Edition 3, 2017-10-11
Supersedes CEN Guide 414:2014
European Committee for Standardization
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CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Contents Page
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
European foreword
This document (CEN Guide 414:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 114 "Safety
of machinery", the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This document is intended for use by Technical Committees writing type B and type C standards in the
field of Safety of Machinery (as defined in 3.2 and 3.3).
It gives the rules for the presentation of standards requested by CEN/BT in the programme mandated
from the European Commission in support of the "Machinery Directive" (Directive 2006/42/EU).
The revision of CEN Guide 414 takes into account ISO Guide 78:2012, relevant ISO/IEC Directives,
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, resolutions and guidance of CEN/BT, and the CEN Business
Operations Support System. It is also the result of feedback from TCs and WGs using the first edition of
CEN Guide 414:2014 when revising type B and type C standards.
The main changes with respect to the second edition (CEN Guide 414:2014) are as follows:
a) The introductory wording to Clause 2 and Clause 3 has been updated in accordance with the
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3:2017.
d) Annex B has been updated by introducing the generic template for Annex Z… amended in
accordance with decision CEN/BT 23/2016.
e) In Table D.1 the reference to EN ISO 12100 has been stated more precisely.
f) All cross references to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3 have been updated with
regard to the edition of February 2017.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
As a response to the increased global trade in machinery, the relevant CEN/CENELEC Technical
Committees have undertaken publication of a series of related machinery safety standards. It has thus
been necessary to develop rules for the preparation, drafting and presentation of such safety standards,
supplementing the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3, which sets out general principles and
requirements for all European Standards.
This document provides those rules. It is intended for use by Technical Committees writing type-B and
type-C standards in the field of safety of machinery (as defined in 3.2 and 3.3). It both makes use of, and
refers to, the principles and concepts established in EN ISO 12100, and also takes into account, as far as
possible, ISO/IEC Guide 51.
European Standards prepared according to this Guide are intended as a means for supporting European
regulations, in particular, the "Machinery Directive" (Directive 2006/42/EC).
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
1 Scope
This document presents rules for the drafting and presentation of European Standards dealing with
machinery safety and their revisions, primarily to achieve consistency and acceptable quality of the
various standards to be prepared.
It also gives requirements on the criteria for the selection of new work items and for procedures to
prepare, produce or revise standards in an efficient and effective way.
This document gives requirements that are additional to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
Part 3, when this is necessary owing to the special requirements of machinery safety standards.
This document is primarily intended for the drafting of type-C standards. It is also applicable to the
drafting of type-B standards; however, the foreseeable variation in the format of these standards
prevents general application. When its requirements are specific to type-B standards, this is indicated.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk
reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3:2017, Principles and rules for the structure and drafting of
CEN and CENELEC documents (ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2:2016, modified)
type-A standard
basic safety standard
standard giving basic concepts, principles for design and general aspects that can be applied to
type-B standard
generic safety standard
standard dealing with one safety aspect or one type of safeguard that can be used across a wide range of
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
type-B1 standard
type-B standard on particular safety aspects (for example, safety distances, surface temperature, noise)
type-B2 standard
type-B standard on safeguards (for example, two-hand control devices, interlocking devices, pressure-
sensitive devices, guards)
type-C standard
machine safety standard
standard dealing with detailed safety requirements for a particular machine or group of machines
Note 2 to entry: The term "group of machines" means machines having a similar intended use and similar
hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events.
relevant hazard
hazard which is identified as being present at or associated with the machine
Note 1 to entry: A relevant hazard is identified as the result of one step of the process described in
EN ISO 12100:2010, Clause 5.
Note 2 to entry: This term is included as basic terminology for type B- and type C-standards.
significant hazard
hazard which has been identified as relevant and which requires specific action by the designer to
eliminate or to reduce the risk according to the risk assessment
Note 1 to entry: This term is included as basic terminology for type B- and type C-standards.
added value
more detailed description or specification of a requirement than in existing, less specific, documents,
according to the structure prescribed in EN ISO 12100
Note 1 to entry: A type-B standard gives added value to the requirements of type-A standards, while a type-C
standard gives added value to the requirements of type-A and type-B standards.
Note 2 to entry: The added value results from the design requirements applied to the product, by consensus of
the interested parties, when the standard was prepared.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
a These hazards are listed in EN ISO 12100:2010, Annex B.
b See
4 General principles
4.1 All safety standards
The CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3 and EN ISO 12100 shall be used in conjunction with this
document when preparing a new safety standard or revising an existing one.
A safety standard shall not contradict the basic concepts and general principles for design stated in a
type-A standard, but can deviate from specific requirements. The overall purpose of the type-A
standard is to provide manufacturers, designers, etc. with the strategy or framework necessary to
achieve adequate risk reduction. 1)
In general, the standards should not repeat or paraphrase the text of other reference standards;
however, for better understanding of safety standards, it is acceptable to repeat a basic definition or
concept, the scope of the standard, and/or a basic requirement given in EN ISO 12100.
NOTE For the purposes of this document, the terms "protective measure" (see EN ISO 12100:2010, 3.19) and
"risk reduction measure" are synonymous and defined as any action or means used to eliminate hazards and/or
reduce risks.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
They shall
a) deal either with one safety aspect (type-B1 standard) or a safeguard (type-B2 standard),
b) for type-B1 standards, define the basic principles of the safety topic and define by data and/or
methodology how these can be applied to type-C standards, including, where relevant, the means of
c) for type-B2 standards, give the performance requirements for the design and construction of the
safeguard together with the means of verification, and
Type-C standards should deal with all the significant hazards concerning one type of machine or one
group of machines in one standard, as follows.
1) Any type-B standard available as a draft standard (stage 40.20) may be used as a reference
standard on the condition that the reference is dated.
