2018/2019 EDITION
Adherence to the guidance in this manual will maintain a high level of consistency and accuracy with
performance testing services, and in turn maintain a high level of integrity for the WELLTM Certification
program. All Performance Testing Agents, including GBCI staff and organizations contracted with GBCI
are required to follow the guidance contained in this Quality Assurance Manual.
Adapting to Change
We practice continuous improvement and adapt to the changing needs of the global
marketplace, advancing our knowledge and expertise to move the green building industry
Each Performance Testing Organization is responsible for maintaining sufficient environmental testing
expertise to complete technically sound performance testing in compliance with documents published by
IWBI, in particular WELL v2 TM and the WELL Performance Verification Guidebook TM.
Performance Testing Organizations are required to meet the following in order to maintain their
approved status:
i. Maintaining at least one approved Performance Testing Agent on staff
ii. Maintaining at least one WELL AP on staff
iii. Completing at least one project per year
iv. Maintain an average customer satisfaction rating of 4 stars (see Section 4.4)
v. Maintain an average GBCI quality score of 4.5 with no score falling below 4.0 (see section 4.4)
Individual Performance Testing Agents are required to meet the following in order to maintain their
approved status:
i. Completing at least one project per year
ii. Maintain an average customer satisfaction rating of 4 stars (see Section 4.4)
iii. Maintain an average GBCI quality score of 4.5 with no score falling below 4.0 (see section 4.4)
It is the responsibility of each Performance Testing Organization and individual Performance Testing
Agent to ensure that other members of the performance testing team adhere to the most current
versions of GBCI guidance documents, including the Performance Testing Quality Assurance Manual.
GBCI provides third-party verification services for certification and credentialing through a scientific
process by which a product, process or service is reviewed by a reputable and unbiased third party to
verify that a set of criteria, claims or standards are being met. Certification and credentialing are used
within the global green building industry to demonstrate credibility, provide a metric for comparisons
and add significant value. GBCI facilitates the WELL certification process, oversees quality and
consistency for each Performance Testing Organization and Performance Testing Agent and evaluates
their work on an ongoing basis.
Performance Testing Organizations deliver performance testing services under the oversight of GBCI,
and their Performance Testing Agents are expected to review and assess individual features according to
published requirements.
The following definitions are used consistently throughout this document to refer to parties involved in
the WELL Certification process:
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI): organization that manages the accreditation of
individuals and the certification of WELL buildings.
WELL Reviewer: an individual who provides review of performance verification submittals for
projects applying for WELL certification.
Performance Testing Agent: individual authorized by GBCI to conduct the required performance
testing for projects pursuing WELL Certification.
Performance Verification Guidebook: This guidebook summarizes the performance testing and
submittal requirements for each performance test within the WELL Building Standard.
Optiona l: submit Submit for
for D&O verifi cation review
Submit for
doc review Approved
performance review
Prior to going on site, the Performance Testing Agent completes the following preparatory tasks:
i. Request the name of a primary point of contact on the site. This individual should have
the authority to ensure that the Performance Testing Agent has access to all areas of the
site associated with the assessment, and be available on site during the entire duration
of the Performance Testing Agent’s site visit (including after regular operating hours)
ii. Communicate with the project team on the date(s) and time(s) of a visit and clearly
outline expectations including any steps the project team must take to prepare for the
site visit/assessment
iii. Provide the project team with a site visit agenda to clearly communicate what activities
will be done on site and approximately how long the site visit will take
iv. Prepare a site visit checklist of features to be assessed and/or tested
v. Prepare program required assessment materials (as applicable)
The Performance Testing Agent is responsible for procuring and bringing the necessary assessment
equipment. All equipment must meet the specifications described in the WELL Performance Verification
Guidebook and must be calibrated within the manufacturer’s specifications.
Each project should have an assigned Performance Testing Agent. Additional performance testing
experts or additional Performance Testing Agent’s may assist in conducting performance testing but the
primary Performance Testing Agent is responsible for the entire performance testing submittal to GBCI
and all associated quality scores and metrics associated with the submittal will be ascribed to the
primary Performance Testing Agent.
After the Performance Testing Agent/organization have completed their in-house quality review of the
test results for quality and accuracy, the Performance Testing Agent may provide the results to the
project team. However, the Performance Testing Agent must not indicate or imply that a feature or part
has been earned/awarded, or that the project will achieve certification. They should notify project
teams when they have submitted the testing results to GBCI for approval. The Performance Testing
Agent may not communicate the certification status of the project to the Owner or project team until
after GBCI has issued the final certification decision.
Please be reminded that as stated in the Conflict of Interest Policy (Section 5.1 of this Manual), the
Performance Testing Agent is not permitted to provide consulting, design, construction and/or
operational services or advice to the Owner or project team at any point during the certification process;
this includes during site visits.
Documentation collected on-site should capture the specific parameters of the performance testing.
Documentation should include:
If there are no outstanding items that need to be addressed by the project team, the Performance
Testing Agent must inform them when the performance testing results have been submitted to GBCI for
review. It is important to keep the project team informed on the status of their project in the
certification process. GBCI is the certification body authorized to issue certifications and will
communicate the certification outcome directly to the project team.
Additional requirements:
The Certification Challenge Policy protects the integrity of the certification programs administered by
GBCI. This policy is intended to function as both a quality check on the GBCI certification process, as well
as an instrument designed to detect and remedy incidents of intentional or inadvertent
misrepresentation which result in the inappropriate award of certification. This policy is not meant to
serve as a vehicle for the adjudication of disputes between outside parties. More details on the
Certification Challenge Policy are available on our website at:
The Performance Testing Organization’s Quality Management Plan should address the following, at a
i. A set of specific goals to be achieved by the Quality Management Plan
ii. The roles and responsibilities related to Quality Management for the Performance Testing
Agent and other individuals who provide internal quality assurance
iii. There is at least one GBCI approved Performance Testing Agent on staff
iv. An approved , GBCI approved Performance Testing Agent must be assigned to each project
and this same Performance Testing Agent must be on site at all times during WELL
performance testing and must conduct or oversee all testing
v. Quality Control process to ensure an additional layer of quality assurance is provided via
detailed quality review of all work prior to submittal to GBCI
vi. Process in place to monitor work of the Performance Testing Organization and each
Performance Testing Agent receiving scores below 4.5, and that address issues as needed
vii. Process for tracking and keeping records to confirm that Performance Testing Agents are
trained annually on, and have agreed to, the following:
a. Professional Conduct Guidelines outlined in this document
b. Conflict of Interest policy outlined in this document
viii. Process to ensure that all Performance Testing Agents are educated on the Performance
Testing Organization’s Quality Management Plan, and their respective roles in implementing
the Quality Management Plan
ix. Process for responding to GBCI-issued Corrective Action Requests (CAR) and developing and
implementing appropriate corrective action procedures
x. Process to ensure ongoing professional development of Performance Testing Agents to
ensure they are up to date with industry trends
Each of these competencies is scored on a scale of 1-5, with 1 representing poor quality and 5 high
quality. The following table outlines the qualitative significance of the scores received by a Performance
Testing Agent with respect to whether performance is meeting GBCI Quality Expectations or not. All
Performance Testing Agents are expected to maintain average quality scores of 4.5 or above, with no
one score falling below 4.0.
3.5-3.9 Performance is critically below GBCI Quality Expectations and there is significant room for
improvement – Corrective Action Request likely to be issued
<3.5 Performance is unacceptable and the integrity of the certification program is compromised –
Corrective Action Request will be issued, and approved status will be reviewed
The project audit will include documentation submitted to GBCI for review and may include a
conference call and/or a site visit to the project. If potential non-conformities are found, the audit may
be expanded to include other project audits, to confirm whether or not it is a systematic failure.
Expenses associated with additional site visits may be billed directly to the Performance Testing
If selected for an audit (whether annual or for cause), the Performance Testing Organization and
assigned Performance Testing Agent must be prepared provide all information related to the project as
outlined below in section 4.5.1 Record Keeping, and any other documentation requested by GBCI to
ensure the completion of a smooth audit review. If the Performance Testing Organization or their
Performance Testing Agent does not cooperate with the audit process, GBCI may initiate disciplinary
action (outlined in section 6.3).
If there are major non-conformities, GBCI will issue a Corrective Action Request to the Performance
Testing Organization, which may place the Performance Testing Agent(s) under Probation status (see
Disciplinary Action section 6.3 of this manual). In instances where a Performance Testing Organization
has only one Performance Testing Agent and that agent is placed on probation, the Performance Testing
Organization will effectively be under probation status.
The Performance Testing Organization and Performance Testing Agent shall identify risks to its
impartiality on an ongoing basis. This shall include those risks that arise from its activities and
relationships both as a company and from the relationships of its personnel. A relationship presenting a
risk to the impartiality of the Performance Testing Organization and the assigned Performance Testing
Agent can be based on personal relations (such as friend, relative, etc.), ownership, governance,
management, personnel, shared resources, finances, contracts, marketing (including branding), and
payment of a sales commission or other inducement for the referral of new clients, etc.
The Conflict of Interest policy identifies the following types of actions that Performance Testing Agents
are permitted to perform on a specific WELL project (outside of performance testing tasks); actions that
are considered a conflict of interest but are permitted with proper disclosure; and finally, actions that
the Performance Testing Agent is prohibited from performing.
All conflict of interest disclosures must be signed by the Performance Testing Organization and the
assigned Performance Testing Agent.
The following sections provide additional guidance on how to navigate these types of issues if they occur
and when and how to declare these conflicts to GBCI.
The Performance Testing Organization and assigned Performance Testing Agent must ensure that major
conflicts of interest do not occur on any WELL project.
If the Performance Testing Organization or Performance Testing Agent becomes aware of a major
conflict of interest, they must contact GBCI at immediately for
discussion and resolution prior to completing any performance testing.
In such cases, the Performance Testing Organization may not bundle any conflicted services in the same
contract as for performance testing services associated with WELL certification. A separate contract
must be used that clearly states that these additional services are not required as part of WELL
performance testing services under the WELL program.
The following types of services are considered minor conflicts of interest and must be disclosed to GBCI
on the performance testing submittal template (unless otherwise noted):
i. Other members of the Performance Testing Organization, who are not the assigned
Performance Testing Agent for a project, may provide consulting, design, construction
and/or operational related services with proper disclosure. Such services may include:
a. Design support services related to the WELL program, including:
Specifying products
Creating drawing, details, or specifications
Performing design-related calculations
b. Construction support services related to the WELL Building Standard
c. Acting as responsible party / signing any Letters of Assurance
d. Designing /specifying the durability related measures
e. Ongoing operations related to the WELL project
ii. Performance Testing Agent providing services without charge (voluntarily) to the project
team must be disclosed
All individuals deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. GBCI is therefore committed to fostering a
work environment free from harassment, intimidation and coercion based on or related to race, color,
gender, religion, national origin (including ancestry), age, disability, veteran status, marital or familial
status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, personal appearance, or any other classification protected
by applicable law. Violation of this commitment is inconsistent with GBCI’s philosophy of mutual respect
for all individuals, and will not be tolerated.
Illegal and improper harassment may include, but is not limited to:
i. Offensive or abusive physical contact
ii. Use of offensive nicknames or terms of endearment
iii. Unwelcome comments about a person’s clothing, body, appearance, or personal life
iv. Offensive jokes or unwelcome innuendoes
v. Use of email or internet system to retrieve or transmit offensive or harassing messages
vi. Any suggestion that one’s membership in a protected class would affect one’s job or
working conditions
vii. Other conduct referring to race, gender, religion, etc., even if not objectionable to some
Performance Testing Agents, if it creates a working environment that others may
reasonably find hostile or offensive
Sexual harassment may consist of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when one or more of the following occur:
i. Submission or rejection of such conduct is made a term or condition of an individual’s
Violations of this policy are not permitted and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including
revocation of approved Performance Testing Agent status, and the possible revocation of approved
Performance Testing Organization status.
Note: If a Performance Testing Organization has only one Performance Testing Agent on staff, these
disciplinary actions will impact the approved status of the Performance Testing Organization.
There are three types of disciplinary action that may be taken against a Performance Testing
Organization and their Performance Testing Agent(s):
i. Corrective Action Request
ii. Probation
iii. Revocation of approved status and agreement with GBCI
These are each described below; GBCI maintains a record of all disciplinary actions.
GBCI will hold a meeting with the Performance Testing Organization and the Performance Testing Agent
to discuss their corrective action plan and will communicate approval of the plan or if any additional
information is needed. GBCI will then closely monitor the work of the Performance Testing Organization
and their Performance Testing Agent and impose heightened quality oversight. Depending on the
nature of the infraction, GBCI may allow the Performance Testing Agent to continue operating (e.g.,
conducting performance testing), or may place restrictions on operation (for example, probation). Note
that the Performance Testing Organization may be required to pay additional fees (including expenses
associated with additional site visits) to GBCI for increased quality oversight of projects submitted during
the CAR period.
If GBCI observes the same or new infractions occurring, and/or the corrective action plan provided by
GBCI November 2018 Page 25
the Performance Testing Organization is not working, GBCI may issue a second CAR or, depending on the
severity of the infraction, may place the Performance Testing Agent under Probation or revoke the
Performance Testing Organization’s approved status. The Performance Testing Organization has 20
business days to provide a written root cause analysis and corrective action plan to address the issues
raised in the second CAR and put in place a process to ensure that infraction(s) will not reoccur.
A Performance Testing Agent who receives a CAR may be placed under probation status and this will be
communicated within the CAR.
Note that during the probation period, the Performance Testing Agent or Performance Testing
Organization may be required to pay additional fees (including expenses associated with additional site
visits) to GBCI for increased quality oversight of projects submitted during the probation period.
At GBCI’s discretion, the Performance Testing Agent’s name may be temporarily removed from the list
of approved Performance Testing Agent’s and the Performance Testing Agent or approved Organization
may be prohibited from taking on any new projects during this period.
The Performance Testing Agent will be remain under probation status until GBCI deems that the
infractions/non-conformities have been addressed satisfactorily by the Performance Testing Agent and
clears the CAR against the Performance Testing Agent. If the infractions/non-conformities are not
sufficiently addressed, the next step in the disciplinary process will be triggered, which is revocation.
If the Performance Testing Agent does not address the issues during probation to the satisfaction of
GBCI and/or the nature of the infractions are sufficiently serious (e.g. acceptance of a bribe), GBCI will
revoke the Performance Testing Agent’s approval. Note that it is not necessary for a Performance
Testing Agent to receive a CAR or be under probation first in order to trigger a revocation. Depending on
the seriousness of the infraction, GBCI reserves the right to revoke a Performance Testing Agent’s
approval to conduct WELL performance testing without issuing CARs or placing the Performance Testing
Agent under probation.
If issues or infractions are widespread throughout an organization, GBCI reserves the right to terminate
the contract with the Performance Testing Organization and, depending on the nature of the infraction,
potentially all associated Performance Testing Agents to conduct WELL performance testing.
The Performance Testing Agent will receive written (electronically or in paper form) notice from GBCI
that the approval for providing Performance Testing Agent services has been revoked and the
Performance Testing Agent has been removed from all public databases. The Performance Testing Agent
is expected to cooperate with GBCI to determine how projects that are in progress (have begun or
completed testing) but have not yet submitted, with the Performance Testing Agent will be supported to
final certification.
The appellant Performance Testing Agent may request a telephonic hearing with GBCI. In such an event,
GBCI shall, no later than twenty (20) business days after the filing of the notice of appeal, notify the
appellant Performance Testing Agent of the date of the hearing, which shall be held as expeditiously as
possible, but not later than thirty (30) business days after the receipt of the notice of appeal. A ruling on
the appeal will be made not later than twenty (20) business days after the hearing has concluded.
GBCI has a formal complaint submittal process. If an individual or organization reaches out to GBCI with
any complaints and grievances that they may have with any Performance Testing Agent or Performance
Testing Organization the following information will be requested:
i. The name of the complainant and contact information
ii. The Performance Testing Agent and/or Performance Testing Organization that is the
subject of the complaint
iii. A complete description of the alleged violation(s)
iv. A recitation of all the facts documenting the complaint including contact information
v. Copies of any relevant documents supporting the complaint
Upon receipt of a formal and complete complaint, GBCI will review and consider the documentation
contained in the formal complaint in making a decision whether to proceed or dismiss the complaint. In
cases where the documentation submitted does not meet the minimum standards for a complaint, the
complaint may be dismissed. GBCI shall notify both parties of the findings.
In cases where GBCI finds that the complaint should proceed to the next step, GBCI shall send a copy of
the complaint to the subject of the complaint immediately. The subject of the complaint has thirty (30)
business days to submit a full and complete response to the complaint. All relevant information and
documentation shall be included in the response. The response shall be in writing and sent to GBCI.
Once the investigation is complete the complaint will either be dismissed or the Disciplinary Policy noted
in Section 5 will be triggered.
GBCI will only inform the complainant of the outcome once the full investigation and/or disciplinary
process is complete.