org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Abstract: In today’s life vehicles are important factor. But due to environmental impact there is limitation of utilization of
conventional vehicle. Places like airport, hospital, college campus gasoline vehicles are ban because of pollution. We observe the
difficulties of old people, physical handicap and patients in public places. To avoid such problem electrical vehicle play important
role. Generally we preferred electric cars which is driven by battery powered electric motor. Those vehicle are manufactured for
above concern. The numbers of electric vehicles are increasing day by day because of environmental concern and high gasoline
price. In this paper we focus on electrical tri wheeler. For this tri wheeler 36V lead acid battery is used and it is driven by PMDC
motor. Controller is the brain of electric vehicle that controls all the functions of electrical accessories. In this paper we discuss
about structural designing and fabrication of electrical tri-wheeler.
Index Terms – Chassis, PMDC motor, PMDC motor controller, Battery, Throttle, Brakes.
In our world the energy conservation and environmental protection are growing rapidly, this development is fulfilled by
Electrical Vehicle technology. These vehicles are able to provide emission free environment in urban transportation. Even we can
consider conservation in power plant emission which produce fuel for gasoline vehicle. The use of electrical vehicle automatically
reduce global air pollution. Therefore electrical vehicle creates good impact on transportation, environmental, economic aspects as
well as give contribution in development of technology.
Therefore design and fabrication of electrical vehicle has become a major concern. Battery operated vehicle eliminate need of
fuel and thus becomes economical. It gives silent operation which reduce noise pollution as well. As design of vehicle gives us idea
about looks and geographical structure. This design will help us to construction and mounting of electrical component. Design is
also important for weight calculation and other physical quantities like body shape structure and tire diameter. These quantities has
effect on aerodynamic of vehicle. Calculation of many factors like battery rating, size of motor are made easy due to design. Places
of sensors are easy to specify due to design.
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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
The electric vehicle play important role to boost automobile in advance generation. Mostly electrical vehicle are driven by
batteries. But the problem seen in this is it require steady long time to charge. It leads towards consume more conventional power
for generation of electricity. System advancement and developments are made nowadays to use more renewable energy resources
so as to consume less conventional power from utility for charging the vehicle. Use of solar cells and wind power for charging the
vehicle battery can be done which will considerably reduce the fossil fuel use for conventional power generation, greenhouse
emission, etc.
The design and fabrication work of electric vehicle start with the collection of data regarding the need for different EV
components, chassis design and strength, battery power calculation, selection of motor, etc. the flowchart describe the plan of
action carried out in order tips on discipline to design and Fabrication of the car from the development stage. After literature
survey, brainstorming session was conducted to decide on possible features to be incorporated in the electric car.
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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
As per design specification, battery rating, motor capacity and chassis design fully assembled vehicle was tested on flat road
under different load conditions (depending on weight and number of persons carried) the following results were obtained:
Case II: For gross weight of 167 kg (3 persons) and 900 m distance.
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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Case III: For gross weight of 210 kg (4 persons) and 2500 m distance.
We can further develop more features in this car. This car can be fabricated for the purpose of self-charging the battery when
the vehicle is in moving condition with the help of wind turbine and dynamo as well. This vehicle uses a Lead acid battery which
needs replacement after some period. Instead of using Lead acid battery, we can switch over to Lithium-ion batteries which
provides more life cycles and they are much reliable. We can use high rated DC motor to drive the high loads as possible. New
inventions of lighter but stronger materials like carbon fibers, High strength polymers can help in reducing the overall weight of
the car and thus smaller sized high efficiency motors can be used. In future, we can add solar panels to this car to make it more
economical. We can encrypt the idea of multipurpose vehicle similar to existing, so that we can develop the electric car to the
next level.
The car is much comfortable which supports the driver for easy riding. It is very less weight compared to a small car and
provides better safety than a two-wheeler. This project provides flexibility in operation and noiseless operation. The scope of this
project lies in fully determining and understanding the functioning of car. This project gives solution to the old problems, where
the most common problem arising from existing electric car is the recharging system. The conventional system leads to consume
more conventional power and time.
This vehicle uses a Lead acid battery which needs replacement after some period. Instead of using Lead acid battery, we can
switch over to Lithium-ion batteries which provides more life cycles and they are much reliable. We can use high rated DC motor
to drive the high loads as possible. New inventions of lighter but stronger materials like carbon fibers, High strength polymers can
help in reducing the overall weight of the car and thus smaller sized high efficiency motors can be used. In future, we can add
solar panels to this car to make it more economical. We can encrypt the idea of multipurpose vehicle similar to existing, so that
we can develop the electric car to the next level.
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