OR I new OR-1
OR I new OR-1
OR I new OR-1
Management Science/Operations Research/ Quantitative Techniques
When decision-making is too complex or the interests at stake are too important,
quite often we do not know or are not sure what to decide. In many instances, we
resort to informal decision support techniques such as tossing a coin, asking an
oracle, visiting an astrologer, etc. However formal decision support from an expert
has many advantages. Business Science focuses on the formal model-driven
decision support techniques such as mathematical programs for optimization, and
decision tree analysis for risky decisions. Such techniques are now part of our
everyday life. For example, when a bank must decide whether a given client will
obtain credit or not, a technique, called credit scoring, is often used.
In decision-making we may start the process of consideration. It is best to learn the
decision-making process for complex, important and critical decisions. Critical
decisions are those that cannot and must not be wrong.
The aim of this course is to make you a better decision maker by learning the
decision-making process. Decision-making is a complicated process that involves a
series of steps. This complication arises from the fact that your present goal
(including wants, resources, and abilities) dictates your choices; however, your
choices will change your goals. This influential-cycle keeps the decision-maker busy
all the time. Selecting your goals and your criteria for success is a dynamic process
and changes over time. The goal is the foundation for decision-making process. This
is true in almost all cases dealing with personal growth or organizational growth.
On a daily basis a manager has to make many decisions. Some of these decisions are
routine and inconsequential, while others have drastic impacts on the operations of
the firm for which he/she works. Some of these decisions could involve large sums of
money being gained or lost, or could involve whether or not the firm accomplishes its
mission and its goals.
In our increasingly complex world, the tasks of decision-makers are becoming more
challenging with each passing day. The decision-maker (i.e., the responsible
manager) must respond quickly to events that seem to take place at an ever-
increasing pace. In addition, a decision-maker must incorporate a sometimes-
bewildering array of choices and consequences into his or her decision. Routine
decisions are often made quickly, perhaps unconsciously without the need for a
detailed process of consideration. However, for complex, critical or important
managerial decisions it is necessary to take time to decide systematically.
To make strategic decisions requires that one takes a structured approach following a
formal decision making process. Otherwise, it will be difficult to be sure that one has
considered all the key aspects of the decision.
The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century probably did more to shape life in the
modern industrialized world than any event in history. Large factories with mass
production created a need for managing them effectively and efficiently. The field of
Decision Science (DS) also known as Management Science (MS), Operations Research
(OR) in a more general sense, started with the publication of the Principles of
Scientific Management in 1911 by Frederick W. Taylor. His approach relied on the
measurement of industrial productivity and on time /motion studies in the factories.
The goal of his scientific management was to determine the best method for
performing tasks in the least amount of time, while unfortunately using the stopwatch
in an inhuman manner.
A basic education in OR/MS/DS for managers is essential. They are responsible for
leading the business system and the lives in that system. The business system is
dynamic in nature and will respond as such to disturbances internally and externally.
The OR/MS/DS approach to decision making includes the diagnosis of current
decision-making and the specification of changes in the decision process. Diagnosis is
the identification of problems (or opportunities for improvement) in current decision
behavior; it involves determining how decisions are currently made, specifying how
decisions should be made, and understanding why decisions are not made, as they
should be. Specification of changes in decision process involves choosing what
specific improvements in decision behavior are to be achieved and thus defining the
Nowadays, the OR/MS/DS approach has been providing assistance to managers in
developing the expertise and decision tools necessary to understand the decision
problems, put them in analytical terms and then solve them. The OR/MS/DS analysts
are, e.g., "chiefs of staff for the president", "advisors", "and R&D modelers" "systems
analysts", etc. Applied Management Science is the science of solving business
problems. The major reason that MS/OR has evolved as quickly as it has is due to the
evolution in computing power.