2) When type-B standards offer a choice between various solutions (for example,
EN ISO 13857:2008 offers the alternative of Table 1 for low risks and Table 2 for high risks, for
reaching over protective structures), the type-C standard shall state which solution(s) shall be
b) By reference to other standards (such as another type-C standard) where such significant hazards
are adequately dealt with (see 4.4).
c) By specifying safety requirements in the standard, when reference to other standards is not
possible or not sufficient and where risk assessment and priorities show this is required (see 5.4 to
d) By dealing as far as possible with objectives rather than design details to minimize restrictions on
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
— the requirements prescribing protective/risk reduction measures that add value to relevant
subclauses of EN ISO 12100:2010, Clause 6, originating from the significant hazard(s) (see 4.3.3, 5.7
and 6.7);
— the means of verifying the protective/risk reduction measures (see 5.8 and 6.8);
This means that, wherever possible, a type-C standard should deal with all significant hazards,
hazardous situations or hazardous events identified as arising from the use of the machine. The
justifiable exception to this comprehensive treatment of significant hazards, hazardous situations or
hazardous events is where a type-C standard deals with one or more hazard(s) that are sufficiently
important to require special treatment. Where a type-C standard deals with specific hazard(s), this
should be indicated clearly in the title and scope (for example, Safety of textile machines — Measurement
of noise). These standards may be produced as a series of parts forming a complete standard or as
several discrete standards that could be combined at a subsequent revision.
Where it is decided not to deal with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events
(for example, by lack of knowledge or because this will cause an unacceptable delay in the drafting of
the standard) this shall be clearly indicated in the scope (see 6.4.2).
A special case requiring careful consideration are those type-C standards dealing with "common
requirements". Common requirements are defined as those requirements adding value to existing type-
A or type-B standards that can be used to minimize or eliminate a risk occurring across the range of
defined machines and that can be applied to all or most of these machines. Any machines not covered by
a particular aspect of a common requirement should be identified as an exclusion. Too many exclusions
from any common requirement would indicate that it is not common. The standard dealing with
"common requirements" should not contain unspecific general principles.
It is a basic principle that type-C standards shall contain sufficient added value to the requirements of
existing type-A and type-B standards. Added value will normally consist of a description of specific
protective/risk reduction measure(s) dealing with the significant hazard, hazardous situation or
hazardous event. However, this may also include reference to type-B standards or to other reference
standards (see 6.7).
In the absence of a published type-B standard, common requirement standard or other reference
standard, the following options are available:
— repeat in full the relevant sections of the draft type-B standard, draft common requirement
standard, or any other suitable technical document;
— refer to the relevant section of a draft standard identified by number and date of issue;
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Dealing with a significant hazard by direct reference to the relevant subclauses of EN ISO 12100:2010,
Clause 6 is only acceptable
a) where this reference gives sufficient requirements (particularly the Information for use clause, see
6.9), and
b) if the drafting of requirements would cause an unacceptable delay in the preparation of the
However, in the case of b):
— it shall be stated in the scope that the hazard concerned is not dealt with in the current version of
the standard;
— the TC shall make every effort to complete as soon as possible the drafting of the needed
The creation of a type-B standard (see 6.10.2) shall be considered when requirements appropriate to
more than one type of machine or one group of machines have been identified.
When a type-C standard deviates from one of several aspects or requirements dealt with by a type-A or
type-B standard, then the existing type-C standard shall take precedence over the type-A or type-B
standard (see 6.3.2).
The reason for any deviation shall be carefully justified and kept by the responsible body in the
standardization file or, in case of comments at draft stage (40.20), in the CRM (comments resolution
meeting) file.
Whereas the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC states in its Annex I Essential Requirements, the general
methodology for safety of machinery specified in EN ISO 12100 is based on the consideration of
significant hazards basically without any specific reference to the Essential Requirements of
Directive 2006/42/EC. Annex D gives as far as possible examples of significant hazards, hazardous
situations, hazardous events and their relation to this Essential Requirements.
Before a standard is drafted, the need for it shall have been established, using the criteria given in 5.2.
NOTE The result of the procedure can provide information which can be used in the scope (see 5.3).
During the drafting process and the revision of a standard, the procedure given in 5.3 to 5.8 shall be
carried out in the order indicated, in order to provide information that will allow an appropriate
standard to be drafted.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
The need for standardization and/or for the revision of an existing standard and the respective
priorities shall be determined from the answers to the questions posed in 5.2 a) to 5.2 k), as applicable.
a) Is there a demand for European Standards arising from interested bodies (relevant market players
such as regulatory bodies, manufacturers’ associations, employees’ or employers’ associations,
trade unions, accident prevention organizations or consumer organizations)?
b) Is there a need for a standard (for example, terminology) to support other safety standards?
c) Are there significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events generating risk to the
safety or health of persons? See EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.4.
d) If a new technology is to be standardized, is it sufficiently stable and established in the market and
can it be therefore considered as state-of-the-art?
e) Is there, or will there be in the foreseeable future, a sufficient number of related machines or
safeguards to justify the production of a standard?
g) Are there proven professional, national or international documents or other documents available to
give a reasonable expectation of positive and rapid results?
i) Is there sufficient availability of experts (in principle from at least five members), project leader
and support (secretariat, financial resources)?
k) Has the state of the art changed such that the existing safety standard has become at least partly
The precise limits of the machine or group of machines to be standardized shall be established and shall
include the following (see EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.3):
b) determination of the intended use of the machine (see EN ISO 12100:2010, 3.23);
Any machines and/or hazards not covered by the standard shall be clearly stated in the scope.
The various phases in the life of the machine to be dealt with in the standard shall be established. See
EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.4.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
b) identify the various hazardous situations for each hazard, taking into account the different
operating modes of the machine and the different intervention procedures for the operators as well
as the reasonably foreseeable misuse;
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the list given in EN ISO 12100:2010, Annex B, is not
exhaustive, especially in as far as it concerns the hazardous situations.
a) Estimate the severity of the possible harm for the hazard under consideration.
After the risk estimation, a risk evaluation shall be carried out to determine:
The following steps shall be carried out using the result of the procedures according to 5.4 and 5.5:
a) define risk reduction objectives in terms of reduction of the severity of the harm and/or the
probability of that harm;
b) identify the relevant clauses of EN ISO 12100 applicable for each significant hazard, hazardous
situation or hazardous event;
c) determine for each significant hazard whether it is sufficient to refer to other standards for safety
requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures, or whether there is a need for specific
safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures.
