3.Leukonychia totalis It is a nail anomaly disorder Treatment options are limited and
characterized by complete white often focus on addressing any
discoloration of the nails. The exact underlying medical conditions
cause is unknown, but it is believed
to be genetic. While leukonychia
totalis is generally harmless, it can be
a source of cosmetic concern.
4. Subungual Squamous Cell Carcinoma It is a rare type of skin cancer that Treatment usually involves surgical
(SSSC) develops under the nail. It often removal of the tumor.
presents as a single, thickened, and
discolored nail with pain, swelling, and
bleeding. Risk factors for SSSC include
chronic infection, trauma, and
exposure to certain chemicals.
5. Nail melanoma It is a form of melanoma that Early detection is crucial for successful
develops in the pigment-producing treatment, as nail melanoma can
cells of the nail. It often presents as a spread to other parts of the body.
dark, pigmented band on the nail, Treatment often includes surgical
which may be accompanied by nail removal of the tumor.
thickening, splitting, or bleeding.
Nail Disorders Causes Treatment
1. Haemorrhagic onychomadesis It is a rare nail disorder characterized Treatment often involves managing
by nail detachment from the nail bed, the underlying cause and providing
often accompanied by bleeding supportive care.
underneath. This condition can be
caused by various factors, including
trauma, infections, and certain
It is a rare genetic disorder that affects There is no cure for nail patella
the nails, bones, and kidneys. It is syndrome, but it focuses on managing
characterized by abnormal nail symptoms and preventing
development, including pitting, complications.
ridging, and discoloration. It is caused
by mutations in the LMX1A gene.
5. It is a rare genetic skin disorder that There is no cure for Darier disease, but
Darier affects the nails, skin, and hair. It is treatment focuses on managing the
characterized by abnormal nail symptoms and improving the
development, including pitting, appearance of the skin and nails.
ridging, and discoloration. It is caused
by mutations in the ATP2A2 gene.