Mba 3rd Sem Report
Mba 3rd Sem Report
Mba 3rd Sem Report
I declare that this summer training project report entitled “Study
work of my
own in the
fulfillment of
submitted to At the outset, I would like to thank Assistant Professor, for their
Management, Solutions for the support and guidance during the entire training
has been
collected by
me is truly
authentic and
contains true
This summer training project report has been undertaken in 3rd semester of MBA course,
subject code: KMBN308 under the curriculum designed by AKTU, Lucknow where each student
was required to undergo on-the-job practical training in any service or financial organization for a
duration of 6 to 8 weeks to learn about the organization to analyze and suggest solutions to a live
problem to equip themselves with the knowledge of actual functioning of an organization and
This project was carried out at Solutions, Pune Maharashtra. The title of this project is “Study on
Outsourcing of Recruitment Process.” The project was conducted to perform a detailed study of the
steps involved in the outsourcing of recruitment process and analyze its effects in overall growth of
organization in long term view. Outsourcing of recruitment process in technology companies has
This involves delegating the responsibility of hiring new employees to an external organization or
This report will analyze the effects of outsourcing the recruitment process in the companies.
Part 1
• History of organization
• Organization structure
• Organization Performance
• Product / Services Offered
• HR Functional Area and Clients
• Core Competence
• Unique Features
Part 2