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International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies 1

Volume X, Issue X, Month 2024 | ISSN (Online): 2584-1017

Students Buying Behavior Towards Ukay-Ukay

Store: A Basis for Entrepreneurial Development
Plan (2023)
Kristine Joy Cabrera, Henry Clave, Ericson A. Gravamen, Merry Rosse N. Manalo, Aaron John C.
Prudencio, Arlyn Mae B. Saruda, Shella Mae B. Saruda, Angelica Mae C. sIERVO
Faculty for the College of Business and Management CiTi Global College Inc.
Cabuyao, Laguna Philippines

behavior and purchase patterns to reflect on the changing face

Abstract— This study investigates the factors driving of fashion consumption. This knowledge may prove helpful for
student patronage of ukay-ukay (second-hand clothing retailers and marketers looking to reach the growing population
stores) in the Philippines, focusing on budget of budget-minded, eco-friendly buyers.
considerations, style preferences, and sustainability. A
descriptive survey of 447 students reveals that ukay-ukay
shopping is particularly prevalent among younger 2.Literature Review
students, with a strong interest from male students. A literature review and associated research regarding
Students demonstrate complex buying behaviors, the instructional leadership of student learning development are
prioritizing quality and brand while seeking unique and provided in chapter 2. The chapter contextualizes the ukay-ukay
exciting finds. The study also explores dissonance- industry at various levels on consumer, market, and
sustainability domains as it investigates both foreign and local
reducing behaviors and habitual purchasing patterns
among students. These findings offer valuable insights for The chapter opens with an understanding of customer
entrepreneurs and marketers in the ukay-ukay industry, engagement from the perspective of the ukay-ukay market,
emphasizing the need for targeted marketing strategies, because online platforms and communities bring about a feeling
quality assurance, and the creation of a unique and of belonging and purchase motivation resulting to repeat
engaging shopping experience. purchase. Influence of eWOM, environmental concerns and gen
y attitudes on consumer choices and purchase intention. This
Index Terms— ukay-ukay, second-hand clothing, student shows why having clear communication strategies is imperative
consumers, Philippines, consumer behavior, in popularizing the advantages of second-hand clothing and
sustainability, thrift shopping, entrepreneurial strategies, building a culture of conscious consumption.
marketing, complex buying behavior, dissonance- Next level customer engagement, then taking a deeper
reducing behavior, habitual purchasing. dive into the impact of second hand apparel on individuals,
communities and environment. It talks about ukay-ukay
contributing to sustainable fashion, creating less textile waste,
1. Introduction
and building a circular economy. They also point out how ukay-
From fashion faded prints to summer sequins, the roots ukay is an important element of the cultural space, as it plays a
are many. Thrift shopping or "ukay-ukay" has become a trendy dimension of local markets such as that in Baguio City where
thing recently and also sustainable, a practical option for those climate and conditions rarely change but becomes an
who want to keep their fashionable life at very affordable price. intercultural interaction based on proximity to modernity by
However, the demand for such clothes remains high despite opening up avenues of fashion inclusion that become important
quality issues as people still crave cheap clothing and also due elements within the values of agency.
to concerns about recycled products. The following study In addition, the chapter examines shifting market
analyzes the factors among students that entice them to trends in the ukay-ukay market such as online buying among
patronize ukay-ukay regarding their budget, style preferences customers, underlying trends with Gen Z consumers and rising
and sustainability. interest in sustainable and ethically-sourced clothing. The script
The paper studies the workings of the ukay-ukay investigates the economics of ukay-ukay, in a global and local
market; and how it has transformed from thrifting as a perspective, shedding light on some of the challenges and
compulsion to an intentional preference, showcasing mindful opportunities that businesses face. These insights highlight the
consumerism. This is an exploratory study that profiles student importance for businesses to align adaptation of sustainable

