M1 CET307 - Ktunotes - in
M1 CET307 - Ktunotes - in
M1 CET307 - Ktunotes - in
Water exists on the earth in gaseous form (water vapour), liquid and solid (ice) forms and is
circulated among the different components of the earth mainly by solar energy and planetary
Sunlight evaporates sea water and this
evaporated form is kept in circulation by
gravitational forces of Earth and wind action.
The different paths through which water in
nature circulates and the earth’s water
circulatory system is known as hydrologic
Moisture from atmosphere to earth (precipitation) Precipitated water by streams and
rivers to ocean and lakes evaporation of water back to atmosphere.
The hydrologic cycle consists of the following processes.
1. Evaporation and Transpiration (E)
Evaporation is the process of turning the water from the surface of ocean, river, lakes
and also from moist soil into vapour.
Transpiration is the process of water being lost from the leaves of plants from their
2. Precipitation (P)
Precipitation denotes all forms of water that reach the earth from atmosphere.
Two type precipitations are there
Liquid precipitation- rain
Frozen precipitation-snow, hail, sleet and freezing rain.
The following are the main characteristics of rainfall
a .Amount or quantity- The amount of rainfall is usually given as a depth over a specified
area, assuming that all the rainfall accumulates over the surface and the unit for measuring
amount of rainfall is cm.
The volume of rainfall = Area x Depth of Rainfall
The amount of rainfall occurring is measured with the help of rain gauges.
b. Intensity- This is usually average of rainfall rate of rainfall during the special periods of
a storm and is usually expressed as cm/ hour.
c. Duration of Storm- In the case of a complex storm, we can divide it into a series of
storms of different durations, during which the intensity is more or less uniform.
P = E+R
To the hydrologist, precipitation is the general term for all form of moisture emanating from
the cloud and falling to the ground.
Mechanism of precipitation
Three mechanism are needed for formation of precipitation.
1. Lifting and cooling- lifting of air mass to higher altitude causes cooling of air.
2. Condensation- conversion of water vapour in to liquid droplets.
3. Droplet formation- growth of droplet is required if the liquid water is present in a cloud
is to reach ground against the lifting mechanism of air.
For precipitation to occur, moisture (water vapour) is always necessary to be present. Moisture
is present due to the process of evaporation. There must also be some mechanism for large
scale lifting of moist, warm air so that there will be sufficient cooling. This will cause
condensation (conversion of vapours) to liquid and growth of water drops. Condensation nuclei
such as the oxides of nitrogen, salt crystals, carbon dioxide, silica etc. must be present such that
water vapour condenses around them. The conditions of electric charge in the cloud, size of
water droplets or ice crystals, temperature and relative movement of clouds must be favorable
so that the size of the condensed water drop increases and ultimately they begin to fall to the
ground due to gravity. A drop of size 0.5mm can fall through 2000m in unsaturated air.
Frontal precipitation results from lifting of warm air over cold air and it may be subdivided as
warm front precipitation and cold front precipitation. In warm front precipitation the warm air
moves upwards over a relatively stationary wedge of cold air.
In this case the precipitation is spread over a large area which may extend 300 to 500 kilometres
ahead of the front and the precipitation is generally light to moderate and nearly continuous
until after the passage of the warm front.
On the other hand in cold front precipitation the warm air is forced upwards by an advancing
wedge of cold air. In this case the precipitation occurs on a small area which may extend only
100 to 150 kilometres ahead of the front and the precipitation is relatively more intense.
Cold front
Warm front
3. Orographic Precipitation
The precipitation caused by lifting of air over mountain barrier is called orographic
When moisture bearing winds usually blowing from oceans to land surfaces are forced to rise
far above the ground surface by the presence of the coastal mountain ranges
The cooling and condensation processes take place and the precipitation occurs on the
windward side of the mountains.
The area situated on the leeward side, which gets less rainfall is known as the Rain-Shadow
2. Rainfall- This is a form of precipitation of water drops larger than 0.5mm diameter up to
0.5cm diameter. Water drops of size greater than 0.5 cm diameter tend to break up as they fall
through the atmosphere. Intensity varies from 0.25 cm/ hour to 0.75cm/ hour. It is the principal
form of precipitation in India.
3. Glaze/ Freezing rain- This is the ice coating formed when a drizzle or rainfall comes in
contact with very cold objects on the ground at around 00C.
4. Sleet- This occurs when rain drops fall through air which is below 00c. The grains are
transparent, round with diameter between 0.1 cm to 0.4 cm. It is precipitation of snow and rain
5. Snow Pellets- These are white opaque round grains of ice. They are crystalline and rebound
when falling onto the ground. The diameter varies from 0.05cm to 0.5cm.
