity made you a good hunter
24 – 26 A6 B6 C9 D15 E1 F3
(Focus on Accuracy) from an early age.
You grew up in or near a cook's home from an early age. By watching, tasting,
Chef's Apprentice
31 – 33 A6 B6 C9 D15 E1 F3 and helping with the preparation of various dishes, your fingers have acquired
(Focus on Accuracy)
a delicate touch.
Took Care of the Lildraken collect eggs born at the same time and raise them in batches. This
34 – 36 Hatchery A6 B6 C9 D15 E1 F3 care sometimes required carefulness and delicacy, which also affected your
(Focus on Accuracy) nature.
Suffered Epidemic You were afflicted with a terrible epidemic and wandered between life and
41 – 43 A3 B7 C7 D16 E1 F7
(Focus on Durability) death. But your body was not defeated by the disease.
Settlement Destroyed Was it war, a monster attack, or a natural disaster? The village where you were
44 – 46 A3 B7 C7 D16 E1 F7
(Focus on Durability) born and raised was devastated. But you survived.
Exceptional Physical
51 – 53 Toughness A3 B7 C7 D16 E1 F7 Strong body. That is something Lildraken should be proud of.
(Focus on Durability)
Growing Up with a You grew up in a merchant's home, or you grew up watching a business in
54 – 56 Merchant A5 B7 C5 D13 E6 F3 action. You will have developed an eye for goods and fingers that handle them
(Generic Search) with delicacy and swiftness, which will shape you in the future.
Gatherer You were helping to collect ingredients and materials in various places, in the
61 – 63 A5 B7 C5 D13 E6 F3
(Generic Search) sea, rivers, lakes, forests, and mountains.
There is not always enough staff to go around. Since you were a child, you have
Guard Duty
64 – 66 A5 B7 C5 D13 E6 F3 been sent to watch over settlements and communities. If you missed an
(Generic Search)
attacker, your life would be in danger.
Grassrunner Childhood Experiences Table
Grassrunner Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years 200 (x2)
“Grassrunner Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Excellent Hunter Birds, fish, animals, and insects - this was your food menu. Thanks for the
11 – 13 A10 B8 C4 D13 E1 F10
(Focus on Accuracy) meal!
Liked Craftwork Whenever you had free time, you would make some kind of craftwork and
14 – 16 A10 B8 C4 D13 E1 F10
(Focus on Accuracy) give it to others. Here you go.
Thousand Throws
21 – 23 A10 B8 C4 D13 E1 F10 Ever since you were a little boy, you have been a great knife thrower! Hit!
(Focus on Accuracy)
Traveling in the
24 – 26 Mountains and Fields A7 B7 C4 D13 E3 F13 Ever since you were born, you have been traveling. I'm off again today.
Excellent Educational
Unusually for a Grassrunner, you had many excellent mentors around you.
31 – 33 Environment A7 B7 C4 D13 E3 F13
Thanks to them, you are good at everything.
Overflowing Sense of Style You have generally been able to solve most things by inspiration. I don't know
34 – 36 A7 B7 C4 D13 E3 F13
(Balance) what the word “worry” means.
Love Unusual Things When you saw something unusual, you were absorbed in it and gained a habit
41 – 43 A10 B7 C4 D11 E3 F11
(Generic Search) of searching for more things.
Danger Sensitive In the mountains, the forests, and the city, you were aware of the dangers that
44 – 46 A10 B7 C4 D11 E3 F11
(Generic Search) befell you.
Picked Things You always found yourself with a lot of things in your bag. Where did I pick
51 – 53 A10 B7 C4 D11 E3 F11
(Generic Search) up this spoon or pen...?
Messenger You were often a messenger because of your quickness of foot. I also have a
54 – 56 A7 B10 C4 D13 E1 F11
(Focus on Evasion) good memory!
Attacked by a Monster
61 – 63 A7 B10 C4 D13 E1 F11 While traveling, you were attacked by a monster. Well, I escaped.
(Focus on Evasion)
64 – 66 A7 B10 C4 D13 E1 F11 Normally, we run when we move, don't we?
(Focus on Evasion)
“Grassrunner Childhood Experiences - Spy Category” Table
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Trained for Battle
11 – 14 A11 B5 C3 D12 E3 F10 You have enough training to protect yourself. But first, I had to run away.
(Combat Oriented)
Lurking in the Darkness
15 – 22 A11 B5 C3 D12 E3 F10 Good at hiding. You can never be too careful.
(Combat Oriented)
Weapon Carer
23 – 26 A11 B5 C3 D12 E3 F10 You loved to collect knives and polish them to a shine.
(Combat Oriented)
31 – 34 A7 B7 C3 D11 E6 F12 I get told that a lot.
(General Purpose)
Jack of all Trades Since you often traveled alone, you have done almost everything by yourself
35 – 42 A7 B7 C3 D11 E6 F12
(General Purpose) since you were a child.
Prepared for Anything Weapons, items, medicines, maps, you name it. I can use most of them,
43 – 46 A7 B7 C3 D11 E6 F12
(General Purpose) probably.
Ruin Delver Whenever you found a ruin or an abandoned building, you could not help
51 – 54 A10 B5 C3 D11 E6 F10
(Search Oriented) but enter. Discovering treasures!
Monster Tracker (Search
55 – 62 A10 B5 C3 D11 E6 F10 You loved to find unusual footprints and chase after them.
Traps Student
63 – 66 A10 B5 C3 D11 E6 F10 It is fun to surprise people, isn't it?
(Search Oriented)
“Grassrunner Childhood Experiences - Remote Support Category” Table
Deprecated Ability Score
D6 Experience Explanation
Type Correction
Good at Targeting
1 Minstrel A10 B3 C5 D13 E2 F13 You loved throwing rocks and knives. I never missed my target!
(Focus on Accuracy)
Learned to Hunt You used to hunt with your family and friends. Everyone went after their
2 Minstrel A10 B3 C5 D13 E2 F13
(Focus on Accuracy) prey on their own.
Crossbow Lover You admire whoever came up with the idea of crossbows. You can take it
3 Minstrel A10 B3 C5 D13 E2 F13
(Focus on Accuracy) apart, assemble it, shoot at it, and play with it all day long!
Distinctive Voice Your voice could be heard clearly from a distance, even in a crowded
4 None A6 B4 C2 D12 E3 F17
(Focus on Spirit) place. Do you want me to sing you a song?
Liked to Dance
5 None A6 B4 C2 D12 E3 F17 You liked to dance. Or rather, I dance all the time when I move.
(Focus on Spirit)
Music Player You liked any item that produces sound. You liked, even more, to play
6 None A6 B4 C2 D12 E3 F17
(Focus on Spirit) various songs with them. Would you like to join us?
Part 2 Character Creation
“Meria Childhood Experiences - Remote Support Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
Deprecated Ability Score
D66 Experience Explanation
Type Correction
Hunting was a Way of
All except You lived by hunting insects and small animals in the forests. I would
11 – 13 Life (Focus on A6 B1 C5 D14 E2 F2
Archer eat anything.
Know how to Handle
All except Same race, different race? You have learned to hunt with a bow.
14 – 16 Items A6 B1 C5 D14 E2 F2
Archer Convenient.
(Focus on Accuracy)
In the forests and villages where you live, dangerous monsters and
All except Had to Protect Myself
21 – 23 A6 B1 C5 D14 E2 F2 thugs often appeared, and you had to fight them. I may be small, but
Archer (Focus on Accuracy)
I will not be defeated.
Attractive Voice You loved to sing. Your voice was gentle but far-reaching, and you
24 – 26 None A5 B1 C1 D14 E3 F6
(Focus on Spirit) pulled those who listened to you. I'm sorry if I bewildered you.
Welling Melody Without being taught by anyone, various melodies came out of you. It
31 – 33 None A5 B1 C1 D14 E3 F6
(Focus on Spirit) was a lovely tone. Music is wonderful.
Even though you were still a child, you had a beauty that fascinated
Breathtaking Beauty
34 – 36 None A5 B1 C1 D14 E3 F6 everyone who saw you. It was because of your soulful spirit. Be good
(Focus on Spirit)
to me, will you?
As a child, you took care of the wizard’s personal belongings. There,
Wizard's Servant
41 – 43 None A4 B3 C1 D12 E5 F5 you learned many things and gained an understanding of magic. Magic
(General Wizard)
is interesting!
Spent Time in the Fairy
You grew up in a forest where many fairies lived. In time, you became
44 – 46 None Forest (General A4 B3 C1 D12 E5 F5
friends with the fairies. Happy days.
Spent Time at the You grew up on the temple grounds. As a result of studying God's
51 – 53 None Temple (General A4 B3 C1 D12 E5 F5 teachings and serving in many ministries, you have acquired a wide
Wizard) range of knowledge and skills. Thank you, God!
Wizard's Apprentice As a wizard’s apprentice, you spent your days buried in books. Please
54 – 56 Archer A1 B1 C1 D14 E6 F6
(Pure Wizardry) do not interfere with my studies.
Taught by the Fairies You spent time with the fairies and learned a lot from them. I hope
61 – 63 Archer A1 B1 C1 D14 E6 F6
(Pure Wizardry) we will always be friends.
Suddenly one day, you heard the voice of God. You don't know if it
Hear the Voice of God
64 – 66 Archer A1 B1 C1 D14 E6 F6 was a dream or a reality. But you wanted to know more about God
(Pure Wizardry)
and their teachings. Thank you, God.
Tiens Childhood Experiences Table
Tiens Life Segments
Childhood Juvenile Adolescence Adolescent Adult Age Life Expectancy (Coefficient)
8 years and younger 9 – 14 years 15 years and older 15 years 50 years (x1/2)
※Tiens does not age in suspended animation, so the second and subsequent happenings should be arbitrarily timed.
“Tiens Childhood Experiences - Warrior Category” Table (※If your type is deprecated for the selected experience, please reroll)
D66 Experience Ability Score Correction Explanation
Lived as a Hunter For a living or as part of your education? You have learned to hunt early
11 – 12 None A10 B8 C5 D6 E3 F8
(Focus on Accuracy) and have shown glimpses of your talent.
You were working for a master craftsman. They liked you and taught you
Craftsmanship Qualities (Focus
13 – 14 None A10 B8 C5 D6 E3 F8 simple techniques. Thanks to them, you became quite dexterous with your
on Accuracy)
Battles Were Everyday (Focus For you, fighting was a daily routine. The danger was always around you,
15 – 16 None A10 B8 C5 D6 E3 F8
on Accuracy) and you had to fight to survive.
The Mountains and Fields as Running through fields, through forests, and over mountains. Nature has
21 – 22 None A8 B8 C5 D8 E4 F7
Your Garden (Balance) tested and trained you in every way possible.
The Brave Men and Women You were surrounded by many brave people. They taught you how to use
23 – 24 None A8 B8 C5 D8 E4 F7
(Balance) weapons and gave you training.
You could do anything you wanted as soon as you were taught a little.
25 – 26 None Child Prodigy (Balance) A8 B8 C5 D8 E4 F7
However, it does not mean that you can do the same as an adult.
Careful Life From an early age, you knew the importance of being alert. It has helped
31 – 32 None A7 B7 C5 D6 E6 F10
(Generic Search) you to spot things and to recognize dangers.
Adventured in the Labyrinth Sword Labyrinth or ancient ruins? Either way, you have adventured in the
33 – 34 None A7 B7 C5 D6 E6 F10
(Generic Search) labyrinth. You almost died, but you also gained a lot.
You have been trained to track the enemy. You found footprints and other
35 – 36 None A7 B7 C5 D6 E6 F10 traces and based on the information about the enemy, you predicted how
(Generic Search)
they fled.
Competitive You have been a passionate athlete. You have practiced running, getting
41 – 42 None A7 B10 C4 D7 E3 F8
(Focus on Evasion) around your opponent's defenses, and developing excellent athletic skills.
You grew up in an environment where there were many enemies, whether
43 – 44 None A7 B10 C4 D7 E3 F8 in battle or in training. But even if they outnumbered you, it was not easy
(Focus on Evasion)
for them to catch you.
You didn't want to be in pain anyway, so you were running away from
Hated Pain
45 – 46 None A7 B10 C4 D7 E3 F8 anything that seemed to hurt, and before I knew it, your legs were faster
(Focus on Evasion)
and more agile.
You once worked as a load bearer and a construction worker for a temple.
Did Heavy Lifting
51 – 52 None A8 B8 C6 D8 E3 F6 Whether it was necessary for survival or you were forced to do it, you have
(Focus on Striking)
the physical strength to help you.
Mastered Secret Strike Believing that attack is the best defense, you practiced putting all your
53 – 54 None A8 B8 C6 D8 E3 F6
(Focus on Striking) strength into your attacks to kill your enemies.
Art of War You had a relative or neighbor who was an excellent martial artist. From
55 – 56 None A8 B8 C6 D8 E3 F6
(Focus on Striking) an early age, you learned from them and trained your body.
Harsh Environment (Focus on Heat or cold. Dryness, heat waves, flooding, snowfall. You have survived
61 – 62 Boxer A7 B7 C5 D9 E3 F8
Durability) in these harsh environments. Therefore, you are naturally strong.
Endured Training You were trained very strictly. Maybe it was a family policy, or maybe it
63 – 64 Boxer A7 B7 C5 D9 E3 F8
(Focus on Durability) was out of necessity. Either way, you have a strong mind and a strong body.
Returned Back from the Brink
You have returned from a terrible death where many heroes could not
65 – 66 Boxer of Death A7 B7 C5 D9 E3 F8
survive. You found yourself being trained both mentally and physically.
(Focus on Durability)
Part 2 Character Creation
※If the remaining experience points are less than the Required XP, the class cannot be acquired from this Experience.
※If your race is a Grassrunner, reroll for (Not for Gr.). ※If you have Boxer type, reroll for (Not for Boxer).
※If you already have a class specified, reroll.
Basic Extended Full
Experience Class/ Required Explanation
Course Course Course
Magic Magic Magic
Aspiring to become a magic warrior, you spent all your time training with
Warrior Warrior Warrior Single-Minded None/0 weapons and magic. There was no time to learn anything else.
Type Type Type
Learned the Minor Scout
11 – 14 11 – 13 11 – 12 You have to win the battle first. This is the essence of a fight.
Principles of Warfare 1/500
Learned the Minor Scout Hearing the sounds beyond the door, avoiding unexpected dangers, and finding
15 – 22 14 – 16 13 – 14 what is hidden. These are true qualities of an adventurer.
Adventurer's Basics 1/500
Minor Scout You don't just fight. You have learned to be ahead of your opponents, to see
23 – 26 21 – 23 15 – 16 Trained as a Spy through traps, to avoid danger, and to adapt to every situation.
Dangerous Minor Scout Faster than anyone else, you were smart enough to duck, cover, and choose
31 – 34 24 – 26 21 – 22 what was best for you. This is your everyday life and what you need to survive.
Environment 1/500
Minor Ranger
35 – 42 31 – 33 23 – 24 Learned from Nature You lived in nature and drew from nature.
Couldn't Live in the Minor Ranger You may have been driven out of the city or lost your home, or perhaps nature
43 – 46 34 – 36 25 – 26 had always been your home.
City 1/500
Were you a sage of a private school or a priest of a temple? You have had the
Learning Minor Sage
51 – 54 41 – 43 31 – 32 opportunity to learn, and you have gained valuable knowledge. Go to the
Opportunities 1/500
“Language Acquisition” table.
