ANPC Unit 1 Notes
ANPC Unit 1 Notes
ANPC Unit 1 Notes
1 4
Introduction – Part 1
Air pollution is the excessive concentration of
foreign matter in the air which adversely
affects the well being of individual or causes
damage to property.
2 5
Sourec: M N RAO & H V N.Rao 2007. Air pollution. Image : Source: Makra, L., 2019, Image:
3 6
Air pollution in Roman Era Air pollution in pre-industrialization scenario (1/2)
• In the ancient time
• In Roman era (350 BCE to 175 CE), mining and
smelting activities polluted the atmosphere for nearly Burning of wood was used for Smoke was most likely tolerated
500 years. cooking, heating of caves and indoors because it helped to keep
• Released large amounts of toxic fumes into Europe's smelting furnaces. away the mosquitoes.
• Within that period, lead pollution increased to more
The caves was found thick black
than 10 times higher than background levels.
layer because of air pollution.
BCE: Before the common era
Source: Makra, L., 2019, Image: Source: Mosley, S., 2014, Image:
7 10
Image 3 Image 4
Source:, Image: 1,, 2,, 3, 4, Source: Mosley, S., 2014, Image:
8 11
9 12
Air pollution in post-industrialization scenario (1/3) Air pollution regulation history
Year Brief description
1307 King Edward I of England banned use of coal
1377 -1399 Richard II restricts use of coal
1413 - 1422 Henry V regulates/restricts use of coal
Wood burning Coal burning Oil started Severe air 1578 Queen Elizabeth - I objected to the ‘taste and smoke’ of coal
started used as fuel pollution Source:
problem started 1661 By royal command of Charles II, John Evelyn of the Royal Society
publishes “Fumifugium; or the Inconvenience of the Air and Smoke
dissipated; together with Some Remedies Humbly Proposed”
1784 Watt’s steam engine; the coal was used for making the steam to
pump water and move machinery. Smoke and ash produced from
burning of coal.
Source: Mosley, S., 2014 Source: Mosley, S., 2014,
13 16
Consumption of coal increased in 1965 Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act (USA)
• Emission regulations for cars to begin in 1968
Europe, the United States and other
parts of the world. 1967 Air Quality Act (USA)
• Criteria documents
• Control technique documents
World coal output was around 10
1970 Clean Air Act Amendments (USA)
million tons annually in 1800. • National Ambient Air Quality Standards
• New Source Performance Standards
Source: Mosley, S., 2014, Image: ` Source:, Image:
14 17
15 18
Environmental Protection Programs (1/5) Environmental Protection Programs (4/5)
The first world
conference to protect Montreal Programs Key points
the environment Protocol, Canada, Earth Summit, Kyoto Protocol,
,Stockholm, 1972 1987 Brazil, 1992 Japan, 1997
• Earth Summit, Brazil, 1992 • To put the concept of
sustainable development
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21 24
Meuse Valley, Belgium (1930) (1/2) Donora, Pennsylvania (1948) (1/2)
• The Meuse valley is the region along the • Donora is a town which is situated along the
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Gas attack, Los Angeles (1940s) Great London Smog (1952) (1/2)
• One of the first cities in the • The Great Smog was a huge pollution
U.S. To experience severe air
event in London, England from
pollution problem.
• In the middle of world war II, December 5 to December 9, 1952.
residents believed that they • Pollution sources were burning
were under chemical attack. Image 1 Image 2 of coal, factories and power plants.
Image 1 Image 2
27 30
Great London Smog (1952) (2/2) Inversion over New York City (1966) (2/2)
• Breathing problems
• Heart and respiratory issues
• 4,000 deaths in a weeks
• Death rate of approximately 24 deaths
per day.
• Deaths of 169 people.
Image 1 Image 2
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Image 1 Image 2
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Inversion over New York City (1966) (1/2) Acid rain, America (1969) (2/2)
• The high level of air pollution in the history • Burned lawns, ate away tree leaves and Birds to lose their feathers.
Image 3 Image 4
33 36
Acid rain, West Virginia (1978) Poza Rico, Mexico (1950) (2/2)
• Hydrogen sulfide at an oil field was
• Rainfall in Wheeling, West Virginia. pH
accidentally vented into the air under a low-
was measured at about 2.
• 5000 times more acidic than normal altitude temperature inversion
37 40
WTC : World Trade Center
38 41
Poza Rico, Mexico (1950) (1/2) Bhopal gas tragedy (1984) (1/2)
• Poza Rica is situated in the midst of the • On 3rd December 1984, chemical leak in the
petroleum-producing regions. city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
• A major air pollution disaster in 1950 • It is called the worst industrial air pollution
accident in history.
• Air pollutant was Methyl Isocyanate (MIC)
escaped from an insecticide plant.
39 42
Bhopal gas tragedy (1984) (2/2) Vapour Cloud Explosion, Jaipur (2009) (1/2)
• Main symptoms were vomiting and Eye irritation or large fuel storage area at the Indian Oil Corporation
(IOC) Depot in Jaipur, India, generating significant
• Final death toll was estimated to be between
blast pressure.
15,000 and 20,000
43 46
Attack on the World Trade Center (2001) (1/2) Vapour Cloud Explosion, Jaipur (2009) (2/2)
• The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center • 11 casualties, 150+ injured
in New York city on September 11, 2001.
• 5000 people from nearby
• Exposed thousands of people to potentially
harmful debris and environmental surrounding area were evacuated.
Before explosion After explosion
contaminants. Image 1 Image 2
Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih, Image: 1, www.,2, Source: R.K. Sharma et al., 2013
44 47
Attack on the World Trade Center (2001) (2/2) Vizag gas leak, India (2020) (1/2)
• A gas leakage was from LG polymers India
• Toxic smoke and fumes were released which
Pvt. Ltd. in R.R Venkatapuram village,
was creating a cloud of dust, smoke, and
• Release of styrene vapor in the area.
• Persistent cough, and increased risk of asthma.
• Firefighters were among the most heavily
exposed populations.
Image 1
45 48
Vizag gas leak, India (2020) (2/2) Contents
• Respiratory problems and Irritation in • Earth’s atmosphere
the eyes. • Unpolluted air in atmosphere
• Number of deaths were 12 people. • Scales of air pollution
• Death of cattle's. • Pollutants and its types
• 585 citizens were hospitalized
Image 1 Image 2
• Role of atmosphere in source-sink relationship
• Conclusions
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Introduction – Part 2
51 54
Origin of Atmosphere
Layers of Atmosphere: Thermosphere
• Thermosphere
• located above the
• Temperature increase with
Primordial Atmosphere Secondary Atmosphere Modern Atmosphere
The portion of hot gases Release of gases; N2, CO2, Consists primarily of O2
cooled and condensed to CH4, SO2 and N2
form oceans.
Source: (The Earth’s Atmosphere, Kshudiram Saha, 2008)
Source - (
55 58
. Condensation
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57 60
Layers of Atmosphere: Troposphere Unpolluted Air: Concept
• Troposphere
• Very thin layer – 0 to 18 kms • Unpolluted air may closely be
approximated with remote locations.
• contains approx. 75% of mass
of atmosphere. • Although these places may contain
indication of aged man-made pollution.
Poles Mountains
Sea Desert
Source - (
61 64
Matter in
62 65
63 66
What is Polluted Air? Classification of air pollutants
Air is said to be polluted when there is a presence of undesirable substances Based on sources
(contaminants / pollutants) which interfere with human health or welfare, or - Natural pollutants
produce other harmful environmental effects. - Anthropogenic (man-made) pollutants
Based on origin
1 2
- Primary Pollutant
- Secondary Pollutant
67 70
Source: Peter M Chapman, 2007. Image: (1) (2) (3) (4)
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Scales of air pollution: Examples Scales of air pollution: Regional
• Three types of problems contribute to air pollution
Indoor air pollution
Micro Scale problems on the regional scale.
Dust particles
- blend of urban oxidant problems (one city to
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Role of atmosphere in source-sink relationship Processes and Fate of an Air Pollutants
Atmospheric stability
Rate, type, source Chemical reactions
Impact on ecosystem Diffusion; “How much pollutants reaches a location?”
Settling, scavenging, Transport:” What is the trajectory of a pollutant?”
79 82
• The places to which pollutants get absorbed or converted/transformed • Transport is the mechanism that
in some other constituents/forms are called sink. moves the pollution from a
source to a receptor.
Transport of a pollutant from source (stack) to
receptor (resort hotel)
• The simplest source–receptor
combination is that of an isolated
point source and an isolated
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Conclusions Sources of air pollution
• The atmosphere plays a vital role in transforming the fate of a pollutant from its
source to sink.
• Unpolluted air is a concept, it is merely a benchmark to show the extent and trend of
air pollution.
• The spheres of air pollution exists at all scales, from extremely molecular (microscale)
to planetary (global scale).
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Image: Source: Volcanic eruption, George, S., 2014,, accessed on 15/02/2021
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Active Volcanoes around the World Natural sources of air pollution;
Dust storm
• Overall, 50 volcanoes were in
• Entrains large amount of Particulate Matter
continuing eruption status as
in air.
of 19 August 2021 in the
entire world.
• Visibility reduction during major dust
storms is frequently the cause of severe
highway accidents. It also affects the air
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Corrosion due to marine aerosols (2/3)
Marine Aerosols (1/2)
Material Galvanized steel
• “Marine aerosols” are defined broadly as Phenomenon Atmospheric corrosion
various types of particles found over the Cause The influence of marine aerosol
oceans. decreases with the distance from the
seashore, but structures located
• Types of marine aerosols: at certain altitude in a desertic region
• Sea salt can be still greatly affected
• Sulfate aerosol
• Nitrate aerosol Chemical Deposit samples on the most affected
• Mineral dust analysis side of the tower had 18,330 ppm
chlorides content.
Source: Marine Aerosols, Eric S. Saltzman, 2009 Source: Corrosion Atlas. (2020). Corrosion Atlas Case Studies
97 100
Source: Marine Aerosols, Eric S. Saltzman, 2009 Source: Corrosion Atlas. (2020). Corrosion Atlas Case Studies
98 101
Source: Corrosion Atlas. (2020). Corrosion Atlas Case Studies Source:,
99 102
Anthropogenic point sources of air
Pollen Allergy in Europe pollution: Industrial Stack Emissions
• Over 150 million European citizens suffered
• Industrial units are associated with manufacturing
from chronic allergies during the year 2016.
products, which involves combustion of different
kind of fuel such as diesel, LPG, kerosene, wood,
• By 2025 more than 50% of all Europeans
coal, natural gas etc.
will suffer from allergy, with no age, social
or geographical distinction.
• The major air pollutant released from
stacks/chimneys (i.e. point sources) of the
industrial units is particulate matter followed by
gaseous pollutants like SO2, CO, NOx etc.
