GTG 47220-1052
GTG 47220-1052
GTG 47220-1052
ISSN 2065-1198, E-ISSN 2065-0817 DOI 10.30892/gtg.47220-1052
Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agriculture, Malang, Indonesia, e-mail:
Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Indonesia, e-mail:
Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agriculture, Malang, Indonesia, e-mail:
Citation: Adi Intyas, C., Koestiono, D., Tjahjono, A., Suhartini, S, & Dina Riana, F. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF THE
TOURISM. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 47(2), 523–530.
Abstract: The coral reef ecosystem is one of the biodiversity that the most significant component of coral reefs, namely corals,
has been traded in various sizes. Not only beneficial for marine ecotourism, but the current trend is that ornamental coral has
become a legal hobby. These hobbyists make coral one of the main components that decorate their aquariums because of their
attractive shapes and colors. However, several types of hard corals are included in CITES Appendix II, so their permits and
trading activities are stringent. Indonesia has more than 14% of the World's reefs and is known as the coral triangle area, where
one of the centers for ornamental coral production is the Bali Strait. One of the suppliers established in 2015 is PT Lombok
Samudera Abadi (PT LSA). PT LSA is a supplier of wildlife ornamental coral products in West Nusa Tenggara that fulfills
orders from exporters who are members of the Indonesian Ornamental Coral Farmers Association (KPKHN) for exporters in Bali
and Banyuwangi and the Association of Indonesian Ornamental Coral and Fish Association (AKKII) for exporters in Jakarta.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of corals utilization at PT. LSA and its impact on sustainability. The study's
results showed the level of utilization of corals by PT. LSA in Pulau Kaung Village delivered an average actual production of
1,862 individuals /month, which means it does not exceed the maximum production value (CMSY = 3,743 individuals/month)
and JTB (2,995 individuals/month). The actual corals harvesting average of 133 trips is still below the optimum harvesting effort
(EMSY = 211 trips), so this condition still shows that over-exploited has not occurred in the area with a utilization rate of 0.48
which is still in the moderate status, which means that utilization efforts can be increased. There are 36 hard corals and 9 soft
corals taken from nature. Besides corals utilization, PT. LSA also engages in CSR activities by offering restocking from corals
transplants in particular areas and training for academics or coastal communities. However, not all restocking is successful,
primarily because of seasonal factors that can impact the corals' health. In light of this, more investigation is required.
Key words: Ornamental Reef, Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), reef trading, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),
Hobbyist Tourism
* * * * * *
Coral reefs are important ecosystems that support a variety of marine life and have a vital ecological function because
they are home to 93,000 species of marine biota (Bellwood and Wainwright, 2002; CRITC Coremap-LIPI, 2016; Intyas et
al., 2020; United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2022). Coral reefs are found in many tropical waters, including
Indonesia, which has approximately 12,5% - 18% of the total worldwide (Karim et al., 2021; Susiloningtyas et al., 2018).
Indonesia is also included in the corals triangle area, often referred to as the Amazon of oceans, because it has various types
of coral reefs, around 69% of the species worldwide (Allen and Erdmann, 2013; Asian Development Bank, 2014; NOAA,
2015; Seascapes Working Group CTI-CFF, 2015). Coral reef ecosystems have an essential ecological, social, and
economic role in the fisheries sector. From an ecological perspective, coral reefs are home to approximately 93,000 species
of marine life and protect the coast from abrasion. Meanwhile, from a health perspective, it is a place to obtain
supplementary materials and medicines. From a socio-economic perspective, it can increase the productivity of fishery
Corresponding author
resources, which are a source of income for the community, especially coastal communities (CRITC Coremap-LIPI, 2016;
Intyas et al., 2022). The main components of the coral reef ecosystem are coral animals (corals) with a hard structure and
containing lime which are in symbiosis with zooxanthellae algae plants. There are two types of coral: hard and soft (LIPI
P2O, 2018). Because of its beauty, this coral is also traded globally but several types of coral are included in CITES
appendix II (Biondo, 2017; CITES, 2023) so that their circulation is highly monitored and regulated by the World.