Minor Sage In your home or in a place to which you had free access, there were a large
55 – 62 44 – 46 33 – 34 Along with the Books number of books you read with enthusiasm. Go to the “Language Acquisition”
1/500 table.
Fear of Being
Major Conjurer You once met a monster that could not be wounded by ordinary weapons. You
63 – 66 51 – 53 35 – 36 Attacked by the were lucky to survive, but you never forgot the fear of being helpless. So you
1/1,000 learned magic.
Undead (Not for Gr.)
Received a Magic Major Sorcerer You did not intend to become a sorcerer. But you thought you should
54 – 56 41 – 42 understand magic. As a result, you learned the basics of magic.
Lessons (Not for Gr.) 1/1,000
Met a Special Mentor Minor You learned to control your breathing and to strengthen your body by breathing
61 – 63 43 – 44 mana from the atmosphere. Go to the “Technique Acquisition” table.
(Not for Gr.) Enhancer 1/500
Unconscious Special
Minor You had developed a special breathing technique without even being aware of
64 – 66 45 – 46 Breathing (Not for
Enhancer 1/500 it. Go to the “Technique Acquisition” table.
Entrusted to the Major Sorcerer For a time, you lived with a sorcerer. Eccentric or kind-hearted, they taught you
51 – 52 magic.
Sorcerer (Not for Gr.) 1/1,000
Witnessed the
Major Conjurer
53 – 54 Resurrection of the You are fascinated by the magical power that transcends even death.
Dead (Not for Gr.)
Minor You had the opportunity to study the various substances that make up this
Studied the Truth of world. Although far from a true understanding, you were able to come into
55 – 56 Alchemist contact with important truths that cannot be ignored. Go to the “Evocation
1/500 Acquisition” table.
Minor There was a secret hidden laboratory in your residence or a place you could
61 – 62 Secret Laboratory Alchemist visit. You learned or stole its secrets without permission to get closer to the truth
1/500 of the world. Go to the “Evocation Acquisition” table.
You grew up on a ranch or in a family wealthy enough to handle horses and
Close to Animals Minor Rider
63 – 64 other animals daily. You had daily contact with animals and had the opportunity
(Not for Boxer) 1/500 to learn how to handle them. Go to the “Stunt Acquisition” table.
Grew up with Horses Minor Rider In this natural environment, you roamed the mountains and fields with your
65 – 66 horse, your best friend, and your family. Go to the “Stunt Acquisition” table.
(Not for Boxer) 1/500
Language Acquisition Table (※You may select any of these regardless of order)
Order Language Description (see CR I, p. 76 and CR II, p. 34)
1 Barbaric (Talk) A language spoken by all Barbarous. A crude language consisting only of simple words.
2 Barbaric (Read) A script used by all Barbarous. Used for orders, etc.
3 Magitech (Read) Script of a civilization that died out about 300 years ago. Often found in ruins.
Read or Talk in Any Learn a language that other group members can't use. If you have a Lykant in your group, Lycant
Language (Talk) will also be useful.
Other Languages Table (※For more information, see CR I, p. 75 and CR II, p. 34)
Language Elven Dwarven Lykant Dragonic Grassrunner Youma Drakish Basilisk
Talk ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯
Read ◯ ◯ ◯ - ◯ - ◯ ◯
Part 2 Character Creation
※If the remaining experience points are less than the Required XP, the class cannot be acquired from this Experience.
※If your race is a Grassrunner, reroll for (Not for Gr.). ※If you already have a class specified, reroll.
Basic Extended Full
Experience Class/ Required Explanation
Course Course Course
Were you a sage of a private school or a temple priest? You have had the
Minor Sage
11 – 14 11 – 13 11 – 12 Learning Opportunities opportunity to learn, and you have gained valuable knowledge. Go to the
“Language Acquisition” table.
Minor Sage In your home or a place to which you had free access, there were many books you
15 – 22 14 – 16 13 – 14 Along with the Books
1/500 read with enthusiasm. Go to the “Language Acquisition” table.
At the Same Time as Minor Sage To learn magic was to learn everything. As a natural consequence, your knowledge
23 – 26 21 – 23 15 – 16
Learning Magic 1/500 has become richer. Go to the “Language Acquisition” table.
Minor Sage You remember what you have seen and heard once. Does everyone else really have
31 – 34 24 – 26 21 – 22 Learning Genius
1/500 a hard time remembering? Go to the “Language Acquisition” table.
Because of your Master's Minor Scout Your master was rough with people. And they lost a lot of things. Inevitably, you
35 – 42 31 – 33 23 – 24
Chores 1/500 became good at finding them quickly.
Minor Scout You learned magic by sneaking into the wizard’s private school or classroom and
43 – 46 34 – 36 25 – 26 To Learn Magic
1/500 eavesdropping.
Your teachers, or the environment in which you studied, placed special emphasis
Minor Scout
51 – 54 41 – 43 31 – 32 Exploration Work on going out into the field and investigating ruins. You were talented in this area as
Your daily routine was to gather medicinal herbs for your magical research. Soon
Minor Ranger
55 – 62 44 – 46 33 – 34 Improved Daily Routine you became familiar with medicines and became accustomed to the mountains and
Minor Ranger Learning magic costs money. You had to go out into the wilds and lead a self-
63 – 66 51 – 53 35 – 36 Self-sufficiency
1/500 sufficient life catching prey to raise money.
Minor Ranger When you were in nature, you had many magical inspirations. Your teacher was
54 – 56 41 – 42 Nature was a Teacher
1/500 nature, and under the sky was your classroom.
Witnessed the
Major Conjurer
61 – 63 43 – 44 Resurrection of the Dead You are fascinated by the magical power that transcends even death.
(Not for Gr.)
Longed for Pseudo-life Major Conjurer You developed an indescribable interest in golems, undead, and other pseudo-alive
64 – 66 45 – 46
(Not for Gr.) 1/1,000 things. This has greatly broadened the scope of your magic.
Saw Pure Mana Major Sorcerer Mana is the source of magic. You felt Truespeech Magic was the most beautiful
51 – 52
Brilliance (Not for Gr.) 1/1,000 and complete expression of that power.
Learned Naturally (Not Major Sorcerer In the process of learning other magic, you found yourself understanding
53 – 54
for Gr.) 1/1,000 Truespeech Magic as well.
You had the opportunity to study the various substances that make up this world.
Studied the Truth of Minor
55 – 56 Although far from a true understanding, you were able to come into contact with
Matter Alchemist 1/500
important truths that cannot be ignored. Go to the “Evocation Acquisition” table.
There was a hidden laboratory in your residence that you could visit in secret. You
61 – 62 Secret Laboratory learned or stole its secrets without permission to get closer to the truth of the world.
Alchemist 1/500
Go to the “Evocation Acquisition” table.
Minor Fencer Maybe it was your master's hobby or the environment around you, but you learned
63 – 64 Took Part in Military
1/500 to fight with weapons. It may have been a hobby, or it may have been a way of life.
Minor Fencer If you allow the enemy to approach you, it could be deadly. However, you figured
65 – 66 Last Resort
1/500 that if you learned at least a few physical skills, you might be able to survive.
Technique Acquisition Table (※Order is Recommended) Stunt Acquisition Table (※Order is Recommended)
Acquired D66 Explanation Acquired Stunt Effect
D66 Explanation Effect
Technique Mount’s
[Enhance Mount]
Staring at your Prey [Cat's Eye] (see p. 11 – 23 Skillful Riding Accuracy, Evasion
11 – 23 Accuracy +1 (see p. 143)
with Cold Eyes 141) +1
[Bear Muscle] Strength Blow from the [Elevated Attack] Extra Damage +1
24 – 36 Wild Warrior Power 24 – 36
(see p. 141) Modifier +2 Mount (see p. 143) when mounted
[Beetleskin] (see Evasion using [Attack
41 – 53 Iron-clad Armor Defense +2 Evasion +1 when
p. 141) 41 – 53 the Mount’s Obstruction] (see
Agile Legs that Toy [Gazelle Feet] (see Height p. 143)
54 – 66 Evasion +1
with the Enemy p. 141) Using Keen [Search Mount can make
Spellsongs/Finales Acquisition Table (※Order is 54 – 66 Senses of the Command] (see p. Search checks,
Recommended) Mount 143) etc.
Acquired Evocation Acquisition Table (※Order is Recommended)
D66 Explanation Effect D66 Explanation Acquired Stunt Effect
Waking the [Early Bird] (see p. Reinforcing [Vorpal Weapon] Additional
11 – 23 Wake up Target 11 – 23
Sleeper 142) Weapons Red (see p. 145) Damage +1
Interrupting [Cacophony] (see p. Spellcasting Reinforcing [Barkmail] Green
24 – 36 24 – 36 Defense +1
Chants 142) check -1 Defense (see p. 145)
Sorrow Song Revealing [Critical Ray] Gold
41 – 53 [Ballad] (see p. 142) Evasion checks -1 41 – 53 Power Roll +1
that Slows Down Vital Point (see p. 145)
Deadly Quiet [Finale: Winter's Deals Power 10 Healing Light [Heal Spray] Green
54 – 66 54 – 66 Heals 3 HP
Music Chill] (see p. 143) water/ice damage Wounds (see p. 145)
Adolescent Experiences – Warrior Type (Focus on Striking) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
Learned to Kill with [Power Strike I] (see p.
1 You took it with one blow. Believing that there was nothing you could not defeat.
One Hit 125)
[Power Strike I] (see p.
2 Surprise Attack Whether in training or in battle, you found yourself with explosiveness within you.
Your failure to hit the target has hurt the people you care about. You don't want to feel
[Repeated Strike I] (see
3 Beyond a Sad Past that way anymore. That's why you have learned to be quicker and sharper than anyone
p. 125)
Mesmerizing [Repeated Strike I] (see
4 Your technique was beautiful. It mesmerized the viewer and makes enemies shudder.
Technique p. 125)
Spent time as a [Weapon Proficiency Whether you volunteered or were forced to, you spent some time as a soldier. So, you
Soldier A/**] (see p. 124) have a better understanding of how to handle weapons.
[Weapon Proficiency When you held the weapon in your hand, you felt a sensation like an electric shock.
6 Fateful Encounter
A/**] (see p. 124) Throughout your life, you have been known to be a master of the weapon.
Adolescent Experiences – Warrior Type (Focus on Accuracy, Focus on Evasion, Balance, Generic Search) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
Conviction to Meet [Power Strike I] (see p.
1 It was not just a trick. You have learned to live up to expectations when needed.
Expectations 125)
Could see the Weak [Lethal Strike I] (see p.
2 You could see the opening of your opponent. All you have to do is to penetrate it.
Point 125)
[Aimed Attack I] (see p. Keeping to the basics is the fastest way to go in everything. In battle, you believed in
3 Lived by the Basics
125) steadily deterring the enemy and striking with certainty.
[Aimed Attack I] (see p.
4 Liked Eccentricity You always liked to surprise. You liked to please, entertain, and defeat your enemies.
[Armor Proficiency A/ As a soldier, or in the school? You have trained to fight. There you could learn how
5 Trained to Fight
**] (see p. 124) to use the right armor.
[Weapon Proficiency When you held the weapon in your hand, you felt a sensation like an electric shock.
6 Fateful Encounter
A/**] (see p. 124) Throughout your life, you have been known to be a master of the weapon.
Part 2 Character Creation
Adolescent Experiences – Sworder Type (Focus on Accuracy, Balance, Generic Search) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
[Lethal Strike I] (see p. No great power is needed. Any enemy can be defeated by a precise strike to a vital
1 Mastered Accuracy
125) point.
[Lethal Strike I] (see p. You have learned and studied the weak points of every being. Now you can see the
2 Studied Weak Points
125) weak points just by looking at the creature.
Learned [Taunting Strike I] (see You can act with elegance. But you know that you can irritate enemies with your
Gentleman/Lady Way p. 125) words and your attitude at will. You can use this even in combat.
Learned Psychology of [Taunting Strike I] (see You know how to irritate opponents with gestures, movements, and voice. You were
the Enemy p. 125) a real eyesore to your enemies.
[Weapon Proficiency Whether you volunteered or were forced to, you spent some time as a soldier. So,
5 Spent time as a Soldier
A/**] (see p. 124) you have a better understanding of how to handle weapons.
[Weapon Proficiency When you held the weapon in your hand, you felt a sensation like an electric shock.
6 Fateful Encounter
A/**] (see p. 124) Throughout your life, you have been known to be a master of the weapon.
Adolescent Experiences – Boxer Type (Balance, Focus on Evasion, Generic Search) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
You must strike a sure blow and measure the exact distance from the enemy. You have
1 Timed Blow [Aimed Attack I] (see p. 125) learned that this is the shortcut to victory, even if it is not flashy.
You check your opponent through the movements of the head, shoulders, elbows, hips,
2 Hit without Hitting [Aimed Attack I] (see p. 125) knees, and every other part of your body. Therefore, the main blow is sure to hit the target.
Accumulated [Weapon Proficiency You have trained and trained until your limbs become weapons of mass destruction. Your
3 diligent efforts will surely bear fruit.
Training A/Wrestling] (see p. 124)
Using Gravity as a [Weapon Proficiency
4 Gravity pulls you to attack. Your weapon is the world.
Weapon A/Wrestling] (see p. 124)
[Armor Proficiency
Even a cloth robe can block the enemy's attack and protect oneself. A blow that does not
5 Air as a Shield A/Nonmetallic Armor] (see p. hit has no meaning.
[Armor Proficiency
It doesn't matter if you get hit a little in non-vital places. Even if it is by a small margin, you
6 Protect Vital Points A/Nonmetallic Armor] (see p. know that the last one standing will be the winner.
※The Boxer type automatically acquires the combat feat [Chain Attack] (see p. 129) in addition to the above table.
Adolescent Experiences – Spy Type (General Purpose, Generic Search) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
[Decoy Attack I]
1 Support You may not be a warrior or a wizard, but everyone knows you are useful.
(see p. 125)
Focus on [Decoy Attack I] Surprise and glamour. The spirit of entertainment, even if it is fancy, is the driving force that
Entertainment (see p. 125) inspires people's hearts and leads them to victory.
[Defensive Stance] It is your theory that whoever stands on the front line and survives will be right. As long as you
3 Survived
(see p. 125) are alive, someone will defeat the enemy.
[Defensive Stance] Some may laugh at you for being weak-kneed. But eventually, their smiles will turn to irritation,
4 Endured
(see p. 125) and after exhaustion, their face will turn to despair, but it will be too late.
Divide and [Taunting Strike I]
5 Together, the enemy is strong. But you can divide them.
Conquer (see p. 125)
True-to-life [Taunting Strike I] You have studied the art of acting. By utilizing this technique, your enemies will turn their
Performance (see p. 125) attention to you, thinking you are the most important person.
Part 2 Character Creation
Adolescent Experiences – Magic Warrior, Magic Sworder Types (Accuracy + Magic Power, Balance) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
Weapons and magic. In the course of training both, you have also honed the skill of
1 Weaving Spells [Mana Strike] (see p. 125)
imbuing your weapons with magic. This power continues to grow.
During the weapon training, you felt magic unexpectedly radiating from your
2 Magical Emanation [Mana Strike] (see p. 125) fingertips. It was not so difficult for you to apply this sensation and increase the power
of your weapon.
