Anne-Sophie Boureau1*, Cédric Annweiler2, Joël Belmin3, Claire Bouleti4, Mathieu Chacornac5,
Michel Chuzeville6, Jean-Philippe David7, Patrick Jourdain8, Pierre Krolak-Salmon9, Nicolas Lamblin10,
Marc Paccalin11, Laurent Sebbag12 and Olivier Hanon13
Department of Geriatrics, University Hospital, Nantes, France; Institut du Thorax, University Hospital, Nantes, France; 2Department of Geriatric Medicine and Memory
Clinic, Research Center on Autonomy and Longevity, University Hospital, Angers; UPRES EA 4638, University of Angers; Gérontopôle Autonomie Longévité des Pays de la
Loire; Robarts Research Institute, Department of Medical Biophysics, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada; 3Hôpital
Charles Foix et Sorbonne Université, Ivry-sur-Seine, France; 4Cardiology, University of Poitiers, Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) INSERM 1402, Poitiers University Hospital,
Poitiers, France; 5Department of Cardiology, Annecy Genevois Hospital, Annecy, France; 6Geriatric Cardiology Department, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Hospices Civils de Lyon,
Lyon, France; 7INSERM- U955, IMRB, CEpiA team, Department of Geriatric Medicine, AP-HP, Hôpitaux Henri-Mondor, Univ Paris Est Creteil, Creteil, France; 8DMU COREVE,
GHU Paris Saclay, APHP, Paris, France; INSERM UMR S 999, IHU TORINO (thorax Innovation), Turin, Italy; 9Clinical and Research Memory Center of Lyon, Lyon Institute For
Elderly, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France; University of Lyon, Lyon, France; Neuroscience Research Centre of Lyon, INSERM 1048, CNRS, Lyon, France; 10Institut
Cœur Poumon, CHU de Lille, Inserm U1167, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Université de Lille, Lille, France; 11Department of Geriatrics, CHU La Milétrie, CIC-1402, Poitiers, France;
Service Insuffisance Cardiaque et Transplantation Hospices Civils de Lyon Hôpital Louis Pradel, Bron, France; and 13Department of Geriatrics, Université de Paris, EA 4468,
APHP, Hôpital Broca, Paris, France
Aims The heart failure (HF) prognosis in older patients remains poor with a high 5-years mortality rate more frequently
attributed to noncardiovascular causes. The complex interplay between frailty and heart failure contribute to poor health
outcomes of older adults with HF independently of ejection fraction. The aim of this position paper is to propose a practical
management of frailty in older patients with heart failure.
Methods A panel of multidisciplinary experts on behalf the Heart Failure Working Group of the French Society of Cardiology
and on behalf French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology conducted a systematic literature search on the interlink between
frailty and HF, met to propose an early frailty screening by non-geriatricians and to propose ways to implement management
plan of frailty. Statements were agreed by expert consensus.
Results Clinically relevant aspects of interlink between frailty and HF have been reported to identify the population eligible
for screening and the most suitable screening test(s). The frailty screening program proposed focuses on frailty model defined
by an accumulation of deficits including geriatric syndromes, comorbidities, for older patients with HF in different settings of
care. The management plan of frailty includes optimization of HF pharmacological treatments and non-surgical device
treatment as well as optimization of a global patient-centred biopsychosocial blended collaborative care pathway.
Conclusion The current manuscript provides practical recommendations on how to screen and optimize frailty management
in older patients with heart failure.
© 2022 The Authors. ESC Heart Failure published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Society of Cardiology.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
4054 A.-S. Boureau et al.
Table 1 Published studies on frailty impact on prognosis in heart failure (HF) patients, from latest meta-analysis (2018) until May 2021
Figure 1 (A) Schematic mechanisms of frailty in aging. Maximum functional capacity (blue line) decreases with age, as well as functional reserve.
Frailty occurs when maximum functional capacity decreases below the level required under stressful conditions (arrow 2). In young individuals, func-
tional capacity is sufficient to overcome stressful conditions. The slope of functional decline varies among individuals. Persons with slower decline ex-
perience successful aging and are not frail (green line, arrow 3) and those with steeper decline experience accelerated aging and greater frailty (red line
and arrow 1). (B) Heart failure (HF) may alter functional capacity through a decrease functional reserve and an increase frailty (arrows 4 and 5). The
effects of acute HF on frailty might be reversible after recovery.
conditions. However, the effects of acute disease might be re- Practical guide to screen for frailty in
versible after recovery (Figure 1).
Given the close interlink between HF and frailty, it seems heart failure patients
essential to screen for frailty in older HF patients and vice
versa to optimize HF treatment in older patients to avoid A screening programme is not just a single test but rather a
an acute decompensation, a major stressor which can pathway that starts by identifying the population eligible for
accelerate functional impairment toward major disability. screening and stops when interventions, treatment and out-
Furthermore, beneficial treatment interventions can be im- comes are reported1 (Figure 2, and Table 2 and 3). The expert
plemented to reduce impact of frailty.25 panel, on behalf the Heart Failure Working Group of the
French Society of Cardiology and on behalf French Society
of Geriatrics and Gerontology, focused on the frailty model
Benefits of frailty management based on an accumulation of deficits including geriatric syn-
dromes, co-morbidities as cognitive status or cardiovascular
Patients with both frailty and CHF require an individualized diseases reducing functional reserve.
management approach. Whatever the frailty definition used
(Fried or Rockwood model), the implementation of treatment
should include a multidisciplinary approach with pharmaco-
logical and non-pharmaceutical treatment as psychological Who?
and social care.
In 1995, MW Rich et al., reported in a randomized prospec- Regarding the high prevalence of frailty in older patients with
tive study the value of coordinated multidisciplinary interven- HF, regardless of left ventricular ejection fraction, acute or
tion to increase quality of life, and to reduce 90 days-read- chronic HF, its screening and management should therefore
mission, total medical cost and mortality of HF older be a priority for the HF teams. Because frailty prevalence in-
patients.26 Although this study did not include frailty tools, creases with age, with or without co-morbidities, the patient
the multidisciplinary care plan corresponded to what can be we would select as a particular target for frailty screening
proposed for this disease. Since then, other interventional would be a patient with HF aged 75 and older.32,33 It does
studies with implementation of specific frailty management not seem appropriate to restrict the target population ac-
have been published. The value of physical activity alone re- cording to co-morbidities because frailty may be secondary
mains debated. Thus Chen’s meta-analysis (which included to heart failure itself. Indeed, frailty if cardiac surgery, surgi-
7 randomized trials) showed a positive effect of physical ac- cal, and non-surgical device treatment is considered, the
tivity on the 6-minute walking test and quality of life but no frailty screening should be proposed for patients aged
impact on hospitalization or mortality.27 However, a random- >65 years or sometimes even youngers.13 It is nevertheless
ized study confirmed the benefit of a combined intervention proposed to avoid screening for frailty in patients with pallia-
(dietary advice, psychological support, locomotor rehabilita- tive care whether for a terminal HF or for other reasons as
tion) with specialized follow-up to optimize management of completely dependent patients, approaching the end of life,
frail HF patients compared with standard management.28 who could not recover even from a minor illness.
Table 2 Details and predictive values of frailty screening tools: TRST, SEGA-A, and VES-13
use simplest screening tools instead of assessment tools, inte- incorporating elements of the geriatric assessment can be
grated in a pre-established care pathway. Numerous frailty used. The HFA of ESC has proposed a HF-specific tool based
screening tools have been developed in general population on four major domains (clinical, psycho-cognitive, functional,
as Clinical Frailty Scale, Frailty Phenotype, SHARE-FI, FRAIL, … and social).39 For the moment, domains have been defined
as well as tools in order to identify older adults who may ben- but agreement on the specific items to include in these four
efit from a geriatric assessment as Short Emergency Geriatric domains is needed, as well as the validation (specific and sen-
Assessment (SEGA), Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13) or sitive) of this new score in identifying patients with frailty in HF
Triage Risk Screening Tool (TRST)1 (tools are in the supporting cohort studies.39 Others tools including domains of the geriat-
information).10,35,38 ric assessment already exist.
In a systematic review published in 2018 with 20 studies, The Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13) is a 13-item
Mc Donagh J. et al analysed 8 frailty screening tools and frailty questionnaire developed through analysis of nationally repre-
assessment tools in HF patients. Even though frailty is an im- sentative sample survey data of older patients in the United
portant prognostic indicator in HF patients and needs a holistic States in 2001.40 This scale can be easily administered during
therapeutic approach, screening tools are not fully validated in a face-to-face or telephone interview in a few minutes by cli-
these patients.35 In another study with ambulatory HF nicians or non-clinicians. It has been assessed in outpatient
patients, Clinical Frailty Scale (CSF) has a high correlation with and inpatient care and is applicable in primary care.41,42
assessment tools and the lowest misclassification rate in iden- The Short Emergency Geriatric Assessment (SEGA-A) was
tifying frailty according to the standard combined frailty proposed in 2004 for an early geriatric syndrome identifica-
index.10 Further studies are needed to clarify if these simple tion in emergency ward.43,44 The SEGA tool has been vali-
frailty screening tools have comparable prognostic value to dated with general practitioners.45 This screening has the
more comprehensive frailty assessments for HF patients. In or- advantage of being largely validated (in emergency wards,
der to identify the main factors of frailty from the outset, tools in hospital and outpatient departments) because it has very
Table 3 Primary prevention of frailty and optimization care of geriatric syndromes in elderly HF subjects angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors (ACE-I), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs) together with
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs), sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i), beta-blockers (BB)
Prevention Treatment
HFrEF • Treatment of risk factors as cardiovascular chronic • Optimal therapy (ACEi or ARNI, BB, MRA, SGLT2i)
diseases: hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation • Refer to resynchronization if indicated
HFpEF • Optimal diuretic management adapted to co-morbidities
• Exercise training programme, 2–3 times/week
Co-morbidities and • Treatment doses management according to renal • Check co-morbidities management including iron
polypharmacy clearance deficiency
• Try to use a single drug to treat two or more diseases • Priority setting for patients with multiple co-morbidities
• Patient and caregiver information about each • Medication review
Sarcopenia • Regular physical exercise adapted to patient capacity • Exercise training programme, which includes aerobic,
strength, and balance exercises, 2–3 times/week
• Combination of nutrition and exercise programmes
Malnutrition • Weight monitoring • Energy input of 30 to 40 kcal/kg/day
• Protein intake: 1 to 1.2 g/kg/day • Protein intake: 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg/day
• Regular physical exercise adapted to patient capacity • +/ oral nutritional supplements
• Regular physical exercise adapted to patient capacity
Physical function • Screen for orthostatic hypotension • Identify and treat risk factors including psychotropic drugs
and falls • Sufficient water supply reduction
• Regular physical exercise adapted to patient capacity • Search for potential precipitating risk factors
• Vitamin D supplementation
• Environmental assessment
• Exercise training programme, which includes aerobic,
strength, balance and flexibility exercises, 2–3 times/week
Depression • Combatting Social Isolation • Medication if needed: selective serotonin reuptake
• Psychotherapy
Cognitive impairment • Treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension or • Specific attention to drug adherence (home help to deliver
atrial fibrillation to prevent cognitive decline. treatments)
• Social participation • Specific treatments and social support
• Cognitive stimulation
Vaccination • Influenza, pneumococcal, SARS-CoV2
functional status of frail HF patients. The goal of the team is ment, especially for HFpEF patients, is also challenging
also to achieve patient preferences in the patient’s treatment particularly to prevent complications such as cardio-renal
plan including pharmacological treatment optimization and syndrome.
global care plan optimization.49,50 In all cases, co-morbidities treatment should be also
optimized as these co-morbidities can lead to HF decompen-
sation and increase frailty. Iron deficiency and Vitamin D
Optimizing pharmacological treatments and deficiency should be investigated as it is recommended to
non-surgical device treatment correct deficiencies by injectable iron in HFrEF patients, and
oral D Vitamin deficiency in older patients.29,31 Finally, influ-
HF treatment is based on the European Society of Cardiology enza, pneumococcal, and SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations are also
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and essential in this targeted population.
chronic HF.29 First, it is essential that older patients have at
least one cardiologic evaluation with an echocardiography if
practitioner suspects HF diagnosis. Transthoracic echocardi- Optimizing global patient-centred
ography is the method of choice for assessment of myocar- biopsychosocial blended collaborative care
dial systolic and diastolic function and to search for a differ- pathway
ential diagnosis with its own management (valvular disease
and cardiac amyloidosis). In geriatric wards, nearly 50% of Non-pharmacological treatment is essential for older patients
older HF patients do not have at least one echocardiography with HF. The limited evidence supporting the effectiveness of
or a known left ejection ventricular function (LVEF).51 Differ- exercise tailored to older and frail HF patients highlights the
entiation of patients with HF based on LVEF is important due current gaps in their management. In HF patients including
to different underlying aetiologies, co-morbidities and re- patients with preserved ejection fraction, endurance exer-
sponse to treatment (ESC Guidelines). Secondly, recom- cise, such as cycling or walking, can improve exercise
mended therapies for HFrEF improve functional capacity, capacity.61 Indeed, 2021 ESC guidelines recommends a super-