Currently, the beautiful and well-maintained coral reef ecosystem also has economic value as part of marine
ecotourism. Coral reefs are a popular destination for tourists for various reasons, including those interested in marine
ecology and horticulture. For example, Europeans and Americans have been watching television for about 7 hours per
day as their favorite hobby, followed by outdoor hobbies such as gardening, hanging out with friends, going to cultural
celebrations, and visiting museums, theatres, or concerts.
The trade-in ornamental coral reef wildlife, which includes the aquarium, jewelry, and curio trades, supports a multi-
million dollar industry (Grey et al., 2005). Overall the aquarium industry is of relatively low volume yet very high value,
thus potentially providing an incentive to conserve reef habitats and offering a livelihood to coastal communities often
living in low-income areas (Wabnitz et al., 2003). But aquariums are already playing a key role by providing knowledge
and expertise in coral reproduction and restoration techniques in natural habitats (Silva et al., 2019).
Over the last five years, the hobby of raising ornamental fish and corals has become a trend, especially during the
pandemic, which requires people to stay at home and place restrictions on one another so that this hobby is an
alternative to watching television. These hobbyists make coral one of the main components that decorate their
aquariums. Even though it looks beautiful, maintaining ornamental coral requires money. So high-end consumers and
the export market still dominate these hobbyists. Aquascaping is the art of decorating the shape and contents of an
aquarium. According to Hariyatno et al. (2018), Aquascape is the art of arranging stone, coral, sand, wood, and aquatic
plant components in an aquarium. Aquascape's main goal is to provide a view below the surface of the water in an
aquarium so that the aquarium looks aesthetically as part of beautifying a room or a specific location. Currently,
Aquascape is also one of the subjects that are in great demand by students. Children and adults alike are fascinated by
the stunning beauty of ornamental coral, the primary component in an aquarium besides ornamental fish. Therefore, many
tourist attractions, offices, and even airports have added aquariums with ornamental coral and ornamental fish using
Aquascape, which has been positively received by those who see it. In 2012-2016, 153 countries traded ornamental coral in
the global market, including Indonesia, the second largest after Japan (33.67%), with export growth of 5.25% per year.
The export value of Indonesia's ornamental coral in 2016 reached US$ 10.70 million, equivalent to 6.35 percent of the
total world export value of ornamental coral (US$ 168.51 million, but the trade in ornamental coral during that period did
not affect the damage to the existing coral in Indonesia (Riadi et al., 2018). Moratoriums on certain species, no-take
reserves, tiered quota systems, and import and export restrictions, among others, provided examples of management
successes. Bright spots in the marine aquarium trade include the quickly expanding trade in transplanted corals and
improved fisheries management in small fisheries, which demonstrate that this trade can be a part of a larger strategy for
reef conservation (Fattah et al., 2021; Rhyne et al., 2014). The increasing consumer concern that the trade in ornamental
coral will not damage the ecosystem requires that this ornamental coral business have a clear traceability and legality
system because some ornamental coral species included in CITES Appendix II are strictly monitored. Only a few areas
have obtained permits to carry out domestic harvesting and distribution of ornamental coral taken from nature. According
to Intyas and Abidin (2018), one of the policy directions for fisheries development since 2015 are fostering standardization,
accreditation, and certification of fisheries, is to ensure certainty of the form, quality and standards of goods and services
produced so that consumers (domestic and foreign) accept them so that they are able to compete in the global market.
Based on Intyas et al. (2022), currently the block chain digitization system is also widely used related to traceability.