[Metamagic/Targets] (see p.
3 Against the Horde It is only in battles against many that the power of magic shines through
[Metamagic/Targets] (see p. You save and rescue many people at the same time. You thought that magic was
4 For my Friends
125) valuable because it could save many people at the same time.
Magic with Martial [Weapon Proficiency A/**] You considered magic to be an aid to the martial arts, and placed particular emphasis
Arts (see p. 125) on the handling of weapons.
The Keystone of [Armor Proficiency A/**] Supporting the frontline and your comrades with your magic. For that reason, you
the Battlefield (see p. 125) yourself could not fall. Your defense is not easy to penetrate.
Adolescent Experiences – Magic Warrior, Magic Sworder Types (Focus on Durability) Table
D6 Experience Combat Feat Explanation
When someone had to do something, you always took the initiative and stepped
1 Dedicated [Cover I] (see p. 125)
forward. You felt it was your role and took pride in doing so.
You were involved in an accident or a fight. You were badly injured, taking the place
Suffered While
2 [Cover I] (see p. 125) of someone else. But you felt something like fate that there was someone who could
be saved by it.
[Metamagic/Targets] (see p.
3 Against the Horde It is only in battles against many that the power of magic shines through
[Metamagic/Targets] (see p. You save and rescue many people at the same time. You thought that magic was
4 For my Friends
125) valuable because it could save many people at the same time.
[Armor Proficiency A/**] Weapons and magic. If you try to use them at the same time, you leave a lot of room
5 Body as a Fortress
(see p. 124) for error. That is why you have sought better armor and trained yourself.
The Keystone of [Armor Proficiency A/**] Supporting the frontline and your comrades with your magic. For that reason, you
the Battlefield (see p. 124) yourself could not fall. Your defense is not easy to penetrate.
1st Happening Table Accidents and Tragedies Table
D6 Happening D66 Accidents and Tragedies
1–2 Go to the “Accidents and Tragedies” table 11 – 12 Got hurt badly
3–4 None in particular 13 – 14 Had a serious illness
5–6 Go to the “Fortune/Happiness” table 15 – 16 Caught in a disaster
21 – 22 Nearly eaten alive by beasts and monsters
2nd Happening Table Someone kidnapped you
D6 Happening 1: Humanoid
1–2 Go to the “Accidents and Tragedies” table 2: Barbarous
3–4 Go to the “Love” table 23 – 24 3: Animal
5 Go to the “Fortune/Happiness” table 4: Mythical Beast
6 Go to the “Secret Background” table 5: Fairy
6: Daemon
Been incarcerated
3rd Happening Table 1: Innocent crime
D6 Happening 2: Minor offense
1 Go to the “Accidents and Tragedies” table 25 – 26 3: Serious crime
2 Go to the “Secret Background” table 4: Your own righteousness
3 Go to the “Juvenile Experiences” table 5: As a substitute for someone else
4 None in particular 6: Involved in a crime
5 Go to the “Love” table 31 – 32 Spent your time as a slave
6 Go to the “Fortune/Happiness” table 33 – 34 Was almost sacrificed
※If the remaining experience points are 0, reroll if the 35 – 36 No memory of a certain period of time
result is 3. 41 – 42 Almost starved to death
43 – 44 Someone was hurt because of you
Love Table 45 – 46 Drifted out to sea
D66 About Love 51 – 52 Was an orphan
11 – 12 Timid in love Lost your family
13 – 14 Had/has a male lover 1: Father
15 – 16 Had/has a female lover 2: Mother
21 – 22 Good at complimenting others 53 – 54 3: Parents
23 – 24 Attracts attention 4: Siblings
25 – 26 In love with someone of a different status 5: Child
6: All except yourself
Had a sad breakup with a lover/spouse
11-14: Death due to illness 55 – 56 Lost friends and allies
15-22: Death due to accident 61 – 62 You or a family member fell into the Shallow Abyss
23-26: Death due to an attack by a monster 63 – 64 Homelands destroyed by war and raids
31-34: Killed by someone 65 – 66 Lost your home and property in the fire
31 – 32
35-42: Separated because of status or position
43-46: Stolen by a new lover Fortune/Happiness Table
5I-54: Taken away by someone D66 Fortune/Happiness
55-62: Disappeared due to disaster 11 – 12 Adopted by a wealthy family
63-66: Revealed to be a Barbarous or Daemon 13 – 14 Had no trouble surviving
33 – 34 Has a spouse 15 – 16 Forgiven and cleared of false accusations
35 – 36 Divorced from spouse 21 – 22 Lived in peace
41 – 42 Was/am in love with someone with a lover/spouse 23 – 24 Loved by your family, your home was full of smiles
43 – 44 Fell in love with a different race 25 – 26 Everything you did went well
45 – 46 Betrayed by a lover and had a terrible experience Blessed with friends and companionship, making the
31 – 32
In love with more than one partner most of each day
1-2: 1d-1 persons of the opposite sex (minimum 2) 33 – 34 Was admired by the nobility and the powerful
51 – 52 3-4: 1d-1 person of the same sex (minimum 2) 35 – 36 Your hobbies were highly valued
5-6: 1d-2 opposite sex and 1d-2 same sex (minimum 41 – 42 Traveled around and expanded your knowledge
1 each) 43 – 44 Involved in battles and accidents but unharmed
53 – 54 Unrequited love 45 – 46 Had freedom from crippling circumstances
55 – 56 Has someone you admire Was able to get a respectable job regardless of your
61 – 62 Has a fiancée 51 – 52
63 – 64 Can only fall in love for one night 53 – 54 Got acquainted with respectable seniors
65 – 66 Being pursued by a past lover/spouse Improved physical condition and become healthier
55 – 56
than before
61 – 62 Was able to eat wonderful and delicious food
Met famous people and was told, “You will be
63 – 64
Won a jackpot at gambling and had a great time
65 – 66
spending it all
Part 2 Character Creation
Equipment by Type 1 (※Magic Warriors whose Subclass is Priest can also select Warrior type)
Min Primary Money
Type Weapon Armor Shield Belonging 1 Belonging 2
STR class (G)
Cloth Armor, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
Warrior Type 1 Fighter Knife, p. 146 Buckler, p. 153 895
152 153 154
Soft Leather, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
Warrior Type, Standard 7 7 Fighter Katzbalger, p. 146 Buckler, p. 153 690
152 153 154
Cloth Armor, p. Adventurer Set, p.
Warrior Type, Low Cost 7 7 Fighter Javelin, p. 147 Buckler, p. 153 None 960
152 153
Soft Leather, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
Warrior Type, Power 7 7 Fighter Light Flail, p. 148 Buckler, p. 153 700
152 153 154
Soft Leather, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
Warrior Type, Accuracy 7 7 Fighter Light Flail, p. 148 Buckler, p. 153 670
152 153 154
Sworder, Spy, Magic Sworder Cloth Armor, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
1 Fencer Knife, p. 146 Buckler, p. 153 895
Types 152 153 154
Sworder, Spy, Magic Sworder Short Sword, p. Cloth Armor, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
9 Fencer Buckler, p. 153 845
Types 9 146 152 153 154
Sworder, Spy, Magic Sworder Soft Leather, p. Adventurer Set, p. Awake Potion, p.
13 Fencer Katzbalger, p. 146 Buckler, p. 153 690
Types 13 152 153 154
Part 2 Character Creation
Warrior Type Strength 1+ Table
Min Primary Money
Type Requirement Weapon Armor Shield Belonging 1 Belonging 2 Belonging 3
STR class (G)
Knife, p. Buckler, p. Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
Warrior Type 1 Fighter None Armor, p. 2,695
146 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior Type [Weapon Proficiency Fast Spike, Buckler, p. Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
1 Fighter Armor, p. 1,905
[W. Prof] A/Sword] p. 146 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Part 2 Character Creation
Warrior, Standard [W. Prof. Defender, p. Hard Leather, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
13 Fighter None 3,190
[W. Prof] 13 A/Sword] 146 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Low Cost [W. Prof. Hard Leather, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
13 Fighter Trident, p. 147 1,500
[W. Prof] 13 A/Spear] p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior, Power [W. [W. Prof. Tabarzin, p. Hard Leather, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
13 Fighter 1,120
Prof] 13 A/Axe] 147 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior, Accuracy [W. Prof. Steel Blow, p. Hard Leather, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
13 Fighter 1,250
[W. Prof] 13 A/Mace] 148 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior, Evasion [A. Prof. Long Sword, p. Hard Leather, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
13 Fighter None 3,220
[A. Prof] 13 A/Shield] 146 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Standard [W. Prof. Splint Armor, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
17 Fighter Talwar, p. 146 None 3,570
[W. Prof] 17 A/Sword] p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Low Cost [W. Prof. Ahlspiess, p. Splint Armor, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
17 Fighter None 1,800
[W. Prof] 17 A/Spear] 147 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior, Power [W. [W. Prof. Rising Sun, p. Splint Armor, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
17 Fighter None 1,080
Prof] 17 A/Flail] 148 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior, Accuracy [W. Prof. Steel Blow, p. Splint Armor, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
17 Fighter 1,070
[W. Prof] 17 A/Mace] 148 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Warrior, Evasion [A. [A. Prof. Bastard Sword, Bone Vest, p. Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
17 Fighter None 2,640
Prof] 17 A/Nonm.] p. 146 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Standard Steel Blade, p. Splint Armor, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
20 Fighter [W. Prof. A/Sword] None 3,330
[W. Prof] 20 146 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Low Cost Splint Armor, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt,
20 Fighter [W. Prof. A/Axe] Halberd, p. 147 None 1,200
[W. Prof] 20 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 p. 157
Warrior, Power [W. Prof. Bec-De-Corbin, Splint Armor, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
20 Fighter None None 3,480
[W. Prof] 20 A/Warhammer] p. 149 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Accuracy Shellbreaker, p. Splint Armor, Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
20 Fighter [W. Prof. A/Mace] None 3,700
[W. Prof] 20 148 p. 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Warrior, Evasion Heavy Axe, p. Brigandine, p. Kite Shield, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion,
20 Fighter [A. Prof. A/Metal] None 960
[A. Prof] 20 147 152 p. 153 p. 153 p. 154
Magic Warrior Type Strength 1+ Table
Min Primary Money
Type Requirement Weapon Armor Shield Belonging 1 Belonging 2 Belonging 3
STR class (G)
Magic Warrior Mage Staff, Cloth Armor, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
1 Fighter None None 2,675
Type p. 148 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 157
Magic Warrior [W. Prof. Fast Spike, Cloth Armor, Buckler, p. Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
1 Fighter 1,905
Type [W. Prof] A/Sword] p. 146 p. 152 153 p. 153 p. 154 157
Magic Warrior Type Strength 8+ Table
Min Primary Money
Type Requirement Weapon Armor Shield Belonging 1 Belonging 2 Belonging 3
STR class (G)
Magic Warrior Rapier, p. Soft Leather, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
8 Fighter None Shield, p. 2,440
Type 8 146 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 157
Magic Warrior [W. Prof. Flissa, p. Soft Leather, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
8 Fighter Shield, p. 1,670
Type [W. Prof] 8 A/Sword] 146 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 157
Magic Warrior [A. Prof. Rapier, p. Soft Leather, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Black Belt, p.
8 Fighter Shield, p. 1,860
Type [A. Prof] 8 A/Shield] 146 p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 157
Part 2 Character Creation
Wizard/Minstrel Types Strength 1+ & 8+ Table
Min Money
Type Primary class Requirement Weapon Armor Shield Belonging 1 Belonging 2 Belonging 3
Wizard-Type Cloth
Wizards※, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Thermal
1 None None Armor, p. None 2,285
Minstrel Types Classes※, Bard p. 153 p. 154 Mantle, p. 156
Wizard-Type Round
Wizards※, Soft Leather, Adventurer Set, Awake Potion, Thermal
8 None None Shield, p. 2,050
Minstrel Types 8 Classes※, Bard p. 152 p. 153 p. 154 Mantle, p. 156
※The term “Wizards” here refers to the Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, and Fairy Tamer types.
※Wizard-Type Classes here refer to Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, and Fairy Tamer classes.
Part 2 Character Creation
Random Name Determination Table
Table of Human, Tabbit, Runefolk, Lykant, Lildraken, Grassrunner Names
D66 Masculine Name Feminine Name Surname D66 Masculine Name Feminine Name Surname
11 Alfred Alicia Aster 41 Tony Nadine Thomson
12 Elias Isabella Easton 42 Nigel Nicole Nessel
13 Warren Vanessa Vincent 43 Neil Nelly Newman
14 Elliott Amy Earhart 44 Nathan Nora Neville
15 Owen Olivia Owsley 45 Noah Hana Norton
16 Carl Karen Kirkland 46 Bernie Hildi Humphrey
21 Keith Katherine Kincaid 51 Hugo Felicia Hughes
22 Clyde Christine Crawford 52 Felix Helena Farrell
23 Kenneth Katie Kerry 53 Hayden Holly Hayden
24 Cody Sandra Cornell 54 Martin Marion McClain
25 Silas Sheila Sackwell 55 Mick Mirabelle Megan
26 Sean Stacey Sears 56 Melvin Melissa Moore
31 Stanley Selina Swift 61 Morgan Monica Maitland
32 Sebastian Sonia Selway 62 Ulysses Rana Rutherford
33 Thorne Tara Sowell 63 Randolph Rita Ridley
34 Daryl Chelsea Tanner 64 Rick Louisa Luke
35 Chester Tina Chambers 65 Rex Rebecca Reston
36 Terrence Tracy Tiller 66 Ronald Rosa Rodney
Part 2 Character Creation
Column: About the Names for Each Race However, they often combine the names of their close
The name lists presented here are fairly generic and do friends with their own names, which sometimes become
not go into each race's deeper culture and history. very long. It is also common to see them give names that
However, there are some characteristics, and in are close to onomatopoeic or infantile words (e.g., Yun
addition, there are differences and tendencies among each Yun Pom, Mike Rudolph Tama, etc.).
race, so let's describe them a little.
•Elf-centered Names
•Human-centered Names These are found mainly in Elven and Meria names and
A common pattern of surnames in the Alframe are characterized by their elegant pronunciation and length.
continent and in the world of Raxia as a whole is the lineage Elves of the Alframe continent differ slightly between
of Human-centered names. the east and west. In the western part of the continent, the
This is obviously due to the fact that the Human race is influence of Magitech Civilization is stronger, and there is
the most numerous in the world, and Lykant, Lildraken, more interaction with Humans, so Elves' names are shorter
Grassrunner, and others have become accustomed to and more similar to human names (the table shows names
Human names as they have interacted with Humans. of the western part). On the other hand, the eastern side
Tabbits: Tabbits, who wander around the world and are often retains the old Elf traditions and is characterized by
always studying magic, have been in close contact with long names (Kaia → Kaialsaria). Some of them have
Humans, which has led to the appearance of Human-like multiple names, and some of them are combined with
names. Nicknames are also often seen, and it is said that family names. They may also have multiple surnames (with
this is because parents tend to take the trouble of naming the names and surnames of their parents, grandfathers, and
their children appropriately. grandparents).