7. Hails- These are balls or irregular lumps of ice of over 0.5cm diameter formed by repeated
freezing and melting. These are formed by upward and downward movement of air masses in
turbulent air currents (thunderstorms).
8. Dew- Moisture condensed from atmosphere in small drops upon cool surfaces.
Rain fall is the source of all water used for irrigation purposes.
So, the knowledge of its amount, characteristics seasons or periods and the effect producedby it is of
prime importance.
The amount of precipitation is expressed as the depth in centimetres (or inches) which fall ona level surface.
It is measured by rain gauges.
The main types of rain gauges are
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1. Non-recording type rain gages or non-automatic recording type rain gages.
2. Self-recording type or automatic recording type rain gages.
I. Non-Recording Type Rain Gages
As the name indicates these rain gages do not record the rainfall directly.
It only collect the rain water which when measured gives the total amount of rainfall at therain gage station
during the measuring interval.
In India until about 1969, the non- recording type rain gage extensively used by the IndianMeteorological
Department (IMD) is the Symon’s rain gage.
I. Symon’s rain gage.
The Symon’s rain gage consists of a cylindrical metal case of internal diameter 127 mm
(5 inches) with its base enlarged to 203.2 mm (8 inches) diameter.
At the top of the case, a funnel is fixed which is provided with a brass rim measuring exactly
127 mm (5 inches) inside diameter.
The funnel shank is inserted in a receiving glass bottle placed inside the case.
The receiving glass bottle has a capacity of about 75 to 100 mm of rain fall.
The case of the rain gage is fixed in masonry or concrete foundation block
600 mm×600 mm ×600 mm which is sunk into the ground such that the funnel rim is exactly
304.8 mm (12 inches) above the ground level.
The rain water enters the bottle through the funnel and gets collected in the bottle.
The rain should be measured 3 or 4 times in a day on day of heavy rain fall.
A cylindrical graduated measuring glass is provided with each instrument, which reads with an
accuracy up to 0. 1mm
The rain gauges density or network density is define as the ratio of total area of the catchment
to the total number of rain gauges in the catchment.
To obtain reliable results, the various rain gauges should be evenly and uniformly distributed
within a given catchment.
The total number of rain gauges installed within a given catchment area should neither be too
many as to be costly nor should be to less as to give unreliable results.
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has laid down the following norms for
minimum network density.
Network Density
Region Description
Minimum Tolerable
Flat region of temperate, 1 gauge for 600 to 1 gauge for 900 to
mediterranean and tropical zones. 900𝑘𝑚2 3000𝑘𝑚2
𝐶 2
N =( 𝑣 )
N = optimum number of rain gauges
𝐶𝑣 = coefficient of variation of rainfall values of existing stations
= ( 𝑥) 𝑥 100
Sx = standard deviation
𝑥 = mean of rainfall values of existing stations = 1/n ∑𝑥𝑖
xi = precipitation in i th station
p = desired degree of error in estimating mean rainfall.
Both 𝐶𝑣 and p should be expressed in percentage
If, N ˂ n, no more gauges are required.
If, N ˃ n, the number of additional rain gauge stations will be (N-n), where n is the number of
existing stations.
Some precipitation stations may have short breaks in the records because of absence of the
observer or because of instrumental failures.
It is often necessary to estimate this missing record.
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In the procedure used by the U.S. Weather Bureau, the missing precipitation of a station is
estimated from the observations of precipitation at some other stations as close to and as evenly
spaced around the station with the missing record as possible.
The station whose data is missing is called interpolation station and gauging stations whose
data are used to calculate the missing station data are called index stations
There are three methods for estimation of missing data.
1. Arithmetic mean method
2. Normal ratio method
3. Inverse distance method by U. S Weather Service.
1. Arithmetic mean method
According to the arithmetic mean method the missing precipitation 'Px' is given as
'n' is the number of nearby stations,
'Pi' is precipitation at ith station and
'Px' is missing precipitation.
The above method is used under the following situations
i. The normal annual rainfall of the missing station is within 10% of the normal annual
rainfall of index stations.
ii. Data of atleast 3 index ststions should be available
iii. The index station should evenly spaced around the missing station and should be close
as possible.
Where Px is the missing precipitation for any storm at the interpolation station 'x',
Pi is the precipitation for the same period for the same storm at the "ith" station of a group of
index stations,
Nx the normal annual precipitation value for the 'x' station and
Ni the normal annual precipitation value for 'ith' station.
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This method is used when the normal precipitation of the index stations differ more than 10%
of the missing station. The data of atleast three index stations should be available, and all these
index stations should be evenly spaced.
