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MBA7061 Strategy

Assessment Brief

Key dates and details

Assessment Type: Presentation and Viva Voce

Assessment Title Assessment 2- Disruptive innovation - 30% (Presentation -
(weighting): Individual)
Word Count Presentation and Viva Voce
Learning Outcomes: 1
Submission Date: MBA7061 - Assignment 2- Oral Assessment – w/c 9th Dec
2024 (Upload file by 13th Dec 24 via turnitin @23:59hrs )

Assignment Task

This assignment involves preparing a Presentation and Viva Voce on Disruptive Innovation.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

This assignment has been prepared to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate
your achievement of the following module learning outcome:

Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of traditional and

contemporary approaches to strategy, strategic planning, and implementation,
the importance of competitive advantage, and the strategic role of disruptive

Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Applications in this Assessment

AI Status Application Notes

Category A No GAI tool is While grammar and/or spell checkers may be used to
permitted. correct individual words and sentences, the use of GAI is
not allowed. This is because the learning outcomes
require you to produce original assessment work without
any GAI assistance
Any GAI generated content which is presented as your
own original work and is not acknowledged will be

assessed for academic misconduct.

Throughout the module we will be examining a variety of strategy issues using a variety of
research materials. Strategy in the context of contemporary business world will be
explored, which includes an examination of global economic systems, instability, circular
economy, new business practices, disruption, and business model innovation. Traditional
and contemporary approaches to strategy, strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement
will be touched upon. Corporate, business, functional and network strategies will also be
This assignment will encourage the students to apply the learning from the module to a
topic and will be submitted in the form of a presentation and Viva Voce.

Description of the assessment

Select ONE “Disruptive innovation” example discussed in the class (or from your own
independent research) and present a strategic analysis of chosen Disruptive innovation.
In this presentation, you are required to
1. Introduce and demonstrate critical understanding of “disruptive innovation”
concept and relate it to our chosen example.
2. How can a business maintain its competitive advantage while scaling? Is there a
risk of diluting the brand?
3. How do you ensure that your workforce evolves with the company as it grows?
What are the key strategies for managing talent and skills gaps?

The presentation must:

1. Use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software.

2. A Viva Voce-based investigation will accompany the presentation (Q&A session
after the presentation).
3. Maximum 20 minutes. ( including Q&A)
4. Provide the full Harvard reference within the reference page for each item used,
and the correct Harvard ‘shortened’ reference within the presentation.
5. Include both direct and indirect citations from a wide variety of sources. Include
between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should
include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.
6. Make use of relevant core texts and research items from within the module.

7. Your cover page would be the first page of your presentation. Include Student ID
number, module name, tutor name, academic year/cohort/group.

Marking Criteria: (presentation feedback template at the end)

Disruptive innovation – 20%

Strategic analysis-20%
Impacts -20%
Presentation (Visual) – 10%
Presentation (Oral) and Q&A – 15%
Research and References –15%

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements for both assignments:

Level HE7 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty
sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals
and five academic books. You must reference all information in the presentation, using
the Harvard Referencing Guide.

Important and helpful information

Late work will be subject to the penalties:

 Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally
gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the

 More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no marks
will be recorded.

Late submission of assessments on refer and those which are graded Pass/Fail only, is
not permitted. Students may request an extension to the original published deadline
date as described below.

Please refer to the Module Guide for information regarding indicative reading, guidelines
for the preparation and submission of assignments, and the assessment criteria.

Submission, Assessment & Feedback

Electronic copies of assignments should be submitted via ‘Turn-it-in’. Please ensure you
follow the instructions provided by your module tutor and on the assessment brief.

Written feedback in the form of annotations onto your electronic submission and summary
comments will be provided within three working weeks of the submission deadline,
together with your internally moderated grade for the assignment.

This assessment satisfies the learning outcomes as specified in your module guide. The
pass mark for this assignment is 50%.