Runefolk: They are often named by Humans, who are the Perhaps influenced by the close to Elves, Meria often
main creators. In some cases, they are called by a model has names similar to Elves, but in the case of short-lived
number or simply by a number. They generally do not have species, they sometimes have concise names. Instead of
a surname, but they sometimes take the name of the village their family name, Meria sometimes take the name of the
where the generator is located or the name of the creator. forest where they come from.
Nightmares: They depend on the birth race. However,
because they are damned children, they are sometimes •Dwarf-centered Names
named with derogatory terms. In addition to Dwarves, the names of this group are
Lykans: Lykans were originally often given growling or often found in Tiens and Leprechauns.
barking-sounding names that could also be pronounced in Often, the names have a harsh, muddled sound, giving
Lycant (e.g., Woof, Ruff, Bow), and they usually did not them a heavy feeling. There is a tendency to prefer
have a family name. Tribal names or father's names were relatively short names, which may be due to the hustle and
sometimes used as family names. Older tribes may have bustle of these races, who are often craftsmen or military
kept their original names hidden in their true names (e.g., personnel.
Barkman). Some Lildraken in the mercenary trade have names
Lildrakens: Because of the race's love of interaction and that are close to these.
commerce, the Lildraken family names are also close to
Human. On the other hand, some family members who •Free Naming
have close contact with Dwarven craftsmen have family When naming a character, you may use these tables, or
names resembling Dwarven. Some of them have difficulty you may ignore them altogether and name it whatever you
pronouncing other races due to the structure of their like (in fact, it may make you feel more attached to your
mouths and tend to use a lot of vowels (e.g., Alafuredo, own name). These tables should be only examples for
Eliasu). reference, so do not worry about them too much.
Grassrunners: Grassrunners, who have little interest in Give your characters nice, cool, or beautifully cute
culture and history, are not very particular about their names that you will never regret playing with.
names. Therefore, they often do not have a family name.
Level Up Guideline
If you have a session with a character created with this
book, you can level up your character with earned
experience points. The growth from the 4th level to the 5th level is also a
The rules of level-up are described on page 188 of Core big step up. In particular, many fascinating and powerful
Rulebook I. We will leave the details to that page and combat feats can be learned from the 5th level, and you
provide some guidelines and advice on what to do when may find yourself moving from one to another.
you level up.
Combat Feats that can be Acquired from the 5th Level
Here, we introduce some particularly noteworthy
combat feats. Please use them as a guideline for your
At the end of the first session, you will get a little more growth.
than 1,000 experience points, and if the second session is
successfully completed, you will have accumulated almost [Weapon Proficiency S/**] (see CR I, p. 252)
2.500 experience points. [Armor Proficiency S/**] (see CR I, p. 253)
You may be wondering about the best way to start If you are aiming for a character that specializes in
growing a class using these experience points. In such a offensive or defensive abilities, various combat feats can
case, please refer to the following guidelines. help. However, the extra damage and defense that you get
from learning this feat are always +2 (+3 with the previous
Grow Frequently Used Classes A rank feat), so they are simply very powerful.
At first, grow the most frequently used classes.
If you are a Warrior type, you should grow the Fighter [MP Save/**] (see CR I, p. 254)
class, and if you are a Sorcerer type, you should grow the This combat feat, which reduces MP consumption by 1
Sorcerer class to the 3rd level. point, is especially useful for Priests and Conjurers. It is also
If you are a Spy or Magic Sworder type who stands in good for Artificers and of course, useful for other Wizard-
the frontline, it is not a bad idea to grow the Fencer class to type classes.
2nd. For the Artificer type is recommended to grow the
Marksman class to the 2nd level to increase the Accuracy [Multi-Action] (see CR I, p. 263)
check. It is a coveted combat feat for magic warrior/magic
When the adventurer level reaches 3, a new combat feat sworder types, allowing them to use both melee weapons
can be acquired. So, grow the main class to the 3rd level and spells at the same time in one turn. It is especially
first, and then acquire a new combat feat. suitable for a paladin who stands on the frontline and
Sage, Scout, Ranger, etc., can be 1 or 2 levels lower than attacks with a weapon while using restoration magic or a
the main class. However, if you neglect them too much, you magic warrior who attacks with a weapon and magic at the
may not be able to identify the monster in battle, or you same time.
may not be able to be first in combat, so it is advisable to However, you need to be careful that it is an active
keep them within 2 levels of the Primary class. combat feat and cannot be used simultaneously with
Acquiring Combat Feats
When a first class reaches 3rd level, the adventurer level [Tenacity] (see CR I, p. 250)
also becomes 3 levels. Then, you can acquire a new combat It is a simple combat feat, raising the HP maximum by
feat. +15.
There is a wide range of combat feats to choose from, Although only warriors can learn it, more HP means
and the direction of your character will change greatly better ability to maintain the frontline and less risk of death.
depending on what you learn. It is a good feat for defensive warrior types, sworders,
Please refer to the “Recommended Combat Feat by boxers, spies, etc.
Improving Strategy” table on page 73.
Purchasing Equipment
As a reward for completing the day's adventure, you
may have received a certain amount of gamels (G).
With this money, you can further enhance your
character by replacing or buying more equipment.
Especially in the initial stage of creation, you may be
equipped with rather weak weapons and armor due to a
lack of money. Please refer to the item list on page 146 to
find the equipment that matches your character.
You may also want to give priority to the purchase of
Ability-Enhancing Rings/Bracelets or Mako Stones. 160-
161 pages have a list of recommended items, which you
may also refer to.
Part 3 Data
Part 3 Data
(see CR I, p. 248)
Part 3 Data
Note on [Cover]
[Cover] is a special combat feat. Some additional
explanations are given here.
- The occurrence of the [Cover] effect is not regarded
as a change in the target of the attack. So, for example, in
the case of a [Chain Attack], when another attack is made,
the attack is made against the originally targeted character,
not against the one who declared the [Cover]. When two
attacks are made with [Dual Wielding], the [Cover] effect
is applied to only one attack, and the other attack is made
to the original target. Even if some monsters have When attacking multiple characters at the same time,
[Continuous Attack], after applying damage to the [Cover] the use needs to select one character at random from
declarer, an additional attack will be made to the original among that hit. Then, the damage to that one character
attack target. will be increased by +4 points. This target selection is
- User cannot [Cover] from magic or unique skills that made before determining the damage.
are not resisted by Evasion checks. As a general rule, you
cannot [Cover] an attack in which the declarant and the
character designated as [Cover] are both targets at the
same time. Prer. None Use -
- Even if multiple declarations are allowed, a player Appl. 1 weapon attack Risk None
may not declare this feat more than once in a single round Sum. Invites attack, damage -2
and [Cover] more than one character (without additional When a melee attack or ranged attack is made, this
feats). feat can be declared at the time of the attack and is
effective for that single attack. If multiple attacks are made
REPEATED STRIKE I at the same time, the effect is applied to all of them.
The target hit by the declared attack is provoked and
Fighter class or Fencer class, 2H
Prer. None Use must attack the user as much as possible during the
melee weapon following 10 seconds (1 round) (the method of attack is
1 melee
Appl. Risk None
attack [Taunting Strike I] has no effect on characters with an
Sum. If an attack is evaded, an additional attack is made intellect of 18 or more or on monsters with an intellect of
This feat can be declared when performing a melee “High.” It also has no effect if the provoked target is
attack with a weapon with “Stance: 2H” and is valid for unable to attack the user or if the target is in a different
one attack. If the declared attack is evaded, another melee area.
attack can be made immediately afterward with the same The damage dealt by an attack with this declaration is
Effect weapon on the same target. reduced by -2 points; even if the applied damage is 0, the
If multiple attacks are made simultaneously, another provocation still will be effective.
accuracy check can be performed on all targets evading
them. If either the first or second attack hits, a damage △DEFENSIVE STANCE
decision is made for each. Prer. None Use -
Lasts 10 seconds (1
Appl. Risk Most Skill Checks -4
Prer. None Use - Sum. Evasion, Fortitude, or Willpower +4
Appl. 1 weapon attack Risk None This feat must be declared before any Skill Check is
Sum. Accuracy check +1, Critical Threshold +1 performed on the turn. If the user is under the continuous
effect of any check at the beginning of their turn, they may
When a melee attack or ranged attack is made, this
declare it immediately before that check.
feat can be declared at the time of the attack and is
The user should choose one of the “Evasion check,”
effective for that single attack. If multiple attacks are made
“Fortitude,” or “Willpower” and get a +4 bonus until the
at the same time, the effect is applied to all of them.
Effect beginning of their next turn. Each time they declare, they
Declared attacks gain a +1 bonus to the Accuracy
can choose a different check.
check, but the critical threshold is increased by +1 for the
damage decision. A critical threshold of 13 or more will Effect At risk, all other checks except the two not selected
above and the Death Check suffer a -4 penalty. However,
never result in a critical hit.
suppose this combat feat is declared during the Combat
Preparation. In that case, the Initiative check and Monster
CONFIDENT PERFORMER Knowledge check at the time of Combat Preparation are
Prer. Bard Level 3 or higher Use Bard class exempt from this risk.
Appl. 1 finale performance Risk None This combat feat is limited to Normal Move or
Change a Finale “Resistance: Half” to “Resistance: Limited Move. It cannot be declared if a Full Move is
Sum. performed on this turn.
Can't,” and it cannot be critical
This combat feat can be declared using Finale, which
has “Resistance: Half.”
If the declaration is made, the Finale is treated as Prer. Adventure Level 3 or higher Use Tail
Effect “Resistance: Can't,” but at the same time Critical Appl. 1 melee attack Risk None
Threshold is changed to “None.” Sum. Attack with tail up to 3 targets, Accuracy check -1
Only a change in the type of resistance and type of This feat can only be declared when a melee attack is
immunities can negate Finale’s effect. made with the wrestling weapon Tail and works for one
POWER STRIKE I With a Tail attack, the attacker attacks up to 3
Effect characters who share the same coordinates or are within
Prer. None Use - the skirmish. The attacker's Accuracy check is made only
Appl. 1 melee attack Risk Evasion check -2 once, with a -1 penalty. The damage should be
Sum. Melee Attack damage +4 determined individually if the attacker hits more than one
When a melee attack is made, this feat can be character.
declared at the time of the attack and is effective for that
Effect single attack.
If the declared attack hits, its damage is increased by
+4. As a risk, any Evasion checks take a -2 penalty.
Part 3 Data
Fighter class level 3 or Fighter class, 2H melee Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes
Prer. Use
higher weapon Lasts 10 seconds (1
Appl. Risk None
Appl. 1 melee attack Risk None round)
Sum. Attack up to 3 targets, damage -3 Spellcasting check is performed twice, and the result can
When a melee attack is made with a non-wrestling be selected
Stance: 2H weapon, this feat can be declared at the time In the turn in which the user declares this feat, they
of the attack and is effective for that single attack. may choose whether or not to perform this Metamagic on
Effect The user can attack up to 3 targets within the user’s all spell casts. If the user chooses to use this Metamagic,
reach. Only one Accuracy check can be made against Effect they must spend twice as much MP as they would
them. If more than one hits, the damage is determined normally spend and gain the following benefits.
individually, but all are reduced by -3. Spellcasting checks can be performed by rolling 2d
twice and selecting the desired roll.
Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes METAMAGIC/TARGETS
Appl. 1 spell cast Risk None Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes
Sum. Spellcasting check +2 for damaging spell Lasts 10 seconds (1
Appl. Risk None
It can be declared at the time of the cast spell and is round)
valid for the one time of the cast. Sum. Increase the spell’s number of target
If the spell only deals damage to the target, the user In the turn in which the user declares this feat, they
Effect gains a +2 bonus to the success value of the Spellcasting may choose whether or not to perform this Metamagic on
check. This feat does not have any effect on spells that do all spell casts. If the user chooses to use this Metamagic,
not deal damage or have effects other than dealing they gain the following benefits.
damage. Increases the number of targets for the spell with
“Target: 1 character (including 1 Entire Character and 1
Character X)”, “Target: One Object,” and “Target: 1
LETHAL STRIKE I spell”. However, spell with “Range: Caster” or “Range:
Prer. None Use - Touch” cannot be affected.
Appl. 1 melee attack Risk Evasion check -2 Each additional target multiplies the MP consumed
Sum. Power table roll for melee attack +1 (2x for 2 targets, 3x for 3 targets, etc.). Spellcasting check
When a melee attack is made, this feat can be should be done once for all targets.
declared at the time of the attack and is effective for that
If the declared attack hits, the damage roll is increased
Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes
by +1 if the roll is 3-11. Double 1s and double 6s work as
Lasts 10 seconds (1
is. The same is true for all critical for this damage decision. Appl. Risk None
Effect round)
As a risk, any Evasion check is subject to a -2 penalty.
When attacking multiple characters at the same time, Sum. Increase the spell’s range
the user needs to select one character at random from In the turn in which the user declares this feat, they
among that hit. The above process is then used to may choose whether or not to perform this Metamagic on
calculate the damage to that one character. This target all spell casts. If the user chooses to use this Metamagic,
selection is made before the damage is determined. they gain the following benefits.
Increases the spell’s distance. However, spell with
Effect “Range: Caster” or “Range: Touch” cannot be affected.
METAMAGIC/POWER ASSURANCE For every 2x or 3x the range distance increase, the MP
Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes to be consumed is doubled or tripled, etc. The multiplier
Lasts 10 seconds (1 can only be chosen in integer multiples.
Appl. Risk None In Simplified Combat, “Range: 1” can be changed to
If the damage determination roll is 4 or less, roll again “Range: 2” by doubling the MP cost.
only once
In the turn in which the user declares this feat, they METAMAGIC/TIME
may choose whether or not to perform this Metamagic on
Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes
all spell casts. If the user chooses to use this Metamagic,
Lasts 10 seconds (1
they must spend twice as much MP as they would Appl. Risk None
normally spend and gain the following benefits. round)
If the 2d roll when using the power table for spell Sum. Extend the duration of the spell effect
damage is 4 or less, the roll can only be rerolled once and In the turn in which the user declares this feat, they
use either result. may choose whether or not to perform this Metamagic on
all spell casts. If the user chooses to use this Metamagic,
they gain the following benefits.
Extends the duration of the spell. Spells with
Effect “Duration: Instant” and “Duration: Permanent” cannot
be affected. The portion can be extended in the case of
“Duration: Instant /△△.”
The MP consumed is doubled or tripled for every
doubling or tripling of time. The multiplier can only be
chosen in integer multiples.
Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes
Lasts 10 seconds (1 Appl. 1 melee cast Risk Fortitude and Willpower -2
Appl. Risk None
round) Sum. Adds Magic Power to melee attack damage
Sum. Extend the area of the spell effect When a melee attack is made, this feat can be
In the turn in which the user declares this feat, they declared at the time of the attack and is effective for that
may choose whether or not to perform this Metamagic on single attack.
all spell casts. If the user chooses to use this Metamagic, If the declared attack hits, the damage is increased by
they gain the following benefits. the attacker's Magic Power. The risk is a -2 penalty to any
The effect area of a spell whose target is “1 area (XX Effect Fortitude or Willpower of the user.
Effect radius)/Space”, “1 area (XX radius)/All”, or “1 area (XX When attacking multiple characters at the same time,
radius)/Y” and whose radius part is 2 to 5 meters will be the user needs to select one character at random from
expanded. among that hit. Then, the damage to that one character
The +1m double the MP cost, +2m triples it, etc. will be increased. This target selection is made before
However, the radius can only be expanded to a maximum determining the damage.
of 6m.
