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Channels of
Communication/Means and
Media of Communication
Channels of Communication

 Also, without effective communication, employees become

department minded rather than company minded, and this

affects their decision making and productivity in the workplace.

Channels of Communication

 A breakdown in the communication channel leads to an

inefficient flow of information.

Employees are unaware of what the company expects of them.

They are uninformed of what is going on in the company.

 This will cause them to become suspicious of motives and any

changes in the company.
 Eventually, this harms the overall organizational objectives as well.

 Hence, in order for an organization to be run effectively, a manager should be

able to communicate to his/her employees what is expected of them, make sure

they are fully aware of company policies and any upcoming

Therefore, an effective communication channel should be

implemented by managers to optimize worker

productivity to ensure the smooth running of the
 Communication is central to all meaningful collaboration and

 Communication keeps a whole organization moving.

 It is important that whatever type of communication we choose, the

information needs to be conveyed effectively.

Various modes or medium to transmit and receive the

information is referred as “communication channels”.

1. External communication
Communication with those outside the organization is known as external

1. Outward- The messages which go out of the organization to customers,

suppliers, banks, insurance companies, govt. departments, mass media & the
general public. They may be in the form of letters, taxes, banners, reports,
telegrams, advertisements, press handouts, speeches, visits, trade fairs, etc.

2. Inward - messages that are received from outside by the company. An

organization may receive letters, faxes, telegrams, telephone calls, personal
visits, magazines. etc., these may be, from customers, suppliers, other
organization, govt. departments, etc.
2. Internal Communication
 The communication within the organization, among its
members is internal Communication
 Internal communication is of two types

1. Formal Communication
2. Informal Communication
A) Formal Channel

 The communication when takes place within the official i.e. the lines of
communication is approved by senior management. This is the channel
which carries the official messages in the organization.

 Formal communication is done through- Company newsletters, employee

handbook, company magazines, formal meetings, letters, bulletins,
memos, faxes, all employees mailing, etc.
The content of the communication is related to the
organization’s activity, to the work and to anything which is
related to those.

The formal communication can consist in verbal messages,

nonverbal messages, written, under the shape of letters,
telephone messages, radio messages, printed, internal notes.

Even some gestures can consist in formal communication.

The messages are transmitted by the authorized ones: on
official channels, these arrive to the ones who need to react, to
people or machines which need to know the content of these

Usually, all formal communications are recorded and kept

in the organization’s evidence.

Dimensions of Formal communication
In an organization, formal communication flows in 4 main
1. Downward
2. Upward
3. Horizontal /Lateral
4. Diagonal
1. Downward Communication:

Communication that flows from a higher level in an organization

to a lower level is a downward communication.

In other words, communication from superiors to subordinates

in a chain of command is a downward communication.

This communication flow is used by the managers to transmit

work-related information to the employees at lower levels.

 Employees require this information for performing their jobs and for

meeting the expectations of their managers.

 Whey the instructions & directions flow from the top level to the
bottom level i.e., from superior to the Subordinates. These are in written

Downward communication is used by the managers for the following

1. Providing feedback on employees’ performance.

2. Giving job instructions.
3. Providing a complete understanding of the employees’ job as well as
to communicate them how their job is related to other jobs in the

4. Communicating the organizations mission and vision to the


5. Highlighting the areas of attention.

Organizational publications, circulars, letter to

employees, group meetings etc are all examples of

downward communication.
In order to have effective and error-free downward
communication, managers must:

1. Specify communication objective.

2. Ensure that the message is accurate, specific and

3. Utilize the best communication technique to convey the
message to the receiver in right form
2. Upward Flow of Communication:

 Communication that flows to a higher level in an organization is

called upward communication.

 It provides feedback on how well the organization is


 The subordinates use upward communication to convey their

problems and performances to their superiors.
 The subordinates also use upward communication to tell how well
they have understood the downward communication.

 It can also be used by the employees to share their views and

ideas and to participate in the decision-making process.
Upward communication leads to a more committed and loyal
workforce in an organization because the employees are given a chance
to raise and speak dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels.

The managers get to know about the employees’ feelings towards

their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general. Managers can
thus accordingly take actions for improving things.

Grievance Redressal System, Complaint and Suggestion Box, Job

Satisfaction surveys etc all help in improving upward communication.
Upwards communication: The information which
flows upwards in the form of feedback i.e. from
subordinates to superior. These may be oral or
3. Lateral / Horizontal Communication:

Communication that takes place at same levels of

hierarchy in an organization is called lateral
communication, i.e., communication between peers,
between managers at same levels or between any
horizontally equivalent organizational member.
The advantages of horizontal communication are as

1. It is time saving.
2. It facilitates co-ordination of the task.
3. It facilitates co-operation among team members.
 It provides emotional and social assistance to the organizational
 It helps in solving various organizational problems.
 It is a means of information sharing.
 It can also be used for resolving conflicts of a department with
other department or conflicts within a department.
 Horizontal or lateral communication – When communication
flows between the employees of the same level of different
4. Diagonal Communication or Crosswise Communication:

Communication that takes place between a manager and

employees of other workgroups is called diagonal

It generally does not appear on organizational chart.

 For instance - To design a training module a training manager
interacts with an Operations personnel to enquire about the way they
perform their task.

 The Accounts people of an organization visiting different employees in

various departments for their IT calculation, bonus for
workers etc. fall under diagonal communication.
 Diagonal: The transfer of information between people who are neither, in the
same department nor on the same level of organization hierarchy is called

diagonal communication.

For example: when the assistant marketing manager communicates

with account clerk directly.

B. Informal Channel

 The informal channel of communication may be defined as passing

information outside the official channels, for e.g.: - employees
chatting, in the canteen or pub.

 It can affect the future of the business, particularly if the formal system
has broken down.

 Grapevine is an informal channel of communication.

1. Grapevine Communication (Informal Communication)

 It is called so because it stretches throughout the organization in

all directions irrespective of the authority levels.

 Man, as we know is a social animal.

 Despite existence of formal channels in an organization, the informal

channels tend to develop when he interacts with other people in
 It exists more at lower levels of organization.

 Grapevine generally develops due to various reasons.