1. Inverse distance method (U. S Weather Service)
According to inverse distance method a set of rectangular co-ordinate axis is passed through
the missing rain gauge station.
Its co-ordinates are (0, 0).
The co-ordinates (xi, yi) of each index station, surrounding the missing station are found and
weightage (Wi) is calculated.
Wi is the inverse of square of its distance from the missing station.
𝑊𝑖 = (1/Di2)
= 1/ ( x 2+ y 2)
i i
The missing data of the station X is then computed from the equation
∑(𝑃𝑖 𝑊𝑖)
𝑃𝑥 =
The data of annual rainfall can be graphically presented in many ways such as the
chronological chart, bar diagram, the ordinate graph etc.
chronological chart
The annual rainfall is plotted as the ordinate against the year as the abscissa. The points are
then joined by straight line.
Bar diagram
Rainfall is represented as rectangular bar whose height denotes magnitude of rainfall to some scale.
Presents rainfall in any year as ordinate line drawn to some scale at corresponding year.
For non-recording rain gauges, mass curves are prepared from knowledge of the approximate
beginning and end of a storm and by using the mass curve of adjacent recording gauge stations
as a guide.
Mass curve is always a rising curve.
It may have some horizontal sections which indicate periods of no rainfall.
The rate at which rainfall is accumulating at any given instant of time is called rainfall intensity
at that time.
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A hyetograph is a plot of the intensity of rainfall against the time interval.
The hyetograph is derived from the mass curve and is usually represented as a bar chart.
It is very convenient way of representing the characteristics of a storm and is particularly
important in the development of design storms to predict extreme floods.
The area under a hyetograph represents the total precipitation received in the period.
The time interval used depends on the purpose, in urban drainage problems small durations are
used while flood flow computations in larger catchments the intervals are about 6h.
Isohyetal method
The water entering the soil at the ground surface after overcoming resistance to flow is called
Infiltration fills the voids in the soil.
Excess water moves down by gravity and it is known as percolation.
Percolation takes place till water reaches ground water table.
For continuous infiltration to occur it is essential that percolation should also be continuous,
which is also dependent of ground water movement.
Infiltration process: The soil medium where infiltration is to be observed may be considered
as a small container covered with a wire gauge mesh.
If water is poured over the gauge, part of it enters the soil and some part over flows.
Further the runoff and infiltration depend on the condition of soil.
When soil reaches saturated condition infiltration stops and all input becomes runoff.
Usually at the beginning of a storm infiltration is more and runoff is less and when storm
continues infiltration becomes lesser and runoff become constant.
The volume of rainfall that will result in runoff is called Rainfall excess.
Infiltration rate (f): It is actually the prevailing rate at which the water is entering the given
soil at any given instant of time.
It is expressed in cm/hr (i.e. depth of water entering soil per unit time).
Infiltration Capacity (fp): It is the maximum rate at which a soil in any given condition is
capable of absorbing water.
If f = fp when i ≥fp
f = i when i <fp where ‘i’ is intensity of rainfall
Factors affecting infiltration Capacity:
The variations in the infiltration capacity are large. The infiltration capacity is influenced by
many factors. Some factors contribute to long term variation, but some cause temporary
Important factors are the following:
(i) Soil Texture and Structure:
It is already made clear that the water cannot continue to enter soil more rapidly than it is
transmitted downward. The conditions at the surface, therefore, cannot increase infiltration
unless the transmission capacity of the soil profile is adequate.
The continuity of non-capillary or large pores provides easy paths for percolating water.
moisture storage capacity is exhausted. For the second storm in succession, the soil will have
lesser rate of infiltration than the first.
(iv) Type of Vegetative Cover:
Vegetative cover affects surface entry of water significantly. The vegetation or mulches protect
the soil surface from impact of rain drops. The lengthy and extensive root system penetrate the
soil and increases its porosity. Organic matter from crops promotes a crumbly by structure and
improves soil permeability. Forest canopy protects soil surface whereas row crops provide less
protection to soil.
(v) Soil Temperature:
If saturated soil mass gets frozen due to severe low temperature it becomes nearly impermeable.
It affects the infiltration.
(vi) Human Activities on Soil Surface:
If the soil surface gets compacted due to construction of roads, operation of tractors and other
farm implements and machinery the porosity of the soil is decreased. As a result bigger pores
are almost eliminated making soil impermeable. It reduces the infiltration rates appreciably.
Infiltration rates are required in many hydrological problems such as runoff estimation, soil
moisture studies in agriculture, etc.
The different methods of determination of infiltration are
1. Infiltrometers
a. Flooding type Infiltrometers
b. Rainfall simulators
2. Hydrograph analysis method
1. Infiltrometers
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In flooding type Infiltrometers, water is applied in form of a sheet, with constant depth of
The depletion of water depth is observed with respect to time.
