Fuzzy PID Control Method of Deburring
Fuzzy PID Control Method of Deburring
Fuzzy PID Control Method of Deburring
IOS Press
Abstract. This paper proposes a fuzzy PID control method for deburring industrial robots. The adaptive fuzzy PID controller
relates to the trajectory and joint angular parameters of the end-effector on a robot. The PID controller parameters update online
at each sampling time to guarantee trajectory accuracy of the end-effector. The simulation of the fuzzy PID control is provided
based on the 6-DOF deburring industrial robot. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the fuzzy PID control method.
Keywords: Fuzzy PID controller, robot trajectory, joint angular, deburring industrial robot
where cθi represents cos θi , cαi represents cos αi , sθi Fig. 2. The traditional PID based on position feedback.
represents sin θi , and sαi represents sin αi . Additionally,
Therefore, the transfer function is obtained as
k = (m2 + n2 − 9002 − 1602 − 10142 )/(2 × 900) follows:
m = cθ1 px + sθ1 py − 220 u(t) Ki
G(s) = = Kd s + Kp + (4)
n = pz − 563 e s
As shown in Fig. 2, a desired trajectory is obtained
The manipulator kinematics were discussed and the by the teaching method, and the desired position of the
kinematic model based on D-H notation was built. The end-effector Xd is obtained. The desired joint angular θd
relationship between the position p = (px , py , pz ) of of the end-effector is calculated by inverse kinematics,
the end-effector and the angular joint θ is obtained. as described by Equation (1). The desired joint angular
According to the known end of the link relative to θd is output by the PID controller and the robot model.
the position and orientation of the reference coordi- This represents the teaching method process. When the
nate system, the inverse kinematics are used to calculate second workpiece is deburred, the value e = (θd − θ)
each joint variable. The error between the desired angu- is regarded as the input. The error e is the output of
lar joint and actual angular joint is regarded as input. the PID controller and robot model. The optimal actual
The following sections describe the PID mathematical joint angular θ is calculated, and the actual joint angular
model. θ is recorded by a coded disk. The next workpiece is
manufactured in this way.
Though the traditional PID controller could detect the
3. The PID controller model in a deburring parameter values of the end-effector, the shortage of the
robot traditional PID algorithm is evident because its param-
eters cannot self-adjust to control complex, nonlinear
In an ER50-C20 robot, the machining path of the subjects; thus, this method may create errors when the
following workpieces is machined according to the current workpiece is different from the previous one.
machining path predetermined by the related numerical Fuzzy PID can be applied to this robot, enabling it to
value of the terminal trajectory, recorded by a coded cope with the difficulty of complicated nonlinear sys-
disk and the artificial teaching method. The optimal tems. A fuzzy PID algorithm can self-adjust parameters
machining path can be achieved by proper adjustments according to rules designed by experience.
to meet the accuracy requirements. If the desired tra-
jectory is known, the PID controller is placed into the
above linear system. 4. The fuzzy PID control approach
u(t) = Kd (θ̇d − θ̇) + Kp (θd − θ) + Ki The fuzzy controller can measure the outputs of the
traditional PID controller and alter them in order to
(θd − θ)dt = Kd ė + Kp e + Ki edt (2) reduce output errors. The fuzzy controller can make
accurate decisions to improve machining accuracy
where based on the knowledge of human operation and expe-
rience. The fuzzy controller has integral fuzzy sets,
e = θd − θ; (3) which are designed by work conditions; these fuzzy
sets are small, medium, large, etc. The fuzzy sets can
e is the joint angular error; ė or ec is the joint angular be converted into the automatic control strategy based
error rate; θd is the desired joint angular; and θ is the on a knowledge base. The fuzzy controller consists
actual joint angular. of fuzzification, fuzzy reasoning, defuzzification, and
2450 Y. Tao et al. / Fuzzy PID control method of deburring industrial robots
the knowledge base. When the fuzzy sets have been signals and feedback signals are controlled by the fuzzy
designed, the inputs must adapt to the correspond- PID controller. Figure 8 shows a detailed fuzzy PID con-
ing rules. The output values can be obtained by fuzzy troller structure; the fuzzy rules are shown as Equations
reasoning based on fuzzy rules; better output values (5). The fuzzy subset is {NL, NM, NS, ZE, PS, PM,
acquire better results. Finally, inputs have m fuzzy val- PL} and the fuzzy domain is {–0.3, –0.2, –0.1, 0, 0.1,
ues; the number of rules are represented by mn , where 0.2, 0.3}, in which the NL, NM, NS, ZE, PS, PM, and
n is the number of inputs. PL stand for negative large, negative middle, negative
small, zero, positive small, positive middle and positive
large, respectively. The value of e represents the error
5. The fuzzy PID control algorithm and ec represents the error rate. The triangle-type mem-
bership function is adopted for each fuzzy variable, as
5.1. The design of the fuzzy PID controller shown in Figs. 4–6, which show the membership func-
tion curves of e, ec, dKp , dKi , dKd , respectively.
