Acetone Purity
Acetone Purity
Acetone Purity
Chemical names Propan-2-one
FUNCTIONAL USES Extraction solvent, flavouring agent (see "Flavouring agents" monograph,
JECFA no. 139)
Readily oxidizable 30 ml of the sample does not discolour 0.1 ml of 3% m/v freshly prepared
substances aqueous potassium permanganate solution when shaken and allowed to
stand at 20o for 15 min.
Acidity Place 100 ml of freshly boiled and cooled distilled water (neutralized to
phenolphthalein TS) and a few antibumping granules in a 500 ml conical
flask of boro-silicate glass and boil gently for 5 min to eliminate carbon
dioxide. Cool slightly and add 100 ml of the sample. Boil gently for a
further 5 min. Then seal the flask with a stopper carrying a soda-lime tube
and allow to cool. When cold remove the stopper, add 0.5 ml
phenolphthalein TS and examine for alkalinity: if not alkaline titrate with
0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution using a micro-burette.
Calculate the acidity as acetic acid (%, w/w) from
T = volume (ml) of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution consumed
d = specific gravity of the sample.