 Also, at times employees do not have self-confidence due to which

they form unions.

 Sometimes the managers show preferential treatment and

favour some employees giving a segregated feeling to other

Thus, when employees sense a need to exchange their views, they go
for grapevine network as they cannot use the formal channel of
communication in that case.

Generally during breaks in cafeteria, the subordinates talk about their

superior’s attitude and behaviour and exchange views with their peers.

They discuss rumours about promotion and transfer of other employees.

Thus, grapevine spreads like fire and it is not easy to trace the cause of
such communication at times.
Example of Grapevine Network of Communication

1. Suppose the profit amount of a company is known.

 Rumour is spread that this much profit is there and, on

that basis, bonus is declared.
Advantages of Grapevine Communication
1. Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as an employee
gets to know some confidential information, he becomes inquisitive and passes the
details then to his closest friend who in turn passes it to other. Thus, it spreads hastily.
2. The managers get to know the reactions of their subordinates on their policies. Thus,
the feedback obtained is quick compared to formal channel of communication.

3. The grapevine creates a sense of unity among the employees who share and
discuss their views with each other. Thus, grapevine helps in developing group

4. The grapevine serves as an emotional supportive value.

5. The grapevine is a supplement in those cases where formal communication

does not work.
Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication

1. The grapevine carries partial information at times as it is more based on

rumours. Thus, it does not clearly depict the complete state of affairs.

2. The grapevine is not trustworthy always as it does not follow official path of
communication and is spread more by gossips and unconfirmed report.

3. The productivity of employees may be hampered as they spend

more time talking rather than working.
Four types of Informal Communication
1.Single stand: flow like a chain.
2.Gossip: one person tells everybody else
3.Probability (random): information may move from anybody
to anybody.
4.Cluster: moves through selected group
1. Single strand chain
A single strand chain of grapevine communication involves passing
information from professional to professional in the form of a

singular column.
This means that one professional shares information with one colleague

and that colleague does the same.

This pattern continues until each professional has the information.
2. Gossip chain
 In gossip chain grapevine communication, one professional shares a

piece of information with multiple colleagues at one time.

 This professional also typically seeks the information with the purpose

of sharing it.
 It's also helpful for this professional to have access to their colleagues so
everyone can have the same information.
3. Probability chain
 In this type of grapevine communication, the information originates from one

source by spreads randomly.

 This can mean that the main point of communication shares information with one or
more colleagues.
 Then, each individual may spread the information to one or more professionals.
 For example, if a professional learns of a new policy, they may share this information
with their colleagues at lunch, who then may tell professionals who work in offices near
4. Cluster chain
 Cluster chain grapevine communication involves a primary professional

sharing information with a specific set of colleagues, who then each share this

information with another set of colleagues.

 This type of communication may include a head manager telling team leaders
information, which they then pass on to professionals who work on the team they lead.
 For example, if a head manager wants to share the news of a revised company policy,
they may specifically ask other managers to tell the professionals who work on the team
they lead.

 This ensures each team lead passes on the information to their team members.
Media of Communication
Media of communication refer to the ways, means, or
channels of transmitting messages from the sender to the receiver.

Media of communication indicate the use of verbal or non-

verbal language in the process of communication.
 Without a language, none can communicate.

 Whenever communication takes place, media are used there.

 In telecommunication, these means are transmission and storage

tools or channels for data storage and transmission.

 So Media of communication are regarded as an integral part

of the communication process.
 In the organization, the managing director wants to issue directions to

different departmental heads then he can convene a meeting,

summon them to his room, talk to them over the telephone, or send them a

 All these are the media through which the managing director can

 The decision regarding the choice of media is dependent upon the

nature and urgency of the message and on the other side on the

emotional and intellectual level of the receiver.

For communication to be effective the sender has to be very

careful and judicious in the choice of media.

According to Bartol and Martin, “The communication is the method
used to convey the message to the intended receiver.”

According to Defleur and Dennis, “A medium is a device for moving

information through time or space.

 So, Media or channel of communications is the means or ways

that are used to transitioning the messages or information from the
sender to the receiver.
Types of Media of Communication

Media of communication mainly relates to the use of language

in communication.

Based on the language used, types of media of communication can

broadly be categorized into two types:
1.Verbal Communication

2.Nonverbal Communication
1. Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the expression or exchange of information

or messages through written or oral words.

Communication through words, writing speaking, and listening

is called verbal communication.
In an organization, as in everyday life, both formally and

informally, we communicate more verbally than in writing.

 It is primarily oral communication that builds up human,

 It is the use of the art of speech or talking, that brings the members of a family,
neighbors and friends, and likewise, colleagues in an organization together.

 Without oral communication, any organization will become just lifeless. Its
importance, therefore, cannot be overemphasized.
Types of Verbal Communication

 Types of verbal communication may be of

two types:
A. Oral Communication

B. Written Communication
A. Oral Communication

 Communication with the help of spoken words is known as oral


 Oral communication may take place in the form of face-to-face

conversation and through mechanical devices which include conversation

over the telephone, radio broadcasts, interviews, meetings,

group discussions, conferences and seminars,
announcements over the public address system, speeches, etc.
 When the communication is oral the sender can ask questions, describe, or can
make the receiver understand something that is not clear.

 There are various types of oral communication depending upon the


 These are personal instructions, lectures, meetings and

conferences, interviews, social and cultural affairs, union

channels, etc.
Oral communication is the process of communication in which messages or
information is exchanged or communicated within sender and receiver

through the word of mouth.

It can be divided into two ways:

a. Speaking

b. Listening.
Oral communication is of two types

1. Formal and

2. Informal
In a business organization there are ample opportunities for

both formal and informal oral communication.

But, in fact, a lot more time is spent in informal oral

The simple reason is that communication is essentially

conversational in nature and has a social purpose.

Whenever people get together there is bound to be
face-to-face communication in which they will share all
sorts of ideas, feelings, etc.

The origin of the grapevine lies here.

 In addition to, the informal oral communication, various kinds of formal oral
communication take place in an organization.
 Very often people in business have to make formal presentations before a
group that may be large or small.

 At other times they have to participate in meetings and group

 Time to time they have to appear for or conduct interviews.