103 106
Source: Gianchand and Swami, 2020 Source: SAFAR, 2018; Image:
104 107
Source: Gianchand and Swami, 2020 Source: SAFAR, 2018; Image:
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Anthropogenic sources of air pollution: Types of air pollutants
Waste Burning Primary air pollutants
Criteria air pollutants Hazardous air pollutants
Secondary air pollutants
• Open burning of any type of wastes viz. Agricultural i. Ground-level Ozone (O3) 187 hazardous air pollutants
ii. Particulate Matter (PM)
wastes, Garden wastes, Municipal Wastes or iii. Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Residential wastes releases harmful pollutants due iv. Lead (Pb)
to incomplete combustion. v. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
vi. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
109 112
• Pollutants generated in the home are • During the process, if there is not enough oxygen
not rapidly dispersed by the wind. available to create carbon dioxide as a by-product,
then carbon monoxide is created instead.
• Allergens and irritants can pose
significant residential problems, • The biggest sources of carbon monoxide comes from
especially for sensitive people. vehicles, especially when they are moving slowly or
when the engine is idle.
Source: Phalen, R., 2013; Image: Source: The chemistry of air pollution, SEPA; Image:
110 113
A scenario of major
Primary air pollutant: Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
sources of air pollutants
in Europe • The most common Sulphur oxide is Sulphur dioxide (SO2),
which is a colourless gas with a burnt matchstick type
111 114
Primary air pollutant: Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Aerodynamic Properties
• Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which is a reddish, brown gas that • PM are classified based on aerodynamic properties because it-
has an unpleasant smell and is poisonous in high
concentrations. governs the transport and removal of particles from the air;
• They are formed when fossil fuels are burned at high influences their deposition within the respiratory system,
temperatures, but can also be formed naturally by
is associated with the chemical composition and sources of particles.
lightning strikes.
Source: The chemistry of air pollution, SEPA; Image: Source: (Particulate matter,; Image:
115 118
• It is primarily released from animal waste and • The aerodynamic diameter (Dpa) for all particles greater
fertilizer use, vehicle exhaust and other processes. than 0.5 μm is given by the equation:
• The biggest source of ammonia release is from Dps = Stokes diameter of particle
𝐷𝑝𝑎 = 𝐷𝑝𝑠 𝜌𝑝 ρp = Particle density
agriculture including the intensive rearing of animals
and crops.
The Stokes diameter for a particle is the diameter of the sphere that has
the same density and settling velocity as the particle
Source: The chemistry of air pollution, SEPA; Image: Source: (Part-H, Ontario Source Testing Code, accessed on 15/10/2021)
116 119
𝜌𝑝 = 2.4 g/cm3
Irregular shape
𝐷𝑝𝑠 = 1.3 µ𝑚
Source: (Muhlfeld, 2008) Aerodynamic Source: (Part-H, Ontario Source Testing Code, accessed on 15/10/2021)
117 120
Classification of Particulate Matter Relative Size of Particles
Types Size Sources
Dust 1 to 200 µm Natural disintegration of rocks and mechanical 1 µm (micro-meter) = 10-6 m
processes 1 nm (nano-meter) =10-9 m
Source: (Sewage, Disposal, and Air Pollution Engineering, S K Garg) (Source:
121 124
Industrial Fumes
122 125
Dust particle size and • Ozone can be “good” or “bad” for human health and
penetration in respiratory tract the environment depending on where it’s found in
the atmosphere.
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Secondary air pollutant: Photochemical smog Hazardous air pollutants
Examples of hazardous pollutants include:
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128 131
Source: Criteria Air Polluants, Environments and Contaminants, 2015 Source: Overview of Greenhouse Gases,
129 132
Greenhouse gases (2/2) Sources of Greenhouse
gases includes:
• Electricity
Sources of Greenhouse gas emission for
• Transportation
India (2005-2013)
• Industry Atmospheric Formation & Fate of Air Pollutants
• Commercial/Reside
• Agriculture
• Land Use/Forestry
133 136
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Volatilization Ionization
Sources: Ecotoxicological Testing, Scheunert, I.,1993, Image: Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image:
139 142
Sources:, 14 Oct 2021; Image: Sources: Rahm, Sara, et al., 2005 Image:
140 143
Electron gain
Reaction catalyzed by electromagnetic
Oxidation :Electron loss (EM) energy (sunlight).
Sources: Doerr, Robert C., 1961, Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image:
141 144
Metal catalysis Heterogeneous Reactions
• Heterogeneous reactions are defined as those NO2
• Reactions speed up in the presence of certain involving the gas–liquid or gas–solid phases.
metallic compounds.
• The chemistry of NO2 and SO2 has a SO2
• Example: O2 and NH3 at 850°C and 5 heterogeneous component in the atmosphere.
atmospheres pressure, with the help of
Platinum and Rhodium catalysts, to make NO. • The heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 in liquid
This is then oxidised to NO2, which is then droplets and water films is also a major pathway
dissolved in water to make HNO3 for conversion to sulfate in wet plumes and during
humid or foggy conditions.
• Mechanism : Chemical
Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image: Sources:, 14 Oct 2021 Image:
145 148
O + O2 + M O3 + M
Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Source: Atmospheric Chemistry, István Lagzi et al., 2013
146 149
Incomplete combustion can produce a variety of • In the troposphere, nitrogen dioxide is NO2 + hv (λ<420nm) O + NO
compounds. the only known compound that can
produce Oxygen atom during it’s O + O2 + M O3 + M
Some are more toxic than the original compounds photodissociation at available radiation.
being oxidized, such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins, furans, and CO. O3 + NO O2 + NO2
• In the presence of NO, O3 reacts with it,
which reaction destroys the ozone and
reproduces the NO2
Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image: Source: Atmospheric Chemistry, István Lagzi et al., 2013
147 150
Phase transformation: Gas to Gas (3/6) Phase transformation: Gas to Gas (6/6)
Diurnal cycle of Ozone formation
• Ozone molecule absorbs solar radiation and
decomposes back to O2 and O.
O3 + hv (λ < 320nm) O2 + O
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry, István Lagzi et al., 2013 Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008
151 154
Phase transformation: Gas to Gas (4/6) Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid (1/4)
Ozone (O3) formation in atmosphere 2/2
• Atmospheric chemical transformations are
classified in terms of whether they occur as a
• Net ozone production occurs, when other gas, on a surface, or in a liquid droplet.
precursors, such as carbon monoxide (CO),
methane (CH4 ), non-methane hydrocarbons • For example: The oxidation of dissolved SO2
(NMHC) or certain other organic compounds in a liquid droplet.
(volatile organic compounds – VOC) are
present in the atmosphere.
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry, István Lagzi et al., 2013 Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image:
152 155
Phase transformation: Gas to Gas (5/6) Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid (2/4)
• The role of VOCs /
hydrocarbons (HCs)
along with NOx , in the • H2S undergoes oxidation producing SO2
formation of Ozone. followed by oxidation of SO2 to sulphuric
acid (H2SO4 or SO4 2−).
Sources: RAI, 2019 Image: Source: Atmospheric Chemistry, István Lagzi et al., 2013
153 156
Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid (3/4) Phase transformation: Gas to Solid (2/2)
• Nitric acid in gas phase is mainly incorporated into particles only in the
SO2 + OH. HSO3.
presence of ammonia.
• Sulphur dioxide reacts with an OH radical.
HSO3. + O2 SO3 + HO2. • The formation of nitrate particles is dependent on the production rate of
• The HSO3 radical then rapidly reacts with HNO3, but is also very strongly related to the availability of ammonia.
molecular oxygen to yield SO3 and HO2 SO3 + 2H2O H2SO4 + H2O
HNO3(gas) + NH3(gas) NH4NO3 (particle)
• The produced SO3 reacts with water (catalyzed
by another water molecule) to yield sulphuric • This is because H2SO4 being stronger acid outcompetes
acid. HNO3 for NH3 no matter how much HNO3 is available.
157 160
Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid (4/4) Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid to Gas (1/2)
NO2 + Sunlight NO + O • Solar radiation influences the chemical
NO2 + OH HNO3 processes in the atmosphere by interacting with
Gases O + O2 O3
• NO2 reacts with OH radical for the formation nitric molecules that act as photo-acceptors.
acid. NO + VOC NO2 • In photochemical smog, the principal photo-
acceptors are VOCs, NO2, nitric acid (HNO3), and
NO3 + RH HNO3 + R NO2 + H2O HNO3 ozone.
• NO3 is converted into nitric acid by reacting with Liquid
158 161
Phase transformation: Gas to Solid (1/2) Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid to Gas (2/2)
• In most of the regions impacted by human activities (e.g. Example: Formation of photochemical smog
agriculture and industry), emissions of ammonia (NH3)
are prevalent.
Source: Geddes, J. A., & Murphy, J. G. (2012); Image: Air Pollution Information System, Sources:, 15 Oct 2021
159 162
Phase transformation: Gas to Liquid to Solid Phase transformation: Solid to Liquid to Solid (3/3)
Formation of aerosols 2/2
Nitric acid can form from
Gas N2O5 in cloud water, and • Larger aerosol particles in the size range 0.1 to 1 µm
the subsequent in diameter can accumulate in the atmosphere
Formation of N2O5 NO3 + NO2 N2O5 because their removal mechanisms are least
evaporation of cloud
water releases nitrate efficient.
Reaction of N2O5 with cloud water N2O5 + H2O 2HNO3
particles into the air
• Their lifetime in the atmosphere is 7–10 days and
Evaporation of Nitric acid to during this period they can transported to a long
HNO3 H+ + NO3–
form nitrate (NO3– ) distance from their sources.
163 166
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry, István Lagzi et al., 2013 Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008; Image:
164 167
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Convection Convection is one of the processes of
Ultimate fate of the pollutant (1/3)
movement of gases and liquids (fluids)
to transfer heat between regions of
different temperatures. • The removal of material from
the atmosphere involves two
It is responsible for vertical movement processes: wet and dry
of air pollutants. deposition.
Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2018 ;Image: Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image:
169 172
Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2018 Image: Sources: (Zhou et al., 2021) Image:
170 173
Sources: (Bekey et al., 1958) Image: Sources: (Zhou et al., 2021)
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Role of Hydroxyl radical (OH) in the fate of pollutants (1/3) Conclusions
• The atmospheric formation of primary and secondary pollutants can be understood by
the phase transformation of the pollutants.
• The hydroxyl radical (OH) is the major chemical
scavenger in the troposphere and it controls • The physical and chemical processes play an important role in the transformation and
the atmospheric lifetime of most gases in the transport of air pollutants.
• The ultimate fate of the pollutant involves the wet and dry deposition of pollutants.
