The peritoneum
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Present as abdominal pain, fever, ascites, loss of weight and appetite, abdominal mass,
doughy abdomen (10%).
Peritoneum is thickened with multiple tubercles. Omentum is thick, fibrosed, rolled
Infection is usually from mesenteric lymph nodes, ileocaecal tuberculosis, from
fallopian tubes rarely blood born (from lungs).
Laparoscopy is very useful in this type to diagnose.
1. Ascitic form
Ascitic form shows enormous distension of abdomen with dilated veins. It presents
with congenital hydrocele in male with patent processus vaginalis, umbilical hernia,
rolled up omentum, shifting dullness, fluid thrill, and mass abdomen.
Ascitic tap reveals straw coloured fluid from which AFB can be isolated. Fluid is pale
yellow, clear, rich in lymphocytes, with high specific gravity.
Chest X-ray, Mantoux test are other required investigations.
ATDs for one year are required. Repeat tapping may be required initially as part of
the treatment.
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3. Plastic type
Here there are wide spread adhesions between the coils of the intestine (ileum
commonly), abdominal wall, omentum, with distension of the small bowel, leading to
blind loop, ileus, intestinal obstruction (sub-acute, acute), thickened parietal
They get recurrent colicky abdominal pain, diarrhoea, wasting, and loss of weight,
mass abdomen, and doughy abdomen.
Differential diagnosis: Peritoneal carcinomatosis. Open/ laparoscopic peritoneal
biopsy is very useful tool to diagnose.
They respond well for drug treatment. Surgery is indicated if obstruction occurs.
Laparoscopy shows plastic type of abdominal tuberculosis and multiple tubercles over parietal and
visceral surfaces of the peritoneum.
4. Purulent form
It is invariably due to tuberculous salpingitis, presenting as a mass in the lower
abdomen containing pus, omentum, fallopian tubes, small and large bowel.
Cold abscess gets adherent to the abdominal wall, umbilicus and may form an
umbilical fistula.
Patient commonly has got genitourinary tuberculosis.
U/S, discharge study, X-ray abdomen and other investigations are useful.
Treatment: ATD’s are started exploration of umbilicus, exploration of fistula and
bowel by pass is done.
Prognosis is poor in this type.
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1. Intraperitoneal Spaces
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2. Extraperitoneal Spaces
Right extraperitoneal space is right perinephric space and left extraperitoneal space is
left perinephric space. Causes: Abscess here is due to tuberculosis, trauma, and haematoma.
Midline extraperitoneal is bare area of the liver. Pus collects here commonly due to
ruptured amoebic liver abscess and pyogenic abscess of the liver.
Subphrenic abscess is more common on the right side than on left (left anterior) because
infective conditions are more common on the right side (like appendicitis/perforation/liver
abscess/cholecystitis); and right paracolic gutter is wide and deep without any barrier (unlike
left side paracolic gutter which is narrow and limited above by colophrenic ligament).
Clinical Features:
_ Sympathetic right sided pleural effusion due to congestion and hyperaemia of the
_ Hiccough, tachycardia.
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_ Tenderness over 11th intercostal space may be evident in right subhepatic space abscess.
Bacteria causing:
_ E. coli.
_ Klebsiella.
_ Streptococci.
_ Anaerobic organisms.
_ Plain X-ray chest and abdomen shows soft tissue shadow, pleural effusion, tenting of
diaphragm, collapse of the lung. Fluoroscopy shows elevated right diaphragm with reduced
right sided diaphragmatic movement.
_ CT scan is very useful to find out the extent and relation. CT shows ‘rind’ sharp outer
margin; septations; size, shape, extent, diaphragmatic position, pleural changes, displaced
bowel and other organs and communications.
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Pigtail catheter, 16 French trocar catheters or sump catheter. 90% of subphrenic abscess are
drained percutaneously.
_ Appendicitis.
_ Pelvic infections.
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Clinical Features:
_ Diarrhoea.
_ P/R shows a soft, boggy, and tender swelling in the anterior wall of the rectum.
_ TC is raised.
_ After starting antibiotics, under G/A, abscess is drained per rectally, through the boggy
area. Catheter is passed to the bladder before draining the pus.
_ occasionally spontaneous rupture of the abscess into the rectum occurs leading to natural
_ When abscess is very large, when it is progressing into the general peritoneal cavity or
when in doubt, laparotomy through lower abdomen incision is done to drain the pus and to
correct the cause. Often in such cases, drainage tube can be placed through the abdomen
under U/S guidance.
_ CT or US guided insertion of drainage tube into the abscess cavity per rectally or per
vaginally or percutaneously.