 Most of the letters and reports are largely dictated.

These are the types of oral communication:
1.Face-to-Face Conversation
4.Public Speech
1. Face-to-face conversation:
 Oral communication is best when it is face-to-face.

 A face-to-face setting is possible between two individuals or among

a small group of people in an interview or in a small meeting;
communication can flow both ways in these situations.

 There is always an immediate feedback, which makes

clarification possible.
2. Telephone
 Communication through the telephone is a type of oral communication that
depends entirely on the voice without any physical presence.

 One has to have clarity on their voice and speech to ensure passing the
correct information.

 This type of communication has more chance of miscommunication due

to connection issues.

 Also, confusion may arise because of similar-sounding words like ‘I’

and ‘eye.’
3. Presentation

A presentation is a formal type of face-to-face oral


 Presentation is always based on a particular topic to deliver

knowledge or awareness to the audience for example a film.

 It is the responsibility of the one who is presenting to

communicate with the audience.
4. Public speech

 A public speech is oral communication that can be formal or


 In a public speech, the speaker has to address the audience.

 It may be for entertainment, sharing ideas, inspiring, or encouraging


 Public speech depends a lot on the public speaking skill of a

5. Interview

An interview is a formal means of oral communication

that takes place for recruitment.

In an interview, there could be a panel of people or a single

person interviewing a candidate.

It is done to assess the candidate’s knowledge and

6. Meeting

 A meeting involves more than two people.

 There is always a head who presides over the meeting.

 It is held for a purpose to address an issue or pass on some

crucial piece of information.
 It is a type of formal oral communication that is always backed by a
written form of communication.
6. Meeting

 A meeting involves more than two people.

 There is always a head who presides over the meeting.

 It is held for a purpose to address an issue or pass on some

crucial piece of information.
 It is a type of formal oral communication that is always backed by a
written form of communication.
An intercom, also called an intercommunication device, inter-
communicator, or interphone, is a stand-alone voice
communications system for use within a building or small
collection of buildings, functioning independently of the
public telephone network.
 Memos are less public and normally targeted at a more
exclusive, smaller audience.

They are often used as a way of reminding someone of

something that needs to be done, or to pass on a proposal or
idea of some kind.

They are most commonly typed in today's technological era,

however they can also be hand written.
The purpose of a bulletin is to inform a group of people
about a specific matter.

Organizations and companies draw up media releases, which

are offered to the media.

Organizations and companies also use bulletins in their

internal communications to inform their own personnel
about matters related to the organization.
What is the purpose of a bulletin?

 Bulletin boards serve multiple purposes.

 They can convey a variety of information from meeting

announcements and parent news to curriculum overviews and
displays of student work. They can also make learning visible.
Meaning A Circular is also a written formal Notice is a formal document
document meant for department- in written form which is
meant to provide
wide or organization-wide
communication. important information
to the receivers.
Communicatio It is circulated among the members It is displayed in one place
n concerned. to bring attention to
something important.
Used for Interdepartmental communication Intradepartmental
Meant for General Announcement Targeted Audience
Advantages of Oral Communication

1.Oral communication provides immediate feedback and

 People listening to the speaker can ask questions and makes comments to add to the

 People listening to the speaker can ask questions, makes comments add to the information
provided, and so on. Both the speaker and the listener/listeners by turn can enter into a kind
of short dialogue and make the whole communication event purposeful.
2. Oral communication builds up a healthy climate in
the organization by bringing the superior and the
subordinate together.
 This gives the subordinate a feeling of importance and the superior a better
understanding of his mind. Informal or planned meetings can greatly contribute to
the understanding of problems/issues in which they become partners.
3. Oral communication is a time-saving device.
 While a letter, dictate and typed, entered in the diary, put in the
envelope, and carried to the person addressed will take a long time, oral transmission
of the message makes the communication immediately effective.
Disadvantages of oral communication
1.It does not always save time and money. Quite often meetings go on
without any results or agreements achieved. Such meetings can be very tiring and

2.Oral messages cannot be retained for a long time. It means that they must be
acted upon immediately. They cannot be found in record books and we cannot refer
back to them. This is a serious limitation of oral communication.

3.In the absence of a taped or written record, oral messages do not have any legal
4. It can lead to misunderstanding if the speaker has not

carefully organized his thought or the listener misses the message on

account of his inattentiveness.

5. Oral communication is difficult to assign responsibility for

anything going a miss or any mistake by omission or commission in oral

Listening Skills


 Listening is the ability to accurately receive and

interpret messages in the communication process.

 Listening is key to all effective communication.

 As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the

message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

1. What is Listening?
2. Process of Listening.
3. Importance of Listening
4. Basic Types of Listening
5. Barriers to effective listening
6. How to Listen Effectively?
7. Benefits of Effective Listening
1.What Is Listening?
Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the

communication process.
 Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen
effectively messages are easily misunderstood.

 Listening is one of the most important skills you can have.

 An active process of getting information, ideas.

 “Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and

responding to spoken.
1. What is Listening?
 Listining is not just about being Quiet while someone else is speaking.

 Listening is with the Mind.

 Hearing with the senses.
 Listening is conscious.
 To improve our interpersonal & oral exchange.

 Just Listening to words is not enough; a good Listener

has to pay attintion to the non-verbal communication of
the speaker.
2.Process of Listening
 Is the intentional focus on hearing a speaker’s message.
 This stage is represented by the ear because it is the
primary tool involved with this stage of the listening
In the understanding stage, we attempt to learn the
meaning of the message, which is not always easy.
Deciding what the message means to you
 Remembering begins with listening; if you can’t remember something that was said,
you might not have been listening effectively.

 However, even when you are listening attentively, some messages are more difficult
than others to understand and remember.

 Highly complex messages that are filled with detail call for highly developed

listening skills.
 The fourth stage in the listening process is evaluating.

 Evaluations of the same message can vary widely from one

listener to another.
 The stages two, three, and four are represented by the brain
because it is the primary tool involved with these stages of the
listening process.

 Responding sometimes referred to as feedback is the fifth and final stage of the listening

 Your reaction to the message. It can be emotional and intellectual.

 For example, you are giving positive feedback to your instructor if at the end of class you stay behind
to finish a sentence in your notes or approach the instructor to ask for clarification.

