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Abla et al J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Volume 38, Number 2, March 2016
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J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Volume 38, Number 2, March 2016 Leukapheresis in Pediatric Leukemias
and 12 had AML. More than 1 leukapheresis was per- present in 1 patient already at the time of admission but
formed in 7 patients, with a total of 39 procedures. Twenty- developed within days 1 to 10 in all others. Four patients
two of these were primed with reconstituted whole blood required dialysis (3 for abnormal creatinine and 1 for
(FFP added to RBC), 16 were primed with normal saline, hyperphosphatemia), of whom 2 had been treated with
and 1 with FFP. The median initial WBC count was urate oxidase and 1 had undergone leukapheresis. Six
474 109/L (range, 167.0 to 1117.2 109/L) in the leuka- patients (7.1%) had a neurological complication at pre-
pheresis group compared with 175 109/L (range, 101.1 to sentation. A total of 5 patients underwent leukapheresis, 3
710 109/L) in the nonleukapheresis group (P < 0.001). of whom had T-ALL and presented with seizures because
Leukapheresis resulted in an average WBC count reduction of CNS hemorrhage (all had an initial WBC > 650 109/L
of 52.8% at first procedure with no differences between and an initial platelet count ranging from 4 to 33 109/L), 1
ALL and AML (54% vs. 48.6%, P = 0.49), 45.6% further patient had B-precursor ALL and presented with seizures
reduction at second leukapheresis (46.3% vs. 38.6%, and a WBC of 969.1 109/L and another patient had T-
P = 0.26), and 55.4% further reduction at third leukaphe- ALL and presented with confusion and a presenting WBC
resis (69% vs. 41.8%). Patients who underwent the proce- of 460109/L. There was 1 death from CNS hemorrhage
dure were more often AML (P < 0.001), had central nerv- and 1 nonfatal ischemic stroke among these 5 patients who
ous system (CNS) involvement (P = 0.006), coagulopathy underwent leukapheresis. One patient with T-ALL who
(P = 0.004), and neurological complications (P < 0.001) at presented with seizures and a WBC of 314.6 109/L did not
first presentation, and more often received rasburicase undergo leukapheresis, and eventually recovered. Pulmo-
(P = 0.015), FFP (P = 0.008), and PRBC transfusion nary leukostasis syndrome was present in 16 (19%) patients
(P = 0.005) before leukapheresis. The median time between with ALL at presentation; 9 of these received chemotherapy
hospital admission and the start of chemotherapy was 38.5 (median initial WBC of 156 109/L; range, 105 to 326) and
hours (range, 14 to 202 h) in the leukapheresis group and 36 recovered thereafter, whereas the remaining 7 patients
hours (range, 12 to 118 h) in the nonleukapheresis group (median initial WBC 726109/L; range, 273 to 969)
(P = 0.289). The median duration of intensive care unit underwent leukapheresis. Three of these 7 patients required
admission was 2.25 days (range, 0 to 15 d) in the leuka- mechanical ventilation and all had initial WBCZ650 109/
pheresis group versus 0 days (range, 0 to 10 d) in the non- L. One of these patients died because of CNS hemorrhage.
leukapheresis one (P < 0.001), whereas the median length of One patient who was hypoxic preleukapheresis had wor-
hospital admission was 26.5 days (range, 1 to 153 d) in the sening of his pulmonary symptoms after the procedure but
leukapheresis group versus 16 days (range, 7 to 127 d) in the recovered later. The remaining 5 ALL patients had an
nonleukapheresis one (P = 0.028). Where data were avail- improvement of their symptoms after leukapheresis.
able, there was no significant difference in end of induction Overall, CNS hemorrhage and severe pulmonary leu-
BM complete remission (CR) rates between the 2 groups, kostasis (requiring mechanical ventilation) were more fre-
with an 88% (22 of 25 patients who survived to end of quent in ALL patients with initial WBCZ650109/L, and
induction) CR rate in the leukapheresis group versus 94% the incidence of early death was 1.2% (1/84) which was
(65/69 patients who survived to end of induction) CR rate in secondary to CNS hemorrhage.
the nonleukapheresis group (P = 0.378).
Hyperleukocytosis Complications in AML
Hyperleukocytosis Complications in ALL Table 2 depicts complications stratified by initial WBC
Early complications of hyperleukocytosis in ALL in children with AML. Two of 18 (11%) patients developed
according to initial WBC are listed in Table 2. Renal dys- renal dysfunction, which was present at admission in 1
function developed in 5 of 84 ALL patients (6%), and was patient. This patient had received urate oxidase. Renal
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Abla et al J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Volume 38, Number 2, March 2016
dysfunction in the other patient, who did not receive urate 590 109/L, respectively), who were initially asymptomatic;
oxidase, developed within 10 days. One of the above 2 both of them recovered. Respiratory distress worsened in
patients underwent dialysis, and both had leukapheresis. 10 patients after leukapheresis, 3 had ALL (2 T-ALL, 1
Neurological complications were present in 4 patients B-precursor ALL, WBCZ350109/L) and 7 had AML.