Based on information from 1153 coral reefs in Indonesia collected in 2019, 390 coral reefs (33.82%) were classified
as bad, 431 reefs (37.38%) as sufficient, 258 reefs (22.38%) as good, and 74 reefs (6.42%) as very good (Hadi et al.,
2020). Human activities (destructive and illegal fishing), bleaching conditions, and current wave s can all contribute to
the poor condition of coral reefs (Hadi et al., 2018; Swara and Intyas, 2021). Currently, research that has been conducted
in Indonesia is only about monitoring and the condition of corals (Dutra et al., 2021; Johan et al., 2019; Koroy et al.,
2014) but research on how often ornamental coral is harvested is still lacking. In order to prevent over -exploitation, it is
important to monitor the utilization rate of corals harvesting such as a number of studies by (Auger et al., 2022; Costa
and Anjos, 2021; Yanto et al., 2020; Zhang and Fong, 2021) that examined the utilization rate of fish resources being
used sustainably in nature. It will be beneficial to take wildlife ornamental coral if it is sustainable, particularly in terms
of the economy and the environment. One of the long-established ornamental coral producers is PT. Lombok Samudera
Abadi (LSA). PT LSA was established in 2015 and obtained a permit to trade corals from wildlife and aquaculture
(transplants) with fishing areas in West Nusa Tenggara namely in Labuan Jambu Village, Tarano District, and Pulau
Kaung Village, Alas District, as stated in the recommendations from the West Nusa Tenggara BAPPEDA. Therefore,
this research aimed to analyze the sustainable potential and utilization rate of wildlife corals by PT LSA.
Management of the Sustainable Utilization of Ornamental Coral Wildlife on Pulau Kaung Village as Hobbyist Tourism
waters of Pulau Kaung Village, Buer District, Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, where the majority of the
population is the Bajo Tribe and work as fishermen. The type of research used is descriptive research. Nazir, (2003) defines
descriptive research as finding facts with the proper interpretation that accurately describes the properties of several
phenomena, groups, or individuals. The methodology of our research is below on Figure 1.
Based on Figure 1, using schaefer's model of resource potential for sustainable corals utilization is based on the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in Pulau Kaung Village. According to (Conrad and Clark, 1987), from the
ecological and economic aspects of MSY, it has the meaning of the most significant number of fish catches (predators)
that can be taken from stocks of a type of fish (prey) unlimitedly. Meanwhile, the MSY concept aims to maintain the
size of the fish population at a maximum point, namely when the fish growth rate is maximum (the maximum catch rate
that provides net economic benefits or benefits to society). Harvesting individuals and adding them to this population
allows the population to remain productive. MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) is a guideline to ma nage fishery
resources with economic utilization without reducing their population. MSY is often called the maximum value of
fishing in waters in the maximum sustainable capacity or the maximum sustainable catch (Munica et al., 2016) MSY is a
management parameter resulting from the wildlife assessment of fishery resources. Estimating these parameters requires
annual production catch data (time series) (Widodo and Suadi, 2016). Adopted from (Sparre and Vennema, 1998), the
following data analysis is used to estimate the sustainable potential and utilization rate of corals, namely :
a) CPUE (Catch per Unit Effort) analysis aims to
determine the level of utilization of ornamental coral
collection units based on the division of the total catch by
effort, using the formula (Sparre and Vennema, 1998):
Ci: The result of taking the i (individuals)
Ei: Retrieval attempt to - i (trip)
CPUEi: The number of results taken per unit of
retrieval efforts to-i (individuals/trip)
b) MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) analysis is to
estimate the sustainable potential value of ornamental coral by
analyzing catch and effort using the Schaefer production surplus
method by calculating the estimation of maximum sustainable
potential (CMSY) and optimum harvest effort (EMSY) by using the Figure 1. Research flowchart of Corals Utilization by PT. LSA
linear regression equation below (Sparre and Vennema, 1998):
- y = dependent variable (CPUEi) in individuals/trip; x = independent variable (fi) in trip a and b = regression
parameters, where the values of a and b are obtained from the following formula (Sparre and Vennema, 1998):
a = intercept; b = slope/variable Ei; xi = retrieval attempt i (fi); yi = retrieval result per unit of retrieval attempt i
(CPUE); which is input into the Schaefer equation, namely CPUE = a – b(f)
This method can be applied if the value of b is negative, which means that each additional retrieval effort decreases
CPUE. Furthermore, bio technic analysis determines the parameters r, q, k, and biomass under MSY conditions using the
fox algorithm estimation model with the formula (Sparre and Vennema, 1998) :
, , , ,
Based on Sparre and Vennema (1998), the estimated value of biomass (xMSY) = , maximum sustainable potential
(CMSY) and optimum retrieval effort (EMSY) =
c) Then, an estimation of the level of utilization (TP) and the number of allowable withdrawals (JTB) is carried out in
Pulau Kaung Village. TP estimation presents the amount harvested in a particular year with the maximum sustainable
potential value (CMSY). The TP formula is (Sparre and Vennema, 1998):
TP = While the JTB formula = 80% x MSY (Anna, 2016; BPS, 2018)
mostly taken are presented in Figure 2. The results of wildlife corals harvesting conducted by PT LSA in May 2020 -
December 2022 were 59,490 individuals on 133 trips with an average monthly corals harvest of 1,862 individuals.
