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Navi-Planner (V. 5.02) User Manual

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User Manual


DATE OF ISSUE: July 2021

Copyright © 2021 Wärtsilä Voyage Ltd. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is proprietary to Wärtsilä Voyage Ltd. and shall not be duplicated in whole
or in part. The technical details contained in this manual are accurate at the date of issue but are subject
to change without prior notice.
Wärtsilä Voyage Ltd. pursues a policy of continuous development. This may mean that the product delivered
has additional enhancements not yet covered by the latest version of this manual.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners.
Wärtsilä uses data gathered from equipment and software to improve and develop its products and services.
Disclaimer: Supplier’s Products and Services related to the operation and monitoring of vessels (including but
not limited to solutions relating to onboard navigation and remote ship traffic control) are provided only as an aid
to decision making. The safe voyage planning, navigation, manoeuvring, operation and monitoring of and
instructions and advice given to vessels are dependent on human skill and judgement and are the responsibility
of the relevant appropriately qualified personnel responsible for such tasks in accordance with all applicable
laws, regulations and best practices. Accordingly, Supplier will not be liable for any accident, damage or delay
caused by or to any vessel owned or operated by Customer or any other person whether or not the accident or
damage is related to the operation or failure of the Products or Services.

Navi-Planner User Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1. Terms and Definitions .................................................................................................................. 9
1.2. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.3. List of Documents ...................................................................................................................... 11
2. About Navi-Planner Product ................................................................................................................. 12
3. Navi-Planner Hardware and Software Requirements .......................................................................... 13
4. Navi-Planner Installation and Configuration ......................................................................................... 14
4.1. General ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2. Navi-Planner Installation on Second Computer......................................................................... 14
4.3. Navi-Planner Installation ............................................................................................................ 14
4.3.2. Navi-Planner Installation without License ..................................................................... 16
4.3.3. Navi-Planner Installation with License .......................................................................... 17
4.4. License Installation/Update........................................................................................................ 20
4.5. Navi-Planner Configuration........................................................................................................ 25
4.6. Exiting Navi-Planner .................................................................................................................. 31
4.7. Navi-Planner Update ................................................................................................................. 32
4.7.1. Update via Internet ....................................................................................................... 32
4.7.2. Update via USB Flash Drive ......................................................................................... 35
4.8. Removing Navi-Planner ............................................................................................................. 37
4.9. Support Request ........................................................................................................................ 40
5. Navi Planner User Interface Overview ................................................................................................. 43
5.1. General Information on User Interface ...................................................................................... 43
5.1.1. Control Elements .......................................................................................................... 43
5.1.2. Mouse Pointers and Clicks ........................................................................................... 44
5.2. Main Dashboard ........................................................................................................................ 45
5.3. Connectivity States .................................................................................................................... 46
5.3.1. Connectivity States (PRIMARY, OFFLINE) .................................................................. 46
5.3.2. Connectivity State Hints ................................................................................................ 47
5.4. Notifications (Bell Ringer) .......................................................................................................... 47
5.5. Planning Dashboard .................................................................................................................. 48
5.6. Planning Task Interface ............................................................................................................. 49
5.6.1. Voyage Home Panel ..................................................................................................... 50
5.6.2. Passage Home Panel ................................................................................................... 51
5.7. Collection Dashboard ................................................................................................................ 52
6. Voyage Creation................................................................................................................................... 53
6.1. General ...................................................................................................................................... 53
6.2. Presets ....................................................................................................................................... 55
6.3. Passage Geometry Creation ..................................................................................................... 56
6.3.1. Port Settings ................................................................................................................. 56 Add Ports Using Search by Name or LOCODE.............................................. 56 Add Ports by Clicking on Chart Panel ............................................................. 56


Navi-Planner User Manual Add Point by Cursor ........................................................................................ 57

6.3.2. Selection of Check Points ............................................................................................. 59
6.3.3. Autorouting.................................................................................................................... 61
6.3.4. Get Voyage Instruction from FOS................................................................................. 63
6.3.5. Loading Ready Route or its Manual Creation ............................................................... 66
6.3.6. Deleting Route from Passage ....................................................................................... 68
6.3.7. Voyage Creation Results .............................................................................................. 69
6.3.8. Passage Parameter Settings ........................................................................................ 71
6.3.9. Change Passage Geometry ......................................................................................... 71
6.3.10. Graphic Route Editing Method ...................................................................................... 72 Changing Coordinates of Existing WPT ......................................................... 72 Setting New WPT ............................................................................................ 73 Deleting WPT .................................................................................................. 74
6.3.11. Tabular Route Editing Method ...................................................................................... 75
6.4. Charts and Publications Request .............................................................................................. 77
6.4.1. On-Line Request for Navigational Data ........................................................................ 80
6.4.2. Off-Line Request for Navigation Data ........................................................................... 81
6.4.3. Installing Received Navigation Data ............................................................................. 82
6.5. Schedule Calculations ............................................................................................................... 83
6.6. Route Weather Optimization...................................................................................................... 86
6.7. Route Checking ......................................................................................................................... 95
6.7.1. Configure Check Route ................................................................................................ 96
6.7.2. Start Route Checking .................................................................................................... 97
6.7.3. Hazard Sorting .............................................................................................................. 97 By Route Legs ................................................................................................ 97 By Hazard Importance .................................................................................... 98
6.7.4. View Hazards ................................................................................................................ 99 View Hazards on Route Leg ........................................................................... 99 Viewing Dangers by Hazard Importance ...................................................... 101
6.7.5. Accept Hazards........................................................................................................... 102
6.8. Export Passage to USB Flash Drive ........................................................................................ 102
6.9. Send Voyage for Execution to FOS ......................................................................................... 105
7. Charts and Pubs Task ........................................................................................................................ 108
7.1. Navigational Charts ................................................................................................................. 108
7.1.1. Chart Installation from Source .................................................................................... 108
7.1.2. Permits Installation ..................................................................................................... 110
7.2. View Certificates ...................................................................................................................... 111
7.3. View Reports ........................................................................................................................... 113
7.4. Request History ....................................................................................................................... 115
7.4.1. Requests History Table .............................................................................................. 116
7.4.2. Handling Requests in Requests History Table ........................................................... 117
7.4.3. Ordering Data Manually .............................................................................................. 118
7.5. ADP Charts and Publications .................................................................................................. 120

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7.6. AIO Layer ................................................................................................................................. 123

8. Weather .............................................................................................................................................. 124
9. Route Creation ................................................................................................................................... 127
9.1. Route Settings ......................................................................................................................... 127
9.2. Waypoint Creation ................................................................................................................... 128
10. Working with Collection ...................................................................................................................... 132
10.1. Import Routes & Voyages ........................................................................................................ 133
10.2. Export Routes & Voyages........................................................................................................ 135
10.3. Export Charts Data .................................................................................................................. 136
11. Main Scenario of FOS/Navi-Planner/ECDIS Voyage Exchange ....................................................... 138


Navi-Planner User Manual

Printing House Conventions

Sample of notation Usage comments

Setup.exe Messages, commands, files, folders and other Windows OS info

<Enter> Keyboard key names
Start > All Programs Menu items
Window names, tabs, icons, checkboxes, buttons, radio buttons and text
box captions, and other interface elements, important text
NOTE Notes
WARNING Warnings
Details Detailed description
http://www.amver.com URL

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Navi-Planner User Manual

1. Introduction
The aim of this manual is to give the user some idea of the Navi-Planner operating principles and algorithms.

1.1. Terms and Definitions

Compilation Scale
The scale at which the data was compiled.
Corrupted Data
ENC data produced according to the IHO S-57 ENC product specification, but altered or modified during
production, transmission, or retrieval.
Display Base
The chart content which cannot be removed from the display. It is not intended to be sufficient for safe
Display Scale
Ratio between a distance on the display and a distance on the ground, normalized and expressed as, for
example, 1:10 000.
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
Navigation information system which with adequate backup arrangements can be accepted as complying
with the up-to-date chart required by regulation V/19 and V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended,
by displaying selected information from a system electronic navigational chart (SENC) with positional
information from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if
required to display additional navigation related information.
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
The database, standardized as to content, structure and format, issued for use with ECDIS by or on the
authority of a Government authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution, and
conforming to IHO standards.
Display of regular information and conditions, not part of alert management.
Non-ENC Data
Data not conforming to ENC data.
By, or on authority of a government authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution.
Display of the chart information on a display scale larger than the compilation scale.
Phase of a voyage between two ports or defined places of departure and destination.
Presentation Library
Implementation of the display specifications in IHO S-52 by de-coding and symbolizing the SENC.
Prescribed courses and distances to be travelled from a specific point of origin to a specific destination. The
route consists of series of waypoints connected by legs.
Safety Contour
Borderline between safe and unsafe water based on depth defined by the mariner.


Navi-Planner User Manual

Safety Depth
Depth defined by the mariner, e.g. the ship’s draught plus under keel clearance, to be used by Navi-Planner
to emphasise sounding on the display equal to or less than this value.
Standard Display
The display mode intended to be used as a minimum during route planning and route monitoring.
Journey of a vessel upon the seas, from one port to another, or to several ports. The voyage is generally a
term that includes the entire enterprise rather than just a route (e.g., bunkers and port charges).
Voyage Instructions
Voyage planning guidance sent to the master by the charterer.

1.2. Abbreviations
AIO Admiralty Information Overlay
AVCS ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service
BRG Bearing
BWOL Bearing to Wheel-Over Line
BWW Bearing from Waypoint to Waypoint
CSS Calm Sea Speed
COG Course Over Ground
DFLT Default
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DWOL Distance to Wheel-Over Line
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
ENC Electronic Navigational Chart
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
FOS Fleet Operations Solutions https://fos.wartsila.com/
GC Great Circle
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
HDG Heading
LOA Length Overall
LOP Line of Position
MAN Manual
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
POSN Position
RL Rhumb Line
RNG Range
ROT Rate of Turn
PTA Planned Time of Arrival
SF CNT Safety Contour

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SF DPTH Safety Depth

SOG Speed Over Ground
SRC Source
STBD Starboard
STND Standard
STW Speed Through Water
TTG Time To Go
UKC Under keel Clearance
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
WGS-84 World Geodetic Datum
WOL Wheel-Over Line;
WPT Waypoint
XTD Cross Track Deviation

1.3. List of Documents

Navi-Planner (v. 5.02). User Manual.
Navi-Planner (v. 5.02). Quick Data Guide.