 The opposite kind of feedback is given by students who gather their belongings and rush out the door
as soon as class is over.

 This stage is represented by the lips because we often give feedback in the form of verbal feedback;

however, you can just as easily respond nonverbally.

Importance of Listening

1. We show that we are serious

2. We display respect to other’s view point
3. Helps us to learn
4. Helps us to adapt and understand
5. Empathize

Why Listening is Important?
1. To avoid communication errors.

2. Helps to learn something new.

3. It is the key to success.

Barriers to effective listening
Some common barriers in the process of listening are listed below.

1.Pre-judgments about the speaker .

2.Assuming that the speaker is going to give some unimportant information
3. Arriving late for a speech, presentation or lecture

4.Judging the speaker by his/her mannerisms, voice, appearance, accent, etc.

5. Lack of concentration/interest .
6. Speaker or listener being distracted by disturbances .

Improving the Ability to Listen
 No oral communication can be effective without proper listening on the part of the receiver of the message.
 It is very important to improve the ability to listen.
1. Stop talking
2. Put the talker at ease
3. Show the talker that you want to listen
4. Remove distractions
5. Empathize with the talker
6. Be patience
7. Hold your temper
8. Go easy on argument and criticism
9. Ask questions
Benefits of Effective Listening
1. Enhances productivity
2. Improves relations
3. Avoids conflicts
4. Improves understanding
5. Improves negotiation skills
6. Adds to your Image & Personality

2. Written communication

 Written communication is a type of verbal communication that

involves written words.

 It involves the passing of messages, information, or data in a written form.

 Generally, if used along with oral communication, it improves the credibility

of the matter discussed.

 It is easier when people have material to read at their own expense of time.
Given below are some of the forms of written communication.
Written communication is the process of communication in which
messages or information is exchanged or communicated within
sender and receiver through written form.

It can be divided into two ways:

a. Writing

b. Reading
While speech comes to us very naturally and spontaneously,

writing comes after serious practice and careful

organization of thought.

The word ‘write’ has been derived from the old English word

‘written’ that meant to scratch, draw or inscribe.

In the same way, the combination of the characters or letters of alphabet

into words, words into sentences and sentences into

paragraphs have gone through a long history of man’s attempt to
communicate, and give some kind of permanence or preservation to his

For this purpose, every language has evolved its own rules of grammar,
though many languages grouped together have more or less similar rules.
But, in writing these rules have to be rather strictly followed.

Speech, on the other hand, is more flexible.

It also does not have the permanence of writing.

Unless there is a typescript or tape or simultaneously taken down

notes, the speech is heard and sooner or later forgotten.
 Just as it is impossible to think of social life without oral communication, it is equally
impossible to think of business or an organization without written
 There are various reasons for it.

 In the first place, in an organization, people are too many to have face-to-face

 Written communication is, in this way, an essential part of organizational life.

 That is why written communication including letters, memoranda, agenda, manuals,

handbooks, reports, etc., continues to flourish.
Salient features of Written Communication

1. Written communication is essentially a creative activity.

2. It is an activity that requires conscious and creative effort.

3. The creativity of this effort comes from the stimuli produced by the mind.

4. In other words; written communication is more specifically, more carefully

thought out than oral communication that is based on spontaneous

reaction to signs picked up from outside.

 As an example, let us take up the writing out of a report that we want to present or
that we have been asked to write.

 For this purpose, we gather all the necessary information or data.

 We, then, process it through our logical thought processes and encode our

 This is not a face-to-face communication situation.

 There is no interchange of messages or external stimuli.

 This is almost entirely a creative activity of the mind.

3. The second feature of written communication is the time factor it involves.

4. The third salient feature of written communication is that it has fewer cycles than

face-to-face oral communication.

 In oral communication there is multiple exchange of symbols, leading to multiple cycles.

 Most written communication is a one-cycle event.

 Usually, a message is sent and received, and that is the end of the event.

 Of course, letters do lead to repeated cycles or communication exchanges. But they cannot compare
with the quick succession of cycles involved in a dialogue or informal meeting.
Types of Written Communication
1. E-mails
2. Proposals
3. Reports
4. Brochures
1. E-mails

In an organization, e-mail is the most common means of

written communication.

Professionals use it to send documents, proposals, or

applications to their superiors, subordinates, or clients.

E-mail is the most effective way of communicating with clients

or partners.
2. Proposals

A proposal from a business perspective is a written

document drafted for an upcoming project or a
document for a client to obtain a specific job.

For example, before a company starts a campaign, one

requires a written proposal to have a clear idea of the process
and outcome.
3. Reports

Reports are a written document that narrates the specific

function or performance of business or employees activities.

It is another type of written form of formal communication.

The report is essential because the employees and the

stakeholders can have a clear idea about the business activities
through it.
4. Brochures

Brochures are a written document that is an

informative paper used as a template, pamphlet, or


 A brochure is used by the company to help sell its product or

services. It is a promotional written document used to inform the
customer about the company or its product.
Advantages of written communication

1.Written communication has the advantage of providing records,

references, etc. In the absence of ready reference, great confusion may be

created and the working of the organization will virtually come to a halt.

2.Written communication promotes uniformity in policy and

procedure. It is the only means of laying down clear guidelines for the
working of the organization.
4. It gives access to a large audience through mass mailings. It is common practice
on the part of well-known organizations to reach out to people at large and win customers
through wisely drafted ‘mail shots’ or unsolicited circulars. For example, whenever a new brand
of two-wheeler is introduced in the market, or a bank comes forward with some attractive
deposit/investment scheme it manages to get the names and addresses of all the members of an
institution/organization offering them their services on easy terms.

5. Maintenance of proper records, letters, reports, and memos builds up legal

defenses of the organization. Organizations usually have their legal advisors who cannot be of
any help unless proper records are made available to them.
5. Good written communication builds up the organization’s image.
It is not at all surprising, therefore, that the outgoing letters/messages of
certain well-known companies are cited as examples to be emulated.