• In the troposphere it is the primary oxidant of • The hydroxyl radical play a significant role in cleaning the atmosphere.
both natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons,
leading to the production of pollutant ozone.
Source: JS Levine, NASA, 2014 and L.M. Avallone, Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2003
175 178
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Role of Hydroxyl radical (OH) in the fate of pollutants (3/3) Air: An essential need of human
177 180
Air Pollution: A major concern Major Factors affecting the human health
• In 2018, during the first WHO Global Conference on Air • Nature of pollutants
Pollution and Health, the WHO’s Director General, Dr. Tedros
Adhanom Ghebreyesus, called air pollution a “silent public
• Concentration of pollutants
health emergency” and “the new tobacco”
181 184
Short-term and Long-term health effects Pyramid of health impacts of air pollution
• The air pollution pyramid is a framework
• Short-term effects are temporary or
commonly used to describe the spectrum of
immediate effects and often
health impacts from exposure to air pollution.
reversible, when exposure ends.
• It illustrates the inverse relationship between
• The long-term exposure to the
the severity of outcomes and the proportion of
pollutants can aggravate health
people affected by them.
182 185
• In developing countries, the women of the • PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
household seem to carry the highest risk
for disease development due to their • Dixoins
longer duration exposure to the indoor air • VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
(Source: Manisalidis et al., 2020)
(Source: Manisalidis et al., 2020, Image: 1,, 2,, 3,, 4, www.
183 186
Air pollution induced health effects Sulphur Dioxide
Burning materials with a high sulfur content
produces sulfur dioxide. The most common
sources of sulfur dioxide include:
• coal-fired power stations
• diesel vehicles
• oil refineries
• shipping
187 190
Source: S. Dey, G.C. Dhal, 2019 (Source: Manisalidis et al., 2020, Image,
188 191
1 2
189 192
Nitrogen Oxide Ozone health effects
Source: Combustion of fuel at high temperature from mobile and
stationary combustion sources
• Car and truck exhausts
• Coal-fired power stations
• Industry Short term effect Long term effect
• Coughing • Respiratory diseases
Prolonged exposure: pulmonary fibrosis (thickening of lung tissue), • Wheezing/Difficulty • Cardiovascular damage
emphysema (COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and breathing • Harm to liver, spleen, and
higher LRI (lower respiratory tract illness) in children • Irritation to eyes, nose, and blood
throat • Nervous system damage
• Headache • Cancer
• Dizziness • Birth defects
• Fatigue • Death
(Source: Manisalidis et al., 2020, Image, Source:, Image:
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Particulate Matter Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs)
• Found in coal and in tar sediments.
• Particulate Matter (PM) is a mixture of
solid, liquid or both the particles • Source: incomplete combustion of
suspended in the air. organic matter as in the cases of
forest fires, incineration of solid
• Sources: Agricultural operations, waste, vehicular emissions and
industrial processes, combustion of wood engines.
and fossil fuels, construction, vehicular
emissions, and entrainment of road dust
into the air.
(Source: Manisalidis et al., 2020, Image:; Zhang et al., 2020) (Source: Hyun-Kim et al., 2013)
199 202
The exposure pathways (a) and adverse effects of PAHs exposure (b).
• Fine particles can invade the deepest parts of the In part of (a), the blue boxes represent exposure routes and red box
airways and more easily reach the bloodstream. represents discharge route
200 203
201 204
Health effects of VOCs Introduction
• Air pollutants have a negative impact on plant
(Source: Vandenbroucke, M., A., 2015; H. Rajabi et al., 2020) Source: Weber, J., D. Tingey, and C. Andersen, 2021, Image:
205 208
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207 210
Degree of injury against air pollution Air pollutants affecting plants
• These pollutants interfere with the
• Sulphur dioxide • Hydrogen sulphide
• The exposure to degree of injury • Fluoride compounds • Hydrogen cyanide
plant growth and photosynthesis.
follows linear relationship (like Hydrogen Fluoride) • Mercury • The major phytotoxic (detrimental
• Ozone • Herbicides (sprays for
• As the exposure increases injury • Chlorine weed killer)
to plants) air pollutants are ozone,
may occur. sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
• Hydrogen chloride • Ethylene
• Nitrogen oxides (NO, • PAN (peroxy acetyl
NO2, etc.) nitrate)
• Ammonia • Smog
Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel) Source: (Air Pollution, MN Rao and HVN Rao, 2007)
211 214
Indirect way:
• Pollutants deposit in soil and water and
these pollutants are taken by the roots
of the plant.
Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel, Image:, Source: Das, P., Effect of Air Pollution on Vegetation, accessed on 13/10/2021; Image: Cailleret et al., 2018
212 215
Plant organ
Whole plant
Source: Kolbert, Z., 2019, Image: Source: Das, P., Effect of Air Pollution on Vegetation, accessed on 13/10/2021
213 216
Effects of SO2 and NOx on plants (1/2)
Symptoms of air
pollutants in plants
• Nitrogen oxides, along with sulfur dioxide, are the
primary causes of acid deposition or “acid rain.” with threshold
levels 1/2
• Acid rain weakens the tree by damaging leaves and
limiting the uptake of nutrients.
Source: Das, P., Effect of Air Pollution on Vegetation, accessed on 13/10/2021; Image: Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel)
217 220
Source: Das, P., Effect of Air Pollution on Vegetation, accessed on 13/10/2021 Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel)
218 221
Source: Das, P., Effect of Air Pollution on Vegetation, accessed on 13/10/2021 Source:;;
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Introduction Effect on pets
In the case of animals we are concerned primarily with a
two-step process: Household pets suffer an increased risk of
• accumulation of airborne contaminants on or in tumors when exposed to polluted air over an
vegetation or forage that serves as their feed and, extended period of time.
• subsequent effects of the ingested herbage on animals.
Dog suffering from nasal infections Dogs undergo cough, nose and throat diseases.
Not every exposure to air pollution is by inhalation, the
animal ingests the contaminant after deposition. Particulate matter in the air has been linked to
cardiac arrest in dogs and veterinarians
sometimes attribute pet deaths to the effects of
air pollution.
Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel; Image:, (Source: Rebecca Watts Hull, 2011; Image:,
223 226
224 227
225 228
Effect on Fish Fluoride
Acid rain falling in rivers and streams causes pH levels The farm animals most susceptible to fluoride
to decrease, killing fish that are sensitive to pH toxicosis are cattle and sheep, followed by horses and
fluctuations. then poultry. Dental fluorosis
Acidic rivers and streams can cause respiratory distress Acute effects of fluoride
in fish. • Lack of appetite, weight loss, health declination,
Bone deformity
diarrhea, muscle weakness and may be death.
Acidic water is generally clearer, causing a temperature
and light increase in the water, resulting in the Chronic effects of fluoride
relocation of native fish that need a cooler and darker • Bone deformity, for example overgrowth of bone.
habitat in order to survive. • Malnutrition, retardation in growth.
(Source: Rebecca Watts Hull, 2011; Image; www., Al-dahan and Ali, 2017) Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel; Image:, Sharma et al., 2017)
229 232
Effect on Insects e of
Insects are very susceptible to air pollution.
sis vs • The fluoride ingestion level correlates
Small fluctuations in air quality force certain
insects to relocate, affecting other plants and
Fluori with the fluoride content of bones
and urine.
animals connected to them. de
Insects that are affected by air pollution digest level
organic waste less effectively. This result in a in
buildup of organic waste when air pollution rises in
an area. anima
(Source: Rebecca Watts Hull, 2011) Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel)
230 233
Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel; Image: Source: (Fundamentals of Air Pollution, R W Boubel)
231 234
Arsenic Skin infections in cow
Effects of lead on animals
Arsenic present in coal and iron ores, causes poisoning of
livestock near industrial region.
235 238
Source: Zubair, M., 2017 Source: (Air Pollution, MN Rao and HVN Rao, 2007; Image:,, )
236 239
Lead Conclusion
Lead sources may include smelters, coke ovens
• Air pollution have detrimental effects on both vegetation and animals.
and coal combustion processes.
• The airborne particles deposited on the plants effects the plant life and animal life as it
Nostril infection
Acute effects of lead Depression in behaviour
serve as the food to many animals.
• Prostration, staggering and inability to rise,
loss of appetite, diarrhea.
• Air pollution can disrupt the food-chain and eco-
system resulting in biodiversity losses.
Chronic effects of lead
• Paralysis of muscles of throat area and
difficulty in breathing.
Source: (Air Pollution, MN Rao and HVN Rao, 2007; Image: Barbosa et al., 2014)
237 240
Types of air pollution-related damages (1/6)
• Discoloration
• Material loss
• Black crust formation
Impacts of Air Pollution on Building Materials and Structures
• Structural failure
• Abrasion action
Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016
241 244
1992 2018
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image: Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image:
242 245
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image: Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image:
243 246
Types of air pollution-related damages (4/6) Meteorological Factors Responsible for Degradation
Structure failure
• Relative humidity
• Stone material may have different density and porosity.
• Temperature
• After a long period, frost damage and salt weathering
• Wind movement
are both very damaging to porous materials.
• Hydrated salts induce increased crystallization
pressures, which lead to the formation of cracks.
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image: Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016
247 250
248 251
249 252
Temperature Oxides of Sulphur (SOx)
• Acceleration of corrosion with an increase • It is a corrosive gas; comes from chemical, paper industries. When it reacts with moisture
in temperature in the low temperature in atmosphere it causes acid rain which is responsible for the material degradation.
• Retardation of corrosion with an increase O2 H2O
SO2 (g) SO3 (g) H2SO4
in temperature in the high temperature Sulphur Sulphur Sulphuric
Dioxides Trioxides Acid
253 256
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016
254 257
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016
255 258
Particulate matters (PM) Chemistry of Corrosion (3/3)
• Particulates such as soot, dust and fumes Wet Deposition
that deteriorate exposed surface of the Image 1 Image 2 • Wet deposition occurs when the pollutants react
building material, because of their abrasive with water (moisture) present in atmosphere to
nature. form diluted acids.
• Particulate matters are mainly responsible • The intensity of damage caused by SO2 is more
Exposed surface
Image 3
for the black crust formation on the compared to the other pollutants.
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image:
259 262
260 263
Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image: Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016
261 264
Effects on Metals (1/4) Effects on Metals (4/4)
Metals are divided into two categories: • In coastal regions chlorides play a
Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image :
265 268
Effects on Metals (2/4) Effects on non-ferrous metal panels after 20 years exposure
Exposure Average loss in weight (%)
• Atmospheric corrosion of metals is generally an conditions • Nonferrous metals are also
Cu Al Brass Ni Pb Zn
electrochemical process only occurring when the surface subject to corrosion, but to
Industrial 6.1 - 8.5 25.2 1.8 30.7
is wet. a lesser degree than ferrous
Seacoast 5.4 2.6 1.3 0.6 2.1 6.9
• The most important parameters for the corrosion which
Rural 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.8
are humidity, precipitation, temperature and levels of
atmospheric pollutants.
Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image: Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008
266 269
Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image: Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014
267 270
Stone Degradation Reactions Effects on calcareous stones (1/3)
SO2 + H2O + CaCO3 CaSO4 + CaSO4.2H2O Stage III (long term)
Calcite Calcium Sulphate Gypsum • In sheltered areas where CaSO4 is not intermittently
washed away, So there is build-up of non steady salts.
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 • This results in the formation of a crust which may be
Carbon Dioxide Carbonic Acid followed by exfoliation (peeling).
• The formation of crusts is slow and exfoliation is very
H2CO3 + CaCO3 Ca(HCO3)2 damaging for the stone.
Calcite Calcium Bicarbonate
Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image:
271 274
Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image: Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image:
272 275
Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image: Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image:
273 276
Effects on Concrete (2/2) Maintenance influencing factor (damage thickness)
• The system becomes more accessible to Materials Critical Thickness • Maintenance required when losses exceeds
of damage
the attack by SO2. the critical thickness.
Natural stones 4 mm
• The corrosion products of steel occupy a • For natural stone and mortar, it is assumed
Mortar 4 mm
greater volume than the steel. that maintenance action will be required
Zinc 50 μm
after 4 mm of surface is lost.
Galvanised steel 50 μm
Paints 50 μm
Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Imgage: Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014
277 280
Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014 Image: Sources: Venkat Rao, N., et al. 2016 Image:
278 281
Source: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image: Source: Rabl, Ari, et al. 2014
279 282
Remedial measures (1/2)
• Restriction on vehicular traffic and industrial activities for
reduction of the air pollutants. Impact of Air Pollution on Atmosphere, Soil and Water Bodies
• Application of the preservative coating on the building surface.
• Material used like acrylic copolymers and siloxanes because of
their good adhesion film forming properties.
283 286
Source: Image: Sources: Singh et al., 2017,, 13 Oct 2021 Image:
284 287
285 288
Air pollution and visibility (2/2) Types of Haze (2/2)
• Visibility is a measure of how well an observer
can see a scene. Layered haze is a confined layer of
pollutants that creates a visible
• If air pollution increases, the contrast may contrast between that layer and
decrease, reducing our ability to see the the sky or landscape behind it.
• In an unstable atmosphere,
plumes and layers mix with the
surrounding atmosphere
creating a uniform haze.
Sources: VALLERO, DANIEL A. 2008 Image: Sources:, 12 Oct 2021
289 292
Sources: Rule & EPA., 2006 Image: Sources: Singh et al., 2017 Image:,
290 293
291 294
Effects on Albedo (1/4) Effects on Albedo (4/4)
Sources:, 13 Oct 2021 Image: Sources:, 10 Oct 2021 Image:
295 298
• When soot enters the atmosphere, it absorbs • Pollutant releases into the air via car exhaust,
sunlight and generates heat, warming the air. smokestacks at factories and power plants,
agricultural emissions, and other sources can
• When soot is deposited on snow and ice, it cause climate change.
changes the albedo of that surface, absorbing
sunlight and generating heat. • Greenhouse gases (such as CH4 and CO2, and O3)
cause the climate change by inducing global
• This causes snow and ice to melt and causing even warming due to trapping of outgoing longwave
more warming effects. i.e. heat radiation emitted by the earth to the
upper atmosphere.
Sources: Image: Sources:, 10 Oct 2021 Image:
296 299
297 300
Impacts on Climate (3/7) Impacts on Climate (6/7)
• Glaciers are shrinking: the average
thickness of 30 well-studied glaciers has
• Greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere decreased more than 60 feet since 1980.
for years, much longer than aerosols can stay
in the atmosphere • Sea level rise has increased from 1.7
mm/year throughout most of the
• The warming effect of greenhouse gases is twentieth century to 3.2 mm/year since
larger than the cooling effect of aerosols. 1993.
Sources:, 10 Oct 2021 Image: IPCC, 2007 Source:, February 1, 2019 Image:, Nov 5, 2020 &, May 5, 2017
301 304
Source: World Meteorological Organization (WMO), & Image: Source:, February 1, 2019 Image:, 23 Jan 2013,
302 305
Image 2
Source:, 14 Oct 2021 Sources:, 11 Oct 2021 Image 1: Image 2:
303 306
Impacts on Soil (2/2) Soil characteristics (3/6)
• Acid rain is known to cause serious negative • Sulfuric or nitric acid, that fall to the ground
Impacts (like loss of nutrients, minerals and from the atmosphere in the form of wet
deposition or dry deposition, leads to
elements) on soil. reduction of pH of the soils.
• As a result, acid deposition reduces the
productivity of the soil.
Sources:, 11 Oct 2021 Image: Source:, 17 Oct 2021 Image:
307 310
308 311
The optimal pH range for soil is 6.2-6.8. NPK content refers to the amount of nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium that soil contains.
If soil is too acidic, lacks the ability to retain
certain important nutrients like magnesium, Plant growth and immunity are harmed when
calcium and potassium. one or more of the three macronutrients are
If soil is too alkaline, minerals such as iron and zinc
will solidify and negatively impact the health of
309 312
Soil characteristics (6/6) Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) rich soil
Salinity • Soils are not equal in their vulnerability or
High soil salinity can adversely affect the plants. with higher CaCO3 contents (such as limestone
and dolomite) are more resistant to acid rain.
Subject to the laws of osmosis, salinity causes
the water within plants to flow towards the soil
and hydrate soil, leaving plants and crops dry. SO2 + H2O + CaCO3 CaSO4 + CaSO4.2H2O
Source: Mahapatuna, M. (2020) Image: Sources:, 11 Oct 2021 Image:
313 316
314 317
Source: Mahapatuna, M. (2020) Image: Sources: Ashraf et al., 2019 Image:
315 318
Acidic Impacts on water bodies (1/2) Thermal Impacts on water bodies (1/2)
• If air is polluted, it also pollutes the precipitation • Global warming is a process where the average
that falls into water bodies. global temperature increases due to the
• Some rivers, lakes or coastal areas may seem to greenhouse effect.
be clean. • The ocean absorbs most of the excess heat
• But these areas still be polluted because of acid from greenhouse gas emissions, leading
precipitation from rain, snow and particulate to rising ocean temperature.
Sources:, 11 Oct 2021 Image: Sources:,, 10 Oct 2021 Image:
319 322
Acidic Impacts on water bodies (2/2) Thermal Impacts on water bodies (2/2)
• The increasing ocean temperature affects
Lethal effects of Acid rain marine species and ecosystems.
• Acid precipitation in the form of snow is suddenly
• For example, the bleaching of coral reefs
released into the water system during the spring all over the world is caused by rising sea
melt, called acid shock.
• This acid shock can be lethal for many aquatic
organisms such as fish.
Sources:, 11 Oct 2021 Image: Sources:, 10 Oct 2021 Image:
320 323
Sources: (Al-dahhan et al., 2017) Sources: Diatta et al., 2020,, 11 Oct 2021
321 324
Conclusions Introduction: Ozone Layer (1/2)
• Air pollution causes serious effects on the atmosphere, climate, soil, and water. • Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas
composed of three oxygen atoms.
• Air pollution reduces the surrounding visibility that can cause accidents during
• Most atmospheric ozone is concentrated
transportation. in a layer in the stratosphere, about 15
• Acid rain formation can make lakes, rivers, and streams to 30 km above the Earth's surface.
• At any given time, ozone molecules are
unsuitable for aquatic life.
constantly formed and destroyed in the
• Soil is mainly polluted by deposition of acids and heavy metals. stratosphere.
• The total amount has remained
• Greenhouse gases is responsible for increase in the atmospheric temperature and
relatively stable during the decades that
cause various negative impacts including the bleaching of coral reefs. it has been measured.
325 328
Global and Regional Environmental Issues: • The ozone layer, absorbs the amount of
harmful UV radiation reaching the Earth's
326 329
327 330
Stratospheric ozone formation (2/2) Ozone layer Depletion (1/3)
331 334
332 335
333 336
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion Effects on Plants
• UV radiation affects the physiological and developmental
processes of plants. Plant growth can be directly affected by
• Effects on Human Health UV radiation.
337 340
• In addition, UV radiation has been linked • Exposure to solar UV radiation has been
to the development of cataracts (clouding shown to affect both orientation and motility
of the eye’s lens). in phytoplankton, resulting in reduced survival
rates for these organisms.
Source: Image: Source: Image:
338 341
339 342
Ozone hole formation (1/3) Ozone depleting substances (1/5)
• The discovery of ozone hole over Antarctica
(South Pole) that has occurred during the • Some compounds release chlorine or bromine
Antarctic spring since the early 1980s. when they are exposed to intense UV light in
the stratosphere.
• This is not really a hole through the ozone
layer, but rather a large area of the • These compounds contribute to ozone
stratosphere with extremely low amounts of depletion and are called ozone depleting
ozone. substances (ODS).
343 346
344 347
345 348
Ozone depleting substances (4/5) Ozone depletion timeline (2/3)
• In the 1970s, concerns about the effects of ODS Year Action
on the stratospheric ozone layer prompted
several countries, including the United States, 1985 • British Antarctic Survey team discovers Antarctic
to ban the use of CFCs as aerosol propellants. ozone hole (7.3 million square miles), marking the
first evidence of stratospheric ozone depletion.
• However, global production of CFCs and other • Scientific research reveals stratospheric ozone layer
ODS continued to grow rapidly as new uses depletion has adverse environmental and human
were found for these chemicals in refrigeration, health effects.
fire suppression, foam insulation, and other 1991 • International scientists agree that CFCs are depleting
applications. the stratospheric ozone layer in the northern and
southern hemispheres.
349 352
350 353
Ozone depletion timeline (1/3) International treaties to protect stratospheric ozone layer 1/2
Year Action • Through the 1970s and the 1980s, the
1928 Scientists synthesize CFCs. international community became increasingly
concerned that ODS would harm the ozone
1973 Scientists detect CFCs in atmosphere layer.
1974 Nobel prize (1995) winners Paul J. Crutzen, Molina • In 1985, the Vienna Convention for the
and Rowland discovered that CFCs and N2O can break Protection of the Ozone Layer.
down stratospheric ozone
• Signing of the Montreal Protocol on substances
1975 Scientists discover that bromine, used in fire-retarding
that deplete the ozone layer in 1987.
halons and agricultural fumigants, is a potent ozone
depleting substance.
351 354
International treaties to protect stratospheric ozone layer 2/2 Actions to protect ozone layer (3/5)
• After the Montreal Protocol was signed, new
data showed worse than expected damage to Year Action
the ozone layer.
