TMNT & Other Strangeness Mutants of the Yuctan
TMNT & Other Strangeness Mutants of the Yuctan
TMNT & Other Strangeness Mutants of the Yuctan
um Bo
Palladium Books@ Presents . . .
Compatible with Heroes Unlimited ™ Ninjas & Superspies T"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® and Rifts ™
Dedicated to Larry Jordan
Copyright © 1990 by Kevin Siembieda. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of
this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher,
except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional
and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
After the Bomb & Palladium Books is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda.
Mutants of the Yucatan is published by Palladium Books, 39074 Webb Court, Westland, M148185.
After the Bomb® Book Four
Written By: Erick Wujcik
Creating a Character Yucatan Style ................................................... 4
Yucatan Animal Types ....................................................... 4
Flamingo ................................................................ 12
Kinkajous ............................................................... 1 4
Sloth .................................................................. 1 6
Snakes ................................................................. 1 7
Anteater ................................................................ 20
Creating a Character:
Yucatan Style!
Player characters in the world of Mutants of the Yucatan are
those on their way to explore the strange mutant jungles of the
INTRODUCTION TO Yucatan Peninsula . Most characters should be visitors from some
other region . Either from Cardania (roll character from After the
MUTANTS OF Bomb) , from Americorp (from Road Hogs) , or from any other
book in the After the Bomb series . Or, for that matter, just about
any character from any Palladium book, TMNT or otherwise .
So you don' t have to create Yucatan characters from this
Imagine . . . book. However, if you do want specific Yucatan characters ,
Hot , dripping with sweat , surrounded by a cloud of buzzing , they ' re created the same way as any other Teenage Mutant
biting bug s , pushing through a solid wall of leaves and branches , Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness or After the Bomb charac
while pulling your feet u p out o f a soggy mud that never wants ters . Right after Step 1: The Eight Attributes, you ' ll want to
to let them go . . . use the following for figuring out native Central American ani
Even with the best of care , the outsider rapidly loses weight
in the jungle . At first just the soft layers , but then even muscle
and skin start to dissolve . Even the hardiest native quickly be Step 1 :
comes infested with vermin , tropical sickness , and things too The Eight Attributes
disgusting to be described in a family game .
Same as always; see TMNT & Other Strangenes s .
The jungle has countless ways to debilitate you , and a goodly
number that will kill you . Step 2:
For example , every breath you take is filled with a virtual Animal Type
soup of airborne poison . Spores, pollen , germs , viruses , and
The following table can be used for any characters originating
even tiny insect eggs are carried into your mouth and lungs every
in Central America. You can also use it with any contemporary
few seconds . Even if your body doesn 't succumb to any of these
TMNT campaign , or for other After the Bomb character gener
ailments or infections , the mere act of fighting them off is enough
to gradually drain you of strength and will .
The steady entropy of the jungle also has its impact on non-liv Mutant Animal Characters
ing things . Metal corrodes , leather rots , fabric is eaten away by First, roll to determine animal environment:
mold and insects , and even plastic is distorted and made useless 01-10 Water B ased
by the continuous , unrelenting heat and moisture . 11-30 Ground
And that describes the Yucatan circa 1990. Before the catac 31-65 Mid-Canopy
lysmic events that lead up to After the Bomb . 66-85 Treetop
You ' ve got to wonder how people managed to survive for all 86-98 Urban Animal , use table from TMNT
these years after the great holocaust in such an awful environ 99-00 Laboratory Animal , use table from TMNT
ment .
Second, roll on the corresponding table:
The surprising answer is . . . they didn ' t !
Jungles are not usually widespread i n the equatorial Americas . WATER BASED ANIMALS (01-10)
Rain Forests , filled with beautiful trees , a perfect natural habitat 01-03 Alligator
for thousands of species of wildlife , and home to dozens of 04-08 Cayman , like TMNT Alligator but with narrow snout .
Native American tribes , are the "natural"condition . 09-12 Duck
Bring in the bulldozers and chainsaws . Clear-cut the rain forest. 13-20 Flamingo
Chop down all the valuable mahogany trees . Ruin the land with 21-30 Fish-Eating Bat
short-term farms and ranches . And what you get later is rampant 31-35 Fishing Buzzard , specializes in fish, see TMNT Hawk .
jungle . Nature ' s tropical revenge . 36-45 Frog
46-50 Mallard, see TMNT Duck 60-63 Quetzal , a sacred bird valued for its striking red and
5 1 -60 Manatee green plumage , with tail feathers four times as long as the
6 1 -65 Muscovy Duck, black feathers and red-tipped beak , see body ; see TMNT Wild B ird .
TMNT Duck . 64-66 Scarlet Macaw , see TMNT Parrot .
66-75 River Turtle , see TMNT Turtle 67-72 Sloth
76-85 Tapir 73-79 Tamandua
86-95 Water Opossum 80-86 Tree Porcupine
96- 1 00 Water Iguana, specialized for diving and eating underwa 87-90 Two-Toed Anteater
ter plants . 9 1 -95 Woolly Opossum, as TMNT Opossum , but with bushy
brown fur.
96-00 Toucan
0 1 -04 Agouti
05-08 Armadillo
09- 1 3 Boa Constrictor 0 1 -05 Caracara, white with black wings , see TMNT Falcon .
1 4- 1 5 Bobwhite , see TMNT Quai l . 06- 1 0 Chachalaca, shades o f brown , see TMNT Wild Birds .
1 6-2 1 Brocket, like a deer, but with smaller, pointier horns; 1 1 -22 Disk-Winged B at
see TMNT Deer. 23-35 False Vampire B at
22-23 Chicken 36-40 Ghost Bat , as TMNT B at, but will all white fur.
24-25 Coyote 4 1 -45 Golden Eagle , see TMNT Eagle .
26-27 Crab-Eating Raccoon, similar to a Raccoon , but with an 46-50 Hawk
ugly tail that is skinny and covered with short, bristly hairs ; see 5 1 -55 Screeching Parrot
TMNT Racoon . 56-70 Toucan
28-29 Deer 7 1 -85 Vampire B at
30-3 1 Dog 86-92 White Hawk , see TMNT Hawk .
32-37 Fer-de-Lance Snake 93-00 White-Lined Bat , as TMNT Bat, but with white mark
3 8-4 1 Giant Anteater ings .
42-45 Giant Armadillo
URBAN ANIMALS (86-98) , use table from TMNT
46-47 Goat
48-49 Horse LABORATORY ANIMALS (99-00) , use table from TMNT
50-55 Iguana
56-60 Jaguar, see TMNT Felines - Jaguar. Step 3:
6 1 -65 J aguarondi
66-67 Mouse Mutation Background
68-69 Ocellated Turkey , see TMNT Turkey Player characters in the world of Mutants of the Yucatan are
70-74 Ocelot, covered in black spots , each with a center of the ones who are most likely to be exploring the jungles of the
tawny brown , on a tan body; see TMNT Felines - Wild Cats . Yucatan . Although all the animals of Mexico and the Yucatan
75-79 Paca have mutated, most are just peaceful citizens, content to live
80-82 Peccary ; not related to pigs, but see TMNT Pig anyway . their lives without adventure .
83-84 Pig
NOTE: In each category there are two listings for skills: Old
85-88 Puma, as TMNT Mountain Lion .
System and New System . Old System is for those games
89-93 Rattlesnake
that still use the original versions ofTMNT & Other Strange
94-98 Tapir
ness or Heroes Unlimited (not revised editions) . New System
99-00 Turkey
makes the characters compatible with the revised versions of
MID-CANOPY ANIMALS (31-65) TMNT, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, and other
Palladium RPGs . Characters should use either the New or
0 1 -03 Antbird , specializes in eating ants . Shoulders , back and
the Old system, not both .
wing tops are black with white stripes; throat, chest , belly
and underside of wings are white with black stripes ; see TMNT 01-35 Professional native guide. After being brought up in one
Wild Bird . of the tribes of the Central American jungle , the Native Guide
04- 1 0 Bushmaster is now more interested in the money and comfort that civili
1 1 - 1 2 Barred Forest Falcon , see TMNT Hawk . zation can provide . While the character has the ability to live
1 3 - 1 5 Bat off the land , more important skills are those that make money
1 6-20 Emerald Tree Boa off the rich northerners who want to explore the stinking
2 1 -23 Four-Eyed Opossum, see TMNT Opossum . jungle . The character' s main skills are with languages . Re
24-27 Green Jay , like bluejays , only green; see TMNT Wild gardless of the native tongue , the character can speak Spanish,
Bird . English , and all three Mayan dialects . The character is also
28-3 1 Howler Monkey an expert at learning the obscure Indian languages . Each time
32-38 Toucan a new language is encountered, the character has a 20% chance
39-47 Kinkajous of already knowing it, and , if it' s not already known , will
48-55 Margay pick up enough to communicate in I D8 hours . One time
56-59 Monkey bonus of + 5 S . D . C . , + 1 P . E , and + 1 P . P . Character has
$500 worth of equipment and supplies , a fashionable set of SKILLS:
clothes (including sharp-looking sunglasses) , and either a Old System: Character has Jungle Survival , and Find and
blowpipe or bow , including 2D4 poison darts or arrows (skill Prepare Jungle Food . Also has Climbing (+10%), Escape
with weapon or poison must be purchased using a Secondary Artist ( + 10%), Prowl (+10%), Tracking (+ 5%), and Hunt
or Military skill) . ing , plus any two (2) Military skills and any two (2) Secondary
SKILLS: or Jungle skills . No Scholastic or skill Bonuses except as
listed .
Old System: Take any six (6) Secondary or Jungle skills ,
and any two (2) Military skills . Also , Language: English , New System: Character has Jungle Survival , and Find and
Language: Spanish , Language: Tzotzil Maya, Language: Chol Prepare Jungle Food . Also has Climbing ( + 10%), Escape
Maya, Language: Yucatan Maya , and Jungle Survival . No Artist (+10%), Prowl (+10%), Tracking (+ 5%), and Hunt
scholastic bonus . ing , plus any two (2) Espionage/Military skills and any two
(2) Secondary or Jungle skills .
New System: Take any six (6) Secondary or Jungle skills ,
and any two (2) Espionage/Military skills . Also , Language:
English , Language: Spanish , Language: Tzotzil Maya, Lan Step 4: BIO-E , Special
guage: Chol Maya, Language: Yucatan Maya, and Jungle
Survival .
Abilities, Psionics , Growth
36-55 Tribal jungle dweller. Unlike the Native Guide , this Levels, and Human Features
character considers the jungle to be "home" and has no desire Same as in TMNT & Other Strangeness or Heroes Unlimited
to become a "city person . " However, being curious about (revised).
strangers will be enough for the character to take a job as a
guide or bearer. One time bonus of +10 to S . D . C . and + I
to P . E . Character starts out with only a very simple set of
Step 5: Equipment,
equipment , including T-shirt , short pants , knife , machete , Supplies and Money
blowpipe (or light bow) , spear, bowl , water gourd and a Characters select their initial equipment from the various lists
couple of days' worth of fresh fruit . in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness. The
TMNT book lists items , along with the prices that become avail
able after your character starts playing . Remember, you must
Old System: Take any six (6) Secondary or Jungle skills ,
spend all your equipment and supply money before you start,
any two (2) Military skills , and any four (4) Jungle skills .
it can ' t be saved and used later. Likewise , any money provided
Also Jungle Survival , Find and Prepare Jungle Food and W . P .
for vehicles must be spent before the character enters the game .
Machete . N o scholastic bonus .
New System: Take any six (6) Secondary or Jungle skills ,
and any two (2) Espionage/Military skills . Also , Jungle Sur New Skills and Descriptions
vival , Find and Prepare Jungle Food and W . P . Machete . for Mutants of the Yucatan
56-85 Former Guardia soldier. Character learned to jungle Language: Spanish Ant Lore
fight with the Imperial Mexican forces . Now , having either Language: English Aztec History and Lore
deserted or retired , the character is available for hire . Charac Language: Tzotzil Maya Mayan History and Lore
ter starts out owning a set of firearms and ammunition (one Language: Chol Maya Prepare Jungle Poison
rifle or shotgun , and one pistol , with ammo , worth a maximum Language: Yucatan Maya W . P . Bow with Poison Arrows
of $1750). $250 can be used to buy any other standard Find and Prepare Jungle Food W . P . Poison Dart Blowpipe
weapons and equipment from TMNT . Jungle Survival W . P . Machete (Special !)
SKILLS: Snake Doctor Medicine
own . Aside from beetles , there are also special cockroaches , before my 20120 vision is a dark, impenetrable mesh of
crickets , flies , mites , spiders , wasps , and other insects who leaves , vines and branches , and all else underfoot is an
have varying skill at producing ant scents . impediment designed to make me stumble . Somehow I
With Ant Lore it' s possible to figure out which insects claw my way through the brush . . . "
have the right "smell" for each kind of ant hive . You 've got Victor Perera , The Last Lords of Palengue
to be careful , there are totally different myrmecophiles for Beyond just being able to see clearly , Jungle Survival also
each kind of ant , including Army Ants , Leaf-Cutter Ants , provides techniques for avoiding trouble and keeping alive
and Azteca Ants . during extended jungle travel . The character will know how
Once the right myrmecophile insect has been identified , to avoid dangerous plants and insects , how to find nearly-in
the next step is to capture or kill enough of them. "Enough" visible pathway s , and how to find fresh water. Base Skill:
means how many you ' ll need to produce the right amount of 40% + 5% per level of experience .
the chemical signal to disguise yourself. Getting the chemical Prepare Jungle Poison. Unlike conventional poisons , which
out of the insect means either cutting it open (and killing it) , are either slow-acting , or require large doses for immediate
which gets the most out, or squeezing the bug in the right effect, jungle poisons are fast ! Once injected , the victim will
place (only about half a dose as from cutting one open) . feel the effects before the start of the next melee round . The
After getting the myrmecophile chemical , the next problem poison is not generally fatal; more often it either stuns or
is smearing it over whatever you want protected . Sprays are disorients the victim' s nervous system .
most effective , and making a primitive spray "can" out of a Victims must make two saves against the poison . First,
hollow fruit peel is one way to solve the problem . they must save vs . Poison to keep from being damaged by
Anyone with the chemical applied to their skin can fool the poison . Failure to save means that they take I D6 damage
the ants into thinking that they are part of the hive . Of course , directly off the character' s hit points . The second roll is a
that means letting the ants touch the skin with their antennas . save v s . Poison to shrug off the poison ' s paralytic powers .
If successful , the characters can even get by the sentries , and Failure means that the character goes slack and is unconscious
enter the columns of the Army Ants , the hollow trees of the for 2D6 melee rounds . Even if the roll is successful , the
Azteca Ants , or the underground burrows of the Leaf-Cutting victim' s nervous system is messed up , resulting in one half
Ants . normal Spd . , half attacks per melee round , and a - 5 on all
Failure to make the Ant Lore skill roll (rolling under the rolls to Strike , Parry , Dodge , or Roll for 2D6 melee rounds .
skill on percentile) means that the chemical "disguise" doesn ' t Jungle poison is made from a variety of plants and insects .
work, and that the ants attack ! Also , remember that a n appli Finding the right ingredients takes from two to twelve (2D6)
cation of the chemical usually doesn ' t last for more than an hours of searching . Once everything is gathered , actually
hour. Basic Skill: 50% +4% per level of experience . preparing the poison takes another eight hours of mixing
Find and Prepare Jungle Food. Throughout the jungle , at everything in a pot over a fire . When the process is complete ,
every level , there is food in abundance . The big problem is roll percentile . Failure to roll under the skill means that some
telling the difference between nutritious food and good-look thing went wrong and the whole batch of poison is worthles s .
ing poison . While searching for food , the character can make Base Skill: 40% + 5 % per level o f experience .
one roll every ten minute s . A successful roll indicates that Snake Doctor Medicine. The character, at one point , was ap
food has been discovered , enough for three to eighteen (3D6) prenticed to a Snake Doctor. While there , the character was
people . If the roll fails , it means that no food was found but taught the secrets of curing poisoning and tropical diseases
that the character can try again for another ten minutes . Basic with a variety of natural plants and substances (clays and
Skill: 56% + 2% per level of experience . mud) . Using the skill means first rolling to make a diagnosis .
