1. List and explain the uses of computer network.
2. Write a note on the following: i. Business application ii. Home application 3. Write a note on the following: i. Mobile users ii. Social issues 4. Write a note on the following: i. LAN ii. MAN 5. Write a note on WAN. 6. Write a note on LAN. 7. Differentiate connection oriented and connectionless service. 8. Write a note on service primitives. 9. Explain in brief different layers of OSI reference model. 10. Explain in brief different layers of TCP/IP reference model. 11. Differentiate OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
2. What is transmission medium? 3. What is meant by unguided media? Give examples for unguided media. 4. What is meant by guided media? Give examples for guided media. 5. Draw a cutaway view of a coaxial cable. 6. Draw side view of a single fiber. 7. What are single-mode and multimode fiber. 8. What is chromatic dispersion and solitons. 9. Differentiate fiber optics and copper wire. 10. What is digital modulation? 11. What is multiplexing? List the types of multiplexing. 12. What is FDM? 13. What is TDM? 14. What are the applications of FDM. 15. Differentiate FDM and TDM. 16. List the different switching techniques. 17. Differentiate circuit switching and packet switching. 18. Write the different design issues of data link layer. 19. Write the various services offered by the data link layer to the network layer. 20. List the different framing methods. 21. Expand PPP, HDLC, NIC, FEC, LDPC, CRC 22. What are the two different approaches of Flow control. 23. List the different error-correcting codes. 24. List the different error-detecting codes.
1. Write a note on twisted-pair cable.
2. Write a note on the following: i. Coaxial cable ii. Fiber optics 3. Write a note on radio transmission. 4. Write a note on microwave transmission. 5. Write a note on the following: i. Infrared transmission ii. Light transmission 6. Explain the following types of multiplexing: i. FDM ii. TDM 7. Explain Code Division Multiplexing. 8. Explain the different types of switching techniques. 9. Explain the various services provided by the data link layer to the network layer. 10. Explain the following framing methods: i. Flag bytes with byte stuffing ii. Flag bits with bit stuffing 11. Write a note on the following: i. Error control ii. Flow control 12. Explain Parity of error-detecting code with example. 13. Explain Checksums of error-detecting code with an example. 14. Suppose that a message 1001110010100011 is transmitted using Internet Checksum(4- bit word). What is the value of the checksum? 15. Explain Cyclic Redundancy Checks of error-detecting code with an example. 16. What is the remainder obtained by dividing x 7+x5+1 by the generator polynomial x 3+1? 17. A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard CRC method. The generator polynomial is x 3+1. Show the actual bit string transmitted. Suppose that the third bit from the left is inverted during transmission, Show that this error is detected at the receiver end. 18. Explain elementary data link protocols. 19. Explain Sliding Window protocol. 20. Explain a protocol using Go-Back-N. 21. Explain a protocol using Selective Repeat.
1. What is store-and-forward packet switching?
2. Write the various services offered by the network layer to the transport layer. 3. What is routing algorithm? 4. Expand MPLS , CIDR. 5. Compare between Virtual-Circuit networks and Datagram networks. 6. What is broadcast routing? 7. What is multicast routing? 8. What is anycast routing? 9. What is Congestion? List the approaches to congestion control. 10. List the principles of network layer in the internet. 11. List the different options for Option field in IPv4 protocol. 12. What is IP address ? Give example. 13. What is meant by subnetting and subnets? 14. Expand NAT , SIPP. 15. List different special IP addresses. 16. What are the major goals of IPv6? 17. List different extension headers of IPv6. 18. Expand ICMP, ARP, DHCP. 19. List the different ICMP message types. 20. What is ARP? 21. Expand OSPF, BGP. 22. List the different types of OSPF message.
1. Explain the implementation of connectionless service.
2. Explain store and forward packet switching. 3. Explain the implementation of connection-oriented service. 4. Compare between Virtual-Circuit networks and Datagram networks. 5. Explain the concept of Flooding. 6. Explain Distance vector routing with an example. 7. Explain Count to infinity with an example. 8. Explain Link state routing with an example. 9. Explain hierarchical routing with an example. 10. Explain the approaches to congestion control. 11. List and explain the principles of network layer in the internet. 12. With a neat diagram explain the format of IP version 4 protocol. 13. Explain Classful addressing. 14. Briefly explain Network Address Translation. 15. With a neat diagram explain the format of IP version 6 protocol. 16. Explain Internet Control Message Protocol. 17. Explain Address Resolution Protocol. 18. Explain Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. 19. Explain OSPF -an interior gateway protocol. 20. Explain BGP- an exterior gateway protocol. 21. Explain broadcasting and multicasting. 22. Explain multicasting and Anycasting. 23. Differentiate IPV4 and IPV6 protocol. 24. Explain Five types of OSPF Messages. 25. Explain any 5 ICMP Message Types. 26. Explain IPV6 extension headers.
1. Write the various services offered by the transport layer.
2. Expand TSAP, NSAP, TCP , UDP, RPC , RTP. 3. What is Portmapper? 4. List the two main protocols in transport layer. 5. What is error control? 6. What is flow control? 7. Draw a neat diagram of UDP header. 8. What is TCP? 9. Expand PAWS , SACK, DNS , ICANN. 10. How DNS is used? List the different DNS resource record types. 11. What is Name resolution? 12. Expand SMTP, MIME, IMAP , SOAP. 13. What are the two kinds of subsystems of Email system 14. List the different header fields related to message transport in RFC 5322. 15. List the different message headers added by MIME. 16. List different SMTP extensions. 17. List different IMAP commands. 18. What is Webmail? 19. Expand HTTP , URL,URI , URN,HTML , CSS, CGI, PHP, JSP, AJAX, DOM , XML. XSLT , XHTML. 20. List the different built-in HTTP request methods. 21. List different HTTP message headers. 22. Draw a neat diagram of HTTP caching.
1. Explain Elements of Transport protocol.
2. Explain the concept of Addressing. 3. Explain the process of connection establishment in Transport layer. 4. Explain the process of connection release in Transport layer. 5. With a neat diagram explain User Datagram Protocol. 6. Explain the technique of Remote Procedure Call. 7. Explain Real Time Transport Protocol. 8. Explain TCP service model. 9. With a neat diagram explain TCP segment header. 10. Explain the process ofTCP connection establishment. 11. Explain the process of TCP connection release. 12. Explain the process of TCP sliding window. 13. Explain the architecture of Email system. 14. Explain the format of Internet message. 15. Write a note on MIME. 16. Write a note on SMTP. 17. Write a note on IMAP. 18. Write a note on World Wide Web. 19. Write a note on Static webpages. 20. Write a note on HTTP. 21. List and explain the built-in HTTP request methods. 22. List and explain HTTP message headers. 23. Write a note on HTTP caching.