UNIVERSAL METAMAGIC Prer. None Use Grappler class
Wizard-Type Appl. 1 melee cast Risk None
Prer. Any [Metamagic/**] Use
Classes Treats the attack target's Defense as half. Critical
Appl. Lasts 10 seconds (1 round) Risk None Sum.
Threshold +1
Sum. Can use any combination of [Metamagic/**] When a melee attack is made, this feat can be
At the turn of the user who declared this combat feat, declared at the time of the attack and is effective for that
the player can choose whether or not to obtain the effect single attack.
of any of the [Metamagic/**] for all spell casts. User don’t If the declared attack hits, the attack target's Defense
need to know all [Metamagic/**] to use them in any is treated as half (rounded up), but the critical threshold is
combination. increased by +1 in the damage determination. A critical
Effect In addition, multiple effects may be combined. In that Effect
hit will never occur if the critical threshold is 13 or more.
case, the MP consumption is calculated by multiplying all When attacking multiple characters at the same time,
the coefficients determined for each Metamagic. For the use needs to select one character at random from
example, if user select [Metamagic/Targets] to target 2 among that hit. Then, the above process is performed
characters and [Metamagic/Time] to extend the duration when applying damage to that one character. This target
by 3 times, they have to spend 2x3=6 times MP. selection is made before determining the damage.
Prer. None Use Wizard-Type Classes
Appl. 1 spell cast Risk None
Sum. Changes target of the spell to target 1 Character
Affects the next spell to be cast on this turn. The spell
Effect with “Target: 1 area (XX radius)/Y” can be cast as a
“Target: 1 Character”.
Part 3 Data
Prer. None Use -
Sum. Removes one spell or effect
AIMED SHOT With “Range: Touch” and “Target: 1 spell”, one
Prer. None Use Marksman class, 2H ranged weapon sustained spell or effect will be released. Only spells or
unique skills with a duration of more than 10 seconds (1
If the following shooting attack hits with a high success
Sum. round) can be canceled. Effects that are “Permanent” in
value, the combined damage is doubled when it hits
duration, effects that are “Instant” in duration, effects that
The archer who uses this combat feat specifies a target
result in a fall prone (e.g., a Throw), and effects that are
with which the shooting attack is possible at the time of
continuous (e.g., being grabbed and rendered immobile)
use, and the combined damage is doubled if the archer
Effect cannot be canceled. The effect “Duration: Instant/X
makes a shooting attack on that target in their next Major
seconds/minutes (rounds)” can be canceled.
Action and hits with a success value that is 3 or higher than
To remove the effect, the user must perform an Skill
the target's Evasion check success value. If the user’s
Check using their own Magic Power as the standard value
success value is 1 or 2 higher than the target's success
and compare the success value with the effect to be
value, the target will be hit, but the damage calculation will
removed. The effect is canceled if the user's success value
be performed as usual. Of course, if the user’s success
is higher than the standard value. Please follow the rules
value is not equal to or higher than the target's success
for forced removal (see CR I, p. 166).
Effect value, the attack fails.
The user must be able to attack the target without
causing a stray shot, both when using the combat feat and Automatically Acquired Passive Combat
when executing a shooting attack. Movement when using
combat feat is also limited to Limited Move. If another
Major Action is performed after the combat feat instead
of a shooting attack, its effect will be lost. CHAIN ATTACK
User cannot overlap the effects of this skill with Grappler class, 1H
abilities, magic, ammunition, etc., that can attack multiple Gain Grappler class level 1 Use
enemies at the same time. If they use them, the effects of Sum. Additional 1H wrestling attack after 1H wrestling attack
this skill do not occur. When a melee attack is made with a wrestling weapon
with “Stance: 1H,” an additional melee attack can be
made again on the same target with a wrestling weapon
with “Stance: 1H”. The weapon used for the initial attack
may be different from the weapon used for the additional
Only one additional attack is allowed when two attacks
are made with [Dual Wielding]. This additional attack
does not incur the penalty modifier -2 to the Accuracy
Energy Bolt Cost MP5 Nap Cost MP5
1 2(30m)/ 1 3
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Half 1(10m)/
Character Shot Tar. Character Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Neg
Sum. Deals Power 10 damage Type Energy X (18 r)
Creates and shoots mana arrow, dealing Power 10 + Magic Power Psychic
Sum. Puts target to sleep Type
magical damage to the target. (Weak)
Eff. Power Crit The target falls into a light sleep. It cannot move or perform any
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ active actions. When an action check is requested, the target receives
10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ a -4 penalty for all actions. The standing target will not fall prone and
Eff. sleep while standing.
The effect of this spell is automatically canceled when another
character touches the target. If it is a friendly character, it can be
Dull Weapon Cost MP2 canceled with Minor Action.
1 2(30m)/ 3 minutes
Tar. Range/Area Duration Res. Neg
Character Target (18 r)
Sum. Reduce the target's physical damage by -4. Vitality Cost MP2
Weakens the target reducing the damage of a target's melee or 3
Eff. 1 Entire 2(30m)/
ranged attacks by 4. Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional
Character Target
(18 r)
Sum. Fortitude +2
Light Cost MP1
Revitalizes the life force of the target.
The target gets a +2 bonus on Fortitude checks.
Any 2(30m)/ 3
Tar. Range/Area Duration Resistance N/A
Point Target Hours
Sum. Illuminate a 10-meter radius with light.
Two to three areas (10 m radius) centered on the target will be
Unlock Cost MP2
illuminated with light. Within this area, the target will not be affected 1
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Eff. by the darkness penalty. Object
This spell can be cast on an object and carried around; it cannot Sum. Uses mana to open a lock.
be cast directly on a character. This spell opens mundane locks. If the lock is sealed magically,
make a contested roll against the seal's caster. The lock opens if the
caster wins.
Lock Cost MP1 The mechanical part of the lock remains working.
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Resistance N/A
Sum. Uses mana to close a lock tight.
Sense Enemy Cost MP2
You lock any object that can be locked. An object locked with 1 Entire 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Neg
Eff. this spell behaves as if locked normally. Anything with a lock can be Character Target
affected. Sum. Senses hostility towards the caster.
The caster can tell if the target harbors feelings of ill will towards
the caster. However, it will not reveal the target's exact thoughts or
Sense Magic Cost MP1 motives.
Eff. Anyone targeted by this spell experiences a momentary feeling of
1 2(30m)/ dizziness, which can alert them to the fact that the spell was used on
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance N/A
Object Target them if the caster was visible while casting. As a result, they can
Sum. Find out if any spells were cast detect the caster.
Senses the presence of magic in a target object.
Caster knows if magic is present or not, but not the name, type,
effect, system, if it is permanent or temporary, or how many spells
are affecting the target.
Paralyze Cost MP3
1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Neg
Character Target
Dispel Magic Cost MP3 (18 r)
Sum. Accuracy or Evasion checks -2
1 2(30m)/ The target takes a -2 penalty to its Accuracy or Evasion. The
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Resistance Neg
Spell Target caster chooses what the penalty applies to.
Sum. Makes the spell lose its effect Eff. If multiple targets are targeted at the same time with
Removes one effect of magic other than the curse type, requiring [Metamagic/Targets], the checks to be penalized must all be the
a comparison of the target spell success value with the Spellcasting same.
check for this spell. See CR I, page 166, for detailed rules on
removing spell effects.
Reaping Slash Cost MP7
1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Half
Character Target
Sum. Deals Power 20 damage Type Slashing
Slashes with a magic blade, dealing Power 20 + Magic Power of
magic damage.
Eff. Power Crit
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩
Part 3 Data
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Res. N/A Any 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Half
Sum. Creates a loyal and useful familiar. Point Line
Create a construct that will serve as a familiar. See “Familiar Sum. Deals Power 20 damage Type Lightning
Eff. Unleashes bolts of lightning, dealing Power 20 + Magic Power
Data” (see CR I, p. 432). Casting the spell takes one hour.
magic damage to the target.
Eff. Power Crit
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
Marking Cost MP2 Value
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩
1 3
Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
Object Days
Sum. Places an arcane mark upon an object.
The caster can tell the direction and distance to the marked
object at any time during the duration. The spell fades if the object
Eff. is destroyed or moved from its location.
As long as this spell is in effect, the caster may not use it again
(the caster may not locate two objects at once with this spell).
Enchant Weapon Cost MP2 Counter Magic t
3 1 Entire 2(30m) 3
1 2(30m)/ Range/Are Duratio Optiona
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional Tar. Characte / minute Res.
Character Target r a Target n s (18 r)
(18 r)
Infuses a blade or fist with mana, making it sharper or harder. Sum Willpower checks +2
Physical damage +1. Activates the target's spirit, giving it a +2 bonus to its Willpower
The target's weapons become magical and deal 1 extra point of checks.
physical damage.
Command Doll Cost MP4
Fire Weapon Cost MP4 Doll Sight Cost MP3
3 1 1
1 2(30m)/ Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration Resistance N/A
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional Doll Hour
Character Target
(18 r) Makes a bond to a doll or puppet that enables the caster to see what
Sum. Covers weapon inflame, damage +2. it sees
When the target makes a melee or ranged attack, the weapon Caster connects their senses to a doll or puppet, allowing them to
Eff. used in the attack is treated as a fire-type magic weapon, and the see around it. The caster can use any of their special senses through
physical damage it causes is increased by +2. the doll.
For spells duration, the caster can freely change between their
sight and that of the doll with Minor Action but cannot see both at
Raging Earth Cost MP7
the same time.
2-3 areas (10m 1(10m)/
Dur. seconds Res. Can’t
(3 r)
Forbid Magic Cost MP5
Part 3 Data
1 area (3m
Range/Area Caster/- Duration
Res. Can’t Field Resistance Cost MP5
Radius)/5 minutes
(18 r) Instant/3
1 area (5m
Sum. Reduces the target's received damage by -1. Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Res. Can’t
(18 r)
Creates a circle of protection and grants the blessing to the target.
Eff. The targets take -1 physical and magical damage. Protection does Sum. Reduces damage from a specific type by 3 points
not affect poison-, disease-, or curse types. The spell creates a circle of protection, protecting against certain
dangers to those present.
The targets take -3 damage from all physical and magical sources
Awaken Cost MP5 of a single damage type. Choose Wind, Fire, Water/Ice, Lightning,
or Energy when the caster casts the spell. This effect lasts for 3
1 1(10m)/ minutes (18 rounds).
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Optional
Character Target
Sum. Wakes a target up from being asleep or unconscious.
A sleeping, stunned or unconscious character wakes up. If their Force Cost MP4
HP was below 0, it is set to 1. If sleep is a spell or unique skill effect,
then the caster needs to make a contested roll against the success Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Half
Eff. Shot
value of the effect.
The affected character can take action immediately. Prone Sum. Deals Power 10 damage. Type Bludg.
characters wake up still prone. Shoots the target with a cannonball of spiritual force dealing
Power 10 + Magic Power magical damage.
Eff. Power Crit
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
Cure Wounds Cost MP3
10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Neg
Sum. Heal target's wounds with Power 10
Heals Power 10 + Magic Power damage. This spell does not affect
constructs or magitech. If the target is undead, this spell deals Power
10 + Magic Power damage instead.
Eff. Crit
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 N/A
Sacred Weapon Cost MP3 Affirmation Of Faith Cost MP5
3 3
1 2(30m)/ 1 area (5m
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Res. Neg
Character Target Radius)/15
(18 r) (18 r)
Increases Accuracy +1 and physical damage +2 against Barbarous Caster affirms their faith and rebukes the magic of other
Sum. Sum. Type Curse
and Undead gods.
This spell empowers the target to fight against impurities. It creates a field blessed by the caster's deity and inhibits the
The target's melee and ranged attacks when attacking Undead or intervention of other deities.
Eff. Barbarous characters receive a +1 bonus to Accuracy and deal an Targets will no longer be able to cast Specialized Divine Magic of
additional +2 physical damage. These attacks are treated as if they a deity different from the caster for the duration of the spell.
were made with a magical weapon.
(see CR I, p. 217)
Any 2(30m)/ 12 10
Tar. Range/Area Duration Res. Optional 1 Entire 2(30m)/
Point Target Hours Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds Res. Neg
Character Target
Sum. Illuminate a 20-meter radius with light (1 r)
Removes penalties due to darkness within all areas (20m radius). Sum. Distorts the target's eyesight Type Psychic
Eff. If the target is performing a check for more than 1 minute (6
This spell could be put on an object that can be carried and moved.
rounds) time required, it will be canceled.
Eff. Also, if the target has learned the combat feat [Targeting] or has a
Ray Cost MP5 similar ability, the caster can make it lose its effect. In this case, the
combat feat or ability on which it is based also loses its effect.
Any 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Half
Point Line
Sum. Deals Power 10 damage. Undead +3. Type Energy Charm Cost MP4
Deals damage with a beam of light dealing Power 10 + Magic
Power magical damage. Undead creatures take additional +3 damage 2(30m)/ 6
only on failed resistance. Tar. Character Range/Area Duration Res. Neg
Target Hours
Eff. Crit
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
Value Sum. Entices the target, causing them to be less vigilant
The target will be less wary of the caster, even if initially hostile.
10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ Eff.
The target will treat the caster as a close friend, trying not to hinder
Part 3 Data
them as much as possible and trusting what the caster says. However,
the target will not trust any actions or behaviors actively detrimental Appraisal Cost MP1
to their health. 10
This effect immediately ends if the caster is actively hostile toward Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Res. Optional
the target. For the next 6 hours, the target gains a +4 bonus to (60 r)
Willpower. Sum. Appraise check +4
Mirtabar shows objects in detail and allows the caster to appraise
them more accurately.
Caster gains a +4 bonus to the success value of the Appraise
Signature Torch Cost MP2
1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minute Res. Neg
Character Target
(6 r)
Sum. Marks the target with a flame, Evasion -2 Counter Daemon Cost MP3
A bright flame emerges near the target, illuminating them and a 3
5m radius around them. In Simplified Combat, only the area where 1 Entire 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional
Eff. the target is located will be illuminated. This bright light eliminates Character Target
(18 r)
the penalty for poor visibility and gives the target a -2 penalty for their Sum. Fortitude and Willpower +2 against Daemons
Evasion. It gains the ability to resist abilities used by Daemons. The target
Eff. gains a +2 bonus to any Fortitude or Willpower checks against
unique skills used by Daemons.
⏩△Heat Weapon Cost MP4
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Res. Optional ⏩Sacred Aura Cost MP4
(18 r) 10
Sum. Heats the caster's weapon to incredible temperatures, +2 damage Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration seconds Res. Optional
When the target makes a melee attack, the weapon used in the (1 r)
Eff. attack is treated as a fire-type magic weapon, and the physical damage Sum. [Sacred…] spells also affect Daemons
it causes is increased by +2. Any [Sacred Shield] [Sacred Weapon] spells cast by the caster
during the duration of this spell will also affect Daemons.
1 Entire
Res. Neg
Star Guide Cost MP1
Character Target Hour
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Instant Res. Optional
Sum. Enables the target to see in the dark
Sum. Know the location of the nearest temple by shooting stars
The target gains the Darkvision ability. This allows them to see in
Eff. A shooting star in the sky indicates the place to return to, and the
darkness as if it was sunlight.
caster can determine the exact distance and direction to the nearest
temple of Harula from its current location.
