312309 - Elements of Electronics 1

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(Autonomous) (ISO 9001: 2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
A Laboratory Manual for

Elements of Electronics



Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ...................................................................... Roll
No. ………., of Second Semester of Diploma in…………………
………………….…………… of Institute,……………..………………………
……………… (Code: …………...) has completed the term work satisfactorily
in Subject Elements of Electronics (312309) for the academic year
20…….. to 20… as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: …………… Enrollment No: .……………

Date: …………… Exam. Seat No: ……………

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Elements of Electronics (312309)

The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/field work in the technical education
system is to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in
view, MSBTE embarked on this innovative ‘K’ Scheme curricula for engineering diploma
programmes with outcome-based education as the focus and accordingly, relatively large
amount of time is allotted for the practical work. This displays the great importance of
laboratory work making each teacher; instructor and student to realize that every minute of
the laboratory time need to be effectively utilized to develop these outcomes, rather than
doing other mundane activities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of this outcome-
based curriculum, every practical has been designed to serve as a ‘vehicle’ to develop this
industry identified competency in every student. The practical skills are difficult to develop
through ‘chalk and duster’ activity in the classroom situation. Accordingly, the ‘K’ scheme
laboratory manual development team designed the practical to focus on the outcomes, rather
than the traditional age old practice of conducting practical to ‘verify the theory’ (which may
become a byproduct along the way).
This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students,
teachers and instructors to develop in the student the pre-determined outcomes. It is expected
from each student that at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read through the
concerned practical procedure that they will do the next day and understand the minimum
theoretical background associated with the practical. Every practical in this manual begins by
identifying the competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes and practical outcomes
which serve as a key focal point for doing the practical. The students will then become aware
about the skills they will achieve through procedure shown there and necessary precautions to
be taken, which will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in their professional

This manual also provides guidelines to teachers and instructors to effectively

facilitate student-centered lab activities through each practical exercise by arranging and
managing necessary resources in order that the students follow the procedures and precautions
systematically ensuring the achievement of outcomes in the students.

Elements of Electronics course provides a platform for students to understand

working of active components such as Diode, BJT, MOSFET, JFET and circuits likerectifier,
oscillator, regulators and digital electronics circuits. It is one of the foundation course, which
is required for students to understand working of complex electronic circuits and systems
suitable in electrical engineering applications. It also gives information about rectifiers,
filters, different oscillator circuits, voltage regulator and digital circuits with their
applications for effective functioning in the field of electrical engineering.
Although best possible care has been taken to check for errors (if any) in this
laboratory manual, perfection may elude us as this is the first edition of this manual. Any
errors and suggestions for improvement are solicited and highly welcome.

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) i

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Programme Outcomes (POs) to be achieved through Practical

Following programme outcomes are expected to be achieved through the practical of the

PO1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science
and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.

PO2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.

PO3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems
and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.

PO4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

PO5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

PO6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team

member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined
engineering activities.

PO7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes.

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) ii

Elements of Electronics (312309)

List Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant skill of the competency “Use electronic components
and circuits in electrical equipment and systems” are expected to be developed in the
student byundertaking the practical of this laboratory manual.

1. Identify the electronic component.

2. Test electronic component
3. Select the electronic component of proper value as per the requirement.
4. Mount the electronic component on breadboard as per circuit diagram.
5. Test the circuit for the given application.
6. Compare the observed output with the expected output.
7. Find faults and trouble shoot the given circuit.

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) iii

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Practical- Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs):
CO1 - Identify various electronic components
CO2 - Use semiconductor diodes in different applications.
CO3 - Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.
CO4 - Use different types of Oscillators as per requirement
CO5 - Test operation of regulated power supply.

Practical Outcome 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Identification of Active and Passive √ - - - -
Components and DMM handling
2. √ - - - -
Measurement of amplitude, time period
and frequency of given signal on CRO
Check the performance of PN Junction -
3. diode - √ - -

4. Check performance of Zener diode - √ - - -

5. Test the performance of photo diode by - √ - - -

varying the light intensity as well as the
distance of the light source
Construct and Test the half wave
6. - √ - - -
7. Prepare and Test the half wave - √ - - -
rectifier with LC filter/ π filter.
8. Build and Test the full wave rectifier - √ - - -
using two diodes
Construct and Test the full wave
Bridge rectifier on bread board using - √ - - -
four diodes
10. Use LC/ π filter with full wave rectifier - √ - - -
to measure ripple factor
Prepare and Test the full wave rectifier
11. on bread board using IC KBU 808 with - √ - - -
12. Build clipper circuit and observe the - √ - - -
13. Construct clamper circuit and - √ - - -
observe waveforms
14. Identify and select transistors for given - - √ - -
application using datasheets
15. Build and Test the performance of BJT in - - √ - -
CB mode
Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) iv
Elements of Electronics (312309)

16. Construct and test the circuit for BJT in - - √ - -

common emitter configuration
17. Test the performance parameters of BJT - - √ - -
as Switch
18. Check the performance of FET drain - - √ - -
19. Test the performance of FET transfer - - √ - -
characteristics and calculate
20. Measure the frequency of given Oscillator - - - √ -
21. Find out faults at different stages of - - - - √
regulated DC power supply
22. Trouble shoot given DC regulated power - - - - √
23. Build and Test the performance of Zener - - - - √
voltage regulator for given voltage
24. Construct and Test the performance of - - - - √
Positive voltage regulator using 78XX ,
three terminal IC for given voltage.
25. Prepare and Test the performance of - - - - √
Dual voltage regulator using 78XX and
79XX ,three terminal IC for given voltage.
26. Test the performance of IC 723 as - - - - √

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) v

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Guidelines to Teachers

1. Teacher should provide the guideline with demonstration of practical to the

students with all features.
2. Teacher shall explain prior concepts to the students before starting of each practical
3. Involve students in performance of each experiment.
4. Teacher should ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in
the students after the completion of the practical exercise.
5. Teachers should give opportunity to students for hands on experience after the
6. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the
7. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though
not covered in the manual but are expected the students by the industry.
8. Finally give practical assignment and assess the performance of students based on
task assigned to check whether it is as per the instructions.
9. If practical is in two parts -Part I and Part II it should be conducted in two weeks.
10. Teacher is expected to refer complete curriculum document and follow guidelines
for implementation.

Instructions for Students

1. Listen carefully the lecture given by teacher about course, curriculum, learning
structure, skills to be developed.
2. Organize the work in the group and make record of all observations.
3. Students shall develop maintenance skill as expected by industries.
4. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and gain confidence.
5. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc.
those included in scope of manual
6. Student shall refer technical magazines, IS codes and data books.
7. Student should develop habit to submit the practical on date and time.
8. Student should well prepare while submitting write-up of exercise

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) vi

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Content Page
List of Practical’s and Formative Assessment Sheet

Date of Date of Assess Dated Rema rks

Sr. PageNo.
Practical perfor submi ment sign. of (if any)
No mance ssion marks(25) teacher

1. Identification of Active and Passive 1

components and DMM handling.
2. Measurement of amplitude, time period 7
and frequency of given signal on CRO
3. Check the performance of PN Junction 15

4. Check performance of Zener diode. 24

Test the performance of photo diode
5. 34
by varying the light intensity as well
as the distance of the light source.
Construct and Test the half wave
6. 44
Prepare and Test the half wave
7. 52
rectifier with LC filter/ π filter
Build and Test the full wave rectifier
8. 60
using two diodes
Construct and Test the full wave
9. 68
Bridge rectifier on bread board
using four diodes
Use LC/ π filter with full wave
10. 75
rectifier to measure ripple factor.
Prepare and Test the full wave rectifier
11. on bread board using IC KBU 808 with 83
Build clipper circuit and observe the
12. 88
Construct clamper circuit and
13. 95
observe waveforms.
Identify and select transistors for
14. 103
given application using datasheets

15. Build and Test the performance of BJT 110

in CB mode
16. Construct and test the circuit for BJT in 119
common emitter configuration.
17. Test the performance parameters of BJT 127
as Switch
18. Check the performance of FET drain 135
Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) vii
Elements of Electronics (312309)

19. Test the performance of FET transfer 144

characteristics and calculate
20. Measure the frequency of given 152
Oscillator circuit
21. Find out faults at different stages of 161
regulated DC power supply
22. Trouble shoot given DC regulated 166
power supply
23. Build and Test the performance of Zener 172
voltage regulator for given voltage
24. Construct and Test the performance of 181
Positive voltage regulator using 78XX ,
three terminal IC for given voltage
25. Prepare and Test the performance of 189
Dual voltage regulator using 78XX and
79XX ,three terminal IC for given
26. Test the performance of IC 723 as 198

• To be transferred to Proforma of CIAAN-2022

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) viii

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Practical No.1: Identification of Active and Passive components

and DMM handling

I Practical Significance
In industries, to build any hardware, it is necessary to identify
electronic component, their terminals, ratings and packaging. Depending on
application appropriate components need to be selected for better
performance. In this practical student will identify active and passive
electronic components on the basis of physical verification and basic
knowledge about the components. Multimeter is used to verify the
component ratings.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Identify electronic components used electronic circuits.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes
To identify active and passive electronic components in a given circuit
1. Identify active and passive components in given circuit.
2. Measure the rating of given resistors on Digital Multimeter (DMM).
3. Test Diode and LED on Digital Multimeter.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and instruments with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Passive Component: The device or component which do not require
external source for their operation are called Passive Component. A passive
component does not provide any power gain to a circuit.
Example: Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor.

Active Component: The device or components which required external

source for their operation are called Active Component. An active
component may provide power gain to a circuit.
Example: Diode, Transistor and Integrated Circuit (IC).

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 1

Elements of Electronics (312309)

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 1.1: Active Components and Passive Components

Figure 1.2: Digital Multimeter (DMM) for component testing

(b) Actual setup used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 2

Elements of Electronics (312309)

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor,
2 Electronic Components Asp per
PN junction diode, Zener diode, LED, BJT, requirement
FET, Integrated circuit.

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect probes of measuring instrument tightly to terminals of a

X Procedure
A) Component Identification:
1. Identify each terminal of the given component.
2. Select the proper range and position of various knobs of multimeter to
test the given component.
3. Observe the value of the given component on the multimeter meter.
4. Compare the obtained value with its theoretical value.
B) Resistance measurement:
1. Set DMM range switch to Ω meter.
2. Connect the probes to the two leads of the resistor.
3. The value indicated on the display is measured as the value of resistor.
4. Compare the value with colour code value of resistor.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 3
Elements of Electronics (312309)
C) Capacitance measurement:
1. Set DMM on correct range of capacitance.
2. Measure the value of capacitor inserting capacitor in appropriate volt
provided on meter.
D) Diode testing:
1. Set DMM range switch to Ω meter.
2. Connect the positive lead to the anode and negative lead to cathode.
Note forward resistance of diode.
3. Reverse the polarity of diode and note down reverse resistance of diode.
E) Transistor testing:
1. Set DMM range switch to hfe range.
2. Identify the lead of transistor in hfe socket which labeled as E.B.C.
3. Note the value indicated on display.
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Measure Value of Passive component

Component Measured Value Theoretical Value

1) Resistor 1)
2) Inductor 1)
3) Capacitor 1)

Table 2: Measure Value of Active component

Diode Type Forward Resistance Reverse Resistance
Transistor Type Maximum DC power gain (hfe)
BC148 (NPN)
BC157 (PNP)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XII Result
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and recommendation

XV Practical related Questions

1. Sketch the given components and label them.
2. Specify the multimeter range suitable for measuring a 10KΩ resistor.
3. Give stepwise procedure to test continuity of wire with the help of
[Space for answers]

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81o8OYPK5TQ
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEP6fgy_Cio
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hE6Ua68XdE

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 Identification of component 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 Working in team 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculate theoretical values of given component 10%
2 Interpretation of result 05 %
3 Conclusions 05 %
4 Practical related questions 15 %
5 Submitting the journal in time 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ...............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 6

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Practical No.2: Measurement of amplitude, time period and frequency of

given signal on CRO

I Practical Significance
In industries, for manufacture and maintenance of electronic circuits,
measurement / testing are a prime requirement. The various parameters are to
be tested with utmost accuracy and precision. For this purpose, testing
instruments like CRO are used. Through this practical, student will be able to
handle CRO efficiently for measuring amplitude, time period and frequency
of a given input

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill for the industry: ‘Use
electronic components and circuits in electrical equipment’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

This practical is a prerequisite to achieve various course outcomes.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome
Measure amplitude, time period and frequency of given signal on CRO

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety practices.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

CRO: A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is a type of electronic and measuring
instrument that allows observation of constantly varying signal voltages,
usually as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a
function of time. Other signals (such as Temperature/sound or
vibration) can be converted to voltages and displayed.
A graticule with a 1 cm grid enables one to take measurements of voltage
and time from the screen. The graph, usually called the trace, is drawn by a
beam of electrons striking the phosphor coating of the screen making it emit
light, usually green or blue.
Oscilloscopes use high voltages to create the electron beam and these remain
same time after switching off. For your own safety do not attempt to examine
the inside of an oscilloscope, An Oscilloscope is a test instrument which
allows observing the shape of the electrical signals by displaying the graph of
voltage against time on its screen.
Signal generator:
A Signal generator is electronic test equipment used to generate different
types of waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Signal generators

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 7

Elements of Electronics (312309)
are capable of producing the following types of repetitive waveforms as
shown in figure 2.1 and 2.2
Sine wave:
A Signal generator will normally have the capability to produce a standard
Sine wave output. This is the standard waveform that oscillates between two
levels with a standard sinusoidal shape.

