MID-I Questions
Q.No Questions Marks BL CO Unit No
1 Write the following statements in symbolic form 2 1 1 1
a. Mark is poor but happy
b. Mark is rich or unhappy
c. Mark is neither rich nor happy
d. Mark is poor or he is both rich& unhappy
2 Show that (¬P->Q) ->(Q->P) is a tautology. 2 3 1 1
3 a. Define Conjunction, Disjunction with Example. 2 1 1 1
b. Define Implication, Bi-conditional with Example.
4 a. Define Contradiction, Contingency with Example. 2 1 2 1
b. Define Preposition with an example.
5 Define Converse, Inverse & Contrapositive with 2 1 2 1
6 Examine Whether the following argument is valid. 2 4 1 1
a. If I drive to work, then I will arrive tired.
I am not tired (when I arrive at work)/ Therefore I
do not drive to work.
b. Write the following Propositions in symbolic form
& find its negation
“ All integers are rational numbers & some rational
numbers are not integers”.
7 a. Define Relation. List some of the properties of 2 1 1 2
binary relations.
b. Define Set. List out the set operations with
8 Define Cartesian Product. 2 1 1 2
If A={1,2,3,4} and B={4,5} find i) AXB ii) BXA
9 Let X= {1,2,3} and R = {(x, y)/x>y}. Draw the graph of 2 1 1 2
R& also give its matrix?
10 Let X = {1,2,3 } and f,g,h &s be the functions from X 2 1 1 2
to X given by f={ (1,2), (2,3), (3,1)} g = { (1,2) (2,1)
,(3,3) and h= { (1,1),(2,2),(3,1)} find fog, fohog?
11 a. Define function & set with an example? List out 2 1 1 2
Set operations.
b. Find the inverse of the following function
f(x) =x2 +1
12 Define Reflexive , Irreflexive, Symmetric, 2 1 1 2
Asymmetric ,Antisymmetric & Transitive with
13 Show that the set N of natural numbers is a 2 2 2 3
semigroup under the operation x*y=max{x,
y}. Is it a monoid.
14 Show that the set {f0, f1, f2, f3} of functions 2 1 1 3
under the operation of composition is an
abelian group of order 4.
15 Find all the subgroup of 2 1 2 3
a. (Z12,+12)
b. (Z5,+5)
MID-II Questions
16 a. Define Lattice and write the properties of Lattice, 2 2 1 3
b. What is monoid.
17 a. Give an example of group which is abelian but 2 1 1 3
not cyclic.
b. Prove that the intersection of two sub monoids
of a monoid is a monoid.
18 What is an Algebraic structure? Explain 2 1 2 3
semi group and monoid with examples.
19 A group of 8 scientists is composed of 5- 2 2 1 4
psychologists and 3-sociologists, in how many
ways can a committee of 5 be formed that has 3-
psychologists and 2-sociologists.
20 A book binder is to bind 10 different books in red, 2 1 1 4
blue and brown cloth. In how many ways can he do
this if each color of cloth is to be used for at least one
21 How many words of three distinct letters can be 2 1 1 4
formed from CAKE?
22 Give any three applications of Pigeonhole 2 2 1 4
23 From 6 boys and 4 girls, 5 are to be selected for 2 1 1 4
admission for a particular course. In How many
ways can this be done if there must be exactly 2
24 Find how many different words that can be formed 2 1 1 4
with the letters in the word “MATHEMATICS”.
25 a. Define Graph and Trees with examples. 2 1 1 5
b. Define planar graph.
26 a. Explain about graph colouring. 2 2 2 5
b. What is a subgraph? Explain in detail?
27 a. Explain multi graph with example. 2 2 1 5
b. Define minimum spanning tree.
28 a. Define Euler’s Formula with examples. 2 1 2 5
b. What is Euler circuit? Give some examples?
29 Define the term Isomorphism and conditions for the 2 1 1 5
graph to be Isomorphic.
30 Define Chromatic number and give some examples. 2 1 1 5
MID-I Questions
Q.No Questions Marks BL CO Unit
1 Construct truth table for 4 3 2 1
a. [ (pvq)^ (¬r)] <-> (q->r)
b. Obtain the Principal Disjunctive normal of P<->q
2 Construct PDNF and PCNF for 4 3 2 1
3 Show that SVR is tautologically implied by 4 3 1 1
( PVQ) ^ (P->R)^(Q->S)
4 Show that R->S can be derived from the set of premises P- 4 3 1 1
>(Q->S), ¬RVP and Q
5 Construct PDNF of the formula (P^Q)V(~P^R). 4 3 1 1
6 Construct PCNF of the formula (¬P->R) ^(Q<->P) 4 3 2 1
7 a. Show that ¬(P<->Q) and P<->¬Q are logically equivalent. 8 3 2 1
b. Show that (P->Q)<->(¬Q->¬P) is a tautology without using
truth table.