This effect is only useful at night and when the starry sky is visible.
Blindness Cost MP4
1 3
Tar. Character Range/Area
Duration minutes Res. Neg △Disclose Daemons Cost MP2
X (18 r)
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Special Res. Optional
Sum. Robs the target of sight
If the target fails to resist, it is blinded. This does not affect Sum. Monster Knowledge check +2 for Daemons
Eff. Caster gains insight from stars regarding the ecology and
creatures with magical or mechanical senses.
characteristics of Daemons.
This spell can be cast during Combat Preparation (see p. 121).
Eff. The caster gains a +2 bonus to the Monster Knowledge check for
Daemon monsters immediately following the check. If multiple
Monster Knowledge checks for Daemons are required, this effect is
Retry Cost MP2 applied to all of them.
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. Optional
Sum. Reroll technique checks that take more than 1 minute to complete
Mirtabar leads the hands of the caster to prevent mistakes.
When performing a check belonging to the Technique check Forest Path Cost MP1
package (see CR I, p. 114) with a check Time Required of 1 minute 3
Eff. (6 rounds) or more, the 2d roll made during the check can be Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. Optional
rerolled once.
This spell can only be cast once per day and automatically ends Sum. Maximum HP +3 in the natural environment
when the reroll takes effect. Spell temporarily gives the vitality of the great earth.
As long as the caster is in the natural environment (see CR I, p.
101) during the duration of the effect, the maximum HP value is
increased by +3 points. The current HP value is also increased
(recovered) by 3 points.
If the caster leaves the natural environment during the duration
of the effect, the spell is immediately canceled; the current HP value
is reduced to the maximum HP value if otherwise exceeded.
Binding Thorn Cost MP5 Cold Rain Cost MP7
1 30 Instant/1
2(30m)/ 1 area 1(10m)
Tar. Character Range/Area Duration seconds Res. Temp. Range/Are Duratio 0
Target Tar. (3m / Res. Half
X (3 r)
Radius)/5 a Target n seconds
Sum. Accuracy and Evasion -1 (1 r)
A mana-woven thorn is extended from the earth and tangled Typ Water/Ic
Sum. Deals Power 10 damage, Evasion -1
around the target to weaken it. e e
The target takes a -1 penalty on Accuracy checks and Evasion It dumps cold rain within range and slows down movement.
checks for the duration of the effect. Deals Power 10 + Magic Power magic damage. If the target fails
Eff. During this casting spell, if the success value of the caster and resistance, it gains a -1 penalty to Evasion checks for 10 seconds (1
target are compared, and the caster has a success value of 5 or more, Eff. round).
the duration is extended to 3 minutes (18 rounds). If the target makes Crit
an automatic success, the effect lasts for 10 seconds (1 round), simply Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
following the “Resistance: Temporary” rule. 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩
Part 3 Data
⏩Solid Bullet Magisphere: Small Cost MP1 ⏩Healing Bullet Magisphere: Small Cost MP1
10 seconds (1 10 seconds (1
Tar. Bullet Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. N/A Tar. Bullet Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. N/A
r) r)
Sum. Infuses a bullet with Power 20 Sum. Makes a healing bullet that heals with Power 0
The bullet deals Power 20 + Magic Power magic damage if it hits. This spell creates a bullet that heals wounds. The bullet heals
Crit Power 0 + Magic Power if it hits. The bullet hits as long as the caster
Eff. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Value does not score an automatic failure on the roll.
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ±0 Eff. This spell does not affect undead, constructs or magitech.
Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
⏩Targeting Sight Magisphere: Small Cost MP2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 N/A
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration seconds Res. Optional
(1 r) Knocker Bomb Magisphere: Small Cost MP3
Sum. Accuracy +1 1
The caster gains a +1 bonus on Accuracy rolls as magisphere turns Tar. Range/Area Touch/- Duration seconds (1 Res. Neg
Eff. Object
into a targeting scope, improving the caster's vision.
Sum. Creates a bomb for blowing up lock
The spell creates a magic bomb that blows up locks. The bomb
Flashlight Magisphere: Small Cost MP2 explodes with a loud sound after 10 seconds (1 round), i.e., at the
beginning of the next caster's turn, destroying the lock. Locks that
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. Optional Eff. are destroyed by this magic cannot be repaired.
Nonmagical locks will be destroyed without fail. If the caster
Sum. Illuminates a space of 2 areas (semicircle with a radius of 10m) attempts to destroy a lock closed by magic, make a contested roll
The magisphere after transformation will illuminate a 10m radius versus the Magic Power of the spell.
in front of it. Within the light, all penalties from darkness are
In Simplified Combat, two areas are illuminated: the area of the
caster and the adjacent area in front of the caster. Only that area will
⏩Element Bullet Magisphere: Small Cost MP1
be illuminated if the caster has advanced to the enemy rear area. 10 seconds (1
Tar. Bullet Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Creates Power 20 bullet with elemental type
Mana Search Magisphere: S, M, L Cost MP3 The bullet deals Power 20 + Magic Power magic damage if it hits.
In addition, the bullet also deals attribute damage. The caster may
All areas
2(30m)/ choose Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, or Lightning to deal that type of
Tar. (10m-50m Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Can’t
Target Eff. damage.
Sum. Scans for items imbued with magic Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
Magisphere transforms into a detector and shows the caster the 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ±0
location of all magical items within the area of effect. It does not
inform the caster of the strength or type of magic.
The detection range depends on the size of the magisphere used.
The area is a 10m radius if a small magisphere is used, 30m for a Effect Weapon Magisphere: Small Cost MP2
medium sphere, and 50m for a large sphere. 3
1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional
Character Target
(18 r)
⏩Explorer Aid Magisphere: Small Cost MP4 Sum.
Applies magical effects to a weapon and allows it to strike with type
10 minutes
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration Res. Optional Whenever the target makes a melee or ranged attack, the weapon
(60 r)
used in the attack is treated as a magic weapon, and the physical
Sum. Search, Disable Device +2 damage it causes is +1.
Magisphere transforms into a sensor to aid in vision and hearing. Eff.
Eff. The affected attacks also deal damage of an elemental type. The
Caster gains +2 bonus to Search or Disable Device checks. type is chosen by the caster when the spell is cast. The caster must
choose an element to imbue.
Shock Bomb Magisphere: Medium Cost MP3 ⏩Quick Loader Magisphere: Small Cost MP4
Instant/30 1
1 1(10m)/ Tar. Range/Area Caster/- Duration Instant Res. N/A
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds (3 Res. Neg Gun
Character Shot
r) Sum. Connects caster’s gun with their inventory, automatically loading it
Sum. Agility -12 The magisphere transforms into a loader. One gun is
Paralyzes target on impact. Eff. automatically loaded with as many bullets as it can hold from the
Target's Agility is reduced by -12 (but not below 0). This will caster’s gun belt.
reduce the target’s movement, Evasion, Initiative, etc. For fixed-value
characters, movement speed is reduced by -12, Initiative is reduced
by -2, and Evasion is reduced by -2. Other unique skills may be Automobile Magisphere: Large Cost MP10
modified at GM's discretion.
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
⏩Analyze Magisphere: Small Cost MP2 Sum. Create a Manabike
The magisphere transforms into a Manabike. The manabike can
1 Object or move at a speed of 50. The manabike can be ridden by anyone.
Tar. 1 Entire Range/Area Caster/- Duration Instant Res. Can’t Eff. While piloting a manabike, the pilot must concentrate on the
Character manabike and cannot do anything else. Also, the magisphere after
Sum. Analyzes a monster's body or a machine's structure the transformation cannot be used to cast magitech.
The magisphere transforms into an analyzer, allowing the caster
to learn about the abilities, effects, and uses of Magitech Civilization-
era items. It also shows the data of a magitech monster. However, it Smoke Bomb Magisphere: Medium Cost MP4
Eff. will not reveal the weak point.
This spell can be cast during Combat Preparation. Please note 1 area
that it can only be cast once, and it must be before the Monster (5m 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds (3 Res. Can’t
Knowledge check. Radius)/ Shot
Sum. Caster throws a bomb that releases burning fumes into an area
The smoke in a 5m radius completely blocks all light and renders
the vision of the creature with the five senses perception useless
(even with Darkvision). Creatures with magical or mechanical senses
take no penalty.
One of the fairies contracted by the caster will appear and follow 3
them around. The caster can speak with the fairy using Sylvan. Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Res. Optional
However, the caster cannot give it an order or force it to do anything. (18 r)
At any point during the spell's duration, the caster may ask a fairy Gives +2 bonus to Evasion, Willpower, and Fortitude checks against
for aid and receive a +1 bonus on a roll. The caster must decide to fairies
ask for the fairy's help before making the roll. For the duration, the caster gains a +2 bonus on Evasion,
When the spell's duration ends, or the caster asks the fairy for aid, Eff. Willpower, and Fortitude checks when targeted by fairy monster
Eff. attacks or unique skills.
or the spell is dispelled, the fairy disappears.
Alternatively, the spell is automatically canceled when the caster
enters combat. Therefore, the caster may not request the fairy during MP10&
combat. Summon Fairy II Cost
Stone 5
The spell ends immediately before the Combat Preparation.
Therefore, Initiative checks and Monster Knowledge checks also do pts.
not gain bonus modifiers from this spell. 30
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration seconds Res. N/A
(3 r)
Summon Fairy Cost
Stone 5 pts.
Sum. Calls and uses a level 5 fairy
It is the same as [Summon Fairy], except that the monster level of
30 Eff.
the fairy to be called is 5.
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration seconds Res. N/A
(3 r)
Sum. Calls and uses a level 3 fairy
Calls fairy of 3rd monster level and made to follow the
instructions. Treat it as it was given “Obey Command” (see CR II, p.
90). The fairies that can be summoned are limited to those whose Snare Cost MP3
type is currently selected by the caster. 1 2(30m)/
While this spell is in effect, the caster may not cast any Fairy Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Neg
Character Target
Eff. Magic. If the caster has cast [Fairy Wish][Fairy Wish II] spells, they Earth fairies grab the enemy's legs and pull them to
are automatically canceled by this casting spell. Sum. Type Earth
the ground
This spell requires paying 5 MP from a mako stone. The
The target is rendered prone. However, it cannot affect a
consumption of this mako stone is the same as the general use of
mako stones to replace MP, and no other mako stone may be used Eff. character with multiple sections or a character that moves in a way
other than using two legs (bipedal).
simultaneously to replace MP. However, if the mako stone has more
Part 3 Data
Wind Guard Cost MP3 Virtual Toughness Cost MP4
3 3
1 2(30m)/ 1 1(10m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional Tar. Range/Area Duration minutes Res. Optional
Character Target Character Target
(18 r) (18 r)
Sum. Reduces wind type damage by -3 Type Wind Sum. Temporarily increase the target's HP
Turns aside or stops the wind with a tiny shield of air. The target Adds the caster's magic power to the target's current and
takes -3 damage from all wind-type attacks. maximum HP. After the duration has passed, the maximum HP
Eff. returns to its original value. The current value does not change unless
Windcutter Cost MP4 it now exceeds the target's maximum HP, in which case the current
value changes to the maximum HP value.
1 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Half
Character Target
Sum. Deals Power 10 damage Type Wind
Creates a scythe that slices through the target, dealing Power 10 +
Magic Power magic damage. Calm Cost MP2
Eff. Power Crit 1 Character 1(10m)/
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Neg
Value X Target
10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ Sum. Return the target's mental state to normal
Removes all psychic-type effects from the target. Contested
Hovering Cost MP5 checks are needed for each such effect.
Tar. Caster Range/Area Caster/- Duration minutes Res. Optional
(18 r)
Distraction Cost MP3
Fairy Magic of the light type has no effect on Constructs, Stun Cost MP4
Magitech, and Undead. 10
1 Entire 2(30m)/
Tar. Range/Area Duration seconds Res. Neg
Healing Water Cost MP3 Character Target
(1 r)
Instant/3 Psychic
Sum. Stuns the target Type
Tar. Touch Range/Area Touch/- Duration minutes Res. N/A (Weak)
(18 r) Target automatically fails one Evasion check. As soon as it fails,
Sum. Create water that heals Power “Magic Power + 4” HP the spell will end. Only the first Evasion check will fail for characters
Creates water that can heal wounds. Eff. with multiple sections, regardless of which section it is.
Creatures that drink the water are healed of “Magic Power + 4” When casting this spell, the caster gets a +2 bonus to its
Eff. points of damage. The water may be consumed out of hands or Spellcasting check.
containers. To drink water a character need to use a Major Action.
The water disappears after 3 minutes (18 rounds).
Panic Run Cost MP4
Whisper Heal Cost MP4 1
Tar. Character Range/Area Duration seconds Res. Neg
1 area (3m 2(30m)/ Target
Tar. Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Can’t X (1 r)
Radius)/5 Target
Sum. Scares the target and makes them flee the battle Type Psychic
Sum. Restore the target's HP by “Magic Power” points
If the target is within the skirmish during the duration, it must
Eff. Restores the target's HP by Magic Power points.
withdrew from the skirmish on its turn. Otherwise, it must make
Eff. preparations to leave the melee. If the target is not in the skirmish,
Basic Healing Cost MP5 this effect does not occur, but it cannot move into the skirmish with
its movement.
Tar. 1 Character Range/Area Duration Instant Res. Optional
Sum. Restore the target's HP by “Magic Power + 4” points
Eff. Restores the target's HP by “Magic Power + 4” points.
Part 3 Data
This horrible racket disrupts the concentration of all within
Effect it, making it very difficult to cast any magic. Characters receive
a -1 penalty for all Spellcasting checks.
Early Bird
Singing Pet Bird, Frog Not
required Singing Pet Frog, Insect
Eff. Con. None Resistance Neg Type Psychic required
Base Extra Eff. Con. None Resistance Neg Type Psychic
⮭1 Flourish Value 13 ♡1 Base Extra
Rhythm Rhythm ⮯1 Flourish Value 13 ⮯1
Summary Awakens subjects Rhythm Rhythm
This jaunty melody awakens any sleeping characters. Those Summary Evasion -1
asleep naturally wake up without issue, but if a character was This sad, melancholy song brings down the mood of all who
put to sleep by some other effect, Bard's Performance check hear it. Characters receive a -1 penalty for their Evasion.
Success Value needs to exceed the effect's Success Value.
Effect While the Bard is playing this Spellsong, characters in the Morale
Area of Effect cannot naturally fall asleep. Spells, spellsongs,
and other abilities that try to put characters within the Area of Singing Pet Bird, Frog, Insect
Effect to sleep must pass an opposed check against Bard's
Performance check. Eff. Con. None Resistance Neg Type Psychic
Base Extra
⮭1 Flourish Value 13 ⮭1
Ambience Rhythm Rhythm
Summary Accuracy +1
Singing Pet Frog, Insect A heroic tune that inspires courage in all who hear it.
required Effect Characters affected by the Spellsong receive a +1 bonus to
Eff. Con. None Resistance Neg Type Psychic their Accuracy.