reduce mortality and acute hospital admission. Initiating vised, exercise-based, cardiac rehabilitation programme for
treatment and/or drugs doses titration [ACE inhibitors, frail patients with HF.29 Aerobic exercise combined with resis-
beta-blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), mineral- tance training appears to be effective in preventing muscle
ocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) and angiotensin re- loss associated with HF. For older patients, a multicomponent
ceptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), sodium-glucose co-trans- exercise training programme, which includes aerobic,
porter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2is)] can be challenging in frail strength, and balance exercises, is considered to be the most
older patients due to several reasons: the risk of side effects effective for improving mobility and gait, increasing muscle
is increased by co-morbidities (e.g. renal insufficiency), mass and strength, decreasing falls, enhancing functional per-
polypharmac,y and drug interactions, the expected benefit formance of activities of daily living, and improving quality of
of these therapies and their time to action is more complex life.62 The use of exercise games might be a way to encourage
to evaluate because frail older patients are often excluded patients with HF to exercise especially those who may be re-
from original studies.52 Thus, the benefit–risk balance is luctant to more traditional forms of exercise.63 In this con-
sometimes difficult to assess. Tools exist to help clinician to text, these types of exercises could be proposed to older HF
review appropriate or potentially inappropriate medication patients. Furthermore, it is widely acknowledged that a
in older adults, such as the STOPP and START tool.30 How- combination of nutrition and exercise programmes is one
ever, randomized trials conducted in patients with reduced valuable approach to the management of the physical com-
ejection fraction HF and large observational studies have ponents of frailty. And insufficient calorie intake is associated
shown a beneficial effect of these drugs, regardless of with poorer post-discharge quality of life and increased bur-
age.53–58 Recently, an expert consensus from French Society den of readmission in patients with HF.64 The shift of dietary
of Geriatrics and Gerontology emphasizes that the manage- strategy to frailty prevention with advancing aging in combi-
ment of HF in the very old patient can still be improved by nation with exercise, could improve quality of life in older
optimizing HF drugs especially in HF with reduced ejection adults with HF.65 This include dietary advice, fortified diet
fraction (HFrEF).59 Given that undertreatment and medica- and oral protein-energy supplementation if needed.
tion deprescribing of recommended treatments can lead to In the same time, identification of geriatric syndromes is
a worsening of HF, therapeutic optimization between general needed in order to optimize geriatric care plan.66 The
practitioner (GP), cardiologists, and geriatricians is therefore multimodal geriatric care plan is based on the treatment of
essential. Similarly, non-surgical device treatment as cardiac sarcopenia, malnutrition, impaired physical performance,
resynchronization therapy can improve the prognosis and depression, cognitive impairment and finally social care if
quality of life of older patients with HFrEF but their benefit necessary. For each component, a first step treatment is
may be lessened in frail patients.60 Finally, diuretic manage- detailed in Table 2. These approach are complementary and
often interlinked, and therefore require an integrated and from the outset seems to be more suitable for a first step of
patient-centred care plan. global care management. Beneficial treatment interventions
Furthermore, even if HF patients are not frail, its preven- can be implemented to reduce impact of frailty and improve
tion is necessary regarding the interlink between the two heart failure outcomes. Optimizing the care of older adults
diseases. The proposed prevention interventions in order to with HF is challenging and needs new specific pathways.
preserve functional status are detailed in Table 3. Frail older patients with HF would benefit from common
The integrated care pathway will depend of the initial cardio-geriatric recommendations.
screening circumstances. First of all, the implementation of
screening for frailty will be more efficient if practitioners
are aware of these diseases’ impact and their interlink with Acknowledgements
HF. After the screening step, several actions will be proposed
in order to optimize geriatric and cardiologic care as shown in The authors acknowledge technical support from Novartis for
Figure 2. For complex cases, a complete geriatric assessment illustrations and for the financial support from Gérontopôle
and a multidisciplinary discussion involving cardiologist and d’Ile de France (Gérond’if) for the publication fees. Novartis
geriatrician will be needed to define care plan priorities.50,67 and Gérond’if provided financial support for logistic manage-
New cardiogeriatric integrated care models are needed. ment and was not involved in the writing of the manuscript.
Given the prevalence of co-morbidities and geriatric syn-
dromes, one can imagine follow-up in a cardiogeriatric day
hospital in order to reduce number of patient’s visits and to Conflict of interest
give specialized HF and frailty care plan. Another care
plan could be developed for outpatients with advanced O.H. received personal fees from Novartis, Bayer, Servier,
practice nurses, nurses for patient education or nurse-led Pfizer, BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim, Astra Zeneca, Vifor, Leo
programmes, telemedicine, telerehabiliation platform.68,69 pharma, Sanofi, Medtronic. The rest of the authors have
nothing to disclose.
Supporting information
Given the strong association between frailty, heart failure and
morbi-mortality, it seems essential to screen for frailty in Additional supporting information may be found online in the
patients with HF. Among the numerous frailty screening Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
tools, the ones exploring all the elements of the geriatric
assessment and thereby identifying the main factors of frailty Data S1 Supporting Information.
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