In case of rainfall simulators water is applied by sprinkling at a constant rate in excess of
infiltration capacity and the runoff occurring is also recorded.
Infiltro-meters adopted in practice are,
a. Flooding type Infiltrometers
i. Simple (Tube Type) Infiltrometers
It is essentially a metal cylinder with openings at both ends.
As the flooding type infiltrometer measures the infiltration characteristics at a spot only, a large
number of pre-planned experiments are necessary to obtain representative infiltration
characteristics for an entire.
Some of the chief disadvantages of flooding-type infiltrometers are:
I. The raindrop impact effect is not simulated.
2. The driving of tube or rings disturbs the soil structure; and
3. The results of infiltrometers depend to some extent on size with the larger meters giving less
rates than the smaller lonest, this is due to the border effect.
b. Rainfall Simulator
In this a small plot of land of about 2 m x4 m size is provided with a series of nozzles on longer
side with arrangements to collect and measure the surface runoff rate. The specially designed
nozzles produce raindrops falling from a height of 2 m and are capable of producing various
intensities of rainfall. Experiments are conducted under controlled conditions with various
combinations of intensities and durations and the surface runoff rates and volumes are
measured in each case. Using the water budget equation involving the volume of rainfall,
infiltration and runoff, site infiltration rate and its variation with lime are estimated. If the
rainfall intensity is higher than the infiltration rate, infiltration capacity values are obtained.
Rainfall simulator type infiltrometers give lower values than flooding type infiltrometers. This
is due to effect of the rainfall impact and turbidity of the surface water present in former.
2. Hydrograph Analysis
Reasonable estimation of the infiltration capacity of a small watershed can be obtained by
The data from Infiltrometers can be used to plot an infiltration capacity curve.
Infiltration capacity curve is a decaying curve which shows high infiltration capacity rate at
beginning and decreases exponentially and attains minimum or constant value over time.
Many mathematical equations have been proposed to describe the shape of the curve.
The most commonly used equation is Horton‘s Equation( 1933).
The infiltration rate (f) at any time (t) is given by Horton‘s equation
𝑓 = 𝑓𝑐 + (𝑓0 − 𝑓𝑐)−𝑘𝑡
𝑓0= initial rate of infiltration capacity
𝑓𝑐= final constant rate of infiltration at saturation
K= a constant depending primarily upon soil and vegetation
shaded area obtained as shown from the graph also known as field capacity is the amount of
rainfall which can be absorbed by soil.
This equation when conjunctively used with rain fall data (hyetograph) can be used to calculate
surface runoff volumes occurring during a storm.
Area under curve in any time interval represents depth of water infiltered during that period.
Cumulative infiltration capacity is the accumulation of infiltration volume over a time period
since start of process.
F(t) =∫ 𝑓(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 0
It is the process by which a liquid changes to gaseous state at the free surface through transfer
of heat energy.
Water from liquid or solid state passes into the vapour state and is diffused into
In an exposed water body like lakes or ponds, water molecules are in continuous motion with
arrange of velocities (faster at the top and slower at the bottom).
Additional heat on water body increases the velocities.
When some water molecules possess sufficient kinetic energy they may cross over the water
Simultaneously the water molecules in atmosphere surrounding the water body may penetrate
the water body due to condensation.
If the number of molecules leaving the water body is greater than the number of molecules
arriving or returning, difference in vapour pressure occurs, leading to evaporation.
The pans are commonly used as evaporation measuring devices because they are inexpensive
and simple to instrument.
Pan coefficient:
It has been correlated that evaporation from a pan is not exactly the same as that taking place
from a water body. Hence while using a pan measurement data for measuring evaporation from
a lake or a water body, a correction factor has to be applied or multiplied by a pan co-
efficient.The evaporation pans adopted in practice have a pan coefficient of 0.7 to 0.8.
Drawbacks of pans:
I. They differ in the heat-storing capacity and heat transfer from the sides and bottom. The
sunken pan and floating pan aim to reduce this deficiency. As a result of this factor the
evaporation from a pan depends to a certain extent on its size while a pan of 3 m diameter is
known to give a value which is about the same as from a neighbouring large lake; a pan of size
1.0 m diameter indicates about 20% excess evaporation than that of 3 m diameter pan.
2. The height of the rin1 in an evaporation pan affects the wind action over the surface. Also it
casts a shadow of variable magnitude over the water surface.
3. The heat-transfer characteristics of the pan material is different from that of the reservoir.
Following are some recommended measures to reduce evaporation from water surfaces.