The entire above process should preferably be recorded and kept by the responsible body in the
standardization file, for example, in a table.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
The risk reduction process according to 5.6 shall be carried out in the following order (three-step
method as described in EN ISO 12100:2010, Figure 1):
The principle — for the various phases of the "life" of the machine — is to eliminate the hazard or
reduce the risk as much as possible by inherently safe design without relying on guards or other
methods of safeguarding. If this is not practicable, other means should be defined to ensure safety.
NOTE For the drafting of safety requirements and for protective/risk reduction measures for eliminating
hazards and/or limiting risks, see 6.7.3.
For each safety requirement and/or protective/risk reduction measure identified and determined in
accordance with 5.6 and 5.7 (except if it is self-evident), a method of verification shall be established
a) by testing (for example, functional test of a two-hand control, strength test of a guard, stability test),
d) by any other method of verification, if testing and calculation are not adequate (for example, by
visual inspection).
It shall be determined
— whether adequate testing/calculating methods (or other methods of verification) are available in
another standard, or
The format of a safety standard shall comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3 (see
model format given in Annex B of this document) and the specific requirements for safety standards on
machinery given in 6.2 to 6.10.
The model format given in Annex B is intended to help standards developers and to provide for a
consistent presentation for all type-C standards according to Clause 6.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
6.2 Foreword
If relevant, the significant technical changes in relation to the previous edition shall be stated.
As a minimum requirement, the following statement 2) shall be inserted in each mandated standard:
"This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex Z [appropriate letter(s)], which is (are) an
integral part of this document".
In case of revision or amendment of a standard, the standard makers shall consider the transition
period of application of the previous and the revised standard or amendment. The transition period
shall be defined in the enquiry document (prEN – stage 40.20). See Annex C for additional guidance on
consideration of the transition period.
6.3 Introduction
6.3.1 Although the Introduction is an optional element according to the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3, it is an unnumbered mandatory element in machinery safety standards. It shall be
in accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 13.
When a subject of a type-B standard is covered by EN ISO 12100, reference shall be made to the
relevant clause of EN ISO 12100.
6.3.2 At least the following statement shall be inserted in each type-C standard:
This document is of relevance, in particular, for the following stakeholder groups representing the market
players with regard to machinery safety:
— health and safety bodies (regulators, accident prevention organizations, market surveillance etc.).
Others can be affected by the level of machinery safety achieved with the means of the document by the
above-mentioned stakeholder groups:
— machine users/employees (e.g. trade unions, organizations for people with special needs);
— service providers, e.g. for maintenance (small, medium and large enterprises);
2) These sentences are taken from CEN BOSS. In case of modification of the guidance given by CEN BOSS, the
current version of that guidance should take precedence over this document.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
The above-mentioned stakeholder groups have been given the possibility to participate at the drafting
process of this document.
The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events are
covered are indicated in the Scope of this document.
When requirements of this type-C standard are different from those which are stated in type-A or type-B
standards, the requirements of this type-C standard take precedence over the requirements of the other
standards for machines that have been designed and built according to the requirements of this type-C
6.3.3 At least the following statement shall be inserted in each type-B standard:
This document is of relevance, in particular, for the following stakeholder groups representing the market
players with regard to machinery safety:
— health and safety bodies (regulators, accident prevention organizations, market surveillance etc.);
Others can be affected by the level of machinery safety achieved with the means of the document by the
above-mentioned stakeholder groups:
— machine users/employees (e.g. trade unions, organizations for people with special needs);
— service providers, e.g. for maintenance (small, medium and large enterprises);
The above-mentioned stakeholder groups have been given the possibility to participate at the drafting
process of this document.
In addition, this document is intended for standardization bodies elaborating type-C standards.
For machines that are covered by the scope of a type-C standard and have been designed and built
according to the requirements of that standard, the requirements of that type-C standard take
6.4 Scope
6.4.1 The Scope is a mandatory element. It shall be in accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 14, and shall be drafted using the result of the procedure according to
5.3 of this document. It shall be numbered as Clause 1.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
a) the limits of the machine, preferably by physical characteristics and taking into account aspects
such as intended use as well as reasonably foreseeable misuse (see EN ISO 12100:2010, 3.23, 3.24
and 5.3);
b) whether protective/risk reduction measures dealt with in the standard account for all or only some
of the significant hazards.
This applies to hazards arising during the various phases of the “life” of the machine as described in
EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.4. The significant hazards dealt with in the standard (see 3.5 and Figure 1)
shall be mentioned, as appropriate,
2) by a statement in the Scope that they are dealt with in the standard (see
In the case of 2), above, those significant hazards not dealt with shall also be mentioned in the
c) whether additional designed-in protective/risk reduction measures are taken into consideration
for certain types of machines (e.g. hygiene requirements for food-processing machinery).
The scope shall indicate that the standard is not applicable to machinery or machinery components
which are manufactured before the date of publication of the standard. As a minimum requirement, the
following statement shall be inserted in Scope:
"This document is not applicable to [<precisely state the machinery or machinery components here>]
manufactured before the date of its publication."
This clause is a mandatory element. It shall be in accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 15, and shall be numbered as Clause 2.
a) Only documents (standards) to which normative reference is made in the text of the safety
standard shall be listed in this clause. Therefore, at least the following shall always be referenced:
EN ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk
Normative references in the text of a standard need to be made using the verbal form “shall”,
signifying a requirement.
When a reference is made only for information, it shall be introduced by the phrase "see EN ..." and
the standard referenced shall be listed, not in this clause, but in a bibliography (see 6.10.4).
This document, even though applicable to the drafting and presentation of the safety standard, shall
not be given as a normative reference.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
When a normative reference, e.g. to an ISO/IEC International Standard, is required, the safety
standard shall
— either reproduce the text of the normatively referenced document, in the main body of the
safety standard or in a normative annex, clearly indicating its origin by "(extract from
ISO/IEC ...)", or
— make dated (preferably) or undated reference to the whole of the normatively referenced
document, if applicable — for example, in cases where the subject of the normatively
referenced document is an applicable test method.