Foundations of Good Decision-Making Process: When one talks of "foundations",
usually it includes historical, psychological, and logical aspects of the subject. The
foundation of OR/MS/DS/SS is built on the philosophy of knowledge, science, logic,
and above all creativity. Almost all decision problems have environments with similar
components as follows:
1. The decision-maker. The term decision-maker refers to an individual, not a
2.The analyst who models the problem in order to help the decision maker,
3.Controllable factors (including your personal abilities and physical resources),
4.Uncontrollable factors,
5.The possible outcomes of the decision,
6.The environment/structural constraints
7. Dynamic interactions among these components.
Deterministic versus Probabilistic Models
All the decision models can be classified as either deterministic or probabilistic
models. In deterministic models your good decisions bring about good outcomes. You
get that which you expect, therefore the outcome is deterministic (i.e., risk-free).
However, in probabilistic decision models, the outcome is uncertain, therefore making
good decisions may not necessarily produce good outcomes. Unlike deterministic
models where good decisions are judged by the outcome alone, in probabilistic
models, the decision maker is concerned with both the outcome value and the
amount of risk each decision carries. When the outcome of your decision is rather
certain and all the important consequences occur within a single period, then your
decision problem is classified as a deterministic decision. However, in many
instances, these types of models are encumbered with the two most difficult factors -
uncertainty and delayed effects. Both difficulties can be overcome by probabilistic
modeling, which includes the time discounting factor.
After recognizing classification of decision-making components, the OR/MS/DS analyst
performs the following sequence with some possible feedback loops between its
1. Understanding the Problem: It is critical for a good decision maker to
clearly understand the problems, the objective, and the constraints involved.
2. Constructing an Analytical Model: This step involves the
"translation" of the problem into precise mathematical language in order to
make calculations and comparison of the outcomes under different possible
3. Finding a Good Solution: It is important here to choose the proper
solving technique, depending on the specific characteristics of the model.
After the model is developed, validation of the obtained results must be done
in order to avoid an unrealistic solution.
4. Communicating the Results with the Decision-Maker: The results
obtained by the OR/MS/DS analyst have to be properly communicated to the
decision-maker. If the decision-maker does not buy the OR/MS/DS analyst
recommendations, he/she will not implement any of them.
Management Science (MS) often takes an analytical view of a decision before making
a decision. That is reflection before action, as a Chinese proverb says, "To chop a tree
quickly, spend twice the time sharpening the Ax." Carpenters say, "Measure twice,
cut once." It's no delay to stop to edge the tool.
This analytical approach is known by several different names: Operations Research
(OR), Operational Research (a UK-ism), Decision Sciences (DS), Systems Science,
Mathematical Modeling, Industrial Engineering, Critical Systems strategic thinking,
Success Science (SS), and Systems Analysis and Design. Analytical methods are
applied to planning and management problems in areas such as production and
operations, inventory management, scheduling, and capital budgeting. Techniques,
often using powerful computer programs, are available to solve problems ranging
from real-time control of specific business, industrial, agricultural, and administrative
operations to long-term planning models for corporations and public sector agencies.
It is ironic that the idea of utilizing knowledge from a variety of disciplines was a
central tenet of the early days in OR/MS. From the beginning, practical problems did
not fit into neat disciplinary boundaries. OR/MS/DS/SS became established in
organizations and interdisciplinary teams and positions included mathematicians,
statistician, psychologists, economists, sociologists, etc. However, over the years the
interdisciplinary teams were broken up and new recruits into OR/MS/DS/SS tended to
come from applied mathematical and statistical backgrounds.
Academically, OR/MS/DS/SS became increasingly focused on mathematical models
and strategic solution algorithms. OR/MS/DS/SS was locked into a hard, technical
shell. In recent years, however, this situation is changing with the arrival of "soft"
methodologies and critical systems strategic thinking.
Systems modeling process depict a complex problem, with its many, interconnected
variables, in a way that amplifies and clarifies our understanding of the decision
problem. A good model does not solve the problem in itself, but allows us to
experiment with different systems variables to come up with new ideas about how to
tackle the decision problem.