The highest corals harvest was in October 2020 at 8,237 individuals, while the lowest was in May 2022 at 98
individuals. The taking of wildlife corals decreases every year due to restrictions on corals harvesting quotas from the
government, which support sustainability. Moreover, the growth period and season also affect the harvest time, which is
usually low in March-May and high in October-November for three years (2020–2022) as can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Results of PT LSA Corals Harvesting from May 2020 – December 2022
Based on the Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) calculation, the value of ornamental coral from May 2020 – December
2022 is represented in Figure 4.
Management of the Sustainable Utilization of Ornamental Coral Wildlife on Pulau Kaung Village as Hobbyist Tourism
Figure 4. Relationship between Effort and CPUE of Wildlife Ornamental Coral PT. LSA in Pulau Kaung Village in May 2020 – December 2022
The relationship between effort and PT LSA's Wildlife Ornamental Reef Table 2. Analysis of Scheafer's Biological Model
CPUE in Kaung Village in May 2020 – December 2022 in Figure 3 showed Data Value Analysis Value
an increase in the number of corals taken (effort) per ship, which led to a a 35.404 xMSY 5,160
decrease in corals yields per ship (CPUE). The varied CPUE values indicated b -0.0837 CMSY 3,743
that there had been an increase and decrease in corals harvesting but tended to R2 0.5484 EMSY 211
decrease. Furthermore, the results of biotechnical, bioeconomic, and P-value 0,0000126 JTB 2,995
utilization rates are presented in Table 2. Based on the graph in Figure 4 and r 1.11 TP 0.48
Scheafer's biological model in Table 2, the regression equation is as follows: q 0.003
y = 35,404 – 0.0837x This equation shows that: The regression coefficient (b) k 10,319.9
of -0.0837 states that there is an inverse relationship between production and
effort (trips) and that the addition of 10 taking trips means that production will decrease by 0.837 individuals/month, and vice
versa. If the trip value is zero, the production is 35,404 individuals/month. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.5484 or
54.84%, indicating that CPUE is affected by the total effort (trip) of 54.84%. In comparison, the remaining 45.16% was
influenced by other factors such as fishing ground, type gear, stock, weather, or did not address in the model. Biological
parameters include intrinsic growth rate (r), gear coefficient (q), and the carrying capacity of the aquatic environment (k). The
intrinsic growth rate (r) is 1.11 which means that corals resources grow naturally without any disturbance from natural
phenomena or human activities of 1.11 individuals/month. The gear coefficient (q) of 0.003 indicates that each increase in the
unit of harvesting effort will have an effect of 0.003 individuals per trip. The carrying capacity of the environment (k) is
10,319.9, indicating that the ability of the ecosystem to support the production of corals resources is 10,319.9
individuals/month from biological aspects, including food abundance, population growth, and fish size. The maximum
sustainable potential is obtained by biomass (xMSY), which is 5,160 individuals/month. The maximum sustainable potential
(CMSY) is 3,743 individuals/month, and the optimum harvesting effort (EMSY) is 211 trips. Degradation analysis was carried out
to determine how much the degradation rate occurred due to resource extraction (Sobari et al., 2009). Generally, the average
actual production (1,862 individuals/month) is less than the maximum sustainable potential (CMSY). In addition, the actual
corals harvesting effort (133 trips) is also smaller than the optimum harvesting effort (EMSY). This condition indicates that
overfishing has yet to occur because both the number of corals taken (catch) and the actual level of effort (effort) have not
exceeded the level of potential and sustainable harvesting efforts (MSY). These conditions can also be seen in Figure 5.
