Retaining Structures Questions
Retaining Structures Questions
Retaining Structures Questions
1. The cross-section of a proposed concrete retaining wall is shown in the figure below. The
unit weight of the concrete is 24 kN/m3. The friction angle at the soil wall interface at the
base is 26o. Determine the factor of safety against overturning about A, the factor of safety
against sliding (ignoring passive resistance) and the vertical bearing pressure imposed on the
soil beneath A for the following conditions:
c. The safety factor against bearing failure if the bearing capacity of the medium dense
silty sand layer is 400 kPa.
Assume that the water table lies below the base slab.
3. A braced sheet pile to be used in an open cut in sand is shown in the figure below. Assume
that the sheet piles are hinged at strut levels B and C. Struts are spaced longitudinally at
2.5 m centre-to-centre spacing. Draw the lateral earth pressure diagram for the braced
sheet pile system and compute the loads on struts A, B, C and D. (Ans: FA = 144.56 kN,
FB = FC = 112.44kN, FD = 144.56 kN)
4. Analyze the anchored bulkhead system shown in the figure below, using a factor of safety
of 1.5. Determine the anchor rod tension per unit length of sheet piling. (Ans: 44.7 kN/m)
5. An anchored sheet pile is constructed by driving a line of piling into a soil of saturated
unit weight 21 kN/m3 and having shear strength parameters cʹ = 10 kPa and φʹ = 27°.
Backfilling to a depth of 8 m is placed behind the piling, the backfill having a saturated
unit weight of 20 kN/m3, a unit weight above the water table of 17 kN/m3 and shear
strength parameters cʹ = 0 and φʹ = 35°. Tie rods are spaced at 2.5 m centres, 1.5 m below
the surface of the backfill. The water level in front of the wall and the water level behind
the wall are both 5 m below the surface of the backfill. Using the free earth support
method, determine the depth of penetration required for a factor of safety of 2.0 with
respect to gross passive resistance and the force in each tie rod. (Ans: 5.6m, 228 kN)
1.5 m
3.5 m γ = 17 kN/m3
cʹ = 0 kPa , φʹ = 35°
γsat = 20 kN/m3
Natural soil:
cʹ = 10 kPa , φʹ = 27°, γsat = 21 kN/m3