ESP (English For Specific Purposes) Report
ESP (English For Specific Purposes) Report
ESP (English For Specific Purposes) Report
It is the process by which the raw data about a learning need is interpreted to produce an
integrated series of teaching-learning experiences.
To lead the learners to a particular state of knowledge. This entails the use of the
theoretical and empirical information available to produce a syllabus, to develop a methodology
for teaching those materials and to establish evaluation procedures by which progress towards
the specific goals will be measured. A syllabus requires that the target objectives and language
that the learner will be expected to master must be broken down into an optionally sequenced
series of teaching and learning points.
This approach is based on the principle that learning is totally determined by the learner. As
teachers we can influence what we teach, but what learners learn is determined by the learners
alone. In this approach learning is seen as a process in which the learners use what knowledge or
skills they have in order to make sense of the flow of new information. Learning is not just a
mental process, it is a process of negotiation between individuals and society.
In a learner-centered approach, while the target situation provides important context and
direction for the course, the focus remains on the needs, interests, and abilities of the learners
themselves. Course design considers not only the demands of the target situation but also factors
such as learner preferences, motivations, learning styles, and existing knowledge. This ensures
that the learning experience is relevant, engaging, and meaningful for the learners, ultimately
leading to more effective learning outcomes.
Integrated skills refers to the interaction of the four main language skills all together during
instruction. These skills are Listening, writing, speaking and reading.