Original: English
“20. Calls upon all parties and all Member States, as well as international, regional
and subregional organizations to ensure cooperation with the Panel of Experts,
including by providing any information on illicit transfers of wealth from South Sudan
into financial, property and business networks and further urges all Member States
involved to ensure the safety of the members of the Panel of Experts and unhindered
access, in particular to persons, documents and sites in order for the Panel of
Experts to execute its mandate;”
It is from the strength of this resolution that the Panel compiled the individuals and
businesses below to trace the wealth of the Republic of South Sudan.
The Panel of Experts shall meet the governments of different Member States to trace wealth
stashed away from the Republic of South Sudan in financial institutions, property,
businesses and more.
Working List (this list is not exhaustive as more are to be identified in the course of
the Year of tracking)
The Panel to write to
ARC Roads projects,
South Sudanese
stashed South Sudanese
Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel Government, South
1 5 Billion wealth in South Africa,
Kuol African Government and
estates in Malaysia, UAE
UAE monetary
Bulk of funds
The Panel to write to the
Government of South
Manasseh Machar NSS Officer, stashed funds
2 1.9 Billion Sudan and NSS to be
Bol Yai in UAE, AAA
notified of the wealth
held by the officer
Array of apartments in
Panel to notify the
Juba, USA Embassy suburb,
Government of South
3 Paulino Diing Madol 300 Million Nile Kings Specialist
Sudan of the stashed
Hospitals, Dubai stashed
funds in banks in Dubai
Array of apartments in
Panel to notify the
Juba, USA Embassy suburb,
Government of South
4 Kur Ajing Ater 1 Billion Nile Kings Specialist
Sudan of the stashed
Hospitals, Dubai stashed
funds in banks in Dubai
Panel to write to Australia
Government to notify the
Crawford investments,
Ms. Adut Salva Kiir Panel of all investments of
5 3 Billion property in Kenya,
Mayardit the migrants living in
Ethiopia, Australia
Australia linked to
President Kiir
The UK Government be
Mr. Garang Mayom Crawford, UK investments, notified of the
6 100 Million
Kuoc property in Kenya, UAE investments of Mr.
Garang Mayom Kuoc
The UK Government be
Mr. Ruey Majok Crawford, UK investments, notified of the
7 70 Million
Gwandong property in Kenya, UAE investments of Mr. Ruey
Majok Gwandong
Panel to notify Kenya
Government of an Intent
Ms. Diana Atong AAA, Kenya Investments
8 1 Billion to list for UNSC sanctions
Amos Agok and stashed cash
and South Sudan wealth
Panel to notify the
Government of Greece of
Greece resorts and
9 Mr. Gregory Vasilis 1.58 Billion an intent to sanction and
repatriation of South
Sudanese wealth
The Panel to notify the US
Gov’t, CIA Department
USA, UAE and Khartoum and Governments of
10 Mr. Mayiik Ayii 500 Million and within South Sudan South Sudan and Sudan of
Investments intent to identify and
repatriate wealth of South
UAE, Sudan and within
South Sudan investments The Panel to notify the
Mr. Tut Gatluak
11 5 Billion using stolen wealth of the UAE, Sudan and South
Menmei and Aides
RSS, support to Terrorist Sudan Government
Security attached The Panel to write to the
Mr. Maruop
12 300 Million Investments, Banking, Government of South
exploded contracts Sudan
Investments within South The Panel to write to the
13 Mr. Makiir Gai Thiep 150 Million Sudan, Banks, exploded Government of South
contracts Sudan
Various investments The Panel to write to the
14 Mr. Akot Lual Areech 800 Million including Crawford shares, Government of South
USA apartments, Sudan
Petroleum investments, The Panel to write to the
15 Mr. Bona Bol Bol 1.2 Billion Afriland Bank, exploded Government of South
contracts Sudan
The Panel to write to the
Exploded contracts, Akon
16 Mr. Bak Mayen 500 Million Government of South
The panel to write to the
Exploded contracts, loans,
17 Mr. Akol Ayii Madut 1.35 Billion Government of South
petroleum deals
The panel to write to the
Exploded contracts,
18 Mr. Bibi Ali 1 Billion Government of South
petroleum businesses
The Panel to write to
Illicit arms dealer, UAE,
Ms. Achol Abel Aguek Member States with all
19 500 Million Belarus procurement of
Ayol details and intent to
detain for legal processes
The panel to write to the
20 Ramchiel Company 900 Million National Security company Government of South
Government Corporation, The panel to write to the
21 Nilepet 3.18 Billion Crude Oil deals, UAE Government of South
financial market, JOCs deals Sudan
Exploded South Sudan
The Panel to write to
Roads projects contracts,
22 ARC Company 2 Billion remind the GoSS to
sanctioned by the USA
sanction the same
The Panel to write to the
Stashed funds in UK , UAE,
23 Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial 480 Million Government of South
Assets in Nairobi, Kenya
local investments in Juba The Panel to write to the
24 Louis Natale 900 Million and Wau, Uganda estates Government of South
and property Sudan
The Panel to write to the
Mr. Kuol Manyang Property in Kenya, Bor and
25 1.5 Billion Government of South
Juuk Juba
The Panel to write to the
ARC projects, investments
26 Mr. Simon Akuei 1 Billion Government of South
in Bor,
The Panel to write to the
27 Mr. Mayom Tulba 200 Million Exploded Prisons contracts Government of South
Exploded Prisons contracts, The Panel to write to the
28 Mr. William Obac 100 Million illicit arms deals with Government of South
Sudan Sudan
The Panel to write to the
Petroleum mismanaged
29 Mr. Nguen Manytuil 400 Million Government of South
Illicit gold sale, smuggling The Panel to write to the
Mr. Louis Lobong
30 950 Million of minerals, investments in Government of South
Kenya Sudan