8 Show that RVS follows logically from the premises 8 3 2 1
CVD, (CVD)->¬H, ¬H->(A^¬B) & (A^¬B)-> RVS
9 Show that the following is logically equivalent 8 3 2 1
a. [¬P^(¬q ^r) ] V(q^r) V (p^r)r
b. Show that the following set of premises are inconsistent
using indirect method of proof:
P->Q, Q->R, ¬(P^R), PVR=> R.
10 Define Partial Ordering relation along with example. 4 1 2 2
11 Draw the Hasse diagram for the divisibility on the set 4 3 2 2
12 a. Let A= {0,2,4,6,8,10} B= {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} and 4 2 1 2
C= {4,5,6,7,8,9,10} find
i). A^B^C ii) AUBUC
b. Let f & g be the function from the set of integers to
defined by the f(x) =2x+3, g(x)= 3x+2 what is the composition
of f & g? What is the composition of
13 Let f: R-> R be given by f(x) = X2 -2 find f-1 4 2 2 2
14 Let f: R-> R and g: R-> R, where R is the set of real numbers 4 1 3 2
find fog & gof, where f(x) = X2 -2 &
g(x) =X+4 state whether these functions are injective ,
surjective & bijective?
15. a. Describe the sets A & B given that A-B = {1,2,4}, B-A = {7,8} 4 3 3 2
& AUB = {1,2,4,5,7,8,9}
b. Construct the Hasse diagram for the divisibility relation on
following sets
i) A={3,6,12,36,72} ii) A={1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30}
16 a. Given a set S= {1,2,3,4,5} find the equivalence relation on 8 3 3 2
S which generates the partition {{1,2}, {3}, {4,5}} draw the
graph of the relation.
b. Draw the Hasse diagrams of the following sets under
partial ordering relation “divides “
a. {2,6,24}
b. {1,2,3,6,12}
c. {3,9,27,54}
17 Show that the relation R={(a,b)}/a-b is divisible by n} is an 8 3 2 2
equivalence relation on the set of integers where n be a
positive integer>1.
18 For each of these relations on the set {1,2,3,4} 8 1 3 2
a. Define whether it is reflexive, symmetric, transitive
i) {(2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4)}
ii) {(1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,1), (3,4)}
iii) {(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4)}
b. Let X= {1,2,3} and f, g, h be the functions from X to X given
by f= {(1,2), (2,3), (3,1)} g= {(1,2), (2,1), (3,3)}
h={(1,1),(2,2),(3,1)} find fog,fohog
19 Let G be the set of real numbers not equal to -1 and * be 4 3 2 3
defined by a*b=a+b+ab Show that <G,*>is an abelian
20 Let (S1, *1), (S2, *2) and (s3, *) be semi groups and f: S1- 4 3 3 3
>S2 and g: S2->S3be homeomorphisms. Show that the
mapping of gof:S1->S3 is homomorphism.
21 Show that H={0,2,4} forms a subgroup of (Z6,+). 4 3 2 3
22 Let S is a semi group. If for all x y€s, x2y =y x2 .Show that S 4 3 3 3
is an abelian group.
MID-II Questions
23 Determine all subgroups of each of the following groups: 4 3 3 3
i) The additive group Z3;
ii)The multiplicative group Z6*.
24 In a lattice (L,≤, ∧,V)state and prove the laws idempotent, 4 1 3 3
commutative, association and absorption
25 Show that every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic. 8 3 2 3
26 Generate all homomorphism’s. 8 6 3 3
i)f: Z2→Z4
27 3 Americans, 3 Mexicans, 3 Canadians are to be seated 4 3 3 4
in a row. How many ways can they be
seated so that, no 3 countrymen sit together?
28 How many ways can we distribute 14 indistinguishable 4 3 3 4
balls in 4 numbered boxes so that each box is non empty.
29 In how many ways can the letters {4.a, 3.b, 2.c} be 4 2 2 4
arranged so that all the letters of the
same kind are not in a single block?
30 A student is to answer 12 of 15 questions in an 4 2 3 4
examination. How many choices does the student have:
i)if he must answer the first two questions
ii)if he must answer the first and second but not both
iii)if he must answer exactly 3 of the first 5 questions
iv)if he must answer at least 3 0f the first 5 question
31 In a group of 30 people, at least how many are born in the 4 2 2 4
same month?
32 In how many ways can 23 different books be given to 5 4 2 3 4
students so that 2 of the students will have 4 books each
and the other 3 will have 5 books each.
33 In how many ways can six coupons for free lunches at 8 2 3 4
different restaurants be distributed among 10 students: