READING 1: “Tips for travelling alone” (A1 Reading test)
Read the text and for questions 1 to 6 choose the correct answer. Write the chosen option
with the letter A-B-C
Travelling alone seems scary if it’s the first time you are going to leave the comfort of home. You will probably
think about the potential risks or difficult situations. What happens if I get ill, or have an accident? Isn’t it
dangerous to go out alone at night? What happens if I get attacked? Isn’t it strange to eat at restaurants alone
all the time?
Most travellers have these worries and more before their first trip alone, but all these fears disappear when
they see all the benefits of this great experience. Here I’m going to give you 3 tips on how to travel alone and
have a good time.
Don’t be shy
Don’t be afraid of asking. Ask for directions in the street, or ask about the place, the culture or the customs to
the local people that you find in bars, parks, etc. You will be surprised how much people like to talk about their
town or their culture. Remember you are alone. Asking can be an effective way to start a conversation and
meet new people.
6. Sarah disliked British beaches because ___ beaches in other countries. ________
a. there are more people than on
b. the weather is worse than on
c. they are not as beautiful as
7. Sarah spent ____ time alone in the past compared to now. __________
a. less
b. more
c. a similar amount of
8. Talking about relationships, Sarah ___ now than in the past. _________
a. has deeper relationships
b. appreciates normal people more
c. is kinder and more caring
Extra activity: Answer about your own experience, use Conditional forms
a) Which suggestion or tip would you give if someone from another country had a trip to
b) Which places should someone visit if this came to this city, Santiago?
c) What would your life change if you finished your regular education soon?
d) How would you feel if you got all your dreams in a short time?