*Corresponding author:
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 2

practices with new consumer preferences as well as ethical

sourcing and pricing strategies. Population and Sampling
Along with the market dynamics, this chapter also This study will focus on 210 students from the College
examines consumer behavior especially considering service of Business and Management at Citi Global College, selected
guarantees and experiences in ukay-ukay. Investigates the through a combination of simple random and convenient
effects of product quality, pricing flexibility, and consumers sampling. A questionnaire will gather data on student
bargaining on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study also demographics and buying behavior, which will be analyzed to
discusses the moral issues regarding the hiking of ukay-ukay identify trends and variations in their ukay-ukay purchasing
costs and its effects on low-income people who rely on habits.
reasonably priced, pre-owned apparel.
Key findings are pointed out at final of the chapter, Instrumentation
demonstrate the relationship between existing literature and the This study uses a self-made questionnaire to survey College
objectives set in this study. With these insights, the paper shines Business Management students at CITI Global about their
light on the relationship between consumer involvement and ukay-ukay buying behaviors. The survey has two sections: the
market forces and sustainability in ukay-ukay, useful first gathers personal information using a rating scale, and the
information for entrepreneurs and policymakers wishing to second explores buying behaviors with a mix of question types.
promote sustainable consumption behavior or want to ensure Researchers carefully considered the level of measurement and
that a second-hand clothing market can thrive. question structure to ensure accurate and meaningful data
The researchers aim to determine the Student's Buying collection. To improve respondent engagement, statements on
Behavior towards Ukay-ukay stores to Students of College certain topics were shortened
Business and Management at CITI Global College.
Especially, it sought to answer the following Data Source
questions. This research will utilize two primary data sources to
1. What are the demographic profiles of the understand student buying behavior towards ukay-ukay stores.
respondents in terms of? First, a survey questionnaire will be administered to a sample
1.1 Age; of students. This questionnaire will gather quantitative data on
1.2 Gender; purchasing habits, preferences, and motivations related to ukay-
1.3 Year;and ukay shopping. It will explore factors like frequency of visits,
1.4 Program spending patterns, product categories of interest, and the
2. What is the buying behavior of the respondents in influence of price, quality, and social factors on their buying
terms of: decisions. This structured data will provide a broad overview of
2.1. Complex-buying behavior student engagement with the ukay-ukay market.
2.2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior To complement the survey findings, quantitative data
2.3. Habitual buying behavior will be collected through structured interviews with a
2.4. Variety-seeking buying behavior representative sample of students. These interviews will utilize
a standardized questionnaire with closed-ended questions to
gather quantifiable data on:
3.Methodology • Frequency of ukay-ukay shopping: How often
The descriptive survey design was used in this study students shop at ukay-ukay stores (e.g., weekly,
to determine the purchasing behavior of high school students monthly).
based on thrift stores. The research involves a quantitative • Spending habits: Average expenditure per visit and
analysis of data collected through questionnaires to uncover monthly/yearly spending on ukay-ukay purchases.
patterns and trends in how students are purchasing. Such allows • Motivations for shopping: Using a rating scale to
to conduct a wide analysis of preferences/demographics of the assess the importance of factors like price, uniqueness,
respondents thus offering interesting information for sustainability, and brand variety.
entrepreneurs and marketers of ukay-ukay. • Preferences and satisfaction: Quantifying satisfaction
This is a cross-sectional analysis of current buying levels with various aspects of ukay-ukay shopping
behaviors through marketing and consumer research for (e.g., product quality, store environment, finding
students of the College of Business and Management at CITI desired items).
Global College. Though unable to provide longitudinal
changes, it is still a snapshot of trends today; knowledge that This quantitative approach will allow for statistical
can guide business decision-making as the ukay-ukay industry analysis of the data, enabling the identification of trends and
reposition around its student target market. patterns in student buying behavior. For example:
This research seeks to identify certain characteristics • Correlation analysis: Determine if there is a
of ukay-ukay consumer behaviour among students in the relationship between spending habits and motivations
context of rapid growth of this market by looking at (e.g., do students who prioritize sustainability spend
demographics, buying patterns and preferences etc. The more?).
Insights it generates will help organizations to effectively target
and serve the needs of this particular consumer segment.
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 3

