#4 recognizing_and_correcting_meg_artifacts.5
#4 recognizing_and_correcting_meg_artifacts.5
#4 recognizing_and_correcting_meg_artifacts.5
Summary: Noise sources in magnetoencephalography (MEG) fields, real-time active compensation using reference sensors,
include: (1) interference from outside the shielded room, (2) and postprocessing with advanced spatio-temporal filters.
other people and devices inside the shielded room, (3) Many of the artifacts that plague MEG are also seen in EEG, so
physiologic or nonphysiologic sources inside the patient, (4) an experienced electroencephalographer will have the
activity from inside the head that is unrelated to the signal of advantage of being able to transfer his knowledge about
interest, (5) intrinsic sensor and recording electronics noise, artifacts to MEG. However, many of the procedures and
and (6) artifacts from other apparatus used during recording software used during acquisition and analysis may themselves
such as evoked response stimulators. There are other factors contribute artifact or distortion that must be recognized or
which corrupt MEG recording and interpretation and should prevented. In summary, MEG artifacts are not worse than EEG
also be considered “artifacts”: (7) inadequate positioning of the artifacts, but many are different, anddas with EEGdmust be
patient, (8) changes in the head position during the recording, attended to.
(9) incorrect co-registration, (10) spurious signals introduced Key Words: Magnetoencephalography, Artifacts, Inteference,
during postprocessing, and (11) errors in fitting. The major Noise, Active compensation, Temporal signal space separation,
means whereby magnetic interference can be reduced or Magnetic shielding, Gradiometers, Degaussing.
eliminated are by recording inside a magnetically shielded
room, using gradiometers that measure differential magnetic (J Clin Neurophysiol 2020;37: 508–517)
508 Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology Volume 37, Number 6, November 2020 clinicalneurophys.com
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MEG Artifacts R. C. Burgess
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R. C. Burgess MEG Artifacts
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frontal sensors, and that after the patient removed her snaps to avoid the possibility of artifact from belt buckles, jewelry,
mascara, the artifact disappeared. metallic hook and loop clips, brassiere underwiresdand even the
occasional contraband. The artifact in Fig. 1A was produced by the
patient’s cell phone. Despite careful instructions regarding items
proscribed in the magnetically shielded room, this patient managed
ELECTRONIC DEVICES NEAR OR ON THE PATIENT to smuggle the device into the magnetically shielded room inside
Some of the most problematic sources are caused by sources his clothing. Once in the magnetically shielded room where
in or on the patient and thereby close to the sensors. Patients naturally no cell service is available, the phone came alive with
should normally change into hospital gowns with nonmetallic attempts to find a tower, producing sporadic large amplitude
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MEG Artifacts R. C. Burgess
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FIG. 3. All four panels show the same data segment, during jaw
movement in a patient with dental braces. In the upper panels, the
frontal MEG sensors closest to the teeth are most affected by the
magnetic artifact, but even the posterior sensors also show
substantial artifact, despite degaussing. After tSSS filtering, shown
in the lower panels, the artifact from outside the brain has been
removed, and the data are clearly interpretable. MEG,
magnetoencephalography; tSSS, spatiotemporal signal space
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FIG. 5. Effect of tSSS noise cancellation in a patient with left temporal spikes and a VNS. (All three columns display the same time
segment from the left temporal sensors, with the magnetic field contours of the same 400 ms epoch in the bottom row.) The MEG
artifact seen in patients with a VNS is not because of the operation of the electronics, which can, of course, be turned off during MEG
recording. Movement of the metal case of the VNS in the chest, although it is almost devoid of magnetizable ferrous material,
produces an artifact with each heartbeat, as shown prominently in column (A). Even with SSS filtering (column B), often used in MEG,
the heart pulsation artifact still hides the important MEG features. With the development of adaptive tSSS filtering, extracranial
signals can be eliminated, so that the sharp wave indicated by the arrow becomes clear for both manual visualization and accurate
source localization (column C). MEG, magnetoencephalography; SSS, signal space separation; tSSS, spatiotemporal signal space
separation; VNS, vagal nerve stimulator.
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MEG Artifacts R. C. Burgess
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R. C. Burgess MEG Artifacts
Because the signals picked up by recording the magnetic
fields of the brain are so small compared with other sources of
magnetic activity (both physiologic and nonphysiologic), miti-
gating the effects of these interfering fields by prevention or
postprocessing is very important. For those artifacts that do make
their way into the recording, recognition of them and their effects
on the overall recording is an important magnetoencephalogra-
pher skill. Those experienced in electroencephalography will
have the advantage of being able to transfer their EEG
knowledge about artifacts to MEG. However, there are other
MEG artifacts not seen in EEG, and because MEG is more
heavily dependent on computer processing, awareness of and
attention to all potential sources of error is crucial.
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