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ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI)

P-ISSN: 2502-573; E-ISSN: 2541-0970

2021, Vol. 6 No. 1

The Concept and Implementation of Environment-Based

Curriculum Management in Elementary School

*Efi Tri Astuti1, Haryanti2, Mika Andayani3, Khoirun Nisa4

1, 2, 3, 4
Institut Studi Islam Muhammdiyah Pacitan

ABSTRACT: The curriculum is an important aspect of

achieving educational goals. Education not only provides
knowledge about the environment but also increases
awareness and concern for environmental conditions. This
research was conducted with the aim of describing the concept
and application of environmentally sound curriculum
management, supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and
efforts to overcome them. This study uses a qualitative -
descriptive approach, with a purposive sampling technique.
Data was collected through interviews, documentation and
literature study. The results showed that SD Alam Pacitan is
a school that implements environmentally friendly curriculum
management. That curriculum makes environmental elements
the main object in the learning process to help characterize
students. There are 4 stages carried out, that's are planning,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The inhibiting
factors consist of the lack of facilities, infrastructure, and
funding. The action to overcome this is the establishment of
cooperation with many parties.

Pendidikan tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan

tentang lingkungan tetapi juga meningkatkan
kesadaran dan kepedulian dengan kondisi lingkungan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk
mendeskripsikan tentang konsep dan penerapan
manajemen kurikulum berwawasan lingkungan, dan
faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif – deskriptif,

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DOI: 10.24269/ijpi.v6i1.3107
47 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive

sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui
wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SD Alam Pacitan
merupakan sekolah yang menerapkan manajemen
kurikulum berwawasan lingkungan. Kurikulum
tersebut menjadikan unsur lingkungan menjadi objek
utama dalam proses pembelajaran untuk memberntu
karakter siswa. Terdapat 4 tahapan yang dilakukan
yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan
evaluasi. Faktor penghambat terdiri atas minimnya
sarana, prasarana dan pendanaan. Adapun tindakan
untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dijalinnya
kerjasama dengan banyak pihak.
Keywords: Implementation, Environmental Curriculum,
Management, Elementary School.

The development of science and technology now is
accelerating the pace of economic and industrial development that has
important implications for the world of education. In any condition,
the government remains consistent in increasing the quantity and
quality of education. This event is important so that after going
through a critical period the fate of the Indonesian people, especially
the poor, does not get worse.
Reform in Indonesia requires the application of the principles
of democracy, decentralization, justice, and upholding human rights
in the life of the nation and state. In relation to education, these
principles will have a fundamental impact on the content, processes
and management of the education system (Arifin dkk., 2021). What's
more, science and technology are developing rapidly and giving rise to
new demands in all aspects of life, including the education system.
The 1945's Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article
31 paragraph (1) states that every citizen has the right to education,
and paragraph (2) emphasizes that the government seeks and organizes
a national education system that increases faith and piety as well as a
noble character in the context of educating people. The life of the
nation is one of the goals of the State of Indonesia.
Education is needed by humans to be able to utilize and
develop human resources (fitrah) so that they can face the changes of
the era. Education should be able to provide a change and be able to

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The Concept and Implementation .... – Efi Tri Astuti, et al 48