SPECIAL NOTE : Attempting to eat in the jungle without If the cause of the problem is a poisonous animal , insect or
this skill , even for characters experienced in Wilderness Sur plant, and if the source of the poison has been positively
vival , is very dangerous . Ignorant characters have a base identified , then there is no need for the first roll .
chance of 25 % , for every ten minutes of searching , of discov Once the cause has been determined , it' s time to find the
ering what seems to be edible food . However , there is a 1 0% right cure . That involves going out into the jungle and search
chance that whatever it is will actually be poisonous . ing . Roll every five minutes . A successful roll means that
the search is complete . Failing the roll means the search must
Jungle Survival. Stepping into jungle , true jungle , is even
continue .
more alien than swimming down into a coral reef. The main
problem is with depth perception . Most characters are used Once the right antitoxin has been gathered , it' s time to
to judging distance based on objects sitting in open space . help the sick character. A failed roll means the patient has
The jungle turns that upside-down , so that you have to contend not been helped , either because the problem is too serious ,
with objects (leaves and branches) everywhere , and just a or because a mistake was made . If the character is already
little bit of empty space scattered here and there . Without the in a coma, then using the Snake Doctor Medicine successfully
Jungle Survival skill , most characters will experience the will require rolling under the skill twice . Base Skill:
following in a jungle: 30% + 5% per level of experience .
" . . . I dash in [the jungle] after them, but get instantly W.P. Bow with Poison Arrows. Although use of Poison Arrows
fouled in low-hanging vines and fall on my face . All five requires the same kind of archery skill as that for normal
dogs are now in full cry and K ' in Bor has vanished behind bow s , the poison arrow and bow are much lighter than con
them. I think, He must see better than I do , ' as everything ventional bow s . In fact, if a character with the regular sort
of W . P . Archery just picks up a jungle bow and tries to fire , ings and legends . Base Skill: 40%+ 5% per level of experi
he will likely break both the bow and the arrow . To avoid ence .
this , someone familiar with regular bows will need at least Mayan History and Lore. This history starts sometime around
fifteen minutes of practice before being able to successfully 1,000 BC with the beginning of the Olmec civilization ,
use a jungle bow . The reverse is also true , and a jungle through 900 AD , the time of the mysterious fall of the Mayan
bow-user will need about fifteen minutes of practice in order culture . Also includes the ability to recognize and catalog
to switch over to using a normal bow . Characters with this Mayan ruins , carvings , artifacts , and legends. Base Skill:
skill know how to gather the materials and make the bow and 40% + 5% per level of experience .
arrows . Gathering the raw materials takes about two hours ,
constructing a bow , another two hours , and each arrow takes
about fifteen minutes . + I to Strike at first level , and an
additional + 1 at every second level after that. Rate of Fire:
Two per melee at first level , one additional arrow per melee
for every two experience levels . Damage: I D4 plus poison .
W.P. Poison Dart Blowpipe. Blowpipes are somewhat smaller
and lighter than the blow guns listed in TMNT & Other
Strangeness. Use of this weapon , along with the poison darts ,
is a separate skill (although it is the same skill as W . P . B low
Gun) . The Darts do just one point of damage , acting mostly CENTRAL AMERICAN BATS
to insert poison into a victim . Characters with this skill know
how to gather the materials and make both the blowpipe and DISK-WINGED BAT
the darts . Gathering the raw materials takes about three hours , ORIGINAL ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS
and constructing a blowpipe and a dozen darts takes about
Description: Like other bats , the disk-winged bat is a flying
two hours . + 1 to Strike at first level , and an additional + 1
mammal . They are unique in that they possess special suction
at every second level after that . Rate of Fire: One per melee
cups, little , flexible sucker disks at the bases of their thumbs
at first level , two per melee at second level , three per melee
and at the ankles . These allow them to climb smooth surfaces
at third level , and the maximum, four per melee , when the
with ease . Unlike other bats , who perch upside-down , hanging
character gets to sixth level . Damage: 1 point of S . D . C .
from their feet , the Disk-Winged B at sleeps in an upright
damage , will do n o damage to Hit Points .
position , using its suction cups to a cling to "bed . " Bed is
W.P. Machete (Special!) . Although the machete ("Ma-Shet usually the inside of a curled-up banana leaf that hasn ' t opened
Eh") is a weapon, sort of a one-handed sword , it' s most often yet. Unlike other bats , baby disk-winged bats are carried
used as a tool for cutting vegetation . Skill with a machete
everywhere by their mothers until they ' ve reached half their
means that a character can cut a path through dense jungle adult weight.
in a third of the time it would take to squeeze through . A Size Level: 1
successful roll means cutting through ten feet per melee round Length: body to 2 inches , tail to 1.25 inche s , wingspan to 9.75
(in combat) , or about 1,000 feet every hour (or a mile every inches
five hours) . Can also be used to harvest crops or chop wood .
Weight: under 1 pound (0.45 kg)
Base Skill: 45% + 6% per level of experience . Build: Medium
Using the machete as a weapon gives a skillful character
a + 1 to Strike at level one , an additional + 1 at level four,
Total BIO-E : 75
and another + 1 every two levels after that . The main draw
Attribute Bonuses:
back of the machete as a weapon is that it doesn ' t Parry well .
I . Q . : +1
No bonus to Parry , and a successful Parry against anything
M.A.: + 1
hard (swords , daggers , rocks) means that the machete has to
P.P.: + 1
Save vs . Breaking (roll 14 or better on twenty-sided) . Dam
Spd . : + 1
age: I D8 .
Language: Spanish, Language: English, Language: Tzot- Hands : 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the wings .
zil Maya, Language: Chol Maya, Language: Yucatan 10 BIO-E for Full hands at the end of the wing s .
Maya. Although there are a wide variety of languages in the 2 0 BIO-E for extra set o f fully developed arms and
Yucatan , most towns and tribes will have at least one person hands .
capable of speaking Spanish . Aside from English , Spanish Biped : Full Automatic
and the three Mayan dialects , there are another seventeen Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
(17) Mayan variations , and also more than ninety (90) native 10 BIO-E for Full
indian tongues . Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience . Looks: None . Body is a bushy ball of brown fur, with a white
Aztec History and Lore. Knowledge of the history of the Az belly . Squashed-in face , like a miniature pug dog , with large ,
tec s , and their forerunners , the Toltec s . More broadly , it leaf shaped , pointed ears . Upturned nose and snout . Arms
covers the history of the area from 900 AD to 1521 AD (the and legs are long and skinny .
defeat of the Aztecs by the Spanish Conquistadors) . The 5 BIO-E for Partial . B ig ears on top of a small , snouted
character will be able to identify Aztec ruin s , artifacts , carv- head. Pig-like nose and mouth, with widely spaced eyes .
Arms are long and skinny , ending in gaunt, thin hands . Legs
are skinny and bowed . Thick fur on head , face and body .
Length: body to 5.25 inches, wingspan to 42 inches
10 BIO-E for Full . Pug-nosed , with small , bright eyes , a Weight: to 2 pounds (0.9 kg)
wide mouth , and oversized , slightly pointed ears . Bristly Build: Medium
brown hair on head . Body is rounded and short, with long MUTANT CHANGES & COSTS
arms and legs. Total BIO-E: 70
Natural Weapons: None Attribute Bonuses:
Powers: I . Q . : +1 P . S . : +1
10 BIO-E for Glide M . E . : +1 P.P. : +1
20 BIO-E for Flight
5 BIO-E for Sonar
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the ends of the wings.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Full hands at the ends of the wings .
10 BIO-E For Large Suction Cups on the wrists and ankles .
20 BIO-E for extra set of fully developed arms and
This allows the character to stick to virtualIy any surface , to
hands .
walk across walls , and to even stick to the ceiling . Of course ,
Biped : Partial Automatic
they can also be used for sticking onto other things , or for
5 BIO-E for Full
grabbing . Attaching and releasing can be done automaticalIy .
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
Occasionally , if the surface is too dry , the character will have
10 BIO-E for FulI
to wet the suction cups in order to get a good grip , usually by
licking the palms , and then touching hands to feet . The suction Looks: None , Very long , snouted head , similar to a horse head.
cups are nearly the full width of the palm, and are difficult to Huge , rounded ears , and up-turned , leaf of flesh that sticks
conceal . Each suction cup can handle a load roughly equivalent up on top of the nose . Thick fur on the back of the skull and
to the character' s P. S . lifting ability . on the body . Long arms , twice the length of the leg s . Arms
1 5 BIO-E For Small Suction Cups on Fingers and Toes. Like and legs are thin but muscular. Hands and feet are lean and
the larger version , but at the tips of each finger and toe . These bony .
suction cups are slightly easier to conceal , mostly because of 5 BIO-E for Partial , Horse-faced appearance , with flap
their size , just the size of a fingerprint or toeprint. Each cup can of loose skin at the tip of the nose . Thick neck and body ,
handle a load equal to about a quarter of the character' s P . S . with overlong arms and relatively short legs . Bristly fur on
lifting ability . top and back of head and covering the torso .
10 BIO-E for Full , Long face , with high forehead and
widely spaced eye s . Slight bulbous knob at the end of the
FALSE VAMPIRE BAT nose . Oversized ears and mouth . Body is lean and muscular .
(LINNAEUS' FALSE VAMPIRE) Arms are very long and lean . Bristly reddish hair.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for I D6 Teeth
Description: The largest of American bats , the false vampire is
5 BIO-E for I D6 Claws
not a blood sucker, but it is a hunting carnivore . Their major
10 BIO-E for 2D6 Claws
prey is smalI animals like mice , birds and other bats . Instead
of attacking from the air, the false vampire bat lands before Powers:
striking . Using its nimble legs and folded arms , it scurries 10 BIO-E for Glide
quickly , but stealthily , toward its intended target . Then the 20 BIO-E for Flight
killing stroke is always a leaping pounce , delivering enough 5 BIO-E for Sonar
force to cause a fatal blow to the head or neck. 5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
Size Level: 2 5 BIO-E for Leaping , doubles normal jump or leap .
FISHERMAN BAT the relative sizes and movements of underwater objects , as
well as how calm the water is. Generally , in still water,
ORIGINAL ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS moving objects of size level 1 0 or less can be spotted up to
Description: A bat, one of the family of flying mammals , but 25 feet (7 . 6 m) down . Larger moving objects , like whales or
adapted specifically for locating and catching fish. Their sonar submarines , are noticeable up to 1 50 feet (46 m) down . Wind
sense is even more developed than in other bats , allowing blown water cuts the range by 75 % , and in rain or stormy
them to detect fish in the water. Their other major adaptation weather, only objects just below the surface , about one yard/
is their long , clawed toe s , which they use for scooping their meter, will be sensed.
prey out of the water. This ability also works for detecting motion and figures
Size Level: 1 behind thin, or very rigid surfaces , such as glass , metal or
Length: body to 3 . 25 inches, tail to 2 . 5 inches , wingspan to plywood , so long as there is noise or vibration on the other
1 2 . 5 inches side . For example , if the bat character wanted to find out the
Weight: up to 1 pound contents of a car with mirrored window s , and if there was
Build: Medium some noise coming from inside , such as the engine running
MUTANT CHANGES & COSTS or the radio playing , then it would be possible to detect the
exact number, position and shape of all the objects inside the
Total BIO-E: 75
car, just by sensing the vibrations on the window glass. The
Attribute Bonuses:
same trick works to detect movement and objects through
I.Q. : + I
single layers of most substances that vibrate easily . Does not
M.E. : + I
work through plaster, wood , brick, cinder block , or stone .
P.P. : + 2
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the wings .
I O BIO-E for Full hands at the end of the wing s .
2 0 BIO-E for extra set o f fully developed arms and
hands .
Biped: Full Automatic
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
IO BIO-E for Full
Looks: None . Relatively small head , but with enormous pointed
ears on top , a huge upturned nose , wide mouth , and round,
bright, forward-pointing eye s . Body tapers from wide shoul
ders to slender hips . Arms and legs are long , and very skinny .
Hands and feet are long and bony . Soft, thick fur, red on top
of head , golden on the rest of the torso, with none on arms
and leg s .
5 BIO-E for Partial , Ears dominate a snouted head , with
a big fleshy nose and large features . Body is muscular, but
with noticeably large rib cage and bones . Arms and legs are
very long and thin . Fuzzy red hair on head , thick blond hair
on the chest, shoulders and back .
1 0 BIO-E for Full, Big ears , with points , and a long ,
pointed nose . Body builder shoulders and upper arms , but
slim hips and undersized lower arms and legs. Red hair on
top of head , but blond hair on body .
5 BIO-E for 1 D6 Teeth
Description: Vampire bats are the only mammals classified as
I O BIO-E for 2D6 Foot Claws
parasites. That ' s because they are completely dependent on
Powers: other creatures for their only food, blood . They approach
I O BIO-E for Glide their prey first by flying overhead . Then , when they' ve sniffed
20 BIO-E for Flight out a likely target, they land nearby . At that point they use
5 BIO-E for Sonar their agile legs and folded-up wings to run and leap up to
20 BIO-E for Advanced Sonar . Means that character has very their target , usually a large mammal like a cow . Making a
large , flexible ears , at least as large as a hand . Beyond the tiny incision in the skin with their four razor-sharp canine
abilities of regular sonar, it also allows the character to actually teeth , they proceed to suck the blood out of the victim, rolling
get a sense of what lies beyond certain surfaces . With water, up their tongue to use as a straw . Although the actual blood
that means detecting the motions of objects several feet be lost is too small to do much damage , the danger is from
neath the surface without entering or touching the water. How contracting rabies , a disease that vampire bats transmit all
deep the advanced sonar will detect something depends on too easily .
Size Level: I
Length: body to 3 . 5 inches , wingspan to 7 inches
Weight: to 3 ounces
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: 70
Attribute Bonuses:
P.P. : + I
HUMAN FEATURES Description: Although a member of the feline family , the
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the wing s . Jaquarondi looks more like a weasel than a cat . This is due
1 0 BIO-E for Full hands a t the end o f the wings . to its shape , having a long , thin body , and much shorter legs
20 BIO-E for extra set of fully developed arms and than other cats . Coat is thin and smooth , with hairs being
hands . light at the base and darker at the ends . While most Jaquarondi
Biped : Partial Automatic are a solid dark grey-brown , almost black, about 25 % , some
5 BIO-E for Full times even in the same litter, are a bright red color. They
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial prefer hunting and living on the ground , usually sleeping
10 BIO-E for Full under a nest of gras s .
Looks: None . Head like a bulldog , with large , leaf-shaped ,
pointed ears , and round , bright eye s . The snout' s upper part Size Level: 5
is a fleshy , large nose with the tip upturned all the way above Length: to 52 inches long ( 1 . 3 m)
the eyes , and the lower lip is also fleshy , but split in two and Weight: to 32 pounds ( 1 4 . 5 kg)
hanging down below the chin . Body is rounded , with a hun Build: Long
chback appearance . Arms are very long , capable of touching MUTANT CHANGES & COSTS
the ground while upright , and both arms and legs are long Total BIO-E: 60
and skinny . Entire body , except for the arms , legs and the Attribute Bonuses:
nose and lips , is covered with thick black fur, splotched with P.S . : + I
white on the underbelly . P.P. : + 2
5 BIO-E for Partial . Prominent pointed ears on top of the Spd . : + 4
head . Big, upturned nose , and big, downturned lower lip .
Muscular, barrel-like body , with very long arms , and thin
arms and leg s . Thick black hair, with white highlights , on Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
head , chelt, shoulders and back . 10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full . Pug-nosed , with bright eyes , a wide
1 0 BIO-E for Full
mouth with thick lips , and oversized, pointed, ears . Bristly
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
black hair with streaks of grey . Body is muscular and broad
10 BIO-E for Full
shouldered , with long arms and leg s .
Looks: None . Cat-like head , but with wider forehead and
Natural Weapons:
broader, more compact nose . Eyes have round pupils , not
5 BIO-E for I D8 Teeth
the slitted type common in most cats . Covered in short fur,
Powers: with no markings other than some light patches on the face .
10 BIO-E for Glide Long , lean body , with short, stubby legs . Broad hands and
20 BIO-E for Flight feet . Long tail , about half the body ' s length .
5 BIO-E for Sonar 5 BIO-E for Partial . Rounded head , with ears sticking
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell out on top , and with a broad forehead . Eyes and nose are
5 BIO-E for Leaping , doubles normal leap or jump . large and rounded. Body is long and muscular, covered with
1 5 BIO-E for Thermo Imaging Vision , a unique , short range light fur. A short , stubby tai l , and short arms and legs .
sense that enables the natural bat to actually see the warmth of 1 0 BIO-E for Full , Face is dominated by a prominent
the blood coursing through the largest veins and those closest forehead , and large eye s . Short , thinning hair, either of grey
to the surface his victim ' s skin . In a game context, the mutant or red . Ears stick out somewhat and are a bit oversized . Body
can see heat emanations from nearby individuals and objects , is long and lean , contrasting with shorter than average arms
such as a warm car engine or somebody hiding a few feet away and legs.
behind a bush . Range is limited to about 5 feet ( 1 . 5 meters) .
