Snow: a) When the temperature in the atmosphere falls below the freezing point, water
vapour accumulates around dust particles and freezes to form hexagonal ice crystals. This
process is called desublimation.
b) As water vapour continues to freeze onto the surface of the ice crystals,it grows and
branches out to form snowflakes.Precipitation in the form of solid particles of snow is
known as snowfall.
Hail: a) Hail is a form of precipitation consisting of solid ice that forms inside
thunderstorm clouds (cumulonimbus clouds).
b) Hailstones are formed when raindrops are carried upward into extremely cold areas of
the atmosphere and freeze. c) Due to frequent upward flow of air, hailstones are repeatedly
taken upwards and a new layer of hail encapsulates the hail. When hailstones become too
heavy they fall rapidly to the ground.
Rainfall: a) The temperature of the air containing water vapour reduces when it rises
b) Clouds form when the water vapour at higher altitude condenses around the dust
particles. The water droplets increase in size. c) When they cannot
float in the air anymore because of their weight, they come down as rainfall.
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increases as the air descends down. The leeward side of the mountain gets less
rainfall and hence this area is identified as a rain-shadow area.
(3) Which type of rainfall occurs in most parts of the world? Why?
1) Orographic rainfall occurs in most of the parts of the world. Most of the continents
like North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia have mountain ranges
parallel to the western coast.
2) The moisture laden winds blow from the oceans and seas in the adjoining areas
towards the coasts.
3) Due to the presence of mountains such as the Andes, the Rockies, the Western
Ghats etc., clouds rise at higher altitudes and give heavy rainfall to the western parts
of most countries. Rainfall decreases eastwards. That is why orographic rainfall
occurs in most parts of the world.
(4) If condensation occurs closer to the Earth’s surface, what types of forms of
precipitation become visible?
Ans:When the condensation of the water vapour in the atmosphere occurs near the Earth’s
surface, then we can see fog, dew or frost.
Fog: The temperature of the layers of the air near the surface of the Earth reduces. As
temperature reduces, water vapour condenses. In this process, water vapour turns into
microscopic water particles and floats in the air. When the density of these droplets in the
air increases, fog occurs.
Dew: When moisture-laden air near the Earth’s surface comes into contact with very cold
objects, condensation of the water vapour takes place. They turn into very small water
droplets. These water droplets stick to the surface of the cold objects.This is called dew.
Frost: Frost is a thin layer of ice formed on the ground and other surfaces, especially at
night when the temperature falls below 0° Celsius (freezing point).
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v) It is strongly advisable to shield rain gauges from the wind or install them in an
optimum observation environment.
vi) After each recording, the rain gauge must be emptied to ensure an accurate reading.
Q 6. Distinguish between -
(1) Dew and frost:
Dew Frost
When the water vapour in the When the temperature of the air is below
atmosphere comes in contact with freezing point,the water vapour transforms
very cold objects,they turn into very into a thin layer of ice called frost.
tiny water droplets called dew.
Snow Hail
Precipitation in the form of friable ice Precipitation in the form of pellets or lumps
crystals is known as snowfall. of ice is known as hail.
Snow is formed when water vapour freezes Hail is formed when raindrops freezes into
into ice crystals at a temperature below ice balls inside cumulonimbus clouds at
freezing point. higher altitudes.
The drop in temperature in the atmosphere Extreme heat on the surface of the Earth
below the freezing point causes snowfall initiates the process of hail formation.
In high latitudinal and temperate regions, Hails occur in summers in India, Africa
snowfall occurs at the mean sea level while and in some parts of SouthEast Asia.
in tropical areas, snowfall occurs at places
located higher than the snowline altitude.
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