Navi-Planner User Manual

2. About Navi-Planner Product

The main purpose of the Navi-Planner is to:

■ create a voyage consisting of one or several passages, namely:
■ order all the necessary data (charts, ADP & AENP publications if included in the license, weather),
■ generate a schedule;
■ check passages that the voyage consists of, for dangers to navigation;
■ to perform weather optimizing.
■ export the prepared passages to the ECDIS in the necessary format;
■ if connected to the FOS, it also permits reception of voyage instructions, starting and completing
execution of a voyage transferred to the ECDIS.

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3. Navi-Planner Hardware and Software

■ Hardware requirements:
Must be install to physical or virtual machine. Both are compatible:
■ CPU: Core i3;
■ Disk configuration: HDD/SSD over 40 GB;
■ RAM: 4 GB;
■ ROM: Not applicable;
■ It's required discrete or integrated graphics card of 256 MB of memory or more with support for
"OpenGL 3.0":
■ NVIDIA: GeForce 8 Series and higher;
■ AMD: Radeon HD and higher;
■ HD Graphics: 2000 and higher.
■ Additionally: Host build system: Windows 10 x86_64;
■ Software requirements:
■ Supported OS names, versions, bit: Windows 10 x86_64 with all system updates available at the
time of installation;
■ Special BIOS Settings: Not required;
■ System language: English
■ It is advisable to add the Charts folder to an antivirus exclusion
1) %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Uninav\Navi-Planner\.uninav\ charts.
2) %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\UniNav\DMS\.uninav\ charts.


Navi-Planner User Manual

4. Navi-Planner Installation and

4.1. General
The product is designed for installation in the captain's cabin on a PC and / or laptop.
It is possible to install the product on 2 PCs (master and backup), data exchange is carried out exclusively
via a USB flash drive.
The Navi-Planner is required to be installed on a computer where no other Wärtsilä products are installed.

4.2. Navi-Planner Installation on Second Computer

Navi-Planner cannot be installed on more than 2 computers.
If one of the computers fails, in the course of installation on a new computer, a message about the license
activation problem will be generated. In this case you should contact the support service at

NOTE: If you work continuously on one computer, ordering data and options, and after some time run the
product on another computer, upon the start there will be an automatic request for the up-to-date license for
the purchased options and licenses to become available on the second computer as well.
The license will be updated automatically upon the product start.

4.3. Navi-Planner Installation

ATTENTION: The Navi-Planner installation should be performed by a user with administrator rights.
Installing without admin rights will produce an error!

To install the Navi-Planner, perform the following procedure at each workstation:

1. Run the Navi-Planner-5.02.XXXX.XX.exe file.
After checking the system requirements, in the window which will open, select the following checkboxes:
 I agree to the License terms and conditions.
 Create a desktop shortcut.
 Install UKHO ADP software for the ADP installation.
When installing the ADP, it is necessary to take the following into account:
■ To be used, the ADP software requires this option to be included in the license.

■ If you refuse to install the ADP, you will need to reinstall the entire Navi-Planner in order to install the
ADP later.

■ If you install the ADP with your license option enabled, it will be possible to make and order and view
publications via the installed ADP: The Install UKHO ADP software checkbox should be selected.

■ If you already have the ADP and wish to order via the Navi-Planner, it will be necessary to delete a
previously installed version and install the ADP as part of the Navi-Planner. In this case, all the
publications you have bought can be received from the server after all the data is set up:
The Install UKHO ADP software checkbox should be selected.

■ If you already have the ADP, and you do not want to make orders via the Navi-Planner:
The Install UKHO ADP software checkbox should be unselected.

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 Click the Next button:

2. In the input box, enter the station description as required:

 Click the Install button.


Navi-Planner User Manual

3. Wait until installation is completed:

If the ADP software is installed, the following shortcuts are created on the Desktop:

4.3.2. Navi-Planner Installation without License

Follow steps 1 – 3 described in the installation procedure above.
To install the Navi-Planner without a license, click the Skip and finish button:

The Navi-Planner installation will be completed.

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After running the Navi-Planner, the following picture appears:

Send the product installation confirmation and a request for license to the DDS Wartsila Voyage Digital Data
Support data.support@wartsila.com.
After the license is received, install it using the License Update utility as described in the chapter
4.2. License Installation/Update below.

4.3.3. Navi-Planner Installation with License

1. Follow steps 1 – 3 described in the installation procedure above.
2. Specify the path to the product license:


Navi-Planner User Manual

3. Click the Activate License button:

4. Wait until activation is completed:

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5. Click the Finish and run Navi-Planner button:

6. The Navi-Planner will start:


Navi-Planner User Manual

4.4. License Installation/Update

1. Go to the Start\Programs\Navi-Planner\License update menu:

2. In the window which will open, select Install/Update license and click the Next button:

3. Select Archive and specify the path to the product license:

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4. Click the Open button:

5. Click the Next button:

6. The license information will be displayed:

Click the Commit button.


Navi-Planner User Manual

7. Select the Activate license now checkbox and click Next:

8. If there is an Internet connection, click the Get key online button:

If there is no Internet connection, copy the system information (as shown in the figure below) and e-mail
it to wv.activate@wartsila.com:

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The following rules must be observed to ensure automatic processing of the e-mail with activation
■ A separate e-mail with request must be submitted for each computer (System ID) where the license
activation is required;
■ The names of parameters, their number, format and sequence should be as shown in the figure
■ No space symbol is allowed at the beginning of lines with parameters;
■ No other lines (including empty lines) are allowed before the first line with a parameter;
■ The subject of the e-mail has to be formed according to the template shown in the figure below.
The System ID has to be duplicated in the subject line.

9. After a certain time interval, the key will be generated and received by the user automatically:

Click the Commit button.

If there is no Internet connection: a certain time interval after the e-mail was sent, the activation code will
be provided by a reply e-mail with the same subject. Copy the received activation code and paste it into
the corresponding field of the utility as shown in the figure above (including “===” symbols before and
after the code) and click the Commit button.


Navi-Planner User Manual

10. Select the Start DMSClient service checkbox and click Next:

11. Wait until starting service is completed:

12. Click the Finish button:

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4.5. Navi-Planner Configuration

1. After running the Navi-Planner, on the Main Dashboard, click the Service tools button and select the
Config menu item:


Navi-Planner User Manual

2. On the General page, enter the following ship particulars:

■ Vessel name;
■ Callsign;
■ IMO number (taken automatically from the license);
■ Flag;
■ Date Kiel Laid;
■ Ship Class Society;
■ Deadweight;
■ Gross tonnage.

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3. Switch to the Dimensions page and enter the following own ship principal dimensions in metres:
■ Length;
■ Beam;
■ Mean draught.


Navi-Planner User Manual

4. Switch to the Maneuvering page and make the following settings:

NOTE: This data will be used by default when creating a route and a voyage passage.

In the F-Distance field, use the appropriate boxes to specify the lead distance in meters for a loaded,
half-loaded and empty ship.

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5. Switch to the Display page.

The Resolution and Scale factor values are determined automatically.
Check the correct Resolution and Scale factor values in accordance with the monitor technical


Navi-Planner User Manual

ATTENTION: The Advanced scaling settings should be changed if, for example, the objects on the chart
turned out to be very small or very large. These settings should be changed after consultation with the
support service!

Click the Advanced scaling settings button and set the correct Pixel size and Viewing distance
values in accordance with the monitor diagonal:
■ The Pixel size is a linear size of 1 pixel in millimetres, it specifies the size of objects on the chart.
■ The Viewing distance is a value corresponding to the distance from which the user is looking at
objects on the application screen.

To view the correct value for a specific monitor diagonal, click the Information icon:

Use the Reset button to reset the display settings.

6. To return to the Main Dashboard, click the button in the left upper corner of the CONFIG screen.

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4.6. Exiting Navi-Planner

To switch to the Main Dashboard, click the button in the left upper corner of the CONFIG screen.
To exit from the Navi-Planner, click the Switch off button and then the Yes button in the opened window:

To exit from the application, you can also use the <ALT>+<F4> key combination.
If there is some unsaved data at the time of exiting the application, the product will offer to save it.
If the Navi-Planner is unable to save something, it will offer to sort it out or to delete.


Navi-Planner User Manual

4.7. Navi-Planner Update

4.7.1. Update via Internet
If a notification about an available update appears in the Bell Ringer on the Main Dashboard, follow the steps
described below:

1. Click the Service tools button and select the T-Serv menu item:

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2. In the window which will open, click the Download button to download the patch:

3. Click OK in the opened window:

4. When all the components have been downloaded, the Install button becomes available in the window
which will open:

Click the Install button to install the patch.


Navi-Planner User Manual

5. In the opened window, enter the user password (transas) and click the OK button:

6. Make sure that all the update recommendations are fulfilled and click the OK button:

7. Click the OK button:

8. Wait for the update to complete:

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9. After the update has been completed, check that the product version has been updated:

4.7.2. Update via USB Flash Drive

If something goes wrong with the automatic product update, it is possible to download the patch via a USB
flash drive as follows:
1. Download the patch from the website or request it from the support service.
Right-click on the Technical Service icon in the taskbar and select the Upload Deployer packet menu

Download the patch from the website or request it from the support service.


Navi-Planner User Manual

2. In the window which will open, specify the path to the patch and click the Open button:

3. After the loading, wait until the patch registration is successfully completed:

Click the OK button.

4. Start the Navi-Planner.
Click the Service tools button on the Main Dashboard and select the T-Serv menu item.

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5. In the window which will open, check that the Install button is now available:

Click the Install button to install the patch:

6. Repeat steps 3-7 described above in the 4.5.1.Update via Internet paragraph.

4.8. Removing Navi-Planner

1. Click the Uninstall Navi-Planner icon on the desktop:

The product can also be deleted via the Start\Programs\Navi-Planner\Uninstall Navi-Planner menu:


Navi-Planner User Manual

2. In the window which will open, click the Uninstall button:

To remove all the data (having previously created a backup copy of data: routes, charts, etc.), select the
Remove all created/download data checkbox:

NOTE: Removal of the product with all the data is recommended in the following cases:
1. The application would not run because of new data (e.g., route/voyage import, chart update, a new chart).
2. The application starts but runs incorrectly because of new data (e.g., route/voyage import, chart update).
3. The user wishes to remove the product from the computer with all the associated data.

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3. Wait until uninstallation is completed:

4. Click the Close button:


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4.9. Support Request

1. Start the Navi-Planner.
Click the Service tools button on the Main Dashboard and select the T-Serv menu item.

2. Click the Support Request button:

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3. The Support Request window will open. Fill out the request form:

After all the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk) have been filled in, the Export and Send buttons
will be enabled.
4. Press the Send button to send a request on-line:

After the request has been successfully sent, the following message will appear:


Navi-Planner User Manual

5. If the ship is off-line press the Export button.

ECDIS Task Optional Functions • Connected ECDIS

Specify the path for the support request file.

Press Save.
The *.zip file will be saved in the specified folder, and the following message will appear:

Send the saved file by e-mail to voyage.support@wartsila.com.

The sent support request will get to the CRM and will then be forwarded direct to the person in charge
who will help to resolve the problem.

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5. Navi Planner User Interface Overview

5.1. General Information on User Interface
5.1.1. Control Elements
Yellow letters with backlighting show that unsynced parameters are detected.
The text advises which particular parameter state is selected

Option is enabled

Option is disabled

To return to the “home” panel

To open settings

To open a menu

To view (maximize) details

To focus

To refresh / recalculate

To highlight a chart object


Navi-Planner User Manual

5.1.2. Mouse Pointers and Clicks

Mouse pointers and clicks which are used when working with the left toolbar:
Default cursor for multiple modes, used for panning, scaling, selecting chart objects (WPT, etc.),
setting offsets

Info cursor, appears when the Info mode is selected

Add-WPT cursor in the Edit waypoint mode, used for creating or inserting WPT’s

Deletion cursor in the Delete waypoint mode, used for deleting waypoints

Hover cursor in the Delete waypoint mode. The cursor shows that the object under it can be

Hover cursor. The cursor shows that the object under it can be clicked (touched)

Movement cursor. The cursor shows that the waypoint, EBL/VRM, LOP etc. under it can be

Resize cursor. The cursor shows that the object under it can be resized

Select charts by using the frame cursor.

Left corner of the selection rectangle.

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5.2. Main Dashboard

To open the Dashboard, click the icon.

1 – to switch to the Planning task;

2 – to switch to the Charts & Pubs task;
3 – to switch to the Service Tools mode:
Configuration – Navi-Planner main settings (see 4.5);
T-Serv – (see 4.7).

4 – executing voyage and current passage;

5 – voyage instructions;
6 – information about the Navi-Planner version and licensed options;
7 – to select a color palette. The system provides four sets of color and brilliance:


Dusk – night with moon shining

Night – moonless night

Night inverted – moonless night (the text is shown in the inverse color)

8 – to open the Navi-Planner User Manual, click the button.

9 –. to close the Navi-Planner application, click the button (the program will be completed after
confirmation in a special window).


Navi-Planner User Manual

5.3. Connectivity States

5.3.1. Connectivity States (PRIMARY, OFFLINE)
Data Exchange / Processing
Data exchange in progress

Channel is not in use; data processing is in progress

Channel is not in use, chart request awaiting confirmation / approval

Channel is not in use

Offline Indicators When you click the info button, the following possible
connection statuses will appear:

When data processing is in progress

No Internet connection
Cloud connection service does not respond.
Save changes and reboot your computer
Internet connection status is unavailable. Internal protocol error

When you click the button, a drop-down list opens, which displays the connectivity status
when processing data:

Type of Data Possible statuses for charts, publications and weather

ENC chart(s): ■ Requesting for <data type>;
■ Licenses for AVCS ENC charts;
■ Bodies for AVCS ENC charts; ■ Waiting for a response to <data type> request;
■ Both license and body; ■ Waiting for approval of <data type> request;
■ AVCS ENC updates;
■ AVCS AIO updates ■ Downloading <data_type>;
ADP ■ Installing <data_type>.
Weather data
Full license

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When new charts or publications are installed (from the online request or from the local folder), the Navi-
Planner will automatically send a request for updates of these charts and publications. The default
subscription period for updates is 3 months.

The subscription period will be set in each update request sent by the user manually.

ADP Activation
Type of Data Possible Statuses for Autorouting and Weather Optimization
Route weather optimization ■ Sending <data type> request

AIR autorouting ■ Waiting for a response to <data type>

Where < data_type> is one of the specified data types in the Type of Data column.

5.3.2. Connectivity State Hints

Clicking the icon which displays the ID of the request sent to the server. This may subsequently be
needed when the user contacts the support service.
To save the request ID to the clipboard, click on the Request ID, and then select the Copied to clipboard
menu item from the drop-down list:

5.4. Notifications (Bell Ringer)

Notifications inform the user about the order fulfilment process relating to the following data:
■ catalogues, licenses, charts and publications;
■ autorouting and weather optimization;
■ voyage instructions;
■ weather forecast;
■ available software update.
Notification appears if the user has been working on one screen, e.g., creating a voyage, and without waiting
for the voyage creation operation to be completed, switches to another screen. To open the notification list,
press the button with the bell.


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Notifications can be aggregated, i.e. combine several messages from one category into one group.
Notifications can be aggregated into the following groups:
■ ordering data;
■ autorouting;
■ etc.

When Aggregation is switched on, the icon appears next to the bell on the screen. Click on it:

A list with the group elements will open:

To acknowledge the notification, click on it.

Aggregation in two categories No aggregation
(autorouting and ordering data)

5.5. Planning Dashboard

The Planning dashboard opens after switching to the Planning task.

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The Planning dashboard is designed for handling voyages and routes and contains the following elements:

1 – to create a new voyage (see chapter 6);

2 – to create a new route (see chapter 9);
3 – to open the collection of routes, voyages and voyage instructions (see chapter 10);
4 – to import routes and voyages (see section 10.1 );
5 – to export chart data (see section 10.3);
6 – table of currently and recently opened routes and voyages;
7 – data of the route or voyage selected in the table and its preview.

5.6. Planning Task Interface

The Planning task user interface has the following layout:

The Navi-Planner displays electronic charts, routes and associated information. The chart panel is in the
centre, with the auxiliary information and task controls arranged around it:

– Go to the Main Dashboard;

1 – Upper toolbar – to switch between the load/unload tasks, to save voyages;

2 – Left toolbar – to handle charts (select scale, set the STD Display), to turn on/off the weather layer, to call
the Info cursor;
3 – Lower toolbar – to select and set up the display; current chart Info, turn on/off the AIO, to adjust the
display of route elements;
4 – Chart panel – to display chart information, weather layer, voyages, etc.;
5 – States and notification block – to display statuses and notifications;
6 – Information panel – information and task control panel;
7 – Tools block – tools for work on the chart panel (EBL/VRM and Find position);
8 – Time and settings block – to display and select the current time (Ship/UTC), to call the Settings panel.


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5.6.1. Voyage Home Panel

The Voyage home panel with the voyage information contains:

1 – name of the voyage;

2 – ID, if specified;
3 – passages list;
4 – text description, if the voyage was created based on the instructions where this field was filled.
On the Voyage home panel, it is possible:
■ to edit the voyage ( change the list of ports, name, ID)
■ to export a voyage or routes (see 10.2).
■ to open the Passage home panel by clicking on the line with the passage name:

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Tabs on the Chart panel can also be used to quickly switch between the Voyage and Passages home

5.6.2. Passage Home Panel

The Passage home panel with the voyage passage information contains:

1 – name of the passage;

2 – status (depends on the state of the data under the route, and the status of the completed check-route
see 6.3.5);

3 – actions for handling the current passage (see 6.3);


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On the Passage home panel it is possible:

■ To set or change the passage default parameters;
■ To create an ENC report (ENC charts filtered by route);
■ To edit waypoints geometry (see 6.3.9);
■ To request for charts and publications along the passage (see 6.4);
■ To schedule the passage (optional, see 6.5);
■ To perform the route weather optimization (optional, see 6.6);
■ To check the route (see 6.7);
■ Additional operations:
■ Duplicate the passage as a route;
■ Delete route from the passage;
Export route from the passage.

5.7. Collection Dashboard

The Collection dashboard comprises a collection of all routes and voyages that were created in the Navi-
Planner or imported.
Instructions are only available in the Collection dashboard until they are confirmed by the user. As soon as
an instruction-based voyage is created and saved, it goes to the Voyages page.

For more detailed information on operations relating to the Collection dashboard see Chapter 10.

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6. Voyage Creation
6.1. General
Start the Planning mode from the drop-down menu or from the Dashboard:

The user can get a ready-made Voyage via the FOS from the management company or use the Navi-
Planner tools for creating his/her own one to be subsequently coordinated with the coastal services.
Voyage creation consists of the following steps:
■ Set the voyage creation method;
■ Set the voyage start point (port);
■ Select checkpoints through which the voyage route will pass;
■ Set the voyage next point (port);
■ Apply automatic routing taking into account the selected ports and voyage checkpoints;
■ Set other points (ports) that the ship will call at during the voyage (according to the same scenario as
between the first two points);
■ Play ahead the weather forecast if available
■ Order navigation charts and publications;
■ Create a schedule (optional);
■ Weather optimize the voyage (optional).
To create a voyage, open the Planning dashboard and press the New Voyage button:


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The Planning task panel will open:

On the New Voyage panel enter the voyage name:

In the top part of the New Voyage In the input field next enter the
panel enter the voyage name: voyage number (optional):

The name of the voyage is displayed in the upper toolbar of the Planning panel:

The “*” sign in the name indicates that the voyage has not been saved.

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6.2. Presets
Before adding the voyage ports (points), it is necessary to set the autorouting parameters for the passage
between the starting and the next voyage point.

To do this, click the button at On the opened Autoroute settings panel, set
the bottom of the New Voyage the parameters necessary for automatic
panel. routing between the starting and the next point
of the voyage:

■ Calculated routes based on – selection of a method for creating a route:

■ Ship route collection – use the vessel route collection of created or imported routes;
■ Offline Wartsila collection – use the built-in collection of routes from Wartsila;
■ Online route calculation – use the online calculation on the Wartsila server taking into account all
available up-to-date charts and data (see 6.3.3)ю
■ Safety parameters for AIR:
■ Safety depth –depth used to calculate the route, equal to or greater than this value;
■ Safety height – distance from the highest point on the mast to the height of the lowest obstruction.
■ Distance to danger:
■ Critical – route’s minimum distance from hazards;
■ Preferred – route’s preferred distance from hazards if possible.


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6.3. Passage Geometry Creation

6.3.1. Port Settings
Voyage must consist of at least two points or ports. In most cases, a voyage involves calling at several ports. Add Ports Using Search by Name or LOCODE

The drop-down list will display Use a similar procedure to
In the search input field all ports whose names include search for a port by LOCODE:
type several consecutive letters these letters, select the
from the name of the voyage’s required port from the list:
first port:

The Wärtsilä Port Database contains information of more than 5600 places of maritime interest, mainly ports. Add Ports by Clicking on Chart Panel

Another way to add a port to the voyage is to select it on the Chart panel.

On the world map on the Chart panel, ports from the Wärtsilä Port Database are shown as blue and
harbours as green circles.
If there no ports are visible, use the zoom- in on the chart until they appear.

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Position the cursor on the necessary port: the cursor will change its form:

Press the left mouse/trackball button, the selected port will be added as the voyage starting point: Add Point by Cursor

In some cases, the voyage starting point is not in the database, for example, when the voyage starts from an
oil platform. In this case, the point can be set using the cursor on the Chart panel.

To do this, click the button The central bottom part of the Chart Panel will display a panel for the
at the bottom of the New manual input of coordinates for the voyage start point:
Voyage panel:


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Being guided by the cursor coordinates in the cursor box located in the lower right part of the Chart panel,
position the cursor in the voyage starting point:

The central bottom part of the Chart Panel displays a panel for the manual input of coordinates for the
voyage starting point. Press the left mouse/trackball button, the coordinates of the selected point will be
added on the manual input panel:

If you know the voyage start point coordinates, you can use another method and enter them direct into the
panel for the manual input of coordinates. To do this, click the Latitude input field:

Use the numpad to enter the latitude coordinate, press Enter.

In the same way enter the longitude in the Longitude input field.

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After the input of the voyage start point coordinates by using one of the methods described above, the Add
button becomes active. Press the Add button, the selected point will be added as the voyage starting point:

6.3.2. Selection of Check Points

On the map of the world, there are some check points through which the main navigation routes pass.
These are mainly channels, straits, narrows, navigationally significant capes, etc. By default, all of these
points can be used for route plotting. On the map, they are indicated by green circles with checkmarks .
When planning a route, it may be necessary to avoid passing some checkpoints, for example, due to a deep
draft. Such points, therefore, should be excluded from the permitted ones.

Move the cursor to a control point that is located along the proposed route: the cursor will change its form:


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Press the left mouse/trackball button, the selected control point will be excluded during the route plotting:

Such point will now be marked on the map with the symbol.
Eliminate any unnecessary checkpoints located along the proposed route.

All check points for plotting a route are available The same route with a locked check point

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6.3.3. Autorouting
To start autoroute calculations, you need to set the next voyage point using one of the methods described above.
Make sure the Auto route After some time, the route Route from the collection has
calc checkbox is selected. In between the voyage starting been used:
this case, automatic routing point and its next point will be
will begin after the next point plotted. On-line AIR service has
has been set. been used:

Depending on the route plotting method, a relevant notification will be issued:

■ The built-in collection of routes from Wartsila has been used;

■ AIR autorouting has been used;

■ For some reason, the route could not be created by using autorouting,
and it is necessary to plot it manually.
The Chart panel displays the plotted route between the starting point and the next voyage point:


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ATTENTION! The preliminary routes created by the Planner tool are recommendations from Wartsila
personnel based on our best practice. The routes shall not imply the neglect of any required navigational
aids or navigation duties, including the rules at sea (COLREG) and standards regarding voyage planning
and watchkeeping. The routes shall not cause any change in responsibilities for the captain or officer in
charge of safe navigation and maneuvering of his vessel. The routes are developed without taking into
account the dimensions of the vessel. Please refer to the relevant regulation and navigational charts for the
vessel’s actual maximum dimensions for the specific route. A default turn radius of 0,3 nautical mile is used
on waypoints. Waypoints and turn radius must of course be adapted to the vessel and situation before the
use (see 6.3.11). When using the reference routes and other information, such as ship type, weather and
other traffic, must always be taken into account.

If it is necessary to stop In the opened window press Stop The route plotting will be
autorouting, press the Stop autorouting: stopped, and it will have to
autorouting and create be edited manually:
voyage button:

Add other voyage points (ports) in the same way:

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During the passage plotting, the user can switch to another screen or voyage by using the selector or
dashboard. When the passage plotting is finished, there will be a notification in the Bell ringer in the upper
right corner of the screen (see 5.4).

After setting all the voyage ports, click the The voyage plan will be created, and the Voyage home
Create voyage button: panel will open, where the created voyage can be edited:

6.3.4. Get Voyage Instruction from FOS

The ship owner or charterer has access to the FOS system and can create an instruction and send it on
board. The instruction contains a list of ports, the time of departure and arrival and a text description.
The arrival of the Voyage Instruction is indicated on the Main Dashboard and in the Bell Ringer in the upper right
corner of the screen (see 5.4) if the user is not on the Main Dashboard when the instruction is received:


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Start the Planning mode:

On the Planning dashboard press the Collection button:

On the Collection panel tap the Voyage instruction button:

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The Voyage instruction The Planning task will open displaying the voyage plan from the
page displays the instructions:
received voyage plan.
The voyage plan data and
its preview is displayed in
the right side of the page.
Press the Open button:

To view the text part of the To accept and start planning The voyage will be accepted,
instruction, click the Text the received voyage, click the and the Voyage home panel will
description button. Notes to Accept and start planning open, in which the voyage can
the instruction are provided in button: be edited:
the Comment field:


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6.3.5. Loading Ready Route or its Manual Creation

If for some reasons the passage route was not generated automatically or was not received from the FOS, it
is possible to load a ready route from the disk, from the collection or to create it manually.
1. Load route from the disk:

For a passage with the Empty Click Load from file system: For a passage with any status,
passage status, on the Voyage on the Passage home panel
Home panel press the button click and from the drop-down
with the name of this passage: list choose Select route from
file system:

Specify the path to the required route file and press the Select button:

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2. Load route from the collection:

For a passage with the Empty Click Load from collection: For a passage with any status,
passage status, on the Voyage on the Passage home panel
Home panel press the button click and from the drop-down
with the name of this passage: list choose Select route from

Select the route from the collection and press the Select button:


Navi-Planner User Manual

3. Create route manually:

For a passage with the Empty Click Create manually: Create a route manually as
passage status, on the Voyage described in Chapter 10:
Home panel the button with the
name of this passage:

6.3.6. Deleting Route from Passage

If for some reasons the route does not suit the passage, it should be deleted by using the following

On the Passage home panel, Click Yes. The route will be deleted from the passage
click and from the drop-
down list choose Delete route:

After the route deleting, the passage status will change to Empty (see 6.3.7), to create a new route, use one
of the procedures described in 6.3.5.

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6.3.7. Voyage Creation Results

After a voyage has been created, either by the user, or by means of autorouting, or with regard to the
received voyage instruction, the user can now edit or export it. Moreover, it is possible to export both the
whole voyage plan and the passages it includes separately. The Voyage home panel serves for these

On the Chart panel, the created voyage is displayed in the form of a Voyage tab and tabs for each passage
that the voyage consists of:


Navi-Planner User Manual

The Voyage home panel displays the statuses of the passages it consists of. There may be the following
passage statuses:

1. Empty passage - the passage has no route geometry set.

For example, if during the voyage creation, auto-routing was used,
but the user stopped auto-routing without waiting for the results, or
the auto-routing failed to build a route (load the route as described in
2. No geometry - less than 2 points are specified in the route, or all
points of the previously found route were manually deleted.

3. Not checked - the route has not been checked for dangers.

4. Checked. NN unconfirmed hazard (s) – the check-route has been

run along the route; hazards found but not confirmed.

5. Ready for monitoring. N confirmed hazard (s) - the route check-

route has been run, all hazards have been reviewed and confirmed,
N is the number of identified hazards.
6. Executing – passage sent for execution to FOS.

Since the voyage consists of passages, the passage statuses displayed on the Voyage home panel will be
displayed accordingly on the Passage and Route home panels. There will be the same statuses on the
Passage / Route home panels. The only difference between these panels is no weather optimization can be
done on the Route home panel.
The Route / Passage home panel shows a general passage / route status that indicates what actions need
to be performed in order to transfer the route to the third-party ECDIS or send it for execution to the FOS.

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6.3.8. Passage Parameter Settings

On the Passage home panel, On the Passage parameters After setting the parameters,
tap the Passage parameters panel, select the turn delay: click the Confirm button:

6.3.9. Change Passage Geometry

NOTE: Correction of the route geometry if it does not meet certain requirements, is mandatory. A route with
an incorrect geometry cannot be subsequently transferred to the FOS.

When planning a route, errors in its geometry are possible. The statuses of the waypoint geometry are
displayed on the Waypoints geometry button of the Passage home panel and can be as follows:

1. No geometry – the route contains less than 2 points, or all points of

the previously created route were manually deleted. All other panels
are locked at the same time. The user has to create a route.
2. NN waypoints – the route contains NN number of points, where NN
is the number of points.
3. Geometry errors – there are geometry errors on the route that need
to be fixed. The Schedule and Check Route panels are not
available unless the fixing is done.
There may be the following errors:
■ route with 2 overlapping waypoints;
■ route with unsuitable radius;
■ route with a leg which is too short.


Navi-Planner User Manual

Geometry problems are highlighted in orange on the Chart panel and on the Waypoints Geometry panel:

6.3.10. Graphic Route Editing Method Changing Coordinates of Existing WPT
Open a route from a collection (see Chapter 10),or go to an open route in the selector.
To fix geometry waypoint errors, edit the route legs and WPTs. To do this, in the Left Toolbar, tap the Edit
Waypoint button:

When over the Chart Panel, the cursor will assume the form of for WPT editing (see paragraph 5.1.2).

Position the cursor on the WPT to be edited, the cursor will acquire the WPT and change its own form to :

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Move the acquired WPT to the required place. As the WPT coordinates change, the adjacent route legs will
change, too. Press the left mouse/trackball button.

The WPT will be set in new coordinates.

To change the turn radius, position the cursor on the mark, the cursor will change its own form to :

Set the necessary turn radius, the digital value is displayed next to the cursor. Setting New WPT

Position the cursor on the route leg where a new WPT is required to be set.


Navi-Planner User Manual

Press the left mouse/trackball button: a new WPT will be set. The cursor will acquire the new WPT and
change its own form to :

Move the acquired WPT to the necessary place as described above. As the WPT coordinates change, the
adjacent route legs will change, too:

Press the left mouse/trackball button. The new WPT will be set in the specified coordinates. Deleting WPT

In the Left Toolbar, tap the Edit Waypoint button:

When over the Chart Panel, the cursor will assume the form of for WPT deleting (see paragraph 5.1.2).
Position the acquisition cursor on the WPT to be deleted.