In principle, the referenced documents shall be documents published either by CEN, CENELEC, ISO
or IEC. Documents published by other bodies may be referred to in a normative manner provided
that the criteria listed in the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 15, are met
(see 4.3.3).
6.6.1 This clause is a mandatory element. It shall be in accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clauses 16 and 17, and shall be numbered as Clause 3.
6.6.2 The terms and definitions given in EN ISO 12100 shall be used. Therefore, at least the following
statement shall be given as the first, introductory, paragraph to the terms and definitions clause in each
type-B and type-C standard:
"For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 12100 apply."
6.6.3 The terms and definitions given in relevant type-B and type-C standards should be used as far as
applicable. For new terms and definitions, the association of the word "safety" with the name of a
component or a device should be avoided. A recommended approach is to replace, where possible, the
word "safety" by an indication of the objective or characteristic.
6.6.4 When there is need to define symbols or abbreviations (especially for test methods), this
conditional element shall be included in accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
Part 3:2017, Clause 17.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
6.7.1 This clause is a mandatory element. It shall be in accordance with CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 4 and 5.4 to 5.8.
As a minimum requirement, the following statement shall appear in this clause in each type-C standard:
"Machinery shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures of this
clause. In addition, the machine shall be designed according to the principles of EN ISO 12100:2010 for
relevant but not significant hazards which are not dealt with by this document."
This clause should be structured based on the result from 5.6, except for Information for use-related
issues, which shall be dealt with in a specific clause (see 6.9).
6.7.2 All safety standards shall contain such a clause, stating the safety requirements and/or
protective/risk reduction measures to be met to reduce the effect of all hazards determined in
accordance with 5.6 b) and c), and which are to be mentioned in the standard. The safety requirements
and protective/risk reduction measures shall be defined in accordance with 5.7.
Protective/risk reduction measures to avoid or minimize harm shall be defined, directly or by reference
to another standard and/or to the Information for use clause, for all the significant hazards dealt with.
6.7.3 The safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures specified shall be expressed
in terms of verifiable performance with regard to safety, using performance characteristics
(parameters), together with their values, rather than merely descriptive characteristics.
To minimize restraint on design, safety standards should specify requirements in terms of the objective
to be met and then define the means for achieving it, such as by giving examples or defining test
specifications. The safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures shall be sufficiently
precise to allow verifications.
NOTE In many type-C standards, it can be necessary to define acceptable means of achieving the objective,
such as particular types of protective/risk reduction measures, in order to ensure that the safety requirements
and/or protective/risk reduction measures will be adequate, or to give examples of well-known and proven
solutions for reaching and maintaining the level of safety.
More than one solution for reducing the risk may be given if allowing the same objective of risk
reduction to be reached.
Measures in terms of objectives, and measures defined by data, limits, results and requirements giving
the practical means for achieving the objectives, may be given together or in separate subclauses.
6.7.4 Where requirements contained in relevant type-A or type-B standards are used, reference shall
be made to them in accordance with 4.3.
Where type-B standards are not yet available and general requirements (valid for several types of
machines) are included in the type-C standard, these requirements shall preferably be included in
normative annexes of the type-C standard (see Annex A).
When measures given in another standard are used, specific reference shall be made to that standard.
6.7.5 Type-B standards shall give added value (more specific and/or more detailed requirements) to
the requirements of type-A standards and type-C standards shall give added value to the requirements
of type-A and type-B standards. See 4.3.3 for more details on added value.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
6.7.6 Protective/risk reduction measures shall be laid down in precise and clearly understandable
terms such that they
Subjective terms or words should not be used unless they are defined in the standard or are consistent
with the method of verification.
6.8.1 Each safety standard shall contain, either in a separate clause or together with the relevant
measures, the method to be used to verify conformity with the measures given in accordance with 6.7,
unless the methods for verification are self-evident.
The standard shall not contain any instruction on who shall carry out the verification (see
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3: 2017, Clause 33).
The method of verification shall be related to the nature of the safety requirements and/or
protective/risk reduction measures, and shall follow the procedure according to 5.8.
If the methods of verification are to be put in a separate clause, the order of presentation should be the
same as that of the safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures and there shall be a
link between the two.
Priority should be given to the use of existing and standardized methods of verification (as defined in
standardization documents) by reference.
When drafting a new method of verification which is not specific to the machine itself (e.g.
measurement of dust suction efficiency in a standard on belt sanding machines), this method shall
appear either in a normative annex (see 6.10.2), or in a separate part of the standard, or even in a
separate standard, so that reference can be made to it in another safety standard.
6.8.2 The wording of methods of verification shall be sufficiently precise to ensure reproducible
results. The structure relating to measurement and test methods given in the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 18 shall be followed. If there are several test methods for one safety
requirement and/or protective/risk reduction measure, the test method(s) to be used shall be
Calculation methods, for example, could be appropriate when only destructive testing is possible and
for special types of safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures, such as those
concerning stability.
Where testing and calculation methods are not practicable for technical reasons or would cause
excessive costs compared to the risk reduction that would be achieved, other methods can be more
appropriate. Verification may be by inspection, or by examination when sufficiently precise (e.g.
inspection to check the colour of warning signs and marking).
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
This clause is a mandatory element and shall be numbered. The safety standard shall make reference to
EN ISO 12100:2010, 6.4, and shall contain additional requirements about the information for use for
machines within the scope of the standard.
NOTE As these safety standards deal with machinery design, the Information for use clause is the only one in
which the standards developer can provide instructions on installation and use of the machinery in relation to
residual risks.
Where safety signals or pictograms are fitted to the machine, they shall be described in this clause. The
safety signals or pictograms already defined in relevant standardization documents should be used (e.g.
EN 61310). General
As the instructions are a mandatory part of the machine, each type-C standard shall contain the
requirement that the manufacturer provide an instruction handbook. The type-C standard shall make
reference to EN ISO 12100:2010, 6.4.5, and shall give specific information (e.g. intended use, reasonably
foreseeable misuse, training, systems of work and personal protective equipment) to be included in the
handbook, compiled from the results of the procedures according to 5.2 to 5.7 of this document.
