Human Settlements
Human Settlements
Human Settlements
Rural Settlements
• Rural settlements are most closely and directly related to
land. They are dominated by primary activities such as
agriculture, animal husbandary, fishing etc.
• Some factors affecting the location of rural settlements are:
Urban Settlements
• The first urban settlement to reach a population of one million
was the city of London by around 1810.
• Presently 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban
Population Size
• The lower limit of the population size for a settlement to be
designated as urban is 1,500 in Colombia, 2,000 in Argentina
and Portugal, 2,500 in U.S.A. and Thailand, 5,000 in India and
30,000 in Japan.
• In Denmark, Sweden and Finland, all places with a population
size of 250 persons are called urban.
Occupational Structure
• In Italy, a settlement is called urban, if more than 50 percent
of its economically productive population is engaged in non-
agricultural pursuits. India has set this criterion at 75 percent.
• In India, a settlement of any size is classified as urban, if it
has a municipality, Cantonment Board or Notified Area Council.
Similarly, in Latin American countries, such as Brazil and
Bolivia, any administrative centre is considered urban
irrespective of its population size.
• Location of urban centres is examined with reference to their
function. For example, the sitting requirements of a holiday
resort are quite different from that of an industrial town, a
military centre or a seaport.
• Strategic towns require sites offering natural defence; mining
towns require the presence of economically valuable minerals;
industrial towns generally need local energy supplies or raw
materials; tourist centres require attractive scenery, or a
marine beach, a spring with medicinal water or historical relics,
ports require a harbour etc.
Functions of Urban Centres
• The earliest towns were centres of administration, trade,
industry, defence and religious importance.
• Today, several new functions, such as, recreational,
residential, transport, mining, manufacturing and most recently
activities related to information technology are carried on in
specialised towns.
• Large cities have a rather greater diversity of functions.
• Towns and cities are classified into the following categories:
Administrative Towns
• National capitals, which house the administrative offices of
central governments, such as New Delhi, Canberra, Beijing,
Addis Ababa, Washington D.C., and London etc. are called
administrative towns.
• Provincial (sub-national) towns can also have administrative
functions, for example, Victoria (British Columbia).
Cultural Towns
• Places of pilgrimage, such as Jerusalem, Mecca, Jagannath
Puri and Varanasi etc. are considered cultural towns. These
urban centres are of great religious importance.
• Urbanisation means the increase in the proportion population
of a country who live in urban areas. The most important cause
of urbanisation is rural-urban migration.
Classification of Towns on the Basis of Forms
• An urban settlement may be linear, square, star or crescent
shaped. Its an outcome of its historical and cultural traditions.
Addis Ababa (The New Flower)
• The whole city is located on a hill-valley topography. The road
pattern bears the influence of the local topography.
• A multi-faculty university, a medical college, a number of
good schools make Addis Ababa an educational centre.
• Bole airport is a relatively new airport.
• Canberra was planned as the capital of Australia in 1912 by
American landscape architect, Walter Burley Griffin.
• During the last few decades, the city has expanded to
accommodate several satellite towns, which have their own
• The city has wide-open spaces and many parks and gardens.
Types of Urban Settlements
• Depending on the size and the services available and
functions rendered, urban centres are designated as town, city,
million city, conurbation, megalopolis.
• Functional contrasts between towns and villages may not
always be clear- cut, but specific functions such as,
manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, and professional
services exist in towns.
• A city may be regarded as a leading town, which has
outstripped its local or regional rivals.
• Cities are much larger than towns and have a greater number
of economic functions.
• They tend to have transport terminals, major financial
institutions and regional administrative offices.
• The term conurbation was coined by Patrick Geddes in 1915
and applied to a large area of urban development that resulted
from the merging of originally separate towns or cities.
• Greater London, Manchester, Chicago and Tokyo are
Million City
• When the population crosses the one million mark it is
designated as a million city.
• London, New York and Paris are examples.
• This Greek word meaning “great city”, was popularised by
Jean Gottman (1957) and signifies ‘super- metropolitan’ region
extending, as union of conurbations.
• The urban landscape stretching from Boston in the north to
south of Washington in U.S.A. is the best known example of a
Distribution of Mega Cities
• A mega city or megalopolis is a general term for cities
together with their suburbs with a population of more than 10
million people.
• New York was the first to attain the status of a mega city by
1950 with a total population of about 12.5 million. The number
of mega cities is now 31.
Economic Problems
• The push factors from the rural areas force people to come to
the urban centres and the migrants generate a part of
unskilled/skilled labour force in the already saturated urban
areas thus leading to more unemployment and poor economic
Socio-cultural Problems
• Insufficient financial resources fail to create adequate social
infrastructure catering to the basic needs of the huge
• The available educational and health facilities remain beyond
the reach of the urban poor.
• Health also remains a problem in the cities of developing
• Lack of employment and education tends to aggravate the
crime rates.
• Male selective migration to the urban areas distorts the sex
ratio in these cities.
Environmental Problems
• The large urban population in developing countries not only
uses but also disposes off a huge quantity of water and all
types of waste materials.
• Lack of potable water as well as water for other domestic and
industrial use.
• Improper sewerage system create unhygienic condition.
• Traditional fuel create massive pollution.
• Industrial effluents and dumping of other domestic and
industrial waste create environmental hazard.
• Huge concrete structures in cities create ‘heat islands’.
• Urban-rural linkages are of crucial importance for the
sustainability of human settlements.
• Due to growth of rural population has outpaced the
generation of employment and economic opportunities, rural-
to-urban migration has steadily increased, particularly in the
developing countries, which has put an enormous pressure on
urban infrastructure and services.
• It is urgent to eradicate rural poverty and to improve the
quality of living conditions, as well as to create employment
and educational opportunities in rural settlements.
Healthy City
• World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that, among other
things, a ‘healthy city’
must have:
→ A ’Clean’ and ‘Safe’ environment.
→ Meets the ‘Basic Needs’ of ‘All’ its inhabitants.
→ Involves the ‘Community’ in local government.
→ Provides easily accessible ‘Health’ service.
Urban Strategy
• As per UNDP, the priorities of ‘urban strategy’ are
→ Increasing shelter for urban poor.
→ Provision of basic urban services such as Education, Primary
Health Care, clean water and sanitation.
→ Improving women’s access to Basic Services and
Government facilities.
→ Upgrading ‘energy’ use and alternative ‘Transport’ systems.
→ Reducing ‘Air Pollution.