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Press the left mouse/trackball button: the cursor will acquire the WPT.
Press the left mouse/trackball button. The point will be deleted, and the adjacent route legs will be combined to
form one:

6.3.11. Tabular Route Editing Method

On the Passage home panel, The Waypoints Geometry Select the necessary WPT and
tap the Waypoints geometry panel will open in the Block of tap the arrow button:
button: Information Panels (BIP):


Navi-Planner User Manual

The WPT XX panel will open Edit the WPT parameters:

in the BIP:

■ Name – to enter a WPT name;

■ Critical point – to mark the WPT whose approach will generate the
Approach to critical point alert (in the ECDIS);
■ Latitude – to edit WPT latitude coordinate;
■ Longitude – to edit WPT longitude coordinate;
■ Turn Radius – to edit radius of the arc for the display of an
approximate ship track on the turn;
■ Leg Type – to select the route leg type (RL or GC) from the
previous to the current WPT set by the operator; all route leg
calculations are referenced to the WGS-84 datum;
■ Course – course from the previous to the current WPT;
■ Distance – distance from the previous to the current WPT;
■ XTD PORT – to edit cross track distance values for the port side of
route legs;
■ XTD STBD – to edit cross track distance values for the starboard
side of route legs;
■ SF CNT – to edit the safety contour value;
■ Safety Depth – to edit the safety depth value.

To delete this WPT, press

Delete WPT:
When editing a WPT, you can promptly switch from one passage/route
point to another by using the Previous WPT and Next WPT buttons. To
apply the entered value to the rest of passage/route points, press the
button to the right of this value input box:

From the drop-down list select the necessary item: Apply to previous
legs or Apply to next legs.

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6.4. Charts and Publications Request

The statuses of charts and publications are displayed on the Charts & Publications button of the Passage
home panel and can be as follows:

1. Not defined – the route contains less than 2 points, or all points of
the previously created route have been manually deleted. To
request data, the user should first correct the route geometry (see
paragraph 6.3.9).
2. Catalogue required – by default, the product contains a set of built-
in catalogues which, when connected to the Internet, will be updated
automatically, in the Offline mode, it would be necessary to save the
catalogue update request and email it (see 6.4.2). For the user to
receiver up-to-date data, the catalogue should not be older than 4
weeks. The user needs to contact support at
data.support@wartsila.com, then receive the catalogue by e-mail
and install it manually (see 7.1.1).
3. Data required – there are missing charts under the route.
If the license contains publication options, the status will be common
for charts and publications, and if at least some data is not sufficient
for covering cover the route, the status will be “required”. It is important
to note that the list of required charts and publications automatically
includes data whose coverage is tangent to or intersects or contains
the route.
4. Up-to-date - all charts under the route have been updated.

On the Passage home The Charts & Publications panel If necessary, select charts for
panel, tap the Charts & which consists of three pages: Charts, the request manually:
Publications button: AENP and ADP, will open in the Block
of Information Panels (BIP). On each
page, the relevant navigation items
are automatically selected for ordering
data along the passage:


Navi-Planner User Manual

The following categories can be specified on the Charts page, an additional indication shows the importance
of the category:

Required Red ( ) indication: all The chart should necessarily be
charts from this category requested for.
should necessarily be ■ Licensed - the license is
included in the request available, but the body of the
to enable the chart is not installed,
subsequent route ■ Update – the chart requires an
checking. update.
If the price is specified, there is no
license for the chart.

Expiring in DD Yellow ( ) indication: it The chart license expires in DD days.

is necessary to pay The chart is in the ship's collection, but
attention to this chart. it will become outdated in the specified
period, and this must be taken into
account when planning a voyage.

Manually selected Gray ( ) indication: the The chart is selected manually.

chart is optional in the

Up-to-date The chart is available in the ship's

collection, corrected and can be used
for plotting and checking the route.

By default, the XTD set for each leg is selected as a corridor for ordering charts. To change the corridor width,

click the button in the right bottom corner of the screen in the Planning task:

Open the Data requesting panel Select Fixed Corridor: Set the required corridor width
in the Block of Information by using the numpad and press
Panels (BIP) by selecting the Enter:
appropriate line of the BIP menu:

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To display the corridor, on the chart panel press the Show button in the lower toolbar and then select the
Chart detection corridor button:

The corridor will be shown as a blue semi-transparent band along the route, all the charts which even partly
fall within the corridor, will be included in the order.

NOTE: The corridor will be shown on a certain screen scale commensurate with its width.

Check the selected data, The Charts & Publications Check the selected data, if
exclude as required the panel which consists of three necessary, exclude as required
unnecessary items by clearing pages: Charts, AENP and ADP, the unnecessary items by
the appropriate checkboxes. To will open in the Block of clearing the appropriate
order data, click the Request Information Panels (BIP),. On checkboxes. To order data,
selected charts & each page, the relevant click the Request selected
publications button: navigation items are automatically charts & publications button:
selected for ordering data along
the passage:


Navi-Planner User Manual

The Request selected charts To remove data from the order, Select a Subscription period
window will display the table click the icon in the table in for the ordered data. To do this,
specifying all the data that is the row with data that should be press the button for the number
required to be received. The data excluded. Or in the row with the of months in the selected
is collected along the loaded data group name for it to be fully period:
route within the specified XTD excluded from the order.
(see paragraph 6.3.11).

6.4.1. On-Line Request for Navigational Data

In the Request delivery group by default, the size for Chart bodies Press the Send Request
and permits is specified, in which case both navigation data and its button to order and receive
related updates and licenses will be sent. If the navigation data is navigation data on-line via the
already available on board (i.e., if the installation disks are available Internet (how to order
and data is installed, but the licenses have expired), select the navigation data off-line see
Permits only radio buttons to reduce the traffic. Depending on the below 6.4.2)
selection made, the size of order displayed in the table will change.

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6.4.2. Off-Line Request for Navigation Data

If the ship is in the off-line mode it is possible to send a request and receive data via the e-mail. In doing so,
you can send a request for licenses and updates only (or licenses only).
In the Request selected chart In the E-mail (optional) input box, specify the e-mail address which
window, press the Export the Chart Server will send the reply to, otherwise the reply will be
Request to USB button: sent to the address from which the request was sent. Press the
Export Request button:

Specify the path to the resource where the file will be exported and press the Export button:

Proceed with the following actions:

■ E-mail this file as an attachment to wv.chartservice@wartsila.com;
■ You will get a reply at your e-mail (or the e-mail address specified in this dialog) with a file attached;
■ Copy this file to the USB flash drive and bring it to workstation on which the Navi-Planner is installed;
■ Go to Charts & Pubs task, press "Install data from source" and select the response file (see 7.1.1);
■ The request is completed.


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6.4.3. Installing Received Navigation Data

After the navigation data If for some reasons the requested data was not installed, the user will have
downloading, it will be to look up the request number (see 5.3.2 and 7.4.2) and contact the
automatically installed: support (see 4.9).

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6.5. Schedule Calculations

NOTE: Schedule calculations are optional and can be skipped.

The schedule statuses are displayed on the Schedule button of the Passage home panel and can be as
1. Not defined – the route contains less than 2 points, or all points of
the previously created route were manually deleted. The user needs
to correct the route geometry (see paragraph 6.3.9).
2. Lack of data – there is not enough data to calculate the schedule,
the ETA or ETD parameter is not set.
3. Geometry errors - there are geometry errors on the route that need
to be fixed. The Schedule and Check Route panels are not
available unless the fixing is done.
4. Calculation errors – errors in the schedule calculations, details are
displayed inside the panel:

■ Current is too Surface current is too strong (at the

strong at Leg № given/maximum propeller rpm, the vessel is
unable to overcome the surface current).
■ Current is too Tidal current is too strong (at the
strong at Leg № given/maximum propeller rpm, the vessel is
unable to overcome the tidal current).
■ Speed is too slow The stay is too long, or the speed is too
at Leg № slow.
The calculated speed is less than 0.1 kn.
■ Incorrect PTD at The calculated PTD value is smaller than
WPT № the PTA value specified for the same point.
■ Incorrect PTA at The PTA value contradicts data for the
WPT № previous points.
(If ETA is set manually for several points,
and the ETA value for the next point is
smaller than the ETA value for the previous
5. Expired - PTD for WPT 0 is less than the system time.

6. Not calculated – the schedule is not calculated.

7. Calculated – the schedule is calculated.


Navi-Planner User Manual

On the Passage home Select WPT0 and tap the Click the PTD input field:
panel, tap the Schedule arrow button:

Select the PTD date, time and Press the Next WPT button: For the next WPT, set the PTA
time zone in the calendar and in much the same way as for
click the Select button: the previous WTP, or click the
Calm Sea Speed input field:

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Use a similar procedure to In much the same way set PTAs WPT cells in the table in which
enter the SOG for the route leg. for all WPT’s or CSS/SOG on the any value is entered manually
Set the necessary speed on the legs, you can combine them. (PTA, CSS or SOG) are shown
route leg by using the numpad Also, when setting the CSS/SOG, with a grey background:
and press Enter: you can use the context menu
and choose to set the entered
value for all the previous or
following legs, provided that no
PTA is set for them. For the SOG
and CSS, separate drop-down
lists are used:

Tap Calculate: The schedule will be calculated and in the table, empty cells will be
filled in with the calculated schedule elements:

NOTE: When a schedule is drawn, a higher priority is given to the manually entered values..


Navi-Planner User Manual

6.6. Route Weather Optimization

NOTE: Route weather optimization is optional and can be skipped.

The weather routing statuses are displayed on the Weather Routing button of the Passage home panel and
can be as follows:

1. Non-optimized – optimization is not performed after each chane of

the route geometry.
2. Optimized (time, date) – optimization was performed at HH:MM
time on DD-MM-YY date, and its results were accepted.
3. Outdated – the last optimization was accepted more than 12 hours

On the Passage home panel, Press the Advanced

tap the Weather Routing restriction button:

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In the Advanced optimization parameters Select the Consider ice conditions button to
window on the Weather restrictions page, click the take into account the ice boundary according to
Min distance to hurricanes input box. Use the NOAA data when optimizing the route by
numpad to set the minimum distance to the weather:
hurricane track, and press Enter:

In the 0° (Ahead), 45° (Bow) for Port and Stb, 90° Switch to the Other parameters page. Click the
(Beam) for Port and Stb, 135° (Quarter) for Port and Optimization corridor input box. Use the numpad
Stb and 180° (Stern) tables, click the appropriate cell. to set the required width of the corridor for which the
Use the numpad to set the following parameters which weather optimization will be performed, and press
should be avoided: Enter:
■ Swell – the maximum swell height;
■ Wind wave – the maximum wind wave
■ Wind – the maximum wind velocity.