NOTE The instructions are normally the only means available to the user providing information on the use of
the machine including maintenance interventions. Noise
If noise is applicable, the requirements concerning both noise emission measurement and declaration
shall be specified in a normative annex or by reference to a specific standard (Noise Test Code) or at
least by reproducing the corresponding requirements of u) in Annex I of the Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC. Vibration
If vibration is applicable, the requirements concerning both vibration emission measurement and
declaration shall be specified in a normative annex or by reference to a specific standard (Vibration Test
Code) or at least by reproducing the corresponding requirements of and in Annex I of the
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
6.9.4 Marking
All safety standards shall require at least the marking as specified in EN ISO 12100:2010, 6.4.4.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
6.10 Annexes
6.10.1 General
Annexes shall be in accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 20.
When it is foreseeable that certain parts of the safety standard could be applicable to other documents
(e.g. test methods), these parts shall be included as normative annexes.
NOTE This form of presentation can assist referencing by other documents and allows easier conversion of
those parts into a type-B standard at a later date (see 4.4).
When 6.4.2 b) 2) applies, the list of significant hazards shall be given in an informative annex, titled List
of significant hazards.
This annex shall present, for defined danger zones, all the significant hazards, significant hazardous
situations (circumstances that lead to exposure of a person to these hazards) and significant hazardous
events identified during the risk assessment and covered by this standard. It should also refer to the
particular subclause of the Safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures clause (see
6.7) and, if appropriate, that of the Information for use clause (see 6.9) in which the hazard, hazardous
situation or hazardous event is dealt with.
The list of significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events should preferably follow the
order given in EN ISO 12100:2010, Annex B, but not reproduce it. It is not appropriate to list all possible
hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events as described in EN ISO 12100, indicating those dealt
with and those not dealt with. Significant technical changes between this standard and the previous edition
This annex shall be drafted only in cases where the significant technical changes from one edition to the
next are not stated in the Foreword of the revised standard. See 6.2. General
Each mandated standard shall contain for each EU New Approach Directive dealt with an Annex Z
[followed by a letter to be precised] (informative) about the relationship between the standard and the
essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive (see 6.2).
NOTE This annex being always located as last annex of the standard, it will normally be called “ZA”. However,
if one or more European annexes exist after an adopted International standard, the letter A will be replaced by the
letter following the previous European annexes (e.g. if there is an Annex ZD, the annex about the relationship to an
EU Directive becomes Annex ZE).
The table format shown in Table Z...1 should be used and its content can be accommodated to one of the
possible cases as prescribed in the following options.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Option A.1 = standard covering all relevant ERs (significant hazards) by applying all clauses of the
Option A.2 = standard covering all relevant ERs (significant hazards) by applying all clauses of the
standard except some clauses;
Option B.1 = standard covering all relevant ERs (significant hazards) except one/or a few by applying
all clauses of the standard;
Option B.2 = standard covering all relevant ERs (significant hazards) except one/or a few by applying
all clauses of the standard except some clauses;
Option C = to declare a more detailed correspondence between the ERs covered and the relevant
clauses in the standard; in this case, the table would contain as many rows as needed. Where it is
possible that in certain cases, only a limited set of ERs is covered by the standard, this option can then
be used to identify this limited set of ERs is covered. Format
Annex Z…
This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request "M/396
Mandate to CEN and CENELEC for Standardisation in the field of machinery" to provide one voluntary
means of conforming to essential requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast).
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive,
compliance with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table Z….1 confers, within the limits of
the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding essential requirements
of that Directive, and associated EFTA regulations.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Option A.2: All normative clauses except clause(s) For relation of normative clauses
Within the limits of the scope all yyy 3) (except clause(s) yyy3)) of this
relevant essential requirements are standard to significant
covered hazards/relevant essential
requirements of 2006/42/EC see
informative annex XX „List of
significant hazards“ of this
standard in combination with
annex D “Examples of significant
hazards, hazardous situations,
hazardous events and their
relation to the Essential
Requirements of the Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC” of
CEN Guide 414
Option B.2: All normative clauses except clause(s) For relation of normative clauses
Within the limits of the scope all yyy3) (except clause(s) yyy1)) of this
relevant essential requirements with standard to significant
the exception of essential hazards/relevant essential
requirement(s) xxx are covered requirements of 2006/42/EC see
informative annex XX „List of
significant hazards“ of this
standard in combination with
annex D “Examples of significant
hazards, hazardous situations,
hazardous events and their
relation to the Essential
Requirements of the Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC” of
CEN Guide 414
3) In cases where certain normative clauses of the standard do cover other aspects than those providing
presumption of conformity
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European
WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) / [service(s)] / […] falling
within the scope of this standard.
6.10.4 Bibliography
Standards or documents that give only information, or which have served as references in the
preparation of the standard, shall appear in a Bibliography in accordance with the
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3:2017, Clause 21, and not in the Normative references clause.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Where possible, type-B standards should be prepared first, so that reference can be made to them when
preparing type-C standards for specific machines. When a type-C standard needs to use type-B
requirements and such standards do not exist, the type-C standard shall give those requirements in
annexes. Where this method is adopted, the annexes can be withdrawn when revising the standard and
the references in the standard changed to the relevant type-B standard.
a) All type-C working groups shall be able to obtain information about the on-going work in type-A
and type-B working groups and of all existing type-A and type-B standards including drafts.
b) If type-C working groups need to formulate type-B requirements, due to a lack of existing type-B
standards, the relevant type-B working groups and/or relevant technical committees on safety of
machinery shall be involved.
c) Where applicable, type-C working-group experts should participate in relevant type-B working
groups and should influence the creation and content of type-B standards.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
4) The European Commission will generally use the "date of withdrawal" of the new edition as the "date of cessation of presumption of conformity of the
superseded standard" (transition period).
