Thi thử 2
Thi thử 2
Thi thử 2
In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken
English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer
sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be
spoken only one time.
Statement (C), “They’re sitting at a table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should
select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They
will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to
the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to
answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The
conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.
32. Where most likely are the speakers? 38. Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) In a convention center (A) At a train station
(B) In an apartment building (B) At a construction site
(C) In a hotel (C) At a travel agency
(D) In an airport (D) At an automobile dealership
33. What does the man say he forgot? 39. Which feature does the woman
(A) A shirt say is important?
(B) A room number (A) Price
(C) Some paperwork (B) Safety
(D) Some driving directions (C) Efficiency
(D) Size
34. What will the woman most likely do next? 40. What is the woman asked to provide?
(A) Call a taxi service (A) A driver's license
(B) Look for some luggage (B) A credit card
(C) Cancel an order (C) An itinerary
(D) Draw a map (D) A receipt
35. What will happen next month? 41. Who most likely is the man?
(A) A venue will be renovated. (A) A fitness instructor
(B) A team will go on a business trip. (B) A sales associate
(C) A colleague will retire. (C) A graphic designer
(D) A product will launch. (D) A photojournalist
36. What is the woman concerned about? 42. What does the woman want
(A) A deadline her brand to convey?
(B) Transportation arrangements (A) Energy
(C) The number of attendees (B) Freedom
(D) A rental fee (C) Community
(D) Relaxation
37. What will the woman do next? 43. What does the woman say
(A) Send out an invitation she will do tomorrow?
(B) Purchase some tickets (A) Send some samples
(C) Make a travel itinerary (B) Choose some images
(D) Call a supervisor (C) Reply to an e-mail
(D) Change a price
44. Who most likely is the woman? 50. Where do the speakers work?
(A) A bank teller (A) At an Internet café
(B) A computer technician (B) At an office supply store
(C) A librarian (C) At a convention center
(D) A designer (D) At a clothing store
45. What does the woman offer to do? 51. What problem do the speakers mention?
(A) Revise a manual (A) A Web site is running slowly.
(B) Submit a request (B) Some orders have not been delivered.
(C) Charge a fee (C) Some staff have not reported to work.
(D) Fix a Web site (D) A sales report is written incorrectly.
46. Why is the man concerned? 52. What does the woman say she will do?
(A) A client might disagree. (A) Consult a coworker
(B) A service might be expensive. (B) Hire some temporary workers
(C) An item might not arrive on time. (C) Schedule some training
(D) Some equipment might be broken. (D) Postpone an event
56. What does the woman imply when she says,
"My next meeting isn't until three"?
(A) She wants to volunteer for a task.
(B) She thinks a schedule should be revised.
(C) She does not need to use a meeting room.
(D) She is available to talk.
65. What does the woman say is her 68. What will happen in September?
favorite type of performance? (A) A seasonal menu will change.
(A) Comedy (B) A cooking competition will take place.
(B) Drama (C) A restaurant will participate in a food festival.
(C) Musical (D) A shop will move to a new location.
(D) Dance
67. Look at the graphic. According 70. What does the woman say she will do?
to the man, which performer is a local resident? (A) Talk to a chef
(A) Susan Lee (B) Update a food order
(B) George Ortiz (C) Check some prices
(C) Karen Smith (D) Create a flyer
(D) John Jones
Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three
questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question
and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your
test book and will be spoken only one time.
71. What is the topic of the workshop? 77. What is going to take place in June?
(A) Camping (A) A craft show
(B) Fund-raising (B) A client dinner
(C) Networking (C) A company picnic
(D) Gardening (D) A holiday party
72. What does the speaker recommend? 78. Why does the speaker say,
(A) Creating a list "we're not spending much on promotional items"?
(B) Doing research (A) To complain about merchandise quality
(C) Having alternate plans (B) To thank some colleagues for their help
(D) Learning from mentors (C) To explain why a location is affordable
(D) To request budget revisions
73. What are the listeners doing next week? 79. What does the speaker ask Amal to do?
(A) Going on a trip (A) Draft an activities schedule
(B) Purchasing supplies (B) Hire some musical performers
(C) Taking photographs (C) Post some flyers around a building
(D) Selecting a venue (D) Look up some catering options
74. What does the speaker's company 80. What is the topic of the magazine
manufacture? in the advertisement?
(A) Furniture (A) Home improvement
(B) Clothing (B) Technology
(C) Cosmetics (C) Personal finance
(D) Bags (D) Health and fitness
75. What is the company planning to do? 81. What does the speaker say about the staff writers?
(A) Change a logo (A) They come from a variety of countries.
(B) Attend an exposition (B) They will respond to questions from readers.
(C) Open a branch store (C) They represent many age groups.
(D) Offer new merchandise (D) They have many years of experience.
76. What will the listeners most likely do next? 82. What does the speaker say about
(A) Participate in a discussion the online version of the magazine?
(B) Take notes (A) It can be viewed on mobile phones.
(C) Complete an online survey (B) It costs less than the printed version.
(D) Sign up for an interview (C) It has received an award.
(D) Its content is updated daily.
83. According to the speaker, 89. Where is the announcement
which season is approaching? most likely being made?
(A) Winter (A) On a train
(B) Spring (B) On an airplane
(C) Summer (C) In a museum
(D) Fall (D) In a department store
84. What does the speaker encourage 90. Why does the speaker apologize?
the listeners to buy? (A) An area is closed.
(A) Food (C) Tickets have been sold out.
(B) Books (B) A price has changed.
(C) Electronics (D) There was a delay.
(D) Clothing
85. How can the listeners receive a discount? 91. What does the speaker mean when she says,
(A) By choosing a specific brand "we accept credit cards and cash"?
(B) By purchasing a certain number of items (A) A Web site contained an error.
(C) By using a promotional code (B) A new procedure is more convenient.
(D) By completing a customer survey (C) The listeners must pay for food.
(D) The listeners must present identification.
88. What good news does the speaker report? 94. What can be found on a Web site?
(A) An advertising campaign (A) A donation form
has been successful. (B) A program schedule
(B) A shipping process (C) Some photographs
has become more efficient. (D) The addresses of some properties
(C) Additional employees
have recently been hired.
(D) Customer reviews
have been positive.
95. Why does the speaker congratulate 98. What has the speaker received a copy of?
the listener? (A) A complaint letter
(A) For winning an award (B) A magazine article
(B) For getting a new job (C) A supervisor's report
(C) For completing a certification (D) A technical drawing
(D) For receiving a good review
This is the end of the Listening test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts,
and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as
possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your
test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Fontaine Coffeehouse is expanding and 105. Ms. Pamu has scheduled a meeting with
will open its first suburban ------- next year. ------- chief financial officer, Mr. Chambers.
(A) locating (A) her
(B) locate (B) she
(C) located (C) herself
(D) location (D) hers
102. ------- new employees can begin working, 106. The Southeast Accounting Conference
contracts must be signed. will be held ------- the Valmor Convention Center.
(A) Without (A) with
(B) Before (B) for
(C) Until (C) at
(D) Except (D) from
103. Jindo Industrial ------- a $15 million addition 107. Please arrive at the conference center by
to its Singapore factory last week. 8:00 A.M. ------- you are a presenter.
(A) opened (A) so
(B) open (B) until
(C) was opened (C) in
(D) is opening (D) if
104. On a ------- day, the Gilberto Café 108. Michael Keller, president of Teekman Financial,
serves more than 1,000 customers. ------- on a special broadcast of The Frances Ting
(A) constant Show.
(B) loyal (A) appeared
(C) practical (B) seemed
(D) typical (C) approved
(D) numbered
109. Passengers ------- wish to upgrade 115. Even though ------- than forecast, rain caused
their economy tickets to business class the tennis tournament to be delayed by an hour.
may do so using the airline's Web site. (A) light
(A) who (B) lighter
(B) whose (C) lightly
(C) whoever (D) lightest
(D) to whom
110. Because the delivery of supplies was 116. The budget for the Tygo project is tightly
------- by a week, we ran out of printer paper. controlled, so staff are reminded to track their
(A) proceeded work hours ------- .
(B) included (A) aside
(C) intended (B) longer
(D) delayed (C) anymore
(D) closely
111. The training program on writing ------- policies 117. Aviaty Airlines ------- free snacks on all of its
and procedures starts on Monday. flights starting next January.
(A) effect (A) will be offering
(B) effects (B) are offered
(C) effective (C) offering
(D) effectively (D) to offer
112. Anna Montero enjoys working in the highly 118. Thunderhawk Industries is ------- to announce
competitive ------- of advertising. the appointment of a new CEO.
(A) avenue (A) acceptable
(B) benefit (B) necessary
(C) field (C) official
(D) demand (D) proud
113. Our data ------- policy requires that employees 119. Ms. Lim will attend the meeting in person, -------
change their passwords once a month. Mr. Parker will attend remotely.