Navi-Planner User Manual

Click the Waypoints frequency input box. Use the In the Advanced optimization parameters
numpad to set the time interval over which WPT’s window, press the Apply button to confirm the
will be set during the route optimizing, i.e., what changes you have made:
legs the route will be broken into (with regard to
the set speed) during the optimizing., and press

Choose the optimization method by selecting one of the following buttons in the Method row:

■ Just in time – right-in-time arrival to the last ■ Eco speed – the fastest arrival within the
WPT with the lowest fuel consumption; given speed limits

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In the Optimize group, set the ship current position and the route segment that will be optimized. These
steps are identical for both methods:

In the Vessel pos group, the If the ship is not on the route, Click the Latitude input field. Use
WPT is selected by default. press the Manual button: the numpad to enter the latitude
From the drop-down list, select coordinate, press Enter. In the
the WPT which the ship is same way enter the longitude in
currently situated in: the Longitude input field.

The own ship position can also be set by using the graphics cursor on the chart panel. To do this, after
pressing the Manual button set the graphics cursor in the own ship position.


Navi-Planner User Manual

The cursor coordinates are displayed in the right bottom part of the chart panel. Press the left
mouse/trackball button.

The ship position on the chart panel will be shown with the , and on the route, the symbol will
show the own ship position’s projection onto the route (perpendicular to the closest route leg).

In the Route segment group, On the chart panel, the initial If it is possible to delete WPT’s
from the From drop-down list and end points of the segment within the segment to be
select the initial WPT of the that will be optimized, will be optimized, for better
segment which will be optimization results select the
optimized. Use a similar shown with symbols: Delete all WPTs inside
procedure to select this segment checkbox.
segment’s end WPT from the
To drop-down list:

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ATTENTION! When the Delete all WPTs inside segment checkbox is selected, all the points within the
segment will be deleted, i.e., the route geometry within the segment will completely change. This being the
case, the checkbox can only be selected for a segment passing through open waters. It is expressly
prohibited to select this checkbox for route segments including restricted waters, since in this case, plotting
of a safe route, optimized from the navigation viewpoint, is not guaranteed.

The following algorithm is used for optimizing:


Before the beginning of the optimized Schedule changes: from the Vessel position to the Last route WPT.
route segment. Geometry changes: optimized route segment.
Beginning of the route segment to be Schedule changes: from the Vessel position to the Last route WPT.
optimized is in the ship position. Geometry changes: optimized route segment.
In the middle of the optimized route Schedule changes: from the Vessel position to the Last route WPT.
segment. Geometry changes: WPT just after the ship position – end WPT of
the optimized route segment.
After the optimized route segment. Schedule changes: from the Vessel position to the Last route WPT.
Geometry changes: None.

The subsequent settings for the “Just in time” and “Eco” methods will differ:
1. Just in time:

Press the Just in time button. From the PTD drop-down list, If Manual is selected for the
In this case, the Schedule select the PTD from the initial PTD, click the Select date input
group looks as shown in the point of the optimized route field. In the calendar, select the
picture below: segment: PTD and click the Select button.
■ Current time – current PC
■ Schedule – PTD from the
■ Manual – manually entered


Navi-Planner User Manual

From the PTA drop-down list, select PTA at the Click the Waypoints PTA deviation input box.
end point of the optimized segment: Use the numpad to enter the PTA corridor value
(± the set number of hours), press Enter.
■ Schedule – PTA from the schedule;
■ Manual – manually entered time.

2. Eco speed:

Press the Eco speed button. In From the PTD drop-down list, If Manual is selected for the
this case, the Schedule group select the PTD from the initial PTD, click the Select date input
looks as shown in the picture point of the optimized route field. In the calendar, select the
below: segment: PTD and click the Select button.
■ Current time – current PC
■ Schedule – PTD from the
■ Manual – manually entered

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Click the Calm Sea Speed input box. Use the numpad After the settings are made for both optimization
to set the CSS value for route legs to be optimized, methods, press the Optimize route button:
and press Enter:

For the weather optimizing to operate, Vessel particulars are required to be set on the FOS side. If they are
not set, an attempt to optimize will produce the following message:


Navi-Planner User Manual

After optimization is The Chart panel also displays these two routes against the background of
completed, the Weather weather conditions:
Routing Results panel will
display the comparative
characteristics of two routes:
original and optimized.

The user can play ahead the vessel movement according to the schedule for both routes, weather forecast taken
into account (see chapter 8).

To view the warnings, click on the Warnings Read the warning text:

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Evaluate which route you will or leave the original route by If Keep original route is
use and, based on the results pressing the Keep original selected, choose which
of the assessment, accept the route button: schedule to save for the route
optimized route by pressing the (weather-related or original) and
Accept optimization & update click the Confirm button.
route button:

6.7. Route Checking

Route statuses are displayed on the Check Route button of the Passage home panel and can be as

1. Geometry errors – there are geometry errors on the route that need
to be fixed. The Check Route panel is locked at the same time. The
user needs to correct the route geometry (see paragraph 6.3.9).
2. Not Checked –check-route is not performed.

3. Checked. NN unconfirmed hazard(s) – the route has been

checked; number of critical hazards detected and not confirmed.
4. Last check (date). NN confirmed hazard(s) - the route has been
checked for DD-YY date and NN critical hazards were detected and


Navi-Planner User Manual

6.7.1. Configure Check Route

ATTENTION! Before starting the check-route, make sure that all the charts under the route are purchased
and updated with the “Up-to-date” status.

On the Passage home panel, On the Check route panel, By default, a check for all dangers
tap the Check Route button: will be enabled:
tap the button:

If applicable, open the groups You can also use the Select To return to the route checking,
and disable check for dangers All/Deselect All buttons:
that need not be checked: click the button in the top right
corner of the Check Route panel:

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6.7.2. Start Route Checking

To check a route for availability After the check, the Check For the list of identified dangers to
of dangers, tap Check: route panel will display a list be sorted by the importance of a
of identified dangers which danger to navigation, click the Sort
are by default, sorted by the by button:
route legs:

6.7.3. Hazard Sorting By Route Legs
With the use of sorting by route legs, all the route legs are displayed in the standard order (from 1 to N).
Used for each route leg may be one of highlighting options depending on the type of dangers found:

Available on the leg are hazards Available on the leg are only user- There are no hazards on the leg:
as per IEC 61174 ed.4 (Critical set dangers which are not included
hazards, see paragraph in the list of critical hazards:

Control unit of the leg on which critical hazards are identified is highlighted in yellow and is supplemented

with the mark meaning presence of dangers not yet viewed. The controls also show the number of
hazards found on the leg.


Navi-Planner User Manual By Hazard Importance

With the use of sorting by the importance of dangers to navigation, navigational hazards are distributed
among the groups in the following order:
■ Safety contour;
■ Navigational hazards;
■ Areas with special conditions:
■ Traffic separation zone;
■ Inshore traffic zone;
■ Restricted area;
■ Caution area;
■ Offshore production area;
■ Areas to be avoided;
■ Military practice area;
■ Seaplane landing area;
■ Submarine transit lane;
■ Anchorage area;
■ Marine farm/aquaculture;
■ PSSA (Particularly Sensitive Sea Area).
■ Other areas (not included in the groups above, which can be enabled by the user in the Safety/ Alerts
Dangers in the following groups are Critical Hazards:
■ Safety contour;
■ Navigational hazards;
■ Areas with special conditions.
Each hazard type can be displayed as follows:

Critical Hazards: Dangers from the Other Areas

group are Non-critical hazards:

The Critical Hazards control is highlighted in yellow and has the mark meaning presence of hazards
not yet viewed.
Each identified danger is assigned with a type (e.g., Safety contour, Buoy lateral, etc.), the leg number and
the chart number.

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6.7.4. View Hazards View Hazards on Route Leg
Tap the arrow button on the The list grouping hazards on
control with a hazard required the leg, identical to that The mark and yellow
to be viewed: described in will open highlighting is removed from the
(the chart will focus on the danger on the panel.
route leg). Tap the danger
required to be viewed in
The mark indicates that the
order to edit the route so that
danger has been viewed:
it can be avoided:

The chart will focus on the highlighted danger:


Navi-Planner User Manual

After the danger has been View other dangers for the After all the Critical Hazards have
viewed, the hazard counter for route leg in question. The been viewed, the panel will look
the leg in question at the hazard counter works for the as follows:
bottom of the panel will show Critical Hazards only, NO
one hazard less: hazard counter is used for
the Other Area group.

To switch to the next (previous) route leg, click the Next leg (Previous leg) button at the bottom of the

To return to the overall list of dangers, click the arrow button in the top part of the panel:

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Tap the control with the danger After the danger has been
required to be viewed in order The mark and yellow viewed, the hazard counter for
to edit the route so that it can highlighting is removed from the leg in question at the bottom
be avoided the target. of the panel will show one hazard
less: (the hazard counter works
The mark indicates that for Critical Hazards only):
the hazard has been viewed:

The chart will focus on the highlighted danger:


Navi-Planner User Manual

6.7.5. Accept Hazards

After all the critical hazards At this point, the route is not yet The passage status will change
have been viewed (the saved, and the check results to “Ready for monitoring”:
Checked status), the panel have not been accepted. To
will look as follows: save the route and confirm its
readiness for monitoring, tap
Accept results:

6.8. Export Passage to USB Flash Drive

To export a passage, open the Specify the path to the resource where the file with passage will be
Passage home panel and press exported:
the Export route button:

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Press the Export as input box and from the drop-down list select The passage can be exported to
the necessary file format to which the passage will be exported: files of the following formats:
■ RTZ 1.1 (*.rtz);
■ RTZ 1.0 (*.rtz);
■ Furuno (*.txt);
■ Sperry (*.vp)
■ JRC (csv format)
■ MARIS v3 (*.rou);
■ Kongsberg 1.1(*.rut);
■ MARIS v4 (*. rtu);
■ GPX (*.gpx);
■ Kelvin Hughes (*.route);
■ NACOS xx-4/xx-5 (map*t);
■ NACOS .rtz format;
■ NACOS Platinum (*.xml).