(22.2%) at presentation. One patient with AML-M2 and One patient with AML-M5 who presented with WBC of
with an initial WBC = 417 109/L presented with paralysis, 450 109/L and chest infiltrates developed hypoxia and
ataxia, confusion, and CNS hemorrhage. This patient had needed to be intubated during the procedure, but sub-
received PRBC transfusion before and during leukaphe- sequently recovered; however, the patient suffered relapsed
resis, experienced tentorial herniation because of increased disease 6 months later and died. Another patient with
intracranial pressure, and died within 24 hours from pre- AML-M5 and a WBC of 201 109/L, with preexisting chest
sentation. The remaining 3 patients presented with seizures infiltrates developed severe hypoxia after the leukapheresis
(WBC = 360.8 109/L), dizziness, headache (WBC = and after starting chemotherapy with cytarabine, etoposide,
718.3 109/L), and confusion (WBC = 201.4 109/L). All and doxorubicin. He died after 72 hours from presentation
were leukapheresed and the latter patient died within 72 due to concurrent pulmonary leukostasis/hemorrhage and
hours from presentation because of pulmonary leukostasis, sepsis.
multiple organ dysfunction, and septic shock. Four patients New-onset coagulopathy (prolonged international
(22.2%) presented with pulmonary leukostasis, 1 recovered normalized ratio) occurred in 5 patients (12.8%) after
after chemotherapy only, whereas 3 patients were leuka- cytoreductive procedure. Other complications likely related
pheresed. One of these 3 patients died due to cerebral to leukapheresis included hypokalemia (n = 14), hypo-
complications, whereas 2 had worsening of respiratory calcemia (n = 5), hypomagnesemia (n = 5), hypertension
symptoms (1 was intubated) that subsequently improved. (n = 5), hypotension (n = 2), cardiac arrest (n = 1), brady-
Overall, 3 AML patients experienced early death, 1 cardia (n = 4), tachycardia (n = 3), femoral vein thrombosis
died due to pulmonary leukostasis/hemorrhage and sepsis (n = 4), hypothermia (n = 1), and rigors (n = 1).
after leukapheresis (initial WBC was 201 109/L), whereas
the other 2 died due to CNS hemorrhage (both with initial Long-term Outcome
WBC > 400109/L) one of whom had also pulmonary Where data were available, there was no significant
hemorrhage. All of these 3 patients underwent leukaphe- difference in the relapse rate (RR) between the leukaphe-
resis, however, the death in these 3 patients can be attrib- resis group (RR = 38.5%, or 10/26) and the non-
uted to the severe pulmonary and CNS toxicity related to leukapheresis group (RR = 34.3%, or 23/67) (P = 0.810).
hyperleukocytosis rather than to the leukapheresis proce- Late deaths occurred in 13/26 (50.0%) patients from the
dure itself. leukapheresis group compared with 21/72 (29.2%) in the
Early death due to hyperleukocytosis was associated nonleukapheresis group (P = 0.091), and the median time
with neurological complications (P < 0.001), with an AML from diagnosis to death was 521 days (range, 22 to 3254 d)
diagnosis (P = 0.017) and with initial coagulopathy in both groups.
(P = 0.015).
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J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Volume 38, Number 2, March 2016 Leukapheresis in Pediatric Leukemias
CNS hemorrhage, one of these had also pulmonary bleed- included 89 children from whom PHIS data were available.
ing. One of the contributing factors to the death of ALL Sixteen (18%) of them underwent leukapheresis and one of
and AML patients with CNS hemorrhage is that those 3 them (6.3%) experienced early death compared with 3 of 73
patients, in addition to thrombocytopenia and coagulop- (4.3%) for those who did not receive luekapheresis, sug-
athy, received PRBC transfusion at presentation for a gesting that leukapheresis did not reduce induction mor-
hemoglobin level of <60 g/L. In fact, Lichtman and tality.1 A more recent meta-analysis by Oberoi et al20 that
Rowe13 showed a correlation between a higher blood vis- evaluated early deaths in patients with AML and hyper-
cosity and an increased risk of adverse event. Further, red leukocytosis, did not show any difference in early mortality
cell transfusions and high hemoglobin concentrations have rate based on approach to leukapheresis or use of
been associated with increased morbidity and mortal- hydroxyurea and/or low-dose chemotherapy. A study by
ity.12,14 In addition, severe thrombocytopenia is a well- Lowe et al8 showed that neurological complications were
known risk factor for CNS hemorrhage in patients with more frequent in children with ALL and initial
hyperleukocytosis.15 WBC > 400109/L (17.9% vs. 3.6%) and that cytor-
Although pulmonary hemorrhage, edema, or infection eduction may be considered for these patients or those who
may be contributing factors to the respiratory symptoms, have complications at presentation. Our study showed that
pulmonary leukostasis worsened with the increase in WBC severe pulmonary and neurological complications were more
count. An initial WBC cut-off of 650 109/L was a risk frequent in children with ALL and WBC > 650109/L; in
factor for severe pulmonary leukostasis requiring mech- AML cases pulmonary leukostasis was more common with
anical ventilation in children with ALL; whereas this com- initial WBC of >200 109/L, whereas CNS hemorrhage was
plication occurred at an earlier initial WBC (201 109/L) in more common with a WBC of >400 109/L. It is hard to
AML cases. The 2 patients with AML who developed judge whether leukapheresis in our patients had any impact
pulmonary leukostasis requiring intubation were both on early death. Four of the 5 patients with ALL who pre-
AML-M5. The higher incidence of leukostasis among chil- sented with neurological event and underwent leukapheresis
dren with AML compared with ALL despite their lower recovered after the procedure (1 had initial WBC > 400
presenting WBC counts could be related to the larger mean 109/L, developed ischemic stroke but improved after leuka-
cell volume of myeloblasts (especially in AML-M5/M4), the pheresis), whereas 1 died due to CNS hemorrhage. Among
presence of adhesion molecules on the surface of these cells the leukapheresed ALL and AML patients who developed a
and their chemotactic response to cytokines.4 Furthermore, stroke (1 ALL and 2 AML), it is difficult to determine
respiratory distress can develop after starting chemotherapy whether the stroke was triggered by a preceding cerebral
because of blast cell lysis, leading to the release of enzymes leukostasis or whether it was an adverse effect of the proce-
that can cause alveolar damage and edema.4 dure itself. In at least one of the patients who developed an
Leukapheresis is a procedure where WBCs are ischemic stroke after leukapheresis, the stroke may have been
removed from the blood, whereas the plasma, RBCs, and precipitated by the use of RBCs (hematocrit = 0.7) in the
platelets are returned to the patient. Although leukaphe- apheresis priming process, combined with a PRBC trans-
resis has been used to treat leukostasis associated with fusion for a hemoglobin level of 69 g/L after second leuka-
hyperluekocytosis, primarily in AML and ALL, no pheresis. Although leukapheresis was helpful in improving
randomized trials evaluating its benefits have been pub- respiratory complications in 18 patients, it caused a worsen-
lished. One of the rationales behind the use of leukapheresis ing of respiratory symptoms in at least 10 patients and new
is to rapidly remove a large number of leukemic cells to respiratory distress in 2 patients. The report by Lowe et al8
avoid leukostasis; however, immediate start of chemo- showed that 1 neurological and 5 respiratory complications
therapy may be as effective and less expensive. Another occurred after cytoreduction in children with ALL and
historical reason to use leukapheresis is to control the hyperleukocytosis.
metabolic complications associated with hyperleukocytosis, Leukapheresis has a few disadvantages as well. First, it
however, as the discovery of rasburicase for the manage- involves the insertion of a temporary large central venous
ment of hyperuricemia in patients at a high risk for tumor line that may require anesthesia in children and can pre-
lysis syndrome,16 this rationale no longer exists. In addi- dispose to bleeding, or thrombosis at the catheter site. The
tion, a Children’s Oncology Group study showed that incidence of central venous line–related femoral vein
metabolic complications are no longer the primary concern thrombosis was 10.3% in our cohort. Second, citrate is an
in children with AML and hyperleukocytosis.1 Leukaphe- anticoagulant that is usually required to prevent clotting of
resis can also increase the fraction of leukemic cells in the S- the apheresis circuit. However, citrate binds calcium and
phase and therefore may increase the efficacy of cytar- can lead to symptoms of hypocalcemia that may necessitate
abine.17 Finally, priming the leukapheresis circuit with FFP calcium administration. This by itself may cause calcium-
may reduce the risk of hemorrhage.17 Several retrospective phosphate precipitation and worsen tumor lysis syn-
studies have looked at the role of leukapheresis in reducing drome.21 The incidence of asymptomatic hypocalcemia in
early mortality and morbidity in patients with hyper- our study was 12.8%. Third, leukapheresis can decrease the
leukocytic leukemias, but they have all yielded con- platelet count by as much as 44%, therefore a after pro-
troversial results.6,18–20 Two retrospective studies of adults cedure CBC is required to determine the need for platelet
with AML and hyperleukocytosis, 50% of whom under- transfusion. Fourth, blood loss is a common side effect
went leukapheresis, showed that early mortality was sig- after leukapheresis as RBCs are collected with WBCs.
nificantly reduced in the leukapheresis group but long-term However, transfusion of RBC is not recommended as this
survival was similar in the 2 groups.6,18 A recent study may worsen blood hyperviscosity. Fifth, leukapheresis may
showed no improvement of early mortality in 52 patients cause fragmentation of WBC with subsequent intravascular
with hyperleukocytic leukemia who underwent leukaphe- coagulation that may increase the risk of early death.17
resis.19 A large Children’s Oncology Group study of 256 Further, leukapheresis has been reported to cause a delay in
children with AML and an initial WBCZ100109/L starting induction chemotherapy,1,8,20 however, our study
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