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 1 08 Retractable Claws
5 BIO-E for I D8 Teeth
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
Hands : 5 BIO-E for Partial
1 0 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None . Rounded triangle of a head , with snout at the
bottom , and rounded ears at the upper comers . Graceful ,
muscular, lean body . Powerful arms and legs , with padded
hands and feet . Eyes are large and forward facing . Covered
with luxurious fur patterned with black spots and stripes on
a creamy gold background . Tail nearly as long as the body .
5 BIOE for Partial . Large ears and eyes on a slightly
snouted head . Lean , well-muscled body , ending in short tail .
Thick hair, with leopard pattern .
1 0 BIO-E for Full . Take an additional + 3 to P . B . Eyes
are large and luminous . Somewhat flattened nose , but with
nicely shaped ears and mouth . Lean , smoothly muscled body ,
with perfectly proportioned arms and legs . Hair is a golden
blond , with streaks of black at the temples and over the ears .
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for I DS Retractable Claws (Climbing)
1 5 BIO-E for 2D6 Retractable Claws (Climbing)
5 BIO-E for I DS Teeth
10 BIO-E for 2D6 Teeth
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Natural Acrobatics; exactly same abilities as the
acrobatics skill , but minus the attribute and other bonuses pro
vided by the skill . B ase skill is 70% and does not increase with
experience .
ORIGINAL ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS Description: Gangly in appearance , with outrageously long legs
Description: Although it looks a lot like other cats , especially and neck , the flamingo is a specialist in extracting small
the Ocelot, the Margay is unique in that it is the only arboreal shrimp and other aquatic life directly from the water. They
feline . Living exclusively in trees , it is a superb acrobat, able do this by filling their large beaks with water, then after
to run on branches , or even walk under them , holding on to straining out the water through thousands of tiny teeth , swal
the upside-down portions with its strong claws . Nocturnal , lowing the creatures who are stuck inside . Their pink coloring
the Margay hunts squirrels , monkeys , birds and other tree comes from the color of their prey , so the more shrimp they
dwellers . Margays are also the best looking of all cats , match eat the darker red they become . If shrimp are scarce , the
ing the best domestic cats in markings , fine features , large flamingo will fade to lighter pink , and eventually tum com
eyes , and shapely bodies . pletely white .
Size Level: 3 Size Level: 3
Length: to 40 inches long ( I m) , including a 22 inch body and Height: to 4 feet tall ( 1 . 2 m) , wingspan to 6 feet (l . S m)
an I S inch tail , to 1 2 inches (0 . 3 m) tall at the shoulders . Weight: to 10 pounds (4 . 5 kg)
Weight: to 9 pounds (4 kg) Build: Long
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: 70 Attribute Bonuses: None
Attribute Bonuses:
I.Q. : + I
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
P.S. : + 2
1 0 BIO-E for Full
P.P. : + 3
20 BIO-E for Extra Arms with Full Hands
Biped: Full Automatic GIANT ANTEATER
10 BIO-E for Full
Description: Large , toothless, ground-dwelling creatures who
Looks: None . Small , round head , with downtumed beak longer live exclusively on the insects they scoop up with their long ,
than the head itself. The neck is longer than the legs , thick sticky tongues (up to 3 feet long) . The giant anteater walks
and flexible. Rounded, humped , back . Legs are ridiculously on the knuckles of its front feet , keeping the razor-sharp ,
long and skinny , ending in wide , knobby feet . Covered in six-inch-Iong claws tucked safely in and upward . Using the
plumage that varies from white to pink to bright red , depend claws to break into hard-packed dirt or nests , the anteater
ing on how much seafood the character has been eating . feeds exclusively on hive insects like ants and termites .
5 BIO-E for Partial . Rounded head with prominent beak Size Level: 6
and tiny , rounded eyes . Ears and nose are just holes . Neck Length: to 4 feet long ( 1 . 2 m) , tail to 3 feet long (0 . 9 m)
is thick and twice the length of the head . Thick , rounded Weight: to 50 pounds (22 . 6 kg)
body , with long , thin, knobby legs . Downy feathers on top Build: Medium
of head , back of neck , and covering the torso.
1 0 BIO-E for Full. A dark, oversized beak of a nose , with MUTANT CHANGES & COSTS
little eyes and tiny ears . The head is relatively small , and the Total BIO-E: 60
neck is just as long as the head . Body is squat and wide , with Attribute Bonuses:
overlong leg s . In place of hair there is a covering of downy P.S.: + 3
feathers ranging from white to red , depending on diet . HUMAN FEATURES
Natural Weapons: None Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Glide
10 BIO-E for Full
20 BIO-E for Flight
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
1 0 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None . Very long and narrow head , almost as long as an
arm , tapering to a slightly flared set of nostrils and a tiny
mouth . Body is covered with black , grey and white fur, with
dramatic markings along the body . Powerful build, with mus
cular arms and shoulders , but with undersized legs and tiny
feet. Enormous tail , with bushy , bristly hairs making the
appendage appear almost as large as the creature itself.
5 BIO-E for Partial . Strong looking body , with heavy ,
muscular arms and hands contrasting with short legs and small
feet . The head is a long , narrow muzzle with tiny ears on
top , eyes narrow and off to the sides of the face, and very
small nose and mouth . Vivid markings of white , black and
grey fur. Thick tail , as long as an arm .
1 0 BIO-E for Full . Pointed features , including a long , sharp
nose overhanging the upper lip , small ears and mouth , and
widely spaced eyes . Thin white streaks in black or dark grey
hair, and pointed ears . Broad shoulders , powerful arms and
hands, somewhat undersized hips , legs and feet .
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for l D 1 0 Claws
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tongue , as Partial Hand
5 BIO-E for Digging
Description: In spite of its size and natural armament , the Giant
Armadillo specializes in eating insects , mostly underground
ants , termites , and worms . Using its huge claws , measuring
up to eight inches long , the creature burrows after food and
digs long tunnels for shelter. It can also stand on its rear legs
while digging or fighting , and often runs in a bipedal stance .
Size Level: 8 Weight: to 70 pounds (3 1 . 7 kg)
Length: body to 40 inches long ( 1 m) , tail to 22 inches Build: Long
Weight: to 1 30 pounds (59 kg)
Build: Short
Total BIO-E: 60
MUTANT CHANGES & COSTS Attribute Bonuses:
Total BIO-E: 35 P.S. : + I
Attribute Bonuses: P.P. : + 1
P.S.: + 4 P.E. : + 2
P.E. : + 3
HUMAN FEATURES Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
Hands : 5 BIO-E for Partial 1 0 BIO-E for Full
10 BIO-E for Full Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
Biped: Partial Automatic 1 0 BIO-E for Full
5 BIO-E for Full Speecb: 5 BIO-E for Partial
Speecb: 5 BIO-E for Partial 1 0 BIO-E for Full
10 BIO-E for Full Looks: None . Round , tubular body , with sharp spines running
Looks: None . Snouted head , with small mouth , widely spaced along the back . Arms and legs are short, hands and feet have
eye s , and small , donkey-like ears . Thick , humped back co long , flexible fingers and toes . Large head with huge mouth
vered with scaly bumps . Short , but massively muscled arms and j aw . Long tail , thick at the base , but tapering to a point,
and legs. Oversized hands and feet , bigger than the head . nearly the length of the body . Covered with green , black and
Thick tail , nearly as long as the body . white scales .
5 BIO-E for Partial . Long nose , small mouth , and weak 5 BIO-E for Partial . Round , long body , with short arms
chin . The back of the head merges with the back . Thick, and legs . Shiny scales in place of head and body hair . Skinny
muscular body , arms and legs . Hunched-over look , with thick , tail , at least as long as an arm. Eyes are wide apart and
stubby tail . Bumpy skin with a hard , rigid appearance . slightly protruding , capable of swiveling up , down , back and
10 BIO-E for Full . With the appearance of a professional forward .
football linebacker , complete with small head with no neck , 1 0 BIO-E for Full . Bald, with flat facial features , widely
broad shoulders , massive build and huge hands and feet . Only spaced eyes , and no ears Gust ear holes) . Body is long and
a light touch of wispy hairs on the head . Thick , fleshy bumps lean , with corded muscles visible in the arms and legs. Fingers
under the ears and on the backs of the hands . and toes are long and lean .
Natural Weapons: Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1 D6 Claws 5 BIO-E for 1 D6 Claws (climbing)
10 BIO-E for 1 D 10 Claws 5 BIO-E for 1 D8 Teeth
Powers: 1 0 BIO-E for 1 D4 Whipsaw Tail , counts as one extra Hand
5 BIO-E for Digging to Hand attack per melee round . The top of the tail is covered
10 BIO-E for Tunnelling with razor-sharp serrations , like the blade of a steak knife ,
5 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor; A . R . : 8 , and inflicts I D6 damage per strike .
S . D . C . : + 25 Powers:
10 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armor; A . R . : 1 0 , 15 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor; A . R . :9 and
S . D . C . : + 50 S . D . C . : + 25
20 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Body Armor; A . R . : 1 3 , 30 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armor; A . R . : 1 2 and
S . D . C . : + 75 S . D . C . : + 40
35 BIO-E for Extra Heavy Natural Body Armor; A . R . : 1 5 ,
S . D . C . : + 100
IGUANA Known locally as "nightwalkers"
1 0 BIO-E for Full . Sharp nose and chin , with large , round
eyes, and protruding , undersized ears . Body is lean and mus
cular, with somewhat short arms and legs . Hair is golden
brown , thick and straight .
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for I D6 Claws (Climbing)
5 BIO-E for I D6 Teeth
1 0 BIO-E for Prehensile Tail . The Kinkajou is the only
mammal who can hang by its tail and then climb up to it;
add a bonus of + 5% to climbing skil l .
5 BIO-E for Feet a s Partial Hands
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
Description: Although shaped like a seal , the Manatee is purely
aquatic ; it is born in the water and never leaves it . It is related
only to other Manatees and Dugongs , not to any other mam
mal s . They live in tropical seas and eat all manner of aquatic
vegetation .
Size Level: 1 9
Length: to 1 5 feet (4 . 5 m) long
Weight: to 1 , 500 pounds (680 kg)
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: None
Hands : 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
MUTANT CHANGES & COSTS Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
Total BIO-E: 65 1 0 BIO-E for Full
Attribute Bonuses: Looks: None . Round , thick-skinned body . Elongated head with
I.Q. : + I bulbous , wrinkled snout. Small , slitted eyes . Tiny arms and
M.E. : + 2 legs, flattened and thin . Rounded , flat tail .
P.P. : + I 5 BIO-E for Partial . Rounded body . Thick neck and head .
HUMAN FEATURES Short limbs. Covered in thick , wrinkled skin .
Hands : Partial Automatic 1 0 BIO-E for Full . Powerful , thick body , with thick neck .
5 BIO-E for Full Eyes have a sleepy , half-open look , and the ears are just
Biped: Partial Automatic holes . Arms and legs have a flat, unfinished look to them.
5 BIO-E for Full Natural Weapons: None
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Touch
Looks: None . Round head tapers to a narrow , fox-like snout.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
Ears are round , not particularly large , but stick straight out
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
from the sides of the head . Eyes are large and round. Body
1 0 BIO-E for Thick Flesh . Add + 20 to S . D . C . and A . R . : 8 .
is long and lean , covered with rich , golden fur. Arms and
1 0 BIO-E for Natural Swimming ability equal to basic swim
legs are relatively short , ending in strong hands and feet . The
skill 70% .
tail is as long as a leg , and also covered in thick fur.
5 BIO-E for Partial . Rounded head with prominent round
features . Body is long and flexible , and covered with brow
nish-gold fur. Short, stubby tail .
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None . Oversized head with huge snout, thick bristles
on a chunky , bulbous nose , large round eyes on the sides of
the head , and largish ears with curly ends . Short, skinny legs
and a thick body , humped toward the rear. Thick fur, with
dotted stripes running from front to back on the Paca, solid
reddish-brown fur on Agoutis. Tiny , naked tail .
5 BIO-E for Partial . Thick body , and bottom heavy . Arms
and legs are excessively short and skinny . Head is hippo-like ,
with a fat nose bristling with whiskers . Ears and eyes are
oversized and rounded . Light fur covers the body .
1 0 BIO-E for Full . Large hips , thick, almost fat body , with
arms and legs that are disproportionately stubby . Large, wide
chin , big , bulbous nose , wide , round eyes , and oddly shaped
ears . Heavy whiskers on upper lip .
Natural Weapons: None .
Powers: None .
Description: There are two varieties: Three-Toed and Two
Toed , each named , rather obviously , for the number of claws
on their front paws (both have three claws on each rear foot) .
Sloths are unique in that they spend their entire lives up-side
down, hanging from underneath branches of trees . The hairs
of the sloth have slight grooves , just enough for tiny algae
to grow in them, and therefore , giving them a greenish tinge
that makes them hard to see among the other greenery . They
move slowly , and feed exclusively on the leaves and buds of
the trees they live in .
Size Level: 3
Length: to 2 feet (0 . 6 m) long
Weight: to 10 pounds (4 . 5 kg)
PACA and AGOUTIS Build: Medium
10 BIO-E for Heat Location Pit Organs. These hollow "pits" in Powers:
the face allow the character to "sense" the location, size , and 1 0 BIO-E for Prehensile Trunk in place of nose ( Partial Hand)
temperature of warm objects and creatures , just by heat. Works 5 BIO-E for Adv anced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
in any amount of light , or in total darkness, with a 50 feet ( 1 5 5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
Description: Why do Toucans have such huge beaks? No one
knows ! Their brightly colored beaks account for about half
their body weight , even with an efficient honeycomb of bone ,
but seem to have no useful function . Of course, they use their
beaks for eating , for defense and for display , but plenty of
other birds manage the same functions without investing in
such huge beaks . In spite of that, there are almost forty species
of toucan throughout Central and South America .
Size Level: 2
Height: to two feet tall (0 . 6 m)
Weight: to 5 pounds (2 . 25 kg)
Build: Short
Total BIO-E: 65
Attribute Bonuses:
I.Q. : + 1
M.E. : + 1
M.A. : + 1
P.P. : + 1
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs with Full Hands Description: Toothless and tree-dwelling , both the Tamandua
Biped: Full Automatic and two-toed tree-climbing anteaters live exclusively on the
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial insects they scoop up with their long , sticky tongues . Both
10 BIO-E for Full prey on hives of ants and termites that make nests in trees .
Looks: None . Huge beak with narrow head that seems almost The major difference between the Tamandua and the Two
like a handle for the beak. The body is short and squat, with Toed Anteater is in size . However, there are four other minor
the chest sticking out as if the creature were constantly over-in differences . First, the Tamandua' s tail is naked on the under
flated . Short, knobby legs . If there are wings , they 'll be side , allowing for a better gripping surface . Second , where
rounded and fairly short . Covered in either black, or brightly the Two-Toed Anteater is covered in uniform light brown
colored feathers with dramatic markings under the chin , at fur , the Tamandua has varied marking s , with a dark area on
the tail , along the sides of the face , and along the beak . the body as if the creature were wearing a vest , and with
5 BIO-E for Partial . Short , thick body , with caved-in mottled patches of dark and light fur on the tail . Third , the
back , and puffed-out chest . Legs are short and thin . The head Tamandua has three claws on its foreleg s , where the Two
is squat, atop a thick neck, and the beak is as long as the Toed Anteater, obviously , has but two . Finally, the Tamandua
head . Brightly colored feathers , especially at the top of the has a tiny mouth at the end of its snout, like the Giant Anteater,
head , on the chest and the upper arms (or wings) . but unlike the Two-Toed Anteater which has a mouth with
10 BIO-E for Full . Protruding chest bone on a thick , short jaws that partially split the snout.
body . Narrow hips , long , skinny leg s . Enormous nose , with Size Level: TAMANDUA: 3
large , round eyes , small mouth and ears . Features will tend TWO-TOED ANTEATER: 1
to be strongly colored, with very red lips , fine black feathers Length: TAMANDUA: body to 24 inches (0 . 6 m) , tail to 22
in place of hair, white skin in some places , dark yellow , or inches
grey in others . TWO-TOED ANTEATER: body to 7 inches (0 . 2 m) ,
Natural Weapons: tail to 8 inches
5 BIO-E for I D6 damage Claws (Climbing) Weight: TAMANDUA: to 10 pounds (4 . 5 kg)
10 BIO-E for I D8 damage Beak TWO-TOED ANTEATER: to I pound ( . 45 kg)
Build: Long
20 BIO-E for Flight Total BIO-E: TAMANDUA: 75
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision TWO-TOED ANTEATER: 85
Attribute Bonuses:
P.P. : + 2
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Powers: Another possibility is for the Tree Porcupine to use the quills
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell as daggers , pulling them out and throwing them at opponents
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tongue , as Partial Hand for I D4 damage each .