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Others can be affected by the level of machinery D'autres partenaires peuvent être concernées par Andere interessierte Kreise können durch das in
safety achieved with the means of the document le niveau de sécurité des machines atteint à l’aide diesem Dokument (durch die oben genannten
by the above-mentioned stakeholder groups: du document par les groupes de parties interessierten Kreise) festgeschriebene
prenantes mentionnés ci dessus: Sicherheitsniveau betroffen sein. Es handelt sich
dabei um:
— machine users/employers (small, medium — utilisateurs de machines/employeurs — Maschinenanwender/Arbeitgeber (kleine,
and large enterprises); (petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises); mittlere und große Unter-nehmen);
— machine users/employees (e.g. trade unions, — utilisateurs de machines/salariés (par — Maschinenanwender/Arbeitnehmer
organizations for people with special needs); exemple syndicats de salariés, organisations (z B. Gewerkschaften, Organisationen für
représentant des personnes ayant des Personen mit spezifischen Bedürfnissen);
besoins particuliers);
— service providers, e.g. for maintenance — prestataires de services, par exemple — Dienstleistungsanbieter (kleine, mittlere und
(small, medium and large enterprises); sociétés de maintenance (petites, moyennes große Unternehmen);
et grandes entreprises);
— consumers (in the case of machinery — consommateurs (dans le cas de machines — Verbraucher (falls die behandelten
intended for use by consumers) destinées à être utilisées par des Maschinen für die Nutzung durch
consommateurs). Verbraucher bestimmt sind).
The above-mentioned stakeholder groups have Les groupes de parties prenantes mentionnés ci- Den oben genannten interessierten Kreisen
been given the possibility to participate at the dessus ont eu la possibilité de participer à wurde die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, sich an der
drafting process of this document. l'élaboration du présent document. Erarbeitung dieses Dokuments zu beteiligen.
The machinery concerned and the extent to which Les machines concernées et l'étendue des Auf die betreffenden Maschinen und die
hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous phénomènes dangereux, situations dangereuses behandelten Gefährdungen, Gefährdungs-
events are covered are indicated in the Scope of ou événements dangereux couverts sont indiqués situationen und Gefährdungsereignisse wird im
this document. dans le domaine d'application du présent Anwendungsbereich dieses Dokumentes
document. hingewiesen.
When requirements of this type-C standard are Lorsque des prescriptions de la présente norme Für Maschinen, die nach den Festlegungen dieser
different from those which are stated in type-A or de type C sont différentes de celles énoncées dans Typ C-Norm konzipiert und gebaut worden sind,
type-B standards, the requirements of this type-C les normes de type A ou de type B, les gilt: Wenn die Festlegungen in dieser Typ C-Norm
standard take precedence over the requirements prescriptions de la présente norme de type C ont von den Festlegungen in Typ A- oder Typ B-
of the other standards for machines that have priorité sur celles des autres normes pour les Normen abweichen, haben die Festlegungen
been designed and built according to the machines ayant été conçues et fabriquées suivant dieser Typ C-Norm Vorrang gegenüber den
requirements of this type-C standard. les prescriptions de la présente norme de type C. Festlegungen der anderen Normen.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
6 Information for use 6 Informations pour l'utilisation 6 Benutzerinformation
Additional clauses, if needed Articles supplémentaires, s’il y a lieu. Zusätzliche Abschnitte, falls erforderlich
Annex A Annexe A Anhang A
(normative) (normative) (normativ)
Annex B Annexe B Anhang B
(informativ) (informative) (informativ)
Annex C Annexe C Anhang C
(informative) (informative) (informativ)
List of significant hazards Liste des phénomènes dangereux significatifs Liste der signifikanten Gefährdungen
Annex D Annexe D Anhang D
(informative) (informative) (informativ)
Significant technical changes between this Modifications techniques significatives entre Signifikante technische Änderungen dieser
standard and the previous edition la présente norme et l’édition précédente Europäischen Norm gegenüber der
[Only in cases where the significant technical [Uniquement dans le cas où ces modifications [Nur in den Fällen, in denen signifikante technische
changes are not stated in the Foreword.] techniques significatives ne sont pas signalées dans Änderungen nicht im Vorwort angegeben sind.]
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Table ZA.1 –Correspondence between this Tableau ZA.1 – Correspondance entre la Tabelle ZA.1 – Zusammenhang zwischen dieser
European Standard and Annex I of présente Norme Européenne et l'Annexe I Europäischen Norm und Anhang I der Richtlinie
Directive 2006/42/EC de la Directive 2006/42/CE 2006/42/EG
Essential Clause(s)/ Remarks/ Exigence Article(s)/ Remarques/ Grundlegende Abschnitt(e)/ Erläuterungen/
Requirement of subclause(s) Notes Essentielle paragraph(es) Notes Anforderung Unter- Anmerkungen
Directive of this EN de la de la présente der Richtlinie abschnitt(e)
Directive EN dieser EN
Option A.1: All normative For relation of normative Option A.1: Tous les articles Pour les relations Option A.1: Alle normativen Hinsichtlich des
Within the limits clauses clauses of this standard to Dans les normatifs entre des clauses Innerhalb der Abschnitte Zusammenhangs der
of the scope all significant limites du normatives de la Grenzen des normativen Abschnitte
relevant hazards/relevant domaine présente norme et des Anwendungsber dieser Norm zu
essential essential requirements of d’application phénomènes eiches sind alle signifikanten
requirements are 2006/42/EC see toutes les dangereux /exigences relevanten Gefährdungen/rele-vanten
covered informative annex XX „List exigences essentielles grundlegenden grundlegenden
of significant hazards“ of essentielles applicables de Anforderungen Anforderungen der
this standard in applicables 2006/42/CE voir behandelt 2006/42/EG siehe Anhang
combination with annex D sont indiquées annexe informative XX „Liste der signifikanten
“Examples of significant XX "Liste des Gefährdungen“ dieser
hazards, hazardous phénomènes Norm in Verbindung mit
situations, hazardous dangereux" de cette Anhang D „Beispiele für
events and their relation norme en signifikante
to the Essential combinaison avec Gefährdungen,
Requirements of the l'annexe D " Exemples Gefährdungs-situationen,
Machinery Directive de phénomènes Gefährdungs-ereignisse
2006/42/EC” of dangereux, de und deren Zusammenhang
CEN Guide 414 situations mit den Grundlegenden
(https://boss.cen.eu/ref/C dangereuses, Anforderungen der
EN_414.pdf). d’événements Maschinenrichtlinie
dangereux 2006/42/EG„ von CEN
significatifs et leur Guide 414
relation avec les (https://boss.cen.eu/ref/C
Exigences Essentielles EN_414.pdf).