Base Extra
⮯1 Flourish Value 13 ⮯1
Rhythm Rhythm Requiem
Summary Accuracy -1
Singing Not required Pet Bird, Frog, Insect
This slow, droning melody calms the nerves and makes one
Effect unwilling to fight. The target takes a -1 penalty on Accuracy Eff. Con. ⮯2♡1 Resistance Neg Type -
checks. Base
⮯1 Flourish Value 13 Extra Rhythm ♡1
Singing Pet Bird, Frog, Insect
Eff. Con. None Resistance Neg Type Psychic
Base Extra
⮯1 Flourish Value 13
Summary Spellcasting -1
Part 3 Data
It is resolved as a jockey or mount melee attack,
◯Enhance Mount Prer. None
and active combat feat declarations for [Charge] can
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech be made as for a normal melee attack.
Area Main or All If a hit is scored, the Extra Damage is increased
Summary Mount’s Accuracy and Evasion +1 by +2 points for Simplified Combat (always +2) and
This Stunt tightens the control the Rider has over +1 point for Standard Combat for every 5m
the mount, increasing the mount's Accuracy and (rounded up) of movement to determine the total
Evasion by +1. If the mount has multiple Sections, damage.
then only the Main Section receives such a bonus; if The jockey and mount (all sections) can make this
the mount does not have multiple sections, then the attack only once per turn. And when it is made, the
whole mount will be affected. jockey or the mount (section) must make all other
actions first, and no other melee attack can be made
before this attack.
◯Mount's Devotion Prer. None When calculating the distance to be traveled for
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts Extra Damage in Standard Combat, the shortest
Area Main distance between these two points should be used,
If the jockey falls to 0 HP or lower, the mount takes regardless of the travel route from the start point to
Summary the endpoint.
a hit instead
When being ridden by a jockey at the same
position (area, coordinate), if the jockey receives ►Magic Command Prer. None
physical or magical damage that would reduce them
to 0 HP or lower, the mount may take the damage Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts
instead. After determining the applied damage that Area All
Effect Summary Let mount cast its spells
would be dealt to the jockey, reduce the mount's HP
by that much instead. If a mount has multiple The mount is instructed by a Major Action to cast
sections, only the Main Section can be a substitute the spell it has.
in this way. The Stunt is only valid if the jockey performs it as
This Stunt can only be used once per combat. a Major Action first during their turn and the mount
casts a spell immediately following a Major Action.
This is limited to one and only one Major Action,
◯Attack Obstruction Prer. None regardless of the number of Major Actions that the
Compatible Animals, Mythical Beasts, Magitech Effect mount can perform and whether the spell was one
Area None that could be cast with a Minor Action.
Summary Jockey/Passenger Evasion +1 A mount can cast a spell with or without
The mount is maneuvered in such ways as to implement, without considering armor penalty,
provide the jockey and any passengers a +1 bonus to vocalization, etc. Also, if the mount has learned a
Effect combat feat related to casting spells, the mount can
Evasion while riding. This Stunt can only be used
once per combat. apply or declare the effect of the feat.
This stunt can only be used twice a day.
Part 3 Data
The following is a list of low-priced items that will be description at the back of the book. Items with detailed data
useful in creating character characters with the Character are also described there. These items should be actively
Building Book. As a rule, the items are those listed in the considered for purchase.
Core Rulebooks and have a price of fewer than 5,000
gamels. We also omit renowned items (see CR II, p. 112). First Appeared in ET
Items that require expensive items as a prerequisite are also Supplement Epic Treasury adds various items to Sword
not listed, even if they themselves are cheap. World 2.5.
Please refer to the Core Rulebook for how to read each This list includes items that were first published in Epic
item. If you need to refer to detailed data, please note which Treasury, which meet the following conditions: “B or A
page of the Core Rulebook you should refer to in the Notes. Rank”, “price less than 5,000 gamels”, and “no need to refer
to Detailed Data”. The items are annotated with “※first
Recommended Items appeared in ET”, but they do not have any special effects
Among the items, some items are recommended for and can be used only with the data from this section. If the
purchase. They have the prefix “⍟”. Such items have a GM approves, you may purchase and use these items.
B-Rank Swords
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Knife 1H* 1 - 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑩ - 30
Stiletto 1H 2 - 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 ⑩ - 40
Dagger 1H* 3 - 3 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 ⑩ - 50
Kukri 1H 4 - 4 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 ⑩ - 60
Short Sword 1H 5 - 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 80
Epee 1H 6 - 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 90
Katzbalger 1H 7 - 7 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 ⑩ - 100
Rapier 1H 8 - 9 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 ⑩ - 110
Saber 1H 10 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ - 190
Estoc 2H 11 - 21 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 370
1H† 13 - 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑩ -
Long Sword 440
2H 13 - 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Broad Sword 1H 15 - 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ - 340
1H† 17 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ -
Bastard Sword 560
2H 17 - 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ -
Falchion 2H 18 - 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ - 790
Zweihander 2H 20 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ - 860
Shamshir 2H 22 - 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ - 950
Great Sword 2H 24 - 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑩ - 1,020
A-Rank Swords
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Part 3 Data
B-Rank Axes
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
Sickle 1H 4 - 9 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 ⑪ - 40
Hand Axe 1H* 7 - 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑪ - 90
Bhuj 1H 11 - 16 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 ⑪ - 240
1H† 16 - 21 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ -
Battle Axe 360
2H 16 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑪ -
Great Axe 2H 18 - 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑪ - 410
1H† 20 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑪ -
Heavy Axe 440
2H 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ -
Bulova 2H 22 - 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑪ - 490
Minotaur's Axe 2H 30 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑪ - 950
A-Rank Axes
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
B-Rank Spears
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Javelin 1H* 5 -1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ - 65
Short Spear 1H* 10 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ - 110
1H† 15 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Spear 170
2H 15 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
1H† 20 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Long Spear 220
2H 20 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
A-Rank Spears
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Pilum 1H 8 -1 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑨ - 880
Trident 1H* 12 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 460
1H† 15 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Ahlspiess 480
2H 15 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
1H 20 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
Normal Lance 1,200
1HR 20 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
1H† 25 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
Pike 1,750
2H 25 -1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -
B-Rank Maces
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
Mallet 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑫ - 20
Light Mace 1H 5 +1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑫ - 120
Heavy Mallet 1H 10 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑫ - 220
1H† 15 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ -
Heavy Mace 330
2H 15 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑫ -
Maul 2H 20 +1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑫ - 440
Ogre Maul 2H 30 +1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ - 640
A-Rank Maces
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Biliong 1H 7 +1 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑫ - 460
Pallas's Maraca 1H 9 +1 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 ⑫ - 1,360 (Details CR II, p. 229)
Steel Blow 1H 13 +1 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑫ - 710
1H† 18 +1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑫ -
Shellbreaker 1,080
2H 18 +1 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑫ -
Ball Mace 2H 23 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ - 1,220
※There are no appropriate items for publication in this book in the A Rank.
B-Rank Staves
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
B-Rank Flails
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Light Flail 1H 7 -1 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑩ - 90
1H† 10 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ -
Flail 240
2H 10 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Morningstar 1H 12 -1 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 280
1H† 15 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Heavy Flail 340
2H 15 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
Part 3 Data
A-Rank Flails
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
B-Rank Warhammers
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Pick 1H 2 -1 7 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 ⑩ - 60
Warhammer 1H 11 -1 16 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 250
Mattock 2H 20 -2 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ - 440
A-Rank Warhammers
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
B-Rank Wrestling
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Punch 1HW 0 - 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ⑫ -
Kick 1H# 0 -1 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑫ -
Throw 2H 0 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑫ - ※1
Cestus 1HW 1 +1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑪ - 40 ※1, ※2
Spiked Boots 1H# 1 -1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑪ - 160 ※1, ※3
Tail 2H# 1 +1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑫ - ※Tail are needed
Bite 2H# 1 - 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑩ - ※Bite is needed
Iron Knuckles 1HW 5 +1 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑪ - 100 ※1, ※2
Solid Heels 1H# 5 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑪ - 240 ※1, ※3
Iron Boxers 1H 10 +1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑪ - 230 ※1, ※2
Shin Guard 1H# 10 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 390 ※1, ※3
Shin Plate 1H# 15 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑪ - 580 ※1, ※3
※1: Grappler only ※2: Improves Punches ※3: Improves Kicks
A-Rank Wrestling
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
Add'l Dmg
Crit Rate
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
Crit Rate
Part 3 Data
B-Rank Bows
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Notes
A-Rank Bows
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
B-Rank Crossbows
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
A-Rank Crossbows
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
Name ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Notes
B-Rank Guns
Name Stance Min STR Max Magazine Accuracy Crit Value Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Matchlock 1H 1 3 - ⑪ - 1(10m) 360
Toradar 2H 5 3 - ⑩ - 2(30m) 800
Jezail 2H 10 3 - ⑩ +1 2(50m) 1,200
A-Rank Guns
Name Stance Min STR Max Magazine Accuracy Crit Value Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Derringer 1H 1 2 +1 ⑩ - 1(10m) 600
Smart Carbine 2H 5 4 -1 ⑩ +2 2(30m) 1,200 (Details CR III, p. 232)
Tempest 2H 10 6 - ⑪ +2 2(30m) 2,000
Longbarrel 2H 15 1 +1 ⑩ +4 2(50m) 3,500
Name Weapon Price Notes
Arrow (12) Bow 10 1G for 1 Arrow
Silver Arrow Bow 5 Silvered
Quarrel (12) Crossbow 20 2G for 1 Quarrel
Silver Quarrel Crossbow 10 Silvered
Kaburaya Bow 5 When shot with a bow, it makes a sound. (Details CR III, p. 232)
20 (Arrow)/
Piercing Arrow/Quarrel (12) Bow, Crossbow Power -5, Critical Threshold -1. 2G for 1 Arrow. 3G for 1 Quarrel
30 (Quarrel)
Flash Fang Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 250 Critical Threshold -1, ※1
Elven Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 920 Can be shot underwater, always retrievable (Details CR II, p. 227)
Magic Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 1,400 Deals magic damage, recoverable on miss (Details CR II, p. 227)
Bullet (12) Gun 50 5G for 1 Bullet.
Silver Bullet Gun 25 Silvered
Green Bullet(12) Gun 160 HP recovery power is increased by +10. 16G for 1 Bullet (Details CR II, p. 227)
Underwater Bullet Gun 210 Gun can shoot these bullets underwater (Details CR II, p. 227)
Part 3 Data
B-Rank Shields
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Buckler 1H 1 +1 0 60
Round Shield 1H 8 - 1 100
Kite Shield 1H 13 +1 1 500
Tower Shield 1H 17 - 2 600
A-Rank Shields
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Can be used as a mirror (Details CR II,
Mirror Shield 1H 5 +1 0 870
p. 228)
Target Shield 1H 7 +1 1 680
Cymbal Shield 1H 8 +1 1 1,020 Generates “Rhythm:⮭ or ⮯” when used
as Shield (Details CR II, p. 228)
Heater Shield 1H 10 - 2 1,000
Spiked Shield 1H 13 +1 2/0 1,800 Can be used as a weapon
Knight Shield 1H 15 - 2 1,250 Mount Protection
Great Wall 1H 20 -1 3 1,800
Great Barrier 2H 30 +1 3/3 3,300 Can be used as a weapon
※Shields Usable as Weapons
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
Name ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Notes
Cost of Living Luxury Goods
Name Stance Price Notes Name Stance Price Notes
Lifestyle - 10+ Frugal Living: 10G, Decent Living: Shredded Pre-packaged cigarettes for pipe use;
- 10+
Expenses 30G Tobacco Contains 10.
Tobacco - 24+ 12 leaves
Lodging Smoking Pipe 1H 75+
Name Stance Price Notes
1 Day Stable Corner: 15G, Standard Room: Travel Expenses
(excluding - 15+ 30G, Suite: 100G Name Stance Price Notes
meals) Distance to be reached in 1 hour, for
1 Week Carriage Fare - 10
Food not included. Only available by long distance, +5G per hour
(excluding - 150+ The trip takes about 12 hours in a
meals) Magical Train second class compartment. The price
- 20+
Fare increases proportionally as the
Food/Drink distance increases. First class 50+.
Name Stance Price Notes
Airfreight Fare - 500+ Per itinerary per day. Fare only.
Ale - 1+ Price is for 1 cup. Barrel: 300G
Per day including coachman. 500G
Wine - 2+ Price is for 1 cup. Bottle: 20G
for transporting one passenger and
Meal (1 Snack: 3G, Lunch Set: 8G, Dinner their baggage, 750G for 2 persons,
- 3+ Charter
person) 15G - 500+ and 1,000G for 4 persons. If the day
Preserved food Wagon
- 10+ Dried meat and fruits. is extended, the cost of the
(1 day) passenger's meals, etc., are paid
Preserved food separately.
- 50+ Value pack.
(1 week)
Nutrition Runefolk only. Only 1 is needed per
- 100+
Capsule week.
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
Name ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Notes
Name ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Notes
Part 3 Data
Repair Tools
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
Name ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Notes
Class-Specific Items
Name Stance Price Notes Feet,
1H, 2H, Other
Right 100 or Set of wire, skeleton keys, and
Magical Used to cast Truespeech Magic,
Hand, Left weapon price other such tools. If you don't have
Implement Spiritualism Magic Scout's Tools - 100
Hand, + 100 it, the some Scout’s checks will be
Other modified with a penalty of -4.
Familiar's Defense +3/+6 (Details A Disable Device check can be
Tiny Armor - 2,120/6,120
CR III, p. 235) Key Of attempted on magically closed
- 100
Various different golem materials Unlocking locks and doors. (Details CR I, p.
- 50+
Enchanted… (Details CR II, p. 229) 303).
Strongly Various reusable golem materials Stabilizes herb recovery (1d+4 on
- 100+ Apothecary's
Enchanted… (Details CR II, p. 229) 2H 200 Power Table roll) (Details CR
III, p. 235)
Golem Various items used to strengthen
Enhancing - 100+ +1 for recovery of herbs to self
the golems (Details CR II, p. 229) Magic Pipe 1H 1,360
Items (Details CR III, p. 235)
Musical Used to play spellsongs and
Magical Skeletal undead material (Details 2H 100+
- 500 Instrument finales
Bones CR II, p. 229)
Flourish Value -1 with this
Changes the given command of a Akane's Flute 2H 200 instrument (Details CR II, p.
Command - 100 Golem or undead (Details CR II,
Stone 229)
p. 229) Pets can help sing spellsongs.
Holy Symbol Any 100 Used to cast Divine Magic Pet - 100+
(Details CR II, p. 229)
Fairy Tamer's Right
Any 50+ Used to cast Fairy Magic
Gem Hand, Left
The leather case holds up to 4 Alchemy Kit Hand, 200 Allows use of Evocations
Gem Case Any 100+ Fairy Tamer's Gems. Gems sold Waist, and
separately Other
Magisphere Any 200 Used to cast magitech Increases range of Evocations
(Small) Card Shooter 1H 1,500
(Details CR III, p. 235)
Back, Material Card - 20 – 20,000 Consumed by Evocations
Magisphere Waist, 500 Used to cast magitech
(Medium) ※1: All of these together can only be equipped up to two at a time. If two
Other items of the same name are equipped, the number of ammunitions that can
Magisphere Back, be stored in them can be combined.
1,000 Used to cast magitech
(Large) Other
⍟ Mako
Stone (1-5 - 100 per point Can substitute MP cost
Stone (6-10 - 200 per point Can substitute MP cost
Stone (11-15 - 300 per point Can substitute MP cost
Stone (16-20 - 400 per point Can substitute MP cost
Arrow Case Waist, 20 Holds 12 Arrows/Quarrels. ※1
Holds 24 Arrows/Quarrels.