The fuzzy PID controller meets e and ec requirements The number of fuzzy sets is chosen based on the
for PID parameters at different times. Figure 3 depicts desired manufacturing needs and workpiece quality.
the basic process. In general, there is no specific method for designing
The fuzzy PID control system is composed of the
input, output, and feedback loop. The error and error
rate of the joint angular of the end-effector are regarded
as the inputs, and the three parameters Kp , Ki , Kd
represent the outputs. As shown in Fig. 7, the con-
troller consists of the traditional PID controller and
fuzzy controller. The three parameters Kp , Ki , Kd of
the traditional PID controller are updated online by the
fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules are designed in the fuzzy
controller. The values e = θd − θ and ec = θd − θ are
regarded as the inputs; these are exported by the con-
troller and robot model. The joint angular error e Fig. 4. Membership function curves of e and ec.
and ec are placed into the fuzzy controller; the com-
pensation amounts Kp , Ki , Kd are exported by
the fuzzy controller. The values of Kp , Ki , Kd
are regarded as the inputs of the traditional PID con-
troller to adjust the values of Kp , Ki , Kd . The
optimal three parameters Kp , Ki , Kd of the tra-
ditional PID controller are adjusted online by the fuzzy
The proper actual joint angular θ is obtained. In each
control loop, the error and error rates between the input
Fig. 5. Membership function curves of dKp and dKi .
Fig. 3. The fuzzy PID algorithm flow chart. Fig. 6. Membership function curves of dKd .
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Three positive trapezoidal fuzzy sets are required to 5.2.3. Design of control rules of Kd
cover the input and output variables. In the PID system, the differential control can change
The material of the workpiece is aluminum and the the dynamic characteristics. At the beginning of the
material of the tool is cast iron. The analysis of force regulation, Kd is increased to prevent overshooting. In
between the tool and the workpiece should be consid- the middle of the regulation, Kd is reduced to a constant.
ered. Combining the experience of the workers and At the end of the regulation, Kd is further decreased
work conditions, three different fuzzy rules for each to reduce the settling time. Kd is the compensation
gain are utilized, and the three parameters Kp , Ki , Kd amount. The fuzzy domain of Kd is {–0.3, –0.2, –0.1,
can be designed based on the analysis. Test results 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3}, which corresponds to {NL, NM, NS,
indicate that Kp = 4, Ki = 0.001, Kd = 100 could be ZE, PS, PM, PL}.
2452 Y. Tao et al. / Fuzzy PID control method of deburring industrial robots
There are 49 rules in the fuzzy logical controller, = (Kd + Kd )ė + (Kp + Kp )e
as shown in Tables 2–4. In this paper, 49 fuzzy rules
were considered necessary and created to implement +(Ki + Ki ) edt (7)
the proposed fuzzy PID controller for the deburring
robot system. The PID parameters were updated online Kp , Ki , Kd are improved values that are modified by
according to these rules. The inputs of the fuzzy logic the fuzzy PID controller. Kp , Ki , Kd are the original
block are the angular displacement error e and deriva- values.
tive of error ec. The inputs are modified by the fuzzy PID
feedback system to optimize the trajectory. According 5.4. Output defuzzification
Fig. 9. The orientation of the end-effector. approximately 0.01rad, as shown in Fig. 11. This indi-
cates that the fuzzy PID controller is more accurate than
the traditional PID controller. Comparing the red solid
line to the black dotted line in Fig. 10, the setting time
of the black dotted line is more than 3 times that of
the red solid line. Thus, the fuzzy PID controller has a
shorter setting time than the traditional PID controller.
The fuzzy PID overshot by approximately 7.5%, which
is within the permitted 20% scope. The overshot value
has small impact on the workpiece, and results meet the
According to the simulation, the setting time is
greatly reduced and the joint angular error is decreased
Fig. 10. Joint angular based on traditional and fuzzy PID. for the fuzzy PID controller. The fuzzy PID controller
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