(A) secure (A) moreover
(B) security (B) otherwise
(C) securely (C) whereas
(D) secured (D) nevertheless
114. At the Highbridge Tech Symposium, 120. Mr. Bak sent a letter to all employees in order to
refreshments are served ------- the day ------- the new policy on vacation days.
in the lobby. (A) clarify
(A) to (B) believe
(B) among (C) join
(C) throughout (D) help
(D) within
121. Training will enable employees to respond 126. The cancellation of the Freeburg Highway
------- to customer service concerns. expansion project will have a ------ impact on
(A) appropriate the region's economy.
(B) more appropriate (A) private
(C) appropriately (B) supported
(D) appropriateness (C) lasting
(D) national
122. The results of the consumer survey on solar 127. ------ materials are available to employees
power can be sorted by geographical who would like to learn more about the design
------ or date of installation. of Giraldi Photos' imaging software.
(A) price (A) Supplements
(B) area (B) Supplementing
(C) reward (C) Supplemented
(D) guidance (D) Supplementary
123. Ms. Suh cited the travel policy rules to 128. Claire Smith will be out of the office until
argue that her expenses are ------- next Tuesday ------ her attendance at a corporate
reimbursable. retreat in Los Angeles.
(A) definitive (A) as well as
(B) define (B) moreover
(C) definite (C) since
(D) definitely (D) because of
124. Viostar Rail Service advises passengers 129. While the first episode of the television series
planning to travel during the holiday was ------ slow, the pace picked up in later episodes.
season to reserve train tickets ------- (A) admit
in advance. (B) admission
(A) very (C) admittedly
(B) far (D) admitting
(C) so
(D) hardly
125. The number of toy ------- has 130. Mr. Yi suggests that the volunteers wait for
remained steady nationwide, except in the heavy rain to ------- before returning
the board-game sector. to the work site.
(A) manufacture (A) compress
(B) manufactured (B) anticipate
(C) manufacturers (C) prioritize
(D) manufacturing (D) diminish
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text.
Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete
the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
132. (A) Even though 134. (A) Qualifying orders must be placed before midnight.
(B) Compared with (B) Thank you for your patience during this time.
(C) In addition to (C) New products often sell quickly on the Web site.
(D) Even if (D) We appreciate your participation.
Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail.
To: Lin Wu
From: Alexander Bauer
Date: May 4
Subject: Piece Sent
We have shipped the requested part for your handheld leaf blower. Please
accept ---135--- apology for the piece that was not included in the box.
The ---137--- piece has been sent via postal express delivery. You should
receive a separate e-mail with the shipment's tracking information. If you do
not receive ---138--- by the end of the week, please contact us.
We hope this resolves the matter, but please let us know if there is anything
we can do to improve your satisfaction.
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Bauer
Customer Service Director, Beeman's Garden Supply
Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.
140. (A) course 142. (A) It has been a pleasure doing business with your firm.
(B) reunion (B) Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
(C) visit (C) This is your final opportunity to change your mind.
(D) stay (D) We are happy to welcome new patients to our practice.
Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail.
The conference chair is Pari Kumar. I will send her an e-mail ---144--- you.
The conference is a large one, requiring the use of the Grand Ballroom. Ms.
Kumar will give you the final count of attendees in early January. ---145---, you
can coordinate with the catering department regarding the menus and number
of meals.
Ron Bergsma
Event Coordinator
144. (A) to introduce 146. (A) This was the list of the electronic equipment that Ms. Kumar sent.
(B) introduction (B) I suggest we meet in person next week to go over it together.
(C) will introduce (C) The same conference last year had about 350 attendees.
(D) introductory (D) Please be aware that my e-mail address has changed.
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the
best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 149-150 refer to the following information
149. What is indicated about Mr. Koller? 150. What part of the watch will NOT be replaced?
(A) He is a first-time customer. (A) The battery
(B) He paid for a repair service on October 16. (B) The spring
(C) His watch was given to him as a gift. (C) The band
(D) His watch will be sent to him in the mail. (D) The glass
Questions 151-153 refer to the following contact.
Speaker Contract
This contract, entered into on 26 January, is between the Thaya
Institute and Franck Woog, an independent contractor, for his
services as Guest Speaker. Mr. Woog agrees to give his talk on the
role of honey bees in cross-pollination at Goethal University's
Ferland Hall from noon to 2 P.M. on 15 February.
The Thaya Institute agrees to pay Mr. Woog €600.00 for his
services. Payment will be processed within 30 days of the speaking
date. Additionally, Mr. Woog's travel expenses can be reimbursed
up to €200.00. All travel receipts must be presented to receive
Mr. Woog agrees to have his talk filmed and photographed. These
materials may be published online by the Thaya Institute.
