Screen Duo User Guide

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Dual Action Climate Control For Crops

Screen™ Duo is the latest generation of CMM’s abiotic

stress management technology that combines two
modes of action providing protection of your crops on
the outside and from the inside.


Manufactured by Crop Microclimate Management

PO Box 178, Apex. North Carolina. USA
Screen Duo - Heat Stress & Sunburn Management

What is heat, light & water stress?

Heat & Light Stress

Heat and light stress are economically important problems in agricultural production primarily in hot
climate countries – although even in more temperate regions, wide fluctuations in temperature or light
intensity, can lead to significant damage to plant tissues.
Heat and light stress cause losses by reducing overall plant productivity and quality. The most
commonly observed symptoms are wilted or otherwise unhealthy looking plants and physical injury to
limbs, leaves and fruits, generally referred to as ‘sunburn’. These symptoms are caused initially by
damage to the photosynthetic apparatus, followed by damage to other tissues. Even if a plant looks
healthy, heat and light stress can reduce or completely halt photosynthesis, leading to loss of

Water Stress
Water stress is complex and is intricately involved with heat and light stress. Shortage of soil water
can initiate and exacerbate heat and light stress. When soil moisture is limiting, a plant’s ability to cool
itself through transpiration, is impaired. Stomata are closed and leaf temperature increases. The
photosynthetic machinery closes down and the plant is no longer able to process the light energy
entering its cells. This leads to photoinhibition, a build up of free radicals (oxidants) and ultimately to
tissue destruction and cell death i.e. the symptoms of heat and light stress damage.
In the case where heat stress is initiated by high temperature, the plant will attempt to cool itself by
means of increased transpiration. Once the soil moisture becomes limiting the same sequence of
events as described above will take place.

When to apply Screen Duo

Using Screen Duo for Heat Stress & Sunburn Reduction

Screen Duo may increase plant vigor, total yield and quality in many crops. Under high ambient
temperatures, Screen Duo reduces canopy temperature, reducing heat, light and water stress.

The reduction of stress results in increased fruit quality e.g. Total Soluble Solids (TSS/Brix) and
fruit size. Other benefits include improved color and reduced russet, fruit drop, sunburn and
cracking. Best results are obtained from the ‘Season Long’ treatment program.

Using Screen Duo for Late Season Sunburn Management:

Apply to sunburn-prone fruit, leaf, limb and trunk surfaces before conditions leading to sun
damage occur. Apply the initial application at the full rate and a second at the half rate, at no
more than a 7 to 10 day interval. Subsequent applications may be made at the half rate (but do
not reduce volume). Depending upon the length of the heat period, repeat applications may be
needed at intervals of 14 to 21 days.

Using Screen Duo for Heat Stress Management (Crop Water Use Management):
For heat stress reduction, spray plants with a full rate of Screen Duo based upon the ‘Season
Long’ rate schedule found in the crop tables on pages 4 and 5. Make subsequent applications to
maintain film coverage and to treat new growth. These applications also help reduce crop water
usage by reducing crop temperature and transpiration.

Screen Duo reflects damaging UV and IR radiation and heat,

while still allowing photosynthesis and the uptake of nutrients
and crop protection products.
Independent trial results indicate that the use of Screen
Duo can reduce transpiration and improve soil moisture
status by as much as 25%

Page 2

Before using this product, read the ‘Post-Harvest Washing Directions’ on page 6.

Screen Duo has two modes of action for the protection of crop plants against abiotic stress. The first is a visible particle
film that reflects harmful UV and IR light, reducing the temperature of the plant. The second is a naturally occurring com-
pound, found in all crop plants, that triggers the innate stress response mechanism. When Screen Duo is applied to plants,
a visible, bluish-grey film results. For best performance a thorough, uniform, and consistent coverage is essential through-
out the stress period.

Rates: For tree crops: unless otherwise specified in crop instructions, use 10 to 20 lbs of Screen Duo per 100 gallons of
water, using sufficient spray volume to obtain thorough, near-drip coverage. For field grown vegetables: use 6 to 25lbs
per acre. Apply an additional spray if coverage is insufficient. Spreading on waxy plant surfaces is usually better when the
plant surface is warm.

