This document appears to be an exam paper for a course on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. It contains two parts - Part A with 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, and Part B with 5 long answer questions worth 10 marks each. Candidates must answer all of Part A and any 5 questions from Part B. The questions cover topics like logic, sets, relations, groups, recurrence relations, graphs and algorithms.
This document appears to be an exam paper for a course on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. It contains two parts - Part A with 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, and Part B with 5 long answer questions worth 10 marks each. Candidates must answer all of Part A and any 5 questions from Part B. The questions cover topics like logic, sets, relations, groups, recurrence relations, graphs and algorithms.
This document appears to be an exam paper for a course on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. It contains two parts - Part A with 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, and Part B with 5 long answer questions worth 10 marks each. Candidates must answer all of Part A and any 5 questions from Part B. The questions cover topics like logic, sets, relations, groups, recurrence relations, graphs and algorithms.
This document appears to be an exam paper for a course on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. It contains two parts - Part A with 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, and Part B with 5 long answer questions worth 10 marks each. Candidates must answer all of Part A and any 5 questions from Part B. The questions cover topics like logic, sets, relations, groups, recurrence relations, graphs and algorithms.
BVRAJU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NARSAPUR (UGC - AUTONOMOUS) B.Tech II Year I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Sep 2021 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (Common TO CSE & IT) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70 Note: This Question Paper contains two Parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carries 20 marks. Answer all questions in Part A at one place only. Part B Consists of 10 questions. Answer any five (one full question from each unit). Each question carries10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions. PART – A (10x2 = 20 Marks) 1. a) For any two propositions p and q , prove the following. 2M BL5 CO1 (P ¬ Q) (Q ¬ P) b) Write down the negation for the statement ‘All even numbers are multiples of 4’. 2M BL1 CO1 c) Define equivalence relation. 2M BL1 CO2 d) Obtain a recursive definition for the function an = 5n. 2M BL2 CO2 e) Mention any two applications of fuzzy sets. 2M BL2 CO3 f) Define Abelian group. 2M BL1 CO3 g) State the pigeonhole principle. 2M BL2 CO4 h) Solve the recurrence relation an-4an-1+4an-2=0. 2M BL3 CO3 i) Define planar graph and write conditions for testing planarity of the graph. 2M BL1 CO5 j) Define balanced tree and full binary tree. 2M BL1 CO5 PART – B (5x10 = 50 Marks) 2. a. Simplify the following compound proposition using the laws of logic. 5M BL3 CO1 (p v q) ᴧ [~((~p) v q)] b. Obtain PDNF of the following. 5M BL3 CO1 p {(p q) ᴧ ¬(¬q v ¬p)} OR 3. a. Show that S V R is tautologically implied by (P V Q) Λ (P R) Λ (Q S). 5M BL2 CO1 b. Write the following statements in symbolic form using quantifiers. 5M BL1 CO1 i. Every real numbers has an additive inverse. ii. The set of real numbers has a multiplicative identity. *** 4. a. Let A={1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24}, show that the relation ‘divides’ is partial ordering on A and draw Hasse diagram. 5M BL2 CO2 b. Let A=B=R, the set of all real numbers, and the functions f: A B and g: B A be defined by f(x) = 2x3-1, ∀ x ɛ A; g(y)={½(y+1)}⅓, ∀ y ɛ B. Show that each of f and g is the inverse of the other. 5M BL2 CO2 OR 5. a. Let S={1,2,3} and ρ(S), the power set of S is ρ(S), define the relation R by XRY if and only if X⊆Y. Show that this relation is a partial order on ρ(S). Draw its Hasse diagram. 5M BL2 CO2 b. Let A={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}. On this set define the relation R by (x,y) ɛ R if and only if x-y is a multiple of 5. Verify that R is an equivalence relation. 5M BL3 CO2 ***
6. a. If o is an operation on Z defined by x o y = x+y+1. Prove that <Z, o> is an abelian group.
5M BL5 CO3 b. Prove that a group G in which every element is its own inverse is abelian. 5M BL5 CO3 OR 7. a. what are the applications of fuzzy set theory. 5M BL2 CO3 b. Mention fuzzy set operations. 5M BL2 CO3 *** 8. a. State and prove binomial theorem. 5M BL2 CO4 b. How many 10 digit numbers are there which contain only the digit 1,2 and 3 with the digit 2 appearing in each number twice. 5M BL3 CO4 OR 9. a. Solve the recurrence relation an-7an-1+12an-2=0 for n ≥ 2, a0=1 and a1=2. 6M BL3 CO3 b. Solve the recurrence relation of Fibonacci series. 4M BL3 CO3 *** 10. a. Sketch the following given graphs neatly. 5M BL2 CO5 K5, K6, K3,4, C6, and W6. b. A connected graph G has an Euler circuit (i.e., G is an Euler graph) if and only if all vertices of G are even degree. 5M BL2 CO6 OR 11. a. Construct the duals of the following planar graphs. 5M BL3 CO5
b. State and explain Krushkal’s algorithm for finding minimal spanning tree. 5M BL2,3 CO5 ***