Cholera a Continuing Challenge to Public Health
Cholera a Continuing Challenge to Public Health
Cholera a Continuing Challenge to Public Health
in endemic areas, it is usually in the range of 2-5 Venkatraman and Ramakrishnan (VR fluid) fluid at
%. During outbreaks in a non-endemic area with room temperature unless viral infection or dysentery/
susceptible population, the attack rate may be diarrhea due to non-cholera organisms is suspected.
as high as 30 %. The calculation of attack rate is Stool samples should preferably be collected in
important for the Public Health Administrator as duplicate. In field situations, if transport medium is
it tells about the magnitude of the problem. Based not available, the rectal swab can be placed in a
on this data control measures logistics can be sterile bijou bottle, sealed with leucoplast and sent
finalised. to the testing laboratories.
g) Source of infection: The main source of infection Direct microscopic examination of stool specimen,
is human being who is case or carrier. if shows darting motility, cholera can be suspected.
Motility ceases on mixing with polyvalent anti cholera
h) Reservoir: Aquatic sources such as brackish
diagnostic serum. This presumptive test can be used
water and estuaries often associated with algal
in field situations. During outbreaks, this test can
blooms (planktons). Recent hypothesis states
become useful adjunct to diagnosis along with
that global warming might increase the growth
epidemiological information.
of zooplankton in aquatic environments due to
rise in water temperature and thus may lead to Culture methods:
an increased incidence of cholera in vulnerable (a) Bile salt agar medium (BSA) (pH 8.6) is used
areas. routinely for culturing the stool sample after
i) Population mobility: Movement of population enrichment in APW for 4-6 hrs. The translucent,
(pilgrimages, marriages, fairs and festivals) that oil drop like colonies on BSA that stain as gram
leads to temporary overcrowding with ad-hoc negative coccobacilli, are oxidase, lysine and
arrangements enhances the risk of acquisition ornithine positive suggest isolation of Vibrio
of infection. Slums and refugee camps are at cholerae. Unless antisera is available locally such
risk. presumptive strains could be stocked in 1%
nutrient agar slants and sent to regional or national
j) Lower socio-economic status: Increased
reference laboratories for serotype and biotype
incidence of disease is attributable to poor
hygiene, especially in rural areas where open-air
defaecation is still prevalent. (b) TCBS (Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose
agar) is a good selective medium that is used
k) Immunity: Natural infection confers immunity that
extensively for the isolation of vibrios. This medium
may last for several years but re-infection is depicts yellow colonies and can be used in field
possible with new serogroup or increased infective situations. The medium identify cases even in the
dose. presence of lesser number of cholera bacilli for eg.
LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS in antibiotic treated cases, carriers etc.
Packets of WHO-ORS are generally available at These should be given under supervision of medical
all PHCs, Sub-centres and hospitals. The ORS doctor in the hospital.
solution should be made fresh daily with boiled Antibiotic Therapy: Antibiotic should be used with
drinking water after it has been cooled to room reservation depending upon requirements of the
temperature. This reconstituted ORS solution case, its severity, age of the patients and local
should be used within 24 hrs. After reconstitution susceptibility pattern of Vibrios. It diminishes the
of ORS solution, it should not be boiled again for
duration of diarrhoea, reduces the volume of
sterilization purposes.
rehydration fluids and shortens the duration of vibrio
Intravenous Rehydration: It is required for the rapid excretion. The antibiotic can be started by the
correction of fluid and electrolyte imbalance in treating clinician keeping in mind the age, drug, and
severely dehydrated patients who are in shock or route of administration. Resume feeding with a
are unable to retain fluid due to excessive vomiting. normal diet when vomiting is under control. Breast
Such patients require immediate attention and transfer feeding of infants and young children should be
to a nearby hospital or treatment centre. The solutions continued.
Mass chemoprophylaxis is neither effective non Cholera vaccination is not mandatory for international
recommended for control of cholera outbreak. travel.
suspected cholera outbreak. If facilities for IV date of onset of illness; date of sample
treatment cannot be arranged at Local level then collection; type of sample collected (stool in
transportation should be made available for early plain bottle/ rectal swab in Cary Blair/ rectal
shifting of cases to nearby CHC or PHC under ORS swab in APW / Stool in Cary Blair); whether
or IV drip cover. the patient took any antibiotics prior to sample
i. ORS Packets: collection. It should be signed by the Medical
Officer in charge with address, fax/ email/
a. WHO formula: 400 packets
contact no.
b. Isotonic formula: 200 packets
(C) For epidemiological investigations
ii. Ringer lactate solution: 200 bottles
1. A simple Performa needs to be developed to
iii. Normal saline: 200 bottles. investigate any gastroenteritis outbreak and a
iv. IV drip sets: 30 possible suggestion is as under:
v. Disposable needles: size: 18 /20/21: 50 each. Name; age; sex; no. of members in the household;
date of onset of diarrhea; no. of members suffering
vi. Micro drip set: 10
from diarrhea; any history of antibiotic taken prior
vii. Pediatric cannula size 24: 50 nos to this. The Performa can be further modified if
needed. The important information is number of
(B) For microbiological sample collection
cases and deaths by area, by time period and by
i. Cary Blair Medium: 20 population subgroups. Calculation of attack and
ii. Rectal swab: 30 case fatality rates allows comparison of different
areas and periods. The distribution of cases
iii. Alkaline Peptone water: 20
according to sex, age, social class etc. should be
iv. Plain Universal Container or MacCartney’s calculated.
Bottle: 20
2. For environmental sanitation, water quality
v. Polypropylene autoclavable screw capped bottle checking and treatment of these items may
500 ml capacity: 10 be carried. Chlorine tablets: 5000 tablets
vi. Leucoplast or Sticker type of Label: 2 sheets/ along with black polythene for distribution in
rolls. the community; bleaching powder (25 kg in
HDPE bag with min 33% available chlorine);
vii. Discarding Bag (5 litres)-50
Orthotoluidine Kit for checking chlorine in
viii. Zipper Bags: 50 pcs water, IEC material (Posters), WHO ORS
ix. Marker Pen:2; Ball Pen: 2 packets – 1000. 4-5 samples from the area
can be collected and sent to the public health
x. Scissors: one pair
laboratory for bacteriological and chemical
xi. Binocular microscope for Hanging Drop analyses.
3. A working case definition should be formed
xii. Vaccine Carrier with ice: For transportation of based on the examination of initial 10-15 cases.
water samples or in case viral diarrhea is This case definition should be local situation
suspected. specific and may vary as per the situation or
need of the case.
xiii. Samples should be sent with following
information preferably in a tabulated form: 4. What is the possible mode of transmission of
Name; age; sex; father’s name; complete the outbreak? Is it water borne/ food borne/food
residential address (town/ locality/ taluka); poisoning type.
5. An attempt should always be made to identify hand washing ritual; use of night soil for growing
the risk factors that may have contributed or vegetables.
precipitated the cholera outbreak. Common
known risk factors that are known to cause
diarrhoea outbreaks are: faecal contamination Since all diarrhoeal diseases are mainly waterborne,
of drinking water sources; floods leading to there is a need to develop a comprehensive national
overflowing of rainwater into wells; shallow hand programme for the control of diarrhoeal diseases
pumps and wells getting sewage or fecal (including cholera) supported by an improved
contamination due to adjoining leaking septic sanitary, economic and educational campaign. Such
tank , leaking drinking water pipes drawing fecal a programme with an integrated approach should
contamination from adjacent pipes; lack of aim at carrying out continuous surveillance for
health care facility or health care facility at a cholera and other waterborne diarrhoeal diseases
distant place; lack of availability of potable for the generation of useful data and early warning
water; overcrowding; open air defaecation; no signals.
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP)
l Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) was launched by Hon’ble sUnion Minister of Health & Family Welfare in
November 2004. It is a decentralized, state based surveillance program in the country. It is intended to detect early warning
signals of impending outbreaks and help initiate an effective response in a timely manner.
l The project was implemented in Mizoram in 2004-05, in Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland and Meghalaya in 2005-06, and in
Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Assam in 2006-07.
l All the states are reporting weekly outbreak alerts to the Central Surveillance Unit. Six states are sending weekly epidemiological data
also in IDSP reporting format. The list shows outbreaks detected and responded to by the IDSP in the NE States in the past 6 months.
Outbreaks detected through IDSP in last 6 months in the North Eastern States
...about CDAlert
CDAlert is a monthly newsletter of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) , Directorate General of Health
Services, to disseminate information on various aspects of communicable diseases to medical fraternity and health administrators.
The newsletter may be reproduced, in part or whole, for educational purposes.
Chief Editor: Dr. R. K. Srivastava
Editorial Board: Dr. Shiv Lal, Dr. R. L. Ichhpujani, Dr. Shashi Khare, Dr. A. K. Harit
Guest Editor: Dr. Uma Chawla, Dr. A.C. Dhariwal, Dr. Somenath Karmakar, Dr. Monica Chaudhary, Dr. Arti Bahl
Publisher: Director, National Institute of Communicable Diseases, 22 Shamnath Marg, Delhi 110 054
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