6. Written communication has the advantage of being accurate and

unambiguous. Great care has to be taken in drafting any letter, memo, or
report so that the message is effectively conveyed. Oral communication
may often give rise to confusion because every speaker has his own way of
putting himself across.
7. The growth of an organization is promoted, to a large extent, by
reference to its old, well-maintained records and minutes of the

8. It facilitates the proper assignation of responsibilities. One may

sometimes go back on words spoken, but not on the words put on paper.
Moreover, the lower staff behaves more responsibly, and also feels secure,
when communication is sent in writing.
Disadvantages of Written Communication

1.It runs the risk of becoming ineffective in the hands of people otherwise good in
their job, but poor in expression. That is why it is a serious concern of a modem organization to recruit
people who are very good in expression, especially in letter and report writing ability.

2.It is also a costly process. It costs a lot in terms of stationery and the number of people involved in
typing and sending out letters.

3.Written communication is mostly handicapped by its inability to get immediate feedback. Both
encoding and transmission of the message take time, resulting in immediate delays. It is, therefore, a time-
consuming process.
4. Immediate clarification is not possible in exchange for written
communication. If the receiver of a written message at a distance seeks some
clarification, he cannot have it as quickly as he would like to. He will have to write a
pack and wait for the reply to his query.

5. It creates mountains of paper cluttered around the premises of the

organization. It is a common sight in offices, and the staff has a tough time trying to
handle it. Very often valuable papers get lost. The managers, therefore, have to be extra
careful to keep sensitive material in their own custody.
Advantages of Verbal Communication
 It provides immediate feedback and clarification.
 It builds up healthy climate in the organization by bringing the superior and the
subordinate together.
 Oral communication is a time-saving device.
 It is the most effective tool of persuasion as it lends a personal touch to the whole
 Oral communication is very effective in interacting with groups.
 Oral communication is also very economical, both in terms of money and time.
 Oral communication provides ample scope to the sender of the message to make
himself clear by suitably changing his words, voice, tone, pitch, etc.
B. Nonverbal Communication

 Nonverbal communication uses gestures for the exchange of feelings or


 In this messages are conveyed through body movements, facial expressions,

or gesticulation.

 An efficient manager can quickly get feedback with the help of facial
B. Nonverbal Communication

 Nonverbal communication is the expression or exchange of information or

messages through without using any spoken or written word.

 Non-verbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless


 We can say that communication other than oral and written, as gesture, body
language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is

called non-verbal communication.

 In this, we are concerned with body movements, space, time, voice
tone/pitch, general characteristics of the environment, color,
layout/design, and any other kinds of visual and/or audio
signals that the communicator may devise.

 The different forms of gestural communication are gestural news on the

television, indications by umpires in sports, to accept the honor

by waving hands.
Elements Of Non Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication has the following three elements:

1.Appearance: Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics.

2.Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings.

3.Body Language: Facial expressions, gestures, postures.

4.Sounds: Voice tone, Volume, Speech rate.

Non-verbal communication, or body language, is a critical form of communication –

a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts our true feelings and purposes in any given
moment, and clues us in to the feelings and intentions of those around us.
Types of Non verbal Communication

1. Facial expressions

2. Body movements and posture

3. Gestures

4. Eye contact

5. Touch

6. Space

7. Voice
Some of the forms of non-verbal communications
are as follows:

1.Facial expression


5. Touch

6. Appearance

7. Silence

8. Paralinguistic

9. Eye Gaze or eye contact etc.


On scientific analysis it has been found that the different aspects of
communication account for percentages stated like, Verbal
communication– 7%, Bodily movements, gestures– 55%, Voice

tone, 38%.

This shows the relevance and of body language.

But, compared to verbal communication, it is more subtle

and instructive.

It also forms the larger part of the overall communication

Components of Body Language

A. Facial Expression:

Whatever we feel deep within

ourselves is at once reflected in the

It is very important in any face-to-

face communication event. We
convey such a lot without speaking
a, word.
1. Facial expressions

 The human face is extremely expressive, able to express countless

emotions without saying a word.
 And unlike some forms of non-verbal communication, facial expressions
are universal. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and
disgust are the same across cultures.
For example, let us consider the facial expressions generally associated

happiness, surprise, fear, anger, sadness,

bewilderment, astonishment and contentment.
 Let us also consider a smile, different kinds of smile, a frown, comers of lips, the

position of the eye brows, the cheeks-whether drawn up or back or

dropping, the jaw, nose/nostrils and the chin.

 We can easily mark all the signals sent through these parts of the face by others
and observe our own expressions by looking at ourselves in a mirror.

 The thoughts and feelings conveyed may be positive or negative. It follows, then,
that we can change our behaviour/expression by changing the inner nature.
B. Eye Contact:

 Eye contact is of very high importance in all face to face communication.

 The eyes, along with the eyebrows, eyelids and the size of pupils convey our innermost feelings.

 Eyebrows and eyelids and combined with dilated pupils tell us that the person is excited,
surprised or frightened.

 Along with these eye patterns, eye contact and eye movements are also meaningful.

 Looking at somebody for a long time shows the intensity of our interest in him.

 If the eye contact is brief, or we take our eyes off the person very soon, it indicates nervousness or
embarrassment on our part. Of course, eye contact and eye movements convey-their meaning in
combination with other facial expressions.
C. Gestures:

The physical movements of arms, legs, hands, and head are called

They play a very important role in conveying meaning without using

In the same way, arms spread apart convey the meaning of ‘wide’,
shuffling from one leg to another means ‘nervous’ and a torso erect and
extended, slightly forward, has been interpreted as ‘intense’.
 Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

 We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we’re

arguing or speaking animatedly – expressing ourselves with gestures
often without thinking.

 Nevertheless, the meaning of gestures can be very different across

cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid
D. Head, Body Shape and Posture:

 An age old saying goes like this. “Hold your head high”.
 It is a sign of honour and self-respect, confidence, integrity and interest in the person/persons
before us.

 A head bent low, depending upon the situation, would show modesty, politeness or diffidence.

 On the other extreme a head drawn too far backwards or stiffy held straight up indicates pride.

