Island of Kavir_Island
Island of Kavir_Island
Island of Kavir_Island
A map of Kavir Island made by Nathan Bush with inkarnate
map creator.
Disclaimer: The following content takes inspiration from several reedit post and Wizards of the Coast works. If you feel I have unjustly used anything please contact me.
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with p ermission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Nathan Bush and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Credits ................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents............................................................... 2
Forward .............................................................................. 3
Adventure Overview............................................................ 3
Kavir Island’s History ........................................................ 3
Adventure Hooks ................................................................. 3
N1. The island ..................................................................... 4
N1.1 North Western Inlet .................................................. 4
N1.2 Western Crag .............................................................. 4
N1.3 Western Lake .............................................................. 4
N1.4 Rotting Snag ............................................................... 4
N1.5 Western Hill ................................................................ 4
Kavir Island Map .................................................................5
N1.6 Tri-Spire/Tomb ........................................................ 6
N1.7 Dueling Rocks ............................................................ 6
N1.8 Boaring Clearing ....................................................... 6
N1.9 East Rock Plank ..........................................................7
N1.10 The Empty Cave ........................................................7
N1.11 The Ruins ....................................................................7
N2. The Tomb .................................................................... 7
Puzzle of Togas Tomb ........................................................7
N2.1 Skeleton Pit Entrance ................................................7
The Tomb Map .................................................................... 8
N2.2 Power’s Grasp ............................................................ 9
N2.3 Royal Regret ............................................................... 9
N2.4 Scars of the Past ........................................................ 9
N2.5 Anger Incarnate ....................................................... 10
N2.6 Temptation of Wealth ............................................ 10
N2.7 A Leap of faith ........................................................... 10
N2.8 The Mage of Death .................................................. 10
Conclusion ........................................................................ 11
Final Notes .......................................................................... 11
Appendix A: NPCs and Villains ....................................... 12
NPCs ........................................................................................... 12
Ruvruk VanGaurd .............................................................. 12
Busgrat the Great .............................................................. 12
Farelik Yarton .................................................................... 12
Villains ....................................................................................... 12
Gorstad................................................................................. 12
The Dark Power, Togas .................................................... 12
Appendix B: Magical Items ............................................. 13
The sword of Selfish power (+2 Longsword) .............. 13
The Staff of Klarif (+2 Spellcasting Focus) .................. 13
Appendix C: Handouts ..................................................... 13
FORWARD personality. Below I will outline a few simple methods to
do so.
The Archeologist Guild’s Arrangement. A
elcome to “The Lost Tomb of Kavir Island” group of Archeologist has contacted the party, either
module. This module was originally separately or together, and agreed to pay each member
designed for the Zandria campaign setting 50 Platinum Pieces to go to the island and discover what
which I created, however it can be easily had happened to their team for they never returned.
dropped into any existing campaign. (This team is of course the team lead by Gorstad and
Additionally any location or NPC can be Nahlum). A Female Dwarven NPC by the name Ruvruk
renamed and changed as you see fit. The adventure is VanGaurd (See appendix A) will meet the PCs in the town
originally balanced for a group of 5 level 11 adventurers of Galalish at the local tavern the Sloppy Hollow. There
but encounters may be adjusted as you see fit as well. she will explain to the party how a few months ago their
The tone of this adventurer is supposed to be slightly team was sent to explore the island when they lost
creepy but you may change that as well. Any of the “read complete contact and the fog emerged. She will task the
out loud” boxes are merely suggestions and can be players to investigate. Unknown to the players but able
changed how you wish. Thank you so much for reading to be discovered with a successful Wisdom (Insight)
this content and happy adventuring! check contested against Ruvruk’s Charisma (Deception)
check, the guild has sent many adventuring parties and
none of them have retuned. Ruvruk will provide a small
This adventure follows your party as they go to Kavir team of 3 guides that each use the Guard stat block (see
Island in search of what has become of it. Kavir Island is Monster Manual) that will accompany them. The guides
an island just off the coast of the Obrik Penisula, near the are as follows
town of Galalish. This Island was mystically surrounded An overly talkative Hafling Mildred Montal.
by a dense fog a few months ago and since then, every A large but jumpy Red Dragonborn Daar.
adventuring party that has gone to investigate has not A clumsy and over apologetic dwarf named
returned. Unknown to the party, Kavir Island is actually Jaax Garget.
now a portal to a Demiplane of Dread ruled by the Dark The Archeologist Guild will additionally provide the
power Togas and his Dark Lord champion Gorstad. The party with a two mast medium sized ship that they may
party must set sail to Kavir Island, find Togas’ tomb, take to dock near the island and rowboat over. The party
discover the mysteries of the Dark Powers and attempt should have no problem sailing to the island.
to reseal the tomb and escape. The tomb itself is a I recommend using this hook if you want a slightly
personification of Togas himself and is death trap that more light hearted campaign. You can really ham up the
preys on the party’s biggest fears and greatest desires. expendability of the three guides and have Ruvruk say
Will your party be successful in resisting the things like they are “the best of the best” even though
temptations, seal the tomb, and prevail, or will they they clearly are not. I also recommend you have the three
simply replace Gorstad as the new Dark Lord. guides die very quickly into the adventure to
demonstrate how dangerous the island is supposed to be
and take some damage to help weaken them before the
actual dungeon.
