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1. For an author’s name, full spelling of family name appears
Introduction: Being the most important part of an article, the
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introduction introduces the relevant research background and
list of authors.
the progress in 2 or 3 years, with references cited in numerical
2. For correct abbreviations of journal titles, refer to ISO, e.g.,
order, then presents the problem to be solved in this article, and
Sci. Bull. for Science Bulletin, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. for
finally briefly describes the method adopted in this work. Before
SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy.
the end, the aim of the research should be mentioned. Subtitle is
3. The article title should be identified by an initial capital letter
forbidden in this part, and introduction of the article structure is
and italic with the remainder of the title in lower case, but the
considered unnecessary.
Journal references have not the article title.
Materials and method: This part introduces the materials,
4. For books and proceedings, the initial letter is capitalized
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for all the notional words and for function words with more than 4
to allow others to repeat the published work based on this clear
5. Do not forget to list the editor names of the proceedings,
Discussion and conclusions: Conclusions should be derived
publisher, city and year of publication, and the page numbers.
from the observation and experimental results, and comparison
6. Accepted but unpublished papers should be followed by “in
with other relevant results is considered helpful to further proving
the results. Repeated data should be avoided, and conclusions
7. The list of references should only include works that are
and suggestions are required to be clearly expressed. New hy-
cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for
potheses and recommendations may be proposed when warranted.
publication. Personal communications and unpublished works
Figures and tables: Figures and tables should be numerically
should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or
numbered, inserted in the text, and cited in order within the text.
endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. The entries in the
For each figure and table, please supply a caption (title) ex-
list should be numbered consecutively.
plaining the components of the figure and table. Identify any
8. Reference citations in the text should be identified by
previously published material by giving the original source in the
numbers in square brackets. Some examples:
form of a reference at the end of the figure and table caption. If
(i) Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].
you include figures that have already been published elsewhere,
(ii) This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman
you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both
the print and online format. Please be aware that some pub-
(iii) This effect has been widely studied [1-3,7].
lishers do not grant electronic rights for free. Footnotes to tables
should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or aster-
Reference examples
isks for significance values and other statistical data) and in-
cluded beneath the table body. Please provide the source files ● Journal
of the picture, such as (1) *.cdr; (2) *.ai; (3) *.eps; (4) *.org; H. Kaddoussi, Y. Gagou, A. Lahmar, J. Belhadi, B. Allouche, J.-L.
Dellis, M. Courty, H. Khemakhem, and M. El Marssi, Solid State
(5) *.psd; (6) *.pdf; (7) *.srf; (8) *.xls; (9) * .fh; (10) *.gmf;
Commun. 201, 64 (2015).
(11) *.wmf, and so on. The figures should have resolution not
lower than 600 dpi and clear lines of 5 px, with signals and let- ● Monograph
ters in Arial Unicode MS at 7 pt. A space should always be R. J. Hunter, Zeta Potential in Colloid Science (Academic, New
maintained between the variable and the unit. York, 1981), p. 120.
Equations: An equation is numerically numbered (Arabic nu- ● Proceedings
meral), and has the number put on its right side. H. R. Qin, in The subgroups of a finite order in K(Q): Algebraic
Acknowledgements: The author expresses his/her thanks to K-theory and Its Application, edited by H. Bass, A. O. Kuku, and
the people helping with this work, and acknowledges the valua- C. Pedrini (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999), pp. 600-607.