 Head jerks indicate insolence, rejection or agreement, depending upon the context and personality
of the person concerned. Nodding the head sideways or back and forth conveys the intended meaning
more eloquently than words.
Body movements and posture

 Believe how your perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk,
stand up, or hold their head.
 The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the

world. This type of non-verbal communication includes your posture, bearing,

stance, and elusive movements.
E. Appearance:

 Appearance, for our purpose, includes clothing, hair, jewellery, cosmetics etc.

 All these may seem unrelated to body language. But on having a closer look we
find that they are very meaningfully related to our face, eyes, gestures, posture etc.

 Someone has said very aptly that a man is recognized by his “dress and
 “Dress” does not need any explanation.

 By address he means the way a person speaks to others.

Certain organizations have a uniform for all levels of workers.

If one changes from the formal dress to informal or casual he is easily
noticed, and his dress speaks volumes about his attitude to life, to work,
to his colleagues and his own feelings.
Touch or Haptics
 Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal communication. Touches that can be defined as
communication include handshakes, holding hands, back slap, "high-five", shoulder pat, brushing arm,
etc. Each of these give off nonverbal messages as to the touching person's intentions/feelings.

 We communicate a great deal through touch.

Think about the messages given by the following:

1. a firm handshake,

2. a timid tap on the shoulder,

3. a warm bear hug,

4. an assuring pat on the back,

5. a patronizing pat on the head,

6. or a controlling grip on your arm.

Touch or Haptics
We communicate a great deal through touch.

Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal


Touches that can be defined as communication include

handshakes, holding hands, back slap, "high-five", shoulder
pat, brushing arm, etc.
 Have you ever felt uneasy during a conversation because the other

person was standing too close and invading your

 We all have a need for physical space, although that need differs depending

upon the culture, the situation, and the closeness of the relationship.
 They are the articles that we select to adorn our clothing that
help convey strong messages through nonverbal communication.

 Some examples of artifacts include jewelry, uniforms and other

 The reason artifacts are important in nonverbal communication they convey
messages without the subject speaking a word.

 For example, a customer might walk into a store wearing a

crucifix on her neck during the Easter season.

 From that single piece of jewelry the store clerk could

safely say, “Happy Easter” to the clerk.

 It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.
 When we speak, other people “read” our voices in addition to heeding to our

 Things they pay attention to include your timing and pace, how loud you
speak, your tone and inflection, and sounds that convey understanding,

 Example: Think about how tone of voice, can show sarcasm, anger,
affection, or confidence.
F. PARA LINGUISTICS (Paralinguistic Communication)

 Paralinguistics is the part of communication outside of the words themselves – the

volume, speed, intonation of a voice along with gestures and

other non-verbal cues.

 Whenever there is confusion or stereotyping in cross-cultural

communication, paralinguistics is most often responsible.

Paralinguistics can be broken down into categories.

The following are he most important for the classroom.

1. Gestures

2. Facial expressions

3. Eye contact

4. Kinesics or body language

5. Proxemics
1. Gestures

 Gestures are commonly used in the classroom to help convey a message to second language

 Gestures have different meanings in different cultures.

 Here we have someone waving.

 In the United States, waving means a simple hello or goodbye.

 But in Mexico, this simple wave means “come here”.

Imagine how confusing that could be for students.

 In our next scenario, we are watching a Brazilian woman (on the left) talking with an American
woman (on the right).

 The women are discussing plans for the evening, and the American woman agrees to the plans by
showing the OK sign (creating a circle with the thumb and fore finger).

 In the United States, this gesture signals approval, that you agree.

In Brazil though, it’s the same as giving someone the

evil eye.
Proxemics or Space

 Each person in each culture has a need for personal space that can
vary greatly.

 How far apart do you sit or stand when you talk to a


 How do you feel when someone enters your personal

Visual Signs
 Regarding the importance of visual element in communication we have the Chinese proverb,

“A picture is worth a thousand words”.

 “Because we take much of our information-more than 50 percent through the gateway of
our eyes”.

 The effectiveness of pictures in communication becomes clear from the paintings,

scrawling's, murals and engravings found on the walls of ancient caves, temples and such
other buildings.

 They tell, us a lot about the tribes or races or, rulers or traders, their religion, their hunting or
other adventurous deeds, their art and so on.
The important tools for effective communication are reflective
listening, identifying nonverbal cues, and responding with
understanding and using effective problem solving techniques.

Thus, these techniques of communication are useful to increase your

personal effectiveness at home, at work, in the community, in
relationships, and with yourself.
The following tools of communication should be sharpened and
polished for effective communication.



1. DICTION (शब्द-चयन)

Diction refers to the linguistic OR language choices a

writer makes to effectively convey an idea, a point of

view, or tell a story. In literature, the words used by an author

can help establish a distinct voice and style.

What Is Diction in Writing?

Diction is the careful selection of words

to communicate a message or establish a particular voice
or writing style.

For example, flowy, figurative language creates colorful prose,

while a more formal vocabulary with concise and direct
language can help drive home a point.
What Is the Purpose of Diction in Writing?

Writers choose specific words and phrases depending

on the outcome they’re trying to achieve.
1. Create a certain tone that supports purpose.

 The purpose of a piece of writing determines its diction.

 In literature and fiction writing, writers often use informal

diction and figures of speech words used for non-literal meanings,
like metaphors.

 If a scientist is publishing a paper on their research, however, the

language will be technical, concise, and formal, written for a
specific audience.
2. Support the setting.

 Diction helps establish when and where a story is set by using language

native to that time and place. This is called colloquial diction.

 For example, a story set in New York City will have a different
style of language compared to a story that takes place in

3. Establish a narrative voice and tone

 A writer’s attitude towards the subject of a story comes through in the

words they use.

 This helps establish tone and impacts readers’ emotional response.

 For example, the tone of a horror novel will be very

different to that of a romance novel.


 Along with the words selected in a particular sentence, correctness

in grammar, spelling, and tone of a sentence, variety in sentence pattern, special
emphasis on ideas, conciseness of expression, length of a sentence, phrases in a
sentence, repetition and the style of speech and writing are some of the factors to
study effectiveness in a sentence.
A) Variety in sentence structure:

 Variety in sentence structure is required for effective speech and

 In order to avoid monotony, the successive sentences should be
written in variety of sentence structure.

 Repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of every

sentence results in monotony.
 Similarly if every sentence follows the same pattern, the message will be

dull and monotonous.