de la Directive
2006/42/CE relative
aux machines" du
Guide 414 CEN
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Option A.2: All normative For relation of Option A.2: Tous les articles Pour les relations Option A.2: Alle normativen Hinsichtlich des
Within the limits clauses except normative clauses Dans les normatifs à entre des clauses Innerhalb der Abschnitte mit Zusammenhangs der
of the scope all clause(s) (except clause(s) limites du l’exception des normatives (à Grenzen des Ausnahme von normativen Abschnitte
relevant yyy*) yyy*)) of this standard domaine articles yyy*) l'exception des Anwendungs- yyy*) dieser Norm (mit
essential to significant d’application articles yyy*)) de bereiches sind Ausnahme von yyy*))
requirements are hazards/relevant toutes les la présente norme alle relevanten zu signifikanten
covered essential requirements exigences et des phénomènes grundlegenden Gefährdungen/rele-
of 2006/42/EC see essentielles dangereux Anforderungen vanten grundlegenden
informative annex XX applicables /exigences behandelt Anforderungen der
„List of significant sont indiquées essentielles 2006/42/EG siehe
hazards“ of this applicables de Anhang XX „Liste der
standard in combination 2006/42/CE voir signifikanten
with annex D “Examples annexe informative Gefährdungen“ dieser
of significant hazards, XX "Liste des Norm in Verbindung mit
hazardous situations, phénomènes Anhang D „Beispiele für
hazardous events and dangereux" de cette signifikante
their relation to the norme en Gefährdungen,
Essential Requirements combinaison avec Gefährdungs-
of the Machinery l'annexe D " situationen,
Directive 2006/42/EC” Exemples de phéno- Gefährdungs-ereignisse
of CEN Guide 414 mènes dangereux, und deren
(https://boss.cen.eu/ref de situations Zusammenhang mit den
/CEN_414.pdf). dangereuses, Grundlegenden
d’événements Anforderungen der
dangereux signi- Maschinenrichtlinie
ficatifs et leur 2006/42/EG„ von CEN
relation avec les Guide 414
Exigences Essen- (https://boss.cen.eu/ref/
tielles de la CEN_414.pdf).
relative aux
machines" du Guide
414 CEN
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Option B.1: All normative For relation of Option B.1: Tous les articles Pour les relations Option B.1: Alle normativen Hinsichtlich des
Within the limits clause normative clauses of this Dans les normatifs entre des clauses Innerhalb der Abschnitte Zusammenhangs der
of the scope all standard to significant limites du normatives de la Grenzen des normativen Abschnitte
relevant hazards/relevant domaine présente norme et Anwendungs- dieser Norm zu
essential essential requirements d’application des phénomènes bereiches sind signifikanten
requirements of 2006/42/EC see toutes les dangereux alle relevanten Gefährdungen/rele-
with the informative annex XX exigences /exigences grundlegenden vanten grundlegenden
exception of „List of significant essentielles essentielles Anforderungen Anforderungen der
essential hazards“ of this applicables applicables de mit Ausnahme 2006/42/EG siehe
requirement(s) standard in combination sont indiquées 2006/42/CE voir der grund- Anhang XX „Liste der
xxx are covered with annex D “Examples à l’exception annexe informative legenden signifikanten
of significant hazards, des XX "Liste des phéno- Anforderung(e Gefährdungen“ dieser
hazardous situations, exigences mènes dangereux" n) xxx Norm in Verbindung mit
hazardous events and essentielles de cette norme en behandelt Anhang D „Beispiele für
their relation to the xxx combinaison avec signifikante
Essential Requirements l'annexe D " Gefährdungen,
of the Machinery Exemples de phéno- Gefährdungssituati-
Directive 2006/42/EC” mènes dangereux, onen, Gefährdungs-
of CEN Guide 414 de situations dange- ereignisse und deren
(https://boss.cen.eu/ref reuses, d’événe- Zusammenhang mit den
/CEN_414.pdf). ments dangereux Grundlegenden
signify-catifs et leur Anforderungen der
relation avec les Maschinenrichtlinie
Exigences Essen- 2006/42/EG„ von CEN
tielles de la Guide 414
Directive (https://boss.cen.eu/ref/
2006/42/CE CEN_414.pdf).
relative aux
machines" du Guide
414 CEN
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Option B.2: All normative For relation of Option B.2: Tous les articles Pour les relations Option B.2: Alle normativen Hinsichtlich des
clauses except normative clauses normatifs à entre des clauses Abschnitte mit Zusammenhangs der
Within the limits Dans les normatives (à Innerhalb der
of the scope all clause(s) (except clause(s) limites du l’exception des Grenzen des Ausnahme von normativen Abschnitte
l'exception des
relevant yyy*) yyy*)) of this standard domaine articles yyy*) articles yyy*))de la Anwendungs- yyy*) dieser Norm (mit
essential to significant d’application présente norme et bereiches sind Ausnahme von yyy*))
hazards/relevant des phénomènes zu signifikanten
requirements toutes les alle relevanten
essential requirements dangereux Gefährdungen/relevante
with the exigences /exigences grundlegenden
exception of of 2006/42/EC see essentielles essentielles Anforderungen n grundlegenden
essential informative annex XX applicables applicables de mit Ausnahme Anforderungen der
requirement(s) „List of significant sont indiquées 2006/42/CE voir 2006/42/EG siehe
der grund-
hazards“ of this annexe informative Anhang XX „Liste der
xxx are covered à l’exception XX "Liste des legenden
standard in combination des Anforde- signifikanten
with annex D “Examples exigences dangereux" de cette rung(en) xxx Gefährdungen“ dieser
of significant hazards, essentielles norme en behandelt Norm in Verbindung mit
hazardous situations, combinaison avec Anhang D „Beispiele für
hazardous events and l'annexe D " signifikante
Exemples de
their relation to the phénomènes Gefährdungen,
Essential Requirements dangereux, de Gefährdungssituationen,
of the Machinery situations Gefährdungsereignisse
Directive 2006/42/EC” dangereuses, und deren
of CEN Guide 414 d’événements Zusammenhang mit den
(https://boss.cen.eu/ref Grundlegenden
significatifs et leur
/CEN_414.pdf). relation avec les Anforderungen der
Exigences Maschinenrichtlinie
Essentielles de la 2006/42/EG„ von CEN
Directive Guide 414
2006/42/CE (https://boss.cen.eu/ref/
relative aux CEN_414.pdf).