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tail
Description: Also known as Yapok, it is the only known aquatic
Description: Totally adapted to living in trees , with long , curved marsupial , ranging from Mexico , south to Argentina. Uses
claws for climbing , able to swing from its prehensile tail , its super-long tail and broad-webbed hind feet for swimming .
and it is covered in thick calluses instead of quills . The Tree Has a muscle lining its pouch that keeps the young completely
Porcupine eats mostly leaves and tree buds . water-tight. Looks like a long-legged rat, with lots of spindly
Size Level: 3 whiskers .
Length: to 2 feet long (0 . 6 m) , tail to 1 8 inches long Size Level: 3
Weight: to 10 pounds (4 . 5 kg) Length: body is to 1 3 inches (0 . 3 m) , tail is to 1 6 inches .
Build: Medium Weight: to 8 pounds (3 . 6 kg)
Attribute Bonuses: Total BIO-E: 70
P.P. : + 1 Attribute Bonuses:
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial Spd . : 2
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial Hands : Partial Automatic
10 BIO-E for Full 5 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full 10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None . Covered in thick fur (or quills , if Quill Defense Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
is selected) that covers most of the head and body . Sticking 10 BIO-E for Full
out , and of darker color are the end of the snout, the hands Looks: None . Built like a very long-legged rat , with a long ,
and feet, and the end of the tail . It' s the eyes that are really slightly upturned snout, and a lean body . Very long , leathery
strange; since they are surrounded by more normal-looking tail , only furry about a quarter of the way down . Dark fur
skin , it makes it look like the whole creature is inside a on back and head , light grey on belly and chin . Protruding
porcupine costume . Thick tail , almost as long as the rest of pink ears and nose . Webbed rear feet.
the body . 5 BIO-E for Partial . Long , sinewy body , with long arms
5 BIO-E for Partial . B lunt head , with broad nose and and leg s . Prominent tail , little , round ears , long , narrow face .
mouth , wide , round eye s , and small , round ears . Body is 1 0 BIO-E for Full . Long legs and arms with a smooth long
somewhat humpbacked, with wide shoulders and hips . Short body . Large feet and large nails on both fingers and toe s .
tail , long fingers and toe s . Very thick hair everywhere except Narrow , sharp-featured face .
on the hands , feet, tail tip , and face .
Natural Weapons:
1 0 BIO-E for Full . Thick body , large head and neck . Round
5 BIO-E for I D6 Claws
eyes with a perpetual "surprised" look. Thick, bristly hair.
Long , strong hands and fingers . Powers:
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Whiskers that can detect vibration in darkness and
5 BIO-E for I D6 Claws
5 BIO-E for I D6 Teeth
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
Powers: 5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tail, use as Partial Hand .
1 0 BIO-E for Prehensile tail . Use as Partial Hand .
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
15 BIO-E for Quill Defense . This is a kind of Natural Body
Armor; A. R . : 1 2 and S . D. C . : + 30. A physical attack directed
against the Tree Porcupine that rolls 1 2 or less will result in
contact with the quills , and they in tum do 2D6 damage (2
points per quill) damage to the attacker. The Tree Porcupine
can also use the quills to attack , using either ( 1 ) a Body Block
that will inflict 3D6 damage , (2) a B ackhand Strike that does
2D6 damage , or (3) a Tail Strike that does 2D6 damage .
Tribes of the Yucatan
Of the hundreds of different tribes of mutant animals i n the with food, sprouting tiny ant-sized fruit at the bases of their
jungle , here are some interesting examples . . . leaves . For their part, the ants capture (and eat) any insects that
land on the tree , and aggressively attack any large animal that
approaches . They also trim off vines , and even go out and cut
Tree Anteater Tribe down other plants that might interfere with their tree ' s share of
The most "ecological" of the tribes of mutant jungle animal s . sunlight .
They have arrived at a kind o f balance with nature with the Now , in the mutated jungle, the Tree Anteaters have exploited
Azteca ants, and with the Cecropia trees that house the ants . both the mutant Azteca ants and the Cecropia trees . First off
To understand how this works , we ' ll first take a peek at the all , the anteaters manipulate the growing trees , twisting , tying
pre-Death version of the Azteca ants . Like other ants , the Azteca and bending the growing branches . That way , when the tree is
live in a hive , with young produced by a queen , and with the fully grown , there is a comfortable living space for the mutant
usual workers and warriors . The difference is that the Azteca Anteaters . These spaces are surrounded by thorn-covered , Azteca
have evolved to become exclusively dependent on one kind of Ant-infested branches , which make for an excellent defense
"home , " the Cecropia tree . This tree grows hollow "apartments" against intruders . Secondly , by planting Cecropia Trees , and
inside its stems , and branches , and even grows hollow thoms , "seeding" them with ant hive s , they continuously provide for
all of them just the right size for Azteca ant colonies . Plus , as room to expand . And finally , the very thing that makes their
an added attraction , the Cecropia tree even supplies the ants home secure , the Azteca Ants , also becomes the Anteaters ' main
food supply .
For explorers , especially those helped by a native guide , there warriors will charge out to meet any threat. The non-warrior
is a tribe of Tree Anteaters just thirty miles from the town of types , who generally don 't leave the inside of the tree , are much
Zapata . Headed by an old, half-blind chief named Teotl , this smaller and have no armor or fighting skills .
tribe is friendly toward outsiders . If given a few nice "presents ," Attributes: I . Q . : 2 , P . S . : 5 , P . E . : 5 , Spd . : 8
they will send along a couple of their young adults as scouts Size Level: 1 Weight: to 1 pound Length:to 14 inches
and helpers . Two , a 1 4-year-old named Xatu , talkative , en A.R. : 6 (Light Armor Plate)
thusiastic , and an expert in ant lore , and Quatihl , a quiet, 20-year Hit Points: 4 S.D.C . : 4
old apprentice snake doctor, will be available to go along with Disposition: Angry and defensive when their tree is bothered.
explorers heading into the jungle ' s interior. Weapons: They use 1 D3 damage (roll I D6 and divide by 2)
TYPICAL TREE ANTEATER TRIBE MEMBER thorns to stick their opponents . Thoms do one point of dam
Although awkward on the ground , the Anteaters are like magi age .
cians in the trees . They move quickly , silently , and nearly invis Attacks Per Melee: 2
ibly through the mid-level canopy of the jungle . As scouts , they + 1 to Strike
are capable of ranging far out from a party of adventurers , up
to five miles away in a straight line , or covering a full mile of
surrounding area. The Tribe of "DWAYNE"
Typical Alignment: Scrupulous
A common tribe in some of the more rugged terrain , where
Size Level: 9 to 1 2
the trees are sparse , or where poor soil keeps growth down to
Human Features:
less than fifty feet tall. In these areas the Tribe of Dwayne has
Hands - Usually FULL
spread with small farms , and their philosophy of "peace and
Biped - Usually PARTIAL
love , man , love and peace ! "
Speech - Usually PARTIAL
Looks - NONE The game master tip for handling the followers o f Dwayne ,
other than their avoidance of violence , and their reverence for
Disposition: Most are quiet, with dignified manners . They speak
"nature , " is the way they speak . Typical words they use when
little , and are very polite . Their sense of humor is very sub
they don' t like something are "Bogus ! " or "Uncool ! " or "Unhip ! "
dued , and they are slow to anger.
Words for approval include "Cool ! " o r "Righteous ! " o r "Ecolog
Appearance/Special Features: Prehensile Tail and a Long , ical ! " or "Macrobiotic ! " Here are a few other useful phrases :
Sticky Tongue . The tongue is used exclusively for eating ants
"Like , man , i t would b e totally uncool t o eat another
and other insects . Extending up to 1 8 inche s , the tongue can
sentient life form ! Can you dig it?"
snatch up four insects per melee round .
Powers: About half have Advanced Smell "It ' s like , not in my ethical program to engender hos
Natural Weapons: I D8 Claws tilities . Peace ar.d love , man , give peace and love a
chance . . . "
Psionics: About half have either Mental B lock , See Aura, or
Sixth Sense . Those that don ' t have psionics have advanced "Tribe? Naw , we 're not a tribe , we ' re just tribal , man .
smell . Like , we try to follow the sacred word of our coolest
Weapons Proficiencies: Prepare Jungle Poison (60% ) , W . P . brother, Dwayne . "
Blowpipe and W . P . Machete . "Yeah , like , Dwayne Unger came to the jungle from
Skills/Language: Climbing (94%) , Jungle Survival (55 % ) , Ant the unhip and uncool land to the north . He had , like , a
Lore (80% ) , Tracking (50%) , Detect Ambush (85 % ) , Detect vision , you know? A vision of peace and love and lots
Concealment (48%) . One in five has Snake Doctor Medicine and lots of mother nature . He wanted to be like , meek,
(75 %) . y ' know? So he came down here to the coolest land , the
Yucatan , where the jungle grows free and the animals are
Their language is Tzotzil Maya , but most can get by in the
like liberated , y ' know?"
other Mayan dialects . One in ten knows Spanish, and one in
thirty might know a little broken English . "Far out man ! Dwayne says ya' always gotta' share your
stuff. "
Attacks Per Melee: 1 in hand to hand combat, 2 with blowpipe .
"Hey man , haven 't you ever heard of Dwayne ' s golden
No Bonuses in Hand to Hand Combat.
rule? Like , do unto others , unless they don ' t want you to . "
Equipment/Supplies: Aside from weapons (usually a blowpipe
and a dagger) , the Tree Anteater carries a bandolier of several TYPICAL TRIBESMAN OF DWAYNE
gourds . Most of these contain special ant lore chemicals used Although tribe members can be any mutant animal , there are
for either pacifying , or antagonizing different kinds of mutant a lot of mutant Kinkajous .
ants . They also carry a large gourd used as a "grenade , "
which will burst o n impact , releasing three o r four mutant
Azteca Warrior Ants (see as follows) .
Alignment: Usually Principled or Anarchist
Mutant Azteca Ants Attributes: Varies
Evolved from ordinary Azteca ants , these highly organized Size Level: Ranges from 8 to 1 1
ants inhabit the mutant Cecropia trees and have added weapon Disposition: Friendly , easy-going , talkative .
using to their list of abilities . Swarms of from 6 to 36 (6D6)
Monkey Tribe
Based on an obscure tribe of Yumisquia Indians , the Monkey
Tribe has a reputation for fiercenes s , but also for fairness . They
make their homes in the middle and highest levels of the jungle
canopy , eating fruit, insects and tender new leaves . A large
variety of different species of mutant monkeys belong to this
one tribe .
They have cultivated a reputation as eaters of fellow mutant
animals . Aside from wearing fierce war paint, and ornaments
made from the skulls and bones of smaller mutant animals , they
like to describe themselves as "Lo-Ki-Yin , " or cannibals . Give
them half a chance and they ' ll describe frightening tortures that
they will inflict on their intended menu of captive mutant animals .
However, this is just a big bluff that they like to put on to scare
their jungle neighbors .
Typical Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: All average , except P . P . add 2D4 .
Size Levels: Range from 4 to 1 1
Human Features:
Hands - FULL
B iped - PARTIAL
Speech - FULL
Disposition: Friendly , inquisitive , quick-tempered .
Appearance/Special Features: About one in three has a Prehen
sile Tail .
Human Features:
Hands - FULL
Biped - FULL
Speech - PARTIAL
Looks - NONE
Natural Weapons: None
Powers: None
Psionics: Most have at least two psionic abilities (25 BIO-E
Points each) , and in any group of eight or more you can
expect to find all the various animal psionics , including
Mechanical Manipulation (see Transdimensional TMNT) or
Natural Mechanical Genius (see Road Hogs) .
Skills/Language: Find and Prepare Jungle Food, Jungle Survi
val , Swimming , Tracking , and W . P . Machete , all at 2nd
level . All the followers of Dwayne speak English , but they
also know a little Spanish and Mayan as well (about at 50%
proficiency) .
Weapon Proficiencies: The Dwaynites don' t believe in using
lethal weapons . So they mostly use Poison Blowpipes with
a poison that just causes a slowing down of reaction time
( - 2 attacks per melee , to a minimum of 1 attack per melee) ,
and dizziness ( - 8 on P. P . , - 4 to Strike , Parry or Dodge) .
Combat Skills
Attacks Per Melee : 1
Since the followers of Dwayne are believers in nonviolence ,
they don't study any kind of hand to hand combat, and they
have no combat bonuses .
Powers: Fairly rare . Most of the mutant monkeys have no ad them to summon help . Reinforcements will range from 1 to 8
vanced senses , natural weapons , or any other special animal ( I D8) additional hunting groups, who will arrive anywhere from
powers . 2 to 1 2 (2D6) minutes after they ' ve been summoned . When they
Psionics: Rare , about one in twenty has Sixth Sense . want to gather a really large horde , from 20 to 80 (2D4 times
Skills/Language: Climbing is their main skill (98% ) , but they 1 0) hunting groups, they ' ll take an hour or so , and scatter to
are also adept at Mimic Animal and Insect Calls (90% ) , as call in all of their relatives . Clever in battle , if the Vampiros
well as Imitating Voices (after listening for about five minutes are outnumbered or outgunned , they ' ll simply move out of range
they ' ve got a 25% chance of success , but if they get to know until reinforcements arrive .
the voice , say by listening for a couple of days , they improve Typical Alignments: Unprincipled , Anarchist, or Miscreant .
to 76%) . Among their sneakier skills are Palming (40%) and Attributes: Minimum M . E . 8 (may add I D6)
Pick Pockets (55%) . Find and Prepare Jungle Food (90%) , Minimum P . E . 10 (may add 2D4)
Jungle Survival (75 % ) , Tracking (55 % ) , Detect Ambush Average Size Level: 6
(85 % ) , Detect Concealment (85%) . About one in six has Average Height/Wingspan: 3 feet (0 . 9 m) tall , 8 foot wingspan
Snake Doctor Medicine (70%) . Average Weight: 65 Pounds (30 kg)
Their native language is Yumisquia, but most know a few A.R. : 4 Average Hit Points: 1 4
words of Spanish as well . Average S.D.C . : 3 2
Weapon Proficiencies: All are adept with Poison Blowpipe (6th Human Features:
level W . P . B lowpipe) and Throwing Poison Darts (4th level Hands - PARTIAL
W . P . Throwing Daggers) . Prepare Jungle Poison (60% ) . B iped - FULL
Speech - PARTIAL
Combat Skills
Looks - NONE
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Disposition: Testy , aggressive , and mean when in a group .
Bonuses: + 2 to Strike , Parry , Dodge , and Damage Appearance/Special Features: Ugly .
Powers: All have Sonar, and most have Advanced Smell also .
Natural Weapons: Claws . Their sharp claws are too small to
Los Murcielagos Vampiros do any substantial damage (less than one hit point) . However,
the bats of this tribe routinely coat their claws with poison ,
The Vampire Bat Tribe
dipping their fingertips in a small jar or gourd . Successful
The skies above the mutant jungle are ruled , at least at night,
strikes with poison clawsno Hit Point or S . D . C . damage , but
by the hordes of the Vampire Bat Tribes , the "Vampiros . " All
the victim must Roll vs . Poison or be partly paralyzed (lose
the tribe members are either vampire or false vampire bats .
2 attacks per melee and reduce speed by half) .
Traveling in small groups of 4 to 9 ( 1 D6 + 3 ) , they prey on
Psionics: every hunting group there is one mutant bat with re
flying insects , but also on any mutant animals foolhardy enough
duced flying abilities (Glide) , who also has three psionic
to expose themselves . During the day they nest together in very
abilities : Detect Psionic s , Hypnotic Suggestion , and Tele
large groups of two hundred or more .
pathic Transmission .
