Formative assessments play a vital role in teaching and learning process. They
are design to helps teachers monitor and enhance student learning. This assessment
composed of different strategies,techniques, designing assessment and its purpose and
This assessments have many benefits such as; improve student engagement,
students feels motivated when they received a good feedback from the teacher about
their performance and areas for improvement which makes students engage in class;it
enhance motivation; better learning outcomes, identifying the strengths and weaknesses
of students to improved academic performance and better overall learning outcomes.
These are the examples of formative assessment; quizzes to quickly assess student’s
learning from the topic and provide immediate feedback; class discussion, assess
students’ comprehension and ability to articulate their thoughts and ideas; observations,
monitor students’ behavior, engagement, and application of skills in real-time; peer
assessments, involve students in evaluating each other’s work, providing feedback, and
reflecting on their own performance; lastly self assessments, encourage students to
reflect on their own learning, set goals and identify areas for improvement.