Figure 2.1: Sine Wave

Square wave:
A square wave consists of a high and low level.

Figure 2.2: Square Wave

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 8

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VII Practical setup in Laboratory

Figure 2.3: Front Panel of CRO

Figure 2.4: Front Panel of Function Generator

Figure 2.5: Connecting Function Generator to CRO

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 9

Elements of Electronics (312309)
(b) Actual setup used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Sr. No Instruments/Components Specification Quantity

1 CRO 0-20MHz, Dual trace 1

2 Function Generator 0-1 MHz 1
3 Connecting wires Banana plugs 4

IX Precautions to be followed
1. An Oscilloscope should be handled gently to protect its fragile vacuum
2. Never advance the Intensity control so far that an excessively bright spot
appears. Bright spots imply burning of the screen. A sharp focused spot
of high intensity (great brightness) should never be allowed to remain
fixed in one position on the screen for any length of time. It may cause
damage to the screen.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

X Procedure
Sine Wave
A) Measurement of Amplitude:
1. Make the connections as per the figure 2.5
2. Put the CRO on a single channel mode and bring the CRO into operation
by adjusting the trace of the beam to a normal brightness and into a thin line.
3. Now apply the sinusoidal wave of different amplitudes by using signal
4. Note down the vertical division scale.

B) Measurement of Frequency:
1. Make the connections as per the figure 2.5
2. Put the CRO on a single channel mode and bring the CRO into operation
by adjusting the trace of the beam to a normal brightness and into a thin line.
3. Now apply the sinusoidal wave of different frequencies by using signal
4. Note down the horizontal division scale by observing difference between
the two successive peaks of the waveform.

Square Wave:
A) Measurement of Amplitude:
1. Make the connections as per the figure 2.5
2. Put the CRO on a single channel mode and bring the CRO into operation
by adjusting the trace of the beam to a normal brightness and into a thin line.
3. Now apply the square wave of different amplitudes by using signal
4. Note down the vertical division scale.

B) Measurement of Frequency
1. Make the connections as per the figure 2.5
2. Put the CRO on a single channel mode and bring the CRO into operation
by adjusting the trace of the beam to a normal brightness and into a thin line.
3. Now apply the square wave of different frequencies by using signal
4. Note down the horizontal division scale by observing difference between
the positive transitions of two successive waveforms.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 11

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Measure Value Sine and Square Waveform
Signal Vertical Volts/div Amplitude Horizontal Time Time Frequency
Division (v) division / div period (1/T)
(cm) (cm) (s) (Hz)



XII Result
1. Amplitude of Sine Wave is………………………………….
2. Amplitude of Square Wave is ………………………………
3. Frequency of Sine Wave is………………………………….
4. Frequency of Square Wave is ………………………………
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
1. State maximum frequency and voltage measurement capacities of the
oscilloscope in your laboratory.
2. State procedure to measure voltage exceeding the voltage limit of the
3. Write the function of AC/DC input coupling push-button switch on
4. If time period of sine wave is 1mS, calculate the frequency.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 12

Elements of Electronics (312309)
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lanpw4Ry8xc
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh-oIlf4e3Y
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQiYDGVUHgA

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 13

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit and Handling of instrument 20%
2 Taking proper readings 20%
3 Calculation of amplitude and frequency. 20%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & conclusion 20%
2 Practical related questions 10%
3 Completion and submission of experiment in time 10%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ...............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(l0) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 14

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.3: Check the performance of PN Junction diode

I Practical Significance
PN Junction diode is used in industries as well as in domestic
applications such as current protection circuits, wave shaping circuits and in
rectifier of DC Power Supplies. For these applications diode selection plays
a vital role. In this practical, students will draw V-1 characteristics of the
given diode to understand diode behavior with respect to change in applied

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: 'Use electronics
components and circuits in electrical equipment.'

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor diodes in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test V-I characteristics of PN Junction diode to:
1. Check PN junction Diode in forward bias.
2. Plot the V-I characteristics of PN junction diode and determine cut-in

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcome

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A PN Junction Diode is one of the simplest semiconductor devices,
and it has the characteristic of passing current in one direction only. If a
suitable positive voltage (forward bias) is applied between the two ends of the
PN junction, it can supply free electrons and holes with the extra energy they
require to cross the junction, as the width of the depletion layer around the PN
junction is decreased.
Static resistance (Rs) of a PN junction diode is a ratio of forward voltage (V F)
to the forward current (IF).
Rs = VF/IF Where, RS =Static resistance of the component
Dynamic resistance (Rd) of a PN junction diode is a ratio of small change in
forward voltage (▲ VF) to small change in forward current (▲IF).
Rd = (▲ VF) / (▲IF) Where, Rd =Static resistance of the component

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 15

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 3.1: Diode and its symbol

VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 3.2: Circuit diagram of diode in forward

(b) Actual circuit diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. DC Regulated power Variable DC power supply 0- 30V, 2A, 1
supply SC protection, display for voltage and
3. DC Voltmeter 0-20 V 1
4. DC Ammeter 0 - 200 mA 1
5.. Diode IN4007(or any another equivalent 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ(0.5watts/0.25watts) 1
7. Bread board 5.5 CMX 17CM 1
8. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm As per
diameter) requirement

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Connect voltmeter and ammeter with correct polarities as shown in the circuit
3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter with correct polarities as shown in the circuit
X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 3.2
2. Switch ON the power supply.
3. Record the voltage VF and current IF in the observation table
4. Increase the input voltage in step of 0.l V
5. Again, record the voltage VF and current IF in the observation table.
6. Repeat steps 4 to 5 till input voltage is reached to 1V.
7. Plot the graph for the forward bias characteristics of diode by taking VF on X-
axis and IF on Y- axis.
8. Calculate the static resistance at a particular point, on the characteristics.
9. Considering two points on the plotted graph, calculate dynamic resistance.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

XI Observation Table
Table 1: Measurement of VF and IF
Sr. No. VF (volts) IF (mA)

Calculate static resistance at particular point
RS = VF / IF where, RS =Static resistance of the component

Calculate dynamic resistance

Rd = ▲VF / ▲ I where, Rd =Dynamic resistance of the component

XII Results
1. Static resistance of given diode= ...............................
2. Dynamic Resistance of given diode = .......................
3. Knee Voltage of given diode=....................................

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

XV Practical related Questions
1. List important specification of diode.
2. Find out the voltage across silicon diode at knee voltage.
3. Find out the voltage across germanium diode at knee voltage.
4. If in reverse biased condition input voltage across the diode in increases
then what is the effect on electric field of diode?
[Space for answers]

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwj_d3uO5g8
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu9reCzzrco
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nds6Qrd6k40
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculate theoretical value of given component. 10%
2 Interpretation of Result & conclusion 05%
3 Practical related questions 15%
4 Completion and submission of experiment in time 10%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ...............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(l0) (25)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.4: Check performance of Zener diode

I Practical Significance
In industries, Zener diode is widely used as voltage references and as
shunt regulators to regulate the voltage across circuits. Zener diodes are also
used in over voltage protection circuits and switching applications. Zener
diode is suitable for surge suppression circuits, for device protection, for
clipping, clamping circuits and especially as peak clippers .

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronics
components and circuits in electrical equipment’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use relevant diode in different electronic circuits.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcome

Check the performance of Zener diode in forward and reverse biasing.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Zener diode is formed by combining highly doped P and N
semiconductor materials. It works on the principle of Zener breakdown and is
normally operated in reverse breakdown region. In reverse breakdown region,
high current flow through the diode leading to high power dissipation.
The Zener breakdown occurs when the electric field across the junction
produced due to the reverse voltage is sufficiently high, this breaks covalent
bonds. Thus, large numbers of carriers are generated which causes a more
current to flow. This mechanism is called as Zener breakdown. After Zener
breakdown the reverse current increases sharply. Zener resistance of a Zener
diode is a ratio of reverse Zener voltage to the reverse Zener current.

Figure 4.1: Symbol of Zener diode

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 24

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 4.2: Zener diode in forward bias

Figure 4.3: Zener diode in reverse bias

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 25

Elements of Electronics (312309)
(c) Actual Experimental set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. DC Variable DC power supply 0- 30V, 1
2A, SC protection, display for voltage
Regulated power supply
and current.
3. DC Voltmeter 0-20 V 1
4. DC Ammeter 0 - 200 mA 1
5. Bread board 5.5CM X 17CM 1
6. Diode 1N4735 (or any another equivalent 1
7. Resistor 1KΩ (0.5watts/0.25watts) 1
8. Connecting Single strand Teflon As per
wires coating (0.6mm diameter)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked circuit
connections as in figure 4.2
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond
the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to damaging
of the diode Connect the circuit as in figure 4.2
3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter with correct polarities as shown in the circuit

X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as in figure 4.2
2. Switch ON the power supply.
3. Record the voltage VF and current IF in the observation table
4. Increase the input voltage in step of 0.l V
5. Again, record the voltage VF and current IF in the table 1.
6. Repeat steps 4 to 5 till input voltage is reached to 1 V.
7. Plot the graph for the forward bias characteristics of diode by taking VF on X-
axis and IF on Y- axis.
8. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 4.3
9. Vary input voltage gradually in steps of 1V up to 12V.
10. Record the corresponding readings of VR and IR.in the observation table 2.
11. Plot the graph for the reverse bias characteristics of Zener diode by taking VR on
X-axis and IR on Y-axis.
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Measurement of VF and IF
Sr. No. VF (volts) IF (mA)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 27

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Table 2: Measurement of VR and IR
Sr. No. VR (volts) IR (mA)

Rz = VF/IF

Rz = VR/IR

XII Results
1. Zener breakdown voltage= ....................................
2. Forward resistance of zener diode = ..................

XIII Interpretation of results

XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
1. Determine maximum and minimum value of Zener current if value of
series resistance is 1K, load resistance is 2K and input varies from 10V
to 30V. Zener voltage is 5 V.
2. Is it possible to operate normal PN junction diode in breakdown
region? Justify your answer Give reason.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 28
Elements of Electronics (312309)

3. State the effect on voltage across zener diode and current flowing
through it, when reverse voltage across it is more than breakdown
4. Identify the portion of Zener diode characteristics suitable for voltage
regulation applications.
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itzPT3UClI
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhQqtdTlRus
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtjnStAF8Yg

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 29

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result 10%
2 Conclusions 05%
3 Practical related questions 15%
4 Completion and submission of experiment in time 10%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ...............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(l0) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 30

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 33

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.5: Test the performance of photo diode by varying the light intensity
as well as the distance of the light source

I Practical Significance
In industry and domestic applications, photodiode is used in
applications of photo detectors like charge-coupled devices, photoconductors,
and photomultiplier tubes. These diodes are used in consumer electronics
applications like smoke detectors, compact disc players, and televisions
remote controls. Photodiodes are frequently used for exact measurement of
the intensity of light in industry applications. These diodes are much faster
and more complex than normal PN junction diodes and hence are frequently
used for lighting regulation and in optical communications .

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronics
components and circuits in electrical equipment’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use relevant diode in different electronic circuits.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcome

Build the circuit for Photodiode and observe the change in current with
change in light intensity of the source.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcome

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A photodiode is a two terminal PN-junction diode that is operated in
reverse biasing the junction and then illuminating it by light energy to
produce electric current. It is also called as photo-detector/light
detector/photo-sensor. These diodes are designed to work in reverse bias
condition, it means that the P-side of the photodiode is connected with the
negative terminal of the battery and N-side is connected to the positive
terminal of the battery. This diode is very sensitive to light, so when light
falls on the diode it changes light into electric current.

Figure 5.1: Symbol of Photo Diode

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 34

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 5.2: Photo Diode

Photo Current (Iℷ): It is the reverse current produced due to thermally
generated electron-hole pairs in depletion region due to incident light. Photo
current is proportional to light intensity as light intensity increases
photocurrent increases.
Dark Current: A reverse current flows when no light s incident on the

Figure 5.3: Plot of VR verses VF

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 5.4: Photodiode practical setup

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 35

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(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 DC Variable DC power supply 0- 30V, 1
2A, SC protection, display for voltage
Regulated power supply
and current.
2. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
3. Transformer Step down 9-0-9 V, 500mA 1
4. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 1
5. DC Ammeter 0-200mA 1
6. Photodiode BPW 34 or equivalent any other 1
7. Lux meter/ Optical 3000 Lumens, Battery-operated 1
power meter hand-held type
8. Light Source Portable lamp mounted on stand 1
9. Breadboard 5.5CM X 17CM 1
10. Resistor 2.2KΩ,1.1 KΩ (0.5watts) 1 each
11. Connecting Single strand Teflon As per
wires coating (0.6mm diameter)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode
beyond the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to
damaging of the diode.
3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter with correct polarities as shown in the
circuit diagram.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 37

Elements of Electronics (312309)
X Procedure
Test performance of photo diode by varying the light intensity.
1. Select the component as per circuit diagram.
2. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
3. Apply the reverse voltage, and measure the current when light is not
4. Increase the reverse voltage and light intensity in step and note down the
5. Change the light intensity and repeat the steps.
6. Plot the graph of reverse voltage (negative X-Axis) Vs reverse photo current
(negative Y-Axis) for various light intensity.

Test performance of photo diode by varying distance of the light

1. Select the component as per circuit diagram.
2. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
3. Apply the reverse voltage, and measure the current when light is not
4. Keep the input voltage constant at which we get sufficient light intensity and
vary the distance of light source from photo diode in step and note down
the photocurrent.
5. Plot the graph of reverse voltage (negative X-Axis) Vs reverse photo current
(negative Y-Axis) for various light intensity.
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Measurement of Photodiode current when light intensity is varied
Light No Light Condition (Lux Low Light Condition High Light Condition
Intensity meter reading ---) (Lux meter reading ---) (Lux meter reading ---)
Sr. No. (Volts) (uA) (Volts) (uA) (Volts) (uA)
1. 2
2. 4
3. 6
4. 8
5. 10
6. 12
7. 14
8. 16

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 38

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Table 2: Measurement of Photodiode current when distance is varied
Light Position I Position II Position III
Intensity No Light Condition Low Light Condition High Light Condition
(Distance of light source (Distance of light source (Distance of light source
in cm ---) in cm ---) in cm ---)
Sr. No. (Volts) (uA) (Volts) (uA) (Volts) (uA)
1. 2
2. 4
3. 6
4. 8
5. 10
6. 12
7. 14
8. 16


XII Results
Dark Current: - .....................................................................

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 39
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XV Practical related Questions
1. State the working principle of photodiode.
2. Write specification of photodiode used in above experiment.
3. Is photocurrent in photodiode, depends on wavelength of incident

[Space for answers]

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 40
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFc673lEyQA
2. https://www.idconline.com/technical_references/pdfs/electron
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNoHLOumplk
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result 10%
2 Conclusions 05%
3 Practical related questions 15%
4 Completion and submission of experiment in time 10%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ..............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(l0) (25)

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 43

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.6: Construct and Test the half wave rectifier

I Practical Significance
AC power is more efficiently and economically transmitted. The
majority of electrical equipment, devices work on DC power. It becomes
necessary to convert AC power into DC power. In half wave rectifier single
diode is used. The current flows in only one direction through diode. So, it is
unidirectional device.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronics
components and circuits in electrical equipment’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use diode in different rectifier and filter.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcome

Construct and test half wave rectifier on breadboard.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcome

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Rectifier: - It is a circuit, which converts AC supply into the Pulsating
DC supply.

Figure 6.1: Classification of Rectifier

Half wave Rectifier: DC or average output voltage of half wave rectifier is

Vm/п as the output current flows only for half the cycle of input signal.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 6.2: Half wave Rectifier

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 6.3: Circuit diagram of Half wave rectifier

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual Practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 45

Elements of Electronics (312309)

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Transformer Step down 9-0-9 V, 500mA 1
2. Digital 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
3. CRO 25 MHz, dual trace, 15 MΩ input 1
4. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
5. Diode 1N4007 (or any other equivalent diode) 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ/10KΩ(0.5watts/0.25watts) 1
7. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm As per
diameter) requirement

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode
beyond the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to
damaging of the diode.

X Procedure
1. Make the connection as per the circuit diagram shown in figure 6.3
2. Connect the CRO probe across the Secondary and measure the Vp-p
appearing across the diodes.
3. Now connect the CRO probes across the resistance RL and measure the peak
value of output voltage (Vm).
4. Observe the waveform on CRO and draw it on graph paper.
5. From the measured peak value of output voltage (Vm), calculate the average or
dc value of output voltage (Vdc).
6. Connect the DMM across the RL and measure the de voltage.
7. Compare the value calculated in step 5 with the value measured in step 6.
8. Tabulate the readings in Table1.

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XI Observation Table
Table 1
Type of Rectifier output Vdc Calculated Vdc measured Comment
Rectifier on CRO (using formula (using DMM)
(Vm) Vdc = (Vm / п)

Calculate Vdc using Formula:
Vdc = (Vm / п)

XII Results
DC output voltage of Half wave rectifier
1. Calculated Vdc (CRO)= ......................................... V
2. Measured Vdc (DMM)=......................................... V

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. Repeat the experiment for silicon diode of different specification.
2. Draw and explain the operation of half wave rectifier.
3. If Vdc =2 V, what will be the value of Vm.
[Space for answers]
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 47
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.electrical4u.com/half-wave-rectifiers/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pw40e-W4eI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xoByZ9qyPo

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result and Conclusions 10%
3 Practical related questions 15%
4 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 48

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.7: Prepare and Test the half wave rectifier with LC filter/ π filter

I Practical Significance
The filter converts the pulsating DC into pure DC. The
electronic reactive elements like capacitor and inductor are used
for filtering.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use
electronic components and circuits in electrical equipment and

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor diodes in different rectifier and filter.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test half wave rectifier with LC/ π filter on Breadboard:
1. Prepare the circuit for Half Wave Rectifier with LC filter/ pi (π)
filter using PN junction Diode.
2. Observe and draw input-output waveforms for sinusoidal wave.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow all safety precautions

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

The capacitor used in "C" filter reduces the ripple voltage,
but causes the diode current to increase. This large current may
damage the diode and will further cause heating problem and
decrease the efficiency of the filter. On the other hand, a simple
series inductor reduces both the peak and effective values of the
output current and output voltage. So, the combination of both the
filter (Land C), forms a new filter called the L-C filter which will
have a good efficiency, with controlled diode current and enough
ripple removal factor. The voltage stabilizing action of shunt
capacitor and the current smoothing action of series inductor filter
can be combined to form a perfect practical filter circuit.
Half wave rectifier without filter capacitor converts AC
voltage into pulsating DC voltage. Filter capacitor is used to obtain
smooth DC voltage.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 7.1: Concept of filter

VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 7.2: Half wave rectifier (HWR) with LC filter

Figure 7.3: Half wave rectifier (HWR) with π filter

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Transformer 12-0-12V AC, 500 mA 1
2. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
3. C.R.O. 25MHz, Dual trace, 15MΩ input impedance 1
4. Resistor 10KΩ, 0.5 Watt. 1
5. Diode Silicon 1N4007 1
6. Capacitor 10µF (Electrolytic) 2
7. Inductor 10H 1
8. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
9. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating As per
(0.6 mm diameter)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond
the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to damaging of
the diode.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit of rectifier with LC / π Filter on bread board as shown in
figure 7.2
2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains and the secondary
side to rectifier input.
3. Before switching ON power supply, check the connection.
4. Record peak voltage across load resistor using CRO.
5. Calculate the DC output voltage and peak to peak ripple voltage.
6. Calculate the ripple factor.
7. Repeat the steps 1 to 6 for figure 7.3
8. Observe and draw the waveforms across LC/ π filter on graph paper.

XI Observation Table
Table 1
Type of Peak Voltage Vdc = Vm / π Peak to peak Ripple factor=
Rectifier ripple voltage Vr/Vdc
Vm (volts)
Vr (volts)

Full wave
with LC
Full wave
with π filter


XII Results
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 55
Elements of Electronics (312309)

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. State the required PIV rating of diode if transformer voltage of 24V.
2. Give the mathematical relationship between rms input AC voltage and
DC output voltage in half wave rectifier with and without filter
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.elprocus.com/half-wave-rectifier-circuit-working-principle-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGawHsg4NpQ

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 56

Elements of Electronics (312309)

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 59

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.8: Build and Test the full wave rectifier Using two diodes

I Practical Significance
Electric power is usually transmitted in AC form. However
certain application needs DC power supply such as electronic
appliances. A rectifier is an electronic device that converts an
alternating current into a direct current by using one or more P-N
junction diodes. Hence, AC mains need to be rectified using
rectifier when DC power is required.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use
electronic components and circuits in electrical equipment and

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor diodes in different rectifier and filter.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test full wave rectifier using wo diodes on Breadboard:
1. Build the circuit for Full Wave Centre Tapped Rectifier using
PN junction Diode.
2. Observe and draw input-output waveforms for sinusoidal wave.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow all safety precautions

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Rectifier is an electronic device used for converting AC into pulsating DC
and this process is known as Rectification. Like the half wave circuit, a
full wave rectifier circuit produces an output voltage or current which is
pulsating DC Full wave rectifier utilizes both the cycle of input AC
voltage. Two diodes are used in full wave center tapped rectifier. A center-
tapped full wave rectifier circuit consists of a center-tapped transformer,
two diodes, and a resistive load. The center-tapped transformer has a wire
connected at the center of its secondary winding, which divides the input
AC voltage into two halves. The diodes are connected in parallel to each
other, with the load connected at the center tap of the transformer. During
the positive half of the input cycle, one diode conducts (forward bias)
while the other diode is non-conducting (reverse bias).

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
This allows current to flow through the load. In the negative part of the
cycle, the diodes change their job. The one that was allowing electricity to
flow now stops, and the one that was blocking it begins to allow it
through. This is unlike a half-wave rectifier that uses only one part of the
cycle. Using both parts in a full wave rectifier improves its performance
and ensures more efficient conversion of the wavy input into a smooth
VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 8.1: Full wave rectifier (FWR) without filter

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 61

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Transformer 12-0-12V AC, 500 mA 1
2. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
3. C.R.O. 25MHz, Dual trace, 15MΩ input impedance 1
4. Resistor 10KΩ, 0.5 Watt. 1
5. Diode Silicon 1N4007 1
6. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
7. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating As per
(0.6 mm diameter)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond
the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to damaging of
the diode.

X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit for Center Tapped Full wave rectifier on breadboard as
shown in Figure 8.1
2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains. Connect the CRO
probe across the secondary and measure the Vsp-p appearing across diode.
3. Measure the peak value of output voltage (Vm) across the resistance.
4. Draw input and output waveforms of full wave rectifier.
5. Calculate the average or dc value of output voltage.
6. Using DMM measure the DC voltage at the load resistance R L.
7. Compare the value calculated instep5with the value measured in step 6.
8. Tabulate the readings in Table1.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 62

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XI Observation Table
Table 1
Rectifier Vdc Calculated
Type of Output Vdc Measured
(using Formula Comment
rectifier On (using DMM)
CRO(Vm) Vdc=(2Vm/π)


XII Results
1. Vdc calculated=………………….. V

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. Calculate frequency of waveform obtained at the output of full wave
2. Compare half wave and Full wave rectifier based on output waveforms
obtained in Laboratory.
3. State need of rectifier
[Space for answers]
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 63
Elements of Electronics (312309)

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/
2. www.electronics-tutorials.ws › Diodes

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 64

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 65

Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 67

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.9: Construct and Test the full wave Bridge rectifier on bread
board using four diodes

I Practical Significance
Bridge Rectifier is a type of Full Wave Rectifier that uses four diodes
to form a close-loop bridge. The diodes conduct in pairs through each
positive and negative half cycle, leading to no wastage of power. It is used
for converting an alternating current (AC) input into a direct current (DC)
output. Bridge rectifier is widely used in power supply circuit.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test full wave bridge rectifier on Breadboard:
1. Construct the circuit for Full Wave Bridge Rectifier using PN
junction Diodes.
2. Observe and draw input-output waveforms for sinusoidal wave.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A single-Phase Bridge Rectifier is constructed using four Diodes D1,
D2, D3, and D4, connected in a closed loop configuration that forms a bridge.
The four diodes labeled D1 to D4 are arranged in “series pairs” with only two
diodes conducting current during each half cycle.
During the positive half cycle of the supply,
diodes D1 and D2 conduct in series while diodes D3 and D4 are reverse
biased and the current flows through the load as shown below.
During the negative half cycle of the supply,
diodes D3 and D4 conduct in series, but diodes D1 and D2 switch “OFF” as
they are now reverse biased. The current flowing through the load is the same
direction as before.
As the current flowing through the load is unidirectional, so the voltage
developed across the load is also unidirectional the same as for the previous
two diode full-wave rectifier, therefore the average DC voltage across the
load is 0.637 Vmax.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 68

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 9.1: Full wave bridge rectifier

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 69

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Transformer 12-0-12V AC, 500 mA 1
2. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
3. C.R.O. 25MHz, Dual trace, 15MΩ input impedance 1
4. Function Generator 0-2 MHz with Sine, square and triangular 1
output with variable frequency and
5. Resistor 10KΩ, 0.5 Watt. 1
6. Diode Silicon 1N4007 4
7. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
8. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating As per
(0.6 mm diameter)
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond
the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to damaging of
the diode.
X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit for Full wave bridge rectifier on breadboard as shown in
Figure 9.1
2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains and the secondary
side to rectifier input.
3. Before switching ON power supply, check the connection.
4. Switch ON the power supply and connect the CRO to the load resistor.
5. Measure the peak voltage Vm (peak voltage) across load resistor.
XI Observation Table
Table 1
Sr. No. Rectified output across R

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 70

Elements of Electronics (312309)

XII Results

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. Write the formula of peak inverse voltage for center tapped full wave
rectifier and bridge rectifier.
2. In a bridge rectifier circuit what happens if one of the diodes is shorted?
3. Compare between half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier and bridge
rectifier on the basis of output waveform
[Space for answers]
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 71
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/
2. http://www.circuitstoday.com/full-wave-bridge-rectifier.
3. https://www.electrical4u.com/bridge-rectifiers/

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................
Marks Obtained Dated Signature of
Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 72

Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 74

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.10: Use LC/ π filter with full wave rectifier to measure
ripple factor

I Practical Significance
A filter circuit is one which removes the AC component present in the
rectified output and allows the DC component to reach the load. The
electronic reactive elements like capacitor and inductors are used for

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Build the circuit for Full Wave Rectifier using PN junction Diode with
LC/Pi filter Measure dynamic resistance of a given diode.
2. Calculate ripple factor for given set up.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A filter circuit consists of passive circuit elements i.e.,
inductors, capacitors, resistors, and their combination. The filter action
depends upon the electrical properties of passive circuit elements. For
example, an inductor allows the D.C. to pass through it. But it blocks A.C.
On the other hand, a capacitor allows the AC to pass through it. But it
blocks the D.C.
In the inductor filter, the ripple factor is directly proportional to the
load resistance. On the other hand, in a capacitor filter, it varies inversely
with the load resistance. Hence if we combine the inductor filter with the
capacitor the ripple factor will become almost independent of the load
filter. It is also known as inductor input filter, choke input filter, L input,
or LC-section.
In this circuit, a choke is connected in series with the load. It offers
high resistance to the AC components and allows the DC component to
flow through the load. The capacitor across the load is connected in
parallel which filters out any AC component flowing through the choke.
In this way, the ripples are rectified and a smooth DC is provided through
the load.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 75
Elements of Electronics (312309)
Inductive reactance formula:
XL = 2πfL, where f is the frequency and L is the inductance.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 10.1: Full wave rectifier with LC filter

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 76

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Transformer (centre tapped) 12-0-12V AC, 500 mA 1
2. Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
3. C.R.O. 25MHz, Dual trace, 15MΩ input 1
4. Function Generator 0-2 MHz with Sine, square and 1
triangular output with variable
frequency and amplitude.
5. Resistor 10KΩ, 0.5 Watt. 1
6. Capacitor 1.00mF(electrolytic capacitors) 1
7. Inductor 1nH 1
8. Diode Silicon 1N4007 2
9. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
10. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating As per
(0.6 mm diameter)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond
the rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to damaging of
the diode.

X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit for Full wave bridge rectifier on breadboard as shown in
Figure 10.1
2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains and the secondary
side to rectifier input.
3. Record peak voltage across load resistor using CRO.
4. Calculate the DC output voltage and peak to peak ripple voltage.
5. Calculate the ripple factor.
6. Observe and draw the waveforms across LC filter on graph paper.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 77

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XI Observation Table
Table 1

Vdc=2V Peak to
Peak Voltage m/π peak ripple Ripple
Type of Vm (volts) voltage factor=Vr/Vdc
Rectifier (volts) Vr(volts)

Full wave

XII Results

XIII Interpretation of results


XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. Repeat the above experiment using L filter and comment on ripple factor.
2. Write the formula for calculating capacitive reactance.
3. Calculate the inductive reactance of a 3.00 mH inductor when 60.0 Hz and
10.0 kHz AC voltages are applied
[Space for answers]

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 78

Elements of Electronics (312309)

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.elprocus.com/half-wave-rectifier-circuit-working-principle-and-
2. http://nptel.ac .in/courses /117103063/4

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 79

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Names of Student Team Members
1. ..............................
2. ………………………..
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 82

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.11: Prepare and Test the full wave rectifier
on bread board using IC KBU808 with filter

I Practical Significance
The filter converts the pulsating DC into pure DC. The electronic
reactive elements like capacitor and inductors are used for filtering. KBU
808 are a single-phase bridge rectifier IC.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Prepare the circuit for full wave rectifier using IC KBU 808 with filter.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

The KBU808 is a bridge rectifier integrated circuit that is commonly used in
power supply applications to convert alternating current (AC) into direct
current (DC)
Features of KBU808
• Surge overload rating 200 amperes peak.
• Ideal for printed circuit board.
• Reliable low-cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique.
• Plastic Passivated chip junctions.
• Lead-free parts meet RoHS requirements.
• UL recognized file # E321971.
• Suffix "-H" indicates Halogen-free part, ex.KBU8005-H.
VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 83

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 11.1: IC KBU808

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1. Variable DC power supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for
voltage and current 1
2. Transformer 9-0-9VAC,500mA 1
3. Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
4. IC KBU 808 IF=8A, VF=1V 1
5. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
6. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating As per
(0.6 mm diameter)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 84

Elements of Electronics (312309)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond the
rated voltage of diode as given in datasheet. This may lead to damaging of the

X Procedure
1. Keep DMM on diode test mode.
2. Connect the positive terminal of DMM to pin no.4 and the negative terminal of
DMM to pin no.3 of IC 808 observe the drop on DMM of IC 808 observe the
drop on DMM.
3. Connect the negative terminal of DMM to pin no.4 of IC 808 DMM and
connect the positive terminal of DMM to pin no.3 of IC 808 observe OL(no
drop) on DMM
4. Repeat above steps for pin no.1 and Pin no.2 of IC 808 note down the drop and
no drop on DMM.
5. Connect the positive terminal of DMM to pin no.4 of IC and connect negative
terminal of DMM to pin no.1 of IC note down the double diode drop on DMM

XI Observation Table
Table 1
Sr. No. Pin connection Output on DMM
1. Drop between pin no.3 and 4
2. Reverse drop between pin no.4 and pin no.3
3. Drop between pin no.2 and pin no.1
4. Reverse drop between pin no.1 and pin no.2
5. Drop between pin no.1 and 4
6. Reverse drop between pin no.4 and pin no.1

XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 85
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XV Practical related Questions
1. Repeat the above experiment for Schottky diode and comment on voltage
2. List features of IC KBU 808.
3. List the applications of IC KBU 808
[Space for answers]
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/
2. www.electronics-tutorials.ws › Diodes
XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 86

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Names of Student Team Members

1. .............................
2. .............................
3. ..............................
4. ………………………..

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 87

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Practical No.12: Build clipper circuit and observe the Wave forms

I Practical Significance
A clipper is a device that limits, removes, or prevents some portion of
the waveform (input signal voltage) above or below a certain level. In other
words, the circuit which limits positive or negative amplitude, or both is
called a clipping circuit.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Build/Test positive Clipper circuit.
2. Build/Test negative Clipper circuit.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A clipping circuit consists of linear elements like resistors and non-
linear elements like junction diodes or transistors, but it does not contain
energy-storage elements like capacitors. Clipping circuits are used to select
for purposes of transmission, that part of a signal wave form which appears
above or below a certain reference voltage level. Thus, a clipper circuit can
remove certain portions of an arbitrary wave form near the positive or
negative peaks. Clipping may be achieved either at one level or two levels.
Clipper has two types:
1. Series Clipper: In this configuration the diode is connected in series
with the load.
2. Parallel Clipper: In this configuration the diode is connected in parallel
with the load.
In a series positive clipper, a diode is connected in series with the
output, as shown in Fig 12.1. During the positive half of the input voltage,
terminal A is positive with respect to B. These reverse biases the diode and it
acts as an open switch Therefore all the applied voltage drops across the
diode and none across the resistor.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 88
Elements of Electronics (312309)
As a result of this there is no output voltage during the positive half
cycle of the input voltage. In a series negative clipper, a diode is connected in
a direction appositive to that of a positive clipper Fig 12.2 shows the circuit
of a negative clipper. During the positive half cycle of the voltage, terminal
A is positive with respect to terminal B There for the diode is forward biased
and it acts it as a closed switch. As a result, all the input voltage appears
across the resistor as shown in Fig12.2 During the negative half cycle of the
input voltage, terminal B is positive with respect to the terminal A.
Therefore, the diode is reverse biased and it acts as an open switch, thus there
is no voltage drop across the resistor during the negative half cycle as shown
in the output waveform.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 12.1: Circuit diagram of Positive Clipper.

Figure 12.2: Circuit diagram of Negative Clipper.

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 2
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. DC Regulated Variable DC power supply 1
power supply 0- 30V, 2A, SC protection, display for
voltage and current.
3. Cathode Ray Dual Trace 20Mhz. 1 5Mega ohm Input 1
Oscilloscope impedance
4. Function Generator 0-2 MHz with Sine, square and triangular 1
output with variable frequency and
IN4007 (or any other Equivalent diode)
5. Diode 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ (0.5watts/0.25watts) 1
7. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
8. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm) As per

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 90

Elements of Electronics (312309)
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling the terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of Ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wire tightly while building circuits.
4. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram

X Procedure
1. Make the connections on bread board as per circuit diagram as shown in
figureno.12.1 and 12.2
2. Connect the function generator at the input and apply sine wave to the input
of circuit (8Vp-p).
3. Observe the input and output waveforms on CRO and draw it on the graph
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Measurement of Positive clipper
Sr. No. Input Voltage Output Voltage Comments
Vin(V) Vout (V)


Table 2: Measurement of Negative clipper

Sr. No. Input Voltage Output Voltage Comments
Vin(V) Vout (V)


XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results

XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 91

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XV Practical related Questions
1. Draw the input and output waveforms. (For positive Clipper circuit)
2. Draw the input and output waveforms and find out the difference between
input and output voltage. (For negative Clipper circuit)
3. List the different types of clipper circuit.
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. http://www.expertsmind.com/learning/combination-clipper-assignment-help-
2. 7342873667.aspx
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvmfqg28ZnY

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 92

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ..............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 93

Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 94

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.13: Construct clamper circuit and observe waveforms

I Practical Significance
A Clamper circuit can be defined as the circuit that consists of a diode,
a resistor and a capacitor that shifts the waveform to a desired DC level
without changing the actual appearance of the applied signal. Clampers can
be constructed in both positive and negative polarities. Clamper essentially
adds a DC level to the AC output signal; clampers are commonly used in
analog TV receivers.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Construct and Test Positive Clamper Circuit
2. Construct and Test negative Clamper Circuit

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A clamper is an electronic circuit that changes the DC level of a signal
to the desired level without changing the shape of the applied signal. In other
words, the clamper circuit ADDS positive or negative DC level. The DC
component is simply added to the input signal or subtracted from the input
signal. A clamper circuit adds the positive dc component to the input signal
to push it to the positive side. Similarly, a clamper circuit adds the negative
dc component to the input signal to push it to the negative side.
Positive clamper
If the circuit pushes the signal upwards then the circuit is said to be a
positive clamper. When the signal is pushed upwards, the negative peak of the
signal meets the zero level. The positive clamper is made up of a voltage
source Vi, capacitor C, diode D, and load resistor RL. In the Figure 13.1
diagram, the diode is connected in parallel with the output load. So the
positive clamper passes the input signal to the output load when the diode
is reverse biased and blocks the input signal when the diode is forward biased
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 95
Elements of Electronics (312309)
During negative half cycle:
During the negative half cycle of the input AC signal, the diode is
forward biased and hence no signal appears at the output. In forward biased
condition, the diode allows electric current through it. This current will flows
to the capacitor and charges it to the peak value of input voltage Vm. The
capacitor charged in inverse polarity (positive) with the input voltage. As
input current or voltage decreases after attaining its maximum value -Vm, the
capacitor holds the charge until the diode remains forward biased.
During positive half cycle:
During the positive half cycle of the input AC signal, the diode is reverse
biased and hence the signal appears at the output. In reverse biased condition,
the diode does not allow electric current through it. So, the input current directly
flows towards the output.

Negative clamper
During positive half cycle:
During the positive half cycle of the input AC signal, the diode is
forward biased and hence no signal appears at the output. In forward biased
condition, the diode allows electric current through it. This current will flow
to the capacitor and charges it to the peak value of input voltage in inverse
polarity -Vm. As input current or voltage decreases after attaining its
maximum value Vm, the capacitor holds the charge until the diode remains
forward biased.
During negative half cycle:
During the negative half cycle of the input AC signal, the diode is reverse
biased and hence the signal appears at the output. In reverse biased condition,
the diode does not allow electric current through it. So, the input current
directly flows towards the output.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 13.1: Circuit diagram of Positive clamper.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 96

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 13.2: Circuit diagram of Negative clamper.

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 97

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. Cathode Ray Dual Trace 20Mhz. 1 5Mega ohm Input 1
Oscilloscope impedance.
3. Function Generator 0-2 MHz with Sine, square and triangular 1
output with variable frequency and
amplitude.1MHz, Multi waveform output
4. Diode IN4007(or any other equivalent diode) 1
5. Resistors l KΩ (0.5watts/0.25watts 1
6. Capacitor 1µf (or any other capacitor value) 1
7. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
8. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm) As per
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling the terminals of components.
2. Connect wire tightly while building circuits.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.

X Procedure
1. Make the connections on breadboard as per circuit diagram as shown in figure
13.1 and 13.2
2. Apply sine wave as input of 8V peak to peak to the circuit.
3. Observe and draw the input and output waveforms from CRO.
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Positive clamper circuit

Sr. No. Vin(volts) Vout (Volts) Comment


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 98

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Table 2: Negative clamper circuit

Sr. No. Vin(volts) Vout (Volts) Comment


XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
………………………………………………………………………………… ….

XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. Repeat the above experiment for input voltage 6 volt peak to peak and 2 volt
peak to peak.
2. Repeat the above experiment for 4 volt peak to peak and observe output and
3. Compare between clipper and clamper circuit
[Space for answers]
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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. http://www.expertsmind.com/learning/combination-clipper-assignment-help-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvmfqg28ZnY
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMquoQBbjFQ
XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 100

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Names of Student Team Members
1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ..............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.14: Identify and select transistors for given application
using datasheets

I Practical Significance
In industry, transistor has wide range of applications. Transistors are
semiconductor devices used for applications like amplification of voltages,
current and are also used in oscillator circuits and switches. In digital circuits
they are used as switches. It is used in electronic equipment, computers,
televisions, mobile phones, audio amplifiers, industrial control, and radio

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the terminals of the PNP and NPN transistor for TO-5, TO-220,
2. Selection of transistor for different parameters as maximum voltage, current
and switching speed.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

A transistor has two PN junctions (a combination of two diodes
connected back-to-back), one junction is forward biased and the other is
reverse biased. The forward biased junction has a low resistance path where
as a reverse biased junction has a high resistance path. The weak signal is
introduced in the low resistance circuit and output is taken from the high
resistance circuit. Transistor has two junctions and 3 terminals, made of three
layers of N and P type materials. The three regions are emitter, base and
collector. There are 2 types of BJT (i) PNP and (ii) NPN.
An NPN transistor is composed of two N-type semiconductors
separated by a thin section of P type. However, a PNP transistor is formed by
two P-sections separated by a thin section of N-type as shown in Figure 14.1.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 14.1: Symbol and construction of NPN and PNP transistor

Identifying Transistor Terminals:

The transistors are available with various packages in the market. Consider
about the T0-5, TO-220& TO-66 package. Keep the transistor such that the
flat surface is facing towards you as shown in the figure 14.2(a),(b),(c).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 14.2: (a) TO5, (b) TO220, (c)TO66

Remember the following points:

1. The transistor internally has two diodes (NPN=N-P-N=NP Junction +PN
Junction and PNP= P-N-P= PN Junction +NP Junction) i.e. Emitter to base
is one PN Junction (diode) and Base to collector another PN junction
2. In the diode mode, the multimeter will show the voltage when we connect
the positive probe of the multimeter to the anode of the diode and negative
probe to the cathode.
3. If the multimeter positive probe is connected to the cathode of the diode and
the negative probe to the anode, then it will not give any voltage (showing
Steps to identify the PNP type transistor using DMM
1. Keep the DMM in the resistance mode.
2. Keep the positive probe to the pin-1(Emitter) of the transistor and connect
the negative probe to the center pin (Base).You will see some resistance in
the DMM.
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Elements of Electronics (312309)
3. Similarly connect the negative probe to the center pin (Base) with respect to
the pin-3 (collector). You will see some resistance in the DMM.
4. It will ensure that it is a PNP transistor. The logic behind this is in PNP
transistor Emitter(E) P type material Equivalent to anode of diode.
5. The diode Base(B) N-type material-Equivalent to cathode of the Diode
Collector(C) - P type material - Equivalent to anode of the diode
6. If the multimeter positive probe is connected to anode and negative probe is
connected to cathode, then it will show resistance. If the connections are
interchanged it will not show any value.
Steps to identify the PNP type transistor using CRO
1. By operating CRO in component testing mode.
2. Keep the knob on xy mode of CRO and observe the patterns on CRO screen.

3. If the pattern is as given in text box The transistor terminals are in

Forward bias (low resistance)

4. If the pattern is as given in text box The transistor terminals are in

Reverse bias (high resistance)

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 14.3: Connection of transistor testing using DMM

(b) Actual practical setup used in Laboratory

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VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. Cathode Ray Dual Trace 20Mhz. 1 5Mega ohm Input 1
Oscilloscope impedance

3. Transistors Power Transistors 2N2955(NPN) 1

4. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
5. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm) As per

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling the terminals of components.
2. Select proper range in Digital Multimeter.

X Procedure
1. Set the multimeter to its ohms range.
2. Measured the resistance between base and emitter.
3. Measured the resistance between base and collector.
4. Measured the resistance between emitter and collector.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XI Observation Table
1. Testing of PNP terminal resistance using Multimeter
a) Resistance between emitter and base RBE =
b) Resistance between Collector and base RCB=
c) Resistance between Collector and Emitter RCE=
2. Testing of NPN terminal resistance using Multimeter
a) Resistance between emitter and base RBE=
b) Resistance between Collector and base RCB=
c) Resistance between Collector and Emitter RCE=
XII Results
1. From the values of RBE, RCB and RCE on DMM the transistor is identified
2. From CRO pattern the transistor is identified as...............
XIII Interpretation of results
………………………………………………………………………………… ….

XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. List the specification of transistor.
2. Name five different types of transistors.
3. Draw the symbol of NPN & PNP transistor.
[Space for answers]
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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/semiconductors/chpt-4/meter-
2. http://www.electricalbasicprojects.com/how-to-identify-npn-and-pnp-
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Handling of the components 20%
2 Identification of component 10%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result 10%
2 Conclusions 05%
3 Practical related questions 10%
4 Completion and submission of experiment in 15%
Total (25 Marks) 100%
Names of Student Team Members
1. ................................
2. ……………………………..
3. …………………………….
4. …………………………..
Marks Obtained Dated Signature of
Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.15: Build and Test the performance of BJT in CB mode

I Practical Significance
Transistor is a basic building block of modern electronic circuits.
Nearly every electronic circuit contains at least one or more types of
transistors. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch
electronic signals and electrical power. In this practical student will plot the
characteristics of NPN transistor in input and output mode for CB
configuration and calculate current amplification factor

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test the performance of BJT in CB mode:
1. Build the circuit for BJT in common base configuration.
2. Plot input and output characteristics of common base configuration

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Input Characteristics:
In common base configuration, Emitter is the input terminal and
collector is the output terminal and base connected as a common terminal for
both input and output. The CB configuration is used in applications where
low input impedance is required.
This curve gives the relationship between input current (IE) and input
voltage (VEB) for constant output voltage (VCB) by varying VEB for constant
VCB it may be noted that below knee voltage current is very small. Beyond the
knee voltage, the emitter current (IE) increases with small increase in emitter
to base voltage VEB for constant VCB. As the collector to Base voltage is
increased above 1V, the curve shifts upwards.
Input characteristics may be used to determine the value of common base
transistor AC input resistance ri. It is the ratio of change in emitter to base
voltage (▲VEB) to resulting change in emitter current (IE) at a constant
collector to base voltage (VCB).
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Elements of Electronics (312309)

ri = ▲VEB
▲ IE VCB =……………………………….

Figure 15.1: Input characteristics in CB

Output Characteristics:
This curve gives the relationship between output current (IE) it and output
voltage (VCB) for a constant emitter current (IE).
The output characteristics are divided into three regions:
Cut off region: Transistor act as OFF State switch
Saturation Region: Transistor act as ON State switch
Active Region: Transistor acts as amplifier.
Output characteristics may be used to determine the value of common base
transistor a.c. output resistance r. It is the ratio of change in collector to base
voltage (▲VCB) to resulting change in collector current (▲Ic) at a constant
emitter current (IE).
ro= ▲VCB
▲Ic IE=………………….

Figure 15.2: Output characteristics in CB

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VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 15.3: Circuit diagram of BJT in CB mode.

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. DC Regulated Variable DC power supply 2
power supply 0- 30V, 2A, SC protection, display for
voltage and current.
3. DC Voltmeter 0-20 V 2
4. DC Ammeter 0 - 200 mA 2
5. Transistor BC107 or any other equivalent 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ (0.5watts/0.25watts) 2
7. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
8. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm) As per
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling the terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of Ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wire tightly while building circuits.
4. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram
X Procedure
Part I
Input characteristics:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 15.3
2. Keep output voltage VCB= 0V by varying Vcc.
3. Vary VEB in step of 0.1V from Oto 1Vand note down the corresponding
emitter current IE.
4. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for VCB= 4V.
Part II
Output characteristics:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 15.3
2. Keep input current IE = 0 mA by varying VEE·
3. Vary VCB in step of 1V from 1 to 10 V and note down the corresponding
collector current Ic.
4. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for IE= 10 mA

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XI Observation Table
Table 1: Input Characteristics

Sr. No. VCB =OV VCB =4V

VEB (V) IE (mA) VEB (V) IE (mA)



Table 2: Output Characteristics

Sr. No. IE (mA)=O IE (mA)=10mA

VCB(Volts) Ic(mA) VCB (Volts) Ic(mA)


Calculations: (from graph)

1. Input resistance ri:
2. Output resistance ro:
3. Current amplification factor :

XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
………………………………………………………………………………… ….
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XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

XV Practical related Questions

1. Repeat the same experiment using PNP transistor.
2. State the early effect. Have you observed early effect in your experiment?
[Space for answers]
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.electrical4u.com/transistor-characteristics/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMD4KECE-7I
3. https://www.electronicshub.org/common-base-amplifier/

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ................................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................
4. ..............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.16: Construct and test the circuit for BJT in common emitter

I Practical Significance:
A BJT is commonly used as an amplifier. Common Emitter (CE) mode is the
universal mode of operation for a BJT. All types of amplifications can be
performed using CE mode with suitable biasing. Common-emitter amplifiers
are also used in radio frequency circuits.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test the performance of BJT in CE mode:
1. Construct the circuit for BJT in common emitter configuration.
2. Plot input and output characteristics of common emitter configuration

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment with care.
2. Work in team.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

CE is the most frequently used configuration in practical amplifier circuits,
since it provides good voltage, current, and power gain. The input is applied
across the base- emitter circuit and the output is taken from the collector-
emitter circuit, making the emitter "common" to both input and output. CE
configuration provides a phase reversal between input and output signals.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 16.1: Circuit diagram of BJT in CE mode.

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c)Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. DC Regulated Variable DC power supply 2
power supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for
voltage and current.
3. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 2
4. DC Ammeter 0-200 mA, 0-200 µA 1 each
5. Transistor BC107 or any other equivalent 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ,100KΩ (0.5watts/0.25watts) 1 each
7. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
8. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm) As per

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling the terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of Ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wire tightly while building circuits.
4. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
X Procedure
Input characteristics:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 16.1
2. Set VCE at constant voltage (2V) by varying Vcc.
3. Vary the input voltage VBE in steps of 0.1V from 0V up to 1V and
record the corresponding value of IB in observation table.
4. Repeat the above steps 2 and 3 by keeping VCE at 5V, and l0V.
5. Sketch the characteristics from the recorded readings.
6. At suitable operating point calculate input resistance (Ri).
Output characteristics:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 16.1
2. Set IB constant at 10µA by varying VBB.
3. Vary the output voltage Vcc in steps of 1V from 0V upto 10V and record
the corresponding value of VCE and Ic in observation table.

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4. Repeat the above steps 2 and 3 by keeping IB at 20µA and 30µA.
5. Sketch the characteristics from the recorded readings and calculate output
resistance (Ro).
XI Observation Table
Table 1: Input Characteristics


No. VBE (V)

VBE (V) IB (µA) VBE (V) IB (µA) IB (µA)


Table 2: Output Characteristics

IB=10µA IB=20µA IB=30µA

VCE(V) Ic(mA) VCE(V) Ic(mA) VCE(V) Ic(mA)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Calculations: (from graph)
1. Input resistance Ri: ……………
2. Output resistance Ro: …………..
3. Current amplification factor : ……………

XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
1. Repeat the same experiment using PNP transistor.
2. State current gain of the transistor in CE configuration. Find out DC
current gain you obtain in this practical?
[Space for answers]

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.electrical4u.com/transistor-characteristics/
2. https://www.eeeguide.com/ce-transistor-characteristics/
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KynKHr2cXgk
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of 05%
experiment in time

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. ............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No.17: Test the performance parameters of BJT as Switch

I Practical Significance
BJT can be operated in three regions: cut-off region, active region and
saturation region. When BJT is used as a switch, only two regions cut- off
and saturation are used. In saturation region transistor acts as ON state
switch. In cut-off region, transistor acts as OFF state switch. In this practical
only two points of DC load line while using BJT as a switch.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test BJT as switch on Breadboard:
1. Test the performance parameters of BJT as Switch.
2. Identify Cutoff and saturation regions.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow all safety precautions

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

If the circuit uses the BJT transistor as a switch, then the biasing of the
transistor, NPN or PNP is arranged to operate the transistor at the both sides
of the V-I characteristics curves shown in figure 17.1

Figure 17.1: Output characteristics of BJT

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
From the above characteristics it is found that, the shaded area at the bottom
of the curves represents the Cut-off region and the shaded area to the left
represent the Saturation region of the transistor.
Cut-off Region: The operating conditions of the transistor are zero input base
current (IB=0), zero output collector current (IC=0), and maximum collector
voltage (VCE) which results in a large depletion layer and no current flowing
through the device. Therefore, the transistor is switched to “Fully-OFF
Saturation Region: In this region, the transistor will be biased so that the
maximum amount of base current (IB) is applied, resulting in maximum
collector current (IC=VCC/RL) and then resulting in the minimum collector-
emitter voltage (VCE ~ 0) drop. At this condition, the depletion layer becomes
as small as the possible and maximum current flowing through the transistor.
Therefore, the transistor is switched “Fully-ON State”.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 17.2: Circuit diagram of BJT as a switch

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

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(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC 1
voltage measurement and Current
measurement facility and Diode testing
2. DC Regulated Variable DC power supply 2
power supply 0- 30V, 2A, SC protection, display for
voltage and current.
3. DC Voltmeter 0-20 V 1
4. DC Ammeter 0 - 200 mA, 0 - 200 µA 1 each
5. Transistor BC107 or any other 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ and 10KΩ (0.5watts/0.25watts) 1 each
7. Bread board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
8. Connecting Single strand Teflon coating (0.6mm) As per
wires requirement

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IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling the terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of Ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wire tightly while building circuits.
4. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
X Procedure
1. Connect circuit as shown in figure 17.2
2. Adjust collector supply Vcc = +12V and base supply VBB=+5V.
3. Use base voltage supply switch instead of switch shown in the circuit
4. Measure IB, IC and VCE when switch is OFF (It will be zero).
5. Now apply base voltage +5V.
6. Measure IB, IC and VCE.
XI Observation Table
Table 1


Switch OFF

VBB= +5V
Switch ON

XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
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Elements of Electronics (312309)

XV Practical related Questions

1. List types of BJT available in your laboratory.
2. Find out the ratio of collector resistance to base resistance while
designing transistor switch. State the effect of saturation on transistor
3. Draw output waveform when following waveform is applied at the
base circuit.

[Space for answers]

XVII References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/transistor/tran_4.html
2. https://www.build-electronic-circuits.com/transistor-as-a-switch/
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXY9zUSulkg

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment in 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members
1. ..............................
2. ............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Practical No.18: Check the performance of FET drain Characteristics

I Practical Significance
The field-effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that uses an electric
field to control the electrical behavior of the circuit. JFETs are known as
unipolar transistors since they involve single-carrier-type operation. Field
effect transistors have very high input impedance at low frequencies.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test the performance of FET in common source mode:
1. Build the circuit for FET in common source configuration.
2. Plot characteristics for drain to source voltage VDS verses drain current ID
for different Values of VGS

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcome

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Junction Field Effect Transistors are a type of FETs (high input impedance
devices) which have three terminals namely Source (S), Gate (G) and Drain
(D). These devices are also called voltage-controlled devices as the voltage
applied at the gate terminal determines the amount of current flowing in-
between the drain and the source terminals.
N-channel JFET
N-channel JFET has its major portion made of N-type semiconductor. The
mutually- opposite two faces of this bulk material form the source and the
drain terminals. There are two relatively-small P-regions embedded into this
substrate which are internally joined together to form the gate terminal. Thus,
here, the source and the drain terminals are of N-type and the gate is of P-
P-channel JFET
P-channel JFET has its major portion made of P-type semiconductor. The
mutually- opposite two faces of this bulk material form the source and drain

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

terminals. There are two relatively-small-regions embedded into this substrate

which are internally joined together to form the gate terminal. Thus, here, the
source and the drain terminals are of p-type while the gate is of n-type.

Figure 18.1: Symbol of JFET

Drain Characteristics:
The curve is divided into following regions:
Ohmic Region: In this region drain current increases linearly with the increase
in drain to source voltage, obeying ohm's law.
Curve AB: In this region drain current increases at the inverse square law rate
with the increase in drain to source voltage. It is because of fact that with
increase in drain to source voltage, drain current increases. This in tum
increases reverse bias voltage across gate to source junction. As a result,
width of depletion region increases reducing effective width of channel.
Pinch off Region: This is also called saturation region. In this region drain
current remains almost constant and at its maximum value
Breakdown Region: In this region drain current increases rapidly as the drain
to source voltage is also increased. It happens because of breakdown of gate
to source junction due to avalanche effect.

Figure 18.2: Drain characteristics

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 136

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 18.3: Circuit diagram of common source JFET

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1. Variable DC Power 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for 1
Supply voltage and current
2. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 2
3. DC Ammeter 0-200mA 1
4. JFET BFW10, BFW15 or equivalent JFET 1
5. Connecting wires/ Single strand 0.6mm Teflon As per
probes requirement
6. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wires tightly while building circuit.
4. Show the connections to course faculty and then switch ON the power

X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 18.3
2. Fix gate to source voltage (VGS) at 0V.
3. Increase drain to source power supply and note down drain to source voltage
(VDS) and drain current (ID).
4. Increase gate to source de power supply so that voltmeter connected to gate
and source terminal show 1V.
5. Now repeat above procedure and note down drain to source voltage and drain
current by increasing drain power supply.
6. Take readings for 3 to 4 gate voltage values and tabulate it.
7. Plot a graph of VDS verses ID for various values of VGS.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 138

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XI Observation Table
Table 1

Sr. VGS= ......... V VGS= ......... V VGS= ......... V

No. VDS (V) ID (mA) VDS (V) ID (mA) VDS (V) ID (mA)







Drain dynamic Resistance:
rd= -------------

XII Result
1. Drain dynamic Resistance (rd)= ............................

XIII Interpretation of result

XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
1. Justify ‘Field effect transistor called as unipolar transistor’.
2. Write the Part number and manufacturer of given JFET.
3. Write the steps to identify terminals of given JFET.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 139

Elements of Electronics (312309)
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I_8YNVgbEw
2. https://www.electronicshub.org/junction-field-effect-transistor/
3. https://www.analog.com/en/resources/glossary/jfet.html

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment 05%
in time

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 143

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Practical No.19: Test the performance of FET transfer characteristics and

calculate Transconductance

I Practical Significance
The field-effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that uses an electric
field to control the electrical behavior of the circuit. JFETs are known as
unipolar transistors since they involve single-carrier-type operation. Field
effect transistors have very high input impedance at low frequencies.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use
electronic components and circuits in electrical equipment and

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use semiconductor transistors in different applications.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Test the performance of FET in common source mode:
1. Build the circuit for FET in common source configuration.
2. Plot characteristics for Gate to source voltage VGS verses drain current
ID and calculate transconductance.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcome

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Junction Field Effect Transistors are a type of FETs (high input impedance
devices) which have three terminals namely Source (S), Gate (G) and Drain
(D). These devices are also called voltage-controlled devices as the voltage
applied at the gate terminal determines the amount of current flowing in-
between the drain and the source terminals.
Gate/ Transfer Characteristics:
It gives relationship between drain current (ID) and gate to source voltage
(VGS) for a constant value of drain to source voltage (VDS).

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 19.1: Transfer characteristics

VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample

Figure 19.2: Circuit diagram of common source JFET

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
1. DC Power Supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for 2
voltage and current.
2. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 2
3. DC Ammeter 0-50mA 1
4. JFET BFW10, BFW15 or equivalent JFET 1
5. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
6. Connecting wires/ Single strand 0.6mm Teflon As per
probes requirement

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wires tightly while building circuit.
4. Show the connections to course faculty and then switch ON the
power supply.

X Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 19.2
2. Set drain to source voltage to 1V, vary gate to source voltage (V GS)
in steps and note down corresponding drain current (ID).
3. Repeat the procedure for different set values of drain voltage and
keep the record of gate to source voltage and drain current.
4. Plot a graph of gate to source voltage verses drain current for
different set values of drain to source voltage.
5. A graph will be in second quadrant as gate to source voltage is negative.
XI Observation Table
Table 1

Sr. VDS= ......... V VDS= ......... V VDS= .........V

No. VGS (V) ID (mA) VGS (V) ID (mA) VGS (V) ID (mA)



gm= -------------

XII Result
1. Transconductance (gm)= ............................

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XIII Interpretation of results

XIV Conclusions and Recommendation


XV Practical related Questions

1. Is FET a unipolar or bipolar device? Give reason.
2. Explain the term Drain in FET.
3. Give advantages of FET over BJT.
4. List any two JFET available in your laboratory and give its specifications.
[Space for answers]

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 148

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/transistor/tran5.html
2. http://www.circuitstoday.com/characteristics-of-jfets
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9WlHNVHZ84
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Calculation of theoretical value 10%
2 Interpretation of Result 05%
3 Conclusions 05%
4 Practical related questions 15%
5 Completion and submission of experiment 05%
in time

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Marks Obtained Dated Signature of

Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 151

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 20: Measure the frequency of given Oscillator circuit

I Practical Significance
An oscillator is an electronic circuit for generating AC signal voltage
with a DC supply as the only biasing requirement. The frequency of the
generated signal is decided by the circuit elements. An oscillator requires an
amplifier a frequency selective network and positive feedback from the
output to the input. The Barkhausen criteria for sustained oscillator is Aβ = 1,
where A is gain of the amplifier and β is the feedback factor.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Use different types of Oscillators as per requirement.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Build the circuit and measure the frequency of given LC Oscillator
2. Build the circuit and measure the frequency of given RC Oscillator

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

Handle components and equipment carefully.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

In the RC phase shift oscillator, the required phase shift of 180˚ in the
feedback loop from the output to input is obtained by using R and C
components, instead of tank circuit. Here a common emitter amplifier is used
in forward path followed by three sections of RC phase network in the reverse
path with the output of the last section being returned to the input of the
amplifier. The phase shift Ф is given by each RC section Ф=tanˉ1 (1/ωrc). In
practice R-value is adjusted such that Ф becomes 60˚. If the value of R and C
are chosen such that the given frequency for the phase shift of each RC
section is 60˚. Therefore, at a specific frequency the total phase shift from
base to transistors around circuit and back to base is exactly 360˚ or 0˚. Thus,
the Barkhausen criterion for oscillation is satisfied. The three section RC
network offers 1800 phase shift and the β of . Hence for unity gain
feedback, the gain of the amplifier should be 29. The phase shift oscillator is
particularly useful as audio frequency generator.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 152
Elements of Electronics (312309)
The frequency of oscillation is given by .

Hartley oscillator is an LC oscillator. It has LC tank circuit for frequency

selection. LC oscillators are preferred for higher frequencies. Voltage divider
bias is used for the amplifier in CE configuration. Amplifier section provides
1800 phase shift. The tank circuit provides another 1800 phase shift to satisfy
Barkhausen criteria. RE is bypassed by CBP to prevent AC signal feedback and
thus to improve the gain of the amplifier. Frequency of oscillation is
determined by the resonant circuit consisting of capacitor C and inductors L1
and L2.

It is given by Hz.

Where Leq = L1+L2. The output voltage appears across L1 and feedback
voltage appears across L2. So, the feedback factor of the oscillator is given by
β This means that the gain of the amplifier section is A = .

Figure 20.1: Sinusoidal output

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 20.2: Circuit diagram of RC Phase Shift Oscillator

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 20.3: Circuit diagram of LC (Hartley) Phase Shift Oscillator

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 154

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
1. measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
2. CRO 0-25MHz, Dual Trace 1
3. DC Power supply 0-12 V 1
4. Resistor 470 Ω, 47 Ω, 560Ω 1 each
5. Resistor 4.7 KΩ, 10 KΩ, 1.8 KΩ 2 each
6. Capacitor 0.01µF,1µF, 22µF (Electrolytic) 1 each
7. Variable resistor – 10 KΩ 1
8. Transistor BC 548, BF 195 1 each
9. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1
10. IFT - 1
11. Connecting wires Single strand Teflon coating As per
(0.6mm diameter)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Connect wires tightly while building circuit.
3. Show the connections to course faculty and then switch ON the power supply.

X Procedure
Part I
RC Phase Shift Oscillator
1. Test the components and assemble the circuit on a breadboard as shown in
figure 20.2
2. Connect the output of the circuit to an oscilloscope.
3. Adjust the 10 KΩ pot and observe the output.
4. Measure the frequency and amplitude of the output.
5. Sketch the output waveform on graph paper.
Part II
LC (Hartley) Oscillator
1. Test the components and assemble the circuit on bread board as shown in
figure 20.3
2. Measure and verify the DC biasing conditions of the transistor.
3. Connect the output to oscilloscope
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 155
Elements of Electronics (312309)
4. Observe and measure the amplitude and time period of the output.
5. Calculate the frequency of oscillation.
6. Adjust the core of IFT to get a desired frequency if necessary.
7. Sketch the output waveform on graph paper.
XI Observation Table
Table 1- RC Phase Shift Oscillator

Sr. No. Amplitude (V) Time (ms) Frequency (KHz)


Table 2- LC (Hartley) Oscillator

Sr. No. Amplitude (V) Time (ms) Frequency (KHz)



XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 156

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XV Practical related Questions
1. Give the conditions for oscillation.
2. Difference between RC oscillator and LC oscillator?
3. Write down the application of RC phase shift oscillator.

[Space for answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 157

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://circuitdigest.com/tutorial/rc-phase-shift-oscillator
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/oscillator/hartley.html
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akqoYmkaiSc

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



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Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 21: Find out faults at different stages of regulated DC
power supply

I Practical Significance
Today almost every electronic device needs a DC supply for its
smooth operation and they need to be operated within certain power supply
limits. This required DC voltage or DC supply is derived from single phase
AC mains. A regulated power supply can convert unregulated an AC
(alternating current or voltage) to a constant DC (direct current or voltage). A
regulated power supply is used to ensure that the output remains constant
even if the input changes. A regulated DC power supply is also called as a
linear power supply; it is an embedded circuit and consists of various blocks.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Test operation of regulated power supply.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Test the voltages &waveforms at various Test points of regulated dc
power supply.
2. Identify the various faults in the Regulated DC power supply

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety practices.
3. Maintain tools and equipment.
4. Follow ethical practices.

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Testing of regulated DC power supply is used to troubleshoot the
power supply. Testing is use to solve and eliminate the causes of fault.
These faults cause voltage and current instability. Which can have a
significant impact on equipment? The aim of a DC power supply is to
provide the required level of DC power to the load using an AC supply at
the input. The DC power supply consists of following major
i. Input transformer: The input transformer is a step down
ii. Rectifier: The rectifier converts AC to pulsating DC.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 161
Elements of Electronics (312309)
iii. Filter: It removes ripples.
iv. Voltage Regulator: It provides a constant output voltage
irrespective of change in line and load voltage.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 21.1: Block diagram of Regulated power supply

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 162

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 2
1. measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
2. CRO 0-25MHz, Dual Trace 1
DC Power supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for 2
voltage and current.
4. Bread Board/Trainer kit 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Before connecting the plug to the mains check, the insulation of wires.

X Procedure
1. Use trainer kit of regulated DC power supply.
2. ON the AC supply.
3. Create faults at different stages, compare the observed output voltage with
the expected output voltage at that stage and comment on the values

XI Observation Table
Table 1- Observe output voltage and fault

Sr. Create fault Expected Observed Output Comment Related

at Stage Output Voltage Voltage to Observed fault





XII Results
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 163
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
1. Measure the voltages at given different stages given in observation table
using DMM.
2. List the different blocks of a regulated DC power supply.
[Space for answers]
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 164
Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.electrical4u.com/regulated-power-supply/
2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Practical_Regulated_Power_Supply_

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 165

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 22: Trouble shoot given DC regulated power supply

I Practical Significance
Troubleshooting of an electronic circuit is a process of having a
special outlook on components that comes out with remedies to repair it.
The unexpected behavior exhibited by the circuit is due to improper
locating or soldering of components, component damage due to aging,
faults, over heat, and so on.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Test operation of regulated power supply.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

Rectify the various faults in the Regulated DC power supply.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety precautions.
3. Follow ethical practices

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair
failed products or processes on a machine or a system. It is a logical,
systematic search for the source of a problem in order to solve it, and make
the product or process operational again.
Troubleshooting approach consists of the following:
Step1- Physical Observation (Locating different electronic component in
different section)
Step2- Define Problem Area
Step3- Identify Possible Causes
Step4- Determine Most Probable Cause
Step5- Test and Repair.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 22.1: Regulated power supply

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
1. measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
2. CRO 0-25MHz, Dual Trace 1
DC Power supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for 1
voltage and current
4. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
IX Precautions to be followed
Before connecting the plug to the mains check, the wires are properly insulated.

X Procedure
1. For trouble shooting of given power supply follow the given flow chart:
Follow the given flowchart for troubling shooting the given power supply.
2. Do the physical observations of different section of the given power supply.
3. Draw the circuit diagram of the given power supply and mark test point as
per the flowchart.
4. Go on testing each section of given circuit from input side to output side and
test output. Record the voltage and sketch waveforms at all check points in the
5. Compare the voltage value at given point with expected value, check wave
form at given point and then identify the fault in given supply.

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

XI Observation Table
Table 1- Observed Waveform

Sr. No. Test Points Standard Measured Observed waveform

value value



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Elements of Electronics (312309)
XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

XV Practical related Questions

1. Repeat the experiment with different faults.
2. List the different steps to trouble shoot DC regulated power supply.
3. State the need of DC regulated power supply.
[Space for answers]

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 170

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.electrical4u.com/regulated-power-supply/
5. http://www.circuitstoday.com/regulated-power-supply

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%
Names of Student Team Members
1. .............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. ………………………

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 171

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 23: Build and Test the performance of Zener voltage
regulator for given voltage

I Practical Significance
Zener diode is a silicon semiconductor with a p-n junction that is
specifically designed to work in the reverse biased condition. When forward
biased, it behaves like a normal signal diode, but when the reverse voltage is
applied to it, the voltage remains constant for a wide range of currents. Due
to this feature, it is used as a voltage regulator in D.C. circuit.
Zener Breakdown: There is a limit for the reverse biasing voltage.
Reverse biasing voltage can increase until the diode breakdown voltage
reaches. This reverse biased voltage is called Zener Breakdown voltage. At
this stage, maximum current will flow through the Zener diode.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Test operation of regulated power supply.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Build Zener voltage regulator for given voltage.
2. Calculate load and line regulation.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety precautions.
3. Follow ethical practices

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

The function of a regulator is to provide a constant output voltage to a
load connected in parallel with it in spite of the ripples in the supply voltage
or the variation in the load current and the zener diode will continue to
regulate the voltage until the diodes current falls below the minimum IZ
(min) value in the reverse breakdown region. It permits current to flow in the
forward direction as normal, but will also allow it to flow in the reverse
direction when the voltage is above a certain value - the breakdown voltage
known as the Zener voltage. The Zener diode specially made to have a
reverse voltage breakdown at a specific voltage.
Its characteristics are otherwise very similar to common diodes. In
breakdown the voltage across the Zener diode is close to constant over a

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Elements of Electronics (312309)
wide range of currents thus useful as a shunt voltage regulator. The purpose of
a voltage regulator is to maintain a constant voltage across a load regardless of
variations in the applied input voltage and variations in the load current. A
typical Zener diode shunt regulator is shown in Figure 23.1. The resistor is
selected so that when the input voltage is at VIN (min) and the load current is
at IL (max) that the current through the Zener diode is at least Iz (min). Then
for all other combinations of input voltage and load current the Zener diode
conducts the excess current thus maintaining a constant voltage across the
load. The Zener conducts the least current when the load current is the highest
and it conducts the most current when the load current is the lowest.
a) Line Regulation
In line regulation, series resistance and load resistance are fixed, only input
voltage is changing. Output voltage remains the same as long as the input
voltage is maintained above a minimum value.
Line regulation is the ability of a power supply to maintain a constant
output voltage despite changes to the input voltage, with the
output current drawn from the power supply remaining constant. It is
desirable for a power supply to maintain a stable output regardless of
changes in the input voltage. The line regulation is important when the input
voltage source is unstable or unregulated and this would result in significant
variations in the output voltage. Percentage of line regulation can be
calculated by

b) Load Regulation
Load regulation is the measure of the ability of a power supply to maintain a
constant output voltage despite changes in output current or load. A good load
regulation ensures that the power supply will deliver a required and stable
voltage to the circuit or system. Ideally the load regulation should be zero
meaning that the supply’s output voltage is independent of the load and
remains the same throughout.
When choosing a power supply, it is important to pay attention to the
load regulation as specified in the data sheets. The power supply should be
able to supply a constant and reliable power to within the specified load
current range. The load regulation is not a fixed number but rather presented
as a percentage.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 173

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VII Practical setup in Laboratory
(a) Sample


Figure 23.1: Zener diode Shunt Regulator

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 174

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
1. measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
Variable DC power supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for voltage 1
and current.
3. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 1
4. Diode 1N4733(or any other Equivalent Zener diode) 1
5. Variable Load Resistor 0 -10KΩ(Rheostats/potentiometers) 1
6. Resistor 1KΩ(0.5watts/0.25watts) 1
7. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond
the rated voltage of diode. This may lead to damaging of the diode.
3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit

X Procedure
Part I
Line Regulation:
1. Connect the circuit as in figure 23.1.
2. Keep load resistance fixed value; vary DC input voltage from 5Vto 15V.
3. Record the output voltage as a load voltage with high line voltage 'V HL 'and
as a load voltage with low line voltage 'VLL' in the observation table.
Part II
Load Regulation:
1. Keep input voltage constant say 1OV, vary load resistance value.
2. Record no load voltage 'VNL' for maximum load resistance value and full
load voltage 'VFL' for minimum load resistance value.
3. Calculate load regulation as per formula.
4. Sketch the graph for recorded readings.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 175

Elements of Electronics (312309)

XI Observation Table
Table 1- Measurement of Vin and Vz

Line Regulation Load Regulation

(RL constant) (Vin constant) Vin=lO (V)
Sr. No. IL=lO (mA)
Input Output Load Output
voltage voltage Vz(VOLTS) current IL(mA) voltage Vz(VOLTS)

Percentage of line regulation=

Percentage of load regulation=

XII Results
Load Resistance Output voltage Load current
RL minimum
RL maximum
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 176

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XV Practical related Questions
1. Repeat the above experiment different Zener diode.
2. Differentiate between PN junction & Zener diode.
3. Draw Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n56b6-j0r4
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG2YAtTWxv
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfGEODPzTmc

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 177

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Names of Student Team Members
1. .............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. …………………………

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 180

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 24: Construct and Test the performance of Positive
voltage regulator using 78XX, three terminals IC for given

I Practical Significance
In industry and domestic appliances three terminal regulators are used.
They give fixed output voltage making these useful in a wide range of
applications. One of these on-board regulations, eliminating the
distribution problems associated with single point regulation. Use of 78xx
will help students to acquire necessary practical skills related to

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Test operation of regulated power supply.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Construct the circuit for Positive voltage regulator using 78XX IC.
2. Calculate load and line regulation.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety precautions.
3. Follow ethical practices

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

IC78XX is positive series of regulators. For ICs with in the78xx
family, the xx is replaced with two digits, indicating the output voltage for
example; the 7805 has a 5-volt output, while the 7812 produces12 volts.
The LM78XX series of three terminal regulators is available with several
fixed output voltages making them useful in a wide range of will allow
over 1. 0A load current if adequate heat sinking is provided. Current
limiting is included to limit the peak output current to a safe value. Safe
area protection for the output transistor is provided to limit internal power
dissipation. If internal power dissipation becomes too high for the heat
sinking provided, the thermal shutdown circuit takes over preventing the
IC from overheating.
Voltage Range are LM7805C 5V; LM7812C 12V; LM7815C
15V.The LM79XX series of 3-terminal regulators is available with fixed
output voltages of 5V,8V,12V, and15V. These devices need only one
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 181
Elements of Electronics (312309)
external component, i.e. compensation capacitor at the output. The
LM79XX series is packaged in the TO-220 power package and is capable
of supplying 1.5A of output current. In LM78xx LM indicate the
manufacturer name.

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 24.1: Pin diagram of IC78XX

Figure 24.2: IC78XX as positive voltage regulator

(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 182

Elements of Electronics (312309)
VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications
Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
1. measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
2. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 1
IC7805,7812,7815 LM78L05 with tolerances of ±5% over 1 each
the temperature range.
4. Variable Load Resistor 0 -10KΩ(Rheostats/potentiometers) 1
Capacitors 0.01µF,0.33µF,2.2µF,1µF(ceramic 1 each
6. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.

X Procedure
1. Connect circuit on General Purpose Bread boards.
2. Apply unregulated DC power supply.
3. Measure input voltage with voltmeter or Multimeter.
4. Measure output voltage with voltmeter or Multimeter.

Part I
Line Regulation:
1. Connect the circuit as in figure 24.2
2. Keep load resistance fixed value; vary DC input voltage from 5Vto 15V.
3.Record the output voltage as a load voltage with high line voltage 'V HL 'and as a
load voltage with low line voltage 'VIN' in the observation table.

Part II
Load Regulation:
1. Keep input voltage constant say 1OV, vary load resistance value.
2. Record no load voltage 'VNL' for maximum load resistance value and full load
voltage 'VFL' for minimum load resistance value.
3. Calculate load regulation as per formula.
4. Sketch the graph for recorded readings.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 183

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XI Observation Table
Table 1- Positive voltage regulator using IC78XX

Sr. No IC Used Input DC Voltage Output DC Voltage

1. 7805

2. 7812

3. 7815

Table 2- Measurement of Vin and Vz

Line Regulation Load Regulation

(RL constant) (Vin constant) Vin=10(V)
Sr. No. IL=10 (mA)
Input Output Load Output
voltage voltage Vz(VOLTS) current IL(mA) voltage Vz(VOLTS)

Percentage of line regulation=

Percentage of load regulation=

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 184

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XII Results
Load Resistance Output voltage Load current
RL minimum
RL maximum
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation

XV Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Course faculty must
design more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. List the three terminal of IC 78xx voltage regulator.
2. List voltage options are available in 78xx voltage regulator.
3. List any two advantages of IC 78xx

[Space for answers]


XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/9037/NSC/LM78XX.html
2. www.cedmagic.com/tech-info/data/lm78xx.pdf

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 185

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. .............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. …………………………

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 188

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 25: Prepare and Test the performance of Dual voltage
regulator using 78XX and 79XX, three terminal IC for given voltage

I Practical Significance
In industry and domestic appliances three terminal regulators are used.
They give fixed output voltage making these useful in a wide range of
applications. One of these is on board regulation, eliminating the
distribution problems associated with single point regulation. 78xx series
of voltage regulators are most commonly used to provide a stable output
voltage from a slightly higher input voltage. And 79xx series of voltage
regulators perform in pretty much the same way but they are intended to
output a negative voltage.

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Test operation of regulated power supply.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare the circuit for Dual voltage regulator using 78XX and 79XX IC.
2. Calculate load and Line regulation.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety precautions.
3. Follow ethical practices

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

IC78XX is positive series of regulators. For ICs with in the78xx family, the
xx is replaced with two digits, indicating the output voltage for example;
the7805 has a 5-volt output, while the 7812 produces12 volts. The
LM78XX series of three terminal regulators is available with several fixed
output voltages making them useful in a wide range of will allow over
1.0A load current if adequate heat sinking is provided. Current limiting is
included to limit the peak output current to a safe value. Safe area protection
for the output transistor is provided to limit internal power dissipation. If
internal power dissipation becomes too high for the heat sinking provided,
the thermal shutdown circuit takes over preventing the IC from overheating.
Voltage Range are LM7805C 5V; LM7812C 12V; LM7815C 15V.where
LM indicate the manufacturer name.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 189
Elements of Electronics (312309)
The LM79XX series of 3-terminal regulators is available with fixed output
voltages of 5V, 8V, 12V, and 15V.These devices need only one external
component, i.e. compensation capacitor at the output. The LM79XX series
is packaged in the TO-220 power package and is capable of supplying 1.5A
of output current. The third pin is ground. The purpose of the first and
second pins of these two types of ICs is different:
I. The first and second pins of 78xx voltage regulator ICs are used for
connecting the input and ground respectively.
II. The first and second pins of 79xx voltage regulator ICs are used for
connecting the ground and input respectively.
7805 voltage regulator IC produces a DC voltage of +5 volts.
7905 voltage regulator IC produces a DC voltage of -5 volts.

Figure 25.1: Pin diagram of IC78XX and 79XX

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 25.2: Dual voltage regulator

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 190

Elements of Electronics (312309)
(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(c)Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
1. measurement and Current measurement
facility and Diode testing facility.
2. DC Voltmeter 0-20V 1
IC7805,7812,7815 LM78L05 input voltage tolerances of ±5% 1 each
3. over the temperature range and Output
current of 100mA.
IC7905,7912,7915 Thermal, short circuit and safe are a 1 each
protection, High ripple rejection,1.5A output
current, 4% tolerance on preset Output
5. Capacitors 2200µF,220µF (Ceramic capacitor) 4
6. Transformer 9-0-9VAC,500mA 1
7. Bridge rectifier 100V,2A 1
8. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 191

Elements of Electronics (312309)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.

X Procedure
Select components and test it with multimeter.
1. Mount components on bread board as per circuit diagram.
2. Connect dc power supply at the input.
3. Connect multimeter at the output.
4. Vary input voltage by varying DC supply till constant output voltage is obtained.
5. Note down the corresponding output voltage.
6. Tabulate input and output voltage in observation table.
7. Plot a graph of input dc voltage versus output voltage.
8. Measure output voltage with voltmeter or Multimeter
Part I
Line Regulation:
1.Connect the circuit as in figure 25.2
2. Keep load resistance fixed value; vary DC input voltage from 5Vto 15V.
3.Record the output voltage as a load voltage with high line voltage 'V HL 'and as a
load voltage with low line voltage 'VIN' in the observation table.

Part II
Load Regulation:
1. Keep input voltage constant say 10V, vary load resistance value.
2.Record no load voltage 'VNL' for maximum load resistance value and full load
voltage 'VFL' for minimum load resistance value.
3.Calculate load regulation as per formula.
4. Sketch the graph for recorded readings.
XI Observation Table
Table 1- Positive voltage regulator using IC78XX

Sr. No IC Used Output at positive DC Output at negative DC

Voltage Voltage

1. 7805

2. 7812

3. 7815

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 192

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Table 2- Negative voltage regulator using IC79XX

Sr. No. IC Used Output at positive Output at negative DC

DC Voltage Voltage

1. 7905

2. 7912

3. 7915

Table 3- Measurement of Vin and Vz

Line Regulation Load Regulation

(RL constant) (Vin constant) Vin=lO (V)
Sr. No. IL=lO (mA)
Input Output Load Output
voltage voltage current IL(mA) voltage Vz(VOLTS)

Percentage of line regulation=

Percentage of load regulation=

XII Results
Load Resistance Output voltage Load current
RL minimum
RL maximum

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 193

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Course faculty must
design more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Draw the pin configuration of IC 78xx & 79xx.
2. List the different applications of voltage regulator IC 78xx family.
3. List features of IC 78xx and 79xx.
[Space for answers]

XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/9037/NSC/LM78XX.html
2. www.cedmagic.com/tech-info/data/lm78xx.pdf

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 194

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVII Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

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Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 197

Elements of Electronics (312309)
Practical No. 26: Test the performance of IC 723 as Regulator

I Practical Significance
Voltage regulators are used to compensate for voltage fluctuation in
main power as well as load current variation. Voltage regulators are used
in industries as well as in domestic applications such as Air Condition,
TV, and Refrigerators in order to protect them from fluctuating input
voltage. IC 723 is a general purpose, extremely versatile voltage regulator
IC, which can be used for making various types of regulated power

II Industry / Employer Expected Outcome

This practical is expected to develop the following skill: ‘Use electronic
components and circuits in electrical equipment and systems’.

III Course Level Learning Outcome

Test operation of regulated power supply.

IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes

1. Build LOW/High voltage regulator circuit using IC LM723.
2. Calculate load and Line regulation.

V Relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes

1. Handle components and equipment carefully.
2. Follow safety precautions.
3. Follow ethical practices

VI Minimum Theoretical Background

The723 voltage regulator is commonly used for series voltage regulator
applications. It can be used as both positive and negative voltage regulator.
LM723 IC can also be used as a temperature controller, current regulator
or shunt regulator and it is available in both Dual-In-Line and Metal Can
The IC 723 is a general purpose, extremely versatile voltage regulator IC,
which can be used for making various types of regulated power supplies
such as:
a. Positive Voltage Regulator
b. Negative Voltage Regulator
c. Switching Regulator
d. Foldback Current Limiter

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 198

Elements of Electronics (312309)

Figure 26.1: Pin diagram of IC LM723

Block diagram of IC 723

Includes, voltage reference source, error amplifier, a series pass transistor
and a current limit transistor all are include din14pin DIP package. It has
temperature compensated 6.2V Zener, which is biased with constant
current source. A reference voltage amplifier generates the precise
reference voltage in between 6.8 to 7.5 V. The output of error amplifier
drives the series pass transistor Q1 to give output voltage. Transistor Q2 is
connected internally to provide short circuit current limiting.

Figure 26.2: Block diagram of IC LM723

VII Practical setup in Laboratory

(a) Sample

Figure 26.3: Circuit diagram of IC723

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 199
Elements of Electronics (312309)
(b) Actual Circuit Diagram used in Laboratory

(b) Actual practical set up used in Laboratory

VIII Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specifications

Instruments/Components Specification Quantity
Digital Multimeter 3 ½ -digit display with AC and DC voltage 1
1. measurement and Current measurement facility
and Diode testing facility.
Variable DC power supply 0-30V, 2A, SC protection, display for voltage and 1
2. current.

3. IC723 LM723 1
Resistor 1.2KΩ, 560 Ω,3.9 KΩ, 6
4. 15 KΩ,0.15Ω/5W,10KΩ
Variable resistor
5. Capacitor 100pF,100Nf,100µF,2200µF. (Ceramic capacitor) 4
6. Transistor 2N3055, BD135 2
7. Bread Board 5.5 CM X 17CM 1

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Elements of Electronics (312309)

IX Precautions to be followed
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.

X Procedure
Select components and test it with multimeter.
1. Mount components on bread board as per circuit diagram.
2. Connect dc power supply at the input.
3. Connect multimeter at the output.
4. Vary input voltage by varying DC supply till constant output voltage is obtained.
5. Note down the corresponding output voltage.
6. Tabulate input and output voltage in observation table.
7. Plot a graph of input dc voltage versus output voltage.
8. Measure output voltage with voltmeter or Multimeter
Part I
Line Regulation:
1.Connect the circuit as in figure 26.3
2. Keep load resistance fixed value; vary DC input voltage from 5Vto 15V.
3.Record the output voltage as a load voltage with high line voltage 'V HL 'and as a
load voltage with low line voltage 'VIN' in the observation table.
Part II
Load Regulation:
1. Keep input voltage constant say 10V, vary load resistance value.
2. Record no load voltage 'VNL' for maximum load resistance value and full load
voltage 'VFL' for minimum load resistance value.
3. Calculate load regulation as per formula.
4. Sketch the graph for recorded readings.
XI Observation Table
Table 1- Measurement of Vin and Vz

Line Regulation (RL constant) Load Regulation (Vin constant)

IL=10(mA) Vin=10 (V)
Sr. No. Input voltage Output voltage Load current Output voltage
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 201
Elements of Electronics (312309)
Percentage of line regulation=

Percentage of load regulation=

XII Results
XIII Interpretation of results
XIV Conclusions and Recommendation
XV Practical related Questions
Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Course faculty must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. State the difference between low voltage and high voltage regulator?
2. List the various protection circuits used in voltage regulator?
3. Sate the function of current limiting in IC 723?
[Space for answers]

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 202

Elements of Electronics (312309)
XVI References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veXShWaCliA
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNqT7vCDswk

XVII Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Proper connection of electrical circuit 20%
2 Handling of instrument 10%
3 Taking proper readings 20%
4 Working in team. 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
1 Interpretation of Result & Conclusion 15%
2 Practical related questions 15%
3 Completion and submission of experiment 10%
in time
Total (25 Marks) 100%

Names of Student Team Members

1. ..............................
2. .............................
3. .............................
4. .............................

Dated Signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product
Related Related
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 203

Elements of Electronics (312309)



Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (‘K’ Scheme) 204

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