create human nature that develops and has quality. Education is also
expected to be able to change an ignorant, damaged, and irresponsible
society into a society of knowledge and good morals. Due to this
discourse, in the world of education, an educational curriculum was
The curriculum is an important element that affects the level
of achievement of results in the world of education (Astuti, 2017).
Even Beauchamp (1998) also mentions that curriculum is the heart of
education(Kurniawan, 2019). In this case, the curriculum is likened to
the heart of education. A curriculum that provides direction as well as
a guide in the implementation of the educational process, especially
informal educational institutions. Without a referenced curriculum,
the educational process will not run well. Even in a certain
perspective, the absence of a curriculum will have an impact on the
implementation of the educational process. The curriculum
determines the activities of the educational process in the form of
learning activities, evaluations, to the development of the world of
education (Syam & Arifin, 2019).
The curriculum is also a matter that concerns people's lives,
therefore the curriculum is also regulated in law. According to Law
No. 20 of 2003 (Chapter I Article I) concerning the National
Education System, it is explained that the curriculum is a set of plans
and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, and learning
materials to well as the methods used as guidelines for the
implementation of learning activities to achieve certain educational
goals (Nugraha dkk., 2018). In Indonesia, the curriculum is
implemented starting from the formal PAUD level, Basic Education to
tertiary institutions. In this case, the sustainability of the curriculum is
Islam through education always teaches life in harmony with
nature. As in the QS Al-A'raf verse 56 which means: “And do not do
mischief on the earth, after (Allah) has repaired it and pray to Him with fear
(will not be accepted) and hope (will be granted). Verily, the mercy of Allah is
near to those who do good.” In addition, it is also explained that this
nature should not be destroyed because this is one of God's gifts, for
those humans should repair and use it, this is as the word of Allah
SWT in QS Al-An'am verse 141-142 which means: “And He is One
Who made gardens that are tethered and tethered, palm trees, plants with
various kinds of fruit, olives, and pomegranates that are similar (shape and
color) and not the same (taste). Eat of the fruit (which varies) when He bears
fruit, and fulfill his rights on the day of reaping the results (by giving alms to
the poor); and do not overdo it. Verily, Allah does not like people who are

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49 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

extravagant. And some livestock is used for transportation and some are for
slaughter. Eat the sustenance that Allah has given you, and do not follow the
steps of the devil. Verily, Satan is a clear enemy to you.”
The general paradigm in education is that quality schools are
always expensive. The thing that makes schools expensive is because of
their infrastructures, such as buildings, sports fields, infrastructure,
and others. The quality of education does not depend on the
availability of infrastructure alone. Based on several sources, it is
known that the contribution of infrastructure to the quality of
education is not more than 10%, while 90% of the contribution to
the quality of education comes from the quality of teachers,
appropriate learning methods, and books as a gateway to knowledge.
The three variables that become the quality of education are actually
very cheap, as long as there are teachers who have high ideals (Husna,
Elementary School of Nature Pacitan in Pacitan Regency is
one of the educational institutions that have a very important role in
developing human resources, human development which aims to
create a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and to support
the achievement of national education goals. The school was
established to create schools that care about the environment, shape
children's character, liberate them, schools are like family, schools are
like homes and schools that can give color to Pacitan Regency. Nature
teaches us to be tough individuals who are ready to pick up success
and glory in life. Events in nature provide examples and wisdom for us
how nature can inspire the birth of science. But of course, everything
can only be owned by humans who want to think and learn with
nature (Yulianti, 2016).
Schools of nature were also established as a reaction to the
school system in Indonesia which is increasingly alienated from the
environment (Iman dkk., 2021). Students are only prepared as
prospective workers, forced to accept as much material as has been
stipulated in the curriculum, uniformed, and so on. Therefore, the
idea of back to nature in the sense of returning the nature of students
according to their capacity (without coercion in learning required
subjects), and returning to being familiar with the natural
School of Nature emphasizes the learning process that is
delivered in an active and fun way because outwardly children prefer
to be in an informal, open, and free room compared to a formal,
closed environment with a limited environment. In being creative in
an open and free school environment, children can enjoy their school-