machines" du Guide
414 CEN
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
*) In cases where certain normative clauses of the standard *) Dans les cas où certains articles normatifs traitent *) In Fällen, bei denen sich bestimmte normative Abschnitte
do cover other aspects than those providing presumption d’autres aspects que ceux donnant présomption de der Norm mit Aspekten beschäftigen, die keine
of conformity. conformité Vermutungswirkung auslösen.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
C.1 General
When a European Standard (EN) is approved, implementation is compulsory for all CEN National
Members from EEA countries.
European Standards (EN) will be implemented by the CEN National Members within a period expressed
in months from the date of availability (dav) of the EN. This is normally three months for the date of
announcement (doa), six months for the date of publication (dop) and six months for the date of
withdrawal (dow).
The date of withdrawal (dow) is by definition the latest date by which any national standard conflicting
with an EN shall be withdrawn. It is a date common to all CEN National Members.
As a first step a transition period, if necessary, should be proposed by the standardization body (e.g.
WG) in charge of elaborating the draft standard and be included in the document intended for CEN
Enquiry using the following wording:
After the CEN Enquiry the responsible TC should decide on an extended transition period (dow later
than dav + 6 months up to maximum of dav + 36 months) in accordance with the CEN BOSS Guidance
document “Date of withdrawal.
C.3 Consequences for European Standards to be cited in the Official Journal of the
European Union
European Standards can be listed in the 'Official Journal of the European Union' (OJEU) under one or
more New Approach directives. In practice, this means that a product manufactured according to a
European Standard, the reference of which is cited in the OJEU under a New Approach directive, is
presumed to comply with the essential requirements of that directive (this is called 'presumption of
When a European Standard that is cited in the OJEU is replaced by a new version (also to be cited in the
OJEU under the same directive), the European Commission (EC) will generally use the dow of that new
version as the 'Date of cessation of presumption of conformity of the superseded standard'. This date
marks the end of the period during which both the old and the new version of the standard can be used
to claim 'presumption of conformity' to the essential requirements of the relevant directive. After that
date, 'presumption of conformity' can no longer be claimed for a product manufactured according to the
old version of the standard.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
It should be noted that extending the dow does not lead to an automatic extension of the 'Date of
cessation of presumption of conformity of the superseded standard', for standards that have already
been sent to the EC for citation in the OJEU. When it is deemed necessary to extend the 'Date of
cessation of presumption of conformity of the superseded standard' for such standards, CCMC should
be contacted for guidance. 5) For the process for requesting and deciding on a dow later than dav +
6 months see CEN BOSS.
5) This Annex is based on the guidance document "Date of withdrawal" from CEN BOSS. In case of modification of
the guidance given by CEN BOSS, the current version of that guidance takes precedence over this Annex.
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
Whereas the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC states in its Annex I Essential Requirements, the general
methodology for safety of machinery specified in EN ISO 12100 is based on the consideration of
significant hazards basically without any specific reference to the Essential Requirements of
Directive 2006/42/EC. As there is not always an obvious linkage from the Essential Requirements to
the significant hazards, hazardous situations, hazardous events they are based on, Table D.1 provides as
far as possible examples of significant hazards, hazardous situations, hazardous events and their
relation to this Essential Requirements.
Table 1 — Examples of significant hazards, hazardous situations, hazardous events and their
relation to the Essential Requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Group Significant hazard in accordance with Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex I
EN ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1
General, for many machines relevant
1 Mechanical hazards
1.1 Due to machine parts or workpieces, e.g. 1.3.3 Risks due to falling or ejected objects
— by potential energy (falling objects, height from
the ground, gravity)
— by kinetic energy (acceleration, deceleration, 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts
moving/rotating elements)
— by mechanical strength (break-up) 1.1.3 Materials and products
1.3.2 Risk of break-up during operation
1.2 by stored energy, e.g.: 1.3.9 Risks of uncontrolled movements
— elastic elements (springs) 1.5.3 Energy supply other than electricity
1.6.3 Isolation of energy sources
1.3 Crushing 1.3 Protection against mechanical hazards
1.4 Shearing 1.3 Protection against mechanical hazards
1.5 Cutting or severing 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or angles
1.6 Entanglement 1.3 Protection against mechanical hazards
1.7 Drawing-in or trapping 1.3 Protection against mechanical hazards
1.8 Impact 1.3 Protection against mechanical hazards
1.9 Stabbing or puncture 1.3 Protection against mechanical hazards
1.10 Friction or abrasion 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or angles
1.11 Injection 1.3.2 Risk of break-up during operation
1.12 Slipping, tripping and falling 1.5.15 Risk of slipping, tripping or falling
1.13 Instability 1.1.5 Design of machinery to facilitate its
1.3.1 Risk of loss of stability
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
CEN Guide 414:2017 (E)
[1] EN 1746, Safety of machinery — Guidance for the drafting of the noise clauses of safety standards
[2] EN 12786, Safety of machinery — Requirements for the drafting of the vibration clauses of safety
[3] EN 61310 (all parts), Safety of machinery — Indication, marking and actuation
[4] EN ISO 13857:2008, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being
reached by upper and lower limbs
[6] ISO/IEC Guide 51, Safety aspects — Guidelines for their inclusion in standards
[7] International Organization for Standardization (ISO) European Committee for Standardization
(CEN), Agreement on technical co-operation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement)
[8] International Organization for Standardization (ISO) European Committee for Standardization
(CEN), Agreement on technical co-operation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement) —
Guidelines for the implementation of the agreement on technical co-operation between ISO and
CEN (Vienna Agreement)
[9] United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE),
UNECE Recommendation "L", An international model for technical harmonization based on good
regulatory practice for the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations via the
use of international standards