Application timing: Screen Duo can be used anytime from planting through to Post Harvest.
If visible residues at harvest are a concern, refer to the instructions under ‘Post-harvest Packing and Washing
Directions’ on page 6.

Plant Response Precautions: Screen Duo keeps plant surfaces cooler and an advance or delay in maturity may result.
Pome and stone fruit may have maturity delays of 3 to 7 days, especially in cool regions or cool seasons.

Mix Instructions:
For Agitating Sprayer Tanks (conventional, electrostatic and aerial sprayers)
1. Slowly add Screen Duo into the water in a recirculating sprayer tank, making sure to keep agitation brisk. Sprayer tanks
with strong agitation are preferred. A pre-mix tank may speed up loading operations if the sprayer does not have mechani-
cal agitation. Add Screen Duo directly into the mix basket if pump recirculation empties into the mix basket. If there is no
mix basket, add Screen Duo very slowly to the recirculating water. Avoid dumping Screen Duo directly into the pump in-
take area as this could plug the filter or intake. Mix thoroughly.
2. Add tank mix pesticides and adjuvants after the Screen Duo.
3. Continue agitation until the tank is empty.
4. At the end of the application flush system and nozzles with fresh water. Periodically check in-line strainer and clean if
necessary. Properly dispose of rinse water.

For Non-agitating Sprayer Tanks, Such as Handheld and Backpack Sprayers

The following mixing sequence must be followed:
1. Use Screen Duo at a rate of 1oz to 4oz of Screen Duo per gallon of water. For sprayers that are difficult to shake, pre-
mix in a bucket per the directions below and pour suspension into sprayer.
2. Fill the sprayer to 1/4 - 1/2 full. Add Screen Duo. Close top and shake vigorously. Add remaining water and shake to
mix, as well as to break up any remaining small clumps of Screen Duo, if found. It is not recommended to fill with a hose or
shake the container while Screen Duo is floating on top of the water.
3. Mix thoroughly by shaking the closed container vigorously for 30 seconds.
4. Add tank mix pesticides and adjuvants after the Screen Duo.
5. Add the remainder of batch water and shake the closed container for an additional 30 sec.
6. If sprayer is motionless for 1 minute or more, shake sprayer to agitate product.
7. At the end of the application, spray until empty and flush system and nozzles. If not empty, blow air pressure out of the
line and nozzle (usually by upending) and store in a cool place. Apply any leftover mix within two to three weeks to avoid
spoilage. Rinse the sprayer and allow to dry before the next batch.

Heavy rainfall, new growth, and wind erosion will affect film quality. Reapply to re-establish coverage after heavy rain as
soon as the foliage is dry. Avoid excessively thick coatings.

Foliage Dryness: Applications to wet foliage can cause inadequate film formation as well as excessive run off.

Under Hot, Dry Conditions: Under very hot and dry conditions, increase volume of water and droplet size to improve

Spray Methods: Air blast, high-pressure handgun, or boom sprayers provide the best results. For best resuts, use narrow
diameter nozzles and high pressures to produce a light mist-like spray with fine droplets that will form a uniform film on the
treated plant surface. At given concentrations, the flow rate of suspended Screen Duo is similar to water. Strainers, pref-
erably no finer than 40 mesh, in the spray system and behind each nozzle per normal practice helps to reduce nozzle clog-

A visual inspection of film deposition and completeness of coverage is crucial for fine-tuning spray coverage.

Overhead Irrigation and Overhead Cooling: Do not apply Screen Duo through any type of irrigation system.
Overhead irrigation or cooling is not preferred over Screen Duo treated surfaces due to the possible deposition of calcium
carbonate from hard water that may form residues that are hard to remove in the pack house.