 Use variety of sentence patterns, as it will stimulate the receiver’s

interest in the message and thereby help him to read the message carefully and to
understand it thoroughly.
B) Repetition of words, phrases, and clauses:

 Careless repetition of the same sentence pattern is often a result of

communicator’s limited vocabulary and inadequate knowledge of
phrase and clause structure.

 It may also result from his unwillingness to make efforts for finding a
substitute sentence pattern to express the same thought or feeling.
 In order to avoid the repetition of certain words belonging to a certain

part of speech, the communicator has either to change the

sentence pattern or has to substitute the word with a
 A word can have several shades of meanings, but the same word

should not be used in two or more different senses in the

same sentence.
C) Conversational Tone:

 The communicator must use pleasant and positive

conversational words in the sentences constructed in active

 The unnecessary, overused, and superfluous words and phrases, like
‘you know’, ‘you see’, ‘do you get my point’, should be
eliminated from the conversation.

 A paragraph is a group of related sentences that deal with

a distinct unit of thought for a specific purpose of
developing the subject of an article.
A) Organization of thoughts and ideas:

 Every sentence in a paragraph has definite purpose of contributing a

smaller division of thought to the development of the topic.

 The first sentence of a paragraph usually opens with the main idea
and the following sentences are used for presenting supporting material.

 Presenting the relevant facts at the beginning and announcing the main
idea or final decision at the end is an indirect approach pattern.

 The end of the paragraph comes logically after the discussion of the main
and supporting material of the paragraph.
B) Coherence:

 There must be logical relation between any two successive

paragraphs, which consists two different phases of thoughts.
 In the succeeding para the discussion in the previous paragraph is

The paragraphs, which are closely and logically related in

thoughts, are grouped together.
C) Length of paragraphs:

 The length of each paragraph in a letter, memo, or report can have

its visual impact on the reader.

 The heavy blocks of long paragraphs certainly

discourage the reader to continue his reading.
 The short paragraphs, on the other hand, break up the heavy look of
the reading material.
The visual impact of too many short paragraphs is as
negative as that of the overly long paragraph.

The thought in short paragraphs can be more readily

grasped than that in the larger ones, but each paragraph in
itself should have sufficient importance to be treated as a
separate and properly developed paragraph.

 In oral communication we use pauses, intonations, gestures,

volume and non-verbal body language to help the receiver to see

the ‘points of division’ and the ‘relation in thought’ between the words,
phrases, clauses and sentences.

 In a written message, punctuation helps the reader to understand the

points of division in the sentences.

 Punctuation marks allow us to tell the reader about the pauses and points of

division that further indicate the relation in thought between those groups in the

 Punctuation bridges or breaks the thought content of the words or word groups in a

 When the punctuation marks are used in wrong manner, it shows false division
and wrong relationship between the groups. It can ultimately lead to
misunderstanding and confusion.

In business organizations, presentations and public speaking by the

executives and other personals are regular features.
No matter what the area of responsibility is or what type of organization is
for which you are working, you have to give a presentation or speech sooner
or later.
You may be asked to talk to colleagues, clients, suppliers for the general
You may be asked to speak for 15 minutes or one hour.
Hence, public speaking and presentation skills are very much essential
for professional excellence.

Technical skills account for 22-25% of professional excellence and rest

depends upon soft skills that include public speaking and presentation

Speaking effectively and making an effective presentation is a skill that

can be learnt, studied and polished.
 A presentation is essential for the students, researchers and working
managers in today’s fast moving business environment.

 If presentation is effective, it creates a good impression about the

speaker and it clearly communicates the information.

 The presentation also reveals the attributes of the personality of the

speaker, i.e. confidence, fluency, style and conducting discussion and

 Business presentation differs from public speaking.

A good presentation must cover the following aspects:

(i) There should be a clear structure with an introduction, discussion,

and end.

(ii) The facts and figures should be visually present in tables, graphs,
and charts.

(iii) The different colors should be used to make the presentation of the
contents attractive.
(iv) The presenter should show an understanding of the audience’s
needs and level of understanding, while discussing his/her ideas.

(v) Humour should often employ to create a good relationship with the

(vi) Questions should be given serious attention and must regard as an

essential part of presentation.









Elements of Presentation

 An efficient presenter prepares the presentation with

great care as his/her main purpose is to convey the
message effectively.

 It involves proper prior preparation and planning.

There are three fundamental elements of a good presentation.

1. Presenter’s analysis
2. Audience Analysis
3. Presentation Design
1. Presenter’s analysis: As a presenter, you need to focus on the following aspects, before making the
actual presentation.

(i) Identify your purpose-achieve

(ii) Analyse your audience

(iii) Identify the need

(iv) Collate your information

(v) Design your communication

(vi) Time your presentation

(vii) Decide on the visual aids to be used

(viii) Study the location.

The presenter as ‘self’, plays a key role, in making the presentation a
successful communication.
2. Audience analysis: Before making presentation, audience
analysis is very necessary.

In this context, the following points should be noted.

(i) Get an idea of the number, nature, needs, level of

knowledge, and likely attitude of the audience.

(ii) Determine the language of delivery and selection of inputs.

(iii) Understanding the audience’s needs.

3. Designing your presentation:

 Think of a presentation in terms of a journey; designed to take an audience to a

pre-planned destination.

 Use this analogy to identify the key points of your message, prioritize them and all
allocate each one an appropriate time slot.

 Nearly all presentations should fit into a simple structure.

This comprises four clearly identifiable parts and timing of each part

(i) Introduction (Tell them what you’re going to tell them)- 3 minutes

(ii) Main Body (Tell them)- 15 minutes

(iii) Conclusion (Tell them what you have told them)- 2 minutes

(iv) Questions & Answers (Discussion session)- 10 minutes

A good guide for the breakdown of a presentation is the
10/80/10 rule—whereby the introduction and conclusion are
allotted 10% of the presentation time, with the main body
comprising 80%.

For example, a 30 minute presentation would have a 3 minute

introduction and conclusion and main body lasting 24
This formula can be applied to any length of presentation—as it
reflects a good breakdown from the audience’s perspective.