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time, so that the development of creative values and abilities becomes

more effective. Children are educated to be free to explore,
experiment, and express themselves in developing into human beings
with character, noble character, and ready to become leaders. School
of Nature is an alternative school that provides wide space for students
to explore various sciences by engaging directly with learning objects
in nature. More precisely, the nature school utilizes nature as an
unlimited means for exploring the subject matter that students are
engaged in.
Children are freed to be themselves, and develop their
potential to grow into human beings with character, noble character,
and knowledge of knowledge who are ready to become leaders on
earth (khalifatu fil ardh). Children are freed from the pressures of
pursuing grades and rankings but are encouraged to cultivate a
scientific tradition. Achievement is not seen in comparison with other
children, but from their efforts to maximize their potential and
become better. Learning to be something fun, not burdensome.
Learning is a necessity, not a necessity, so the school does not become
a boring prison.
The education system of this school is different from formal
schools in general. The curriculum applied in this school is prepared
by the teaching staff to suit the abilities of the students. The education
system in this school combines theory and application. Children in
this natural school learn not only by listening to the teacher's
explanations but also by seeing, touching, feeling, and following the
whole process of each learning. In this natural school, children are
also directed to understand their own basic potential, each child is
valued for its strengths and its weaknesses are understood. In general,
the moral and social development of each student is an aspect that is
also observed and developed in this natural school. Through activities
organized by natural schools, both those that are studied directly and
other supporting activities are able to hone maximum abilities (Aprilia
& Trihantoyo, 2018).
Various programs have been implemented in natural school
educational institutions and are expected to provide quality education,
to achieve national education goals. All programs and plans at these
natural schools cannot develop and run optimally without good and
regular management, which can be referred to as “curriculum
management” (Adipratama dkk., 2018). Curriculum management
applied in natural schools certainly does not make time to enter just to
study, but must be able to create a fun and varied learning
atmosphere. Through an integrated design, students are expected to

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51 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

be able to become complete individuals who are not only intellectually

intelligent but have independent personalities. However, they are also
expected to have emotional, social sensitivity and be able to practice
religious teachings in a real-life environment, and be competent in
their fields.
Based on the description above, the author will present the
results of research on the Concept and Application of Environmental-
Based Curriculum Management in Elementary Schools. The purpose
of this research is to provide an explanation of the concept and
implementation of environmentally friendly curriculum management
in Elementary School of Nature, an explanation of the supporting and
inhibiting factors in implementing curriculum management, and the
efforts made by the school in achieving the objectives of the
environmentally friendly curriculum.

Management is an important aspect in human life. The
application of management concepts is closely related to the process of
achieving goals in organizations, one of which is the world of
education (Usman, 2011). Management is defined as management
activities, management activities, management (Manulang, 2009), and
other aligned activities in the organizational context (Astuti, 2019).
According to the Islamic view, management has been
introduced since the creation of the universe. The teachings of Islam
contained in the Qur'an and Hadith always teach about human life
which should be directed and orderly in accordance with the elements
of management. Even when Prophet Adam was made caliph on earth,
Prophet Adam had implemented and implemented the elements of
management. This is a tangible manifestation of the implementation
of management that is directed at order (Astuti, 2019)
Management (in an Islamic point of view) is known as al-tadbir,
which means regulation (Ramayulis, 2008). The term Al-tadbir which
is a derivation of the word dabbara (to regulate) has been widely
written in the Qur'an. As one of the words of Allah SWT is as follows:
“He arranges affairs from the heavens to the earth, then (affairs) it rises to him
in one day whose level is a thousand years according to your reckoning (QS.
As-Sajdah: 5).”
Based on the content of the verse above, we can know that Allah
SWT is the one who rules the universe (Al-Muddabir / manager). All
the cycles that occur regularly in the universe are clear evidence of the
greatness of Allah SWT in managing the universe. While humans as
creatures created by Allah SWT to be caliphs on earth, humans should