Most other mutant animals attempt to stay away from the
Skills/Language: Climbing (88%) , Prepare Jungle Poison
Vampiros . Birds and other treetop dwellers come out only during
(70% ) , Navigation (70% ) , W . P . Bow with Poison Arrows ,
the day in Vampiro territory . Even other kinds of bats , who are
W . P . Poison Dart B lowpipe , Tracking (40%) , and at least
also nocturnal , either stay well below treetop level , or are careful
one out of every three has Snake Doctor Medicine skill (40%) .
to travel in large , well-armed groups of thirty or more .
The bat tribes are Spanish-speakers . One in twenty-five
Encountering the Vampiros need not be fatal . Although the
will know a few words of Mayan or English .
Vampiros are completely hostile to anyone outside their tribe ,
it' s possible to appease them with a bit of negotiation . If there Combat Skills
has been no combat , and so long as none of the Vampiros have Attacks Per Melee : 2
been "insulted, " they ' ll usually settle for a little booty . Money , + 3 to Strike , + I to Parry , + 6 to Dodge , + 5 to Roll with
or a few working items , like guns , knives or flashlights , will Punch or Fall .
satisfy them . Special Weapons: See Natural Weapons .
On the other hand , if there has already been bloodshed , or if
the Vampiros were insulted , or if the player characters don' t
9t?t • .-
have anything t o trade , the only alternative is to barter i n blood .
In this case , the Vampiros will demand a few hit points worth
of blood from each of their victims . Characters "donating" blood Realm of the ��
usually lose points directly off their hit points (not S . D . C . ) . ..,
Small characters , Size Level 4 or under, will only lose a single Leaf-Cutting Ants
point. Larger characters , from Size Levels 5 through 9, lose
I D4 points . And characters from Size Level 10 and up , lose The most frightening force of the Yucatan is the masses of
I D6 points . Leaf-Cutting Ants . These are tiny creatures , especially by the
Choosing to fight with any hunting group of Vampiros has standards of the mutated After the Bomb world . Just remember
another, secondary , danger. Their sonar hearing and projection that there are billions of them. When angered , they swarm out
allows them to communicate for miles , and makes it easy for from their underground burrows , often an attack force of five
thousand or more . And even if they do weigh less than a pound A.R. : 6 (Light Armor Plate) S.D.C . : 2
each , that works out to two tons of angry insects . Disposition: Usually single-minded enough to ignore anything
One of the reasons the Leaf-Cutters are so pervasive , and so but their immediate task . However, when disturbed or agitated
dangerous , is the fact that they have more than one queen at a they can become mindlessly aggressive .
time . Every other kind of insect society is based on the idea of Hit Points: Equal to P . E .
an exclusive queen; a system where queens automatically attack Natural Weapons: Jaw Mandibles ( l D4 damage)
each other until only one is left in power. Natural , pre-mutant, Attacks per Melee: 2
Leaf-Cutters tolerated several queens in the same hive . The + 1 to Strike , No Bonuses to Parry , Dodge or Damage
mutant Leaf-Cutter ants of the Yucatan are a single enormous
community , with hundreds of queens contributing offspring to Game Mastering a Major Swarm
the hive . of Leaf-Cutter Ants
Leaf-Cutters are also unique among insects in that they are If someone is attacked right at a leaf-cutter burrow entrance ,
really farmers , farmers of underground mushrooms . The cycle or trapped inside a leaf-cutter burrow , then there ' s the chance
starts when the foragers climb out above the ground and cut off of being engulfed by a major swarm . Let the player character
a section of a leaf, or simply scavenge any loose organic matter. destroy as many ants as he can with his limited melee round
They carry their booty down into mulch gardens , and then use actions . After all , there ' s plenty more to take their place . Typ
the mulch to cultivate their fungal gardens . Then , after carefully ically, a strike or two of any kind , with a fist , foot, stick , club ,
tending the fungus , they gather its special fruit, their main food gun , etc . , will kill the ant (Average Hit Points: 4) .
supply . Don ' t bother to roll to strike for the ants . There are so many
There are really only two ways to defend against the Leaf-Cut of them, they succeed automatically . How many ants success
ters . The first is to simply have thick enough and tight enough fully do damage depends on two of the character' s attributes .
armor to keep the ants away from your vital organs . The other First, how big i s the character i n Size Levels? Second , what is
method involves exploiting the ants ' natural means of communi the character' s natural A . R . ? Now subtract the character' s A . R .
cation . Using the chemical receptors in their sensitive antennas , from 1 6 , and multiply the result b y the Size Level .
the ants probe for minute traces of scent that lets them tell friend For example: Let ' s say that T1oltec , a mutant Iguana, is Size
from foe . These complex chemical s , called pheromones , pro Level 8 and has an A . R . :9 (Light Natural Body Armor) . 1 6
duced by a gland in the rear of the abdomen , are used to identify minus 9 equals 7 . Seven times size level eight (7x8) i s 5 6 . So
friend from foe and social class within the swarm , as well as to Tloltec takes a total of 56 points of damage every melee round
warn of invasion, and to signal workers to feed or groom the from the scores of ants climbing all over him . Even if a character
queens , larvae or warriors . Anyone without the right "smell" has an high A . R . of 1 5 , he would still have to contend with
will be attacked . individual attacks on his eyes and vulnerable flesh (A . R . 1 5-
Certain insects , mutated from their pre-Death parasitic ances 1 6 1 ; 1 x size level 8 8 points of damage per melee) . An
= =
tors , have the ability to produce "counterfeit" chemical signal s , armor of 1 6 or better is great protection , but even then the
fooling the ants into thinking that they are one o f them. See the character will have to worry about open slits for the eyes or
ant lore skill for more information on how characters can use other areas of access where the occasional ant can still bite ( 1 D4
these chemicals . damage) .
Very few creatures live i n the realm o f the Leaf-Cutter Ants .
Very numerous are the insects who have the ability to blend in Titantic Armadillo Tribe
with the Leaf-Cutters , and quite a few mutant animals with the
The only serious threat to the leaf-cutter ant population is this
ant lore skill have taken advantage of them . Flying or gliding
tribe of gigantic mutant armadillos . They eat constantly , either
mutant animals in the area always stay near treetop level , ready
grabbing up ants as they travel , or by digging up the occasional
to dart away from any threatening swarm . Only the Titanic
burrow . This eating goes on twelve hours a day , stopping only
Armadillos dare to live and eat at ground level . Other creatures
long enough for their frequent naps . Since they are totally depen
found on the ground are either foolish travelers or quick moving
dent on their ant food supply , they never leave the Leaf-Cutter
critters that dare to take a chance at evading ant swarms . But
region . They speak a simplified form of Spanish, and have no
these are passers-by , none live there , save the armadillos , and
education other than a system of writing messages by making
few travel too deep into the jungle ' s interior.
claw marks on trees .
Typical Leaf-Cutter Ant Males usually travel alone , while the females and young move
in groups of three to eight (roll I D6 + 2) ; usually two adult
(Warrior/Leaf-Gathers) females for every child . They are rarely out of earshot of each
These are the Leaf-Cutter Ants that are found above ground , other, and everyone in an area will usually gather together for
the ones that defend the hive and go foraging . Their underground an hour or so just at sunset. They regard all the ancient Mayan
kin are smaller and less well armored . temples in their region as "sacred" and gather in these regional
Attributes: Average I . Q . 2 (may add I D4) centers once each year, at the Summer Solstice .
(Minimum P . S . 5 (may add I D6) Typical Alignment: Scrupulous (but can be any)
Minimum P . E . 4 (may add I D4) Attributes: Average L Q . 5 (may add I D4)
Average Spd . 6 (may add I D6) Minimum P . S . 24 (may add 2D6)
Size Level: 1 Weight: up to 1 pound ( . 45 kg) Minimum P . E . 1 8 (may add 2D6)
Length: to 8 inches Average Spd . 6 (may add I D4)
Size Level: Usually 22 , but ranges from 20 to 23
Height: Usually around 14 feet (4 . 2 m) , but up to 17 feet tall TSI-ULU
Weight: Around 1 3 ,000 pounds (5900 kg) , with occasional over
sized giants .
Gene-Molded Cats
A.R. : 1 6 Average Hit Points: 52 S.D.C . : 245 of the Yucatan
Human Features:
Hands - PARTIAL Speech - PARTIAL Throughout the Yucatan , from the sleazy bars of Zapata to
Biped - PARTIAL Looks - NONE the highest nests of the mutant bats , there are rumors of the
"Tah Tsi-ulu, " ghost-like hunting cats who supposedly have the
Disposition: Generally benign , calm and contented . power to stalk the barrier between the world of the living and
Appearance/Special Features: Massive armor-plated creature s . the dead .
When standing still , i n the limited visibility o f the jungle , A rare few know that the rumors are true . Not that the Tsi-Ulu
they may be mistaken for a stone wall . They also have long , are supernatural , but that they are indeed creatures of great power
thick tails and massive limbs . and with the singular ability to cloud minds . They were not born
Powers: Digging . with their great powers , but were somehow changed or mutated ,
Natural Weapons: Huge ( l D l O) Claws on hands . when they were kittens , by an even stranger mutant.
Psionics: None; however , they just need to roll 13 or better (on In a world filled with strange mutant animals , the Tsi-Ulu are
Twenty-Sided) to Save versus Psionics . even more strangely mutated . For it is not the random mutagens
Skills: Lore of the Leaf-Cutter Ants . that has shaped them, but a strange human . A man so savagely
Weapons Proficiencies: None . mutated that it no longer fits the label "human , " with a body
Attacks Per Melee: 2 completely atrophied, and it' s only known power that of warping
No Bonus to Strike , Parry or Dodge . However, with their the mind and body of other mutant creatures .
P . S . bonus , strikes with their claws do I D l O+ P . S . bonus (P. S . There are roughly three hundred of these gene-rigged cats
24 is + 9 to damage) , backhand strikes are meant to stun and throughout the Yucatan . They maintain regular communications ,
do just 1 D6+ half P. S . bonus ( + 9 + 4 damage bonus) . and will often do good deeds for the inhabitants . Their sacred
Special Attack- Grab : +4 to Strike . Remember that the territory , the area where they allow no outside interference , is
average Titanic Armadillo ' s hand is over five feet across ( 1 . 5 marked by Tsi-Ulu altars . These are usually constructed at the
m) . This allows them to grab just about any character under size tops of ancient Mayan temples and building blocks . At the sum
level 1 5 . Unless the captive character has a substantial strength mits are shelters made of dried beetle armor, and inside there
(P. S . of 24 or better) , they will remain grabbed until the armadillo is usually the skeleton of a feline , with a large stone clenched
decides to let go . in the jaws of the skull .
Skills: Jungle Survival , Snake Doctor Medicine , Swimming ,
Typical Gene-Molded Cat
Climbing , Detect Ambush , Detect Concealment , Tracking ,
Tsi-Ulu generally wander alone , stalking invisibly around ,
and Prowl . Languages : All the Tsi-Ulu speak Spanish , En
and through the tribal lands of the Yucatan jungle s . Their mission
glish , and the Mayan dialects fluently .
is to protect their jungle homeland , and they will , if necessary ,
Attacks Per Melee: 5
sacrifice their own lives . Although they will always attempt to
+ 4 to Strike , + 6 to Parry or Dodge . Damage with claws
accomplish their goals first by secrecy and stealth , they will not
3D6 + 4. + 8 to Roll with Punch or Fall; Critical Strike on
shy away from direct combat if necessary . All full grown Tsi-Ulu
Natural 1 7 , 1 8 , 1 9 or 20 .
share the following attributes .
Names: Typical male names are Chan , Kayum, Kisin , and Kun
cuo . Female names are Koh , Matia, Nuk, and Xamen .
Typical Alignment: All , without exception , are Principled.
Attributes: Minimum I . Q . of 1 1 (may add a roll of 2D4)
Minimum P . S . of 1 7 (may add a roll of 2D4)
Minimum P . P . of 20 (may add a roll of I D4)
Minimum Spd . of 16 (may add a roll of 2D6)
Age Range: There are five of the eldest (aged 3 5 ) , and the rest
of the adults range from 1 3 to 28 (3D6 + 1 0) .
Size Level: Usually I I , but some are as much as 1 4 . 'lb��
Height: Average over 6 feet long ( 1 . 8 m) .
Weight: Average 320 pounds ( 1 45 kg) .
A.R. : 4 Average Hit Points: 40
Average S.D. C . : 55
Human Features: NONE ! Look like large jaguars . QUITEQ (Kee-Tek)
Disposition: Quiet , withdrawn , contemplative .
Ancient Tullah , first of the mutant j aguars , tells of how she
Appearance/Special Features: Natural looking jaguars , either found Quiteq outside of a burning human village . The scene
with jaguar spots or pure black. was splattered with human blood , and the only living thing was
Powers: Nightvision , Advanced Smell , Advanced Hearing . the crying baby Quiteq . For some reason she took pity on the
Natural Weapons: Retractable Claws; 3D6 damage . helpless human and carried him back to her den , feeding him
Psionics: All have Telepathic Transmission , Hypnotic Sugges along with her newborn kittens .
tion , Mind Block , Astral Projection , See Aura, Sixth Sense , No one , not even Tullah , his adopted mother, knows just how
and: intelligent Quiteq may be . He has never directly communicated
Hypnotic Invisibility (Special)! with anyone . Those who sleep by his side report that they have
Range: 48 feet ( 1 4 . 6 m ) per level extraordinary dreams , dreams of vivid colors and of movement
Duration: Varies through imaginary realms . Whether this is a side effect of
Saving Throw: Standard QUiteq' s power, or whether the dreams represent Quiteq' s spirit
A variation of Hypnotic Suggestion that works like a travel , is unknown .
"Forget It" command . When used , it will cause the victim to Alignment: Unknown
simply ignore something . The victim of this psionic assault Attributes: I . Q . : 1 5 , M . E . :40 , M . A . : 1 2 , P . S . : l , P . P . : l , P . E . : 3 ,
will cease to notice the "something" until the effect wears P . B . :2 , Spd . :O
Age: 48 Sex: Unknown
off, or until the Tsi-Ulu drops the suggestion . The most com
mon use is the suggestion "you don 't see me ," that effectively Size Level: 7
turns the Tsi-Ulu character invisible . Once the hypnotic invisi Weight: 1 32 Ibs (59 kg) Height: 4 feet ( 1 . 2 m)
bility takes effect , the affected characters can look directly A.R. : 0 Hit Points: 4 S.D. C . : 1
at the mutant cat and fail to see him . Disposition: Still , and always in a trancelike state .
Human Features: None
As with the standard Hypnotic Suggestion , this works only
Psionics: Bio-Manipulation - Genetics
on intelligent creatures . A victim who saves against hypnotic
invisibility will be totally unaware of the psi-attack and clearly Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
see the animal/item. Also , if the supposedly "invisible" item Saving Throw: None
attacks , touches, makes loud noises , or bad smells , then the This unique ability gives Quiteq the ability to shape the genetic
"invisible" command will be immediately dispelled . structures of young creatures . It' s only been used on mutant
The ability also works to cloak other things from the minds jaguars and a few other felines , and the result has always been
of their victims . For example , the Tsi-Ulu , working as a the same . It' s almost as if Quiteq had some kind of an image
group , can go through all the members of a jungle-dwelling of an "ideal" psionic feline , and forced that image on the kittens
tribe and make them not notice a nearby piece of pre-Death reared in the cave with him . He ' s never used the ability on any
technology . The prime example of this is Aztec-Land, which kitten older than three weeks . Not all the kittens brought to
the Tsi-Ulu view as dangerous . Nearby mutant animal s , and Quiteq are changed , but whether they "saved" against the change ,
the Empire of Humanity ' s scouts , simply fail to notice the or Quiteq deliberately chose not to change them, is unknown .
place as they approach or fly overhead , seeing simply a large , Level of Education: None
jungle-covered hill in its place . Personal Profile: Unknown; all he seems to do is sleep .
Empire of Humanity in the Yucatan
Having decided to find Aztec-Land (and its power source) , gun . They are always "on" and always searching with radar
the Empire of Humanity has dispatched a major fighting force and infrared for an approaching missile .
to the area . Their mission is simple: recover the Matter-Antimat
ter power source . Any mutant animals that are killed in the
Captain Paul Lovejoy
process will not be mourned by the Empire . The commander of the Yucatan mission is the cold , stem ,
by-the-book captain of the Aircraft Carrier. He rarely makes
mistakes , and never that of underestimating his opponents . His
Aircaraft Carrier orders are to find Aztec-Land , regardless of the cost .
EHS-Joseph McCarthy
The Empire of Humanity ' s primary base for their Yucatan
strike force is a refurbished and renamed light aircraft carrier .