Screen Duo does not require EPA approval and therefore is not included in CDMS or AGRIAN
There are no ‘Re-Entry’ or ‘Pre-Harvest Interval’ restrictions for Screen Duo
Page 3
Use Rates and Comments

TREE CROPS Rate Comments

Pome and Stone Make applications 14 days apart begin-

Season Long
Fruits, Nut crops, ning at petal fall (cap fall) and prior to the
1. Apply 10 lbs/100
Olives, Grape first heat event. Apply in a water volume
gals water every 10-
Vines, Small Fruits according to Tree Row Volume. Refer to
14 days beginning at
including Berries Application Guidelines.
petal fall (cap fall). If
rainfall or high tem-
peratures occur, re- On hard to wet foliage and fruit such as
apply Screen Duo to mangoes, plums and grape vines add a
refresh film. non-ionic surfactant/spreader at the rec-
ommended spreader label rate to the ini-
tial spray, or when reapplying after the
film has worn off.
Late Season Stone Fruit (excl. cherry) – apply only
Sunburn & early season up to 1/2 to 1 inch fruit di-
Heat Management ameter or after harvest. For cherry, apply
early season up to 1/4 inch fruit diameter,
1. Initial application or after harvest.
Tropical and
20 lbs/100gals
Subtropical crops *At low rates of Screen Duo and at high
such as Avocado, water volumes it may be necessary to add
2*. Subsequent
Banana, Mango, additional surfactant/spreader at the
applications at
Guava, Papaya, recommended label rate.
10 to 14 day intervals
Paw Paw
at 10 lbs/100gals
For all crops: refer to ’Post Harvest
Nursery & Washing Directions’ on page 6.
Ornamental Plants

Citrus *Citrus – due to the excellent ability of

Screen Duo to stick to citrus leaves and
foliage the application rate of subsequent
applications is 5 lbs/100 gallons of water
at 14 to 21 day intervals.

Do not apply Screen Duo to the underside

of unfolded leaves during growth flushes.

Page 4
Use Rates and Comments

Rate Comments
Vegetable crops Season Long For all crops: refer to ’Post Harvest Washing
including : Directions’ on page 6.
1. Apply 6 lbs/acre
Apply the first two applications 14 days apart and prior to
Tomatoes, beginning just prior the first heat event. Application interval should be reduced
Peppers, to flowering. if crop growth is rapid, and there are large amounts of un-
Potatoes, covered foliage.
Onions, 2. Re-apply at 14 Increase the volume of water used throughout the season
Cucurbits such as day based upon plant size.
Cucumber intervals. Reapply at 7 to 14 day intervals as required to maintain an
Squash, even coverage on the fruit and foliage. Continue treatment
Pumpkin, Late Season as required and maintain cover up to 7 days prior to har-
Rock melon, Wa- Sunburn & vest.
termelon. Heat Management For transplant shock reduction, apply at 12.5 lbs/acre to
plants in trays. Begin subsequent applications after post-
Vegetable 1. Initial application transplant watering and continue as described above.
Seedlings 25 lbs/acre
Cucurbits – apply to smooth-skinned cucurbits only. Refer
2. Subsequent to Post-harvest Packing and Washing instructions in the
applications user guide.
12.5 lbs/acre
Ensure that fruit is well covered for greatest sunburn reduc-


Season Long Apply in a water volume of approximately 100 to 125 gals/
Pineapple 1. Apply 6 lbs/acre acre using a calibrated boom fitted with fan nozzles. Appli-
beginning just prior cations near harvest are needed if the ripening fruit
to flowering. changes position as its weight increases. Reapply at 7-14
day intervals as required due to growth dilution or rainfall/
2. Re-apply irrigation.
at 7 to 14 day
intervals. Heavy rainfall, new growth and wind erosion will affect film
quality. Reapply to re-establish coverage after heavy rain
as soon as the foliage is dry. If the entire cover is lost due
to rain, re-commence
applications at the initial high rate, followed by subsequent
applications at the lower rate.

For fresh market pineapple, use high pressure forced water

sprays to remove any remaining residue.

Cotton, Peanuts Season Long For the management of heat stress.

1. Apply 6 lbs/acre
beginning just prior Re-apply as required at 7 to 14 day intervals
depending on growth dilution and rainfall.
to flowering.

2. Re-apply at 7 to
14 day intervals.

Page 5
Post-Harvest Washing Directions:

Crops that will be processed

Thorough washing is not generally required for crops to be processed, as light traces of Screen Duo do
not affect the quality of processed products. Crops for which the skin or treated surface is removed dur-
ing processing, generally do not need to be washed. Check with the processor before using Screen Duo
to ensure that treated produce is acceptable for processing.