Referring to Kepmen KP No. 50, 2017, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries provides standards for the
utilization of fish resources in the fisheries management area of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on the MSY estimation
analysis, this study showed a utilization rate of 0.48 which was included in the moderate category because it was in the range
TP < 0.5 , which means that corals harvesting efforts can be increased. In addition, the number of corals harvests allowed
(JTB) is 2,995 individuals, whereas the average actual corals production/taken was 1,862 individuals/month, which means that
PT LSA takes corals still on the JTB boundary. The difference between the actual average corals harvest and JTB was 1,133
individuals (37.83%). So that this condition is still safe for corals harvesting, although policies are still needed regarding corals
harvest quotas, especially corals species included in CITES appendix II. To support sustainability, PT LSA also conducts
corals transplantation (aquaculture), which is traded on the export market. In addition, PT LSA conducts Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) activities in collaboration with POKMASWAS and related stakeholders for restocking coral
transplants in several areas of West Nusa Tenggara annually and conducting training for academics and coastal communities.
Restocking is carried out not in coral collection areas but in areas with a high level of corals damage or beach tourism areas
that require improving coral conditions. Figure 6 and 7 illustrates PT LSA's CSR activities from 2020 to 2022.
Management of the Sustainable Utilization of Ornamental Coral Wildlife on Pulau Kaung Village as Hobbyist Tourism
The commerce in decorative corals as hobby tourism is becoming a global trend that is thriving during the pandemic
with the growth of Aquascape, which is not only a hobby at home but also tourist sites, airports, offices, and hotels. PT
LSA collected 36 types of wildlife ornamental coral, including hard corals, with the most species being Euphyllia sp,
and 9 types of soft corals, with the most species being substrate Ricordea sp.
The research results show that the average actual production is 1,862 individuals/month, which means it does not
exceed the maximum production value (CMSY = 3.743 individuals/month) and JTB (2,995 individuals/ month). The
actual coral harvest of 133 trips still below the optimum harvesting effort (EMSY = 211 trips). So this condition still
indicates that overfishing has not occurred in this area. The level of corals utilization in Pulau Kaung Village has a value
of 0.49 or is in a moderate condition, which means utilization efforts can be increased. In addition to using corals, PT
LSA also carries out CSR activities by providing restocking from corals transplants resulting in certain areas and
training for academics or coastal communities. However, not all restocking goes well, mainly due to seasonal
conditions, which also affect the condition of the corals. In light of this, more research is required.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.A.I. and D.K.; methodology, C.A.I. and S.S..; software, C.A.I. and
S.S.; validation, C.A.I. and A.T.J.; formal analysis, C.A.I. and A.T.J.; investigation, C.A.I. and F.D.R.; data curation,
C.A.I. and F.D.R.; writing—original draft preparation, C.A.I. and D.K.; writing—review and editing, C.A.I. and
A.T.J.; visualization, C.A.I. and F.D.R.; supervision, D.K.; project administration, C.A.I. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Not applicable.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study may be obtained on request from the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to –PT. Lombok Samudera Abadi for allowing us to research the company;
Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Brawijaya Malang; Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Koestiono, MS as the promoter; Dr. Ir.
Agus Tjahjono, MS, Dr. Ir. Suhartini, MP, and Dr. Fitria Dina Riana, SP, MP as co promoter.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Article history: Received: 17.02.2023 Revised: 08.04.2023 Accepted: 10.05.2023 Available online: 06.06.2023
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