The typical OR/MS/DS/SS approach is to build a model for the problem being studied.
Such a model is often (but not always) mathematical. Practical problems are often
unstructured and the definition and clarification of problems, as well as the building
of models, is an important part of the OR/MS/DS/SS methodology. Most people
discover that the understanding created by building a model is a very valuable part of
an OR/MS/DS/SS project. Once a model is built, algorithms often have to be used to
solve it. An algorithm is a series of steps that will accomplish a certain task. The
study, understanding, and invention of such algorithms is also an important part of
OR/MS/DS/SS modeling for decision-making. The decision maker might incorporate
some other perspectives of the problem such as cultural, psychological, etc., into the
management scientist's recommendations. Finally, communicative and political skills
are needed in implementing the results of an OR/MS/DS/SS model in a real-life
situation. OR/MS/DS/SS models are aimed at assisting the decision-maker in his/her
decision-making process and making sound decision.
You may ask, "Why must we learn the decision-making process?" Here are a few
motivating reasons:
Specialists in model building are often tempted to study a problem, and then go off in
isolation to develop an elaborate mathematical model for use by the manager (i.e.,
the decision-maker). Unfortunately the manager may not understand this model and
may either use it blindly or reject it entirely. The specialist may feel that the manager
is too ignorant and unsophisticated to appreciate the model, while the manager may
feel that the specialist lives in a dream world of unrealistic assumptions and
irrelevant mathematical language.
Such miscommunication can be avoided if the manager works with the specialist to
develop first a simple model that provides a crude but understandable analysis. After
the manager has built up confidence in this model, additional detail and
sophistication can be added, perhaps progressively only a bit at a time. This process
requires an investment a great deal of time on the part of the manager and sincere
interest on the part of the specialist in solving the manager's real problem, rather
than in creating and trying to explain sophisticated models. This progressive model
building is often referred to as the bootstrapping approach and is the most
important factor in determining successful implementation of a decision model.
Moreover the bootstrapping approach simplifies otherwise the difficult task of model
validating and verification processes.
The OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process is more than a set of analytical methods.
OR/MS/DS/SS models are aimed at assisting the decision-maker in his/her decision-
making process. A fundamental part of OR/MS/DS/SS modeling is the "systems
approach" to problem solving. This approach indicates that the context of
organizational problems is as important as the stated problem. Defining a problem,
collecting data, consulting with people involved in the solution, incorporating change
and implementing are all aspects of the OR/MS/DS/SS education and training. As it is
easier to make plans than to carry them out, models that are not to be implemented
are ones that were not drawn up correctly and taken seriously from the start.
The OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process helps to improve operations in business and
government through the use of scientific methods and the development of
specialized techniques. Operations Research is not "research"; it is the process cycle
of re-searching for an optimal (or desirable) strategic solution to the existing decision
OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process provides systematic and general approaches to
problem solving for decision-making, regardless of the nature of the system, product,
or service. The approaches and tools used in OR/MS/DS/SS models are based on one
or more of the following analytical methods, simulation, and qualitative or logical
reasoning. Many of these tools and approaches depend on computer-based
methodologies for implementation.
Cycle of Decision-Making
In summary, the OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process is the application of scientific
methods to complex organizational decision problems/opportunities. The
OR/MS/DS/SS models are aimed at assisting the decision-maker in his/her decision-
making process. This modeling process is now widely used in the manufacturing
industry, least cost distribution of goods, and finance functions as well as in service
industries, and the health and education sectors. Improvement of an existing system
and good designs for new systems are the aims of OR/MS.
The OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process is one of the greatest innovative decision-making tools of
the twentieth century.
(psychometrics), sociology (socio-metrics), marketing (marketing research and
marketing science), astrology (astronomy), and corporate planning problems. The
growing complexity of management has necessitated the development of
sophisticated mathematical techniques for planning and decision-making, and the
OR/MS/DS/SS features prominently in this structured decision-making process cycle
by providing a quantitative evaluation of alternative policies, plans, and decisions.
