Umar A. Khan, Carl B. Shanholtz, and Michael T. McCurdy Prevalence of cancer and its various related complications continues to rise. Increasingly these life-threatening complications are initially man- aged in the emergency department, making a prompt and accurate diag- nosis crucial to effectively institute the proper treatment and establish goals of care. The following oncologic emergencies are reviewed in this article: pericardial tamponade, superior vena cava syndrome, brain metas- tasis, malignant spinal cord compression, and hyperviscosity syndrome. Oncologic Metabolic Emergencies 509 Jonathan Wagner and Sanjay Arora Cancer and its therapies may lead to several metabolic emergencies that emergency providers (EPs) should be well-versed in identifying and man- aging. With prompt recognition and treatment initiation in the emergency department, lives can be saved and quality of life maintained. Most onco- logic metabolic emergencies occur in advanced cancer states, but some follow initiation of treatment or may be the presenting syndrome that leads to the cancer diagnosis. This article reviews the 2 most emergent oncologic metabolic diagnoses: tumor lysis syndrome and hypercalcemia of malig- nancy. A discussion on associated cancers and conditions, pathogenesis and pathophysiology, and management recommendations is included. Pediatric Oncologic Emergencies 527 Melanie K. Prusakowski and Daniel Cannone The overall prognosis for most pediatric cancers is good. Mortality for all childhood cancers combined is approximately half what it was in 1975, and the survival rates of many malignancies continue to improve. How- ever, the incidence of childhood cancer is significant and the related emergencies that develop acutely carry significant morbidity and mortality. Emergency providers who can identify and manage oncologic emergen- cies can contribute significantly to an improved prognosis. Effective care of pediatric malignancies requires an age-appropriate approach to patients and compassionate understanding of family dynamics. Neutropenic Fever 549 Lindsey White and Michael Ybarra Fever is a common presenting complaint among adult or pediatric patients in the emergency department setting. Although fever in healthy individuals does not necessarily indicate severe illness, fever in patients with viii Contents
neutropenia may herald a life-threatening infection. Therefore, prompt
recognition of patients with neutropenic fever is imperative. Serious bacte- rial illness is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality for neutropenic patients. Neutropenic fever should trigger the initiation of a rapid work-up and the administration of empiric systemic antibiotic therapy to attenuate or avoid the progression along the spectrum of sepsis, severe sepsis, sep- tic shock syndrome, and death. Chemotherapeutic Medications and Their Emergent Complications 563 Janet S. Young and Jennifer W. Simmons Patients with complications of chemotherapy, either acute or chronic, are frequently encountered in the emergency department (ED). Some patients present with complaints immediately after chemotherapy administration, whereas others may show subtle, secondary signs or may have no signs or symptoms of chemotoxicity. An increased index of suspicion prompts early recognition, diagnosis, and prevention of further iatrogenic injury. This article reviews characteristic hypersensitivity reactions, typical organ system dysfunction, and treatment strategies for adult patients who pre- sent to the ED with complications after chemotherapy. Acute Leukemia 579 Hayley Rose-Inman and Damon Kuehl Although great progress has been made in the understanding and treat- ment of acute leukemia, this disease has not been conquered. For emer- gency providers (EPs), the presentation of these patients to an emergency department presents a host of challenges. A patient may present with a new diagnosis of leukemia or with complications of the disease process or associated chemotherapy. It is incumbent on EPs to be familiar with the manifestations of leukemia in its various stages and maintain some suspicion for this diagnosis, given the nebulous and insidious manner in which leukemia can present. Myeloproliferative Disorders 597 Brian Meier and John H. Burton The emergency providers generally encounters myeloproliferative disor- ders (MPNs) in 1 of 2 ways: as striking laboratory abnormalities of seeming unknown consequence, or in previously diagnosed patients presenting with complications. The course of patients with MPNs is highly variable, but major complications can arise. Emergent conditions related to hyper- viscosity need to be recognized early and treated aggressively. Rapid hy- dration, transfusion, cytoreduction, and early hematology consultation can be lifesaving. Likewise, although management is not altered, a high index of suspicion for thrombotic complications is required in patients with known MPNs as these are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Anemia 613 Julie T. Vieth and David R. Lane Patients with anemia are frequently encountered in the emergency depart- ment (ED); emergency physicians (EPs) often play an important role in the evaluation and management of anemia. Although many patients have findings consistent with anemia on routine laboratory tests, only a small Contents ix
