Chilli Report
Chilli Report
Chilli Report
Chilli cultivation is a good vegetable farming business. Chilli crop can be cultivated as an
intercrop or as a standalone chilli plantation. Here is the complete information on green chilli
cultivation including ideal conditions, seed varieties, land preparation, planting etc
Chilli, also known as chilli pepper is a spicy fruit used in cuisine preparations. It is commonly
added as an ingredient in foods to make the preparation spicy. It’s origins are traced to Mexico
and it is used worldwide both as an ingredient in food preparations and medicines. Globally,
China is the largest producer of chillies. As per the latest statistics, India tops the world in chilli
production followed by China, Peru, Spain and Mexico. Indian chillies especially the ones grown
in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh are known for their pungency and color. Some of the big
sized chillies are called bell peppers and are used as a vegetable.
The most important use of chilli is in the kitchen. Owing to the presence of capsaicin, chillies
have a pungent yet pleasant flavor- the main reason why it has a place of importance in the
kitchen. It also is a good source of oleoresin which is a major flavoring agent in the food
processing industry. Oleoresin is extracted from chillies and exported to the European countries.
small, annual shrub with an erect, branched shoot. It has a tap root system with simple leaves.
The flowers are small, white in color and are pendent. In other words, unlike in other plants the
flowers of chilli droop down and hang like pendants. The chilli fruits also similarly hang
Climatic Requirements
Chilli is a tropical and sub-tropical plant requiring a combination of warm, humid yet dry
weather. During the growth stage it needs a warm and humid weather. However, a dry weather is
suitable for fruit maturity. Temperature range of 20⁰-25⁰C is ideal for chilli growth. At 37⁰C or
higher the fruit development is affected. Similarly in case of heavy rain the plant defoliates and
starts rotting. However, in case of low moisture conditions during fruiting period the bud does
not develop properly. Hence, the flower and fruit may drop off. In other words, a high
temperature and relatively low humidity level would lead to deflowering and fruits if developed
Chillies need moisture for growth. It has been found that black soil which retains moisture is
ideal in case they are grown as rainfed crops. Under irrigated conditions, the crop needs well-
drained sandy loam with rich organic content. They can also be grown in deltaic soil under
irrigated conditions. In hilly areas like Uttarakhand, soil is mixed with gravel and coarse sand
A neutral soil pH between 6.5 and 7.5 is well-suited for chilli cultivation. It cannot tolerate acidic
Chillies can be cultivated both as Kharif and Rabi crop. In addition they are also planted at other
times. Sowing months are May to June for Kharif crop, September to October for Rabi crops. If
they are planted as summer crops then January-February months are chosen.
Chillies are crops that cannot withstand a lot of water. Heavy rainfall and stagnated water would
result in rotting of the plants. In case of irrigated crops, watering should be only when it is
necessary. A frequent watering would result in shedding of flowers and a spurt of vegetative
growth. The amount of water to be irrigated, the number of irrigations and its frequency highly
depends on the climatic conditions and the soil type. If the leaves start drooping during day time
it is an indication of water requirement. Similarly, if the flowers seem weak or exhibit not
enough vigor, irrigating the crop would help. Some farmers irrigate the field once the soil
Chillies are propagated from seeds. At the time of cultivation, disease- free, good quality seeds
must be chosen. Various high yielding, disease resistant varieties have been developed by
research institutes and different organizations. In case of organic farming, they must be obtained
from farms certified by the central authority. Some of the varieties used for commercial chilli
cultivation are:
Kashmiri Chilli
Bhagya Lakshmi
Also called G-4 this variety is grown in irrigated areas of Andhra Pradesh.
The fruits are olive green which turn dark red when ripe.
The variety is tolerant towards pests and diseases.
The land for cultivation of chillies are ploughed 2-3 times and brought to a fine tilth. The gravel,
stones and other such unwanted material present in the soil must be removed. If the seeds are
being sown directly in the soil then it is carried out along with the last ploughing cycle.
However, at the time of ploughing, the soil must be sterilized properly so that diseases affecting
the plants are kept in check.
If chillies are being planted in an organic farm then the soil must be treated
farm yard manure. In addition, 2 tonnes of vermicompost is added on per acre basis.
formalin is mixed with a liter of water before applying directly on soil. After application, it is
covered with polyethylene sheet of 25 micron thickness for 1-1.5 days. Then they are aerated for
15 days. During the last ploughing, 8-10 Aldrin per acre is applied to the soil. This ensures
75 x 60 cm for hybrids are maintained. In case of raised beds they are built at a distance of 30 cm
Seed Treatment
This is one of the initial steps on sowing. The chilli seeds are never pre-treated with chemicals.
Instead they are treated with herbal fungicides. 80 grams of seeds are required for sowing in one
acre of land. The seeds are treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens (10 grams per Kg of seeds). It
is a bio-fungicide which protects the disease from fungal attacks and pests. The seeds are then
mixed with Azospirillum (200 grams per Kg) and shade dried for half hour.
Sowing in Nurseries
Chilli seeds are commonly grown in nurseries and the seedlings are transplanted. After sowing
the seeds are covered with coco peat and watered everyday till it germinates. 3% Panchagavya
spray is done after 15 days or a micronutrient spray is done after 18 days. The seedlings are
The seedlings are dipped in 0.5% Pseudomonas fluorescens solution for half an hour and then
transplanted in the main field. The intercrop distance is maintained at 45 cm during plantation.
Intercropping in Chilli Cultivation
Chillies are intercropped at some places with onions in paired rows. In other words, two rows of
chillies are followed by one row of onion. This ensures weed control. It also serves as an
Chillies suffer from a variety of diseases like anthracnose, fruit rot, dieback, bacterial wilt,
mosaic diseases, powdery mildew, leaf spot, etc. The best way to check the development and
spread is to use resistant strains for sowing and conduct regular manual inspection. The affected
spraying Trichoderma and Pseudomonas species would help prevent disease spread.
Pest Management
Thrips, pod borers, grubs, nematodes, aphids, mites, etc. are the major pests of chilli farming. It
must be ensured that at the time of farm yard manure application only well-rotted manure is
sued. Intercropping with onions would help prevent pest attack. 100 Kg neem cake per acre helps
keep root grubs away. Some farmers keep grasses in heaps at designated spots on the field.
Grubs gather in these heaps and the heap is burnt in the morning. This way, the life cycle is
disturbed and likely grubs are destroyed. Neem Seed Kernel Extract is applied for controlling
thrips and mites. Similarly, installing pheromone traps help control fruit borers.
Financial Particulars
price@5/kg 2200000 11000000
Less: costing 5700000
Profit 5300000