Originally built around 1 999 A . D . during a conservation kick,
it is designed to draw its power exclusively from ecologically
safe , renewable energy sources , namely , the sun and the sea.
On a clear day solar panels provide 1 00% of ship ' s power. A
secondary power system, which can be deployed so long as the
ship is at rest, involves projecting a tube deep under water. The
pressure differential pushes the water up from the depths, runs
a turbine , and can recharge the ship ' s batteries in less than three
hours .
Capable of carrying a far larger load of aircraft, the McCarthy
currently supports only fourteen ( 1 4) Saber- 1 9s , and twenty (20)
LC- 1 2 Assault Helicopters .
Personnel Roster
Officers: 6 humans, including Captain Paul Lovejoy , First Of
ficer Wilbur Appleton , Second Officer Yorimba Tecanta (the
only spanish speaking officer) , Third Officer Michael Omaha,
Lieutenant Helen Dougherty , and Ensign Paullette Collins .
Ship's Crew: 28 Humans and 3 1 5 Mutant Canines , of whom
20% are skilled mechanics .
Flight Crew (Pilots and Gunners): 6 3 Humans and 37 Mutant
Canines .
Empire Marines: 1 35 Humans and 268 Mutant Canines .
Empire Armored Scouts: 90 Humans .
Ship's Hull Armor: A . R . 1 9 , S . D . C . : 40 ,000 (400 M . D . C . )
Ship Mounted Weapons:
Six (6) Medium Laser Cannons : 2 ,750 ft (838 m) Range,
fires once every other melee, + 2 to Strike and I D6 x 1 00
damage per blast ( 1 D6 Mega-Damage) . Two forward
mounted , two side mounted to swivel forward , up (anti-air
craft) or sideway s , and two rear mounted .
Twin Missile Launcher: Capable of firing two missiles simul Alignment: Principled
taneously , and can be reloaded in three melee rounds . Missiles Attributes: I . Q . : 1 5 , M . E . : 1 2 , M . A . : l l , P . S . : 1 2 , P . P . : 1 4 ,
are either Long-Range ( 1 6 mile range/25 km , + 2 to Strike , P . E . : 9 , P . B . : 9 , Spd . : 8
2D6 x 1 00 damage , or 2D6 Mega-Damage) Missile s , or Anti Age: 57 Sex: Male
Aircraft (25 ,000 ftl7620 m Range , + 4 to Strike and 2D4 x 1 0 Size Level: 10 Weight: 205 Height: 6ft
damage) Missiles . Hit Points: 48 S.D.C . : 1 4
Five (5) 30mm Anti-Aircraft Machineguns: 1 1 ,000 ft (3352
m) Range , fires 75 rounds per melee , + 2 to Strike and does Disposition: Regimented, self-disciplined , and humorles s .
2D4 x 10 damage per round . Two top mounted , one forward Powers: None
mounted , and two rear mounted . Psionics: None
Eight (8) Automated Anti-Missile Defense Units: Arranged Level of Experience: 7th Level
with two forward , four along each side , and two in the rear. Level of Education: Master' s Degree
Each consists of a specialized computer-controlled flechette Occupation: Empire of Humanity Naval Commander
Weapon Proficiencies: Physical Skills/Training: Athletics (General) , Hand to hand:
W . P . Revolver, 7th level Martial Arts (3rd level) , Swimming (64%) .
W . P . Automatic Pistol , 7th level Other Skills of Note: Advanced Mathematics (90%) , As
W . P . Automatic Rifle , 7th level
trophysics (83%) , Advanced Nuclear Physics (94%) , Com
W . P . Machine Pistol , 7th level
puter Operation (74% ) , Computer Programming (94%) ,
W . P . Machinegun , 7th level
Computer Repair (22%) , Cryptography (90% ) , Electrical En
W . P . Laser Cannon , 7th level
gineer (38%) , Pilot Automobile (92% ) , Pilot Motorcycle
W . P . Knife , 7th level ( + 3 to Strike/Parry)
(90% ) , Pilot Truck (80%) , Radio: B asic , Radio : Scrambler,
Physical Skills/Training: Athletics (General) , Hand to hand:
Surveillance Systems (88%) .
Basic (7th level) , Prowl (87%) , Swim (95%) .
Combat Skills
Other skills of note : B asic Mathematics , Cryptography (82%) ,
Attacks Per Melee: 3
First Aid, Pilot: Combat Helicopter, Pilot: Jet Fighter,
+ 2 to Strike , + 5 to Parry , + 4 to Dodge , + 2 to Damage;
Radio: Basic , Radio: Scrambler, Sabre- 1 9 Fighter Skills ,
+ 6 to Roll with Punch or Fall .
Navigation (92%) , Surveillance Systems (88%) , Wilderness
Personal Profile: Stunningly beautiful , Annette is constantly
Survival (90%) .
puzzled by the way men are initially attracted to her (P. B . : 2 1 ) ,
Combat Skills and then totally loose interest (M . A . :4) .
Attacks Per Melee : 4 Special Weapons: None
+ 2 to Strike/ParrylDodge , + 2 to Damage , + 2 to Roll
with Punch or Fall; Kick Attack does 1 D6 damage .
Personal Profile: Unlike most Empire of Humanity officers ,
Captain Lovejoy is not in the least ambitious . He does his
job , performs to the absolute limit of his considerable abilities
and never questions authority . As he might say , "It is not my
job to question my orders , only to carry them out as quickly
and efficiently as possible . "
Although Principled i n alignment, he does not regard mut
ant animals as "people , " but as a threat . However, he treats
the mutant canines in his command with exactly the same
mix of fair rewards and punishments as any other member
of the crew . His explanation is , "When you see a uniform ,
you deal with the uniform . The contents of the uniform are
irrelevant . "
Special Weapons: He usually carries a standard Empire . 45
Machine Pistol .
Typical level of experience is fourth level . Hand to hand: (1) Automated Surveillance/Transmitter (AST) : Mounted
Expert , W . P . Knife ( + 2 to Strike/Parry) , Prowl (78 % ) , under the left wind and designed to act as a remote sensing
Swimming (82%) , Wilderness Survival (60% ) . device . Once dropped from the aircraft, the AST slows down
Attacks per melee: 3 its fall with a set of wing foils . When it stops falling , it shoots
out an antenna line , aiming for the highest nearby object .
+ 3 to Strike , + 2 to Parry/Dodge , + 2 to Damage ; + 2 bonus From that point on it serves as a remote sensing device ,
to Roll with Punch or Fall . picking up nearby sounds and electronic signal s , and serves
to relay any official Empire of Humanity communications .
Empire LC- t2 Empire to Armored
Assault Helicopters Personnel Carrier (to-APC)
The backbone of the Marine operations is twenty LC- 1 2 As Useless in the jungle , these units have been assigned for de
sault Helicopters . Each is manned by a two-man team, a pilot fense of the Empire ' s base camp . Four are completely functional ,
(always human) , and a door gunner (50% chance of mutant dog) three have defective drive trains and have been placed as station
who controls the Machinegun . There is room on board for up ary defenses . Top speed is 40 mph (64 km) on pavement, 1 8
to 9 Marines , or 4 Flying Armor Scouts . Top speed is 200 mph mph (29 km) on rough ground , and less than 3 mph (4 . 8 km)
(320 km) . Can operate for up to 3 hours without refueling . pushing through the jungle . Maximum range is eight hours of
Another job for the LC- 1 2 is moving heavy equipment (such continuous running between refueling . Also equipped with radar,
as the I O-APC personnel carrier' s) to or from the Aircraft Carrier. infrared , telescopic , nightsight, and motion detectors .
This requires that the helicopter be stripped of all equipment Crew is usually three , a commander, a pilot and a gunner.
and personnel , except for the pilot . It also means an immediate Can carry up to sixteen Marines inside , and an additional sixteen
refueling , since the heavy load really bums up gas . on the overhead rack .
Armor: A . R . 8 , S . D . C . 430. While in full flight it has + 6 to Armor: A . R . 1 2 , S . D . C . : 390; while in motion it has + 2 to
Dodge . Dodge .
.50 Caliber Machinegun: 3 ,000 ft (9 1 5 m) Range , fires up to
Weapon: The single . 50 Caliber Machinegun is mounted on the
60 rounds per melee , No bonus to Strike , and 7D6 damage
side and operated by the door gunner. It has a range of 890
per shot .
ft (27 1 m) , fires 48 rounds per melee and is + 4 to Strike .
Each round does 7D6 damage . Grenade Launcher: A forward mounted grenade launcher fires
40mm fragmentation grenades ( l D6 X 1 0 damage for 5 feet!
1 . 5 m and 4D6 for an additional 5 feet) , or smoke grenades
(red for enemy positions , blue for friendly positions , used to
signal artillery or aircraft bombardment) , maximum range is
600 ft ( 1 83 m) .
Empire Scout
2xj Flying Armor
Built-In Weapons:
Flechette Gun: Mounted on right forearm. Each bullet is de
signed to splinter in flight into nine needle-like flechettes .
200 ' Range , 9D6 damage at immediate range (less than 1 5
ft) , 6D6 damage at intermediate range ( 1 5 ft to 40 ft) , and
3D6 at long range . Total of fifty rounds built into the weapon
Combat Skills (Typical Operator) :
(reloading takes about five minutes) . Single shots are at + 4
to Strike , Short Bursts take four rounds and are at + 1 to 6th level Hand to hand: Expert
Strike , and Long Bursts use eight rounds . "Entire Magazine" Attacks per melee: 2 (3 without armor)
bursts are not possible . + 3 to Strike , + 1 to Parry/Dodge ( + 4 when not wearing
the armor) , + 6 to Damage ( + 3 without armor) ; + 2 to Roll
with Punch or Fall . Using jets , the armor has a + 8 to Roll
with Punch or Fall . If the jet pack is turned off, and if the
Robot Armor is knocked to the ground , it will take one full
melee round to recover.
Central America -------
The Deadlands it has all the technology of the Great Depression , and it
matches that in an economic sense as well . Of course, that ' s
A hundred warlords , local tyrants , and back-country chiefs
only i n the good regions. Many places i n Mexico have a level
keep The Deadlands from anything resembling an organized
of technology that ' s barely Medieval , where a blacksmith is
authority . Travelers are advised to simply avoid any organized
about as sophisticated as things get .
settlements and to keep their weapons handy . This situation may
be changing as there are currently rumors of a force of mutant La Mordida: Translated from the Spanish , La Mordida means
bobcats , calling themselves the "New Texas Rangers , " trying "the bite , " and it' s the local term for bribery . A fact of life
to restore order in the Deadlands . is that almost all government employees , including bureauc
Population: Totally unknown . rats and guardia , are terribly underpaid . The problem comes
Government: None , or, if you prefer, hundreds . from the country ' s rampant inflation . Prices go up long before
wages . As a result, "La Mordida" has become an informal
Armed Forces: Of more than a hundred armed bands , most
wage increase . Although you can get things done , or be treated
have fewer than thirty members and rarely have more than
fairly , without bribes , things will take up to twenty times as
one firearm for every three .
long . For example , assume a character gets arrested for a
Economics: Cardania Bucks are used as local currency .
minor offense , like fighting in public . Without a bribe it will
Roadways: Spotty . Although there i s n o organized maintenance ,
take up to sixty days in jail before the case is even heard by
some sections of the old U . S . Interstates remain intact and
a judge . A small bribe , 250 ,000 Pesos, will move his name
relatively clear.
to the head of the list waiting for the court . A larger bribe ,
1 ,000 ,000 Pesos , will convince the judge to hear his case
Imperial Mexico first. Of course , it could have been even cheaper to bribe the
arresting officer ( 1 00 , 000 or 300 , 000 Pesos for a Sergeant)
For all intents and purposes , Imperial Mexico is a client
to let him go before he even got to jail .
state of the Empire of Humanity .
Does that mean that Mexico has sold out? Finance & Currency: One of Imperial Mexico ' s biggest prob
Not exactly . Although Imperial Mexico is accepting the lems is inflation . They keep printing too much money , so the
arms and gifts of the Empire of Humanity , from their point value of existing currency is being constantly watered down .
of view they aren't really "selling out . " For one thing , the Currently , the standard unit of exchange is the Peso Grande.
things that the Empire of Humanity are asking of them are a white paper bill that represents 1 00,000 Pesos . The Peso
pretty much inevitable . They don 't have the resources to help Raja. worth 1 0 , 000 Pesos, is a red bill now used as small
Cardania or any of the other "front line" mutant animal lands change . Since the Peso Rojo lasted about two years , there ' s
against the humans . And , if they did get involved , they know a good chance that a new Peso Gordo. worth a million Pesos,
that the Empire of Humanity is capable of destroying their will be issued in the next eight months . Earlier denominations ,
main cities and factories in a matter of hours , using bombers including the one (green) , ten (yellow) , hundred (blue) , and
that Mexico would be helpless to stop . thousand (orange) peso bill s , are now pretty much worthless
Taking the aid means that the current junta can stay in except in large stacks .
power, and perhaps even consolidate their nation enough so
that they can put up some measure of opposition in times to
come .
Population: Perhaps 1 , 800 humans and close to 1 5 ,000 ,000 Americorp Dollars: With an official bank or money changer ,
mutant animals . Mutant dog s , pigs , and cows make up over one dollar can be traded for five Peso Grandes . However,
25% of the total population . there is a booming "black market" in foreign currency , where
you can get twenty Peso Grandes (2 ,000 ,000 Pesos) for one
Government: In name , a constitutional monarchy , headed by
dollar . Americorp $50 Gold Coins are officially worth 250
Emperor Juan Carlos . In reality , the country is a bickering
Peso Grandes , but are often bought for up to eight times as
collection of feudal baronies , with no one area having enough
much illegally (200 ,000 ,000 Pesos) .
power to overcome its neighbors .
Armed Forces: Technically , the Guardia Mexica is Imperial Cardania Bucks: Officially , a Buck is worth one Peso Grande .
Mexico ' s national army . In practice , it has become fractured On the black market a Buck can buy up to 800 ,000 Pesos .
into regional forces with different uniforms , and duties rang
ing from bodyguards for the governors to acting as local Empire of Humanity Credits: One Credit currently buys fifteen
police , to acting as banking and postal couriers . Peso Grandes ( l , 500 ,000 Pesos) . Since Empire of Humanity
The Guardia Imperiai is the emperor' s personal force , consist Credits are handled only through their electronic credit cards ,
ing of seventy mutant animal s , each armed with weapons there is no black market price .
supplied by the Empire of Humanity .
Economy: Industrially , Imperial Mexico seems to be at about
the level of the United States in the 1 930' s . In other words ,
Some Typical Prices:
Motorcycle (Good Condition) 2 8 , 000 ,000 Pesos Rubber Sandals 30 ,000 Pesos
Four-Wheel Drive Jeep (Working) 40 ,000 ,000 Pesos Steel Knife 290 ,000 Pesos
Large Truck (Good Condition) 5 8 ,000 ,000 Pesos Machete 600 ,000 Pesos
Gallon of Gas 250,000 Pesos .45 Automatic Pistol 2 ,450 ,000 Pesos
Quart of Oil 350,000 Pesos Clip of .45 Ammo (8 rounds) 480 , 000 Pesos
Bribing Guardia Soldier 1 00,000 Pesos Two-Way Radio (Walkie-Talkie) 1 , 500,000 Pesos
Bribing Guardia Sergeant 300 , 000 Pesos Portable Cassette Tape Player 550,000 Pesos
Bribing Guardia Captain 1 ,000 ,000 Pesos Battery (Radio or Flashlight) 1 60,000 Pesos
Curandero ' s Medical Services 40 ,000 Pesos
Snake Doctor' s Services 1 1 0 ,000 Pesos
Doctor' s Medical Services
Mexico Grande
400 ,000 Pesos
Native Guide' s Daily Rate 1 50,000 Pesos The central state of Imperial Mexico, it is also the only area
Native Bearer' s Daily Rate 25 ,000 Pesos ruled directly by Emperor Juan Carlos .
Bus Pass (One Day of Travel) 1 2 ,000 Pesos
Population: 650 Humans, 4 , 000 ,000 mutant animals .
Telephone Call (Long-Distance) 1 5 ,000 Pesos
Overnight Room Armed Forces: The 1 4 , 000 strong Guardia Imperia is Mexico
20 ,000 Pesos
Month ' s Rent Grande ' s combined army and police force . Although some
1 40,000 Pesos
Pound of Fresh Fruit what underpaid, they are well armed and equipped .