Crops for fresh market

Post-harvest washing is required unless only early-season applications are made and no traces of Screen
Duo are present at harvest. Most traces of Screen Duo can be washed off with packing line brushing and
forced water sprays.

First time users it is suggested that a small-scale field application and post harvest film removal trial be
conducted before commercial use on fresh market crops to determine if any remaining traces of Screen
Duo can be fully removed.

Traces of Screen Duo may still be visible after washing, particularly in difficult to brush areas of the pro-
duce e.g. calyx, stem end, creases etc. and modifications to the packing line can be made to improve film
removal: e.g. higher pressure nozzles and different nozzle types; warm water; a longer soaking period in
the dump tank; use of different brush types, including longer-haired or sculpted brushes; adjustment of
brush rotation speed; using overhead brushes; using a blanket over the top of the fruit on the brush bed to
increase downward pressure and improve penetration of the bristles into hard to reach areas; increasing
the number of brushes in the brush bed. Reducing the speed of the packing line to increase the residence
time of the fruit on the brushes and under the high pressure water sprays. Produce that shows traces of
white film after a single pass through the washing process can be washed again. Post-harvest waxing
further improves fruit appearance.

The use of a fresh produce washing detergent that is labelled for use in the packing line and/or wash tank
may assist in film removal. The detergent must be approved for this purpose by the relevant authorities
and potential buyers.

For fresh market crops that will not be waxed or if the washing system is inadequate to remove all
traces of Screen Duo: Unless washing facilities are adequate, cease applications sufficiently in advance
of harvest to allow residue to weather off completely.

For field packed crops and fresh market crops that will not be washed and remaining Screen Duo
film would reduce crop value: Do not use this product.

Special washing considerations for stone fruit: Special washing is required for fresh market stone
fruit, especially for fuzzy peaches. Most traces of Screen Duo will wash off with brushing and forced water
sprays. Use of an approved fruit cleaning detergent may improve results. Prior to brushing, a pre-soak in
approved fruit cleaning detergent is needed for fuzzy peaches. A pre-harvest washing trial is
recommended as a means to determine if a detergent is necessary. If fresh market peaches cannot
be washed as noted above, discontinue Screen Duo sprays when the fruit are approximately 1 inch in di-
ameter. Residues of Screen Duo do not affect processed fruit quality.

Screen Duo™ Packaging:

Screen Duo is available in 50LB multilayered paper bags.

Dispose of empty bags at an approved land fill site or according to local authority guidelines.

Screen Duo™ is a registered trademark of Crop Microclimate Management Inc.

Page 6
Crop Microclimate Management researches and develops
technologies for the management of environmental stresses
in crop plants. CMM’s products are tools that allow farmers to
cost-effectively reduce losses in yield and harvest quality that
result from plants being exposed to excessive heat, cold, light,
or suffer from a shortage of water in combination with exces-
sive heat and light.

Abiotic stresses cause 50-60% of all

crop losses in modern agriculture.

For further information on Crop Microclimate Management visit:

For further information on Certis USA visit:

Page 7
Dual Activity - More Protection
• Reduced heat, light and water stress
• Increased photosynthesis
• Increased carbohydrate
• Increased quality & yield
• Improved Brix/TSS
• Reduced flower abortion
• Crops shed less fruit
• Reduced bi-annual bearing

Screen Duo Reduces Sunburn

• Increased marketable yield
• Improved skin color
• Less russet
• Improved internal fruit quality
• Higher pack outs
• Lower grading costs

Screen Duo Keeps Crops Cooler - Cooler Crops Use Less Water
• More efficient water use (less used for cooling and more for photosynthesis)
• Up to 30 - 40% reduction in potential water use
• Improved sustainability of deficit irrigation
• Reduced impact of soil moisture deficits

Distributed by:
Certis USA, L.L.C.
9145 Guilford Rd, Suite 175,
Columbia, MD 21046

Customer Service: 800-250-5024 or

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