Press the Export button: After the successful export, the

following message will appear:

It is also possible to export the voyage as a set of files of one of the supported formats, which will include all
the passages which the voyage consists of.
To export a voyage open the From the Export as drop-down list select the necessary file format:
Voyage home panel, and
press the Export voyages or
routes button:


Navi-Planner User Manual

Specify the path to the resource where the set of files will be After the successful export, the
exported and press the Export button: following message will appear:

It is also possible to export the voyage as a *.voy voyage file format.

To export a voyage open the From the Export as drop-down list select the Voyage (*.voy) menu
Voyage home panel, and item:
press the Export voyages or
routes button:

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Specify the path to the resource where the set of files will be After the successful export, the
exported and press the Export button: following message will appear:

6.9. Send Voyage for Execution to FOS

To send a voyage for If the voyage consists of several Press the Execute button:
execution to the FOS, open passages, select passage for
the Voyage home panel, and execution:
press the Execute button:

After the Execute button click, the following occurs:

■ the passage route and voyage information is sent to FOS (https://fos.wartsila.com/);

■ the passage status changes to “Executing”;
■ the route colour changes to red on the Chart panel and on the Voyage home panel;
■ the name of the voyage being executed will be displayed in orange in the Upper toolbar;

■ the notification will appear on the tab of the passage being executed at the top of the chart panel;
■ the name of the passage being executed will be displayed on the Main Dashboard (see 5.2).


Navi-Planner User Manual

To send a passage for If a passage has not passed the An appropriate warning will
execution to the FOS, open check for dangers to navigation, appear. Press the Execute
the Passage home panel, and it can nonetheless be set for anyway button:
press the Execute button: execution:

In the FOS, it is possible to watch the route execution in the “Real time monitoring” mode.

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After completing the or on the Passage home If the passage is the last one in the
passage, click the panel: voyage, a press on the Complete button
Complete button on the will result in that a warning will appear.
Voyage home panel: Click the Complete voyage or
Complete passage button as required:

When a new passage is executed, the previous passage will be completed.

It is possible to edit a voyage (passage) during the execution. Changes will not be transmitted to the FOS until the
Save button is clicked.

NOTE: It is not advisable to set the same voyage for execution several times to avoid incorrect FOS
operation. It would be worthwhile to make a duplicate of the voyage or create it again..


Navi-Planner User Manual

7. Charts and Pubs Task

Start the Charts mode from the drop-down menu or from the Main Dashboard:

7.1. Navigational Charts

7.1.1. Chart Installation from Source
Open the Chart Collection Tap the Installed charts button Select the path to the folder
panel in the Block of and then the Installed from with charts and tap Scan
Information Panels (BIP) by source button: Source.
selecting the appropriate line of
the BIP menu:

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The program will scan the The charts will be installed. If After installing the charts, click
source and display the detected necessary, tap Cancel to Details to view the advanced
data for installation. Tap Install cancel the installation. installation data.

Read the necessary information.

After reading click Close.


Navi-Planner User Manual

7.1.2. Permits Installation

Open the Permits panel in the Tap the Manual permits Enter the permit and press Ok.
Block of Information Panels button a button:
(BIP) by selecting the
appropriate line of the BIP menu:

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7.2. View Certificates

Open the S-63 certificate panel View the chart certificate:
in the Block of Information
Panels (BIP) by selecting the
appropriate line of the BIP menu:

Depending on licensing options, AVCS, AENP and ADP certificates can be available:

Open the AVCS certificate View the AENP certificate. The certificate is not displayed unless
panel in the Block of Information some AVCS are purchased:
Panels (BIP) by selecting the
appropriate line of the BIP menu:


Navi-Planner User Manual

Open the AENP certificate panel in the View the AENP certificate:
Block of Information Panels (BIP) by selecting
the appropriate line of the BIP menu:

Open the ADP certificate panel in the Block View the ADP certificate:
of Information Panels (BIP) by selecting the
appropriate line of the BIP menu:

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7.3. View Reports

Open the Reports & logs panel in the Block
of Information Panels (BIP) by selecting the
appropriate line of the BIP menu:
The user can perform the following actions:
■ View and print All installed charts status
■ Create Installation Logs (list of all install
■ Create the Diagnostic report for interaction with
support, that contains:
■ AVCS whole dataset storage structure report;
■ All installed charts report;
■ Navi-Planner logs for the last 7 days.

1. View and print the installed charts status.

On the Reports & logs A report containing information on all the installed charts will be created.
panel, press the All installed View the report. To print out a certificate, click Print.
charts status button:


Navi-Planner User Manual

2. View installation logs.

On the Reports & logs In the left column select the required date, time and data type. View the
panel, press the Installation log.
Logs button:

3. View installation logs.

On the Reports & logs Specify the path to the resource where the report will be exported and
panel, press the Diagnostic press the Export button:
report button:

After the successful export, the following message will appear:

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7.4. Request History

Open the Request history panel in the Block of Information Panels (BIP) by selecting the appropriate line of the
BIP menu:

The Requests History panel is intended for displaying the all the previously made orders for data, both in the
automatic and manual mode:

This panel can also be used for making a data request in the manual mode.


Navi-Planner User Manual

7.4.1. Requests History Table

The table showing all the orders made, contains the following columns:
■ Sys ID – request internal ID;
■ Data – items of data requested (Charts, ADP, AENP, Weather or Full License);
■ Type – data type for each item (e.g., for the ENC, this is Catalogue, Permits, Data Set and Updates);
■ Voyage – voyage for which data was requested;
■ Route/Passage – Route/Passage for which data was requested;
■ Request date – request fulfilment date and time;
■ Complete date – request execution date and time;
■ Status – request status:
■ Sending – the request is being sent;
■ Sent – the request has been sent;
■ Downloading – the requested data is being downloaded;
■ Confirmation – the request is awaiting the distributor confirmation
■ Received – the requested data is received;
■ Installing – the requested data is being installed;
■ Completed – all the items of requested data have been installed;
■ Partially completed – part of requested data items are installed (some of items were installed,
some not);
■ Refused – the request has been denied on the server;
■ Failed – installation of all the items has failed;
■ Saved – the request has been saved to external media.
For the request sorting by one of parameters, press the appropriate button with the column name in the
Requests History Table.
To reduce the number of requests in the table and to improve navigation in it, use the following filters:

Click the Requested data Click the From button. In the calendar, Click the Current status
button, and from the drop- select the date and time for the beginning button, and from the drop-
down list select the of the requests display time interval and down list select the
necessary data that will be click the Select button. In much the same necessary status of requests
shown in the table: way use the To button to set the end of that will be shown in the
the requests display time interval. table:

To reset all the filter settings, click the Reset Filters button:

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7.4.2. Handling Requests in Requests History Table

Double click the necessary request row in the table or press the arrow in the last column:

The panel which will open will display the details of the order;

The following actions can be carried out on this panel:

■ Click Open to open the passage (route) that the request was made for:

■ Click Copy to copy the request ID to the buffer for communication with Wartsila Voyage Digital Data
Support data.support@wartsila.com:

■ Click Installation Log to open the log with the installed data from the request:


Navi-Planner User Manual

7.4.3. Ordering Data Manually

1. Request Catalogue.

To order new catalogues Click Online request and If the ship is in the off-line
manually, click Request then Send Request to order mode it is possible to send a
Catalogue: and receive catalogues on-line request and receive data via
via the Internet: the e-mail. Click Offline

In the E-mail (optional) input Specify the path to the resource where the file will be exported and
box, specify the e-mail press the Export button:
address which the Chart
Server will send the reply to,
otherwise the reply will be
sent to the address from
which the request was sent.
Press the Export Request

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Proceed with the following actions:

■ E-mail this file as an attachment to wv.chartservice@wartsila.com;
■ You will get a reply at your e-mail (or the e-mail address specified in this dialog) with a file attached;
■ Copy this file to the USB flash drive and bring it to workstation on which the Navi-Planner is installed;
■ Go to Charts & Pubs task, press "Install data from source" and select the response file (see 7.1.1);
■ The request is completed.
2. Request Full Licence.

To order the license manually, Click Online request and If the ship is in the off-line
click Request Full License: then Send Request to order mode it is possible to send a
and receive full license on-line request and receive data via
via the Internet: the e-mail. Click Offline
request (further, the
procedure is similar to
ordering catalogues see
previous item):


Navi-Planner User Manual

3. Request Weather Forecast.

To order the weather forecast manually, click Request Weather Forecast:

7.5. ADP Charts and Publications

Work with publications is only possible with licensed options.
If the ADP was not previously installed, the user should first activate the license on the ADP Activation
panel. This panel displays the current activation status.

Open the ADP panel in the Block Press the Start Activation Wait for a response:
of Information Panels (BIP) by button and then the Installed
selecting the appropriate line of from source button:
the BIP menu:

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Requesting data is similar to requesting charts.

There are three ways for the user to view the purchased data s:
1. In the current passage (see 6.4).

On the Passage home Switch to the AENP page and press Switch to the ADP page and
panel, tap the Charts & the Read button: press the Read button. the
Publications button: publication will open in the
original software.

2. In the AENP Collection.

Open the Chart Collection panel in the Block Press the Read button:
of Information Panels (BIP) by selecting the
appropriate line of the BIP menu:


Navi-Planner User Manual

3. By launching a third-party ADP application via the Start menu or from the Desktop

View the AENP by opening them in one of the ways described above:

View ADP by opening them in one of the ways described above:

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7.6. AIO Layer

When the user makes the first request for licensed ENC charts that licenses are not available for, an
additional request for an AIO chart is sent.
The chart server will send the whole AIO chart (the very first case), or the missing updates, or nothing at all,
if the chart is up to date.
When AIO chart is installed, the Navi-Planner will automatically send a request for updates of it. The default
subscription period for updates is 3 months.
To turn on the display of the AIO layer, press the Info Layer button in the lower toolbar and then select the
AIO button.

The user can take Info from the chart.