• Regression analysis: Predict future ukay-ukay lead to more effective entrepreneurial strategies within the
spending based on factors like frequency and second-hand apparel industry.
Combining these quantitative insights with the survey data 3) Respondents Profile in terms of Program
will provide a comprehensive and data-driven understanding of The respondents were mostly students from Business
student buying behavior, informing the development of a robust and Accounting (BSAIS 53.5%, BSBA 23.6%),
and relevant entrepreneurial plan. Entrepreneurship (BSE 12.7%) and Tourism (BSTM 10.2%).
There could be a link between the course they are taking and
Data Analysis their ukay-ukay shopping habits, as students who have Business
This study will employ the following statistical and Accounting related courses may be more likely to practice
treatments to analyze the collected data: frugal buying because of what they learn in school about
• Percentage: To express proportions and frequencies finances.
of responses. Recognizing these program-based preferences enables
• Weighted Mean: To determine the average response individualized entrepreneurship strategies. For students coming
considering varying levels of importance. from Business and Accounting, marketing can underscore the
• Pearson's Correlation: To examine the relationship value of used clothing or suggest practical tips on how to wash
between two variables. them; while those studying entrepreneurship and tourism could
These methods will be used to analyze and interpret the promote sustainable consumption and unique ukay finds. Such
data, presented in tables for clarity and ease of understanding. targeted approach based on consumer choice theory can serve
as a rational roadmap for entrepreneurs in the second-hand
clothing space to optimize their business development plans.
4. Results and Discussion
4) Respondents Profile in terms of Year of Study
A. Respondent’s Profile The survey, which was administered to 449 students
and included the most freshmen (36.3%) and sophomores
1) Respondents Profile in terms of Age (33.9%), encompassed a wide range of questions including how
The majority of the 449 students surveyed (81%) sexual harassment is defined on campus, if enforcement
were between 18 and 23 years old, indicating that ukay-ukay happens, what resources can be used for prevention, and the
shopping is most popular among young adults. This likely perceived likelihood of generating reports at any level outside
reflects their need for affordable options while developing of informal discussions. Interestingly, ukay-ukay patronage
financial independence. While the sample size of older students dropped with every advancement in year level - fourth-year
was small, their participation suggests motivations beyond students had the least ukay-ukay engagement at 11.6%.
price, such as sustainability and finding unique items. Younger students, possibly working with tighter budgets and
This age-related trend aligns with research on self- less established personal styles, are likely attracted to the low
efficacy and metacognitive calibration, which suggests that cost and variety of ukay-ukay.
thrift shopping can empower students to make independent, For entrepreneurs, this trend offers some relevant
value-driven decisions while managing their finances insights. Younger students are usually more price and variety
effectively. An entrepreneurial development plan could driven, whereas older students will be keen to develop a
capitalize on this by incorporating educational components on professional wardrobe with quality and interesting vintage
budgeting and financial literacy, further attracting students and pieces. This lends itself to targeted year group marketing
fostering customer loyalty. strategies. By limiting their endeavours to these three segments
— social, economic and cultural — ukay–ukay entities can then
2) Respondents Profile in terms of Gender more effectively position themselves within the diverse student
The survey reveals that 60.4% of the 449 respondents market without redundant or ineffective efforts mounted.
are male, 30.7% are female, and 9% identify as Non-binary,
Gay, or prefer not to say. This gender distribution suggests a
strong male interest in ukay-ukay, with potential implications B. The Buying Behavior of the Respondents
for product offerings and marketing strategies. While female
respondents also show significant interest, their motivations 1) The buying behavior of the respondents in terms of
might differ, perhaps focusing on variety and affordability. Complex- buying behavior
Understanding these nuances can help entrepreneurs tailor their Based on the analysis of the chart, it can be inferred
businesses to better cater to diverse customer segments and that students have a convoluted and careful approach towards
create a more inclusive shopping experience. ukay-ukay shopping. They do their research, compare, and
Furthermore, this gender data can be utilized in prioritize quality and brand in a rational manner. This implies
conjunction with metacognitive theories and ICT tools to that ukay-ukay business should emphasize product information,
enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By analyzing quality assurance and ease of comparison to serve these
purchasing behaviors and preferences, ukay-ukay businesses selective shoppers. Also, the use of social proof in testimonials
can leverage digital platforms and predictive analytics to and reviews can also help boost credibility to capture students.
optimize marketing campaigns, inventory management, and In short, to have a profitable ukay-ukay business, you
overall shopping experiences. This data-driven approach can need to respond well to how students shop in an organized,
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 4