1990 • Clean Air Act Amendments, including Title VI for
stratospheric ozone protection, signed into law.
• In 1992, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
decided to alter the terms of the 1987 1992 • U.S. announces an accelerated CFC phaseout
agreement to end production of halons by 1994 date of December 31, 1995, in response to new
and CFCs by 1996 in developed countries. scientific information about ozone depletion.
• Because of measures taken under the Montreal 1993 • DuPont (company) announces that it will halt its
Protocol, emissions of ODS are falling and the production of CFCs by the end of 1994.
ozone layer is expected to be fully healed near
the middle of the 21st century.
Source: Image: Source: 07/documents/achievements_in_stratospheric_ozone_protection.pdf
355 358
Actions to protect ozone layer (1/5) Actions to protect ozone layer (4/5)
Year Action Year Action
1975 • SC Johnson announces corporate phaseout of CFCs as 1994 • U.S. eliminates production and import of halons.
aerosol product propellants.
1996 • U.S. eliminates production and import of CFCs,
1976 • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) calls carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethane, and
for an international conference to discuss an hydrobromofluorocarbons.
international response to the ozone issue.
2002 • All developing countries that are parties to the
1978 • U.S. bans non-essential uses of CFCs as a propellant Montreal Protocol banned methyl bromide
in some aerosols (e.g., hair sprays, deodorants, production in 1995–1998 average level.
• Canada, Norway, and Sweden follow with a similar 2004 • All developed countries reduce consumption of
ban. HCFCs by 35 percent from baseline levels.
356 359
Actions to protect ozone layer (2/5) Actions to protect ozone layer (5/5)
Year Action
Year Action
2010 • All developed countries reduce consumption of
1981 • UNEP develops a global convention to protect
HCFCs by 65 percent from baseline levels.
the ozone layer.
1987 • Twenty-four countries sign the Montreal 2015 • All developed countries reduce consumption of
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the HCFCs by 90 percent from baseline levels.
Ozone Layer. 2030 • All developed countries scheduled to complete the
1989 • All developed countries that are parties to phaseout of ozone depleting substances.
the Montreal Protocol ban the production
2040 • All developing countries that are parties to the
and consumption of CFCs at 1986 levels.
Montreal Protocol scheduled to completely phase
out HCFCs.
357 360
Conclusions Introduction: Global warming indicators
• The ozone layer protects the earth’s surface from the harmful UV radiation that can • Scientists have developed various indicators to
harm people and the ecosystem. see the intensity and possible impact of global
• Ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) are primarily responsible for the ozone layer warming, such as the Global Warming Potential
depletion in the stratosphere. (GWP), Radiative Forcing (RF), and Annual
Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI).
• After the implication of the Montreal protocol, ODSs decreased significantly which
helps to heal up the damaged ozone layer. • This helps us to decide how much effort should
• To protect the stratospheric ozone layer, new alternative substances should be be put into reducing the levels of different GHGs
developed that is resulting in co- benefits in climate change and energy-efficient. and allows emission-reducing strategies that
target different gases while minimizing the
economic impact.
361 364
362 365
363 366
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: CO2 Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: CH4
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4)
Deforestation • Methane is the second most important anthropogenic
• CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas. It is
greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide (CO2).
released through natural processes such
• A hydrocarbon gas produced both through natural
as respiration and volcano eruptions,
sources and human activities, including the
and through human activities such as Volcano Landfill
decomposition of wastes in landfills, agriculture, and
deforestation, land-use changes, and
especially rice cultivation, and manure management
burning of fossil fuels.
associated with domestic livestock.
• Methane is responsible for approximately 40% of the
• This is the most important long-lived
human-caused warming the world has experienced
"forcing" of climate change.
367 370
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: CO2 Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: CH4
CO2 Growth Rate
CH4 Growth Rate
• The atmospheric abundance of CO2 has
increased by an average of 1.85 ppm • Since 1750, atmospheric methane
per year over the past 41 years (1979-
concentrations have more than doubled due to
emissions from human activities.
• The growth rate increased to 2.4 ppm • After a period of stabilization in the early 2000s,
per year during the last decade (2009- methane concentrations started rising again in
2020). 2007.
• This increase in methane emissions is mainly
• Anthropogenic activities have increased attributed to anthropogenic emissions: 60% from
the atmospheric CO2 concentration by
agriculture and waste, and 40% from fossil fuel
50 % since the Industrial Revolution
began. sources.
368 371
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: CO2 Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: CH4
CO2 Contribution CH4 Contribution
• CO2 is the most abundant GHG in the Earth's • In comparison to other GHGs, CH4
atmosphere, contributing to 76% of global contributes 16% of global GHGs.
GHGs compared to other GHGs.
• Agricultural activities, waste
• Fossil fuel burning and industrial processes management, energy use, and biomass
contribute ~ 65%. Forestry and other land use burning contribute to CH4 emissions.
activities contribute ~ 11%.
369 372
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: N2O Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: F-Gases
Nitrous oxide (N2O) Fluorinated Gases
• F-gases [hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
• N2O is produced by soil cultivation perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride
practices, especially the use of (SF6)] are synthetic, powerful greenhouse gases
commercial and organic fertilizers, fossil that are emitted from a variety of industrial
processes such as aluminum production and
fuel combustion, nitric acid production,
magnesium processing, etc.
and biomass burning. N2O emission due to fertilizers • CFCs once commonly used as refrigerants and
• N2O is also naturally present in the foam-blowing agents - continued to decline in
atmosphere as part of the Earth's nitrogen 2020, largely due to controls adopted by the
cycle and has a variety of natural sources. Montreal Protocol.
• Globally, about 40 percent of total N2O
emissions come from human activities.
Biomass burning
373 376
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: N2O Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: F-Gases
N2O Growth Rate
Contribution of Fluorinated Gases
• The atmospheric burden of nitrous oxide • In comparison to other GHGs, fluorinated
(N2O) grows over time. gases contribute around 2% of global GHGs.
• Furthermore, the annual increase in nitrous • Industrial processes, refrigeration, and the
oxide's atmospheric burden, averaging 1.0 use of various consumer products contribute
ppb yr-1 over the past decade, is also to emissions of fluorinated gases.
374 377
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: N2O Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: Ozone
N2O Contribution Ozone (O3) [1/2]
• In comparison to other GHGs, N2O
• Tropospheric, or ground-level ozone, is not
contributes 6% of global GHGs.
emitted directly into the air but it is created by
chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen
• Agricultural activities, such as fertilizer use,
(NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
are the primary source of N2O emissions.
in the presence of sunlight.
Fossil fuel combustion also generates N2O.
• Main sources of these pollutants such as NOx
and VOCs are cars, power plants, industrial
boilers, refineries, chemical plants, and other
375 378
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: Ozone Global Warming Potential of GHGs (1/3)
• The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was developed
Ozone (O3) [2/2] to allow comparisons of the global warming impacts
of different gases.
• Ground level ozone absorbs infrared radiation
emitted by the Earth's surface, effectively • The GWP of greenhouse gas is its ability to trap an
trapping heat in the troposphere. extra amount of heat in the atmosphere over time
relative to 1 ton of CO2 emissions.
• So, it shows the warming effect on the Earth's
surface, thereby contributing to the • The more significant the GWP, the more that a given
"greenhouse" effect. gas warms the Earth compared to CO2 over that
379 382
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: Water vapor Global Warming Potential of GHGs (2/3)
Based on climate variations between 2003 and 2008, the
Water vapor (H2O) [1/2] energy trapped by water vapor, Peak near the equator
The GWP depends on two things:
• The most abundant greenhouse gas, but
importantly, it acts as a feedback process to • How effective the gas is at trapping heat while it's in
the climate. the atmosphere, and
• How long it stays in the atmosphere before it breaks
• Increased water vapor content in the down.
atmosphere is referred to as a feedback • For example, CH4 breaks down relatively quickly; the
process. average CH4 molecule stays in the atmosphere for
around 12 years. On the other hand, CH4 traps heat
• Water vapour does absorb longwave more effectively than CO2, having a much longer
radiation and radiates it back to the Earth’s lifetime.
surface, thus contributing to warming.
Source: Source: Image:
380 383
Growth Rate and Contribution of GHGs: Water vapor Global Warming Potential of GHGs (3/3)
Water vapor (H2O) [2/2]
• Having a standard scale for all greenhouse gases
allows comparisons between emissions from
• Water vapour stays in the atmosphere for a much
different activities or sectors.
shorter period (in days) compared to other
greenhouse gases such as CO2 or CH4, which stay in
• This helps us to decide how much effort should
the atmosphere for a much longer period (ranging
be put into reducing the levels of different
from years to centuries).
greenhouse gases.
• Water vapour feedback can further magnify the
• GWP allows emission-reducing strategies that
warming effect of other greenhouse gases, allowing
target different gases while minimizing the
more water vapour to enter the atmosphere as a
economic impact.
result of rising carbon dioxide levels.
381 384
GWP of GHGs compared to CO2 (1/2) Radiative forcing caused by various GHGs (1/5)
• GWP100: total warming of a greenhouse gas
compared to CO₂ after 100 years. This one is the • We know that when energy from the sun reaches
most widely used. the Earth, the planet absorbs some of this energy
• The majority of studies and agreements use the and radiates the rest back to space as heat.
100-year time horizon. Also, the Kyoto Protocol
and the Paris Agreement are based on GWPs from • The Earth’s surface temperature depends on this
pulse emissions over a 100-year time horizon.
balance between incoming and outgoing energy.
• As per IPCC, changes in the GWP values are made • Average conditions tend to remain stable unless
time to time due to improved scientific knowledge the Earth experiences a force that shifts the
and updated estimates of the energy absorption, energy balance.
lifetime, impulse response functions.
Source:,, Timma et al., 2020 Source: Image:
385 388
386 389
GWP of Fluorinated Gases Greenhouse Gases Lifetime GWPs (time Radiative forcing caused by various GHGs (3/5)
(Years) horizon: 100
• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons CFC-11 (CCl3F) 45 4700 • When positive and negative forces are out of
(HFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), and CFC-12 (CCL2F2) 100 10900 balance, the result changes the Earth’s average
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) are sometimes called CFC-13 (CCLF3) 640 14400 surface temperature.
high-GWP gases because, for a given amount of HCFC-22 (CHClF2) 12 1810
mass, they trap substantially more heat than HFC-23 (CHF3) 270 14800 • Some of these changes are natural, while others
CO2. SF6 3200 22800 are influenced by humans or anthropogenic.
• The GWPs for these gases can be thousands or • Changes in GHGs concentrations in the atmosphere
tens of thousands. affect radiative forcing.