The Wizards Warning. An elven wizard by the
There are numerous way to get your party to travel to
name of Farelik Yarton (See appendix A) has seen the fog
this island. Mostly it will depend on you party’s arise around Kavir Island and believes that it is the work
of the ancient Dark Powers he had once studied. He will
invite the party to his tower just outside of Galalish. He contains a pouch containing 50 GP, 3 healing potions
employs the party to assist him by properly resealing the and a 4 rotting bedroll that holds a swarms of centipedes
tomb (as he knows of the legends of Klarif). He will only (see Monster Manual) each for a total of 4. They will
offer 50 Platinum Pieces if the party initially declines his surprise any being that opens the bedrolls with a passive
offer. Farelik will cast a Teleport spell in order to
perception of less than 20 as they have total cover. This
transport the party to the island but will not join the
encounter should be fairly quick and should serve as a
party as he is “to old and frail”. He will leave a Sending
Stone (Dungeon Master Guide) with the party and tells small scare but not much more. It is not meant to be a
them to contact him when their job is done but warn hard encounter at all.
N1.1 NORTH WESTERN INLET above a natural hot springs. However lurking in the
water is 2 Shambling Mounds that will attempt to engulf
a party members and drown them in the water so that
Regardless of the hook you used your party will end up they may slowly digest the creatures. If both the
at the island at the North Western inlet. When the party shambling mounds are destroyed one of them releases
arrives there, read this out loud for the party: from inside of it an Immovable Rod (see Dungeon
Master Guide).
each other. The men are Gorstad and Nahlum. Gorstad
had left this here while they explored on accident.
This is the location of the entrance to the tomb. As the
players approach please read the following text out loud
for them:
N1.9 EAST ROCK PLANK name so make sure not to mention it to your players at
any point before. The full puzzle clues are as follows:
If the party choses to travel over here then read the
To seal the tomb tight, say the darkness’
following text aloud:
name with might
I – Temptation
II – Power
III - Anger
IV – Royalty
V – Scars
At the top of this rock formation a player with a The darkness knows all 5, the first for the
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) can see a light in first, the second for the second, the third for
the water down below. However this is just an illusion of the third, the fourth for the fourth, and the
the island. The light disappears if the character moves fifth for the fifth.
anywhere else or tries to look for it.
To solve the puzzle, the player must take each if the 5
N1.10 THE EMPTY CAVE words and place the letter of their number in the order of
their number. AS shown:
If the party choses to travel over here then read the Temptation
following text aloud: P0wer
As you can see by doing so it spells out the name
Togas. Saying this name at the door will open it and
The cave itself appears completely empty however allow the party to enter area N2.8.
lurking on its ceiling above the entrance are 10 Stirges
(see Monster Manual) that will attack as soon as a PC
N1.11 THE RUINS As the party traverses down the stairs read the
If the party choses to travel over here then read the following text:
following text aloud:
N2.2 POWER’S GRASP unlock and begin glowing purple. The writing on the wall
will glow purple and display the Roman numeral “IV”
(4) and then the word “Royalty.” Below this a glowing
Read the following as players enter this room: purple skull is engraved.
N2.5 ANGER INCARNATE If the players decide not to try to take the gold or try to
destroy the gold then the doors will automatically unlock
Read the following aloud as the characters enter this
and turn purple and the same glowing purple message
will appear.
“The darkness knows all 5, the first for the first, the
second for the second, the third for the third, the fourth
for the fourth, and the fifth for the fifth.”
The treasure in this room is all cursed. If a player Additionally a purple skull will appear below this
attempts to take it, gold coins begin pouring in from the message.
ceiling filling up the room. It will take a total of three
minutes to fill the room. Additionally, the phrase on the In order to open the large stone door, the party must
wall will flash red and be replaced by the following: speak the name “Togas” doing so will instantly cause
the whole tomb to shake as the door slides open.
“I make the earth a fool, but earth makes a fool of me.