Agreed by:
151. What does the contract suggest 153. What does Mr. Woog agree to do?
about Mr. Woog? (A) Have a speech video recorded
(A) He is a student at the Thaya Institute. (B) Submit a copy of his notes
(B) He will attend a lecture on January 26. (C) Publish an article
(C) He will receive payment for a talk. (D) Take photographs of an event
(D) He has met Ms. Rey before.
Questions 154-155 refer to the following notice.
154. Where would the notice most likely 155. What does the notice ask customers to do?
appear? (A) Respond by e-mail if there are any problems
(A) Inside a product package (B) Examine the condition of an item
(B) In an e-mail message confirming an order (C) Use a particular shipping company
(C) On a consumer report Web site to make returns
(D) In a kitchen supply store (D) Make a call to leave positive feedback
Questions 156-157 refer to the following
156. 157.
Questions 158-160 refer to the following invitation.
158. What is the purpose of the presentation? 160. How can participants get a seat
(A) To discuss updating international at Hargrove House?
shipping requirements (A) By arriving before 3:00 P.M.
(B) To explain a new video streaming technology (B) By registering online
(C) To help members develop (C) By purchasing a ticket
international business skills (D) By showing a membership card at the door
(D) To give CIBS employees new
conference-call pass codes
Questions 161-164 refer to the following form.
161. What is the purpose of the form? 163. What does Ms. Siddiqui indicate on the form?
(A) To apply for a refund (A) She did not use all of the company's services.
(B) To improve customer service (B) She decided not to ship her furniture to Malaysia.
(C) To gather stories to use in advertisements (C) She needed more time than expected to identify items.
(D) To request relocation services (D) She was pleased with all of the services she used.
162. According to the form, why did Ms. Siddiqui 164. According to the form, what will Ms. Siddiqui
move to Kuala Lumpur? probably do in four years?
(A) To join her relatives (A) Find a new employer
(B) To attend a university (B) Retire from the company
(C) To enjoy life in an international city (C) Buy a house in Kuala Lumpur
(D) To begin a new job assignment (D) Hire Fehring International
Questions 165-167 refer to the following
165. What is mentioned as an advantage 167. In which of the positions marked
of Martily clothing? [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following
(A) It is reasonably priced. sentence best belong?
(B) It comes in many sizes.
(C) It is suitable for work in an office. "The men's line will not be available until
(D) It is made by hand. next March."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
166. Where will Martily clothing be sold? (C) [3]
(A) At Fall Wind concerts (D) [4]
(B) At Sydney Sports
(C) At fitness centers
(D) On the Martily Web site
Questions 168-171 refer to the following online chat discussion.
Milo Tamboli (1:06 P.M.) Hi Sammy and Lily. Isn't the quarterly review
meeting still happening today at 1?
Sammy Adjani (1:08 P.M.) The meeting got moved to tomorrow.
Milo Tamboli (1:09 P.M.) I must have missed that somehow.
Sammy Adjani (1:11 P.M.) Sorry about that! We discussed the change
yesterday at the marketing meeting. I completely forgot you were out.
Milo Tamboli (1:13 P.M.) It's OK. I needed to check the room projector
for my workshop, and I do not think it is working.
Sammy Adjani (1:14 P.M.) Are you still there now?
Milo Tamboli (1:15 P.M.) I'm just leaving.
Sammy Adjani (1:17 P.M.) If you can hold on a minute, I can come over
right now and we can try to get the equipment running.
Milo Tamboli (1:18 P.M.) Sure thing.
Lily Orenson (1:40 P.M.) Sorry for the misunderstanding today, Milo!
Were you able to get the projector working?
Sammy Adjani (1:45 P.M.) No. We called IT, and they will try to fix it.
But let's see if there is another conference room available for tomorrow
just in case?
Lily Orenson (1:48 P.M.) OK-I will check and let you know.
168. What is Mr. Tamboli confirming? 170. At 1:18 P.M., what does Mr. Tamboli most
(A) A repair request likely mean when he writes, "Sure thing"?
(B) A supply order (A) He will wait for a coworker.
(C) A workshop topic (B) He will create an agenda.
(D) A meeting time (C) He understands his mistake.
(D) He is certain a workshop will be successful.
169. What is true about Mr. Tamboli? 171. What will Ms. Orenson most likely do next?
(A) He manages the marketing department. (A) Arrange for a conference call
(B) He planned a quarterly meeting. (B) Look for a different meeting space
(C) He was absent for a meeting on (C) Try to repair the projector
the previous day. (D) Confirm that IT has been contacted
(D) He is Mr. Adjani and Ms. Orenson's
Questions 172-175 refer to the following
172. 174.