Open the Chart Collection panel in the
Block of Information Panels (BIP) by
selecting the appropriate line of the BIP
menu and press the Installed chart button:
The AIO chart is displayed on the Installed chart list.
Information log contains AIO operation records (see 7.3).
The user can also export the AIO to external media (see


Navi-Planner User Manual

8. Weather
If there is a licensed option, the weather request is made automatically upon the product start and is sent
again every 6 hours. If the forecast changes, the weather will be updated in the product.
There are 3 ways to view the duration of the installed weather forecast:
1. In the Charts & Pubs task.
Open the Request history panel in the Block To order a new weather forecast manually, click
of Information Panels (BIP) by selecting the Request Weather Forecast:
appropriate line of the BIP menu:

2. In the Installation log (see 7.3).

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3. When playing ahead the weather forecast in the Planning task press the button in the Lower

In the Left Toolbar, press the Show weather button to display the weather layer. Press the button
again to turn off the display.

Configure the weather parameters that will be displayed on the Chart panel.

To do this, in the Lower Select the required parameter In order to customize an

Toolbar, click the button with from the drop-down list: arbitrary set of displayed
the name of the displayed parameters from the drop-down
weather parameter: list, select Custom:


Navi-Planner User Manual

Select (if cleared) the Fill, Contour and To play the weather forecast click Date&Time input
Grid/Labels checkboxes of weather parameters box. In the calendar, select the start date and time
required to be displayed. for the weather forecast play- ahead and click the
Select the Signs checkbox to display labels with Select button.
values for the arrows.

If a route or a passage has an associated schedule, the user can play ahead the vessel movement against
the background of the changing weather conditions.

To do this, from the drop-dawn

list select the weather forecast To play the weather forecast automatically, press the button. For
value change discretion manual step-by-step playback use the buttons: back and
forward. The and buttons serve for moving to the beginning or
to the end of the weather forecast.

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9. Route Creation
To create a route, open the Planning dashboard and press the New Route button:

9.1. Route Settings

The New Route panel will open in the
Block of Information Panels (BIP):
This panel is intended for setting default values for route
elements. Set the following values which will be used during
the route plotting:
■ Safety parameters –
■ Safety Contour - safety contour value;
■ Safety Depth - safety depth value.
■ Geometry parameters:
■ XTD – cross track distance values for the route legs:
● Port – cross track distance values for the port side
of route legs;
● Starboard – cross track distance values for the
starboard side of route legs;
■ Turn Radius – turn radius value for a WPT.
■ Turn Delay – select the necessary loading condition for
setting the time of delay between putting the wheel over
and start of turn.


Navi-Planner User Manual

9.2. Waypoint Creation

Tap Create Route: The Waypoints Geometry
panel will open in the Block of
Information Panels (BIP):
In the Left Toolbar, the Edit
Waypoint button will be
automatically enabled:

When over the Chart Panel,

the cursor will assume the

form of for WPT editing


The bottom part of the Chart Panel will display a panel for the manual input of parameters for a new WPT:

The panel comprises the following elements:

■ LAT – WPT latitude coordinate;
■ LON – WPT longitude coordinate;
■ CRS – course from the previous to the current WPT;
■ DIST – distance from the previous to the current WPT.
The cursor position on the Chart Panel is synchronized with values displayed on the panel.
Move the mouse/trackball to set the cursor in the start point coordinates using the data on the panel, and
press the left mouse/trackball button:

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Navi-Planner User Manual

The symbol of the start point with its number (“0”) will appear on the Chart Panel. Position the cursor in the
coordinates of the next point. At this stage, a route leg line will be drawn between the cursor and the start
point. Press the left mouse/trackball button: the Chart Panel will display the next point symbol with “1” for
number and the plotted route leg. By default, XTD lines are also shown.

If it is necessary to set several waypoints, repeat the mouse/trackball moving and left button pressing
operation as many times as there are WPT’s required to be set.
If the cursor goes beyond the Chart Panel limits during the route plotting, it exits from the route planning
mode. To plot a route, make the following steps:
■ by rotating the mouse/trackball wheel keep decreasing the chart scale until the panel displays the chart
fragment where the next WPT should be set:


Navi-Planner User Manual

■ by pressing and holding the left mouse/trackball button move the chart so that the Chart Panel displays
the chart fragment where the next WPT should be set:

■ position the cursor on the approximate location of setting the next WPT and by rotating the
mouse/trackball wheel keep increasing the chart scale until the chart elements necessary for plotting the
WPT are adequately displayed:

■ left click to set the WPT:

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Navi-Planner User Manual

After setting the planned route’s last point, click the right mouse/trackball button: the cursor will exit from the

waypoint editing mode and will assume the default cursor form: .
The route generation is completed.
During the waypoint creation it is possible to make settings for the current route leg on the Waypoints
Geometry panel of the Block of Information Panels (BIP):

■ Name – to enter a WPT name;

■ Critical point – to mark the WPT whose approach will generate the
Approach to critical point alert;
■ Latitude – to edit WPT latitude coordinate;
■ Longitude – to edit WPT longitude coordinate;
■ Turn Radius – to edit radius of the arc for the display of an
approximate ship track on the turn;
■ Leg Type – to select the route leg type (RL or GC) from the previous
to the current WPT set by the operator; all route leg calculations are
referenced to the WGS-84 datum;
■ Course – course from the previous to the current WPT;
■ Distance – distance from the previous to the current WPT;
■ XTD PORT – to edit cross track distance values for the port side of
route legs;
■ XTD STBD – to edit cross track distance values for the starboard
side of route legs;
■ SF CNT – to edit safety contour value;
■ SF DPTH – to edit safety depth value.

The leg and WPT parameters correspond to those set before the route

plotting (see paragraph 9.1); to change these parameters, use the

button. From the drop-down menu select one of the following items:
■ Apply to previous legs – the set value will be applied to all the
preceding legs or WPT’s;
■ Apply to next legs – the set value will be applied to all the
subsequent legs or WPT’s, it will also be used during the continued
route planning.


Navi-Planner User Manual

10. Working with Collection

Open the Planning dashboard and press the Collection button:

The Collection dashboard (see 5.7) will open:

The Collection dashboard consists of the following pages

■ Voyages;
■ Voyage instructions from FOS;
■ Routes.
On the Collection dashboard it is possible to perform the following operations:
■ Open – to open the selected route or voyage from the collection by using the button or a double-click;
■ Export – similar to export from the Route and Voyage home panels (see 10.2);
■ Delete – to delete the selected route or voyage from the collection;
■ Preview – to preview geometry and information about the selected route or voyage from the collection;
■ View import results - to view import results.

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10.1. Import Routes & Voyages

On the Collection dashboard, press the Import button:

It is also possible to use an alternative method for importing routes and voyages using the Import routes &
voyages button on the Planning dashboard:

Then the scenario is the same: specify the path to the resource The following file formats can be
containing the imported routes or voyages and select the routes or imported into Navi Planner
voyages to import:
■ RTZ 1.1 (*.rtz);
■ RTZ 1.0 (*.rtz);
■ Furuno (*.txt);
■ Sperry (*.vp)
■ JRC (csv format)
■ MARIS v3 (*.rou);
■ Kongsberg 1.1(*.rut);
■ MARIS v4 (*. rtu);
■ GPX (*.gpx);
■ Kelvin Hughes (*.route);
■ NACOS xx-4/xx-5 (map*t);
■ NACOS .rtz format;
■ NACOS Platinum (*.xml);
■ Voyage (*.voy).


Navi-Planner User Manual

The user can select the displayed file in the Show files drop-down list:

Press the Import button: After the successful export, the

following message will appear:

To browse the imported files, press the Reveal results button:

If the import failed, an import error message will appear, contact the support (see 4.9).

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Navi-Planner User Manual

10.2. Export Routes & Voyages

On the Collection dashboard, select the necessary route or voyage and press the Export button in the
lower right corner:

It is also possible to use an alternative method for exporting routes and voyages from the Passage and
Voyage home panels (see 6.8)
Then the scenario is the same: specify the path to the resource containing the imported routes or voyages
and select the routes or voyages to export:
Specify the path to the resource where the file will be exported After the successful export, the
(example for route) and press the Export button: following message will appear:

For an example of a voyage export see 6.8.


Navi-Planner User Manual

10.3. Export Charts Data

On the Planning dashboard, press the Export charts data button:

Select the data to export: Select the data type. If Only Press the Export button.
updates since week is
selected, choose the week,
updates from which to the
current moment will be

Specify the path to the resource where chart data will be exported After the successful export, the
and press the Export button: following message will appear:

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Navi-Planner User Manual

A folder will be created with a unique number (for example A folder structure:

Data from this folder can be installed in the third-party ECDIS.


Navi-Planner User Manual

11. Main Scenario of FOS/Navi-Planner/ECDIS

Voyage Exchange
Provided below is the Basic scenario of a voyage exchange between the FOS, Navi-Planner and the-ECDIS:
1. Set the vessel parameters in the CONFIG task (see 4.5)
2. Create a Voyage plan in either of 2 possible ways:
■ Manually – create from the Planning dashboard (see Chapter 6);
■ Automatically – receive Voyage instructions from the FOS (see 6.3.4).
3. Open a passage (or passages one by one) that details will be provided for (see 6.3.8):
■ Check/edit the geometry (see 6.3.9);
■ Make a request for charts and publications along the passage (see 6.4):
The list of required charts and pubs is generated automatically along the passage, but the user can
select additional charts or publications. All the data marked with selected checkboxes will be
included in the request.
Click the Request button, choose the request delivery mode: Online or Offline, check the request
cost, request data, click Send or Export.
As soon as charts or publications arrive, they will be displayed in the up-to-date section, and the
Read button will become available for publications on the route.
■ Calculate the schedule (optional)(see 6.5):
To calculate the schedule, the user needs to set PTD 0 and PTA of the last point and click the
Calculate button. Also, the user can manually set a value for the speed or departure time, and it will
be taken into account in the schedule.
■ Optimize route by weather (optional)(see 6.6):
Select the optimization method, fill in the optimization parameters, click on the Optimize button.
Look at the results, play the movement of vessels along the original and optimized routes.
Accept, or keep the original route.
■ Check the route (see 6.7)
Get the results, view all the hazards, click Accept.
■ Check the passage status:
■ "Ready for monitoring"
■ All data is up-to-date.
4. Export the voyage/passage (see 10.2) and data (charts, permits, updates) (see 10.3) to the USB flash
drive for the ECDIS.
5. Send the voyage for execution to the FOS (optional) after the end of the voyage, it is necessary to
complete the voyage for this information to be available in FOS (see 6.9).

All rights reserved.
Version 5.02
User Manual
Date of issue: July 2021

Technical support
Wärtsilä Voyage Limited
Phone number: +46 771 460 100
Email: voyage.support@wartsila.com
Web: www.wartsila.com

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