Back, Requires [Weapon Proficiency
Quiver Waist, 100 A/Bow] or [Weapon Proficiency
A/Crossbow]. ※1
Gun Belt Waist, 20 Holds 12 bullets. ※1
Bullet Slinger 40 Holds 12 bullets. ※1
Holds 24 bullets. Requires
Back, [Weapon Proficiency A/Gun].
Bullet Pouch 100
Adventure Tools Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Name Stance Price Notes Name Stance Price Notes
Daemon's Determines the threat level of the Writing disappears. It can be read with
1H 400 Shallow Abyss (Details CR I, p. 304). Potion Ball 1H 20 Keen-Flash Glasses (Details CR II, p.
Blood Plate
Writing disappears. It can be read with 232).
Mystic Ink - 800 Keen-Flash Glasses (Details CR II, p. Can grow a sturdy vine (Details CR II,
Jack Beans - 100
232). p. 233).
When you pass in front of it again, it Guardian Reduces Magic Damage (Details CR I,
Chalk of the - 100+ p. 304).
1H 1,200 emits light to let you know (Details CR Stone
Lost III, p. 237) ⍟ 500 –
Bonus to Willpower. Can be used
Smoke Reproduce short-duration images with Moonlight - after rolling dice (Details CR I, p.
1H 1,700 smoke (Details CR II, p. 232). 5,000
Grapher Charm 304).
Daemon's ⍟ Sunlight 500 – Bonus to Fortitude. Can be used after
Determines the threat level of the -
Crystallized 1H 3,200 Charm 5,000 rolling dice (Details CR I, p. 304).
Shallow Abyss (Details CR II, p. 232).
Blood Plate
Puzzling Baffle intelligent enemies (Details CR
1H 4,880
Sign III, p. 237)
Accessory: Head
Name Price Notes Golden Resistance +2 vs. Spellsongs and Finales (Details
Hairpins 3+ Beads: 3, Gemstones: 6, Silver: 100 2,000
Earplugs CR II, p. 235).
Hat 7+ Knitted Fabric: 7, Leather: 15, Silk: 100 Watchful +2 for Accuracy with an [Aimed Shot] (Details CR
Turban 10 A belt-like cloth hat used in hot regions 2,800
Doll I, p. 306)
A circular piece of headwear, especially
Circlet 20+ Bat's
adorning the forehead. 3,500 Able to act even when blind (Details CR I, p. 306).
Helmet 20 A hard or padded protective hat.
Veil 40 Made of fine lace Accessory: Neck
Toupee 300 Able to hide baldness Name Price
When thrown, deals Power 20 + 5 lightning Necklace 5+ Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100
Lightning-Bolt 1,500
Hairpin magic damage (Details CR I, p. 305). Choker 10+ For loyal servants.
Necktie 10+ Popular in the late Magitech Civilization.
Salamander When thrown, it deals Power 20 + 5 fire magic
1,500 Lariat A long necklace without clasps; has negative
Hairpin damage (Details CR I, p. 305). 10+
Necklace connotations in some regions
Snowflake When thrown, deals Power 20 + 5 water/ice Muffler 15+ Protects neck from cold weather.
Hairpin magic damage (Details CR I, p. 305).
Lucky 2,000 Loot Determination rolls +1 (Details CR I, p. 307).
Reckless Allows using [Reckless Counter] (Details CR II, Charm
2,000 p. 234).
Headband +1 for Fortitude and Willpower checks against
Crystal 3,000
+1 to Monster Knowledge checks (Details CR Necklace poison disease (Details CR I, p. 307)
Pointed Hat 3,000
I, p. 305)
Amulet Of +1 Fortitude, Willpower, and Evasion vs. Undead
Accessory: Face 3,000
Light attacks (Details CR II, p. 236).
Name Price Notes
Mask 2 Only covers the mouth and nose
Accessory: Back
Beard Beads 3+, natural stones 6+, gemstones, and silver Name Price Notes
3+ Half Mantle 30+ Waist-length cloak. 40 with hood
ornaments 100+.
Disguise 10+ Wooden: 10, Party: 60, Metal: 100 Long Mantle 40+ Knee-length cloak. 50 with hood
Fake Square fabric with a central hole for the head.
20 Causes inappropriate laughter and loss of dignity Poncho 50+
Moustache 55 with hood.
Glasses 150 Correct eyesight by some amount. A weapon or shield can be held on the back
Weapon Holder 1,000
Monocle 200 Similar to glasses, require special order (Details CR II, p. 237).
Sunglasses 1,000 Special glasses made of ancient materials Inverness, a Creates Throwing Stars (Details CR III, p.
Nullifies a Fortitude and Willpower check for Beautiful Star 241)
Ruby 2,000 effects that cause sleep can be changed from a Little Wing 3,000 Falling damage -20 pts (Details CR I, p. 307).
Glasses failure to success (Details CR I, p. 306). Fire, Water/Ice damage -1 (Details CR I, p.
Thermal Mantle 3,500
Taste Sensitize taste buds, +2 to Herbology check 307).
Piercing (Details CR II, p. 235). Accessory: Hand
Night Name Price Notes
3,000 Can see in darkness (Details CR III, p. 239)
Goggles Ring 5+ Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100
Keen-Flash 4,000 +1 to Insight and Search checks (Details CR I, p. Wristband 7 Cloth band to be worn on the wrist
Glasses 306). Bracelet 9+ Leather: 9, Gemmed: 12, Silver: 100
When recovering from 0 HP or less to 1 or more, Gloves 10+ Knitted Fabric: 10, Leather: 18
Mask of the 4,520 an additional 10 points of HP are recovered Armlet 20+ Bracelet attached to the upper arm
Fearless (Details CR II, p. 235). ⍟ Ability- 500
+1 to a specific ability score, +13 if broken
Accessory: Ear Enhancing Ring (Details CR I, p. 308)
Name Price Notes The highest ability score is decreased by -1. The
Earrings 2+ Beads: 2, Gemstones: 5, Silver: 100 Level Ring 500 lowest ability score is increased by +2 (Details
Ring Earring 8+ Made of metal. Silvered: 100 CR III, p. 242).
Earmuffs 10+ Protects ears from cold weather
Earplugs 20 Block out sounds.
Part 3 Data
Mount: Animals
Name Appropriate Level Purchase Price Rental Price SMoSRP Notes
Horse 1–4 5,000 250 - (Details p. 158)
War Horse 4–7 10,000 1,000 - (Details p. 158)
Dowles 2-4 4,500 300 - (Details p. 158)
Dolphin 2–5 6,000 600 - (Details p. 158)
Mount: Magitech
Name Appropriate Level Purchase Price Rental Price Notes
Mini Manabike 1–2 3,000 300 (Details p. 159)
Manabike 3–6 10,000 1,000 (Details p. 159)
Mount Weapons
Name Classification Price Note
Big Horn Animal, Mythical Beast 800 Damage +1
Sideblade Magitech 800 Accuracy check -1, Damage +2
Iron Rivet Animal, Mythical Beast 2,000 Damage +2
Flicker Hammer Animal, Mythical Beast, Magitech 3,000 Accuracy +1
Mount Armor
Name Classification Price Note
Leather Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 300 Defense +1
Chain Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 1,000 Defense +2
Anti-Magic Seal Magitech 2,000 Magic Damage -1
Plate Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 3,000 Defense +3
Blank Plate Magitech 3,000 Maximum HP +10
Wind Coat Animal, Mythical Beast 4,000 Evasion +1, Defense +2
Mount Data
Price: 4,500/300 Appropriate Level: 2 – 4
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Horse Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Speed: 20/-
Price: 5,000G/250G Appropriate Level: 1 – 4
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/-
F Style
Level HP MP Fort Will
F Style 2 Tail 4 2d+3 2 4 20 5 4 2
Level HP MP Fort Will
3 Tail 5 2d+4 3 5 24 6 5 4
4 Tail 6 2d+5 4 6 28 7 6 5
1 Hoof 3 2d 2 1 22 8 4 3
2 Hoof 4 2d+1 3 2 26 9 5 4 Unique Skills
3 Hoof 5 2d+2 4 3 30 10 6 5 🗨Tail Sweep
4 Hoof 6 2d+3 5 4 34 11 7 6 The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same
skirmish. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Unique Skills
Dowles is a large bipedal reptile (>2 m tall) widespread in the
Description Alframe continent's plains. They are herbivorous and mild-
The horse is the most common mount in Alframe. This is a mannered and tend to stay in groups. In the wild, they move slowly,
widely used riding horse. but those trained in the Rider's Guild have the agility of a small
War Horse
Price: 10,000G/1,000G Appropriate Level: 4 – 7 Dolphin (see CR III, p. 343)
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None Price: 6,000/600 Appropriate Level: 2 – 5
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Speed: 25 (4 Legs)/- Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: Sea Animal
Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Move Speed: -/25 (Swimming)
F Style
Level HP MP Fort Will
(section) F Style
Level HP MP Fort Will
4 Hoof 6 2d+4 5 4 40 15 7 7
5 Hoof 7 2d+6 6 5 45 17 8 8 2 Tackle 4 2d+2 3 3 23 9 4 4
6 Hoof 8 2d+7 7 6 50 19 10 9 3 Tackle 5 2d+3 4 3 30 11 5 5
7 Hoof 9 2d+9 8 7 55 21 11 10 4 Tackle 6 2d+4 5 4 37 13 6 6
Unique Skills 5 Tackle 7 2d+5 6 5 44 15 7 7
⏩△Techniques / Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Release] Unique Skills
Can use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear Muscle] Techniques. ◯Underwater
It cannot move outside of the water and cannot act outside of
Description the water, but it does not suffer any restrictions or penalties for
A professionally trained horse for combat. actions in the water.
The jockey can ride either on the water or underwater while
keeping this mount in the water. In either case, the jockey does not
receive any penalty for the Skill Checks for being in the water. Still,
as a rule, the jockey cannot breathe or speak when in the water.
It is a mount that allows the jockey to move freely underwater.
It is available for rent at Rider's Guild in some seaside towns.
Part 3 Data
Price: 10,000G/1,000G Appropriate Level: 3 – 6
Mini Manabike Int: None Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Price: 3,000G/300G Appropriate Level: 1 – 2 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Speed: 50 (Wheels)
Int: None Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Speed: 30 (Wheels)
F Style
Level HP MP Fort Will
F Style
Level HP MP Fort Will
(section) 3 Tackle 5 2d+4 5 5 40 - 6 6
4 Tackle 7 2d+6 7 5 40 - 6 6
1 Tackle 3 2d+2 1 3 25 - 3 3 5 Tackle 8 2d+8 8 5 40 - 6 6
2 Tackle 4 2d+3 2 3 25 - 3 3 6 Tackle 9 2d+10 9 5 40 - 6 6
Unique Skills Unique Skills
◯Off-Road Handling ◯Off-Road Handling
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility.
►Grenade Launcher [Enhance: Unique Skill
Description Release]/Rider Level + Dexterity
It is a small, easy-to-use magitech for beginner riders and is Modifier/Willpower/Half
available outside of the Rider's Guild. To use this ability, the mount can only take Limited Move.
However, if the jockey has learned [Unique Skill Release], this
ability can be used with Normal Move.
Launches a grenade with “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot” and
“Target: 1 area (3m Radius)/5)” It deals “Power 10/Critical
Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence Modifier” fire magic
To use this ability, the jockey must spend 10 MP.
Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again unless the
jockey reloads the Grenade with a Major Action (for game
purposes mount has an unlimited number of Grenades).
A Magitech-type mount that can be found on the market and
at the Riders' Guild. They are loved by riders as a casual model that
combines sufficient travel speed with easy maneuverability.
Name Stance Price Notes
Adventurer Set - 100 Backpack, Waterskin, Blanket, 6 Torches, Tinderbox, 10m Rope, Small Knife
This is a must-have item for adventurers. at a considerable discount (165 gamels → 100 gamels), there
Blankets, torches, and ropes are often needed during an is no reason not to take advantage of this offer.
adventure, and you must be especially careful not to forget
to buy them. Since these items are included in the price and
Add'l Dmg
Crit Value
Name ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Notes
Part 3 Data
Adventure Tools
Pop. 10 App. Palm-sized charm with crescent moon/sun Item Class
Sum. Bonus to Willpower/Fortitude. It can be used after rolling dice Era Current
Immediately after performing a Willpower or Fortitude
There are three types of charms: 500G/1,500G/5,000G,
check, user can declare they are breaking the charm to gain a
Effect which give a bonus modifier of +1/+2/+3, respectively. You can
bonus to their check value. The Moonlight Charm affects
only use one charm at a time.
Willpower, and the Sunlight Charm affects Fortitude.
Failure of Willpower or Fortitude checks can put a A 1.500 gamels charm with a +2 bonus should not be
character in harm's way. These charms are useful to prepare bought even at the 4th level, but if you can afford it through
for this. However, 500 gamel is close to half of a starting your adventures, you should get it as soon as possible. The
character's wealth, so it may be difficult to afford. Most of theory is to use a “high-low mix” of charms, which you can
the checks are generally Willpower, and Moonlight Charm decide to use after you see what you get. When you can, try
is the first choice for purchases. However, Fortitude is also to get as many as possible. Having a number of +1s will not
a check you will want to succeed in when requested. It would help you if you want +2s. On the other hand, it is sad to have
be best if you got a Sunlight Charm before you have many only +2 when you want +1.
Moonlight Charms.
Profile Sheet
Part 3 Data
Designer's Notebook
Kei Kitazawa Tanaka Kouji
After more than half a year since its conception, we can SW2.5 is a legitimate evolution of SW2.0, but supplements
finally deliver this book. It is a moment of relief. and the way to play this game are quite different.
This book is the result of my frantic brainstorming based The playing environment of TRPGs, including SW2.5, has
on the three concepts of “easy character creation,” “useful been changing drastically in recent years. One of the answers
data,” and “dramatic characters.” to the requests from the users is what we aimed to achieve in
It is easy to say that “anyone can enjoy this book easily,” but the production of this book. The word “moving” was the
it is really difficult to achieve it… It was the most brain- most used when the concept work was decided upon, and I
intensive book in recent years (laugh). However, we are most believe that this title is more faithful to the current times.
pleased that you can enjoy this book without noticing such The characters created in this book are compatible with the
hardships. character cards of “Sword World 2.5 RPG Box Set
I planned and wrote this book with the help of Tanaka Adventurers' Guild,” released a little before this book. If you
Kouji for the ability scores, Miyuki Kiyomatsu for the third haven't conquered the three scenario routes yet, you can try
part, and Akita Miyabi, Tadaaki Kawahito, Bethe Yuli to play with the characters in this book (from Scenario 2, try
Kurosaki, and Junichi Kawabata for the flavor of each table. to use the 4 levels of data from this book).
The “creed” of the personality was taken from the TRPG In addition, the scenario supplement “Daemon's Line,”
“Gehenna Anastasis” by Tanaka Kouji. which will be released next month, can be started from
We have tried to make this book as easy to understand as “Prologue” with the 4 levels presented in this book. Please
possible for newcomers to the game, with plenty of prepare your characters now and be ready to take on the
illustrations. We hope this book will be the first one you pick challenge.
up along with “Core Rulebook I.” So, I hope to see you again when you have examined the
I want to thank all the artists, designers, test players, and settings of the many characters and put your hand on the
editors who were involved in this project. door of the story.
I wish you all great drama in your adventures!