173. 75.
Questions 176-180 refer to the following e-mail and notice.
176. What does Ms. Sachdev indicate 179. What is suggested about Ms. Yoshimura?
about Eckman Markets? (A) She writes about nutrition.
(A) They have recently hired (B) She hosts a television show.
several employees. (C) She has her own office.
(B) They have just increased their sales. (D) She provides free online classes.
(C) They will introduce a new product line
(D) They plan to open a store in Perth.
180. What does the notice suggest?
(A) Mr. Cummings approved Mr. Ansley's idea.
177. In the e-mail, the word "sound" (B) Nutritionists are available at all Eckman
in paragraph 1, line 5, isclosest in meaning to Markets locations.
(A) loud (C) A Web site stopped working temporarily.
(B) gentle (D) Ms. Sachdev was promoted.
(C) legal
(D) sensible
Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and review.
181. What is one of the Tateno Turbo's 184. What type of business does Ms. Rivers own?
advertised features? (A) A hair salon
(A) A dusting brush (B) A fitness center
(B) A charging station (C) An appliance store
(C) A retractable cord (D) An auto repair shop
(D) An accessory bag
182. According to the advertisement, 185. What information in the advertisement would
what is true about the Tateno Turbo? Ms. Rivers most likely disagree with?
(A) It is the smallest model available. (A) The machine's running time
(B) It is covered by a lifetime warranty. (B) The weight of the machine
(C) It folds down for storage. (C) The variety of color choices
(D) It has a long electrical power cord. (D) The size of the docking station
Questions 186-190 refer to the following notice, e-mail, and letter.
E-Mail message
Re: Internship
Date: May 17
Attachment: application_materials
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.
Ismael Zenawi
186. What is indicated about the internships? 189. In the letter, what does Ms. Zaranski
(A) They pay well. say about Mr. Zenawi?
(B) They require availability on Saturdays. (A) He has published several articles in newspapers.
(C) They are full-time positions. (B) He is an accomplished actor.
(D) They are limited to students of journalism. (C) He is a skilled writer.
(D) He has taught some university classes.
187. What will happen on August 15? 190. What most likely is Ms. Zaranski's specialty?
(A) The newspaper will begin offering (A) Business
an online version. (B) Drama
(B) Newspaper staff will cover (C) Dance
a community event. (D) Journalism
(C) A new group of interns will receive training.
(D) An internship program will end.
Questions 191-195 refer to the following announcement, registration form and .
E-Mail message
First, thank you for all your work on Hazeltown's Street Festival. Overall, it went very
My only complaint about the festival is with the location of our booth. I was
disappointed at how far away it was placed from where I requested it to be. I had
asked that it be close to Chestnut Street, but it ended up being placed at the very
opposite end of the festival area. This made it quite difficult to move things back and
forth from our restaurant, which is right at the corner of Chestnut Street and Main
Please look into this for next year's festival. We would like to attend again, but without
the inconvenience we experienced this year.
Mary Stevens
Owner, Hazeltown Bistro
191. For whom is the announcement intended? 194. By what date must the registration
(A) Residents of Hazeltown form be returned?
(B) Members of the festival planning committee (A) April 2
(C) Restaurant owners (B) April 15
(D) Tourists visiting Hazeltown (C) May 31
(D) June 1
192. According to the announcement, what should 195. Near which street was Hazeltown Bistro's booth
participants avoid offering at their booth? most likely placed?
(A) Brochures (A) Chestnut Street
(B) Free samples (B) Oak Street
(C) Music (C) Pine Street
(D) Beverages (D) Sagamore Street
Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter, form, and e-mail.
Horn-Gordon Gardens
217 Keswick Avenue
Masterton 5810
14 August
We are offering two brick sizes, with the larger ones being incorporated into
the wall around the fountain. The smaller ones will be used primarily to pave
the walkway surrounding the main fountain as well as in the renovation of
the fountain itself.
Tabitha Aubel
Tabitha Aubel, Director
Horn-Gordon Gardens
196. What is the purpose of the letter? 199. What will most likely happen on 3 October?
(A) To report on the dedication of a museum (A) Inscribed bricks will be revealed.
(B) To announce the construction of (B) An annual picnic will be held.
a new park (C) Mr. McClure will purchase tickets to a reunion.
(C) To encourage participation in (D) Ms. Aubel will receive a free upgrade.
a fund-raising project
(D) To introduce residents to a new Web site
198. How much did Mr. McClure pay for his order?
(A) $150
(B) $300
(C) $1,000
(D) $1,300
Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called, you may go
back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work.