Safari - 15 марта 2024 г., 00:24 2
Safari - 15 марта 2024 г., 00:24 2
Safari - 15 марта 2024 г., 00:24 2
Embassy Bishkek
Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP) – Statement of Interest
Section 1: Embassy Section (required)
1. Please list the top three sections you would like to be
considered for (top three choices are not guaranteed).
(including city):
2a. If yes, please provide their name, position title, and the
section where they work.
Full Name:
Position Title:
Work Section:
4. Do you confirm that you are at least 18 years old at the time of
participation in the program? (Age will be verified.)
Yes ☐ No ☐ (If you answered “no”, you are not
eligible to participate in the FNSIP.)
2. What days and how many hours per week are you able to
participate in the FNSIP? Please indicate the days of the week
and how many hours per day you can work.
Day of the
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Indicate Yes or
Number of
hours per day
you can work
3. Please list your proposed start and end dates. These dates may
be negotiated with hiring office, if selected.
Section 4: Languages
1. Please list the languages that you speak, read and/or write and
the level for each below:
Level Description
1 Basic Examples - Basic greetings, phrases, and numbers.
2 Limited Examples – Directions, simple questions.
Good working knowledge Examples – Conversations about familiar topics, complex
3 documents.
4 Fluent Examples – Infer nuanced meaning from complex documents.
Job Title:
Employer Name
Address, and Phone Number:
Dates Worked:
From (mm/yyyy) To (mm/yyyy)
Full time or Part time? Full time ☐ Part time ☐
Annual Salary:
Main Duties and
Section 7: Declaration
□ I am a current student at a trade school, technical or vocational
institute, junior college, college,
university or other accredited educational institution, and I
am in good academic standing.
□ I understand that any information I provide may be investigated
and that any false statements may
be grounds for non-consideration or termination from the
FNSIP, if selected.
□ I understand that, if I am provisionally selected for the FNSIP, a
successful security and medical
certification must be completed before I may begin the
□ I consent to the release of information about my ability and
fitness for the FNSIP by employers,
schools, law enforcement agencies, and other individuals and
organizations to U.S. mission-authorized investigators and
□ I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all of my statements
are true and complete.
Signature of Applicant
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