A ship is like a floating city with all the privileges enjoyed by any normal land city.
Just like a conventional city, the ship also requires all the basic amenities to
sustain life on board; the chief among them is power or electricity. In this article
we will learn as to how power is generated and supplied on board a ship.
AC, 3 phase power is preferred over DC as it gives more power for the
same size.
3 phases is preferred over single phase as it draws more power and in the
event of failure of one phase, other 2 can still work.
Emergency Power
In case of the failure of the main power generation system on the ship, an
emergency power system or a standby system is also present. The emergency
power supply ensures that the essential machinery and system continues to
operate the ship.
Rating of the emergency power supply should be made in such a way that it
provides supply to the essential systems of the ship such as
c) Watertight doors.
d) Firefighting system.
e) Ships navigation lights and emergency lights.
Emergency generator is normally located outside the machinery space of the ship.
This is done mainly to avoid those emergency situations wherein access to the
engine room is not possible. A switch board in the emergency generator room
supplies power to different essential machinery.
Generator Rating
The generators form the heart of the electrical design and their correct sizing is
the key to a safe, workable and economical system. When sizing a marine
generator cognisance must be given to the nature of the load. The generator
often works on its own and is accordingly susceptible to large system load swings,
loads causing distortion, the connection of motors and the connection of large
heater elements for air conditioning systems. In addition to satisfying the
apparent system load requirements, consideration must be given to the special
requirements of any large loads, unusual operational requirements, spare
capacity requirements and the required system operating philosophy.
In some applications such as a generator supplying a large SCR type load, the
generator rating may be increased well beyond its full load value, in order to
account for harmonic heating and the inductive requirements of the SCR devices.
DCMT has developed its own software to assist in generator sizing.
Main Switchboard
The main elements of a marine distribution system are the main and emergency
switchboards, power panel boards, motor controllers, lighting and small power
panel boards. The system is generally designed such that under all normal
conditions of operation, power is distributed from the main switchboard. The
distribution system is designed to keep cable costs to a minimum by distributing
to power panels located close to the user services.
The main switchboard is generally located near the centre of the distribution
system and this is normally the main engine room or machinery control room.
These locations are normally below the ship's waterline or below the uppermost
continuous deck of the ship i.e. the bulkhead or main deck. Consequently, in the
event of a fire or flooding it is likely that the main generators and switchboard
would be disabled. To ensure that electrical supplies are available to emergency
and safety systems, an emergency generator and associated emergency
switchboard will be located above the main deck in a separate space, completely
isolated from the main machinery spaces.
For shipboard installations specific protective systems are required to shut down
all ventilation systems and all fuel oil systems in the event of fire. When motor
auxiliaries are grouped together and supplied from a motor control center or a
grouped distribution panel, this can best be achieved by providing the MCC supply
feeder circuit breaker with an undervoltage tripping device and connecting this to
the ventilation or fuel systems trip unit. When grouped MCC's or grouped
distribution panels are not used, separate cables must be installed for each motor
controller. This leads to increased cable costs and increases the systems proness
to failure.
Motor Controls
On small ships, e.g. tugs, etc., such grouping is not economical and the major
ship's auxiliaries are normally supplied directly from the main switchboard. In this
case the motors would be provided with individual starters located adjacent to
the motor. For high speed vessels where weight is important, minimum cable
weight may be achieved using a “non-distributed” distribution scheme.
When a centralized machinery control system is required, cables for the motor
control functions can be installed back to the machinery control room and the
starter push buttons located on a centralized machinery control console.
Alternatively, the motors may be grouped together on motor control centres
located inside the control room. The motor control functions can then be left on
the motor's starter at the MCC or again wired back to a central control desk.
When fully automatic machinery control is required, these techniques are now in
common use and micro-processor devices control the ship's machinery through
video display units located in the machinery control room or on the bridge. The
ship's auxiliaries are generally controlled with programmable logic controllers
(plc's) installed inside the motor control centres and linked through a data bus to
the machinery control location. When this type of system is used, the motor
control centres can be located either together in the machinery control room or
alternatively, distributed throughout the ship close to the motors being
controlled. There is little difference in the cabling requirements of either method,
however when motor control centers are located outside a dry, atmosphere
controlled space such as the machinery control room, a higher degree of
mechanical enclosure is required (IP 44 instead of IP 22) and consequently adds to
the MCC costs.
Emergency Services
DCMT's principle design documents for the ships auxiliary services include a load
list, load analysis and short-circuit current analysis. In consultation with the client
all electrical services on the vessel are identified. Approximate horse-power or
kilowatt ratings are obtained for motors. Lighting loads are estimated from the
ship's general arrangements and electronic aids are obtained from similar vessels,
and a complete load list compiled.
The electrical load analysis uses the load list in order to estimate the expected
power demand of the electrical system under specific ship operating conditions.
Typical operating conditions would be with the ship, “in transit," “at anchor,"
“maneuvering,” etc. For special vessels, other operating conditions would be
appropriate such as “towing” for a tug, “drilling” for a drill ship.
The load analysis calculates the expected power demand by multiplying each
service power by a “demand” factor. The demand factor is a combined load factor
and diversity factor and is the ratio of the estimated power consumption of a
service to its normal full load power consumption. The demand factor is
determined by an experienced assessment of the estimated power during a four
to six hour period when loads may be at their maximum utilization.
DCMT's load analysis obtains load information from the load list. For each service,
data banks are searched to determine the service full load current and power
factor dependent upon motor operating voltage. This information is used to
compute the services' kilowatt and kilovar demand from which is computed the
kilovoltamps. By applying the demand factor to each load kW and kvar's and
summing all loads for specific operating conditions, the expected generator
kilowatts, kilovoltamps and power factor can be computed. By comparing the
expected load for the different ship operating conditions, the number and rating
of the main generators can be assessed.
DCMT has developed several types of short-circuit current calculations which are
applied under different circumstances at various stages of the design process.
The major contributors to short-circuit current are the generators and motors.
Cables and transformers act to reduce the short-circuit current load at a specific
location. The most simple short-circuit current analysis is based on an assumed
value of the generator's sub-transient reactance and an approximate estimate of
the worst case motor loading can be obtained from the load analysis.
The “second stage” short-circuit current analysis is completed when the electrical
system conceptual one-line diagram is finished. For this calculation actual
subtransient data is used together with cable transformers and other system
parameters. This calculation generally results in lower values of short-circuit
DC Marine, January 2000