structured manner. Which means you are making efforts for bigger opportunity for entrepreneurs to advise novelty products,
creating a better atmosphere for research and contemplation– track inventory frequently, and lay down the store in such a way
either in traditional store or online. This strategy, in-tune with that it encourages exploration.
the perceptions and behaviors of students will help the ukay- By having some online components and some
ukay to give its clientele what it wants while also attaining personalized shopping services, the students will be able to
loyalty that would serve as a ticket to gaining higher sales. have a more unique experience with numerous options which is
always what they are looking for. Treasure hunts or days
2) The buying behavior of the respondents in terms of devoted to dealing with a specific subject could also work,
Dissonance-reducing buying behavior particularly when you think about their desire for novelty and
The chart shows the cognitive dissonance felt by excitement. And through these variety-seeking motivations,
students after purchasing from ukay-ukay stores. They entrepreneurs can make their ukay-ukay stores on the
generally rationalize their purchases, are brand loyalists, and do adventurous side for millennial consumers.
not return the merchandise. This indicates they adopt strategies
to reduce uncertainty and possibility of regret related to second- C. Significant Relationship of Respondent’s Profile and
hand shopping being inherently unpredictable. Buying Behavior
To counter this, entrepreneurs can provide optimistic
return policies, detailed product descriptions, and quality
guarantees. Focusing on positive reviews and unique finds in 1) Significant Relationship Between Respondent’s Age and
marketing campaigns can also reduce buyer's remorse. Their Complex Buying
Therefore, by knowing and counteracting these dissonance-
reduction behaviours, businesses will be able to improve The p-value (0.323) is greater than 0.05, indicating no
customer satisfaction as well as loyalty and create a competitive significant relationship between age and complex buying
advantage in ukay-ukay. behavior. This means we cannot conclude that age influences
how complex a person's buying behavior is based on this data.
3) The buying behavior of the respondents in terms of Habitual
buying behavior 2) Significant Relationship Between Respondent’s Sex and
As seen from the chart, student buying behavior in ukay- Their Complex Buying
ukay is sometimes affected by habit such as buying the same
few stores over and over again for satisfaction. It implies Analysis among the three markets found that gender
familiarity, accessibility and affordability take precedence over had no statistically significant relationship complex buying
variety and price when it comes to shopping for ukay-ukay. behavior (p=0.61). This suggests that any differences we
Some students tend to be impulsive buyers, while others are observed in buying behavior between sexes are due to chance.
more selective everyday (in such habitual context, shows the The F-statistic was, however, high (17.78) indicating
diversity of shopping styles within the group). possiblly general differnce between groups but the p-value
For entrepreneurs, this means that habitual purchasing indicated no statisitically significant difference. Thus, it seems
behaviors ought to be accommodated through customer loyalty unnecessary for marketers to employ the gender-differentiated
programs, pricing competitiveness and location convenience. strategies developed for other consumer groups and product
Like how educational environments should accommodate the types with regards to this particular consumer group and
different aspects of learning, ukay-ukay stores should create product type.
conducive ways to shop that are both accessible and fun for Yet, there are limitations to this study. The focus was
their regular clientele. That means: a well-organized store, limited to gender, and on complex buying behavior in a specific
visually appealing displays, and items that customers want to sample. Things such as age, income and culture might also
buy on-demand. Moreover, a convenience and home related impact purchase behavior. There was hope that this discussed
business can take things to the next level by providing an online wider omnipresence would extend out to necessary statistical
shopping experience that complements the physical store. Thus, relationships, for which further investigation is needed.
knowledge of these habits can help ukay-ukay businesses build And, the lack of statistical significance does not
customer loyalty and get the most out of their business model indicate practical significance either. And even if a major
in this competitive market. relationship was discovered, the magnitude could be little: that
is, the difference in conduct between people may not be
4) The buying behavior of the respondents in terms of Variety important
Seeking Behavior
3) Significant Relationship Between Complex Buying
A key finding in the factor model of Items 1-5 is that Behavior and Their Program
students are highly likely to strongly agree with the notion of
going from ukay-ukay shops to shop for new and exciting finds, A statistical test showed no relationship between age
perhaps as a testament to novelty-seeking behaviour associated and participation in complex buying programs. Therefore, age
also with the thrill-of-the-hunt. Implying by this that ukay-ukay alone is a poor predictor of consumer behavior in this context.
shopping in particular is an experience, an adventure, a treasure Marketers should consider other factors like income and
hunt taking them beyond simple acquisition. This creates a
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 5

