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Fiesta Mandala

Designed by: Sandra Salas (Dimequesi Tejidos)

Translation by: Nancy Falistocco
Welcome to the Fiesta Mandala ! This is my first design; I am so happy to share this with you
and hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.

My Mandala has been crafted with fine cotton. 10 colors.
Hook 2;5 mm
Measures: 30 cm. Prior to blocking.
You are welcome to use any yarn you wish, so the finished size will depend on the yarn weight
and hook size you use.

I would also like to thank my team of collaborators, I could not have done this without you!

Lizzie Cairo:

Julia Veloszo Pazols:
Ilse Beulens:
Las labores de Carmita:
Paulina Smith Maraboli:
Nancy Falistocco :
Catalina Gonzalez:

You can hashtag your progress or finished Mandala:


Social Media:

Please remember: This is a free pattern designed by Dimequesi Tejidos and is

Copyright protected and cannot be changed, sold, published or reproduced in
any way. You cannot sell or change the pattern.

1 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Abbreviations Used: (US terms)
MR = magic ring
st(s) = stitch (s)
ch (s) = chain (s)
slst= slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
tr = treble/triple crochet
FPsc = front post single crochet
BPsc = back post single crochet
FPhdc = Front post half double crochet
BPhdc = Back post half double crochet
FPdc= Front post double crochet
BPdc = Back post double crochet
2dcCL = 2 double crochet cluster
3dcCL = 3 double crochet cluster
PC = popcorn

* * Repeat the instructions between the asterisks the number of times specified. Usually these
instructions are for the entire round and may contain different instrucciones.
( ) Repeat instructions between parenthesis as indicated.
{ } Total amount of stitches per round. I prefer to start with a standing stitch and end my
round with an invisible slip stitch; however, feel free to work with your prefered method to
start and end each round.

Special stitches:
Picot: chain 3, insert hook in third chain from hook, YO and pull through stitch and loop on
the hook.
Popcorn: Work 5 double crochet stitches in the same stitch. Drop the loop from your hook.
Insert your hook from the front to the back under the top 2 loops of the first double crochet of
the group. Grab the dropped loop with your hook and pull it through the stitch. Close your PC
with Ch1. This Ch1 is part of the stich.
Puff or PS: YO, insert hook in the indicated stitch YO, pull loop through stitch and make loop
same height as previous stitches in the same row, (YO, insert hook in the same stitch, YO,
pull loop through stitch and make loop same height as working row) twice, YO, pull through
all 7 loops on hook, Ch 1. This Ch1 is part of the stich.
3dcCL: Make a (standing) unfinished dc, 2 loops on your hook, make another 2 unfinished dc
in the same st or sp, 4 loops on your hook, yarn over and pull through all 4 loops.
2trCL: Make a (standing) unfinished tr, 2 loops on your hook, make another unfinished tr in
the same st or sp, 3 loops on your hook, yarn over and pull through all 3 loops.

2 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 1
Start with a MR, ch 5 equivalent: hdc (ch 2) and picot (ch3) slst in the 4th ch (this creates a
Picot), *hdc, picot* 11 times.
{2 ch, 11 hdc, 12 picots}

Roumd 2
Start in any Hdc, Standing BPhdc , *(Ch 1, BPhdc) 11 times * ch1.
{12 Bphdc, 12 ch}

Round 3
Start in any ch1 space from previous round.
*(puff , ch 1, puff,) in the ch 1 space, ch 1,skip (hdc, ch 1, hdc)* 6 veces.
{12 puff, 12 ch}

3 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 4
Start in any ch1 space that was skipped in round 2.
*work in ch1 space from round 3, work in front of chain, pc, ch2. Work behind chain from round
3, sc in ch1 space from round 2 between puffs, ch2* 6 times.
{6 pc, 6 sc, 24 ch}

Round 5
Start in any popcorn from previous round.
*FPsc around pc from round 4, FPhdc around puff from round 3, (hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc) in the
ch1 space between the puffs stitch from round 3, FPhdc around the puff stitch from round 3 *
6 times.
{6 FPsc, 12 FPhdc, 12 hdc, 12 dc, 6 tr}

Round 6
Start in any FPsc from previous round.
*In FPsc fron round 5(3dcCL, 2 ch, 3dcCL, Ch 2, 3dcCL), Ch1, BPsc around tr from previous
round, Ch1 *6 times.
{18 3dcCL, 36 chs, 6 BPsc}

4 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 7
Start in ch space on the left of a BPsc
*2 sc in ch1 space, FPhdc, (hdc, 2dc) in ch2 space, FPtr, (2dc, hdc) in ch2 space, FPhdc, (2sc) in
ch1 sp, ch1, skip FPsc from previous round)* 6 times.
{24 sc, 12 FPhdc, 12 hdc, 24 dc, 6 FPtr, 6 chs}

Round 8
Start in ch1 space from previous round.
*(2dcCL, Ch3, 2dcCL, Ch3, 2dcCL), skip 2 sc and 1 FPhdc , BPhdc in next 7 stitches, skip FPhdc
and 2 sc* 6 times.
{18 2dcCL, 36 ch, 42 BPhdc}

Round 9
Start in the 4th BPhdc from previous round .
*sc, Ch1, skip 3 BPhdc, FPdc around 2dcCL , 3 puff in ch3 space, FPdc around 2dcCL, 3 puffs
in ch3 space, FPdc around 2dcCL, Ch1, skip next 3 FPhdc* 6 times.
{6 sc, 12 chs, 18 FPdc, 36 puff}

5 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 10
Start in any sc from previous round.
*Fphdc, 2 hdc in ch1 space, FPhdc in next 2 stitches, hdc in space between puffs, FPhdc, hdc in
space between puffs, FPhdc in next 3 stitches, hdc in space between puffs, FPhdc, hdc in space
between puffs, FPhdc in next 2 stitches, 2 hdc in ch1 space* 6 times.
{48 hdc, 60 FPhdc}

Round 11
Start in the first hdc to the left of FPhdc from previous round.
*BPhdc in next 17 stitches, skip FPhdc * 6 times
{102 BPhdc}

Round 12
Start in any FPhdc that was skipped from round 10.
*FPdc, BPhdc in next 17 stitches* 6 times.
{6 FPdc, 102 BPhdc}

6 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 13
Start in any FPdc from previous round
*(dc, ch1, dc) in the FPdc, hdc in next 7 stitches., (2 hdc) in next stitch, hdc in next stitch, (2 hdc)
in next stitch, hdc in following 7 stitches* 6 times.
{114 hdc, 12 dc, 6 chs}

Round 14
Start in any ch1 space from previous round.
*(puff, ch2, puff) in ch1 space. Skip dc and hdc, sc in next 18 stitches, skip dc* 6 times.
{12 puff, 12 chs. 108 sc}

Round 15
Start in a ch2 space from the previous round.
*(3 sc) in ch2 space, FPhdc around puff, FPdc around skipped dc in round 13, skip sc, (sc, ch5,
skip 4 sc) 3 times, sc, skip sc, FPdc around skipped dc from round 13, FPhdc aroun puff* 6 ti-
{42 sc, 12 FPhdc, 12 FPdc, 18 ch5 spaces}

7 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 16
Start in the first ch5 space from previous round.
*(6 sc in ch5 , skip 1 sc) 3 times, FPhdc around FPdc from previous round, hdc in next stitch,
(2 dc in next stitch) 3 times, hdc, FPhdc around FPdc from previous round, skip 1sc* 6 times.
{108 sc, 12 FPhdc, 12 hdc, 36 dc}

Round 17
Start in any FPhdc after the last 6 sc.
*FPhdc, BPdc, (ch1, BPdc) 7 times, FPhdc around Fphdc from previous round, (skip 1 sc, BPhdc
in next 5 sc, FPdc around sc from round 15) 2 times, skip next sc, BPhdc in next 5sc * 6 times.
{12 FPhdc, 12 FPdc, 48 BPdc, 90 BPhdc, 42 ch1 sp}

Round 18
Start in the first BPdc from previous round.
*FPdc, (3dcCL in ch1 space, ch1, FPdc) 7 times. Skip FPhdc and 2 BPhdc, BPhdc in next 3
stitches, FPhdc, BPhdc in next 5 stitches, FPhdc, BPhdc in next 3 stitches, skip 2 BPhdc and 1
FPhdc)* 6 times.
{48 FPdc, 42 x 3dcCL, 66 BPhdc, 12 FPhdc, 42 ch1 sp}

