ANS3) 1.People continue to live by hunting and gathering although changes in climate in encouraged
changes in diet
ANS)1. a rolling log or piece of wood possibly make them understand that this could be a great help to
move things rather than drag them over the ground
2.the earliest evidence of the wheel goes back to around 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia in modern day Iraq .
The wheel made transportation and carrying people and goods very easy.
3.Soon animals were used to draw wheeled carts .The wheel was then put use for making pottery. Later
people made the spinning wheel to spin thread.
Q5) Name a few Neolithic sites found in India other than Burzahom. How is the latter different from
ANS5) Some of them are in Lahuradewa in the middle gangetic Plains , Sarai Khola in West Punjab and
Mehgarh in Pakistan , Piklihal in Karnatka , Daojali Hading on the hills near river Brhmaputra.
1) the early paleolithic age corresponds to the time when the first stone tools appear.The tools
used were hand axes and chopping tools.
2) many parts of the earth were covered in ice this is why this age is also known as the Ice Age.
3) The climate was extremely cold.
1) in the middle paleolithic age people largely used flakes to some home implements such as
needles have been found , indicating that furs and animals skins were sewn crudely to cover
the human body.
2) this is the time when people begin to form and live in group.
3) they began to paint on the walls of cave.
1) The Upper Paleolithic Age corresponds to the last phase of the Ice Age when the climate became
warmer. People of those times mostly used blade tools.
2) This period also saw the first human-made shelter. People began to make necklaces and
bracelets of shells and bones.
3) in India the most notable upper paleolithic site has been found in Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh
Q2) Disscuss the types of stone tools used during stone tool age
Ans) paleolithic people and need for tools people begin to shape stones into crude knife axeheads
choppers and cleavers. Stone could be sharpened and shaped into various sizes that did not break easily.
2. people used stone tools for a variety of purposes---- cutting meat ,hunting animals, cutting down
trees, clearing forests , smooother barks and animal skins.
1.the stone tools used were hand axes and chopping tools .
1. in this age people used small and efficient tools called microliths these tools were more sharper
and efficient than lower palaeolithic age.
1. Neolithic tools were shaped and polished and they also lasted longer .Besides hunting ,Neolithic
tools were also used for other purpoes. Stone, axes, sickles and ploughs were particularly used
at this time .Arrows were used for hunting.
ANS) the mesolithic age dates from around 10,000 BC to About 8,000 BCE.
2.There was greater emphasis on small animals and plants food particularly wild cereals. Such
changes initiated greater interest in particular animals and plants and ultimately led to the
domestication of certain animals. The dog become the first pet of human mainly because they
defended them from wild animals.
3.In this age people used small efficient tools called microliths these tools were more sharper and
efficient than Palaeolithic.
Q4) what do you know about the Prehistoric sites of Nevasa and Kurnool?