The mathematical disciplines most widely used in OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process
include mathematical programming, probability and statistics, and computer science.
Some areas of OR, such as inventory control, production control, and scheduling
theory, have grown into sub-disciplines of their own right and have become largely
indispensable in the modern world.
Military organizations had gone through the same type of evolution as other
businesses and industries. This organizational evolution took place in the twenty-year
gap between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II when the
military leadership had to turn to teams of scientists for aid. These teams of scientists
were usually assigned to the executive in charge of operations; hence their work
came to be known as Operational Research in the United Kingdom and by a variety of
names in the United States: Operation Research, Decision Science, Operational
Analysis, System analysis, Success Science, and Management Science. The name
Operations Research is the most widely used.
The potential of computer and information systems as new tools for management
forced the non-technically trained executives to begin to look for help in the
utilization of the computer. The emerging search for assistance was accelerated by
the outbreak of the Korean War. This vigorous growth of OR in the military continued
to provide rapid applicability to other industries and sectors.
Optimal decision-making in, and modeling of, deterministic and probabilistic systems
that originate from real life. These applications, which occur in government, business,
engineering, economics, and the natural and social sciences, are largely
characterized by the need to allocate limited resources. In these situations,
considerable insight can be obtained from scientific analysis, such as that provided by
OR/MS/DS/SS (Hiller-Lieberman 1974).
A branch of applied mathematics wherein the application is to the decision-making
process (Gross 1979).
Comparing definitions given by More-Kimball and Gross, the divergence is notable
after almost 40 years: in one case, OR/MS/DS/SS is defined as scientific method, while
in the other it is seen as a branch of mathematics.
In examining these definitions, it should be noted that neither the old and well-
established scientific discipline nor science itself has ever been defined in a way that
is acceptable to most practitioners.
Reference: http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbarsh/Business-stat/home.html
Operations Research: is defined by many authors in different ways.
However, the following definition is proposed here.
A Problem is any variation between what was planned and what is actually
Decision making is the process of selecting or choosing based on some
criteria, the best among the alternatives.
The Decision-Making Environment
Decisions are made under three basic conditions as:
Decision under certainty
Decision under risk
Decision under uncertainty
Under this situation, one may have factual information, but it may be incomplete.
Example: If we gamble by tossing a fair coin, the probability that a tail will turn up is 50%.
Example: A corporation that decides to expand its operation, launching a new product, or
developing of a new technology in a strong country may know little about its culture, laws,
economic environment, or politics. The political situation may be so volatile that even experts
cannot predict a possible change in government.
*Qualitative skill can be developed through experience. It is inherent.
The three basic quantitative analysis processes are:
1. Model development
2. Data preparation
3. Model solution
1.Model development
Model is a representation of real objects/situations
2. Max.Z=3000x1 +2500x2
Subject to:
2x1+x2 < 40
x1+3x2 < 45
x1 < 12
x1 , x2 > 0
Objective Function:
A mathematical statement of the goal of an organization, stated as intent to
maximize or to minimize some important quantity such as profits or costs.
A restriction on the resources available to a firm (stated in the form of an
inequality or an equation.)
2x1+x2 < 40
x1+3x2 < 45 Are constraints
x1 < 12
x1, x2 > 0 x1, x2 > 0 is non-negativity constraint
2. Data presentation
Data represent the values of inputs to the model.
Max.Z=3000x1 +2500x2
Subject to:
2 x1+x2 < 40
x1+3x2 < 45
x1 < 12
x1, x2 > 0
Trial and error method
In this method a certain algorithm is developed. One starting point is an initial
solution, which is the first approximation .The method of solution, is repeated
with a certain set of rules so that initial solution is gradually modified at each
subsequent solution till optimal solution is reached. There are certain criteria
laid down to check whether the solution has become an optimal solution.
These trial solutions are called Iterations and the method is called iterative
process. The classical example of trial and error method is Linear
Then the next step after iteration is model testing and validation.