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also have to regulate and manage the earth as well as possible as Allah
SWT has arranged this universe (Astuti, 2019). Viewed from several
aspects, management cannot be separated from four important
components, namely planning (planning), organizing (organizing),
actuating (implementation), and controlling (controlling / evaluation)
(M. Yacoeb, 2013).
The curriculum is a vital element in determining the output that
will be produced in the world of education. Historically, the
curriculum as a field of study began to be seen in the late 19th
century. In its development, thoughts towards a new curriculum
specialist emerged after 1918. This was marked by the publication of a
book on curriculum by Franklin Bobbitt with the title The
Curriculum and followed by a book entitled How To Make A
Curriculum (Sarinah, 2015)
Until now, there are still complaints about the definition of the
term curriculum in the international education literature.
Etymologically, the term curriculum comes from the Greek, namely
curir. The word curir (from the verb) means to run and in nouns
refers to the term's course and vehicle (Jan dkk., 2009). So in Ancient
Roman times in Greece, the term curriculum was defined as a distance
that had to be traveled by runners from the start line to the finish line
(Ramayulis, 2002). In Arabic, the term curriculum is known as manhaj,
which means a bright path that is traversed by humans in various areas
of life (Ramayulis, 2002). While in Indonesian, the curriculum is
defined as the arrangement of plans that are applied in teaching.
Many experts have expressed opinions about the definition of
curriculum, as follows:
1. D.K. Wheeler (1967) defines curriculum as a planned experience
that is deliberately offered to students during the learning process
at school (...by the curriculum we mean the planned experiences offered
to the learner under the guidance of the school) (Print, 1993).
2. G. Saylor, W. Alexander & Aj. Lewis (1981), translated the
curriculum as a plan to provide learning opportunities for
students to be educated (by the curriculum we mean the planned
experiences offered to the learner under the guidance of the school).
3. J. Wiles & J. Bondi (1989) define a curriculum as a set of goals or
values that are achieved through the process of developing
classroom experiences for students. The extent to which students'
experiences are a real representation of goals or objectives which
are a direct function of the effectiveness of curriculum

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53 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

4. Hilda Taba (1962) in her book Curriculum Development Theory

and Practice describes the curriculum as a plan in learning that is
planned to be studied by students which contain plans for
students (Print, 1993).
5. The curriculum, according to Law No. 20 of 2003, is a set of
plans and arrangements relating to the objectives, content, and
teaching materials, as well as the methods utilized as guides for
the implementation of learning activities in Indonesia to attain
educational goals.
In the learning process in educational institutions, the
curriculum must apply for these three roles in a balanced way. In
accordance with these roles, the content of the curriculum must also
be in line with educational goals. According to McNeil (1990)
curriculum content has four functions, namely (1) common and
general education; (2) supplementation; (3) exploration; and (4)
specialization (Sanjaya, 2015). As a system, the curriculum consists of
several components that are interrelated and influence each other in
achieving its goals. The components of the curriculum include
curriculum aims, goals and objectives; curriculum content or subject
matter; curriculum experience; and curriculum evaluation (Susilana,
Curriculum management is a cooperative, comprehensive, and
systematic curriculum management system in order to realize
curriculum achievement to achieve educational goals. Curriculum
Management in Improving the Quality of Graduates consists of four
stages, namely planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating.
Curriculum planning includes determining objectives, determining
methods, determining material or content, and determining
evaluations. Organizing the curriculum includes the preparation of an
academic calendar, preparation of lesson schedules, setting the duties
and obligations of educators, and school activity programs. The
implementation of the curriculum includes learning materials or
materials, learning strategies and methods, learning facilities and
infrastructure, and learning assessment systems. Curriculum
evaluation includes evaluation of educational objectives, evaluation of
content or materials, evaluation of learning strategies, and evaluation
of assessment programs (Suryana & Ismi, 2019).
Education not only provides knowledge about the
environment but also increases awareness of the environment and
concern for environmental conditions. Through environmental
education, individuals will be able to understand the importance of
the environment, and how the environment relates to economic,

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social, cultural, and development problems. Therefore, if education is

understood as an effort to direct individuals towards changes in
lifestyle and behavior that are environmentally friendly.
Environmental education is directed at developing understanding and
motivation as well as skills and concern for the fair use and conversion
of natural resources.
An environment is a unit in which there are various kinds of
interdependent life. Moreover, the environment is a very important
support for the survival of all living things that exist. Because a healthy
environment will be realized if humans and their environment are in
good condition. The basic principles of implementing an
environment-based curriculum are the education system itself because
education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning
atmosphere so that students actively develop their potential to have
religious-spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
human character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation, and
state (Rimbano & Rahma, 2019).
Some results of previous research are as follows:
Research conducted by Sri Lestari et al in 2015 with the title
Implementasi Kurikulum Sekolah Berbasis Lingkungan SD Cahaya Nur,
gave the result that the implementation of an environment-based
school curriculum was realized by the content of Environmental
Education subjects. All learning instruments are associated with the
concept of the environment. The habituation of the scope of life that
is taught includes: (1) Separating waste according to the group, namely
leaves, paper, plastic, metal, and glass, (2) Utilizing non-organic waste
into useful goods (3) reducing the use of plastic, paper, and tissue, (4)
Utilization of vacant land to be used as parks and school forests by
planting trees (5) Extension of environmentally friendly living culture,
(6) Habituation of electricity-saving behavior, (7) Habituation of water-
saving behavior (8) Habituation of doing clean Fridays, (9)
Habituation planting every Saturday, (10) not consuming food
additives, (11) cultural habituation of using public transportation to
reduce air pollution. (12) Processing of wet/organic waste into.
(Binedikta dkk., 2015)
Research conducted by Ela Nurhayati in 2015 with the title
Implementasi kurikulum berbasis lingkungan di sekolah adiwiyata: Studi
kasus di SMP Negeri 16 Surabaya gives the result that the curriculum has
a strategic role in the education system, namely realizing quality and
quality schools, as well as institutional goals in educational
institutions. The implementation of an environment-based curriculum
is a manifestation of one of the components of the Adiwiyata program

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55 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

because basically, schools have a major influence on environmental

sustainability and students will gain knowledge related to the
environment through schools. (Nurhayati, 2015)
Research conducted by Rimbano and Rahma in 2019 with the
title Kebijakan Kurikulum Berbasis Lingkungan Melalui Program Adiwiyata
Di Sekolah Menengah Atas explained the results that Environmentally
Friendly Policies were carried out by creating a vision and mission that
cares and is environmentally cultured, development of environmental
education learning, capacity building of Human Resources, school
policies that support the creation of clean and healthy schools. The
Principal's policy in efforts to save Natural Resources and school
policies for the allocation and use of funds for activities related to
environmental problems has a very positive impact. The environment-
based curriculum is implemented by getting students to love the
environment, having a creative stage as a place for students to learn
outside the classroom, applying education from local content subjects
in everyday life. Therefore, the implementation of the Environment-
Based Curriculum has been going well. This is because educators have
learning competencies in the environmental field so that conveying
material and practice with students can be done easily. (Rimbano &
Rahma, 2019)
The difference between this study and previous research is that
this research was conducted to review the concept and
implementation of environmentally friendly curriculum management
at Alam Elementary School in Pacitan Regency, which in this context
was conducted in the new normal era.

This research uses a qualitative approach (Cresswell, 2013) with the
aim of maintaining the form and content of the action and analyzing
the quantity to be converted into a qualitative entity (Mulyana, 2018).
The research method used is descriptive qualitative (Cresswell, 2013).
The research sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique
(Bungin, 2011), namely the actors involved in implementing an
environmentally friendly curriculum, consisting of principals, teachers,
and students. Data was collected through interviews (Sugiyono, 2014),
documentation (Suwandi, 2008) and literature studies. The research
was conducted at Alam Elementary School in Pacitan Regency. The
data were analyzed by data reduction techniques, data presentation,
conclusions, and verification. The results of the analysis were tested
for validity using the data triangulation method (Sugiyono, 2013).

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The Concept and Implementation .... – Efi Tri Astuti, et al 56


Alam Elementary School Pacitan is a private elementary school
that was established on May 20, 2008 with School Statistics Number:
102051204043 and Accreditation A. This school is located in
Sidoharjo Village in Pacitan District, adjacent to the PDAM Office,
Plantation and Forestry Office and also borders a rice field area that
can be accessed by the public. Used in children's learning activities to
add insight into the environment. Alam Elementary School has a
building area of 1,080 M2 with 139 students and 20 teachers and
employees. The vision of Alam Elementary School is: To become a
leading and trusted school in the application of integrated learning,
with natural insight, local potential, and environmental culture. The
school concept is nature as a medium and teaching material in the
learning process. This school is a school with a universal concept,
educating students to become human beings with character, able to
take advantage of nature, love, and care for the natural environment.
The essence of the natural school is to teach four main things,
namely universal morals/morals, the logic of science, leadership, and
entrepreneurship / interpneurship. Meanwhile, in the learning
process, the existence of nature is useful as learning space, media, and
teaching materials, learning objects. By strengthening the existence of
nature and strengthening local culture, the school looks more
beautiful and beautiful with bamboo gates and a roof made of coconut
leaves, not only that, several elements of local ornaments are also
placed as part of the beauty of the school. For example, kentongan
and piles of coconut skins, typical Pacitan boats, rice plows (brujul),
luku and various natural materials adorn the corners of the
The habituation pattern and behavior of all school members
(consisting of students, teachers, and employees) has been practiced
since the beginning, namely, by utilizing the school garden, children's
agricultural laboratories are placed in the middle and side gardens. It
can be seen that every morning the children are already busy observing
plants as part of the process of interacting with the universe. With this
concept, it becomes the capital towards the AdiWiyata school in
Pacitan Regency which is expected to be able to build, change patterns
and behaviors that are environmentally sound.
The implementation of the Alam Elementary School is based
on the dream of creating a school that gives freedom to children to
explore, experiment, express without being limited by barriers and
rules that impede creativity, curiosity without limiting movement with

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57 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

real life and the cultivation of ethics, norms, beliefs, and a love for
nature which is the basis for shaping intelligent children.
The school is a form of dream school, namely a school for
those who dream of change in the world of education. Not just a
change in systems, methods, and targets or learning media, but a
change in the overall educational paradigm. In the end, the concept of
education promoted by this school leads to improvements in the
quality and end result of the educational process itself. Alam
Elementary School also aspires to address the nation's future
development needs in order to be competitive with other countries. As
a result, children are prepared as early as possible in this school
through an educational process that considers differences in students'
potential for intelligence, skills, talents, and interests, so that the
graduates produced are relevant to their needs, both as individuals
and families, as well as the needs of society and nation-building in
various fields, sectors, whether local, national, or international.
In addition, the Alam Elementary School also has a basic
existentialist philosophy, namely the belief that education must
develop the existence of students as optimally as possible through
quality and pro-change educational process (creative, innovative,
experimental), and develop the talents, interests, and abilities of
participants. Maximally educated.
Environmentally-minded curriculum management at Alam
Elementary School has basically been implemented since 2008. In
2008 Alam Elementary School was established with the concept of
integrating environmental education into the education unit level
curriculum (KTSP) used. But now this integration has shifted to the
2013 Curriculum with post-pandemic simplification in the new
normal era. In general, the implementation of environmentally
friendly curriculum management at Alam Elementary School can be
observed from several management elements that have been
implemented in schools, including:
a. Environmentally friendly curriculum management planning.
Planning as the first step taken by all parties in the school
is a very important part of a program, which is then applied in
learning. Good planning is a determinant of success because
through planning the program implementation will be smoother
and easier. The plan contains steps that serve as guidelines for
implementation, and strategies to anticipate all possibilities that
may occur in the future.
Curriculum management planning at Alam Elementary
School is realized through the involvement of all teachers in

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making the Learning Implementation Plan. RPP based on an

environmentally friendly curriculum is structured so that the
implementation of learning is in accordance with the stages so
that it can run smoothly, effectively, and efficiently. The
implementation of environmentally friendly curriculum
management is carried out by adjusting the material to be taught
in each session with the curriculum set by the school.
Based on the results of the documentation study, it is also
seen that the Alam Elementary School has set graduate
competency standards, minimum completeness criteria, and
procedures for grade promotion and student graduation as a form
of achievement of the school's vision. These standards are the
reference for teachers to create Learning Implementation Plans
based on an environmentally friendly curriculum.
b. Implementation of environmentally friendly curriculum
management at Alam Elementary School
The implementation of environmentally friendly
curriculum management at Alam Elementary School runs
effectively every day in the form of Teaching and Learning
Activities (KBM) according to the lesson schedule, learning
implementation plans, and programs that have been made.
Implementation of an environmentally friendly curriculum at
Alam Elementary School by using various methods, strategies, and
media that are tailored to the abilities and needs of students.
The implementation of learning is mostly carried out
outside the classroom with the aim of providing and exploring
student experiences directly in the natural environment so that
the subject matter presented will be easily accepted and
understood by students. The facilities that can be used are school
forests, agricultural laboratories, the natural environment outside
the school. While activities that reflect an environmentally
friendly curriculum include: processing organic waste into
compost, cultivating the collection of organic waste (leaves and
twigs) that fall in school parks/forests, utilization of inorganic
waste as handicrafts (recycled clothes for fashion shows), plant
experiments to Live In activities with rural communities.
c. Supervision
Implementation of environmentally friendly curriculum
management is also inseparable from supervision, namely to see
how far the results have been achieved. Supervision is carried out
directly by the principal and class teachers as well as field teachers.
Activities that are being carried out by students are supervised

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DOI: 10.24269/ijpi.v6i1.3107
59 ISTAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IJPI) | p-ISSN: 2502-573 e-ISSN: 2541-0970
Volume 6, Issue 1 | March 2021

directly, especially by class teachers and teachers in the field of

study and their respective mentors. That way reporting to the
principal will be easier and faster. Besides, ongoing activities are
also monitored from CCTV footage in every corner of the school.
This proves that SD Alam is an environmentally friendly school
that also follows and utilizes the products of modern technology
d. Evaluation
The last stage is evaluation. Several methods are used in
the evaluation process, including evaluation per each unit of
activity, which is carried out every semester to determine the
percentage of children who master the material that has been
given during learning.
The evaluation activities involved are classroom teachers,
the field of study teachers, and accompanying teachers. Then if
something is found after being evaluated, there will be changes to
make understanding of the material and skills more advanced.
The results of the evaluation were then disseminated to the
guardians of students through circulars and information via
WhatsApp media.
The obstacle in implementing environmentally friendly
curriculum management at Alam Elementary School is the
inadequate infrastructure which results in less than optimal
learning implementation. In addition, the availability of funding
is still lacking resulting in slowing or disrupting the learning
process. The efforts made by the school are to collaborate with
other parties including parents more intensively to develop school
facilities and infrastructure.

Alam Elementary School is one of the elementary schools in
Pacitan Regency that implements environmentally friendly curriculum
management with 4 stages, namely planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation. The supporting infrastructure facilities
include school forests, agricultural laboratories, the natural
environment around the school, and collaboration with the
community. The learning activities carried out at this nature school
are based on the concept of having an insight into the universe, which
makes students grow into human beings with character, able to take
advantage of nature, love, and care for the natural environment. Real
examples of the application of the curriculum include: processing
organic waste into compost, cultivating the collection of organic waste

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The Concept and Implementation .... – Efi Tri Astuti, et al 60

(leaves and twigs) that fall in school parks/forests, utilization of

inorganic waste as handicrafts (recycled clothes for fashion shows),
plant experiments to on Live In activities with rural communities. The
obstacles encountered in implementation are the lack of facilities and
infrastructure as well as funding in school institutions. However, this
can be overcome by the existence of cooperation between the parties.

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