1 , 500 Pesos
Pound of Smoked Bug Meat 3 ,000 Pesos Economy : Imperial Mexico ' s primary industrial sector. While
Cheap Meal (Tortillas and Beans) 1 0 , 000 Pesos most of the land is used for agriculture (mostly com and
Bar of Soap , or Pound of Detergent 5 ,000 Pesos vegetables) , there are twenty industrial centers producing ev
Cotton Shirt 50,000 Pesos erything from clothing to cars .
Morral (woven shoulder bag) 1 ,000 Pesos Roadways: Quality is very erratic . A highway will be of excel
Rubber Belt 1 2 ,000 Pesos lent quality just after being repaired , but it may be another
Central America
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twenty years before the repair crews return . Gas , oil and Natural Weapons: None
mechanics are readily available for the standard prices . Powers: None
Emperor Juan Carlos Xatus: Mutant Human Psionics: Mind B lock
Level of Experience: 1 1 th level
Nobody is really sure why Juan Carlos became the emperor
of Imperial Mexico . Perhaps it' s just because it seemed like he Skills of Note: Foreign Language - English 9 1 %, Hand to Hand
was the only one that everyone felt they could trust . Also , he ' s Expert ( l i th level) , Interrogation/Torture 9S% , W . P . Re
been in such feeble health for the last 2 5 years , no one has volver, W . P . Automatic Pistol , W . P . Rifle , W . P . B lunt.
bothered to assassinate him . They just assumed that he' d die Combat Skills
"real soon . " Juan Carlos , while not power-hungry , is clever Attacks Per Melee: 6
enough to keep power by playing his governors off each other. + 3 to Strike , + 2 to Parry/Dodge , + 20 to Damage ; + 2 to
He has high ambitions for Imperial Mexico , loves his people Roll with Punch or Fall; KnockouUStun on roll of 1 9 or 20;
(both humans and mutant animals) , and will continue with his Critical Strike from behind; Kick Attack does I D6 damage .
long-standing policy of negotiating with everyone .
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: I . Q . : 1 3 , M . E . : I S , M . A . : 1 3 , P . S . : l l , P . P . : 1 4 , La Segunda Pregunta
P . E . : l l , P . B . : 1 4 , Spd . : 1 7
Whether this is an independent state or simply part of a larger
Age: 95 Sex: Male Size Level: 9
government is unknown . Certainly , visitors have seen officers
Weight: 1 45 pounds (65 kg) Height: 5ft Sin ( 1 . S m)
in uniforms that are similar to , but unlike , those of the Pregunta
Hit Points: 42 S . D . C . : 5
soldiers . The Pregunta soldiers themselves are impressive , usu
Disposition: Noble , attentive , solicitous .
ally Size Level 1 1 or greater, and armed with Assault Rifles .
Human Features: FULL
Psionics: Hypnotic Suggestion , Mind Block, See Aura. Population: 750 humans, 3 , 200 ,000 mutant animals .
Level of Experience: 1 5th level Armed Forces: With distinctive brown and gold uniforms , the
Guardia of La Segunda Pregunta are probably the best troops
in Imperial Mexico . All are armed with the best weapons and
Mexica Norte equipment that money can buy in Americorp . In addition to
modem weapons , they are also equipped with plenty of ar
Along with being the closest geographically , this is the state mored vehicles , motorcycles , squad cars and tanks .
with the greatest political and economic ties to Cardania . Charac Economy: This is the healthiest state in Imperial Mexico . That ' s
ters from Cardania wishing to pass through Mexico down to the because Governor Vargez has tied his economy t o his neighbor
Yucatan , will find it easy to purchase false Mexica Norte iden to the north , Americorp . The official currency is the
tification papers (about 2 , 000 Bucks each) . Americorp dollar, and trade is brisk, especially since
Population: Maybe 50 Humans, 650 ,000 mutant animal s . Americorp pays top dollar for La Segunda Pregunta' s ample
Armed Forces: The local Guardia consists o f 9 , 000 mutant oil and gas production .
animal s , mostly armed with Cardanian weapons and equip Roadways: All persons and vehicles entering Pregunta must
ment. Although the Governor tries to keep it a secret, it' s stop on the border and be issued identity papers . Being caught
well known that Cardania has sent advisors to Mexica Norte without papers , or in an area not authorized by the papers ,
to help with reorganizing the Guardia. will result in an immediate arrest. The idea of a speedy trial
Economy: Their economy is fairly prosperous . They have unof is unknown in Pregunta. After being arrested a stay of several
ficially switched from using the Peso to using Cardania ' s years in jail , before seeing a judge , or being charged with a
Bucks and B its . crime , is not uncommon .
Roads and Fuel: Most roads are gravel , but in fairly good The roads themselves are of very high quality . At least one
condition . Gas goes for S Bucks a gallon, and oil is 6 Bucks . good Highway is known and other roads seem to be very
General Ravos Estevan: Mutant Gila Monster well maintained .
Ravos , though no angel , is outraged that the Imperial Mexican
Governor Nuevo Vargez: Mutant Condor
government is dealing with the Empire of Humanity , which he
sees as evil incarnate . He will do everything he can to mobilize Vargez is the perfect diplomat: always pleasant, always charm
his corrupt regime to assist his friends in Cardania. ing , and never, never indiscreet. Characters can have lengthy
Alignment: Aberrant conversations and come away impressed , even though Vargez
Attributes: I . Q . : 1 3 , M . E . : 1 9 , M . A . : 1 7 , P . S . :34, P . P . : l l , never answers any questions directly . On the other hand , he will
P . E . : 1 9 , P . B . : S , Spd . :4 encourage others to speak freely .
Real Name: Nuevo Lagaztin de la Marino Vargez
Age: 49 Sex: Male
Size Level: 1 2 Weight: 3 1 5 Ibs Alignment: Anarchist
Height: 6ft Sin Attributes: I . Q . : 1 7 , M . E . : 1 5 , M . A . : 1 7 , P. S . : 1 3 , P . P . : 9 ,
A.R. : 1 2 Hit Points: 49 S.D. C . : 70 P . E . : 1 5 , P . B . : 1 3 , Spd . : 1 6
Disposition: Quick-witted, quick to laugh , sly . Age: 5S Sex: Male Size Level: I I
Human Features: Weight: 20S pounds (93 kg)
Speech - PARTIAL Height: 6ft 6in (2 m) Hit Points: 34 S.D. C . : 50
Looks - NONE Disposition: Calm , genteel , dignified .
Human Features: Armed Forces: Most of the Guardia are really the personal body
Hands - FULL guards of the various governors . In addition , there are usually
Biped - FULL Guardia officers in most small towns who are permanent
Speech - FULL residents and operate like sheriffs , swearing in deputies as
Looks - NONE needed . Weapons and equipment are usually old and in need
Level of Experience: 8th Level of constant repair.
Skills of Note: Political Science 98% , Law 75 % , Foreign Lan Economy: Most areas survive on subsistence agriculture . In
guage - English 95% , History 92% , Interrogation/Torture addition , many small communities supplement their incomes
95 % , Surveillance Systems 90% , Escape Artist 8 8 % , Forgery with heavy "tolls" on strangers passing by on their roads .
90% , Wine Tasting 84% , Ventriloquism 90% . Roads and Fuel: Most roads are gravel , but conditions range
from good to poor. Gas and oil are twice the usual prices .
Baja Mexico
Population: Unknown; estimates range from 500 to 3 ,000 Hu
mans , and from 1 0 , 000 to a million mutant animals
Armed Forces: There are 5 ,000 Guardia on the B aja Mexico
payroll . However, most of them are the Governor' s relatives ,
who keep half their salary , and give Jose the rest. Only about
1 ,200 Guardia are actually on duty , and most towns have to
make do with a limited garrison of less than five . Weapons
are miserable , the equipment is falling apart, and all supplies
and ammunition are in short supply .
Communications: There is a rickety system of telephones
throughout the B aja Mexico region . Chances of making a
'.,,*-iiconnectlOn inside B aj a Mexico is just 3 5 % per attempt, trying
to call the rest of Mexico reduces the chances to 25 % .
Economy: Although the government of B aj a Mexico i s run
almost entirely on bribery , the area is fairly stable . However,
prices are generally twice the standard rate , and many items
taken for granted elsewhere are not available in Baj a . Both
the Peso and Americorp dollars are usually accepted .
Roadways: The roads are among the worst in Imperial Mexico .
Even the main connections are decaying dirt roads , filled with
potholes . Gas , oil and mechanical services are available at
most trading posts and general stores , usually for about twice
the standard prices .
Governor Jose Quintana: Mutant Parrot
The best and worst things you can say about Quintana is
that he is a bandit. It' s bad because he steals whenever pos
sible . It' s good because , as a bandit , he really isn ' t very
efficient. Unless he actually notices you , he' s no threat.
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: I . Q . : 1 7 , M . E . : 1 5 , M . A . : I 7 , P . S . : 1 3 , P . P . : 9 ,
P . E . : 1 5 , P . B . : 1 3 , Spd . : 1 6
Age: 58 Sex: Male
Size Level: 1 1
Weight: 200 pounds (90 kg) Height: 6ft 2in ( 1 . 9 m)
Medca Central, Hit Points: 34 S.D.C . : 50
Disposition: Happy , easily amused , quick-witted .
Mexicalita, Santa Anna, Human Features:
and Costa Oro Hands - PARTIAL
Biped - FULL
These four Imperial Mexican states have remained constantly Speech - FULL
unsettled for the last decade . Their governors play musical chairs Looks - NONE
with each other, continually petitioning the Emperor for changes . Natural Weapons: None
Population: Typically , 500 Humans and 2 ,000 ,000 mutant ani Powers: Flight
mals . Psionics: See Aura
Government: Ever changing ; anarchy reigns . Level of Experience: 7th Level
Skills of Note : Hand to Hand: Expert (7th level) , Foreign Lan
guage - English 3 5 % , Interrogation/Torture 95% , Jungle Sur
vival 8 3 % , Tracking 79% , W . P . Automatic Pistol , W . P .
Machete , W . P . Sub-machinegun .
Combat Skills
Attacks Per Melee: 5
+ 3 to Strike; + 2 to Parry ; + 3 to Dodge/Damage ; + 2 to
Roll with Punch or Fall .
Special Weapons: Usually carries a Machete and a pair of 9mm
Automatic Pistols .
Typical Baja Mexico Guardia
All are mutant animals , with no particular type dominating .
Just about anyone with at least Partial Human Hands will be
accepted into the Guardia.
Alignment: Scrupulous or Unprincipled
Combat Skills: All Guardia have Hand to Hand: Expert, 4th
level .
Attacks Per Melee: 4
+ 3 to Strike , + 2 to Parry/Dodge , + 2 to Roll with Punch
or Fall .
Typical Weapons: Machete and either a . 45 Automatic Pistol ,
or 5 . 56mm Assault Rifle . Will rarely have more than a dozen
rounds of ammunition .
Yum Nacom Itzcoli the Quantum Device working again , he not only had a
technological advantage , he also had the beginnings of a
The supreme ruler of Itzco , Yum Nacom Itzcoli is a combina
major new religious movement !
tion religious and military dictator, exacting total obedience from
his subjects . He has publicly proclaimed mutant pink flamingos Special Weapons: Always carries a strung bow and a quiver
as the "chosen of god , " and is gradually sacrificing all others with twelve Quantum Stone tipped arrows , twelve razor-point
on his bloody altars . steel arrows ( I D8 damage) , and four explosive-tipped arrows
Real Name: Paco (4D6 damage for 5 feet from impact , I D8 damage for the
next 10 feet) .
Yum ' s name is really a title , which , translated from the Mayan
tongue , means "Lord Warrior of Itzcoli . " Itzcoli being an ab
breviation for Itzcoliuhqui , the Aztec god of darkness and de Pink Flamingo Wariors
struction .
The main army of Itzco consists of mutated Pink Flamingos .
Alignment: Diabolic
They trust no other creatures with their quantum weapons . Be
Attributes: I . Q . : 1 4 , M . E . : 1 3 , M . A . : 1 4 , P . S . :5 , P . P . : l l ,
cause of Yum Nacom' s paranoia , there are no ranks or officers
P . E . : 8 , P . B . : I O , Spd . : 1 5
among the warriors , all are considered equal . When they need
Age: 40 Sex: Male
to pick a leader for a particular mission , they fight for the
Size Level: 8
privilege . Which means the strongest fighter is usually the leader,
Weight: 1 17 Height: 8ft l in
instead of the smartest. As a result, the Pink Flamingo Warriors
A.R. : 4 Hit Points: 33 S.D. C . : 40
usually have poor discipline , and often make stupid tactical
Disposition: Pompous , self-important, vindictive .
decision s .
Human Features:
Hands - FULL Typical Alignment: Miscreant, Anarchist and Diabolic .
Biped - FULL Minimum Attributes: P . S . :9 and Spd . : 1 9
Speech - PARTIAL Size Level: 8
Looks - NONE Height: minimum 8 ft (2 . 4 m) Weight: 1 35 pounds
Natural Weapons: None A.R. : 4 Hit Points: 25 S.D.C . : 45
Powers: None Human Features:
Psionics: Detect Psionics , Mind Trap , Sixth Sense . Hands - FULL
Level of Experience: 7th level Biped - FULL
Skills of Note: Interrogation (89% ) , Land Navigation (84%) , Speech - PARTIAL
Pick Locks (90% ) , Wilderness Survival (90% ) . Looks - NONE
Weapon Proficiencies Disposition: Generally crude and rude , one of their few pleasures
W . P . Bow ( + 7 to Strike , 5 shots per melee round) is teasing and torturing their prisoners and they take full
Combat Skills advantage of it whenever they can . Mostly greedy and poorly
Attacks Per Melee: 1 , with no bonuses . disciplined . At night, when their weapons no longer function ,
they become cowardly , surly and bad-tempered .
Personal Profile: As a child , Paco (Yum) was raised by an
elderly human scientist , Dr. Ralph Flemes . This ancient sur Appearance: Tall , thin and gangly , with long , long necks , big
vivor of the big Death trusted Paco with the secret of the billed heads , and covered in bright pink feathers .
Quantum Device, and showed him how to use it to make the Attacks Per Melee: 2
objects that could capture and transmit energy , objects that Combat Bonuses: + 3 to Dodge
could fly using static electricity , and objects made indestruc Roll Percentile once for each warrior's Natural Abilities:
tible by realigning their inner structure . Flemes was also re 0-45 % : No Natural Abilities
sponsible for teaching Paco about Aztec mythology and 46-65% : Glide
legends. When Paco reached the age of 1 3 , he decided he ' d 66-80% : Flight
had enough o f the old man and killed him, realizing too late 8 1 -90% : Mind B lock
that Ralph always partially disassembled the device whenever 9 1 -9 5 % : Sixth Sense
it was not in use . 96- 1 00%: Bio-Manipulation: Stun
Realizing his mistake , Paco then traveled through the jungle
Special Weapons: Most of the warriors use both Quantum Stone
for many years , searching for someone who could help reas
Armor and Shield , and carry a Quantum Stone Sword . A
semble the Quantum Device . Along the way he would often
quarter (25%) of their number also use bows with Quantum
use his Mind Trap ability to protect himself. He discovered
Stone Arrows . They will also use modem weapons , at least
that using the Aztec gods in the dream scenarios he inflicted
until they break or until the ammunition runs out . At any
upon his victims sometimes had an unexpected result . Instead
given time about 1 0% of the warriors will have a pistol , rifle
of accusing him of being to blame for the dark tortures of
or a couple of grenades .
the gods in the dreams , they would sometimes think the
dreams were "visions" given by the gods . Some of his victims Quantum Stone Sword: + 3 to strike , I D6 x 1 0 damage . When
even thanked him for the experience ! not pyramid energized; no bonus to strike and only I D6 dam
age .
By the time he found someone with the mutant power of
natural mechanical genius , a rather miserable mutant antbird , Quantum Stone Arrow: + 2 to strike , 5D6 damage . When not
he already had a half dozen mutant flamingo followers . With pyramid energized , no bonus to strike and onl y 1 D4 damage .
Quantum Stone Shield Only: A . R . : 9 , Unlimited S . D . C . ; When The other main limitation of the Quantum Pyramids is their
not pyramid energized , A . R . : 6, S . D . C . : 1 8 . range . Quantum broadcast power only reaches twelve miles ( 1 9 . 2
Quantum Stone Armor Only: A . R . : 1 4 , Unlimited S . D . C . km) . So any Quantum device removed more than twelve miles
When not pyramid energized: A . R . : 9 , S . D . C . : 28 . ( 1 9 . 2 km) from the nearest Pyramid will just stop working .
