agric form 2 MS
agric form 2 MS
agric form 2 MS
Time: 2 2 1Hours
Marking scheme
SECTION A: ( 20mks)
1. State four benefits of using organic matter for mulching in crop farms. (2mks)
It reduces moisture loss from the soil
It increases water infiltration
It rises soil temperature / warm
Upon decomposition it adds fertility to soil.
Reduce erosion
Control weeds / smothers weeds
2. Give four ways in which diseases can spread from one animal to another within the farm.
3. State four signs of infestation by external parasites in livestock
Irritation / scratching / biting itself
Retarded growth
Parasites on the skin
Loss of hair
Wounds on skin / injuries
Disease transmission
4. Give two functions of sulphur in plant growth.
Formation of proteins
Plants hormones
Formation and activation of enzymes
Influences metabolism in chlorophyll, carbohydrates, protein
5. a) Calculate the amount of K2O contained in 400kg of compound fertilizer of fertilizer
grade 25-10-5. (2mks)
b) Work out the fertilizer ratio of the fertilizer. (2mks)
25 10 15
5 5 5
N : p: K
6. Name two groups into which vitamins are classified. (1mk)
Fat soluble
Water soluble
7. Name four factors that influence the amount of water intake by an animal. (2mks)
Environmental temperature
Wetness./ type of feed eaten
Level of production
Weight / size
8. Differentiate between roughage and concentrate feed in livestock nutrition. (2mks)
Food of plant origin that is high in fiber and carbohydrate and low in protein used for
satisfaction deristalsis
Concentrate – A food that is high in protein or energy (carbohydrates) and low in crude
fiber used as supplement
9. Outline four functions of vitamins in the body of an animal.
Promote growth
Helps in blood clotting
Helps in bone formation
Help in muscular activity
Prevent diseases in animal
Acts as organic catalyst
10. Give four measures that should be taken to control tapeworms on the farm. (2mks)
Prophylactic drugs
Keeps animal houses clean
Rotational grazing
Use clean feed and watering equipment’s
Use latrines for humans
Proper meat inspection
Roper cooking of meat
11. State four factions of calcium in dairy cattle. (2mks)
Formation of milk
Formation of bones
Muscle construction
Foetal development
12. State four factors considered in formulating livestock rotation. (2mks)
Body size
Age of animal
Animal activity
Level of production
SECTION B: (30mks)
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
13. Describe the life cycle of a three host tick. (8mks)
Egg layed by adult on the ground
Hatch to larvae that climb on grass
Climb up host one
Suck blood become on grouped then drop down to mount onto lymph
Nymph climbs to host 2 suck bloods become engorged
Drops down moults to adult
Adult climbs to host three
Drops down to lay eggs
14. State four reasons for maintaining livestock in good health.
Grow well and reach maturity fast
Long and productive life
Produce good quality products / performance
Does not spread diseases
Cost of production is low / economical
15. a) What is crop rotation? (1mk)
Alternating crop grown in a piece of land following an ordered sequence
b) Give three advantages of crop rotation. (3mks)
Maximum utilization of nutrients
Control of soil borne pests and diseases
Control of weeds
Improvement of soil fertility
Control of soil erosion
c) State three factors considered when designing a crop rotation programme. (3ms)
Crops of the same family should not follow
Alienate deep rooted with shallow rooted
Heavy seed with light
Those that have common weeds
Include a legume
Pests and disease
16. a) State two causes of blossom and rot in tomatoes. (2mks)
Excess watering / irregular watering
Excess application of nitrogenous fertilizers
b) State two methods of controlling blossom end rot in tomatoes. (2mks)
Correct nitrogen application
Adequate watering
Application of calcium ….
17. State four reasons for pruning fruit crops
Facilitate growth of move / large fruits
Reduce vegetative growth
Ease penetration of pesticides
Remove branches that grow close to the soil.
Regulate height growth
Change cycle ……
Obtain good shape / desired shape
To stimulate lateral growth
18. a) Give two harmful effects of high population density in a maize crop grown for grain
production. (2mks)
Low grain production
High pest infestation
High seed rate/ costs
b) Calculate the plant population per hectare of maize crop planted at a spacing of 90cm
X 30 cm
Show your working. (2mks)
1ma = 100m x 100m
= 1000 x 1000
100 x 100 x 100
37,037 palnts
10 … x 10000
SECTION C (40mks)
Answer any two questions in this section
19. a) Explain the importanc3e of the following practices in tomatoes farming (4mks)