I’m molded by hands, yet I mold history. I’m in the heart N2.8 THE MAGE OF DEATH
of eggs, I’m in the heart of kings. I fill smiles, and
As your players enter this location please read the
smiles, I bring.”
following out loud:
captivity that his brother locked him in. Gorstad (See
Appendix A) will only villainously monologue for so long
before attacking the players, at that point they player
should roll initiative. Upon Gorstad’s defeat Togas will
leave Gorstad’s body and attempt to convince one of the
players to become his new champion. In order to Stop
Togas the party must use the staff and allow a spectral
version of Klarif to reseal the tomb. The staff will
communicate with the strongest magic dealer and get
them to pick it up. So that he may interact with the
material plane.
The purple gemmed staff is the Staff of Klarif (See
appendix B) and belonged to the great wizard Klarif.
After Gorstad is defeated he will drop the staff. If a
member of the party picks up the staff, Klarif will help
reseal Togas.
If Togas convinces one of the players to become his
new Dark lord, that player’s skin will shed off their body
gruesomely revealing their skeleton core, and they will
immediately become hostile to their allies. Buff each of
this character’s ability scores by 5 and restore their hit
points to max instantly. They will fight until they are
knocked unconscious or killed at which point Togas the
Dark Power will reemerge trying to convince a new
player to be his champion.
If Toga and Gorstad or Toga and a PC are victorious
you can describe how they were able to escape the island
and narrate some of the death and destruction they may
have caused. If Toga was defeated and resealed, the party
will be able to leave the island. The fog clouds around the
island dissipate. They may return to whoever sent them
on their quest and receive the reward they were
promised. If Toga somehow escaped, you may use him as
a reoccurring villain to keep the party on their toes and
constantly tempt them.
Thank you so much for reading this content. It is the
first one shot I have ever written so please give me any
advice you might have on how to improve it! I went
pretty puzzle heavy on this one as it is personally one of
my favorite aspects of DnD, but feel free to replace any of
the puzzles with combat adventures or anything else you
think might be better. If you wish to expand upon this
and make other similarly themed dungeons, I would love
that, you don’t even have to credit me if you don’t want
to. Thank you so much!
APPENDIX A: NPCS Togas is less of an actual being and more of an
embodiment of darkness. He is the dark power of evil
magic. He prays upon the weaknesses of his opponents
and is constantly looking for a corruptible soul to make
his next Dark Lord, as he is only able to affect the
The following serves as a quick guide for NPCs’ Material plane limitedly without a dark lord. Togas does
personality traits and additional information as well as not speak but rather telepathically communicates. He
additional roleplay and combat tips for the villains and cannot truly die so he does not fear anything.
their stat blocks.
Medium undead (Human Skeleton), Lawful Evil
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, mirror image, scorching ray,
misty step
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, vampiric touch, lightning bolt
4th level (3 slots): banishment, fire shield, wall of fire, stoneskin*
MAGICAL ITEMS Wondrous item, attunement (requires attunement)
Kavir Island Journey Log
Day one: Our search for the Forbidden tomb Started at the northwestern inlet. Our team
led by my brother and I parked our rowboats on the shores and then we headed east where we
encountered some long forgotten ruins. These ruin depicted some type of shadowy puppet destroying
and pillaging the land. We however did not find the tomb, so we headed back southwest where we
discovered a large rocky crag. As evening approached, we traveled towards the southeast where we
discovered a strange tall burnt snag. Are goal still not found, we headed southwest bound where
we set up camp for the night on a bare hill.
Day two: In the morning my team I arose at the hill and headed north east where we found an
empty cave. Filled with much disappointment that the tomb was not there, we headed west and
found a black crystal lake. After a short break we moved back west yet again making camp at a
clearing in the palms.
Day three: After a strange sleep we awoke on the third day. However we somehow were
between three rock formations as opposed to the clearing we were at the night before. The island was
playing tricks on us. We quickly packed up determined to find the treasure we sought. We
traveled North West to a rock plank, but still no luck. Thinking we may have missed something
in the cave we headed back there but yet again, no luck. Losing our hope we traveled all the way to
the south coast to find some dueling rocks but there was no tomb in sight. Defeated we headed
back to the tri- rock formation. But to our surprise, the tomb is now here. We plan to explore
it at first light tomorrow.
Brave Adventurers on Zandria,
I request your assistance in a matter of great urgency.
Recently, as I am sure you all are aware, a dense fog cloud
has surrounded Kavir Island. Now normally this would not
be a problem, however, the fog has persisted for almost two
months at this point. I believe foul play may be to blame. I
ask that you meet me in my castle at Oberexion in order to
discuss the mission. I will pay each brave adventurer who
partakes in this quest 50 Platinum Pieces at its completion.
Please do not discuss this with anyone and have the upmost
King Busgrat