MBA7061 Strategy – AS2


Programme: MBA/MSc IM Academic Area/Partner

Centre: Regent College

Student Number/Name:
Marking Tutor:

Presentation Date:
Disruptive Innovation Area:

Relevant Learning Outcomes Achieved? Y/N

LO1 - Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding
of traditional and contemporary approaches to strategy,
strategic planning, and implementation, the importance of
competitive advantage, and the strategic role of
disruptive innovation.


Marking Criteria Marks Comments

Disruptive innovation –

Strategic analysis-20%

Impacts -20%

Presentation (Visual) –
 Clarity of
 Written English
 Visual aids
Presentation (Oral) and
Q&A – 15%
 Communication
 Eye contact and
 Questions from
Research and References
TOTAL grade
Overall Comments Areas for Further Development

1st Marker’s Moderated Turn-it-in

Grade Grade checked

Please note that the mark advised to you on this feedback form is subject to ratification by the
Assessment Board.

Signed (Module Tutor): … Date: ………………………

Assessment Guidelines for Presentation on Disruptive Innovation Level HE7
% Disruptive Innovation Strategic Analysis Impacts Presentation (Oral and Q&A) Presentation (Visual) Research/Referencing
20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10%

85- Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body
100% language (3%) Exceptional presentational style Sources accurately cited in the text.
Directly relevant to title/brief. Directly relevant to title/brief. Directly relevant to title/brief. & layout, appropriate to the
Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title Exceptionally appropriate eye contact, type of assignment. An extensive range of contemporary and
and/or the requirements of the brief. and/or the requirements of the brief. and/or the requirements of the brief. tone, volume and body language Effective inclusion of figures, relevant references cited in the reference list
tables, plates (FTP). in the correct style.
Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Articulation and explanation (3%)
Demonstrates an exceptional knowledge of Demonstrates an exceptional knowledge of Demonstrates an exceptional knowledge of
theory and practice for this level. theory and practice for this level. theory and practice for this level. Exceptional articulation and explanation
Insightfully interprets appropriate concepts and Insightfully interprets appropriate concepts and Insightfully interprets appropriate concepts and of all points and arguments
theoretical models. theoretical models. theoretical models.
Demonstrates originality in conceptual Demonstrates originality in conceptual Demonstrates originality in conceptual Engagement (3%)
understanding. understanding. understanding.
Exceptionally engaging
Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%)
Q&A (3%)
Exceptional Quality

Presents an exceptional critique of key research Presents an exceptional critique of key research Presents an exceptional critique of key research
material resulting in clear, original and material resulting in clear, original and material resulting in clear, original and Exceptional handling of questions
illuminating conclusions. illuminating conclusions. illuminating conclusions.
Demonstrates distinctive, insightful and creative Demonstrates distinctive, insightful and creative Demonstrates distinctive, insightful and creative Confidence and use of notes (3%)
solutions to complex problems. solutions to complex problems. solutions to complex problems.
Produces exceptional work that makes a Produces exceptional work that makes a Produces exceptional work that makes a Exceptional confident delivery without
contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge using the notes
and understanding in the subject area. and understanding in the subject area. and understanding in the subject area.

Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%)

Coherently articulated and logically structured. Coherently articulated and logically structured. Coherently articulated and logically structured.

An appropriate format is used. An appropriate format is used. An appropriate format is used.

Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%)

Exceptionally well written Exceptionally well written Exceptionally well written

answer with standard spelling and grammar. answer with standard spelling and grammar. answer with standard spelling and grammar.
Style is clear, resourceful and academic. Style is clear, resourceful and academic. Style is clear, resourceful and academic.
70- Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body Excellent presentational style & Sources accurately cited in the text.
84% language (3%) layout, appropriate to the type A wide range of contemporary and relevant
Directly relevant to title/brief. Directly relevant to title/brief. Directly relevant to title/brief. of assignment. references cited in the reference list in the
Excellent utilization of eye contact, tone, Effective inclusion of figures, correct style.
Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title volume and body language tables, plates (FTP).
and/or the requirements of the brief. and/or the requirements of the brief. and/or the requirements of the brief.
Articulation and explanation (3%)
Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%)
Excellent articulation and explanation of
Demonstrates an excellent knowledge of theory Demonstrates an excellent knowledge of theory Demonstrates an excellent knowledge of theory all points and arguments
and practice for this level. and practice for this level. and practice for this level.
Expertly interprets appropriate concepts and Expertly interprets appropriate concepts and Expertly interprets appropriate concepts and Engagement (3%)
theoretical models. theoretical models. theoretical models.
Demonstrates originality in conceptual Demonstrates originality in conceptual Demonstrates originality in conceptual Extremely engaging
understanding. understanding. understanding.
Q&A (3%)
Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%)
Excellent handling of questions at the
Excellent Quality