It is usually best to plan your presentation to have a question and

answer session at the end.

This will enable you to deliver your message and then end strongly
with a clear and concise conclusion, before entering the relatively
unpredictable area of tackling questions from the floor.
Ten Steps to a Successful Presentation

 There are ten basic steps which need to be kept in mind at the time of
making a presentation.

 How successful one is at the end of the delivery is contingent upon the
amount of labour that has gone into the seven preparatory stages.

1. Consider the occasion and objective Know the sphere and concretize ideas
2. Make audience analysis Meet demands of the audience
3. Know about the location Acquaint yourself with the venue, organizers, etc.
4. Decide the mode and manner of Secures the attention of the receivers

5. Prepare the script Make a confident presentation

6. Preparation of Should:
(i) Visual aids Generate interest
(ii) Handouts Increase retention
(iii) Feedback forms Assess competence

7. Rehearse Brings perfection, instills confidence Be presentable in appearance

9. Overcome nervousness Be fearless and effective
10. Make the presentation Enables sharing of ideas, information and knowledge
Consider the Occasion and Objective

 It is important to know the occasion for which the presentation has

been organized.

 The person who wishes to make the presentation must know his
proper sphere and the purpose he wants to fulfill through his

 What is that, one aims to achieve at the end of the presentation, should
be crystal clear.

 One should not stray or move away from the main point or focal area.
Make an Audience Analysis

 It is most important for any speaker to understand for whom the presentation is

 An audience is not just a gathering of people; it has a collective identity of its own.

 The age, nationality, educational background and experience of the audience

present, have a great relevance to the presentation.

 As an example, while considering the age factor of the audience, these clues can be
used: Children love to listen to stories and dramatic presentations; teenagers are
responsive to new ideas and like informative presentations and senior citizens like to
be reminded about the good old days.
Get Acquainted with the Environment/Location

 The speaker should be familiar with the physical environment.

 The size of the room, the seating arrangement, speaker’s position

vis-à-vis the platform or podium, setting of the mike, lighting and
ventilation, positioning of the visual aids, etc., should be well planned
out and observed in advance.
Decide the Manner and Mode of Presentation
The speaker should decide whether he wishes to achieve the objective by a formal presentation or a non-formal one.
The speaker may select any of the following modes of presentation:

1. Reading: A written script may be used to present the whole matter. It helps to maintain accuracy, but eye
contact may be lost in the process. Very few speakers can master this art of reading as well as maintaining frequent
eye contact with the listeners.

2. Memorized Presentation: If the memory power of the speaker is to read aloud well, he may memorize the
whole presentation and not use any written material, but in case, the speaker forgets in between, it leaves a very
bad impression and spoils the effect of the presentation. The best method in this case is to make some brief notes, and
refer to them in between, to maintain a smooth presentation.

3. Extemporaneous presentation: In this case, the speaker does not memorize the whole presentation, word by
word. Rather, he takes some ideas in his mind and in a logical order, presents them in his own words. A mental
recap helps.
Plan out the Presentation: Preparation of Script

 The most tedious and arduous task is the preparation of the script.

 A lot of effort goes into the preparatory stage of making a presentation.

 This would become clear if you were to compare your presentation to the tip of an iceberg,
90% of which is invisible and only 10% is visible.

While preparing the script, the speaker has to keep in mind:

1. Length of the script, depending on the time available for presentation.

2. Style of presentation, conversation style or formal speech, simple and lucid or impressive
and explanatory.

3. Humour, making the talk more interesting and lively, to engage the audience more fully.
Format of a presentation/composition of the script:

A rough plan for any presentation may bemade as follows:

1. Opening:

(i) Introductory remarks.

(ii) Stating the objective of the presentation.

(iii) Creating a rapport with the audience.

(iv) Drawing the outline of the presentation.

2. Middle:

(i) The main body of the presentation.

(ii) Examples and visual aids.

(iii) Explanation of the topic in points, as per their priority.

3. Closing:

(i) Giving a clear message of the presentation.

(ii) Summary of the presentation.

(iii) Inviting queries.

(iv) Thanking the audience and organizers.

Preparation of Visual Aids, Handouts and Feedback Forms

Visual Aids

 It is always better to prepare visual aids much in advance of the presentation.

Leaving them for the last moment can on certain occasions force the speaker to rush
through the entire procedure.

 As visual aids are used as supports to the presentation, error in the same can leave
a poor impact in the minds of the audience.

 So, in order to make the presentation more effective, the speaker must make use of
visual aids like charts, chalk boards, film slides, transparencies, diagrams, maps
and pictures.

 Handouts should be prepared meticulously and carefully.

 They should be given to the participants prior to commencing the session so that
they can come prepared at the presentation with focused queries.

 The time which would be otherwise spent in generating questions would be saved
if this strategy is observed.

 These handouts should be extremely well prepared as the participants are going
to take them back after the session and probably share the same with friends and
Feedback Forms

Feedback forms should have also been prepared well in advance, so that they can be handed to
the participants at the end of the presentation. Points which need to be elaborated in the
feedbackform are:

1. Information about the audience.

2. Level of acceptance of the speaker.

3. Scope for improvement.

4. Inadequacies, if any, in the presentation.

5. Expectations from the presentation.

6. To what extent were they met.

7. Gains from the session.

Consider Personal Aspects: Physical and Body Language

 The audiences first see the speaker, and then listen to the presentation.

 A presentable, clean and impressive appearance is of utmost importance for the

speaker. Formal clothes, proper hairstyle and a good dress sense make the overall
appearance of the speaker acceptable.

 Confident voice and posture, effective eye contact and meaningful gestures make
up a good body language, which also plays a vital role in the presentation.
Overcoming Nervousness

 Even an experienced speaker, in the beginning of his speaking career, must have faced the
problem of nervousness.

 “Butterflies in the stomach”, “increased heartbeat”, “shaking legs”, “shaking voice”,

and “forgetfulness” are the most obvious signs of nervousness. The speaker can overcome
nervousness by:
1. Taking few deep breaths in and out.

2. Making himself/herself comfortable with the audience.

3. Boosting his own self-confidence.

4. Proper practice before the final presentation.

5. Giving proper pauses for relaxation.

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