education. These results are specific to this analysis and may had given new understandings to how unique campus freshers
not apply to other situations. were conducive to UK consumption. Focusing on how habit,
variety-seeking and complex consumer decision making
4) Significant Relationship Between Complex Buying interplay, we have provided a finely grained insight into the
Behavior and Their Year of Study student market segment. These different motivations and
behaviours suggest that any marketing strategies or business
Complex buying behavior was not significant related to age plans developed for ukay-ukay businesses need to account for
(p=0.25). There is some variation between age groups, however the heterogeneity of customers.
statistically this becomes negligible. This does not eliminate the
possibility of some relationship, but a larger or different sample Such a habitual buying behavior suggests that the
may be required to investigate other variables response of ukay-ukay stores must include convenience,
accessibility and loyalty programs for consumers. Competitive
Pricing, Streamlined Store Layouts and Online Navigation The
5. Discussion retail landscape is becoming increasingly efficient for student
shoppers seeking low prices and convenience. In addition to the
Among the many types of businesses emerging, ukay- fact that students easily get bored, ukay-ukay should offer
ukay (second-hand clothing stores) in particular have become unique items in order to attract customers as well as rotating
increasingly popular among students. However, there is limited inventory strategically and creating experiences that emulate a
research on the antecedents influencing student patronage sense of discovery and adventure.
towards such type of enterprise in a developing country like the
Philippines. Therefore, through this study we aim to explore Students do operate complex buying programs but
budget, style preferences and sustainability can influence their decision-making process is less influenced by research or
student patronage towards these enterprises. Data were also outside counsel and more about the actual product quality,
obtained through questionnaires and descriptive survey design brand reputation and an apples-to-apples comparison. Hence,
on 449 students at CITI Global College. Based on the findings, ukay-ukay should provide detailed information to its item
it can be concluded that ukay-ukay shopping is a prevalent items, offer a quality guarantee, and allow users to easily
behaviour among students aged 19-21 years old as they are compare their products. Also, post-purchase dissonance can be
more likely to constrain expenses, which makes the ukay-ukay tackled through the implementation of transparent return
market attractive for male students. Also of interest, the policies coupled with intricate descriptions of products to
students have varied purchase behaviours with a high regard for enhance consumer satisfaction and build trust.
quality and brand; marketers should keep in mind that both
uniqueness and excitement can be great finds among this age The absence of a significant association between age
group. or gender and complex buying behaviour undermines the
The research additionally discusses the dissonance- traditional practice of demographic-based market
reducing behaviours among student consumption, who seek to segmentation. Rather than post an ad for ukay-ukay, they must
rationalise their purchases and purchase from brands they are consider taking a more holistic approach by using specifics like
familiar with to avoid ambiguity which comes with second- income level, education, and others to determine effective
hand shopping. Students also display regular purchasing marketing capabilities based on individual preferences.
behaviour by always shopping at same known stores, store
convenience is more important to them than anything else. To summarize, this research provides insight into the
These insights provide a useful direction for entrepreneurs and complexities of student purchasing behavior when it comes to
marketers in ukay-ukay, highlighting key considerations ukay-ukay buying. The profiles and statistics related to
surrounding quality, marketing approaches, and creating an students, their motivations behind shopping from ukay-ukay,
appealing shopping atmosphere that align with student the decision-making process for choosing to purchase an item
preferences and needs. china wholesale suppliers", how they handle stress with chinese
The present study used one-way ANOVA tests to oline slave market have all been discussed and analysed further
determine complex buying behavior with respect to different in this study. These findings contribute to the existing literature
demographic variables. Relationships between complex buying on consumer behavior in secondhand market and provide
behavior and age, gender and program of study are statistically entrepreneurs and marketers targeting this unique student
insignificant. This implies that marketing strategies aimed demographic with practical implications.
towards demographic groups will not be promising for your
ukay-ukay business. But the researchers acknowledge methods Future studies may build upon the findings of this
limitations and caution that other factors may be at play in this study through elaborate potential ramifications such as
burgeoning market segment, and that further research is needed. investigating other motivations that derive from social media
and online platforms driving student ukay-ukay shopping,
ascertain if sustainability concerns can significantly garner a
6. Conclusion place amongst their decision-making process in what to
purchase especially among students who are not explicitly
The plan student buying behavior toward ukay-ukay enthusiastic about sustainability sounds in nature itself, and
stores in Cabuyao, Laguna: a comprise of multiple views; the
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 6

explore whether purposeful marketing strategies impact 3. Easier Comparison of Products: Allow students to
different segments of students or have generic effects. Looking conveniently compare similar products on price, brand name,
deeper into these complications will help us to further build size and any other relevant characteristics.
towards the development of information that helps ukay-ukay
businesses reach their maximum capacity in catering to the 4. Establish Clear-Terms Return Policies: Having clear return
changing lives of student consumers. policies helps in creating a sense of trust among the customer
and assures them on the purchase made;

