Asep Nuhdi_template Baru Eduvest
Asep Nuhdi_template Baru Eduvest
Asep Nuhdi_template Baru Eduvest
Asep Nuhdi
Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
The development of Arabic teaching methods can be carried out by a creative and
innovative teacher who always pays attention to the principles of language teaching
and is able to collect ideas or ideas to mix from ordinary to extraordinary things. The
focus of this research is on the concept of developing language learning methods.
Arabic at Madrasah Dinoyyah Takmiliyyah is then applied in learning Arabic. This
research material was also expanded with the development of Arabic language
learning methods that had been carried out in Indonesia as a comparison between
theory and its realization in Indonesia. The research method in this research was the
type of research used, namely library research and field research. The use of this
approach is adapted to the main objectives of the research, namely to describe and
analyze the development of Arabic language learning methods and to be transformed
in Madrasah Diniyyah Takmiliyyah. The results and discussion are that if the purpose
of learning Arabic is to make students proficient in Arabic which is characterized by
mastery of the four language skills , then the methods and methods used must be
adapted to that purpose. At least to make students proficient in the four skills is to use
the syam'iyyah syafawiyyah method for listening and speaking. Also coupled with the
deliberation method. For reading skills is the qira'ah method. Meanwhile, writing skills
use imla techniques and drill/practice methods.
Teaching is a profession that requires knowledge, skills, and precision,
demanding strategies, techniques, and patience to achieve competence and
professionalism. A learning process can become ineffective, even futile, or fail to
achieve its set goals if it lacks a solid foundation in methodology. In fact, the
application of an inappropriate method may even hinder the learning process.
Therefore, it is essential to fully and accurately understand the characteristics of a
method. To gain a better understanding of teaching methods, particularly in
Arabic language education, educators must be well-versed in methodology. In the
educational field, various methods or teaching techniques are used by educators,
with their application tailored to multiple factors such as the situation and
conditions during teaching activities, available facilities and resources, and other
elements that must align with the intended learning objectives. Educators certainly
aim to continuously improve their competencies to enhance learning quality and
create materials that are easy for students to comprehend. Furthermore, educators
hope that the learning process will go smoothly and be effective. In this context,
an educator must master teaching methods in their instruction.
The learning method is one of the approaches that educators use to
effectively convey lessons to students. This occurs through inductive interaction,
making the learning method essentially the way a teacher builds a connection with
students during the teaching process. Therefore, the learning method is one of the
tools that assists educators in creating a productive teaching and learning
environment. The term for "method" in Arabic is thariqah. In teaching, a method
represents a comprehensive plan for the orderly and systematic presentation of
material, based on a specific approach. An approach in learning can be viewed as
a guiding principle, involving various perspectives on the learning process,
generally referring to theories on how a process unfolds. These theories can
inspire, reinforce, and underpin learning methods within a certain theoretical
framework. If the approach is axiomatic, then the method is procedural, meaning
that within one approach, there can be multiple methods. Additionally, methods
may also be seen as approaches and techniques, and these three elements are
interdependent. The chosen approach will give rise to a method, and the method
will give rise to a technique. In Arabic, the term for approach is madkhal, and the
term for technique is uslub.
Etymologically, the term method comes from Greek, specifically the word
metodos, meaning way or path, and logos, meaning science. Semantically, a
method refers to knowledge that explores the ways or paths used to achieve a goal
effectively and efficiently.
A method is a comprehensive plan for systematically presenting language
material, ensuring all parts align and are based on specific approach assumptions.
Asep Nuhdi
In this research, the types of research methods used are library research
and field research. The use of these approaches is aligned with the main objective
of the study, which is to describe and analyze the development of Arabic language
teaching methods as applied in Madrasah Diniyyah Takmiliyyah. The library
research method is a type of qualitative research method where the research
location and setting are in libraries, documents, archives, and similar sources.
According to Nyoman Kutha Ratna, library research is a research method where
data collection is conducted through repositories of research results, such as
libraries. Qualitative research is based on the post-positivist philosophy and is
used to study the natural conditions of an object (as opposed to experimental
research), where the researcher serves as the key instrument. Descriptive research
is a systematic explanation of theories and research findings relevant to the
studied variables. In this qualitative approach, there is more focus on the process
rather than the outcome. Therefore, this research will focus on observing and
analyzing the concept of Arabic language teaching method development as
applied in Madrasah Diniyyah Takmiliyyah, with the expectation that the data
obtained will be more comprehensive and in-depth.
Asep Nuhdi
Asep Nuhdi
Problem Based Learning Project Based Learning
1) Orinetasi Masalah 1. Pertanyaan
2) Mengorganisasikan mendasar
siswa belajar 2. Mendesain
3) Membimbing Perencanaan produk
Penyelidikan 3. Menyusun jadwal
4) Mengembangkan penyelidikan
hasilkarya 4. Monitor keaktifan
5) Menganalisis dan dan perkembangan
Mengevaluasi proses proyek
pemecahan masalah 5. Menguji hasil
6. Evaluasi pengalaman
Discovery Learning Inquiry Learing
( Memecahkan Masalah ) ( Penemuan )
1. Pemberian 1. Orientasi masalah
Rangsangan ( 2. Pengumpulan data
stimulation ) 3. Pengumpulan data
2. Problem Statement melalui eksperimen
3. Data Collection 4. Pengorganisasian
4. Pengolahan data dan formulasi
5. Pembuktian ( eksplanasi
verification ) 5. Analisis Proses
6. Menarik Kesimpulan (
generalization )
Asep Nuhdi
Asep Nuhdi
A communicative learning method can develop both internal and external
abilities, which not only enhances cognitive aspects but also affects the affective
and psychomotor domains. It can influence the environment with positive and
constructive values, so the results of the learning process can be optimal and
Thus, with a good Arabic language learning method, it will lead to good
results as well. To achieve the desired outcome optimally, in accordance with the
set goals, it means that the method in learning will affect all forms of activities
carried out by students. Therefore, the learning process determines the attitudes
and changes that occur, particularly in achieving targets and goals towards perfect
success, resulting in civilized and moral individuals.
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