Chilli and Capsicum Online 25.7.22
Chilli and Capsicum Online 25.7.22
Chilli and Capsicum Online 25.7.22
Chilli Capsicum
P 75 50 75
K 75 50 50
Good fertile soils with humus are most desirable for growing capsicum.
Heavy application of N fertilizers may increase vegetative growth and delay
For rainfed crop 50% of Nitrogen and full dose of P & K applied as basal dose and
remaining 50% should be applied 4 weeks after transplanting.
While under irrigation nitrogen should be split into three split equal doses and
applied at an interval of three weeks.
Capsicums were found to respond to inoculation with VAM fungus Glomus spp.
Azospirillum as a seed treatment and soil application increased vegetative growth in
Compared to chilli bell pepper are shy rooters so dipping the seedlings in
1.5%super phosphate solution before transplanting is advisable.
For chilli P2O5 deficient plants leaves are small and bluish green in the beginning
later they turn dirty
where as in K deficient plants leaves are normal green but smaller in size with
crinkled surface
Since chilli is largely cultivated as a rainfed crop, the crop suffers during its various
growth phases by moisture stress due to drought spell.
Soil moisture stress affects the plant growth and production of chillies.
Decreased nitrogen utilization and decreased yield were observed at
lower irrigation regions. Phosphorus uptake was severely affected by soil water
Moisture stress also resulted in severe flower drop in chilli.
The crop raised in kharif season is mainly for ripe red chilli purpose.
Irrigation requirement depends on season of cultivars and soil type.
Capsicums are mostly grown during rainy and winter seasons although as it not
common to see them being cultivated during summer season.
Even during monsoon season whenever dry spell exceeds 7-8 days providing
supplemental irrigations are necessary.
Weed control
Weed intensity is high when the crop is grown during kharif season than in Rabi or
summer months.
Though cultural methods of weed control is widely followed, with the increase in
labour wage and scarcity of laborers and some times increased rains preventing these
operations, using herbicides or combination of both herbicide and cultural operations
are becoming more popular.
A large number of herbicides have been tried, both for transplanted and direct
sown chilli crop.
Among the herbicides tried, dephenamide, trifluralin, EPTC, Nitrofen had given good
results in chilli crop.
Various mulches such as saw dust, gravels, crop residues, plastic films etc are used to
control weed population.
Use of chemicals and growth regulators
Chilli plant growth is known to be improved by spraying of different growth regulators.
Name of the Chemical Concentration Effects
NAA (Planofix) 10ppm Increased number of
NAA 10-100 ppm Increased Fruit set
Triacontanol 1 ppm Improved growth
Ethrel 300-500ppm Increased branching
CCC 500-2000 ppm Increased branching
CCC 20-200 ppm Increased Fruit set
GA 50-200 ppm Increased Branching
Protected cultivation
Capsicums can be successfully grown either for fruits or for seed production using naturally
ventilated poly cum net houses for off season cultivation in areas where temperatures do not
exceed 37-38°C.
Physiological disorders/constraints
Blossom end rot:
A disorder of sweet pepper where water soaked spots first appears on the blossom
end of fruit.
The spots soon become light brown and papery as the lesions dry out.
The causes and control measures are similar to tomato. i.e. for controlling the disorder
we should follow judicious and timely irrigation and the crop should be grown in
the soil having good water holding capacity.
Sun scald:
A disorder of sweet pepper, it occurs when the fruits are exposed to scorching
This disorder arises as a soft, light coloured area in fruit that becomes slightly
Plants having enough foliage are less prone to this disorder.
Skin cracking:
A disorder of sweet pepper where cracking occurs around the shoulder of fruits.
It is often associated with fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
High day temperature and average RH increases the incidence of cracking.