8 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 19
Start in the first BPhdc before the flower.
*sc. Working behing the flower (ch1, BPhdc around BPdc from round 17) 8 times. ch1, sc in first
BPhdc from previous round, ch3, skip 2 stitches, pc, ch3, skip 2 stitches, sc, ch3, skip 2 stitches,
pc, ch3, skip 2 stitches* 6 times.
{12 pc, 18 sc. 48 BPhdc, 54 ch1 spaces, 24 ch3 spaces}

Round 20
Start in the first ch1 space from the previous round that is behind the flower.
*sc in the chain 1 space (ch1, sc in the ch1 space) 8 times. Skip sc, (4 hdc) in ch3 space, hdc in
pop, (4 hdc) in ch3 space, skip sc, (4 hdc) in ch3 space, hdc in pop, (4 hdc) in ch3 space, skip sc*
6 times.
{54 sc, 48 ch. 108 hdc}

9 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 21
Start in the firts ch1 space from previous round that will also be behind the flower
*sc in ch1 space (ch1, sc in ch1 space) 7 times. Skip sc, BPhdc in next 18 stitches, skip sc* 6
{48 sc, 42 chs, 108 BPhdc}

Round 22
Start in first ch1 space from previous round that is behind the flower.
*sc in ch1 space (ch1, sc in ch1 space) 6 times. Skip sc, BPhdc in next 9 stitches, FPdc around
sc from round 19, BPhdc in the next 9 stitches, skip sc* 6 times.
{108 BPhdc, 6 FPdc, 42 sc, 36 ch}

10 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 23
Start in the 2nd BPhdc erase this after the flower.
*BPsc in the next 8 stitches, FPhdc, BPsc in next 8 stitches, (ch1, BPhdc around 3dc CL from
round 18) 5 times starting whith the 2nd 3dcCL on the flower, ch1. Skip BPhdc from round 22*
6 times. End with a slst in the first BPsc, do not fasten off.
{96 BPsc, 6 FPhdc, 30 BPhdc, 36 chs}

Round 24
Start in the same stich as the slst. CH1, this does not count as a stitch.
*sc in next 8 sts, FPhdc around FPhdc from previous round, sc in next 8 sts, hdc in ch1 space,
hdc in BPhdc (sc in ch1 space, sc in BPhdc) 3 times, sc in ch1 space, hdc in BPhdc, hdc in ch1
space* 6 times. End with slst in first sc, do not fasten off.
{138 sc, 24 hdc, 6 FPhdc}

11 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 25
Start in the same stich as the slst. CH1, this does not count as a stitch.
*sc in next 8 stitches, FPsc, sc in the next 8 sts, (2sc) in next stitch, sc in next 2 stitches, (2 sc)
in next stitch, sc, FPsc, sc, (2 sc) in next stitch, sc in next 2 stitches, (2 sc) in the next stitch* 6
{180 sc, 12 FPsc}

Round 26
Start in any FPsc located between the flowers.
*(3dcCL, Ch3, 3dcCL) in the same stich, skip 2 sts, 3 sc, skip 2 sts* 24 times.
{48 3dcCL, 72 sc, 24 ch3 spaces}

Round 27
Start in the first sc from the 3sc group in previous round.
*sc in next 3 stitches, FPhdc around 3dcCL, (3 puff) in ch3 space, FPhdc around 3dcCL * 24
{72 sc, 72 puff, 48 FPhdc}

12 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

Round 28
Start in the 2nd sc of the 3 sc group from previous round.
*puff, skip 1 sc, FPsc, sc in the space between FPhdc and the puff. (FPsc around puff, sc be-
tween puffs) 2 times, FPsc around puff, sc in the space between the puff and FPhdc, FPsc, skip
1 sc* 24 times.
{24 puff, 120 FPsc, 96 sc}

Round 29
Start in any puff from the previous round.
*FPsc around puff, skip a stitch, hdc in the next 3 sts (dc, ch1, dc) in next stitch, hdc in next 3
sts, skip 1 stich* 24 times.
{24 FPsc, 144 hdc, 48 dc, 24 chs}

Round 30
Start in any FPsc from previous round.
*Fpsc, BPhdc in next 4 stitches, (3 hdc) in ch1 space, BPhdc in next 4 stitches* 24 times.
Fasten off and weave in ends.
{24 FPsc, 192 BPhdc, 72 hdc}

13 Dimequesi Tejidos free pattern

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