387 390
Radiative forcing caused by various GHGs (5/5) Impacts of global warming
• Radiative forcing has been converted to the
Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI) on the
right side of the graph, which is set to 1.0 for • Increase in average temperatures.
1990. • Extreme weather events like Heatwaves,
• The AGGI is a measure of the climate- forest fires, droughts, heavy rain, flood, etc.
warming impact of long-lived GHGs in the
atmosphere, as well as how that impact has • Increase in Sea levels: Glaciers are melting.
altered since the industrial revolution began. • Earth's ecosystems.
• The AGGI for 2019 was 1.45, representing a • Health and society
45 % increase in radiative forcing (a net
warming influence) since 1990.
Source: Source:
391 394
392 395
393 396
Causes of climate change
397 400
398 401
399 402
Greenhouse effect Natural Processes (2/3)
Volcanic Activity
403 406
Reflectivity or Absorption of the Sun’s Energy Changes in Naturally Occurring Carbon Dioxide
• Activities such as agriculture, road construction, and
• Over the last several hundred years, carbon dioxide levels
deforestation can change the reflectivity of the earth's varied along with the glacial cycles.
surface, leading to local warming or cooling.
• During warm interglacial periods, carbon dioxide levels
• This effect is observed in heat islands, which are urban were higher.
centers that are warmer than the surrounding, less • During cool glacial periods, carbon dioxide levels were
populated areas. lower.
• One reason that these areas are warmer is that buildings, • The heating or cooling of the earth’s surface and oceans
pavement, and roofs tend to reflect less sunlight than can cause changes in the natural sources and sinks of
natural surfaces. these gases, and thus change greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere.
404 407
405 408
Climate Change Indicators and Impacts (2/5) Climate Change Indicators and Impacts (5/5)
• Oceans
• Ecosystem
o As greenhouse gases trap more energy from the sun, the o Ecosystems provide humans with food, clean water,
oceans are absorbing more heat, resulting in an increase in and a variety of other services that can be affected
sea surface temperatures and rising sea level. by climate change.
o Changes in ocean temperatures and currents brought o Changes in the Earth’s climate can affect
about by climate change will lead to alterations in climate ecosystems by altering the water cycle, habitats,
patterns around the world. animal behavior—such as nesting and migration
o Although the oceans help reduce climate change by storing patterns—and the timing of natural processes such
as flower blooms.
large amounts of carbon dioxide, increasing levels of
dissolved carbon are changing the chemistry of seawater
and making it more acidic.
Source: Source:
409 412
Source: image: Source: Philip et al.,2021 image: BBC Weather
410 413
Climate Change Indicators and Impacts (4/5) Heatwave on the pacific coast of the US and Canada, June
2021 (2/3)
• Health and Society There are two possible sources of this extreme jump in
o Changes in the Earth’s climate can affect public health, peak temperatures.
agriculture, water supplies, energy production and use, The first is that this is a very low probability event, even
land use and development, and recreation.
in the current climate which already includes about 1.2°C
o The nature and extent of these effects, and whether of global warming although aggravated by climate
they will be harmful or beneficial, will vary regionally
and over time. change.
o Increases in the frequency or severity of extreme The second option is that nonlinear interactions in the
weather events, such as storms, could increase the risk climate have substantially increased the probability of
of dangerous flooding, high winds, and other direct such extreme heat, much beyond the gradual increase in
threats to people and property. heat extremes that has been observed up to now.
411 414
Heatwave on the pacific coast of the US and Canada, June
2021 (3/3) Change in precipitation due to climate change
415 418
Heat Wave Characteristics in the United States by Decade, Possible future effects (1/5)
• Temperatures Will Continue to Rise
Because human-induced warming is superimposed on a
naturally varying climate, the temperature rise has not
been, and will not be, uniform or smooth across the
country or over time.
Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2020 tied
with 2016 as the warmest year on record, according to an
analysis by NASA.
416 419
• Increasing incidents of cloudbursts in Jammu and Kashmir, • Frost-free Season (and Growing Season) will
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are a clear evidence Lengthen
of climate change. o In a future in which heat-trapping gas emissions
• Every year, cloud bursting events cause massive loss of continue to grow, increases of a month or more in
life, property, infrastructure, agricultural lands and other the lengths of the frost-free and growing seasons
facilities. are projected across most of the U.S. by the end of
• The earlier disasters show that the growing outbreak of the century, with slightly smaller increases in the
rains and its associated flash floods, debris flows and northern Great Plains.
landslides are important reasons for damages and o The increases will be considerably smaller if heat-
destructions. trapping gas emissions are reduced.
417 420
Possible future effects (3/5) Responding to climate change (1/3)
• Changes in Precipitation Patterns Since we are already committed to some level of climate
o Projections of future climate over the U.S. suggest that change, responding to climate change involves a two-way
the recent trend towards increased heavy
precipitation events will continue.
• Reducing emissions of and stabilizing the levels of
o This trend is projected to occur even in regions where heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the
total precipitation is expected to decrease, such as the atmosphere (mitigation)
o The increasing amount of precipitation can also be • Adapting to the climate change already in the
pipeline (adaptation)
visualized in Northern parts of India i.e. the Himalayan
421 424
422 425
423 426
Climate change mitigation at global level (1/2) Sustainable development goals (2/2)
• The 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on
1.5 Degrees of Warming highlights the urgency of the needed climate actions: • 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national
global emissions will need to peak by 2030 and rapidly decrease to net-zero by policies, strategies and planning
2050 if we are to be able to stay within the safety limits established by the Paris • 13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human
and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation,
adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
• The (Global Environment Facility) GEF-7 climate change mitigation strategy aims to
support developing countries to make transformational shifts towards low- Paris Agreement
emission development pathways compatible with the objectives of the United The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris
Agreement. on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at
Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in Paris, on 12 December
2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016.
427 430
428 431
429 432
Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)
What is Acid Rain?
• The latest Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2021 has placed India among the
top 10 countries to have adopted substantial measures to mitigate climate change. • Any type of precipitation that contains acidic
The report has ranked India at the 10th position with 63.98 scores. components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid,
• To rank various countries, the report looked at the four specific categories and and falls to the ground in wet or dry form is
their benchmark limits: GHG emissions (40%), renewable energy (20%), energy known as acid rain or acid deposition (pH
use (20%) and climate policy (20%). between 4.2-4.4).
• The index follows the directives led by the 2015 Paris Agreement, established
with the goal to limit global warming to well below 2°C or even to 1.5°C. • This can include rain, snow, fog, hail or even
dust that is acidic.
433 436
434 437
435 438
What Causes Acid Rain (3/3) ? Acid rain History (1/4)
• First observation of acid rain was recorded
The major sources of SO2 and NOX in the atmosphere in the mid-19th century in Europe.
• Signs of leaf deterioration were found in
• Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Two forest located downwind of large industrial
thirds of SO2 and one fourth of NOX in the areas.
atmosphere come from electric power generators.
• In 1872 an English scientist Robert Angus
• Vehicles and heavy equipment. Smith introduced the term acid rain as he
noticed that acid precipitation damages the
• Manufacturing, oil refineries and other industries. leaves.
439 442
440 443
Pathway for acid rain (2/2) Acid rain History (3/4) New England
441 444
Acid rain History (4/4) Measuring the Acid Rain (1/5)
• By 1990, the US congress had passed amendments
to the Clean Air Act (1970). This was implemented
aiming to decrease the total SO2 emission by 10 • Acidity and alkalinity are measured using a
million tons. pH scale for which 7.0 is neutral.
• Similarly, several programs were carried out since • The lower the pH of a substance (less than
1999 to reduce NOx emissions from factories and 7), the more acidic it is.
• The higher the pH of a substance (greater
• By March 2005, the US EPA issued Clean Air than 7), the more alkaline it is.
Interstate Rule (CAIR) to reduce the pollution from
power plant emissions from one state to another.
445 448
446 449
• Acidic particles and gases can also deposit • When touch a strip of litmus paper to
from the atmosphere in the absence of something, the paper changes color
moisture as dry deposition. depending on whether the substance is
acidic or basic.
• The acidic particles and gases may deposit
to surfaces (water bodies, vegetation, • If the paper turns red, the substance is
buildings) quickly. acidic and if it turns blue, the substance
is basic.
447 450
Measuring the Acid Rain (4/5) Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (1/11)
451 454
Measuring the Acid Rain (5/5) Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (2/11)
452 455
453 456
Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (4/11) Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (7/11)
Effects of Acid Rain on Fish and Wildlife (3/4)
Effects of Acid Rain on Plants and Trees (2/2)
• Some types of plants and animals can tolerate
acidic waters. Others, however, are acid-sensitive • At high elevations, acidic fog and clouds may
and will be lost as the pH declines. deplete the nutrients in tree leaves, resulting
in brown or dead leaves.
• Generally, the young of most species are more
sensitive to acidic environment than adults. • The trees are then less able to absorb
sunlight, which makes them weak and less
• At pH 5, most fish eggs cannot mature. Some adult able to withstand freezing temperatures.
fish die at lower pH values.
457 460
Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (5/11) Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (8/11)
Effects of Acid Rain on Fish and Wildlife (4/4) b. Affected trees in the Great
Smoky Mountains (USA).
• Even if a fish or animal can tolerate moderately
acidic water, the plants/phytoplankton or
animals they consume may not.
458 461
Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (6/11) Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (9/11)
Effects of Acid Rain on Plants and Trees (1/2) Buffering Capacity (1/2)
• Dead or dying trees are a common sight in • Many forests, streams, and lakes that experience
areas effected by acid rain. acid rain do not suffer the associated effects
• Acid rain leaches aluminum (Al) from the soil, because the soil in those areas can buffer the
which result in toxic effect to the root tip, in acid rain by neutralizing the acidity in the
which Al exposure causes inhibition of cell rainwater flowing through it.
elongation and cell division, leading to root
stunting accompanied by reduced water and • Buffer capacity depends on the thickness and
nutrient uptake. composition of the soil and the type of bedrock
• Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients underneath it.
from the soil that trees need to grow.
Source: Image:, Hepperly, Paul. (2019) Source:
459 462
Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (10/11) Effects of Acid Rain on Materials (2/3) a b c
Source: Source: (Mohajan, 2019) Image: ASI,,,,,
463 466
Effects of Acid Rain on Ecosystem (11/11) Effects of Acid Rain on Materials (3/3)
Episodic Acidification
• Episodic acidity can occur as a result of melting snow
and severe rainfall events. The consequences of this damage can be costly:
• Lakes that do not normally have a high level of acidity • Damaged materials that need to be repaired
may temporarily experience effects of acid rain when or replaced,
the melting snow or rainfall brings greater amounts of
acidic deposition, and the soil can’t buffer it. • Increased maintenance costs, and
• This short duration of higher acidity (i.e., lower pH) can • Loss of detail on stone and metal statues,
result in a short-term stress on the ecosystem where a monuments and tombstones.
variety of organisms or species may be injured or killed.
464 467
465 468
Visibility (2/2) Acid rain monitoring
• Wet and dry deposition collectors are used
• This affects our enjoyment of national in monitoring of the acid deposition by the
parks that we visit for the scenic view national acid deposition Program (NADP).
such as the Great Smoky Mountains
• Containers are used to collect rain water and
• Acid fog particularly particles of to measure the dry deposition.
Wet and Dry
sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide deposition collector
reduces the visibility by 50-70% in • Though it is the traditional method,
eastern U.S.A. nowadays sensors based on electrical
resistance are used worldwide.
469 472
• SO2 and NOX react in the atmosphere to • This can be done either fuel switching or
form fine sulfate and nitrate particles. scrubbing.
• When the pollutants that cause acid rain • Fuel switching includes limiting the use of
such as SO2 and NOX, as well as sulfate sulphur containing fuels such as coal or
and nitrate particles are in the air, they switching to low sulphur containing coal
can be harmful to humans. or oil.
470 473
Source: Image:, Source: (Sivaramanan, 2015) Image:
471 474
Conclusions Introduction
• Since the 19th century, acid rain has been one of the world's biggest environmental issues.
• The acceptable threshold level of air pollution in
• Coal combustion is the primary source of SO2. terms of its potential impacts on health and
environment is defined as the ambient air quality
• Vehicular emissions and varied fossil fuel-based power generation contributes NOx. standard.
• In most countries across the globe, acid rain has become a major local/regional • These standards are adopted and enforced by a
environmental issue. regulatory body or authority.
• Every country needs to make a serious effort to reduce emissions that cause acid rain. • Every standard should have a standalone definition
and its threshold values should be justified
475 478
1. The indicator
2. An averaging time
3. The form
4. The level
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013
476 479
477 480
Components of Air Quality Standards Components of Air Quality Standards
The level
Indicator • The level of an air pollutant is the
• The indicator is typically a pollutant numerical value that represents
characterized by their chemical composition the allowable or permissible
(e.g., O3, SO2, NOX, polycyclic aromatic concentration of a pollutants in the
hydrocarbons, or oxidants). ambient air.
• An exception is particulate matter (PM), which • For example, the level for Carbon
is mass-based (e.g., particle size fractions, Monoxide is 9 ppm for an average
PM2.5 or PM10) without regard for their time of 8 hours and 35 ppm for 1
chemical composition. hour average time.
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013; Image : Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013
481 484
Components of Air Quality Standards Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards
The averaging time (1/2)
• The averaging time for an air quality standard is Adverse effects on health
related to the exposure span of the corresponding Special populations at risk
pollutant that result in adverse health effects.
Dose Response Curves
• For example, peak or short-term concentrations of
gases such as carbon monoxide and ozone can cause Exposure characterization
acute responses in the lung, so the averaging time is Risk assessment
1-hour or 8-hours.
Acceptability of risk
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013 Source: Guidance for Setting Air Quality Standards, WHO, 1997
482 485
Components of Air Quality Standards Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards
The averaging time (2/2) Adverse health effects
• Particulate matter can have both short-term and • In setting a standard for the control of an
long-term effects, hence 24-hour and annual environmental pollutant, the effects that the
averaging time are typically used. population is to be protected against need to be
• The averaging time vary extensively, and a given
air pollutant can have more than one averaging • A hierarchy of health effects can be identified
time. ranging from acute illness and chronic diseases,
to temporary physiological or psychological
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013; Image : Source: Guidance for Setting Air Quality Standards, WHO, 1997
483 486
Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards
Dose Response Curves
• Dose-response relationships are used to compare the Exposure characterization
toxicity of various substances, and they are also used by • The air quality estimates from monitoring networks
regulators to establish criteria for air quality. or models corresponding to personal exposure in the
population should also be considered in standard-
• The potentially susceptible sub-populations (with respect setting.
to the effects of air pollution responses) are sometimes
classified into two general groups: • These estimates depend on the pollutant as well as
• more sensitive (including the ill, elderly, very young, on a number of local characteristics, climatic
undernourished, etc.) conditions, spatial distribution of pollution sources
• greater exposures (including the poor, uneducated, and local determinants of pollution dispersion
exercising school children, exercising outdoor workers)
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013 Source: Guidance for Setting Air Quality Standards, WHO, 1997
487 490
Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards
Typical Dose Response Curve Risk assessment Hazard identification
A typical sigmoidal dose-response relationship • The first two steps in risk assessment, namely hazard Development of exposure–
showing: identification and, in some cases, development of response relationships
A - the threshold of response; exposure–response relationships.
B - the point of maximum sensitivity; • The third step, exposure analysis, may predict changes in Exposure analysis
C - the region of near saturation of response; and exposure associated with reductions in emissions from a Regulatory risk
D - the maximum response. specific source. assessment
• The final step in a regulatory risk assessment is the risk
characterization stage, where exposure estimates are
combined with exposure–response relationships to
generate quantitative estimates of risk
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013 Source: Guidance for Setting Air Quality Standards, WHO, 1997
488 491
Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards Factors considered for setting Air Quality Standards
Dose Response Curves for different categories of people
• Dose-response curves showing those Acceptability of risk
for a sensitive individual, a resistant • The standard selected will depend on the
individual, and the entire population. severity of the potential effects, the size of the
population at risk, and the degree of scientific
• At low doses, a “hormetic” (i.e. certainty that the effects will occur at any given
beneficial) effect is shown where the level of pollution.
curves fall below a “no effect” level.
• For example, if a suspected but uncertain health
effect is severe and the size of the population at
risk is large, a more cautious approach would be
Source: Phalen, F., and Phalen, N., 2013 Source: Guidance for Setting Air Quality Standards, WHO, 1997
489 492
National Ambient Air Quality Standards: India NAAQS (Comparison 1994 and 2009)
Some of the salient features include (1/6):
• Interest in air quality management policies began in
1970 India during the 1970s. • Area classification is based on land-use so that industrial areas
• After the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the have to conform to the same standards as residential areas.
1972 Human Environment, it became clear that the
1994 Concentration in ambient air
nation was in need of a uniform environmental law. Time weighted
Pollutant Residential, rural
• As a result, the Air (Prevention and Control of average Industrial Area
and others area
Sensitive area
Pollution) Act was passed by Parliament in 1981.
• With the goal of providing for the prevention,
1994 control, and abatement of air pollution, the first Concentration in ambient air
ambient air quality standards were adopted in 1982 Pollutant
Time weighted
Industrial, Residential, rural and others
Sensitive area
average (notified by
2009 by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and area
revised in 1994 and again in 2009. Government)
Source: Bhave and Kulkarni, 2015 Source: Bhave and Kulkarni, 2015
493 496
494 497
Source: Bhave and Kulkarni, 2015
499 502
NAAQS (Comparison 1994 and 2009) WHO air quality guidelines 2021 • Peak season refers to the six
consecutive months with the
Some of the salient features include (5/6): highest running-average of ozone
• Other new parameters like, Ozone, Arsenic, Nickel, • 24-hour AQG level for sulfur dioxide
Benzene and Benzo(a)Pyrene have been included. of 40 µg/m3 was recommended
based on a new evaluation of the
effects of short-term sulfur dioxide
concentrations on all-cause
mortality and respiratory mortality.
500 503
NAAQS (Comparison 1994 and 2009) Air Quality Standards in different countries
Some of the salient features include (6/6): Standards for short duration, • The air quality standards may vary for different
1994 Concentration in ambient air just one to few hours, have countries due to various factors, such as economic
Time weighted
average Industrial Area
Residential, rural
Sensitive area been set to reduce peak conditions, technological know-how, and indigenous air
and others area
8 hour 5 2 1
exposure to some deadly gases pollution-related epidemiological studies.
Carbon Monoxide
(mg/m3) 1 hour 10 4 2 like Ozone and Carbon
Monoxide. • These are known as the National Ambient Air Quality
2009 Concentration in ambient air
Time weighted Ecologically Sensitive Standards (NAAQS) in countries, such as India, China,
Pollutant Industrial, Residential, rural
average area (notified by and the US. However, in Canada and the European
and others area
Central Government)
Carbon Monoxide 8 hour 2 2 countries, the limit values are predefined (WHO 2005).
(mg/m3) 1 hour 4 4
8 hour 100 100
Ozone, O3 (µg/m3)
1 hour 180 180
Source: Bhave and Kulkarni, 2015 Source: Gurjar, B.R., 2021,
501 504
Air Quality Standards in different countries Emission Standards in India
European United South India China
Pollutant Time WHO California Japan Brazil Mexico
1 year -
78 - - 80 78
• Timeline for the nationwide
24 hr 20 125 366 105c 105 365 341 125 30/80/120 50/150/250 implementation of the various stages
1 hr - 350 - 655 262 - - - - 150/500/700 2000 2005 2010 2017 2020
(µg/m3) of emission standards in all over India.
10 min 500 - - - - - - 500 - - BS-I BS-II BS-III BS-IV BS-VI
Nitrogen 1 year 40 40 100 - - 100 - 94 15/60/80 40/40/80
24 hr
1 hr
113 -
• The Indian emission standard
PM10 1 year 20 40 50 20 50 50 60 50/60/120 40/100/150 “BHARAT STAGE” (BS) for India 2000
(µg/m3) 24 hr 50a 50b 150 50 100 150 120 180 - 50/150/250
PM2.5 1 year 10 - 15 12 - - 15 - - -
(BS I) is taken from EURO 1 emission
(µg/m3) 24 hr 25a - 65 65 - - 65 - - - standards as a reference, BS II from
Ozone 8 hr 100 120 157 137 - - 157c - - -
(µg/m3) 1 hr - - - 180c 118c 160 216 235 - 120/160/200
Carbon 1 hr 30 - 40 23 11 40 - 30 4 10 from EURO IV, BS V from EURO V and
e 8 hr 10 10 10 10 23 10 11 10 2 - BS VI from EURO VI.
505 508
506 509
• India have initiated to follow emission standards Status of Air Quality Monitoring in India
through the Motor vehicles act of 1988, which allows
the government to implement the emission standards.
507 510
Contents Air Quality Monitoring - Objectives
• Air Quality Monitoring
To provide a sound scientific
• Types of Monitoring To assess how far air quality
• Stationary Source Emission Monitoring
01 basis for the development of
cost-effective control policies and 04 standards, limit values, and
objectives are being met
solutions to abate air pollution.
• Ambient Air Monitoring
• Ambient Air Monitoring - Pollutant Selection
• Number and Distribution of Monitoring Location To evaluate potential impacts To determine the impact of
• Selection of Monitoring Location 02 of air pollution on population
health and welfare
05 air pollution on ecosystems
and our natural environment
• Timeline of Air Quality Regulation in India
511 514
Source: (; Source: (Gurjar, B. R., Molina, L. T., Ojha, C. S. P., 2010)
512 515
Source: ( Image Source: (Guttikunda et al., 2019) Source: (Gurjar, B. R., Molina, L. T., Ojha, C. S. P., 2010)
513 516
Types of Monitoring (1/5) Types of Monitoring (4/5)
1 Stationary Source Emission • On-road (mobile) Monitoring
2 On Road (Mobile) • It collects and measures samples
Types of Air confined to roads and their immediate
3 Ambient Air Quality • Data is used for understanding pollution
exposure during commute; specially to
Remote Sensing / understand the acute health impacts of
4 being exposed to augmented pollution
Satellite levels on the roads.
Source: ( Image Source: ( Source: ( Image Source: (
517 520
Source: ( Image Source: ( Source: ( Image Source: (; Holloway, T. et al., 2021)
518 521
519 522
Stationary Source Emission Stationary Source Emission
Monitoring (2/5) Monitoring (5/5)
• Averaging Time
• Indicator(s) of performance
• The period over which data are averaged and used to
• The parameter(s) measured or observed for verify proper operation or compliance with the
emissions limitation or standard.
• Examples of averaging time include
– Proper operation of the air pollution
– a 3-hour average in units of the emissions limitation,
control measures, or
– a 30-day rolling average emissions value,
– Compliance with the applicable emissions – a daily average of control device operational
limitation or standard parametric range, and an instantaneous alarm.
523 526
524 527
525 528
Methods of Ambient Air Monitoring (Manual) 3. Chemical Method [Buffered KI(Potassium Iodide)]
Manual Monitoring
• For sampling and Analysis of Ozone (O3)
1 Improved West & Geake Method
2 Modified Jacob and Hochheiser Method • National Ambient Air Quality Standard
3 Chemical Method (Buffered Potassium Iodide (KI)) Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
4 Indo-phenol Blue Method Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
5 Gravimetric Method Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Ozone (O3), 8 Hours* 100 100
6 Adsorption Desorption followed by GC μg/m3
1 Hour** 180 180
7 Solvent Extraction followed by HPLC / GC * Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
hourly at unform intervals.
8 AAS after sampling using EPM 2000 ED-XRF using Teflon Filter ** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
9 AAS after sampling using EPM 2000 Method
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source:
529 532
• For sampling and Analysis of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) • For sampling and Analysis of Ammonia (NH3)
• National Ambient Air Quality Standard • National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Average Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Sulphur Annual* 50 20
Ammonia Annual* 100 100
Dioxide (SO2),
24 Hours** 80 80 (NH3), μg/m3
μg/m3 24 Hours** 400 400
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24 * Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
hourly at unform intervals. hourly at unform intervals.
** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time ** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring. in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source: Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source:
530 533
• For sampling and Analysis of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) • For sampling and Analysis of Particulate Matter PM10
• National Ambient Air Quality Standard • National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Particulate Annual* 60 60
Nitrogen Annual* 40 30
Matter, PM10,
Dioxide (NO2), 24 Hours** 100 100
24 Hours** 80 80 μg/m3
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
hourly at unform intervals.
hourly at unform intervals.
** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source: Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source:
531 534
5. Gravimetric Method (PM2.5) (2/2) 8. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(AAS) after
sampling using EPM 2000 ED-XRF using Teflon Filter Method
• For sampling and Analysis of Particulate Matter PM2.5 • For sampling and Analysis of Lead and Nickel
• National Ambient Air Quality Standard
• National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air Average
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Lead (Pb), Annual* 0.50 0.50
Particulate Annual* 40 40 μg/m3 24 Hours** 1.0 1.0
Matter, PM2.5,
24 Hours** 60 60 Nickel (Ni), Annual* 20 20
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
hourly at unform intervals. * Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time hourly at unform intervals.
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring. ** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source: Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I)
535 538
6. Adsorption Desorption followed by Gas Chromatography (GC) 9. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(AAS) after
sampling using EPM 2000 Method
• For sampling and Analysis of Benzene (C6H6) • For sampling and Analysis of Arsenic
• National Ambient Air Quality Standard • National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
BENZENE Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Area (Notified
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Rural, other Areas by Central Govt.)
Benzene, Annual* 5 5
Arsenic (As), Annual* 06 06
C6H6, μg/m3
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year, at a particular site, taken twice a week 24
hourly at unform intervals.
hourly at unform intervals.
** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 1 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with a 98% of the time
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I) Image Source: Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-I)
536 539
537 540
Methods of Ambient Air Monitoring (Automatic) (1/3) Air Monitoring - Pollutant Selection (1/2)
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-II) Source: (Gurjar, B. R., Molina, L. T., Ojha, C. S. P., 2010) Image Source:
541 544
Methods of Ambient Air Monitoring (Automatic) (2/3) Air Monitoring - Pollutant Selection (2/2)
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-II) Source: (Gurjar, B. R., Molina, L. T., Ojha, C. S. P., 2010); Image :
542 545
Methods of Ambient Air Monitoring (Automatic) (3/3) Air Monitoring – Number and Distribution of Monitoring
Location (1/3)
4. Non-Dispersive Infrared Spectroscopy Method
– For sampling and analysis of Carbon Number of Sampling Sites depends on:
Monoxide (CO) • Size of the area to be covered
• The variability of pollutant concentration over the area to be
5. Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM), covered
Beta Attenuation Method • The data requirements, which are related to the monitoring
– For sampling and analysis of PM2.5 and PM10 • Pollutant to be monitored and
• Population figures which can be used as indicators of
6. Gas Chromatography based Continuous Method criticality both from view of likely air quality deterioration
– For sampling and analysis of Benzene (BTX) and health implications.
(Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene M+P Xylene
and O-Xylene)
Source: (CPCB Manual, Vol.-II) Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003)
543 546
Air Monitoring – Number and Distribution of Monitoring Air Monitoring – Selection of Monitoring Location (2/4)
Location (2/3)
2. Comparability (IS 5182 (Part 14) 2000)
• All four sides should be open, the intake should not be within
a confined space, in a corner, under or above a balcony.
• For traffic pollution monitoring the sampling intake should
be 3 m above the street level.
• Sampling in the vicinity of unpaved roads and streets results
in entrainment of dust into the samplers from the movement
of vehicles. Samplers are therefore to be kept at 200 m from
unpaved roads and streets.
Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003) Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003)
547 550
Air Monitoring – Number and Distribution of Monitoring Air Monitoring – Selection of Monitoring Location (3/4)
Location (3/3)
3. Physical requirement of the monitoring sites:
• Generally three monitoring stations are chosen as one
each in residential (or commercial), sensitive and industrial • The site should be available for a long period of time.
area. • Easy access to the site should be there anytime throughout
the year.
• Distribution of monitoring station in a city depend on the • Site sheltering and facilities such as electricity of sufficient
distribution of pollution sources and population in a city. rating, water, telephone connection etc. should be available.
• It should be vandal proof and protected from extreme
• More stations should be located in areas where
population density is high, number of industries are more
and vehicular density is high
Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003) Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003)
548 551
Air Monitoring – Selection of Monitoring Location (1/4) Air Monitoring – Selection of Monitoring Location (4/4)
Requirements to be fulfilled:
4. Topographical and Meteorological Factors
1. Representative Site
• The topographical factors that must be considered are:
• The site should be selected such that it is expected to remain
a representative site over a long time and no land use – Mountains (may cause precipitation),
changes, rebuilding's etc. are foreseen in near future. – Valleys (may channel the local winds into a particular
• The site should be away from major pollution sources direction),
depending upon its height and its emissions. The station – lakes, oceans and rivers (may cause a land-sea breeze
should be at least 25 m away from domestic chimneys, with wind pattern causing pollutant transport).
larger sources the distance should be greater (WHO,1977). • These factors cause a meteorological phenomena that may
• The site should be away from absorbing surfaces (absorbing affects air pollutants distribution.
building material). The clearance normally be at least 1 m.
(WHO, 1977).
Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003) Source: (Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, 2003)
549 552
Air Quality Regulation in India – A Timeline
Central Pollution Control Environment Pollution (Prevention &
Board (CPCB) was Control) Authority (EPCA) established
established under the CPCB adds provisions for to address air pollution in the national
Water Prevention and capital region (NCR) of Delhi
Control Act environment protection act
Stack Emission Monitoring using Isokinetic Sampling
1981 1994.04
553 556
554 557
555 558
Principle of sampling method Sampling Procedure (1/3)
• Determination of particulate matter (PM) concentration • Location of Sampling Sample: Sample for particulate
consists of an isokinetic sampling of a measured amount of concentration shall be done where velocity
gas from the flue gases, separating the particles from the measurements were carried out.
gas, and determining the particulate concentration.
• Nozzle Size: Select the nozzle size, which provides a
• Isokinetic sampling: Sampling at such a rate that the velocity meter-sampling rate between 40 to 60 lit/min.
and the direction of the gas entering the sampling nozzle is
the same as that of the gas in the duct/stack at the same • Calculation of Proper Sampling Rate: Calculate the
sampling point. To ensure a representative sample, the sampling rate at the gas meter for each sampling point
kinetic energy of the gas stream in the stack should be before starting the test.
equal to the kinetic energy of the gas stream through the
sampling nozzle.
Source: (CPCB, 2013) Source: (CPCB, 2013)
559 562
Pitot tube
560 563
561 564
Sample recovery Calculation (3/3)
• After the sampler has cooled, use a small brush to carefully Calculate the dust emission rate as follows:
brush the dust from the inside of the nozzle into the
thimble. Then, to transfer the thimble to the weighing room, 𝐸 𝑚 𝑥 𝑄𝑠
Dust Emission Rate = (mg/h)
remove it and place it in a dust-tight container. 10 6
• Determine the mass of dust collected in the thimble by
weighing the thimble before and after the run and compare Where
the weights. QS = flue gas flow rate ( 25 °C, 760 Hg mm Hg), m3/hr.
• Dry the thimble in an oven for about 2 hours at 1200C All stack emission test results shall be given on a dry
before sampling. basis, i.e., at zero percent moisture.
• Cool and dry the thimble after the sample in order to weigh
it with dust in the same condition as before sampling.
565 568
566 569
567 570
Procedure Quality Control
• Preparation of Sampling Train
• Leak-Check
• Quality Control (QC) is ensured by using
• Sample Collection certain techniques that fulfill requirements
• Sample Recovery for quality.
• Sample Analysis
• The QC procedures for the air sampling and
monitoring sections of this protocol include
preventative maintenance of
calibration of equipment,
analysis of field blanks and lab blanks.
Source: (CPCB, 2013) Source: NAAQS Guidelines, CPCB, 2013
571 574