4) Implement a Holistic Marketing Strategy

7. Recommendations
1. Beyond demography: Demography (age and sex) is well-
documented, but so are majors in school, income levels, and
The implications for this study provide a number of suggestions
trending lifestyles — what else would be useful to know when
as to what ukay-ukay business may consider doing to improve
creating marketing campaigns?
their operations, particularly targeting the student market:
2.Use of Social Media and Online Platforms: Target students
1) Better Convenience and Loyalty Building
using social media campaigns, online advertisement and
student influencer collaborations.
1.Refine Store Layouts: Develop stores featuring easy-to-read
signs, clearly defined sections, and aisles designed for quick
3.Focus on Sustainability: Its eco-friendly nature of ukay-ukay
shopping can attract students who are into sustainable
2. Better Accessibility: Stores should be places where students
who want to indulge can comfortably access. Position the shops 4. Market One-of-a-Kind Finds and Experiences: Use
close to student hotspots and have flexible opening hours that interesting content as well as visuals to promote unique items,
follow student lifestyles. the excitement of finding a good deal, or the thrill of hunting
for one.
3.Create Loyalty Programs: Give them rewards, exclusive
discounts or even make it a club and have them sign up for your
membership program. 7.Table
4.Enhance Digital Assets: Create online platforms such as
websites or applications that allow students to view inventory,
compare products and make purchases easily. Features like Table 1
Respondent’s Population and Sample
online catalogs, virtual try-on tools, and personalized RESPONDENTS Table SIZE
recommendations could be included. BSTM 239 150
BSAIS 56 50
2) Build A Unique And Diverse Inventory: BSE 46 41
BSBA 106 84
TOTAL 447 325
1.Find One-of-a-Kind Items: Make an effort to scout for unique,
retro or stylish clothes that appeal to students' need for creative
expression and uniqueness.
Table 2
2.Strategic Rotation of Inventory: Work on refreshing stocks at Respondent’s Complex Buying Behavior
Weighted Descriptive
regular intervals to give a feeling of novelty and repeat visits. Statement Rank
Mean Evaluation
I consider ukay-ukay shopping
3.Conduct Themed Sales or Events: Like a "Treasure Hunt" decisions as significant and 3.13 Agree 1.5
event, these events will add excitement to shopping and a "sense need careful consideration.
I compare products from
of discovery."
different ukay-ukay stores 3.13 Agree 1.5
before making a purchase.
3) Give Detailed Overview with Quality checking Quality and brand are my top
priorities when purchasing 3.11 Agree 3
1.Provide Profound Description for Each Item: It must cover from ukay-ukay stores.
I thoroughly research the items
the brand, size, material used, condition of usage etc. and any before purchasing at ukay- 2.94 Disagree 4
other specialities of the item ukay stores.
I seek advice from friends or
2.Conduct Quality Checks: The products bundled have to be at family when planning to buy 2.9 Disagree 5
from ukay-ukay stores.
a decent quality level so there is post purchase dissonance
which results in return. Total 3.04 Agree
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 7

Table 3
Respondent’s Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior
Weighted Descriptive
Statement Rank
Mean Evaluation
I often feel uncertain after
purchasing items from ukay-
ukay stores. Disagree 3
I try to justify my choice by
focusing on the positive Fig. 1. Respondents Profile in terms of Age
aspects of the purchased item. Agree 1
I rarely return items to ukay-
ukay stores even if not
completely satisfied. Disagree 4
I usually stick to brands I
know and trust even at ukay- 0.055883 Strongly 5
ukay stores. 6 Disagree
I limit my choices to a few
options to reduce shopping 0.388766 Agree 2
Fig. 2. Respondents Profile in terms of Gender

Table 4
Significant Relationship Between Respondent’s Age
and Their Complex Buying
Test P-Value Decision
There is no significant
One Way Anova 1.17 0.323 relationship between
complex buying behavior
and age.
Fig. 3. Respondents Profile in terms of Program

Table 5
Significant Relationship Between Respondent’s Gender
and Their Complex Buying
Test P-Value Decision
There is no significant
One Way Anova 0.61 relationship between
17.78 complex buying behavior
and gender.
Fig. 4. Respondents Profile in terms of Year of Study

Table 6
Significant Relationship Between Respondent’s Program
and Their Complex Buying
Test P-Value Decision
There is no significant
One Way Anova 61.85 1.03 relationship between
complex buying behavior
and their program

8. Figures
Fig. 5. The buying behavior of the respondents in terms
of Complex- buying behavior.
A. Author et al. International Journal of Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL. X, NO. X, MONTH XXXX 8

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Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy