Directions: Directions: Read what a dictionary entry tells you.
Then, use the dictionary entries
to answer the questions a-f below.
What does a dictionary entry tell you?
It tells you the It tells you how the word spelling of a word. It tells you how to is divided into syllables. pronounce the word. handle (han-duhl) 1: part of an object friction (frik-shuhn) 1: rubbing. Friction that you use to carry, move, or hold causes heat. 2: force that slows down that object, as in a door handle. 2: pick objects when they rub against each other. something up in your hands in order to 3: disagreement or anger. There was much look at it carefully. The sign in the stores friction between the two teams. said, “Please handle the china with care.” 3: deal with someone or something. It tells you the meaning of the Carol is very good at handling tricky word. If the word has more than situations. one meaning, each definition will be numbered. It tells you how the word is used in the examples that follow the definition.
1. How many syllables are in the word friction? ___________________________
2. How many syllables are in the word handle? ___________________________ 3. Divide handle into syllables. __________________________________________ 4. What is the phonetic spelling for friction? ______________________________ 5. What is the phonetic spelling for handle? ______________________________ 6. Which syllable in handle is emphasized? _______________________________ 7. How many definitions are listed for friction? ____________________________ 8. How many definitions are listed for handle? ____________________________