percentage will require acute intervention. An understanding of the
broader types of anemia and how to manage such patients is important in the practice of an EP, as the presence of anemia will impact treatment plans for a variety of other disorders. This article reviews the evaluation and management of adult patients presenting to the ED with anemia. Sickle Cell Disease in the Emergency Department 629 Paris B. Lovett, Harsh P. Sule, and Bernard L. Lopez Acute painful episodes are the most common reason for emergency depart- ment visits among patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Early and aggres- sive pain management is a priority. Emergency providers (EPs) must also diagnose other emergent diagnoses in patients with SCD and differentiate them from vaso-occlusive crisis. EPs should be aware of cognitive biases that may misdirect the diagnostic process. Administration of intravenous fluids should be used judiciously. Blood transfusion may be considered. Co- ordination of care with hematology is an important part of the effective emer- gency department and long-term management of patients with SCD. Thrombotic Microangiopathies (TTP, HUS, HELLP) 649 Shane Kappler, Sarah Ronan-Bentle, and Autumn Graham Thrombocytopenia, strictly defined as a platelet count less than 150,000, is common in the emergency department. Recognition, diagnostic investiga- tion, and proper disposition of a thrombocytopenic patient are imperative. One group of disorders leading to thrombocytopenia is the thrombotic microangiopathies, hallmarked by platelet destruction. These thrombotic microangiopathies include thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, low platelet count (HELLP), which should be distinguished from similar disease processes such as immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and heparin induced throm- bocytopenia (HIT). In this article, clinical presentations, pathophysiology, diagnostic workup, management plans, complications, and dispositions are addressed for this complex group of platelet disorders. Evaluation and Management of Congenital Bleeding Disorders 673 Rahul Bhat and Whitney Cabey Patients presenting to the emergency department with acute bleeding and a history of clotting or platelet disorder present a unique challenge to the emergency physician. The severity of bleeding presentation is based on mechanism as well as factor levels: patients with factor levels greater than 5% can respond to most minor hemostatic challenges, whereas those with factor levels less than 1% bleed with minor trauma or even spontaneously. Treatment should be initiated in consultation with the pa- tient’s hematologist using medications and specific factor replacement, except in rare, life-threatening, resource-poor situations, when cryopreci- pitate or activated prothrombin complex may be considerations. Acquired Bleeding Disorders 691 Alisheba Hurwitz, Richard Massone, and Bernard L. Lopez Emergency medicine practitioners treat bleeding patients on a regular basis. Disorders of hemostasis are an additional challenge in these x Contents
patients but can be assessed and managed in a systematic fashion. Of
particular importance to the emergency clinician are the iatrogenic causes of abnormal hemostasis. Other acquired causes of abnormal hemostasis include renal disease, immune thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocy- topenic purpura, hemolytic uremic syndrome, acquired coagulation factor inhibitors, acute traumatic coagulopathy, liver disease, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.
Antithrombotic Reversal Agents 715
Matthew D. Wilson and Jonathan E. Davis The actively bleeding anticoagulated patient presenting to the emergency department requires rapid evaluation and treatment, which is made increasingly complicated by the ever-evolving antithrombotic treatment options used in medicine. Even with excellent supportive care, the timeli- ness with which reversal decisions need to be made continues to demand of the emergency practitioner a familiarity with the properties and general characteristics of a variety of antithrombotic agents. Reversal options vary and may include vitamin K, FFP, PCC, rFVIIa, platelets, and desmopressin, among others.
Blood Product Transfusions and Reactions 727
Jessica L. Osterman and Sanjay Arora Blood product transfusions are an essential component of the practice of emergency medicine. From acute traumatic hemorrhage to chronic blood loss necessitating transfusion for symptomatic anemia, familiarity with in- dividual blood products and their indications for transfusion is an essential tool for every emergency physician (EP). Although the focus of this article is primarily on the transfusion of red blood cells, many of the concepts are applicable to the transfusion of all blood products. EPs must be fully familiar with both the individual blood components and the potential reac- tions and complications of these transfusions.