Presents an excellent critique of key research Presents an excellent critique of key research Presents an excellent critique of key research end of the presentation
material resulting in clear, original and material resulting in clear, original and material resulting in clear, original and
illuminating conclusions. illuminating conclusions. illuminating conclusions. Confidence and use of notes (3%)
Demonstrates insightful and creative thinking Demonstrates insightful and creative thinking Demonstrates insightful and creative thinking
solutions to complex problems. solutions to complex problems. solutions to complex problems. Highly confident delivery with no or very
Produces excellent work that makes a Produces excellent work that makes a Produces excellent work that makes a little use of notes
contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge
and understanding in the subject area. and understanding in the subject area. and understanding in the subject area.

Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%)

Coherently articulated and logically structured. Coherently articulated and logically structured. Coherently articulated and logically structured.

An appropriate format is used. An appropriate format is used. An appropriate format is used.

Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%)
Excellently written Excellently written Excellently written
answer with standard spelling and grammar. answer with standard spelling and grammar. answer with standard spelling and grammar.
Style is clear, resourceful and academic. Style is clear, resourceful and academic. Style is clear, resourceful and academic.
60- Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body Very good presentational style Sources accurately cited in the text.
69% language (3%) & layout, appropriate to the A range of contemporary and relevant
Directly relevant to title/brief. Directly relevant to title/brief. Directly relevant to title/brief. type of assignment. references cited in the reference list in the
Good use of eye contact, tone, volume Effective inclusion of FTP. correct style.
Addresses the assumptions of the title and/or the Addresses the assumptions of the title and/or the Addresses the assumptions of the title and/or the and body language
requirements of the brief well. requirements of the brief well. requirements of the brief well.
Articulation and explanation (3%)
Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%)
Good articulation and explanation of
Demonstrates a sound knowledge of theory and Demonstrates a sound knowledge of theory and Demonstrates a sound knowledge of theory and most points and arguments
practice for this level. practice for this level. practice for this level.
Comprehensively interprets appropriate concepts Comprehensively interprets appropriate concepts Comprehensively interprets appropriate concepts Engagement (3%)
and theoretical models. and theoretical models. and theoretical models.
Demonstrates originality in conceptual Demonstrates originality in conceptual Demonstrates originality in conceptual Engaging
understanding understanding understanding
Q&A (3%)
Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%)
Presents a cohesive critique of key research Presents a cohesive critique of key research Presents a cohesive critique of key research Good handling of questions
material resulting in clear and original material resulting in clear and original material resulting in clear and original
conclusions. conclusions. conclusions. Confidence and use of notes (3%)

Demonstrates creative solutions to complex Demonstrates creative solutions to complex Demonstrates creative solutions to complex
problems. problems. problems. Most confident delivery with little use of
Produces superior work that makes a Produces superior work that makes a Produces superior work that makes a notes
contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge
and understanding in the subject area and understanding in the subject area and understanding in the subject area

Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%)

For the most part coherently articulated and For the most part coherently articulated and For the most part coherently articulated and
logically constructed. logically constructed. logically constructed.

An appropriate format is used. An appropriate format is used. An appropriate format is used.

Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%)

Well written with Well written with Well written with

Good Quality

standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear and standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear and standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear and
academic. academic. academic.
50- Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body The presentational style & Key contemporary and relevant academic
59% language (3%) layout is largely correct for the sources are drawn upon.
Generally addresses the assumptions of the title Generally addresses the assumptions of the title Generally addresses the assumptions of the title type of assignment.
and/or the requirements of the brief. and/or the requirements of the brief. and/or the requirements of the brief. Satisfactory use of eye contact, tone, Most sources are accurately cited in the text
volume and body language Inclusion of FTP but lacks and reference list/bibliography.
Minor irrelevance in places. Minor irrelevance in places. Minor irrelevance in places. selectivity. Minor weaknesses evident.
Articulation and explanation (3%)

Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Satisfactory articulation and explanation
of at least forty percent of points and
Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of theory Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of theory Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of theory arguments
and practice for this level. Some minor omissions. and practice for this level. Some minor omissions. and practice for this level. Some minor omissions.
Satisfactorily interprets some appropriate Satisfactorily interprets some appropriate Satisfactorily interprets some appropriate Engagement (3%)
concepts and theoretical models. concepts and theoretical models. concepts and theoretical models.
Demonstrates some originality in conceptual Demonstrates some originality in conceptual Demonstrates some originality in conceptual Satisfactory engagement
understanding. understanding. understanding.
Q&A (3%)
Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%)
Satisfactory handling of questions
Satisfactory Quality

Presents some critique of key research material Presents some critique of key research material Presents some critique of key research material (replied at least 40% of the questions
resulting in original conclusions. Loss of focus in resulting in original conclusions. Loss of focus in resulting in original conclusions. Loss of focus in correctly)

places. places. places.

Demonstrates some creativity in solving complex Demonstrates some creativity in solving complex Demonstrates some creativity in solving complex Confidence and use of notes (3%)
problems. problems. problems.
Produces satisfactory work that makes some Produces satisfactory work that makes some Produces satisfactory work that makes some Delivery lacks confidence and heavy
contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge contribution to the development of knowledge reliance on notes or scripts in the
and understanding in the subject area. and understanding in the subject area. and understanding in the subject area. presentation

Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%)

Adequate attempt at articulation and logical Adequate attempt at articulation and logical Adequate attempt at articulation and logical
structure. structure. structure.

An acceptable format is used. An acceptable format is used. An acceptable format is used.

Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%)

Competently written with minor lapses in spelling Competently written with minor lapses in spelling Competently written with minor lapses in spelling
and grammar. and grammar. and grammar.

Style is legible and mainly academic. Style is legible and mainly academic. Style is legible and mainly academic.
45- Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body Some weaknesses in the Limited number of contemporary and
49% language (3%) presentational style & layout. relevant sources cited. Weaknesses in
Some implications of issues explored. Some implications of issues explored. Some implications of issues explored. referencing technique.
Lack of appropriate use of eye contact, Some inappropriate use of FTP.
Some irrelevant and/or superficial arguments. Some irrelevant and/or superficial arguments. Some irrelevant and/or superficial arguments. tone, volume and body language

Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Articulation and explanation (3%)

Some omissions evident in knowledge of theory Some omissions evident in knowledge of theory Some omissions evident in knowledge of theory More than 60% of the Points and
and practice at this level. and practice at this level. and practice at this level. arguments not clearly or appropriate
Insufficient understanding of appropriate Insufficient understanding of appropriate Insufficient understanding of appropriate articulated
concepts and theoretical models. concepts and theoretical models. concepts and theoretical models.
Demonstrates some conceptual understanding in Demonstrates some conceptual understanding in Demonstrates some conceptual understanding in Engagement (3%)
places. places. places.
Not engaging for more than 60% of the
Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) presentation
Borderline Fail

A limited amount of critique of key research A limited amount of critique of key research A limited amount of critique of key research
material with description in places. Lacks material with description in places. Lacks material with description in places. Lacks Q&A (3%)
creativity. Some original conclusions. creativity. Some original conclusions. creativity. Some original conclusions.
Poor handling of questions at the end of
Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%) the presentation

Limited attempt at articulation and problems with Limited attempt at articulation and problems with Limited attempt at articulation and problems with Confidence and use of notes (3%)
structure. structure. structure.
Delivery lacks confidence and reliance on
Some formatting errors. Some formatting errors. Some formatting errors. notes or scripts all the time.

Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%)

Intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling. Intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling. Intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling.

Style hinders clarity in places and is not academic Style hinders clarity in places and is not academic Style hinders clarity in places and is not academic
throughout. throughout. throughout.
Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body For the type of assignment the Inappropriate sources and poor referencing
30- language (3%) presentational style &/or layout technique.
44% Significant degree of irrelevance to the title Significant degree of irrelevance to the title Significant degree of irrelevance to the title is lacking.
and/or brief. and/or brief. and/or brief. No use of eye contact and body
language, tones and volumes are FTP ignored in text or not used
Issues are addressed at a superficial level and in Issues are addressed at a superficial level and in Issues are addressed at a superficial level and in incorrectly employed. where clearly needed.
unchallenging terms. unchallenging terms. unchallenging terms.
Articulation and explanation (3%)
Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%)
Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of More than seventy percent of the Points
theory and practice for this level. theory and practice for this level. theory and practice for this level. and arguments not clearly or
Limited understanding and application of Limited understanding and application of Limited understanding and application of appropriate articulated
concepts. concepts. concepts.
Engagement (3%)


Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%)

A basic argument is presented, but too A basic argument is presented, but too A basic argument is presented, but too Not engaging at all
descriptive or narrative in style. descriptive or narrative in style. descriptive or narrative in style.
Limited originality and creativity. Limited originality and creativity. Limited originality and creativity. Q&A (3%)
Conclusions are not clearly stated. Conclusions are not clearly stated. Conclusions are not clearly stated.
Not replying to the questions or answers
Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%) given incorrectly for more than seventy
Poorly structured. Lack of articulation. Poorly structured. Lack of articulation. Poorly structured. Lack of articulation. percentage of the questions asked.
Format deficient. Format deficient. Format deficient.
Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Confidence and use of notes (3%)
Deficiencies in spelling and grammar make Deficiencies in spelling and grammar make Deficiencies in spelling and grammar make
reading difficult in places. reading difficult in places. reading difficult in places. No confidence and rely on notes all the
Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity. Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity. Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity.
Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Relevance (4%) Eye contact, tone, volume and body For the type of assignment the An absence of academic sources and poor
<30% Relevance to the title and/or brief is intermittent Relevance to the title and/or brief is intermittent Relevance to the title and/or brief is intermittent language (3%) presentational style &/or layout referencing technique.
or missing. or missing. or missing. is lacking.
No use of eye contact and body FTP as above.
The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least language, tones and volumes are
challenging terms. challenging terms. challenging terms. incorrectly employed.

Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Knowledge (4%) Articulation and explanation (3%)

Demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of either Demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of either Demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of either More than eighty percent of the Points
theory or practice for this level, with little theory or practice for this level, with little theory or practice for this level, with little and arguments not clearly or
evidence of conceptual understanding. evidence of conceptual understanding. evidence of conceptual understanding. appropriate articulated

Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Argument/Analysis (4%) Engagement (3%)

Severely limited arguments. Descriptive or Severely limited arguments. Descriptive or Severely limited arguments. Descriptive or
narrative in style with no evidence of critique and narrative in style with no evidence of critique and narrative in style with no evidence of critique and Not engaging at all
originality or creativity. originality or creativity. originality or creativity.
Conclusions are sparse. Conclusions are sparse. Conclusions are sparse. Q&A (3%)

Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Structure (4%) Not replying to the questions or answers
given incorrectly for more than eighty
Unstructured. Unstructured. Unstructured. percentage of the questions asked.
Lack of articulation. Lack of articulation. Lack of articulation.
Confidence and use of notes (3%)
Format deficient. Format deficient. Format deficient.
No confidence and rely on notes all the
Written English (4%) Written English (4%) Written English (4%) time

Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in
grammar, spelling, expression and style. grammar, spelling, expression and style. grammar, spelling, expression and style.

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