Week 29 Q3 24
Week 29 Q3 24
Week 29 Q3 24
What happened to Elam? Did they just disappear? No. Their original
names were changed by people like the Greeks and Romans
Missionary Herald: there are some reasons to believe that the aboriginal
inhabitants of India were of the family of Shem; and that they came into
India by two routes; One at the northwest across the Indus; the other by sea,
into southwestern India.
The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal: The Origin Of The Indian
Alphabet – We have already referred in this journal to some of the discussions
regarding the origin of that one of the old Indian alphabets which was the
mother of most of the systems of writing which have since been current in
India. A very useful summary of the different views that have prevailed, with
brief criticisms of each, is furnished by Mr. Cust, in the Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society for July. Of the two alphabets, whose ancient forms have been
preserved for us in inscriptions, the northern one is admittedly of Semitic
origin; it is in regard to the South Indian letters that scholars are not in accord
So now we’re building a case that the Persians and Elamites, are the same
Shemitic people
Indus Valley Civilization (Wikipedia): the Indus valley civilization (IVC) was
a Bronze Age civilization in the northwestern regions of South Asia lasting
from 3300 BCE and in this picture form from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. Together
with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, it was one of the three early
civilizations of the near east and South Asia and of the three, the most
widespread, it cites spanning an area stretching from northeast
Afghanistan, through much of Pakistan, and into western and
northwestern India. It flourished in the basins of the Indus river, which
flows through the length of Pakistan...
Middle Elamite Period (c. 1500 – c. 1100 BC) - Anshan and Susa: the middle
Elamite period began with the rise of the Anshanite dynasties around 1500 BC
period their rule was characterized by an “Elamization” of Susa, and the kings
took the title “king of Anshan and Susa”. While the first of these dynasties, the
Kidinuids continued to use the Akkadian language frequently in their
descriptions, the succeeding Igihalkids and Shutrukids uses Elamite with
increasing regularity. The Kidinuids (c. 1500 – 1400 BC) are a group of five
rulers of uncertain affiliation. They are identified by their use of the older title,
“king of Susa and of of Anshan”, and by calling themselves “servant of
Kirwashir”, an Elamite deity, thereby introducing the pantheon of the
highlands to Susiana. The city of Susa itself is one of the oldest in the world
dating back to around 4200 BC. Since it’s founding Susa was known as a
central power location for the Elamites and for later Persian dynasties
Esther 1:1-2 King Ahasuerus, as a Persian ruler, ruled from the Indus Valley
From “Persians and Medes”: Expressions like “king of the Persian kingdom”
and “king of the Median kingdom” are a bit misleading. The Medes and the
Persians were coalitions of Iranian nomad tribes (it was a dual empire of 2
different people; they were never Iranians, it was a name that was given to
Genesis 10:2- Madai, son of Japhet
So both the Persians and the Medes occupied Iran? That means they’re all
mixed in together nowadays, no one can really tell them apart. However,
the Medes are a minority there; the vast majority of the population of the
Indus valley region (Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) are Persians,
Parsis, which are Elamites today.
Our Foreparents During the Persian-Mede Captivity: Daniel (circa 538 BC)
Ezra, Zerubbabel, Joshua the High Priest, (around the time of Cyrus, also
Cambyses) Esther (around 486 BC in the time of Xerxes [Ahasuerus]) and
Nehemiah (circa 444).
Those that prophecied during this time period: Daniel, Ezra, Haggai,
Zechariah, and Malachi (he didn’t say Nehemiah)
Daniel 8:3- Daniels vision of the Ram; it had two horns (representing the dual
empire of the Medes and Persians); “one was higher than the other” the
Persians were more powerful than the Medes “and the higher came up last”
the medes ruled before the Persians; 4- No beast (Ecclesiastes 3:18- These
beast are kingdoms of men) could stand before them Westward, Northward,
and Southward; they became great (as Cyrus the Great); 15-20- The angels
interpretation of the vision is parallel with thew characteristics of Media and
Bel and The Dragon 1:1- King Astyages the Mede dies, and Cyrus the Great of
Persia succeeds him.
Median Kings prior to King Cyrus The Great: Deioces (700 – 647 BC),
Phraortes (647 - 625), Scythian rule (624 – 597), Cyaxares (624 – 585),
Astyages (585 – 549)
The second logos of Herodotus’ history deals with Cyrus rise to power.
Herodotus starts his story with a brief account of the origin of the Median
empire needs (in the northwest of modern Iran) were the first to shake off the
yoke of the Assyrians, who used to rule all Asia. Herodotus mentions several
Median kings and states That king Cyaxares “captured Nineveh and subdued
the Assyrians, all except the territory belonging to Babylonia”.
Cyaxares’ son Astyages is the next king of the Medes, and his daughter
Mandane is married to a Persian named Cambyses, a man he knew to be of
a good family and quiet habits. The Persians were subject to the Medes. A
child is born: Cyrus. After some nightmares that predict the baby's future
as Lord of all Asia, Astyages decides to kill the child. Herodotus tells the fairy
tale like story of Cyrus miraculous escape from danger; the boy grows up to
become the bravest and most populaer young man in Persia.
Then, he receives a letter from a Median courtier named Harpagus, who has a
grudge against Astyages and wants to remove him. When Cyrus revolts,
Astyages foolishly make Harpagus the commander of an army against the
rebels. Of course, the Median army defects to the Persians, and Astyages is
imprisoned.(Astyages died in prison) From now on, Cyrus is the king of both
Persia and the large Median empire. As we have seen in the first logos, he
added Lydia a few years later.
Jeremiah 25:12- Jeremiah prophesied of Cyrus God used Cyrus to pusish the
King of Babylon
The Complete Works of Josephus, Book 11, Chapter 1, Section 1 (3)- ...”Thus
saith Cyrus the king: Since God Almighty has appointed me to be king of the
habitable earth,(Cyrus understood it was God which set him up) I believe that
he is that God which the nation of the Israelites worship (he also
understood God is only the God of Israel, not the universe); (4) for indeed he
foretold my name by the prophets, and that I should build him an house
at Jerusalem, in the country of Judaea.” Section 2 (5) - This was known to
Cyrus by his reading the book which Isaiah left behind him of his
prophecies; for this prophet said that God had spoken thus to him in a secret
vision: “My will is, that Cyrus, whom I have appointed to be king over many
and great nations, send back my people to their own land, and build my
temple.” (6) this was foretold by Isaiah one hundred and forty years
before the temple was demolished. Accordingly, when Cyrus read this, and
admired the divine power, an earnest desire and ambition seized upon him to
fulfill what was so written; so he called for the most eminent Jews that were in
Babylon, and said to them, that he gave them leave to go back to their own
country, and to rebuild their city Jerusalem, and the temple of God...
Daniel 6:28- This is where the dual empire was set up; Darius and Cyrus
ruled beside each other, “and the higher came up last” meaning the Persians
Became the stronger kingdom
Ezra 4:6- The Medes had already ruled by this time, after Cyrus the Great
became stronger than them Ahasuerus his son (Cambyses II) ruled after him
Ezra 4:6- Look in the margin of your 1611, or Cambridge Bible, Ahasuerus in
the Hebrew is called Ahashverosh. Don’t get it confused, this is not that
husband of Esther; he is also called Xerxes, but his name is Cambyses,
although he is not called that in the Bible.
Ezra 4:7- This is where confusion begins; verses 6 and seven are not the
same person. Verse 6 is Cambyses and Artaxerxes in verse 7 is a different
monarch; 8-24- The Darius in verse 24 is not the same Darius in verse 5, this
is where the confusion starts springing up, because they took the same names