Comhined Quantum Armor and Shield: A . R . : 1 7 , Unlimited Starting with their first Pyramid , they have gradually built
S . D . C . When not pyramid energized: A . R . : 1 1 , Shield outward in a diamond pattern . Each Pyramid is to have four
S . D . C . : 1 8 and Armor S . D . C . : 28 . neighbors , exactly ten miles ( 1 6 km) distant, in the directions
of northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest . So far, there
are a total of sixteen Pyramids constructed , including the main
Behind the Itzco: temple , the inner circle of four, and a middle circle of eight.
The last three are the start of the outer circle , each thirty miles
The Power of the Quantum
(48 km) from the main temple , with the southeast comer still
under construction . This outer circle will eventually number
Quantum Alignment Device twelve Pyramids , all of which must be completed before another,
It might as well be magic . . . outermost, circle is started .
Perhaps the greatest feat of Pre-Death technology , the Quan
2. Quantum Flying Platforms. Absorbing the energy
tum Alignment Device operates on principles that are now incom
radiating from the pyramids , these huge slabs of stone become
prehensible .
charged with massive quantities of static electricity . Enough for
Essentially , the device realigns the subatomic particles in mat them to be repelled by the ground charge and float, "weightles s , "
ter. Once "aligned" or "positioned , " each atom in the object acts i n a hovering position . The height will always remain constant
as a cog of a huge engine . above ground or water, but the distance it can travel depends
Now each "device ," if you can call blocks of stone "devices ," on the mass and thickness of the individual stone slab . Of course ,
has a single function . And that function is simply one of collect the riders and cargo on the slab are still affected by gravity , but
ing one kind of power, and radiating another. their mass is insignificant compared to the stone , and the slab
Now there is one major problem with the Quantum Device . . . remains in the air so long as it is powered by a pyramid .
It' s broken ! All this static electricity is a long way from harmles s . So
much as touching the stone is enough to incinerate most charac
Which , given the special mutant power, Natural Mechanical
ters or objects , doing I D4x l OO points of damage ( l D4 Mega
Genius (see Road Hogs) , isn 't as much of a problem as it might
Damage) . To keep from killing themselves , the riders of the
be . Those gifted mutants keep the Quantum Device operating .
slabs have coated most of the upper surface with a foot or more
And when they fail , they are replaced . After all , there are plenty
of natural rubber as an insulator. In addition , thick sheets of
of potential Natural Mechanical Geniuses . Most characters try
rubber are dropped over the sides to allow for climbing on or
very hard to get the Device working . That ' s because failure
off the slabs.
means becoming a featured attraction in the next sacrifices to
the gods of Itzco . 3. Quantum Stone Rudders. Inserted into a circular hole
at the rear of each platform is a cylinder of quantum-charged
stone . These "rudders" are six feet (6 m) long , and eighteen
inches (0 . 32 m) in diameter (which makes the weight 1 ,754
pounds , nearly a ton1790 kg) . Inserted into the hole , the rudder
channels some of the lines of the Earth' s magnetic field into the
slab ' s static charge . This gives the slab directional movement ,
up to a spd . of 9 (about 7 milesl l l km per hour) . Turning the
rudder changes the slab ' s direction, while pulling the rudder out
stops the directional force (although a slab ' s huge momentum
means it may take up to an hour to drift to a stop) .
As with touching the stone of the slab , directly touching the
rudder is also deadly ( 1 D4x l OO hit points , or I D4 Mega-Dam
1 . Quantum Pyramids. The Itzcoliuhqui worshippers have age) . The controllers of the rudder must wear six-inch thick pads
stumbled on an efficient way of powering their other quantum of rubber. Even with protection , during insertion or extraction ,
devices . They do this by shifting the quantum structure of vast everyone within ten feet (3 m) takes two to twelve (2D6) points
objects , like their flat-topped , Mayan-style pyramids . Once of damage from the shower of sparks .
changed , the pyramids become enormous solar energy collectors .
In the sunlight , the pyramid turns absolutely black and cold , 4. Quantum Stone Swords and Arrow Points. As with
absorbing all the energy radiating from the sun . This energy is the platforms , these thin slices of stone have been quantum
converted into broadcast power, on a hyper-frequency that only adjusted to absorb energy . The end product of the energy are
the quantum structure of the other devices can absorb . two concentrated electrical fields that form on the upper and
Without sunlight, either at night , or on very cloudy day s , the lower surfaces of the stone , a field that collects dust and particles
pyramids cease to function . When this happens , all of the other from the air. These fields converge along the point and edges
devices stop working as well . of the stone , drawing the particles out into a thin "line" of single
molecules .
In effect, the edges and points of the weapons are infinitely clear area , many miles across , that separates the Pyramids
sharp , having a thickness that is microscopically thin . When from the surrounding jungle . Since this platform is so close
properly wielded , an energized stone sword will cut, and an to the ground , there ' s only a 3% chance that it will shatter
energized stone arrow tip will penetrate , through any material . each time it falls .
See the Pink Flamingo Warriors for the sword and arrow descrip COURIER PLATFORM
tions .
Size: 3 feet (0 . 9 m) tall by 8 feet (2 . 4 m) wide by 32 feet (9 . 8
5. Stone Discs of Invulnerability. An eighth of an inch m) long
thick, and cut in two sizes , 6 inches in diameter and four feet Weight: 65 tons
( 1 . 2 m) in diameter, these stones have been changed by the Speed Class: 9 Flight Elevation: 800 feeU244 m TMF: 0
quantum into an indestructible barrier. So long as they are in Weapons: None
range of an energized pyramid , the disks are effectively invulner
Crew: It takes three characters , each with a minimum P . S . of
able to any known force . The smaller disc s , each weighing about
1 5 , to lift the control rudder in and out of the platform .
a third of a pound, are sewn into an armor suit of 60 to 90 disc s ,
depending o n the size o f the wearer. The larger discs are simply Description: A flat stone platform, with the top surface covered
carried as 20 pound (9 kg) shields . in a foot of rubber. Since it is always 800 feet up when
powered , passengers must climb the whole way up or down .
When the platform goes out of range of the pyramid
generators , or when the power stops (like , at nightfall) , the
slab plummets to the ground . From 800 feet (244 m) , the
Courier Platforms have an 85% chance of shattering on im
pact. Generally, new Courier Platforms are not subjected to
the quantum process until the night before they are actually
to be used .
smells , and bright orange , green , or purple stains on the
affected areas .
Although usually harmles s , some characters infected with
Jungle Rot, either on their clothing , or directly on their person ,
suffer from allergic reactions . Those who fail to make a Save
versus Allergic Reaction ( 1 1 or better on twenty-sided, with
P . E . bonus allowed) will swell up , lose all but one of their
attacks per melee round , and generally feel miserable . The
only solution is to strip off the affected garments , wash hourly
in soap and boiling hot water for I D6 days (difficult while
moving through the jungle) or, in the case of infected hair
or fur, shave it all off and scrub thoroughly .
and attacks per melee are reduced by half, and takes I D6 46-50 Tribal Lands. Roll percentile for type:
points of damage direct to hit points . 0 1 -30 Tree Anteater Grove of Cecropia Trees .
As long at the stinger is still in the victim, it will continue 3 1 -50 Village of Tribe of "Dwayne . "
to do I D4 points of damage every thirty minutes . Taking out 5 1 -75 Lo-Ki-Yin Monkey Tribe land .
the stinger with a claw , a knife , or a sharp stick, causes the 76-90 Vampire B at Tribe . A night encounter means noticing
victim an additional I D6 points of damage . The venom takes a small group ( l D6 + 3) of hunters . During the day , this
2D6 hours to wear off, although Snake Doctors can attempt encounter means stumbling across one of their sleeping places ,
to create an antivenin that will shorten the time and restore where over one hundred of the bats are resting .
up to half the lost hit points . 9 1 - 1 00 Secret Temple to CoatI . A cult of mutant snake s ,
ranging from s i x t o twenty-two (2D6 plus 4) , each a t least
31-35 Mutant Tarantula. These wandering predators stalk
Size Level 1 2 , maintain a secret underground place of wor
the jungle and can be found anywhee from ground level to
ship . Intruders will be threatened and driven away . Lone
the tops of the tallest trees . Their size level varies from three
mutant animals run the risk of being chosen as a special
to eighteen , but they ' ll only attack victims that are at least
"guest" of the temple (i . e . : sacrificial victim) .
two Size Levels smaller than themselves . Tarantulas will rush
to the attack, doing three attacks in the first melee round , 51-55 Wandering Feral Mutant Animal. One of the countless
attempting to inject their special poison . Victims must Save mutant animals who have grown up wild in the jungle .
versus Poison (on P . E . ) to avoid being paralyzed for 2D6
melee rounds. Injecting the poison requires a successful Bite 56-60 Pre-Death Building. In the middle of the overgrown
Attack. No hit point or S . D . C . damage is done by the poison jungle , covered with vines and other vegtation , there will be
venom , but the bite that delivers the poison does I D8 damage . a late twentieth century building . Either a house , a store , an
Tarantula S.D . C . is 5 times Size Level , and Hit Points are auto garage , or a tavern . Most of the contents are rotten ,
3 times Size Level , A . R . 6 . covered with fungus , or crumbled into dust. Whether there
are any bandits , predators , or other danger is left up to the GM .
36-45 Mutant Tree Spiders. Tree spiders are covered i n bands
of light brown and dark green fur, camouflaging them in the 61-65 Jungle Prospector. Mutant animal , burdened with a
jungle ' s vegetation . Close-up , they have eight glittering black huge backpack , and carrying an outrageous amount of tools
eyes (two large upper ones , and six lower, smaller ones) . and equipment. Most prospectors are friendly and helpful ,
They each weigh around 65 pounds (30 kg) and are around and will readily share information . They ' re constantly in
3 feet long (0 . 9 m) , with 8 hit points and 1 6 S . D . C . search of any hints that will lead them to ancient relics or
Natural Weapons: I D6 Claws outcrops of valuable gems or metals .
Web Spinning. The spider can use the webbing for a line to
66-70 Empire of Humanity Aircraft. A flight, far overhead ,
lower down from heights , or to climb back up . However, the
of from one to four ( l D4) Empire Saber- 1 9 Long-Range Jet
main use is to string out sticky strands to catch creatures
Fighters . Dispatched from the Empire of Humanity ' S aircraft
climbing , or flying , through the trees .
carrier, they ' ll likely avoid most encounters . However, if
The encounter usually starts with a character either climbing they spot a large concentration of mutant animal s , like a truck
or flying through the trees , or walking along a path , and convoy , or a big settlement in the middle of the jungle , they
coming across one of the mutant spider' s web line s . Characters may come back with a load of bombs.
with the Jungle Survival skill can attempt to roll under their
skill on percentile . Making the roll means that the character 71-75 Empire of Humanity Helicopters. A pair of Empire
sees "a thin , green piece of rope or vine , " and is able to avoid LC- 1 2 Assault Helicopters , travelling a couple of hundred
it. Those without the skill , or who miss their roll , will either feet above the top of the jungle . If they spot any heavily
grab the line with a hand , or run right into it . armed mutant animals , and if there is a clear field of view ,
Once the web has been touched , it becomes quite a problem . the chopper gunners may spend a few melee rounds on a
First of all , it sticks to everything . So attempting to pull the strafing run .
web off one hand with the other hand means that both hands
76-78 Empire of Humanity Marine Scouts. A long-range
will get stuck together. The line can be cut with a sharp blade ,
reconnaissance platoon of nine , consisting of a low-level of
but both ends will end up sticking to the sides of the blade .
ficer (human) , and eight canines: a sergeant, a medic , a radio
Pulling at the line , with a P . S . of 9 or greater means that it
specialist, a machinegunner, a sniper, a demolition specialist,
will snap apart, with one end popping back toward the entang
and two riflemen . They ' ll be in regular radio contact with an
led character and providing more sticky webbing . Plus , if the
Empire of Humanity base , and can call for tactical air support,
victim is alone , the mutant tree spider, from hiding , will start
or reinforcements , at will . They ' re mostly interesting in look
shooting out more lines of web at the character. Gradually ,
ing around , but they ' ll also attack vulnerable groups of armed
as the victim struggles, he becomes totally helpless, com
mutant animals.
pletely bound up in the webbing .
At this point the spider usually emerges from hiding . 79-80 Empire of Humanity Scouts in 2xj Flying Armor.
There' s only a 4% chance per hour that the spider will im Two Type 2xj Robot Armor Operators flying through the
mediately kill , and eat , the victim. Instead , it will wrap the upper levels of the jungle . They 're mainly interested in scout
victim up more tightly and "store" the finished package up ing , but they ' ll occasionally attack small parties of mutant
on a branch of a tree . animal s .
Gateway to the Yucatan
Zapata is the closest thing to civilization in the Yucatan . This
sleepy town is at the very end of the last road that Imperial
Mexico maintains in the Baja Mexico .
Powers: None
Psionics: B io-Manipulation: Blind , Mind Block, See Aura .
Level of Experience: 5th level
Occupation: Commander of Zapata' s Guardia
Natural Weapons: None
Skills of Note: Radio : Basic (65 % ) , Detect Ambush (65%) ,
Detect Concealment (55 % ) , Interrogation (65 % ) , Tracking
(55%) , Jungle Survival (65 % ) , First Aid (75%) , Demolitions
(75 % ) , Pilot Truck (94% ) , Hand to Hand: Expert (5th
level ) , W . P . Machete , W . P . Automatic Rifle , W . P . Au
tomatic Pistol , W . P . Sub-machinegun , W . P . Machinegun .
All skills are at 5th level proficiency .
Combat Skills
Attacks Per Melee: 4
+ 3 to Strike , + 2 to Parry , + 3 to Dodge ; No bonus to
damage , + 2 to Roll with Punch or Fall . He doesn 't do a Kick
Attack, but he can attempt to knockdown opponents with his
tail with a + 2 bonus .
Personal Profile: An easy-going guy , Miguel is devoted to his
wife Diana and his children . He ' ll usually try to talk things
out before arresting anyone , and he' s not particularly greedy
about getting bribes (although he does expect to be paid off;
it' s his main source of income) .
Special Weapons: Usually wears a 9mm Automatic Pistol .
Guardia Fortress
In addition to being the only outpost of law and order, the
Guardia Fortress also serves as Zapata' s "Casa Real" (adminis
trative office) , and "catastral" (tax office) . This is a thick-walled
stone building that served as a bank in pre-Death days . Currently ,
Adventures in
its walls have been fortified , the vault has been put into working
order, and there are sandbag positions and two machine guns up
the Yucatan
on the roof. The teller area has been turned into a jail cell , and
there are usually from two to twelve (2D6) prisoners either
Adventures in the Yucatan is a 24 page adventure
serving short terms (a week for drunkenness) or waiting for the and source book found in the Teenage Mutant Ninja
monthly prison bus to Baja, Mexico ' s capital . An addition on Turtles® Accessory Pack! The booklet presents two
the back of the building houses the commander and his family . related adventures in Aztec Land, a bizarre amusement
park operated by robots, and a source of great power .
Miguel Alguerre: Mutant Emerald Tree Boa Constrictor
There is also more data on Zapata , reference note s
Miguel is the commander of the Zapata Guardia outpost. He
is the only really professional military man in town . When he on the Empire of Humanity , and tables to create Quick
needs "deputies" he' ll usually swear in some of the local drifters , Roll villains for After the Bomb® campaigns and
or, if the situation is serious , he ' ll draft all the capable adults TMNT modem day adventures .
in town into a loose militia. The Accessory Pack al so contains Two (2) game
Alignment: Scrupulous shields . One for TMNT & Other Strangeness and
Attributes: I . Q . : 7 , M . E . :30, M . A . : 1 4 , P . S . : 6 , P . P . : 7 , P . E . : 4 ,
one for After the Bomb®. The game shields provide
P . B . : 1 7 , Spd. : 1 6
Age: 29 Sex: Male quick reference tables and data for the creation of
Size Level: 1 1 , mutant animals , building super-vehicles , and a listing
Weight: 245 Pounds ( l 1 0 kg) Length: 1 8 Feet (5 . 4 m) of all the mutant animals and where to find them
A.R. : 7 Hit Points: 5 1 S.D. C . : 65 (including Yucatan and Mutants of Avalon) .
Disposition: Cautious , slow , but well-meaning .
Human Features:
Hands - FULL
Biped - NONE (No legs either)
Speech - PARTIAL
Looks - NONE
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