Understanding datasheet transistor 2
Understanding datasheet transistor 2
Understanding datasheet transistor 2
The 2N2222
Paul Harden, NA5N
Per's 2N3904
The Handyman's
The Handyman's Guide
Guide to
to –– QR Favorite 2N4401
DATA SHEETS Plastic Encapsulated
Introduction EB
The most common bipolar junction transistors (BJT) used
by hobbyists and QRPers are the 2N2222, 2N3904 and
2N4401. These NPN transistors have similar TO–18
characteristics, and perform well at HF frequencies. Metal Can
This tutorial explains how to "read" the data sheets on these Transistor
devices and understand the specifications – which will E
enable you to interpret data sheets for other devices as well. B
The manufacturer's data sheets contains information in the C B
following general categories:
1. Maximum (Breakdown) Ratings SOT-23 MMBT2222LT1
2. "On" Characteristics Surface Mount MMBT3904LT1
3. Small Signal Characteristics Transistor
4. Switching Characteristics MMBT4401LT1
bias and the peak voltage of the signal to ensure VEBO will 5–6v – the maximum emitter-base voltage.
not be exceeded. Don't forget to include the peak voltage of
the AC signal!
Collector Current, Ic(max), is the other maximum rating to
be closely followed. Collector current exceeding Ic(max)
can damage the transistor, due to excessive current C Rule of thumb for Ic(max): There isn't one!
The only safe way to know the maximum Ic
through the device, initiating thermal runaway – destroying
the collector-emitter junction. The destruction of a transistor for a transistor is to consult the data sheets.
in this manner is technically
called catastrophic substrate Table 2 – DC "ON" CHARACTERISTICS
failure for good reason! 2N 2N 2N 2N MMBT
2222 2222A 3904 4401 3904
Most QRP circuits are usually DC Current Gain, HFE
biased for well below Ic(max). Ic= 0.1mA, VCE=10v HFE Min. 35 35 40 20 40
Vbe(max) and Ic(max) are
generally a concern only in large- Ic=1.0 mA, VCE=10v HFE Min. 50 50 70 40 70
HFE Max. 150 150 200 — 200
signal applications, such as RF
drivers, PA stages, and some Ic= 10 mA, VCE=10v HFE Min. 75 75 100 80 100
oscillator circuits. HFE Max. 225 250 300 — 300
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage, VCE(sat)
2. ON CHARACTERISTICS Ic= 150mA, IB= 15mA VCE(sat) 0.4vdc 0.3vdc 0.3vdc† 0.4vdc 0.2vdc†
These specifications define the Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage, VBE(sat)
DC performance of the device Ic= 150mA, IB= 15mA VBE(sat) 1.3vdc 1.2vdc 0.85vdc 0.95vdc .85vdc†
while it is forward biased (Vbe
>0.7v), causing collector current † Ic=50mA, IB=5mA on 2N3904
to flow, or "on." The DC
Characteristics in Table 2 are not absolute design values,
but rather test values as measured by the manufacturer. C Rule of thumb for HFE:
Conventions used in electronic literature:
This is why the data is listed with the test conditions, such as
"Ic=1mA, VCE=10v." HFE or hFE (upper case letters)
is the DC Current Gain
HFE is the measured DC current gain of the transistor (see Hfe or hfe (lower case)
Rule of thumb for HFE). It is used for biasing the device in is the AC current gain
the linear region – primarily class A. Most data sheets
provide HFE at two different collector currents, usually 1
Fig. 1 – Constructing an HFE vs. Ic plot
and 10mA. Since most QRP circuits are biased for Ic <5mA X
(to conserve battery drain), HFE at Ic=1mA is typically = HFE values from data sheet
200 2 !
m ax )
DC Current Gain, HFE
3 E
transistor as a saturated switch. The keying transistor in a F
transmitter, forming the +12v transmit voltage on key–down, is an
example of a saturated switch. 1
hfe is the ac small-signal current gain, and dependent on both Fig. 3 – Common Emitter AC current
frequency and the collector current. Hfe is also known as the ac gain vs. Frequency
beta. Ft and hfe work together to define the overall AC gain of the
transistor at a specific frequency, as illustrated in Fig. 3. hfe
hfeo=hfe @ 1KHz
hfeo is the low-frequency hfe, often very close to the DC HFE. hfeo
The values for hfe shown in the data sheets are normally –3dB
slope = 6dB
measured at 1KHz and Ic=1mA (sometimes @10mA). Hfeo is per octave
fairly constant from the audio frequencies to about 300 KHz.
fb, where
Beta cut-off frequency, fb, is the "3db point" of hfe, where hfe= hfe=.707 hfeo Ft, where
0.707hfeo, or fb=Ft/hfeo. Fb is seldom listed on the data sheets.
hfe drops fairly linearly from fb to Ft at 6dB/octave. hfe=1 f
1KHz fb Ft
Fb, and the hfe vs. frequency plots, are seldom shown in the data
books. This is why learning to interpret the data sheets is Fig. 4 – Constructing an hfe gain plot
important to determine the actual gain (hfe) a transistor will for the 2N2222 (Common Emitter)
provide at a specific frequency. hfeo=150
The Switching Characteristics define the Table 8 – SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS
operating limits of the transistor when used 2N 2N 2N 2N MMBT
in pulsed, digital logic, or switching 2222 2222A 3904 4401 3904
applications. QRP switching circuits include
Delay time td 10ns 10ns 35ns 15ns 35ns
T-R switching, CW keying and band
switching circuits using transistors. These Rise time tr 25ns 25ns 35ns 20ns 35ns
are really large-signal characteristics, since Storage time ts 225ns 225ns 200ns 225ns 200ns
the transistor is being driven from cut-off to Fall time tf 60ns 60ns 50ns 30ns 50ns
saturation in most switching applications.
Fig. 7 – Switching Characteristics
Fig. 7 illustrates the switching characteristics terms:
td, delay time is the time from the input L–H transition until tr tf
the output begins to respond.
tr, rise time is the time it takes the output to go from 10% to HI
90% output voltage. INPUT
ts, storage time is the time from the input H–L transition LO
until the output responds. This is usually the longest delay.
tf, fall time is the time it takes the output to go from 90% to
10% output voltage. 90%
These switching times, in the tens of nanoseconds, are
thousands of times faster than the requirements for QRP
applications, and seldom a design criteria when selecting a td ts
transistor. It is presented here for completeness only.
This tutorial should allow one to interpret the transistor data sheets, whether the complete data sheets from the
manufacturer, or the abbreviated listings, such as found in the NTE Cross-Reference or in the ARRL Handbook.
Many manufacturer's provide complete data sheets online. Understanding transistor specifications is essential
in designing your own circuits, or identifying those "ham fest special" transistors and their suitability for your next
project. Biasing transistors using these specs will be presented in a future Handyman's tutorial.